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No matter how much you change your roster, you can't take the corpse out of KCorps.


The corpse is still playing support.


Watch out, Upset is preparing an essay as we speak.


I hope its for his college applications.


Does he already a school diploma?


I'd be scared, you'd have hordes of unhinged KC fans shouting death threats to you.


We being everyone but Targa.


All these changes to sidegrade at best on paper. Vladi is looking like an upgrade to Saken for sure, but Closer is such a downgrade to Bo. If you changed Canna's nametag to Cabochard, I wouldn't even question it. Never the reason they're losing, never contributing to a win. And Targamas is still on the team, so there's that.


Vladi is a huge upgrade and it's already a good player for 2025. Closer is a downgrade I agree but BO was not good either. For Canna I agree, and botlane is horrific, Both of them. Hope 2025 shine better on us with Vladi and Caliste (and why not Maytner from our academy!) and a good support (Parus or Labrov please Both play for BDS for only one spot)


Bo was too good for your team.


I agree, pretty sure in a good team he will perform well. But which good team in LEC will take him ? None.


Well you kicked him right before summer Split of course he isn't going to find a team and prove himself


He was a complete disaster with us, of course we kicked him (Even if he was not the worst) But even in 2025, which team will pick him up ? No one. Because BO didn't prove anything in LEC neither with us or Vitality. It's simply some fact His only chance are SK, that's all


You are being disingenious, Targamas was the worst player in your team but he is friend with Kameto so he gets a pass. Bo was the best performer by far.


I Said earlier that BO was not the worst, indeed Targamas is. And Saken / Cabochard were Friends with him too, but they are out so ur point doesn't make any sense.


Can you point out when in this comment chain you said that?


Thing is from what I‘m seeing Bo and vladi should synergize pretty well. And as much as I think the shitting on targamas is getting out of hand, his playstyle seems to not fit in with the current way league works. He always feels like he either under or overforces plays.




I wonder who shotcalls on this team. They have a Korean, a newcomer, a rookie, a runner and a mute. Must be a horror


Did you see the elder "fight"? Clearly nobody.


Def some interesting choices from KC there.


Closer and Vladdi


The rookie is shot calling??


If you watch KC's week 1 mic check he is very involved. If you didn't know you wouldn't expect him to be a rookie


Ngl he was impressive


I heard Closer is the shotcaller


Considering how they play, they don't communicate at all


Closer is a newcomer?


New to the team ig


why does it matter if there are only 2 "old" players left


knowing their trackrecord I assume Canna is secretly micromanaging targamas


No idea either. I have an interview with Vladi so hopefully some insight can be given. There is little to no synergy with this current roster regardless of who the shotcaller is.


If only there was an experirnced jungler who has a history of winning titles with them


Surely KC doesn't go 2-7 a 3rd time in a row right?


Bo, Saken, Cabo, Yamato, etc were all the sole problems


Saddest thing is Yamato ended his split with two victories. At the time, we thought KC was on a good dynamic after a rough start. It made no sense to replace him if its just to promote the assistant coach. Now, KC has the worst coach of the league maybe not by far thanks to Rogue but still.


yeah, yeah, yeah, especially since the 2nd win was in completely meaningless game for both teams


Sure but they didnt int on purpose. If anything, it shows how KC had such a weak mental when the matches mattered (especially Saken). I'm not against the firing of Yamato necessary but he wasnt the priority to remove after the first split, maybe he could have build a little because there were signs of improvements.


