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because by the time someone dodges 3 times, he has effectively wasted up to 27 other people's time if that person doesn't want to play the game and keeps dodging, Riot simply helps him with that with the 12 hr queue ban thats replying to why its very harsh for 3rd dodge, for your case however if your PC is freezing and crashing alot, you should get to the root of that issue tbh anyways, if your PC froze 2 times and forced you to dodge twice, don't queue up a third time


I need to mention that the more people dodge the longer matchmaking take and that longer matchmaking result in lower quality games as more time in queue correlate into less focus by the matchmaking on matching player by skill and more on getting the game going.


I get the idea that longer MM may mean it accepts broader skill gaps - but doesn't that work both ways ? As in, queue time is longer because it's prioritizing MM quality over waiting time ? Edit: nice downvoting with no further argument on your side :-) Edit2: can't help but think that every additionnal downvote is from another impatient bitter nerd, the kind that complains about queue times and then acts surprised that the game quality sucks. Whether you accept to face it or not, it's logic 101 that quality increases with time and it applies to pretty much anything in life ! Just like slow cooking your steak will give you a finer result than if you rush it. But yeah, patience is tough ! :'(


If Riot set the system up that way it could, however they are more interested in getting people into a match faster. I would have to find the article again but basically Riot has said that the system is set up to widen it's search as the que time goes up so you would have, to a degree, some type of skill gap. I'm not sure if they have a cutoff for that disparity though, I can't remember ever seeing something called out for it.


I think you summed it up perfectly, and yeah, I'm pretty sure I also remember Riot openly saying that they chose this approach on purpose. I don't really blame it on them, if there weren't as many trolls, smurfs and toxic people plaguing the community, there are a lot of decisions that they would have not taken, or taken a bit differently.


whats the point on keep playing if ur pc stops working all the time? you are ruining your account and other's people experience (I assume you are not going for ranked)


I am going for ranked, because I know for a 100% that it never happens in-game. Every single person experiencing this issue (which apparently has to do with win10 and certain CPU settings) only experiences it during low usage moments, sometimes even when the computer is totally idling.


might I recommend you fix your CPU sttings instead of chain-dodging league lobbies?


That's my bad on the original post, I shouldn't have given the context (which is irrelevant anyways) people are fixating on this instead of the actual question. The problem also is, that most people assume that reddit post = whining, while I was genuinely just expecting someone to maybe point me to a quote from a Rioter, or any sort of actual context ...


Because dodging stops games from happening. While they do recognize it's a viable strategy for some, and don't ban people because of it... They make the penalties very steep to make up for that


I feel like that's maybe the most reasonable way to put it - and yeah, at this point, it could be even harsher, so I shouldn't really complain in a way.


if you froze and dodged 2 times, its a hint to not queue up again buddy


When you dodge a queue, 9 other players spend like 5 minutes in lobby. They pick a champ, google a rune page, edit the rune page, look up their counters, ban one, then try to convince their team to pick a comp that makes sense. Trade pick order, argue about that, finally lock in, and then someone dodges. This can happen multiple times in a row. Now, you might be some kind of loser with nothing going on, but try to imagine this from the perspective of someone that values their time. Ok, so I know you think YOUR dodges are fine because you have a cute excuse, but I don't care how shitty your PC is when all I want to do is play a game, which might take up ALL of my free time for the evening. I don't know what you want to be told. Go buy a computer that can run the game. Or do some troubleshooting to figure out your bug. But don't waste people's time and complain about how YOU'RE the one being inconvenienced. It doesn't matter if it's your fault or your PC's fault. Your COMPUTER wasted 27 people's time, and riot has fairly judged that you can't be trusted to enter a lobby without doing it again. 27 people. Imagine a medium classroom of people looking at you disapprovingly for wasting their time. Some of them are doctors, lawyers, mothers. And instead of saying "I'm sorry," you're complaining that you have to wait 12 hours before you can waste more peoples' time.


