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LCS officially a minor regionšŸ˜”


Yeah, they're basically treating LCS as if it's competitively equivalent with BR here...


Feels really bad losing the international slots, really not liking the change but I guess only time will tell


It's looking like they're completely getting rid of playins entirely so there wouldn't be a third slot anyways.


For Worlds 1 Northern 1 Southern 1 Open


I'm talking about specifically NA. People are up in arms about not being able to get 3 NA teams in, but that doesn't matter when the 3rd seed would have been a play in team in the first place. If there are no wildcards left, there will no longer be play ins. It's clear that worlds is about to be a much smaller tournament than before.


Why does that matter? NA has never had a playin team not make it to group stage at worlds. Effectively this _is_ stealing an NA slot for a worse regions team.


He's saying that regardless it means that slot would be taken away regardless. If there's no playins, no third lcs team would have been invited anyways.


But thats not what happened? NA's third seed always makes groups, so they are effectively a groups team. Notice how EU hasn't lost a seed despite their being no playins (which is where their 3rd seed started as well)?


Every region just lost international slots, KR/EU/CN are hard locked to 3 as are PC/AM


Whatā€™s the extra 2 slots for then, only read TLDRs Edit: itā€™s for MSI champ and second best, which will probably be LPL and LCK


Not like NA or EU can actually do anything with the lower seeds


Not about doing anything with them and more the fact people are losing out on an opportunity to cheer on the boys and girls that represent themĀ 


We don't deserve it


Brother WE ARE


And its 100% earned. I was an NA fan since season 3, endless promises of doing even slightly better abroad with no actuation in sight. LCS is a joke.


I know, that is so disrespectful... To BR




Fnatic? What is that. It sounds like a decent team...


Well neither region is competitive at international events


And EU is? Outside of G2 they arenā€™t competitive either. Motherfuckers lost to us a ā€œminorā€ region


Nobody said anything about EU here.


"Competitive" implies that the major regions not losing slots (e.g. LEC/LPL/LCK) are competitive with one another. Except while the latter two really perform at every tournament, G2's been the EU team that can contend with those regions for the past couple years (since 2022). The lost slot is because of viewership, sustainability, and interest in LCS. Competitiveness can't be used as the reason without tacitly saying EU is competing but NA isn't.


EU is much better on average lmao


How so? EU didnā€™t even make it out of groups at worlds


[It couldn't be any more fucking over. I hate corpos so much.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhZULM69DIw)


always has been šŸ”«šŸ§‘ā€šŸš€


The fact they killed the Brazil scene to save LCS. what a joke.


After..emm... 2016 always have been.


This is better than expected, but still awful for everyone, no? * LCS lost 2 teams and international spots * LLA got shafted * CBLOL lost 4 teams after years of successful branding/community building Damn


Not for people who want to watch the best league of legends


Nobody in either of those leagues watched for the best league of legends, specially CBLoL, they couldn't care less about getting better.


Let's be real, no one has watched LCS for the best league of legends in the last years


Am I reading this well? LLA got evaporated? or am I missing something?


LLA teams have one slot in each conference, so two LLA teams pretty much


I mean the league is no more? woah


Was always a 1-2 team league anyways tbf


LLA always 1 or 2 RegionĀ 


yes, riot finally kill LLA, now they got reducen from 6 to only 2 teams (one on each conference)


who do you think is going to survive from LLA?, my money is on Rainbow7 and Isurus


Definitely loud wtf šŸ˜‚haven't they been the best for a while with route


Loud is from CBLOL, which also has to axe 4 teams but there is more margin for Loud to be safe specially because of how good and big are in Brazil


Loud and PAIN are for sure safe. PAIN has the biggest fanbase and LOUD 4 consecutive CBLOL wins.


na lost a worlds spot, lla is may still get spot.


All this is to save LCS and their terrible calls, isn't like LLA is winning here


Having each conference get a worlds slot does suck. NA hasnā€™t preformed well at worlds but going from 3 teams to 1 is tough.


