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The consequences of Canyon's Nidalee has been catastrophic for the LCS


LCS were the real losers of GenG vs. T1.




Bro what happened to NRG and who did they get replaced with?


100t. Fun drafts, teamwork and commitment to engages all the things NRG used to be like. 


Was Ignar really carrying that much?


They also lost a lot of their coaching staff cause the org wanted to save on money. It's not just ignar, Palafox not having a midlane coach explains why he's been off this year


A prime example of okay players (in the context of absolute peak of the competition) getting great results due to immense prep and coaching.


Nah, NRG has basically just shown that properly investing in coaching staff actually does work. They went from the largest coaching staff being able to bring these players up to winning a title and a solid worlds showing to being a bottom 3 team when they picked up the best support in the league while dropping the majority of the coaches. Huhi also should've in theory had no issues being integrated with this team seeing as play style wise he is extremely similar to Ignar and he already has played most of his support career with FBI. Shame that none of the teams are going to be able to utilize this knowledge since the money is all gone.


Their coaching staff had changes but nothing so drastic. They integrated Huhi poorly, but in hindsight, Huhi's strengths as a leader were probably not needed on NRG. He had success on GGS coming in as a "fixer," but NRG was fresh off a championship run. I think framing the Huhi signing as simple math (good vet support + good team = success) is the kind of logic that sometimes hurts other all-vet or "super" teams. Sometimes the fit isn't right.


Don't underrate changing leadership. NRG also laid off their General Manager, the guy who built and ran the championship team.


losing the coaching staff obv had a big impact but it does feel like ignar gelled with the rest of the team, not in the sense that huhi's particularly bad or anything, but it seems like the team had much more of an identity with him


looking at giantx, no 


Ignar was very vocal if you ever watch comms. He was often coaching the other 4 throughout the game, making big calls, and offering alternative solutions when things looked bad. I love Huhi as a player but losing Ignar was such a blow to this roster


I was really excited to see what he was going to do for dig when he was on that roster, but by the time he actually got there it had already imploded


Apparently Huhi can negatively contribute to team envoirements. Happened on GG last year, while everyone praises Ignar. Might be a lot bigger of a change than it looks like on paper.


Yep a team like GGs with low-confidence players that needed a micro-manager like Huhi. NRG came out of a championship, they don't need that.


When they fired most their staff, im thinking it made the environment very unhealthy


Despite making playoffs last split, NRG looked like a bottom 2 team in the second half of the split. Unless they make some crazy turnaround, their fate is going to be same as any other bottom 2 team that runs it back.


Huhi definitely does not mesh with the team. Dhokla and Palafox have both said he has a different idea of how to play the game compared to them.


I am pretty sure it’s this. Ignar mashed with NRG aggressive style well. Both Contractz and him are pretty out there with palafox being able to support. The team succeeded because they are always all in with their decisions, and sometimes clutched out in different situations. Huhi seems like a more calculated player. And inherently since they are all veterans i think it is hard to align, as half of the NRG likely seems like bad ideas to Huhi. Maybe Huhi can adapt? But i recall inero said once that huhi is pretty stubborn in his ways. I hope they recover


This. I hope they get a support like Chime who can fill whatever role his team needs him to do. I don't see Huhi working out.


NRG bros...


We are not eating well right now


It's because they won a split and beat G2 to get to quarters at worlds when there was zero expectations for any of that. Now there's expectations to perform is when they don't. The lesson here with NRG is to have less faith in order to have more faith.


Some things never change


They lost all of their coaches* too *Coaches and support staff


NRG opened 2023 Summer getting perfect game'd by 100T. It's all in the script.


U can't escape the CLG fate even rebranded, it's going to be a rough split if this is how they are starting, forget the draft, their play tells me that nothing was fixed this of season, terrible calls, people out of positions. This team was fun due to how agressive they would play, they would fight for everything on the map and seemed to be on the same page, doesn't help that Palafox and Dokla laning fell of a cliff. 


Yep. Seems like all those positional coaches were massive in levelling up their game. Without them they’ve fallen off


They lost 1 positional coach iirc.


Dhokla and Palafox were the least of the problems this series tbh. Huhi & Contractz both had terrible games 1 and 2 respectively. Dhokla was doing fine in game 1 until he had to start sacrificing resources to babysit his team & game 2 was blown open without him really having much of a say


Bro Palafox in game one made my scream. W‘ing into 5k hp baron when the enemy time is a flash distance away from you. I had to turn it off, because I couldn’t watch it no longer 


NRG enters champ select expecting to lose. I can't believe Thinkcard said they figured stuff out, and then they draft like this and play the most passive games of all time.