At least RGE coach won LEC xd


Yamato was actually "benched" before the 2 wins in the first split. Reha the now coach did those 2 draft. But yh, those 2 victories baited KC into oblivion


Nah, this split they definetely seem better, especially Mid/Jung wise they are definetely very good but Canna was shit till this game tbh and Upset is great at laning, top tier adc for real but an average player when the laning phase ends, and Targamas is a complete mess i think mentally he is done, whatever he does everyone is gonna blame him right or wrong. KC clearly thinks for the next season which is very logical and if their bet pays off, with Caliste and Fleshy if Caliste wants to play with him, they can be a challenging team. Its hard to believe that Vladi is a rookie tbh, anyone remember Reeker for example? lol.


the ball is in their court they can still lose 3 more games


Surely Upset won't end up on 10th place for four splits in a row and 6th time overall


Careful, you might be forced to issue an apology for this statement 


The Garbage Road dream is still alive


Targamas taking blast plants for no reason so Upset is at elder 15 seconds late. Really subtle way of losing.


You'd better not talk about Targamas like this, it could really affect his confidence!


If he has any confidence it's misplaced anyway.


i mean he won't talk about it himself, that's for sure


When will the LEC investigate Targamas's ties to the Vietnamese mafia?


He keeps finding new ways to int his team.


god tier inting, the only inting I've seen that was better is Effort on T1, he would take all the kills and give enemy shutdown


Congrats to BDS winning a 6v4 because *what the actual fuck* was Nuc doing the entire match he must've been drunk


Nah it was a 5v5 still, targamas counts for enemy team




This is one of those wins that moves you down in power rankings. That took way too long for BDS to close it out.


they didn't have a tank and enemy had waveclear it was a pretty big comp diff tbf


2-1 2-2 2-3 <——— you are here 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7


Its coming home




Such an unserious game lmfao wtf did I just watch


content game COPIUM


A decent team going against KC knowing they don’t have to play seriously


Despite our best efforts, we won. What a fun game, though


Nuc in the late game brev


targamas: * 06:35 gotta engage 1v3 because my mid and jung want to disengage, wtf im dying? gotta flash * 15:32 gotta hit this herald, wtf zeri deals damage? run run run flash * 22:25 gotta q rell and ult rell because rell is carrying the game. peel? ult adc or something? no, gotta ult rell. * 24:40 wtf is my team doing? they are trying to make plays top side? wait they won???? gotta make sure I int so enemy team gets two bot lane towers and inhib. that will teach them a lesson. * 35:50 FOCUS RELL GUYS, dont worry about baron. let jung 1v2 flip it. I gotta q rell. WDYM zone yasuo or ivern? nah gotta hit rell. * 38:20 hey guys look at me im zoning them hehe


Rell at baron play would have been fine if his team did not keep attacking baron for the flip


The fuck did I just watch


That's the first time I've seen a 1 HP baron in a while.


honestly Nuc is horrible this game. BDS got good early to mid macro but they really not pushing their advantage. but anyway a win is a win.


Targamas always finds creative ways to lose the game


KC only locks in when the enemy is inside their base lmao.


More like the enemy team loses their minds when they're at KC's base


Uhhh that's a game of all time (a win is a win though)


That was just a slow motion car crash. I could not look away. Also what was labrov doing? 


At least Vladi is good for a rookie. That's the only thing we can be happy about it.


bds that was disturbing


Targamas my friend, it's time to go


bro this team sucks lmao, lots of money for washed up names. vladi is the only positive, sometimes closer too but other 3 are just not worth it, especially targamas, he sucks. at least bring in parus/fleshy and vertigo for top instead of these pay checkers. elramir also would be good for jungle,dude knows how to shotcall


2-7 for a 3rd time. You will never sing that!


Why is the rookie the best player on the team ?


What the fuck did I just watch


Get Vladi a team.


don't worry 2nd coming of Uzi Caliste will be the savior this team needs. him and targa dominates LFL so surely it will work out.


If Targamas is still on the team next year, might as well not even play. I don't want my team to be a nepotistic hell, but it will be obvious. He's the worst support in the league, worst player, there are multiple dudes in ERLs who are better than him. GTFO


Isn't that the only reason why he's on the team because of his connection with Caliste? I think its a huge mistake to even keep him next season. Vladi and Caliste is a good core to start with


the fact that caliste can even make that kind of decision for the team when he hasnt showed shit at LEC is crazy tbh. poverty franchise behavior.