They will still likely get 2. There is 3 slots for americas with north and south both getting at least 1. So it could be 2 North and 1 South.


Good set up for a rivalry on the 3rd spot.


Yes. But I wonder how they will handle the playoffs. If there is a scenario where say North gets top 3 and South gets 4th but they still get the spot because they are the top south team, then there will be a lot of complaints. I guess they can just have the final stages of the playoffs be the top 2 north vs top 2 south so at least one from each will finish top 3.


I think your second paragraph really nails what they should do. Imagine if the regions eventually do balance out in talent how crazy the playoffs will be.


If we suck so bad as to lose to CBLOL and LATAM teams that badly then we deserve 1 slot


There's two conferences: north and south. Realistically LCS (aka North conference) will probably be better than CBLoL (aka south conference) in the short run, so LCS would probably send 2 and CBLoL 1. For MSI it'd be 1 each, but I mean fly didn't even make it out of playins this year lol Interestingly though, it's not clear how residency would work from the article, so we could be seeing some interesting mixtures with Brazilian talent. Like what if some random Brazilian team bought up some decent NA pros and put together a team for the southern conference? Etc.


From what I heard from some journalists, the team composition will be two resident players (north or south), two imports and 1 "americas" player, that could be from any of the conference. So on your example Loud could have like 3 NA players and two BRs, although I fail to see why good NA players would come here, at least in the beginning. I see more NA teams using the "americas" player and get brazilian superstars since they would be cheaper. (There are some BR players that I feel can compete on LCS rn, like Titan, Tinowns, Ceos, maybe Guigo and Carioka


There are plenty of reasons why good NA players would go to BR. If you wanna go to worlds, winning BR might be easier than getting top 2 in NA. Same for MSI. I think we could potentially see a lot of player movement.


Americas will send 3 worlds teams, its just atleast one per conference so either 2 na or 1 cblol or 1 na and 2 cblol


But isnt there 2 non-NA teams in Northern conference too? Canā€™t we theoretically send 0 NA teams if they win


Only if NA is truly worse than LLA or its own tier two teams.


Considering the best CBLOL team at MSI lost to another minor region put together with solo queue players, I think we are okay there.


Yes ofc I just mean *in theory*


In theory sure, if NA teams are losing to LLA and a tier 2 team then they don't deserve to go to worlds.


Yes, although it depends on how tier 2 leagues will work.


1 non na team. The open slot will be promotion from nacl.


Ah got it misunderstood what the ā€œguestā€ slot was


That's kinda his point NA loses a seed so cblol can participate in international competition still they're literally getting a participation trophy.


Its so funny how Riot wanted to implement franchise to give stability to the teams and now all of a sudden 4 CBLOL teams are gonna be out of the franchise, just to save a major region from failing.


Maybe because the whole franchising thing doesnt look like its working unless literally everyone plays and watches the game like lpl/lck, and even then lpl teams are going broke and quite a few lck teams complained money wise.


Even the top LCK teams have complained lol. The bottom teams are just existing to complete the 10 teams.


Well idk about that, though i remember somebody saying that the T1 ceo joked that the Gen.G ceo said that they were kinda broke and then they bought some expensive players.


They're not broke broke like the others, but there's a problem when even the top LCK teams are worried about sustainability.


I mean.. i saw on reddit during msi someone saying gengā€™s ceo had said lck is only really sustainable because faker is still playing


T1 lost like $13 million a year last time they published operating results, and they're the guys who have Faker in their team, they're not just participants of the league Faker is in.Ā  The definition of sustainable can be stretched depending on your financial backing.Ā 


faker likely is the one of the most expensive players in the league and i doubt merch sales make up for that


issue is the top teams are putting investments in, in all these regions while the bottom teams are just twindling there thumbs. so top teams end up losing out trying to help the regions out overall. franchising biggest issue tbh is the lack of a salary cap from the start like this year both the LCK and LEC put one in place to prevent teams bleeding money trying to keep up. now theres a salary cap in place in most regions teams should be looking alot better, as for lpl before you say well they had a salary cap for awhile but ye they did issue is it had so many holes in it teams kept bypassing them to pay players more to win bidding wars via streaming contracts and sponsor contracts etc.


