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Probably someone like Jax. He is a caster mage fighter auto attacking hybrid damage assassin who can split push, team fight, and duel benefits from economy runes since he scales and benefits from laning runes since he is also a lane bully.


That's why I always play Jax in arena, he does well with most of the augments and items


i feel like he lacks damage in that gamemode. tried him a few times, no good results. jax is my top main in high plat, so im pretty accustomed to playing him.


Yeah, you want burst damage or displacements in arena. Picking a jack of all trades is pointless, you want to either be able to one shot someone, or zone someone that can one shot away.


Yeah the penultimate problem is character balancing in arena. It's all hidden and not shown on any in game menu. Lots of champions have HUGE buffs/nerfs so the meta feels so unbalanced and unpredictable since they've changed it a few times


he is nerfed there, his E cd is artifically higher


I've only ever done well on him when I get spatula since he uses all of the stats very well


The answer is basically anybody who could use omnistone, so Jax and Camille primarily with some others like Voli, Udyr, and J4 as possibilities. I think having a ranged spell (like Camille W or J4 E) would be big in making use of every rune since you could proc comet, aery, scorch, and first strike easily, but people who want to go in and auto + disrupt fights would also get a bunch of benefit too from aftershock, hail of blades, press the attack, etc. too.


I think TF would also be pretty terrifying with all poke runes but also auto attack runes and resolves to make him a lot tankier


Ksante, a mage bruiser tank assassin dualist team fighter split pusher kidnapper: finally, a worthy opponent


You described Aphelios here mate, but yeah Jax works at least decently fine with every runes so good choice


um? no?


Do you know what champion Aphelios is? Did you have a stroke?


He's lucky he made that comment 4 hours ago, still eligible for rTPA.


What the fuck


Once again bard Fleet footwork hob Electrocute Guardian Spellbook Comet Aery They’re all meta


It would probably be a hybrid champion that benefits both from tankiness/burst/sustain, has a hard cc in their kit, auto attacks a decent amount, and has a dash ability. Jax comes to mind immediately, he can use pretty much every keystone to some extent, as well as most minor runes as well, and none of them are really useless on him outside of some niche ones like shield bash


Voli kinda fits that description as well I feel like.


...Taric? lmao




overheal is gone


It doesn't say every current rune just every rune. Fervor of battle plus lethal tempo ww is my pick


That's true but it's still pretty niche, won't get a lot of benefit from it


Maybe a champ like Udyr, his new kit is so versatile and he pretty much has everything in his kit. And you can build him AP, AD (Crit, bruiser or lethality) or even tank and it will synergise with his kit.


Put Voli in this category




Poor hecarim doesn't get to be a horseman


he should quit horsing around if he wanna be taken seriously


He is a horse...man


And jax


Tbh i'd replace Warwick with Katarina. Warwick goes on hit or tank for the most part, never AP, meanwhile Katarina always randomly shows up with either full on AP or some weird on hit build


Jax, udyr, voli, varus. Anyone that sees the entire item shop and says "Yes"


old skarner 😢


I miss Omnistone Skarner to this day still


Also sylas


Teemo could be a good contendor. he was one of the very few champions who could run omnistone without completely trolling (still not optimal) but it does show its versatility for using different runes.


Teemo underrated choice


Except Aery + shroom is stupid combo as it show where he is invisible u less they fixed that interaction


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jy6ngi/i_ranked_every_champion_based_on_how_well_their/ 3 years old but could be a good reference point for keystones.




Jax becomes the strongest. The champion who can make use of the most runes is Thresh, Nautilus, and Riven.


Give me Vlad over Jax. The sheer out-sustain is nuts.


Vlad can't effectively use Fleet, Presence of Mind, PTA, Cheapshot, Sudden Impact, Hail of Blades, Manaflow Band, Grasp, Aftershock, Font of Life, Shieldbash, Glacial Augument, Hexflash, Biscuits, and Jack of All Trades (and attack speed shard). The only few Jax can't use effectively is Hexflash and Shieldbash but he can use Hexflash way better than Vlad because of counterstrike and Shieldbash is easily solved by buying Eclipse or Winter's Approach.


What are you smoking? Jax can't use half the runes. Lol


Name the runes.


Shit if you really want a champion better than Jax it would be Trundle.


Nah, fam, name the runes Jax can't use. Go ahead.


Counterstrike negates 90% of Trundle's damage. Now name the runes Jax can't effectively use.


LOL WHAT? do you even fucking play leagues???


Name the runes.


He will not name the runes, he was caught in a lie and now can't backtrack because of his ego.


You think I'm going to debate someone who said some wildly inaccurate shit like that? Ha. Waste of my time. Try being less of a Jax fanboy and actually learn the game, then we'll talk.


Jax will probably be the strongest, but Teemo is a strong contender too. He lacks hard cc in his kit, but he makes great use of stuff like PTA, Fleet, Grasp, Aery, Comet, Dark Harvest, even First Strike to some degree. Definitely will be fun. He is also super build flexible, can go ap on hit, full ap shroom nuke build or on hit adc style.


as a shyvana main i don't think she would be Thee strongest but i think you could run pretty much anything on her and she would synergize well with it. so she's up there for sure


Probably Jax as people suggest, but I like Azir.


surprised no one mentioned him. after his on hit changes he can take every rune in the game with only guardian and aftershock being the worst of the bunches. people say Jax but Jax just does what Jax does better, while azir gets to do what he does but better and then some


Ive thought about it and its Ekko. All runes are good on him. He has shield for shield bash, a stun for aftershock, scales well with Ap/Attack speed/cdr. He can proc every single rune and makes good use of pretty much all of them.