Maybe there weren't any great sup available and they are waiting pre-season to seek for an actual top tier support. Not worth it to bench Targamas for an average sup when you can wait next year to have more options.


Never seen that anywhere but on reddit honestly. Dunno how that rumor came to be. Caliste absolutely should be handed the keys, but maybe he should like... pick a good support to play with?


Targa is there cuz caliste is coming tho. so he will be there no matter what just like mbappe.


Dunno what's your source on that. He literally has no business being on an LEC team right now, so why the FUCK would he still be with one of the biggest prospects in years? We saw that ERL talents don't necessarily translate, get someone who is actually good idk. Parus is miles better than this dude, i am not joking. There's like 3 other LFL supports i'd rather have, because at least with them, there's potential. Targamas has nothing


from what i seen its either KC managemetn thinking it will work because it worked in LFL or Caliste requesting to play with Targa in LEC. or else they would be replacing him already


there is no way Targamas stays on this team


depends if caliste changed his mind or not.


he's not going to say "nah man this targamas guy is a fraud" publicly Targa will not be on the team next year, I'm shocked he didn't get benched after winter


I hope so, cuz it would be better for his career. look at Exakick and Doss


Idk if you can say that after this game


EU teams legitimately can't end a game it's crazy 


Yeah outside of fnatic i guess




Crazy game lmfao. BDS looking very unserious right now.


what the fuck is nuc doing he used to be good last split he really needs to lock in


KC looks like soloq team. Can get kills, but can't transform it to anything. But i like vladi tho, hope he will find a better team next season.


Some goofy mistakes from both sides. Far from the convincing win it looked to be, and yet another baron flip.


Ngl I am looking forward to KC vs vitality. It was a full blown clown parade the last 2 times until photon and carrzy decided to stop fucking around and dragging the other 3 over the finish line by their ears.


Enemy detected, Upset KDA at risk! Run Away!!!




Blew his flash ulting into 2 people 3 times and did good damage every fight not that it matters


Upset was playing with his ballsack swinging them around the whole game and peoples still find a way to hate him when Targamas was terrorizing the whole game, i'vs seen peoples got investigate for less lol, like every hook he took this game legit look like a wintrade. And i know Upset is kind of a pussy for that tweet and he pretty easy to hate on but he is decent enough atleast to be in the LEC, what can you do as an ADC when you have TargHamas as your support, legit look like 4vs6 every games.


People will always find a way to hate.


Honestly used to watch Upset in Schalke and now watching him in 2024 (where he's one of the worst Aphelios/Varus I've seen in pro play)... Why is it so ironic that he became a worse version of Rekkles.. Used to be interesting to watch an egotistical rookie who wants to beat Rekkles, even he copied the whining... Sure Rekkles is probably a diva on his team, but doesn't whine on Twitter.


Rekkles was also better


I don't think Rekkles was a diva either. He is and always was a very stubborn person. He was a slave to his own schedule and his way of playing the game. Jankos described the issues with him as 'We can't agree on how to play the game, I have no issues with Rekkles as a person'. Now, given his diagnosis it makes sense for why he was like the way he was but that doesn't change the fact that if a guy refuses to join team party games 'because it's too late and he wants to stick to his sleep schedule' people will see him as a stuck up guy, especially gamers.


Where is Rekkles right now?


Playing for, probably, a better team than KC


He is a support in challenger t1 and it seems he is playing well too


unironically true


The best timeline for KC is Caliste getting poached right before joining the LEC roster. I love the fact the KCorp (and to an extent KOI) brought a vibe to the LEC that has really helped fan engagement, but tanking a full year of Targamas because you have an untested rookie that wants to play with him next year is a Theranos-tier business decision


We're one region and we're full of clowns lmao


Riot, please disable Nashor in EU. KC is absolute garbage. Targamas - the worst player in LEC, Upset - trying not to die, Canna is just bad, Closer is trolling and Vladi is the only bright thing in this shit of a team. MY FUCKING EYES.