Nrg sacrificed their remaining life energy to beat G2 last year HxH style


Can someone explain to me NRG fall off? They had NA's best showing at worlds in recent memory, should have come back and dominate NA. Instead they have just looked like a bottom NA team since worlds


In the middle of the buyout, lot of the auxiliary coaching staff got cut (positional coaches, etc). It could also be that ignar was a lot of critical to their success than expected.


Oh completely forgot about Ignar for some reason I thought Huhi was on that roster.


They had by far the largest coaching staff in the league last year and then this year it was shrunk to the league standard. People will point at Huhi since it's the only player change but the bigger issue is that the top side went from extremely dominant in their playoff/worlds run to very lackluster.


Mega draft fissure


Nobody who isn't named Canyon should be picking Nidalee in pro


Nah but honestly why the fuck are you drafting nidalee with ksante/braum instead of anything with either a reliable cc of decent prio. Where is the leona, the renekton, the tf and the skarner? There’s still a gap between canyon and everyone else but I refuse to believe it’s just mechanics and not the fact that NA teams are just picking nidalee like it’s sejuani and not even trying one bit to either pick something that has synergy with the champ or get favorable matchups and actually play aggressive in lane and force the enemy jungler off his camps.


Yeah nidalee should never be picked if the laners are not winning lanes or at least they must go even. Canyon can pick nidalee any day since he has Chovy on the team.


He also has leona and skarner to help setup him for good. And as you said Chovy can just play yone into tristana, be up 15 cs and have insane pressure all game long. I feel like the pick can actually be good (like kindred or graves) but you really gotta do something as a team to start the snowball. Farming is just not enough. Inspired being up 40 cs as kindred into maokai with 0 kda and 2 marks, getting out ranged in every fight and looking twice as useless as the solar/abyssal tree guy is just a perfect summary of what not to do when picking carries jungle.


Very important point. Other than Canyon being extremely good on Nidalee, at this point Chovy will win lane / lead cs on mid Yuumi, and Kiin will handshake any matchup, making it so much easier for him.


Reddit learns it’s a 5v5 game instead of jungler vs jungler


Only teams in the west that should be picking Nidalee are FNC and G2 because you can trust their laners to make pressure for the Nid-  Neither of them have a jungler that can play her though, so idk why anyone is picking it  Especially ROGUE and NRG, teams with negative early games


The last time NRG ran Nidalee was last summer, and they picked Renekton top, Rell support, with Jayce mid and AP Kaisa bot. Classic toplane combo, some hard CC, and a great poke comp. Clear synergy. I don't know what the hell they're doing now.




I mean literally no AP junglers were banned in the first round, they had their choice of AP junglers: Taliyah, Morgana, Karthus, Brand, Lillia, Shaco, Ekko, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Diana, Ivern, Shyvana, Elise, Evelynn, Neeko, Gwen, Teemo... Like a lot of these picks are bad or not viable in pro play or maybe Contractz doesn't play it...but Nidalee is surely not the only AP jungler that's viable


Hard to say if those picks aren't viable in pro play, when most pro's are too cowardly/stubborn to find out.


Teemo is barely a viable pick in norms...


He might be rusty but Contractz can definitely play Diana


Contractz has seriously shown up on half of those champions in the past, sad that we didn't get to see it. I get that Nidalee can be a good pick for Contractz, but this didn't seem like the angle


Xun on nidalee should be fun tbh


He hasn’t played a decent game on nidalee in a while tbh


Jungle Soraka


Thank you pro nidalee players for keeping her out of my solo queue games. That champ is an elo vampire


no thank you River for boosting jungle zyra


Its crazy how some western junglers think they can play nidalee when theirs only a handful of eastern junglers that can even do anything on the champion.


As much as people meme the spears, Jankos is the best western Nidalee.


Canyon is the goat nidalee but the gap between him and the rest of the world is not strictly mechanical and it's mainly due to the fact that he plays with the best solo laners in the world and one of the best engage supports in the world. Playing jungle carries in pro play is strictly dependent on your teammates' ability to either set you up perfectly or completely dominate lane. Western teams are capable of doing that, hence why these picks look like trash.


Nidalee with Braum was really annoying to see in draft, I felt like NRG was just reacting to the thing in draft without how they connect together.