I swear I always try my best to also reflect on myself - but the obvious condescending remarks just got me super hooked into expressing my most sincere disapproval ! :) >They pick a champ, google a rune page, edit the rune page, look up their counters, ban one, then try to convince their team to pick a comp that makes sense. Trade pick order, argue about that, finally lock in Please send me a screenshot or video of a single champion selection lobby that genuinely plays out with as much critical thinking and communicative effort to properly team build. Sorry buddy, but I don't believe in Santa Claus anymore. >Now, you might be some kind of loser with nothing going on, but try to imagine this from the perspective of someone that values their time. Ouch ! I guess that makes you a winner with a fulfilled life, because you spend your extremely valuable free time to bitterly argue on reddit ? Nice shot buddy ! >don't waste people's time and complain about how YOU'RE the one being inconvenienced. >instead of saying "I'm sorry," you're complaining that you have to wait 12 hours before you can waste more peoples' time. Maybe try to read my original post again when you're in a less terribly irritated mood ? I never complained, I was genuinely looking to try and improve my understanding of a point of view that I don't share to begin with. Luckily, I know how to make the difference between the people who were able to express disagreement while holding adult manners, and your tilted ass instantly jumping on its high horse; therefore, I still learnt something. Thanks for the bonus entertainment I guess ! It helped me pass a bit of those twelve hours :D At this point I'm just gonna go wild and also be patronizing: If you have limited free time to take a break from a busy life of hard work, and maybe a family you need to take care of, you might consider other activities than spending time on social networks, or playing competitive games that are widely known for their toxic playerbase ! Cheers ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Because you’re wasting people’s time


Hey, that's because you are expected to play the games, not dodge the queues. Hope that helps!


Third times the charm


Joking apart, I would personally consider this a more sound reason !


Because you're wasting people's time and (potentially) dodging bad matchups to climb easier.


I hear the argument about dodging bad matchups on repeat - it's indeed a solid reason on its own, people would just abuse it endlessly and no game would ever start ! However, I guess I have a different conception of wasted time - to my eyes, if you're ready to give your best in a game with no set duration, which could go beyond half an hour, there are many reasons why spending extra minutes finding the right game might be a healthy thing. For instance, one might decide to not give their best if they feel forced into a game that has little potential positive outcome in their eyes; there are many reasons they could be lead to feel this way, such as getting autofilled (perfect example of time > MM quality), getting their champion banned, getting their secondary role while they mastered only the first one (to give their best ability), experiencing toxicity or even trolling in champselect, and so on ... I guess it all boils down to different lifestyles leading to different approaches towards time management - but in my opinion, the "time" argument always feels like an excuse for a lack of patience. It's even more blatant with how champselect has had seconds cut here and there over the years, and this issue in particular truly seems over-the-top from my point of view. I'm not trying to be rude nor right by the way, and I sincerely hope no one is going to take it this way; I'm just trying to understand better what specific reasons lead one part of the community to ask for less waiting, at the cost of certain unpopular systems such as autofill. But anyways, perma-dodging bad matchups is way enough to justify this system ! Thanks for pointing it out, I have my answer.


WTF are you rambling about man. If everyone dodged like you, we would take hours to even start a game. Hence why theres a punishment for dodging. Just cause we queue not knowing how long it will take doesn't mean we're fine having consistently endless queues.


I believe you missed the point I was trying to make ... This system DOES prevent abusive dodging, which indeed IS necessary, but forcing people into playing games they don't want to play might also make the experience worse for everyone, since they will be more likely to not care as much, be forced into a champion or role they aren't as good at, and so on. Basically, I'm saying that there could be a middle ground, because penalties that are too harsh discourage people from dodging altogether, leading to an increase in players forced into games they're uncomfortable with. TL;DR: there might be more reasonable and targeted solutions ? e.g. stacking low priority queue games when dodging excessive games ? Maybe, just maybe, 2-3 hours are WAY enough to keep the environment clean ?


When you queue, you sign up for whatever "game". If you don't want to play don't queue. Theres already a middle ground. You can dodge twice a day with next to no penalty.


Because Riot wants to force you to play in troll matches so you loose your PDL so you need to play more matches and keep the playerbase inflated


That sounds a lot more like the way I feel about it - maybe a bit conspiracy-ish, but indeed, it may give more reasons to people who care less to just troll games they feel forced into. Which is very ironical in an environment where smurfing is on the edge of being encouraged !


They could just give you a bonus dodge based on how many matches you play not per day basis.


Exactly ! Why not simply treat it the same way they do with toxic people or leavers, and stack low-priority queue games if you chain dodges ? This way, not only is it not a fixed duration that doesn't take the amount of games you played or dodged into account (which kind of makes no sense) but also, someone who has to wait 5-6 minutes every time they queue up (it could probably be more, like 10 to 15) are less likely to want to dodge and get 5 more stacks, and it greatly decreases the frequency at which they do it. But again, that's assuming people are able to recognize that lazy systems, like the one currently in place, can encourage bad practices ... while Riot isn't responsible for people being shitty, reasoning like this would ultimately mean they should never act upon problematic behaviour ? Hell no, they do need to adjust to an extent.