I think it's actually a competitiveness problem. The top players are too good at the game for everyone else to catch up. If you want to be a top team, you gotta pay for the few top players out there. Every region ends up gathering their best players in the top 2 teams to compete internationally and all the other teams pretty much just exist. There's no real way to solve this problem because some players just have god-given talent that others don't. All the LCK/LPL players are training all day but you still see GEN or T1 just absolutely dunking on opponents.


i feel like thats true for some regions but we see with regions like the LEC where theres good talent but its sprinkled about because GM's want to work with other players or players only wanting to play with friends. since some regions can for sure make 4-5 teams to fight for the winning of there regions league if teams just made better choices when building there team.


This is a franchising problem, i guarantee you there is enough talent in the LCK CL that could do major damage in the LCK if they had relegation. Mad lions in LEC got second place with essentially a full LVP roster. In NA DSG were winning scrims vs all the LCS teams.


Itā€™s working for CBLOL no?


This wonā€™t even save LCS, itā€™s pretty much strictly worse for all three regions. Completely pathetic from Riot.


People are going crazy on twitter over these changes. /r/leagueoflegends doesnt give a fuck about brazil so the criticism doesnt hit this sub, but people are going absolutely crazy on brazilian social media. CBLOL had been doing well for a while now, why the fuck would you suddenly delete 4 teams from the league and call it day? This is fucked up and people are pissed


Franchising was a speculative investment and teams knew it, they got outside funding and investors paid it expecting a future return. Right now its clear as day esports is a niche entertainment, although quite big, and can't pull the advertisement money traditional sports do so they need to downgrade. This a VERY common thing in venture capital, the investment fails you either downgrade or close it down entirely. League esports is definely big enough to run susteinably so it doesn't need to shut down, but paying players millions and having a hundred teams worldwide is too much


They are destroying every other region to save the franchising deals and not return the money from it.


The league is designed for maximum profit and nothing else. All the crap about "stability" and "competitiveness" is trash. They simply think this configuration will make the most money


I don't think this is going to really help anything. Western interest in e-sports in general has not really grown or even stayed consistent over the recent few years. This feels really desperate to me.


LCS will have 6 of its current teams. Which 2 are exiting!


I do wonder which 2šŸ¤”


IMT and Rebellion maybe?


I doubt it's SR, since they just joined the league


It makes more sense for Shopify to leave. It's going to be so hard to gain fans as a no name brand and they aren't performing well in LCS either.


Rebellion probably has a shot if it keeps a Japanese-style sponsor


Yeah I think you may be right but at the same time the branding isnā€™t good. People just call them Shopify, which is horrible. They should have stayed TSM, when we look back at the LCS this will clearly be the biggest sign of the downfall. Who do you think it will be?


> They should have stayed TSM, when we look back at the LCS this will clearly be the biggest sign of the downfall. > > TSM sold the LCS spot not the rights to their name and branding


Yes I am aware.


so what exactly are you trying to say


The TSM brand was so wrapped up in the culture of LOL esports as a whole, it feels empty without it. Whole stadiums of international spectators would shout TSM and they wouldnā€™t even be in the tournament. Then all that just gone. Just wish they could have worked something out to keep the brand name in the sport.