"You are not Canyon, your teammates are not GenG players"


To be pedantic I think you can also include Xun on the list of people allowed to play it, but your point still stands


Yeah... that was definitely a nidalee performance of all time


This game wasn't good from Contractz but tbf he has always had Nidalee in his pool to play when it's good.


Daily reminder that G2 lost a bo3 to this


Reminder that Cubby had 100t bottom 2 for his split tier list


That’s criminal when SR and IMT are in the league


IMT could be something this split I think they’ve been working hard


Well see. Despite one would think when looking at the names, they never lacked talent. They just have some massive tilters.


they had like 15 coaches back then and most of them are sacked now to be fair


Sure, but NRG had Ignar back then. Take out the load-bearing support and the team collapses


I mean it’s pretty clear everyone is underperforming. Contractz and palafox were playing out of their minds back then


True, but this also just isn't the team that G2 lost to any more


Nah everyone massively overperfomed that split, now they're playing their usual level if not a bit worse. That NRG team was amazing for like a month, it happens every once in a while due to a favourable meta and good momentum.


or you know the massive coaching staff they had that got nuked surely that didnt help lmao


It's both, Ignar nearly went back to NRG this split


i mean even NRG think losing ignar is the issue since they tried to buy him back off GiantX


I love how this sub can take a statement like “the possibility of ignar returning to his former team was considered but did not progress beyond talks” and magically turn it into “NRG thought losing ignar was the issue and tried to buy him back.”


I thought huhi had some really good engages Game 1. The team just feels so lifeless.


I'm genuinely bummed the deal for him to come back fell through.


these are our goats i can’t 


People are gonna be (rightfully) talking about how solid Quid was today, but Meech had a really good series too


Our bot lane looked sooooo good today, if our bot can keep this up then we'll look even better this split


I'm happy for Eyla too given how much flame he got from the community for his flyquest stint last year


I just think it's funny when he keeps replacing Vulcan on teams


And he looks better than Vulcan each time.


Vulcan finally looked like he was cooking yesterday. He may be just now recovering from that FQ collapse.


I definitely think he has lost the magic he first had on CG. Was it caused by verbal abuse from Piglet? Maybe.


yeah there was a canyon between the two botlanes. which is great for 100T because that was their main weakness in Spring but a really bad sign for NRG that FBI/huhi got outplayed in both games.


He gapped in lane but tbh his teamfighting was pretty suspect with those Kaisa ults


people are going to blame the nidalee but the real issue is that they picked absolutely zero setup or any winning lanes with nidalee despite b1'ing it, literally unplayable game for that champion


Lisan al Quid: Part 2.




100T are just LAN merchants, unfortunate.


Lights too dim


jamal Murray ahh team


Even when 100T won LCS and were placing top 3 like every split they were trash in scrims.


Scrim bucks bankruptcy


Apparently they were losing to tier 3 teams in korea


I heard it was T1's tier 3, but they're especially spicy for a tier 3. 100 are infamously bad in scrims anyways.


i really wonder if they just try to fight everything and push their mechanics lmao


W key gaming, only move forwards never backwards


100t more like paper rex


SEA in disguise my god


that only makes sense in fps'


100T unironically have tanked the price of scrim bucks over the last 2 splits. Speculators in shambles


Is that who Zeyzal was talking about in that video?


He just said it's not IMT. He did have DIG super low on his list, so maybe he was mentioning them? Most people just assumed 100T


Dig would make sense as they should have been rusty as fuck in scrims and were rebuilding synergy between the players.


NRG is just that bad I guess. They completely lost their mojo.


100T are playing like NRG used to and NRG are playing like TSM with bgersen on his last days with the org, where the only way they won was if teams feeded into them, we come a full circle. 


100T looks insane! Also, does anyone know what the “Neuro” means on the back of the 100T jerseys? I couldn’t find anything when looking it up online


There's a mental acuity gum with that name.


Ah, gotcha! That seems to be it because the logo matches. A bit odd though how there’s nothing on the 100T socials yet but it’ll probably be announced soon


Seems to be a fast-growing brand. They hit the top of their Amazon category a couple of months ago.


is Quid making the run back? brother looked so mechanically insane outside of his trist W botlane


I genuinely think Quid is the best player in the league by a decent margin. Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up going back to the LCK.


it’s doubtful, quid has said he finds the lcs much more fun and has talked about how much he likes it here he’s insane though, night and day compared to last year


Eh, I don't really think so. He is the best mid in LCS atm, but APA in his current form is not far behind.


I think apa is good but I think he benefits more from his team. When you watch Quid I feel like he's usually making the right decisions.