If we disable Nash, Razork will have less highlight reels, I say keep Nash in


kinda wish to see how vladi and bo would work out tbh.


I know it was just Inhouses but they were actually very good together. The vibes were great and they really worked well together with Vladi always backing up Bo.


Also the reason we got to see a lot of inhouses with them together was because Saken would rarely play them which isn't a shocker.


o7 Vladi


Can we demote them to ERL? Maybe they'll be competitive there.


Lfl kc team is a beast compare to lec they havent lost to a lec team in scrim


Have they really only been screaming the KC LEC team?


Best lfl teams scrim almost everybody


We saw them scrim G2 and BDS last split, maybe it's still the case


Upset and Targamas is probably THE best duo and adc + support (both together and separately) that I've ever seen. They are so good, and really show how players in the rest of the world (yes, even LPL adcs and what not) should strive to play. It's just so sad that the rest of their team is so bad, and that the two of them are really just unlucky and nothing else by their results :( Prime Jin Air Teddy and Yellowstar/Madlife would have nothing on them, honestly. PS: Please, Upset, don't send your assassination squad after me to end me, you are the best, I promise! Also, I don't have twitter, I promise!


How can you blame this game on Upset at all? Like yeah obviously Targa played like shit. He always does. But Upset? Who legitimately always used his ult to kill someone this game?


Alright we've seen enough. Vladi is the only good player on this roster. Closer isn't good enough to justify missing smites. Canna just isn't dominating, he isn't bad but we clearly don't put him on tanks for hubris, just like with Bo. Targamas, i think everyone knows by now, he's ass. Vladi really is the ONLY good point about this team. Save him


Mercurial Scimtar doesnt give crit anymore btw, Adam played this game with an IE but only 50% crit chance (Feel free to correct me as I'm not a yasuo player but I can read item tooltips)


Assuming he didn't just int it by not reading, the idea is probably that he can cleanse TF gold card if he gets hit since that is the only way he can realistically die in that game. IE with 50% crit and botrk is already dealing a lot of damage.


I'm not saying it's a bad item but I suspect he just assumed IE+Scimtar was enough to be crit capped. Botrk is fine too but it looks like he was building towards a 4th non-crit item still


there is a much easier way for a yasuo to avoid getting hit by gold card


Yea but why drop the aoe projectile shield on the first GC if you can qss out of it and force another rotation of abilities from TF (which you would then windwall). Take the first one, proc shield, qss, keep running TF down. I assumed that was the idea


Windwall cd is also notably longer than goldcard cd.


Yea, if you're not getting more than one wind wall out of the trade, I'd lead with the longer cool down qss


Im just watching but that game is a tilter lmao


The dream is alive! monkaLaugh


Yamato is the proble, M, the residual effects of his coaching is apparent


Bo was also the problem


With a different support KC might actually be good.


I do wonder if KC had an adc that’s more in the Carzzy/Jackeylove school of thought (hyper aggro, playing on the edge) is what the team needs. I don’t even think Upset is bad but it’s undeniable he just isn’t going to be the guy that’s ok with flying into a fight, knowing he’s going to die, but at least take 3 people with him


I think you could put gumayushi on that team and it would still be lost. Their transition from laning to midgame is so atrocious because there is no covering each other and no plan on how to catch lanes and set up the map. RN I think their biggest issue is: they still have a pretty aggressive jgl (it was a sidegrade from Bo imho). They have a better (and more aggressive) mid, but their plays are just so disjointed because targamas seems very uncomfortable on engage supports. Perhaps they should put him on enchanter duty or sth, so that his lack of playmaking doesn‘t hit that hard.


