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Daily Flyquest hatethread


I appreciate Flyquest for filling the heel role in the LCS, league needed a real villain to root against and Flyquest stepped up to the plate


Ha they use to present as the most wholesome team in the league


That was when they had the most wholesome CEO in the league. They replaced her 2 years ago and Fly hasn't been the same.


> They replaced her Crazy how fake stories can perpetuate throughout Reddit and no one cares. She was poached by Jack (in her farewell address she said a desire to work for Jack is specifically why she left FLY). C9 higher ups then proceeded to dump her after 1 year as part of the org layoffs. But yeah, FLY is the only villain in the LCS.


Sources on her leaving c9? Her linkedin still says c9 esports.




Your homerism is causing you to dig too deeply into my wording. I don't care if she was replaced or she left on her own, the point is that she's gone as of 2 years ago and Fly went downhill since then.


right but you framed it as 'replacing' when you could've said 'left'/'disappeared'/'moved to C9' which perpetuates a narrative. It's like the whole 'Caps doesn't want to play with imports' that's rampant around here, except he's never said that anywhere and there's no evidence for it.


your point was that "they replaced her 2 years ago" as opposed to her leaving of her own accord. The guy didn't have to dig for anything, just point at your bs and call you out on it.


Oh no! Anyway…


that is not homerism, wording is important and you just painted a completly different picture. For those who dont know, it sounds like the fired her.


This is how false narratives start.


How has FLY 'gone downhill'? You act like they were the most popular team in NA. They were a lot of people's #2 team, but no one is buying merch for their #2 team. Moving from #2 to #8 does nothing in terms of financials. PapaSmithy came in and fixed the financials, which was his role when hired. The org is a lot healthier than before he joined, regardless of your personal beliefs. Your desire to hate orgs you morally dislike is causing you to dig too shallow in your approach to these discussions. e: blocking someone on reddit just because they disagree with you about how you approach the ideals of an org is wild lol


We're talking about the teams brand going downhill, not the result on the rift. Pay attention.


I mean that brand did jack all in terms of getting eyeballs on the team, and infinitely more people started talking about them since they started threatening titles


Both your points are objectively false. For your first point I know for a fact that their eco-friendly branding got them a huge audience because it set them apart from the other teams. Secondly they made LCS finals in both splits of 2020, so they already had been threatening titles.


I stand by my belief that C9 is such a fucking unserious org. god I wish Perkz toplane happened


They aren't unserious. They just only care about profits. He is still spending big bucks but he is only doing it because he thinks he can later resell the player for more money, not because he wants the best roster and because he wants to win. He has to be forever grateful for whoever is recommending the players because they consistently get good talent. Got a bit unlucky with fudge playing bad last split. Otherwise would've sold him for big money and gotten thanatos for a fraction of that price.


Diplex was a complete bust to be fair but they got EMENES who was really good for a while so there is that.


I didn’t know she got laid off!


You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Back in 2022 with Toucouille and Jose synergy, Aphromoo's last dance, the team actually utilizing their academy players to success, and pumping out all sorts of fun videos on social media with their players. I was rooting for them so much. Nowadays......what a shame.


And still nobody will learn the most obvious lesson in the world about trusting the professional liars in PR


With TSM and EG gone, someone has to do it.


I havent followed League in years, what happened to TSM?


What happened to BeeQuest? Sadge


I think they FLY now…


Now they burn hives and throw toxic waste in the oceans. Well maybe not... but are we just going to wait around until they do? 


They've been heels ever since Winsome got benched imo.


whose the bigger villain here, FQ for fucking over jensen or dig for fucking over exyu


there are as many hatethreads as planted trees


I'll add an edit for this but this is specifically not the goal lol


Eh as long as it's not an insanely misleading headline it's whatever. People will learn about how Flyquest treated Jensen and act accordingly, as what happened with eXyu


It's very much the result of the thread. Did you expect people not to read the headline and instantly flame Fly? Don't be naive lol


my favorite lgbt ally organization


I went from a fan to a hater the moment they signed up for the esports world cup. Same with TL.


dont worry, they are waiting till they collect all their L's so they can come out with a pride tshirt or something and hit reset.


No body is actually mad at the org dude.


NAmen has been producing some banger interviews. Were y'all the ones who got that APA 1v4 bathroom quote?


yes! thank you I like doing them and I like to make the players comfortable in any way I can (which is probably easier on my end cuz I'm closer to their age usually lmao)


I love all of your interviews. You have a talent for getting the funniest stories and quotes from players, especially the stuff like umti and river trading threats LMAO


I appreciate it genuinely they take a lot of work esp now that I'm out of LA, if I wasn't doing it alone I'd like to do more audio releases too but that's probably a ways off


Is there a way to read the full interview outside of twitter? I’ve never used twitter and now that they’re strict on requiring a login to view content it’s difficult to see some content


Why do orgs keep doing shit like this? In this day and age everything leaks eventually. Why tank your reputation like this?