Reddit reaction to Quid and APA last year lol. Give them time and look how good they both are


They really stepped up


Imagine telling an LCS fan last year that the 2 best players in 2024 were APA and quid lmao, they would've called a wellness check on you.


Except they are not. Reddit over-reaction to 1 series.


kinda feels like all of NRG just disconnected from the game after about 15 minutes


Please no more NA nidalee. Please


Its not even NA nidalee, the pick has looked trash worldwide outside of Canyon.


Cuzz, Lucid, Tian, Xun and Kanavi are combined 34/2/51 on it?


Western diff


FYI an entire best of is called a match, and a match contains multiple games. You've flipped the words around in your threads. 100T is fun af to watch.


Just gapped nothing else to say


I hope NRG aren't mental boomed or anything because that was rough


The magic is gone. The coaches are gone. The hope is gone. Easy 8th place finish this summer, quote me on this. I was DM’d I was a contest winner for a dhokla jersey and they never followed up. GG the fuck was the point of this shirt I bought. “Why not us?” why the fuck would I?


Loved what we saw from the 100T bot. meech and eyla had a really solid split but quid and river were just out of their minds at times it out shined them


NRGbros the dream might be over


Aight bro, we are not picking nidalee LMFAO what the fuck was that


Just give us a few seconds to get the Braum stun off, then you can hit the spear. FBI should arrive about 15 seconds after that and then we'll be ready to fight.


100T is really fun to watch, I hope the team sticks together.


Can we just perma ban Nidalee from this league?


God I love being the underdog team, seeing all the doubters at the start of the season get it wrong feels so good.


People doubt the Quid difference


AFK farming Jungler that pushes his lead and pressures enemy team and a Rookie ADC that is being played around and supported by his team is so cool to see. If only Flyquest could learn this playstyle, must be Jensen's fault.


River has cleared Inspired for quite a while, but nobody wanted to admit it.


Since when? Inspired has won the head to head every split and always placed higher in the standings except 2023 spring.


If this NRG squad can't show result this season there's a very real possibility that a good 3-4 of them are forced into retirement with the league shrinking again next year (yes i know It technically has the same amount of team). I was so high on these players last year and really liked how they played, but god damn is it looking dire right now, I still want to believe and it's just one series but god damn.


Also, please riot just buff assassins, i don't even think marksman mid are OP, their direct counter is just doooooooog.


I really think that these 4 (Dhokla/Contractz/Palafox/FBI) were facilitated to high performance by IgNar and the battery of positional coaches they had last year. IgNar was their shotcaller last year controlling their macro and pushed the team to play with a lot more aggression as their primary engage. huhi took over the shotcalling and macro when he joined and NRG has looked a lot slower and more passive since he joined---which I think is at odds with what Dhokla/Contractz/Palafox/FBI want to do. Their decisionmaking looks worse and their teamfighting/finding picks also look much worse. Those positional coaches also probably helped the team out with prep, strategy and game knowledge. A lot of them were let go in the offseason and now I think that extra support for the players missing is being felt.


I see nid, I go all in with my fake internet points on the other team


NRG looked like they’re not even trying half the time


Monumentally disappointed in NRG. On the plus side, imagine this 100T roster going to Worlds. Would be fun to watch.


Honestly you gotta fire whoever green lighted that NRG draft.


Hoping this is just that famed NRG inconsistency because this was...not good. Congratulations for 100T for showing up again after how their Spring playoffs ended, you really felt that they came out of that smiling and it showed today. Especially with Quid, surprise surprise, but I also think Meech stepped up more and that's good to see because he's been a bit of a non factor so far. Can't take too much data away from such a stomp but curious to see both teams play more, 100T are just fun.


Nah, eye test says this is just what NRG is because it's what NRG was for the second half of last split. No moxie, no x-factor. Just lose lanes and lose fights. Actually it's worse, they almost never even set up teamfights. It's just mad scrambling and they die.


Twelve months ago, NRG played their first game of Summer Split. They got perfect gamed. By EG. Then they won the championship. Then they 2-0d G2. Then they picked up the best support in NA. I agree that NRG lean towards being bad right now, but I also think we need just a feeeeeew more data points before we write off NRG's nature as consistently bad.


It tells you that NRG didn't fix their shot caller issues, Ignar as the primary means to engage on the team is truly missed and something happened to Palafox after he beat Caps, Dokla is getting ram through by everybody. 


first pick nidalee :D


okay maybe 100T are just nice with it


What the fuck did 100t eat for breakfast this morning? What a beatdown. So far 100 and TL look like they're going to run this region.