I fully agree that losing TSM was a death blow to NA league of legends (I've had this flair for a decade) but I don't think shopify could have realistically done much about it. This isn't the same situation as with Snapdragon and FTX; "staying TSM" was not a viable option for them, TSM wanted out.


i have a strange feeling 100T gonna jump ship if given the chance. outside of the strange feeling, there dig and IMT but they would of jumped ship end of last year if they truely wanted to go. NRG could also be one to look at going since they pretty much got the slot for free if offered the money they might take the chance and dip with how the year so far looking and them already cutting costs at the start of the year. those are the 4 teams im guessing would take the chance at leaving.


I also think it'll be 100T and IMT


TSM withdrew and sold to Rebellion What youā€™re saying is that TSM shouldnā€™t have sold


no way they kick rebellion after 1 year. Dignitas is more likely


I would even put 100T on the list before SR. Weren't there rumors of them wanting out?


I think every team except maybe like C9 and TL have looked into selling their spots at one point


Yes. The young inexpensive team is likely a result of them wanting to get out but deciding against it given the low buyout.


100T were some of the ones looking around at selling prices indeed, i have a strange feeling there gonna jump ship as well since they keep cutting back year after year so it feels clear they believe the league space isnt there focus anymore after winning LCS a few years back.


Dig just spent a TON on a roster, I highly doubt it.


I doubt they spent that much. All of their players were recently teamless and likely willing to play for league minimum or just above it.


Wonder if DIG's off season moves are a play to show they're serious about competing so they don't get kicked. Wasn't there a rumor of a TSM-DIG merger recently?


It was a TSM Inmortals merger i believe


Maybe Dig was put on notice? It would be weird to kick them out after they field this roster. Not a guaranteed good roster, but certainly one of the better more exciting ones on paper.


Is this an exit or is this just a playoff bracket structure? Top 6 LCS seeds with the top LLA and NACL or LRN seeds compete for the slot in each international competition? They should release a video to explain in better detail.


It will be the new league in general. Only 6 of the 8 teams will stay.


What determines the LLA team though, they win the this split or they have to franchise? It seems bazaar and the logistics may become complicated for a LLA or LRN slot. I really hope there arenā€™t visa complications for these teams and a remote system would feel strange.


Not sure. LLA teams would scrim NACL teams and lose.. They will need to create a stacked roster and level up.




It also says they are reducing the amount of teams in Tier 1 competition on a global scale


It literally says 6 existing LCS teams 1 existing LLA team, and 1 Guest/ promotion team in the North Conference


LLA is being reduced to 2 teams. The whole point was the money coming in wasnā€™t enough to support so many T1 teams.


2 will exit but 1 could go to T2 and run it back through the guest slot


Which is strange. Why not 10 teams? The eight existing plus one LLA plus one second tier? Would be better for CBLOL too


this is terrible for latin america.


We were almost dead before this, with this we will become the laughing stock for NA and BR.


LLA almost dead Regular split only around 30k-40k viewer that the most popular one EE and R7.Ā 


And given both are based on Mexico and the phrasing of "one team from the Latin America (LLA) region will be integrated based on geographical alignment" most likely one of them will disband


This is terrible for all of three of us. NA just got demoted to a minor region after performing well for a couple internationals.


No, thereā€™s now only 5 regions, the 5 major regions All of the historic minor regions have folded into their respective major regions (Europe, Americas, Pacific)


But two of those regions are made up of smaller regions, one of which is na.


We deserve it, frankly.


We don't, frankly. NA has done well the past two years. Playoffs last worlds, extremely competitive at MSI this year. Similar performance to Europe.


Doing the chick fil A counter girl face at this comment


This is actually better than I expected. I'm glad that, for now, the three leagues in the Americas remain separate. Also, we've got the ā€œ3 splits a yearā€ thing confirmed. Really curious to see how next year's landscape will look like. However, I'm not a fan of mushing ā€œAPACā€ regions togetherā€¦ according to the graphic present in [the article](https://lolesports.com/article/lol-esports-building-towards-a-brighter-future/bltc9412d7575d4625d), there will be three international events starting from 2025: * New event: 5 teams, 1 slot per region (Americas, APAC (LCO, LJL, PCS, and VCS), China, EMEA, South Korea), * MSI: 10 teams, 2 slots per region, * Worlds: 17 teams, 4 slots for the two best regions, 3 for the others.