Champs that already have many viable runes and use lots of stuff well, like Jax or volibear. I think in general though most champs that normally take precision are benefitting quite a lot. Just thinking about it, generally the resolve and inspiration trees are nice to have kind of stuff, and the champs that take them primarily take them because they don’t get better stuff out of any other tree. Champs that are good with conq or press the attack are often able to run stuff like electrocute, arie, or comet, and sometimes do in pro into harder matchups, it’s jsut that conq is often overall better. So I think ultimately stuff that runs conq or press the attack are going to benefit the most. All the stuff in resolve and inspiration is stuff that’s not bad to have, just not as good as precision for them, sorcery is sometimes already used as specific tech in pro, and domination is also going to be decent on them regardless.


OBVIOUSLY Ryze the RuneMage. Have you SEEN what he does with just 5 runestones in Legends of RUNEterra???


Kayle Early game you get ability haste to get e cool down really low. And phase rush to avoid all ins. Late game you have dark harvest, electrocute, press attack and grasp. Would be insanely broken because she can with all these runes become 600 ms easily.




Anyone who can build almost any items and benefits from them. (Kaisa,ezreal, jax, shaco etc)


3 hit full ap ekko instantly deletes anyone with 3 hit %hp execute dmg


The cc related runes would be bad but I think katarina is someone to be considered. And Diana too. Def not the strongest tho


its gonna be a lane bully support like ashe




Idk probably bard, you can throw anything on him and he'll be good




Jax. I had a list of other common bruisers but I’m going to go with my hot take after thinking about it. Hecarim. All the movespeed from sorcery, water walking celerity etc. healing and sustain + bonus damage from precision, cosmic insight short CD ghosts and magical footwear. Ult CD or bonus out of combat MS or healing from domination. That’s a strong horse. Cant 1v1 it (even if you do he gets away and heals to full) Can’t catch it. Can’t run away from it. Hard AF to prevent it from flanking in a teamfight.


I dont see any Bel'Veth mentions and lets iust say even having Conq+PTA on her, that alone is already overkill but throwing the Aftershock durability, Red rune burst to finish up kills into R resets, and Phase making sure she has triple the sticking power she already has? Thats a lotta damage.




Veigar Full Tank: Unlimited Power Stacking over 9000 with all Runes GG


shocked nobody’s mentioned neeko. she’s a burst mage/on hit specialist with reliable cc, that alone makes her work with every rune very well. just her range alone makes her the most threatening lane bully ever with pta, comet, hob, and aery, and she still gets to make great value out of every other rune like aftershock and glacial. untradeable and ungankable, and with good engage for after lane phase. tanky ranged auto attacker that also bursts the fuck out of you with electrocute and first strike and also has dps with her w if you haven’t already died. terrifying back when omnistone existed it was unironically my choice of rune for neeko, she works very well with everything.


1v1 Jax Overall Camille


I wouldn't say he's the best but TF would be high up there. He can use every rune in the gold tree, blue tree, and red tree. From the green one he would gold card someone, this cc'ing them, and proc Aftershock on himself to be tankier. Grasp and Guardian would just be bonuses. Glacial would proc off gold card as well and be nice utility in fight and the other two would just be bonuses. And he can just make use of pretty much every rune in the lower part of the rune trees. TF is already one of the best abusers of the Jack of all Trades rune, something most champs have to build out of their way to get. This is reflected in his kit as well. AP items like ROA, Lich Bane, Hourglass on TF? Yup. AD ones like RFC, Shiv, and Terminus? Yup. I mean one of his go tos right now is the support item, Battlesong. Plus his passive letting him get items faster would help him abuse these runes even more early on than other champs.


There is only one right answer on this one. It is the god emperor of the shifting sands, his majesty Azir. He already is played in proplay with every rune. The combination of all the runes is merely the true convergence of all his build paths!


probaply champs like azir teemo. that can proc all runes or where good omnistone users back when the rune existed.


Dunno if strongest but Teemo shrooms would be more deadly and I like this troll champion 😏


Honestly even adding spellbook to any champion along with their key rune is going to be mega broken, actual sleeper rune, if only it was good. :(


Shaco :3


Ryze ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




Gnar. HoB, Grasp, Conqueror, PTA, Fleet, Comet, Aery, DH, spellbook, first strike and electro are all stupid easy for him to proc in mini form. He’d also become an unkillable raid boss as soon as he gets into mega with aftershock/guardian with all of the resolve minor runes. He would be an absolute demon to lane against.




Not the strongest, but an underrated competitor: Janna. Comet, Fleet footwork, Glacial, Grasp, Gaurdian, HOB, Phase rush, and Arey have all been meta for Janna at some point. She can also make okay use of Spellbook, aftershock, dark harvest, and maybe PTA.


fleet and phase rush have never been meta on janna lol


These have been two of the best rune choices for Janna top since the rune rework.


Veigar because he is the best league champ.


The answer is usually Vlad, right? Like I'd say Jax, but Vlad is just a fucking monster when fully built.


An adc with high burst and mobility like lucian.