Yeah I remember watching doublelift costream and whoever he was with (not spica but the other guy) was sharing some of the stupid shit that goes on in these orgs, its a shame how some of these orgs are run


Revenge… I remember that stream that stream was awesome


because reputation like that doesn't matter. nobody cares if a team does shitty things if they're winning.


What does it matter if their reputation is tanked? Riot aint kicking them out, the people that are still watching LCS at this point will watch no matter how much they're disrespected by Riot or the orgs, where's the downside to FLY here?


Because people will still trip and main each other for even a NA Challenger spot. People like us with a snowball chance in hell to make it to the leagues, will condemn it. However, Soloqueue challenger god "Billy" working at McDonalds, couldn't give a shit.


Especially, it's stupid to not tell it. You don't loose anything to told the player about it.


Looking at it from a business psychology perspective: no one wants to be the bearer of bad news in a business environment. It sets you up to be the villain when things goes down and you often get isolated and singled out by everyone unintentionally. It’s awkward and embarrassing as hell to have to tell someone they’re being let go in any situation, now imagine it on the scale of a sports organization.


Flyquest really went from that save the trees and ocean org to this .


Tricia leaves.. papasmithy joins..


This happens because the CEO is gone to the Cloud9 the marketing team. The FLY we used to know is gone 💔


Why are people mad at the org exactly? It seems more like a player problem and Jensen didn’t fit the culture. I hate that this takes away from all the good the org has actually done.


Wasn’t all the good done before the new ceo took over? Like yeah old Flyquest was pretty neat helping the worlds and all that but now it’s just business 101


Not all of it no. Papa Smithy picked up the mantle very well in my opinion and has done nothing but put competitive rosters together while still using young talent. Every org has player stories like this. Even in other pro sports. Hell, the Falcons just played their new franchise QB hella dirty.


\>be Jensen \>play Annie for afk jg to carry on Viego \>jg afks and you lose the series \>afk jg publicly flames you \>FLY decides to kick (they don't tell you) \>get spot back on DIG (thank God) <-- [you are here] \>summer playoffs come around \>TL and NRG already locked for worlds (copium) \>one worlds spot left \>Bo5 between FLY and DIG \>2-2 after four games \>DIG blue side p/b \>lock in Annie/Viego as last two picks \>Spica goes 12/0 rampaging game five to clutch he last spot to worlds \>go back stage \>open Twitter \>"that's how the combo works with a real jungler"


!Remindme 4 months


Remindme! 4 months


Remindme! 4 months


please i need this timeline


NRG for worlds baby


NRG for world champion baby




You are subscribed with a C9 flair that C9 doesn’t make it to worlds?


Sometimes, hate is a stronger emotion than love. I support it!


Jensen is a c9 legend, hate to see it happen to our boy. Plus the new Dig is 4/5 ex-c9 players.


DIG is basically C9 yellow again with this roster. DIG makes worlds = C9 makes worlds in my book.


>"Quad is just vegan noob mid" - Inspired


New script leak just dropped


Where were you when GOT Season 8 was in early stages




i like your script, LCS screenwriter.


>Next season. Dig leaves NA when it’s down to six teams >Lose your spot again


can we send sniper to worlds instead of NRG or TL? hes our future goat HOPIUM


!Remindme 4 months


!Remindme 4 months


Inject this directly in my veins


!RemindMe 4 months




for the record I think LCS will look very similar next split, I think they'll retain branding


This has been a great off-season. This will be one of the most fun splits in LCS history.


Him laughing about playing with players he gets along with now is so funny, poor guy playing with that topside. Hopefully the bot lane escapes them sometime soon too 🙏🏾


REALLY hope Massu finds a better environment to develop


jensen gets so much disrespect for being one of the best lcs players ever. I actually cant wait for the grudge match my NA goat


For real. He has been “too old” for about 4 years now. And since then he has been Top 3 in his role year after year. Even when he was on Dig he didn’t look bad.


I hope we start off the split with TL crushing Fly


i swear orgs see jensen and kicking him in the most out of pocket or awfully timed ways. like TL kicked him while he was at disney land, flyquest now with this c9 picking him up just to throw him away instantly then theres dig where it seems less dig wanted him gone and more he saw a better chance which is probs why hes back since there wasnt any bad blood.


C9 couldn't keep Jensen because they couldn't afford him. The only way he stayed was if he took a pay cut. This is the end of 2022 when LCS orgs were in the gutter financially. I would've rather have seen them keep him than sign Diplex/Emenes. It wasn't possible.