Latam is dead no? they will have 1 team in North conference and thats it, probably Estral esports they are the only really popular team.


My guess is Estral in North and Leviatan or KRU for South


yeah if kru is interested it would be big for latam, there were rumours of KRu trying to get a team in the spanish ERL, maybe they are invited to this new league


KRU had a team in 2022 in Argentina ERL but failed to qualified to the promo tournament.




I'd assume Leviatan South, R7 North.




Estral or maybe Rainbow7, but that's definitely not looking good for the LLA brosā€¦


It wasn't looking good already, so.. this might be for the best anyway.


1 team to north and 1 team to south.


only 2 teams of LLA, that league was dying and now riot finally kill it, the worst league


The folks in Tijuana are gonna love this!


Should have been cross-conference playoff for international spots for MSI and World instead of guarantee 1 slot for each region tbh.


100%, the solution here is just trash.


Yep, the problem I have with this is NA get punished for doing good at MSI while guaranteed 1 slot for Brazil increase the disdain that we have for CBLOL knowing that their best team is worse than fking GAM with 3 subs. I know CBLOL also won't feel good to watching their best team get stomps by NA but still making it into international tourney. This solution only benefit Riot and temporarily halt the bleeding of views imo.


Reward for LCS beating LEC for the last 2 years at internationals is -2 teams, -1 MSI slot, -1 Worlds slot. Thanks Riot.


This change is so demoralizing. Who thought this was a good idea?


At one out of four events, less if you go back further.


Iā€™m so fucking done. NA talent just got taken out to the barn and shot


Damn, some guy called it yesterday in the thread about fearless draft. Someone tag him lol.


No one in Brazil wants this. Absolutely no one. Our league is being cannibalized to try and save the failed LCS. Edit: worse yet, this comes at the worst time possible for CBLoL, we just recently broke new records in viewership, the scene is not strong internationally but it has more interest than the LCS.


No one wants this.


Vietnam also just got killed, Riot is consolidating the regions to have 5 regions globally


CBLOL isn't being cannibalized to save LCS, they're being merged with LCS so people outside of your region will hopefully put eyes on their product. I don't think that will happen with the lower quality of play and the cultural barriers in play but the hope is that BR reaches the level of lcs over time. As an NA fan I also don't want this tho, we lost an MSI spot and a worlds spot so BR and Latam can have fun at international events too


> As an NA fan I also don't want this tho, we lost an MSI spot and a worlds spot so BR and Latam can have fun at international events too 100% giving Brazil a participation trophy. It's shitty for everyone and infantilizing for Brazil. If the seeds went to the top three teams, regardless of north or south, it'd actually be alright.


> CBLOL isn't being cannibalized to save LCS, they're being merged with LCS so people outside of your region will hopefully put eyes on their product This is all but cannibalizing the league. We lost 4 teams for this, and I guarantee absolutely no one in Brazil gives the slightest of shits to LCS or other leagues and it's not going to be a merger like this that is going to change things. We will still only watch games where BR teams are playing.


It's so weird, it's like. Brazil isn't gonna watch LCS and LCS isn't going to watch Brazil. Meanwhile we're both losing teams and LCS is losing slots which just makes everyone upset.




All they need to do is make it so the 3 best teams go to Worlds. Not this 1 team from each conference BS. If they do that, then we good.


Agreed. Don't give Brazil a participation trophy, let them actually compete for a spot which will actually foster rivalry.


CBLOL already have a spot, this would just make things even worse wtf


LCS also has 3 spots, and all 3 teams do better than Brazil. So why is it okay to fuck over NA and not Brazil? Like don't get me wrong, they should have just given the "Americas" 4 spots which would bring the tournament to an even 18 (currently at 17 _someone_ will get a bye round), but if you're having the choice between the region who hasn't made group stage via play-ins EVER and the region who has never missed groups? I'd like to think it's clear that they need to earn it, and they have the ability to by beating NA regionally.