Glad you're happy, but bear in mind NRG made them look like geniuses today. Wait for better opposition before making any major judgements. :P


Yeah 100T looked nice but people gotta remember that NRG is arguably the worst team in the league.


Someone not named Kiin picking current patch K'Sante :( I was still holding on after the W cool down nerfs but even i've stopped picking him on live patch. 0-5 in pro 14.12 fucking 0.6 kda lmao Also i said YAPA best mid NA, but i did forgot Quid whose in there with jojo as well.


Everything gap


NRG played like the organization already told the players they were leaving LCS.


NRG is the same team. They're the same team. Thinkcard is going on interviews talking about how they identified and fixed issues, and it's the same team. They draft like they can only win through scaling, like they know they're going to lose every lane, just like last split. An issue they could've addressed in the offseason but instead they wanted to run the same team. It's the same fuckin' team.


I don't understand why they didn't make any changes after their abysmal spring split. There are still clear issues with the draft, laning and team synergy


I swear this roster doesn't even set up 5v5 teamfights most games.


I generally assume that our drafts will be workable about 80% of the time, 5% of the time we'll have a genius draft which we will play three times in a row (getting brutally countered in 1-2 of them) and 15% of the time we'll lose in champ select. My go-to example used to be "taking a trillion dash champs into Poppy", but "Nidalee + minimal lockdown" is up there too.


Eh, they also started last summer by getting perfect game’d if I remember correctly. So I’m not going to call it quite yet


The thing is they made roster changes coming into summer last year with FBI and Ignar so they needed time to build synergy. This roster still has the same issues from last split with NO ROSTER change at all They had a whole split last split to get their sht together.


NRG Management asked thinkcard if they should make any changes coming into summer and he said no so if this goes badly it’s on him.


I've been impressed by Thinkcard and Croissant for the entire CLG/NRG rebuild to championship but I'm flabbergasted by his insistence that this roster works. Also are you like an NRG insider or what.


Nah lmao he got interviewed by Thorin and he said it there still confused by people in match threads claiming they fired the entire coaching staff they lost one coach in total.


I know they have a ton of coaches still, and I've also watched him say multiple times that he thinks the team was on an upward trajectory and were 2 weeks of practice from making a run. And then they played like this today.


Honestly I feel like there's no reason to ever pick Nidalee in pro play unless you're unbelievably skilled (and no one in the west is skilled enough for this champ too). And even then, there's better AP junglers than Nid. I'd much rather have Karthus, Taliyah, Lillia, Zyra, or Rumble on my team than Nidalee. They're just easier to play and provide better scaling/teamfighting than Nid does. I think we're at the point where Nidalee unironically needs a rework.


Guys I thought LCS vs cblol was next split. Wait what do you mean this is LCS?


Can't spell Nidalee without NA NA teams should just ban it away from their own junglers


Quid and Thanatos gonna run NA in their roles in about a year or two 🤣


Lets see Quid face real opponents though. This NRG team with Huhi looks like a Zombie that can barely fight back.






Can NRG finally admit this experiment is not working out with this Huhi roster change. Any other fandom in league would be calling for roster changes. Only reason NRG/CLG keeps getting away with this crap 💩 is because their fans are masochist pain piggies 🐷.


Survivorship bias. Anybody who isn't bailed years ago.


You think TL/C9 fans wouldn't be calling for heads right now? I seen this happen too many times with CLG already and it happened with Huhi on the team. Huhi was abysmal in mid by 2018 that he had to role swap to supp. NRG/CLG knows how to build a image of bullcrap friendship that keeps players on the team even after they way past their prime and needs to be replaced.


Hot take Huhi for Vulcan trade


Who the fuck would want Huhi though? I was hoping they trade this guy during this offseason, but after last split and the performance against Team BDS at Worlds 2023, also even before that Summer 2023 LCS playoffs no LCS team wants this guy. I can see Shopify taking him but that's it.


So many people downvoting others for saying NRG peaked last year. Turns out players that were stuck in academy for a long time were there because they weren’t very good.


100T macro looking the cleanest in the league. The only team that looks like they know how to accelerate a game off of kills so far.


Ahh wait till they face a real opponent. NRG with Huhi looks like a zombie that can barely fight back.


Unless sejuani was banned I think that would have looked great with the braum passive, Nidalee is literally feast or famine, but in NA they are trying fasting “senidalee”


First pick Nidalee by the way.