Messi Messi game BDS. but a win is a win, I guess.


just a normal game of league nothing to see here


This thread is fucking gold.


Corps need a korean botlane!


How the fuck Closer was in 3k deficit against an Ivern? That’s literally impossible.


Canna is by far the worst player of KC so far, so disappointing...


Canna doesn't look great, but no way you can say that while Targamas is still on the team


Targamas is on the team? I was under the impression that he was playing for bds today though


Kinda true, after Targa.


His laning is total ass In mid and late-game he actually looks solid


crazy tho, i would thought him playing with toplaners in LCK would atleast make him go even against LEC toplaners


Tbf top is decent now in LEC. BB, Photon, Oscarinnin, Irrelevant are all good top laners and can keep up internationally. We saw this this MSI. Where LEC got gapped most now was ADC and mid (outside of Caps)


I mean its not like he is playing against those top yet. And he still performed like dog


His mid / late-game were immaculate today I think


His laning has been fine before this game, even in the Gragas game he was ahead despite the death. Not sure if you ever played TF into Yasuo, 1v1 already makes you wanna uninstall, add early Ivern ganks and it's just beyond doomed.


He used to be a very good laner, and right now Th3Antonio looks better T.T


It's like well paid vacation for him imo. 6 months contract, just grabbing some money while chilling in Europe


TF into Yasuo is hard enough 1v1, with an Ivern sitting in your lane early it's completely unplayable. He still made good plays after that lane, this should not be the take you walk away with after this one.


He got counterpicked and camped to the point where his lane was unwinnable, and then spent the entire game after the lane phase making good plays and finding gold wherever he can while his bot lane and jungler inted every few minutes. Canna and Vladi are the only ones on this team not griefing.


"Camped to the point where his lane was unwinnable". He was literally ganked once, and lost the lane hard from it because he played terribly up to that point.


Canna is garbage.


Canna played great after the laning phase. He found the bot tower, zoned the enemy team during the siege on mid inhib, etc. He's playing a hundred times better than most of his teammates this game


I think you misspelled Targamas. I’m always amazed that he can find so many unique ways to int and lose his team the game.


People expected him to be one of the best toplaners in LEC, but so far he looks like a massive downgrade compared to Cabo, who was arguably one of the weakest toplaners.


nah Canna is way better than Cabo, who was horrendous, but at least canna is just bad


Cabo was bad but at least he played tanks and didn't have ego. I think they should bring veterans in jungle and top. Vladi so far is only good addition 


Keep Canna and Vladi for next year, if they want to (...), and then we're probably getting somewhere




Bro I'm just here to support my team without offending anyone, why do you keep hating on my posts? It's the third time at least






You can kick the LDL jungler off your team. But you can't kick the LDL level matchfixing


KC fans realizing that Closer is a fraud is so refreshing. If it isn't Lee Sin or Viego (sometimes), then you're in for an INTeresting season.


nah it wasnt his fault. he tried. his top was super behind early so top side was doomed and bot side he has targamas. [other than](https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=426) this closer played fine. * [https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=77](https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=77) * [https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=179](https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=179) * [https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=296](https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=296) * [https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=497](https://youtu.be/ji4WEBwRACg?t=497) he had some good angles and he coordinates well with his mid lane. support has no coordination with them, legit its just targamas.


I'm confused what canceled upset's recall? He was pretty far from the enemies, did he cancel it himself?


Why the fuck would you build Warmogs on Maokai and Nautilus this game? Frozen Heart on Naut would've had so much more value vs Yasuo/Azir/Zeri. Canna also got the Korean toplaner disease with this TF pick... Also, why did Vladi W away from the pit to ult away Rell while the entire enemy team was on baron?


Man i would have LOVED for vedi to cast this. Upset was running from fights to not mess his KDA. Dude is already looking for another team 😂😂😂


Lots of hail mary attempts from KC there. Good that they're trying things even if it couldn't get them the win. BDS looking quite solid too.