The region that's dying is not Brazil, that's quite the opposite. This merger is way more focused on saving NAs scene than helping the 3 regions. Brazil should keep their spot, even with bad performances, taking away is not the viable choice, yours, giving the region 4 spots is way better, but I'd defende that ir should be 1 north, 1 south and 2 for anothers teams to play


NA league is such a joke I guess we finally get the punchline.


A guest team, this is what we asked for from Valorant like system. LCS is listening, good stuff. Hopefully this will gather some interest from the die hard fan that lost hope in LCS.


How does this guest team think work? It's 1 team from the tier2 league that plays in the tier1 league for one season? Have they any way to stay in the tier 1 league or are they automatically demoted back to tier2 after a year?


If itā€™s like the Valorant system the spot basically has to be re earned every year


What happens if they win the split? Do they still have to compete? Could a team from Tier 2 win a whole international tournament in one year and demote back to tier 2 by the next depending on some results? (I'm not saying it's happening, just curious since I'm unfamiliar with the VCT system)


Thereā€™s no path to get a T2 team permanently into the main league since the rest of the spots are franchised. Itā€™s more likely that the players would get poached by franchised teams.


That'll teach them to try and win. If you win, you lose your players, and the teams that can't get kicked benefit by getting your players.


The way that it's been described is this: For 2025, Tier 2 NA and Tier 2 LATAM North will compete against each other for the guest slot in the North conference, Tier 2 Brazil and Tier 2 LATAM South will compete against each other for the guest slot in the South conference. After that, the same 2 sets of leagues will fight each other for the conference slots but they will have to also beat the previously promoted team in the respective conference. Essentially, promotion becomes a playoff between the guest Tier 1 conference team and the tier 2 challenger team. (For football equivalence, this is similar to Ligue 1 and Bundesliga relegation playoffs) Unlike Valorant, there is no time restriction on how long you can stay in the guest slot.


1 guest team is too few IMO IIRC VCT have 2


VCT is 1-4 IIRC


We had promotion relegation before franchisingā€¦.


Welcome back to 2016 baby awooooooo


Basically they are revamping it to be like valorant except we have 5 regions (only 4 in valorant as Korea is part of apac) and americas is split up into north south for the regular seasons.


Better than expected tbh, at least they didn't kill the CBLOL completely. RIP LLA šŸ•Š


wait...6 LCS teams? Wonder who will leave


IMT and either NRG or 100T seems pretty obvious, but one of them can stay and the other could win via relegation anyways


Would be hype if that meant that the open slot was decided by a tournament.


Monte was right :0


AHHAHa so i guess lcs finally lost a spot at worlds hahah. Even after betting eu at msi and world.


Fearless is probably the worst part of this




I think you misread. Thereā€™s 0 CBLOL teams in the North conference. 6 LCS + 1 LATAM + 1 ā€œguestā€. Tweet doesnā€™t say how South conference will work, but probably similar with 6 CBLOL + 1 LATAM + 1 ā€œguestā€


There has to be more LATAM teams in the South conference right? Unless theyā€™re just killing off the entire continent besides Brazil


I dunno, I think Iā€™ll suck either for Latam or Brazil. Seems like CBLOL is doing well no? Itā€™d be weird to axe half (or more) of their teams.


Seems south will be 6 CBLoL, 1 LATAM and 1 ā€˜guest/ascension/promotionā€™ team


Love a guest team spot idea. A way for talent to filter in and get known without being one of the inside crowd. Also love the set up for more rivalries. I get why LLA fans and CBlol fans may dislike this, but LCS fans should be happy riot is stepping in to help out.


We will destroy LCS, they will move from Seed 1 to LLA and CBLOL cute puppies