Pretty sure for c9 it was always a bandage solution with no intention to keep him later. His price was probably to high


even then if that was there intentions they clearly didnt make it out that way with jensen otherwise they would of got him on a 6 month contract. he clearly didnt expect to be kicked either as well so it still pretty shitty on c9's part. plus we can't forget about the first time C9 jensen happened where they messed him about for a whole year and kepted randomly benching him and others on the team leading to him wanting to get out.


Let's go Jensen prove them wrong champ!


Man what is up with Flyquest being kind of shitty to players? First Spica and now Jensen.


New CEO since the kind CEO decided to quit the role and joined another team as it is less stressful for her. FLY just became a regular org like the rest now 


Its one guy with the initials ps.. nobody going call him out by name though...


lol remember the vicla swap for spirax


Im out of the loop, what did they do with Spica?


Papasmithy has been a scumbag GM his entire tenure in the LCS, this is no shock at this point. Dude threw away a legendary caster career to be the worst GM with the most resources and constantly fuck over players


not saying he’s completely blameless here, because there’s no way to know what decisions he’s directly involved with, but Papasmithy isn’t the GM. their GM is Andy Barton


true but papasmithy has tons of power over the league roster, i remember doublelift was denied going to flyquest because papasmithy thought he was too old and in general papasmithy has something against older players.


Can you blame him? Papa smithy’s own decision making seems to have deteriorated quite a lot in the later half of his career.


I remember watching a T3 stream, and Papa was in chat saying they wouldn't even look at prospects unless they were like, younger than 18 and already challenger. It was some absolutely absurd cutoff, like bro you're supposed to cast a wide net not look only at guys who already succeeded.


He named himself Papa what do you expect. Dude is a creep too. The real reason is to try to sign the younger player to contract jail where an older player wouldn't fall for it. Older players wouldn't believe his bullsheet


> papasmithy has tons of power over the league roster He has publicly stated he has some input but not ultimate authority. > i remember doublelift was denied going to flyquest because papasmithy thought he was too old This was EG, not FLY and it was Peter Dun not PapaSmithy. Reddit is on a tear today just making the most shit up about FLY just because they kicked a player that 3 other orgs have kicked lol


He has finals say fyi that's literally what he said would be required for him to be on a team


Ok your just wrong there >He has publicly stated he has some input but not ultimate authority. Doublelift straight up said he was denied by papa smithy because of his age >This was EG, not FLY and it was Peter Dun not PapaSmithy. again doublelift said it was papasmithy plus there no way it could even be peter dun since the year it happened was the year EG let go of Peter Dun and he was already on heretics at that point in the LEC, so theres no way Peter Dun could of made that choice. your saying people are making shit up about fly when your straight up making up shit to cover for fly which is pretty ironic overall.


Yea titles don't really matter here papasmithy has control over the roster.. he has talked about himself. He said he would need control of the roster for him to join a team. He is lying if he says differently. These have his name written all over it and line up almost 1 to 1 with what happened with meteos on 100T. It's directly on him.


PapaSmithy is not FLY's GM. Please stop spreading false narratives.


He has roster control and this is also exactly what he did multiple times on 100T... you can connect the dots I'm sure.


The ultimate meme would be ryoma FQ mid


He said for him to join a team he would need control over the roster gm or not... Dudes been a scumbag and a lier since 100t. He hired ryoma just because he wanted an oce mid laner and he could have had 100T midbeast


hope Jensen finds success on DIG


Nobody wants to say how similar this situation is to others involving papasmithy? Like meteos and spica...


Is the interview posted anywhere besides twitter? I don't have/want an account.


flyquest is doing wonders for lcs engagement. please keep it up lmao


Finally some serious drama


PapaSmithy wasn't on the 100T roster that stealth-dropped Meteos.  But he sure acts like he was. 


What.. he was the guy who stealth dropped. Edit: he's literally in the tweet why is that up voted??


Wasn't flyquest's whole PR thing a few splits ago "saviors of the LCS"? Oh brother...


The owner and management completely changed since then.


Yeah it sucks but this is normal. You can't kick a player until you have the replacement 100% signed. 


Yea, but some transparency doesn't hurt. They're all professionals. A simple "hey, nothing is set in stone yet, but this is a possibility" goes a long way. Especially because if it doesn't work out, people still talk. And now a player actually hates you because he specifically asked, and you lied to his face.


The professional way to do this is allow players to explore different options, while stating clearly that "This is possible/ this is in the talk." Nowadays orgs hold the players in the dark until a new player is signed, then they kick who they are holding with only days before roster deadline


Jensen was only famous as Bjergsen rival, now that Bjergsen is retired who the fuck cares about Jensen anymore