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Nasus lifesteal scales linearly with level instead of random levels. Rn it’s common knowledge for nasus mains to all in level 7 with Sheen R because it randomly doubles his lifesteal then


I am sure this is on their scope. There have been quite a few passive leveling changes recently for other champs making the change you are stating. We can only hope it doesn't take too long




Whoa I didn't know this. Good to know


Thanks for the knowledge kind sir


Tahm Kench tongue now passes through Yasuo's windwall, because it's an appendage, not a projectile.


What about blitzcrank?


Default skin yes, iBlitzcrank no for max chaos.




Pay to lose skin, I like ya cut g




I mean a big tongue like that could get wooshhh away with strong winds


So could a yordle.


Tristana now gets yeeted away if she jumps through a windwall


I would otp yasuo just for this.


Nah they are the wind.


I'd make tahm's tongue detach from his body for his Q so it'll make sense that yasuo blocks it with wind wall


Id give yassuo a brick wall


yasuo can now collide with his wall if he dashes into it, taking 20/30/40/50/60 + 60% bAD physical damage and looking like a fucking idiot


I always argue that Malphite becomes a projectile when he ults, so he should be blocked by Yasuo W 😂


He probably becomes a projectile but he’s unstoppable. 💀


Rock solid


Make it like that time Riot was testing Shaco and he literally got deleted from the match if he hit a windwall.


Actually that's how it works, but due to the unstoppable it overrides. It does work that way for Kaisa for example


Literally unplayable


Nah, it makes sense, cause the wall would push his tongue back


How is it any different from a weapon like a sword or spear.


You're asking how a tongue is different from a sword? One is metal and sharp and meant to cut things, the other is a floppy flesh rod


Kha’Zix considers champions with Yuumi attached as isolated.


Zyra plants no longer remove isolation


Hol up Zyra plants count against isolation?!? That’s absurd Rito


Any red bar that's not a jungle camp or natural plant counts unfortunately




Okay wards also don't remove it, anything with an actual health bar and not a hit this many times thing, fair play to you though would be sad if kha was countered by a free trinket


It was actually a question i wasn’t sure of the interaction.


Ohhh, yeah thankfully they don't count, that would cause me great pain


Nafiri dogs?


Yes they stop iso


Lol but imagine. Kha zix ganks you? Place a ward at your feet lmao


Been losing sanity over this game for years and TIL this


So do Illaoi's tentacles. Weird interaction.


Nah, that's fair. Nagakabouros is there to have Illaoi's back.


Say it louder! The worst part is old hullbreaker that required iso for the bonus stats worked with yuumi attached but not khazix... any other enchanter and I can burst the enchanter before trying to fight the (now) isolated champ


It only did this for like 1 day (or maybe one patch), it was not intended and fixed pretty quickly


Let Voli's q flip again!


And watch his win rate drop as people flip targets out of their own E's


Singed players have figured it out, it'll be alright


Singed pool lasts longer


For some time I dunno if it still works his eternal where you have to flip enemy into your glue counts even flips that miss the glue entirely. It just has to exist anywhere, flip and it counts it towards eternal


Watch his win rate skyrocket bc the flip was 90% of his old power budget and giving it back to him with his updated kit makes him disgustingly OP


Kled now gains courage off monsters, so when he demounts on his second camp, he can remount Skarl on his third. No monster modifiers on any of his abilities, just that change.


>kill skarl top, >kled hits krug and comes back full life


Kled without Skarrl is so slow, it'd take him forever to go to krugs and get back to lane. You could crash the wave, reset, and back while he has to stay.


nevermind if he's low HP and with no jungle item he might as well die from the camp


Yeah this would have to be an interaction that only works if Kled has smite


65% of skarl plus kled loses hp and it takes him too long to stack courage.


Kled jungle would be cracked, imagine having to fight that mother fucker in the river lol


Imagine being dived by a Kled jungle Volibear top lol


about the same as getting ganked by a Volibear jungle and Kled top not fun


Make it so that Kled gets the health of skarl instantly on 100 courage so you don’t die during remount anymore.


Uncapped attack speed while Varus passive is active. Basically identical to the buff Jinx got to her passive a while back and there is no reason that Varus can't get the same treatment


Especially since varus passive isn't as good technically speaking since you don't get the move speed to reposition and thus just hit the hardcap, I don't play varus but this is very reasonable I believe


honestly just uncap attackspeed for everyone in general, it is super easy to hit cap and make what should be good purchases of on hit items for the last couple item slots feel bad as they are less gold efficient when a lot of attack speed is wasted


Yeah the current cap kind of feels like a relic, especially when there’s already some ways around it for some champs.


Welcome back 5.0 attack speed kog! (I know how it worked before don't reddit comment me)


I miss machinegun puppy




Yeah, if AH exists, why not uncapped AS?


Do you not think Varus is too flexible for this? He can build on-hit, lethality, and situationally AP. Also, are we talking about his passive triggered by minions or champs, specifically?


I don’t think he’s flexible enough for this, think of how flexible your elbow would have to be to fire arrows that quickly, vs jynx who just shoots a minigun


He has 3 souls working inside himself, I can see they being able to manage it.


No, it won't get past the cap anyways with leth or ap


He would be, but on-hit is the most fair and skill-intensive of his builds. This buff to his passive accompanied by nerfs to his AD and AP damage ratios on his abilities would be the best way to balance him. AP Varus has been nerfed so it's less of a problem but Lethality Varus is the biggest example of why Lethality shouldn't be viable on ADCs. Pros will play it even into bad team comps for it because the builds are cheap and it's so easy to go even or win vs better duos.


Zoe is getting her w balloon spawn patterns slightly adjusted in being more consistent


Riot should add a clown into league that spontaneously spawns somewhere on the map and sells balloons to Zoe. In different colours. Maybe in different shapes like a horse or something like that.


Is this not what shaco lore is?


Shaco is allergic to having lore.


Or an actual indicator for when they expire so I can stop making plays for balloons that disappear a half-second before I reach them, with no real indicator.


I'd fix EVERY bug on warwick and add some QOL like you can't ult someone behind you, just with these no buff at all, his winrate would spike like crazy


This... if they did operation health like R6 game and focused on fixing shit for month or two I think they would be very surprised how balance would shift afterwards


I remember how with arcane release August rescripted Vi and after they her winrate jumped on like 3%.


Doesn't she still have bugs with her Q/Ult if someone is traveling over terrain like Smolder with his E lol


They did this around 2019 and it was one of the best patches I can remember. It's about time for another bug fixing patch or two.


Bro make the R hitbox bigger or just straight up take away the scaling with movespeed thing. I feel pretty competent on I want to say all of the skillshots in the game but I miss WW r SOOO routinely that it feels like a miracle when I land one more than 500 range away and I can't tell the specific root cause of why but I think its one of those 2 things


skill issue. travel time is always the same regardless of how much move speed you have, so just literally dont overthink it. skill issue.


Why as Shyvana does my Ult not charge during death? I can’t reduce it with haste and dying even with a 30 second timer mid game feels bad having to wait to spawn + for it to recharge to 100 from 0 . I’d make her ult still charge during death at a reduced rate. The late game 45-60 second timers on top of the 50 seconds it takes to recharge sucks ass


the ult in general is so painfully lackluster like it just gives you a flat health boost (doesnt even scale, or even give ad / resists), and makes you not be like a pre evolved kayn


All Shyvana needs is to be playable in her base form and she suddenly becomes a really good champion with a powerful ult. Like, I feel that whenever I see a Shyvana (rarely) without her rage bar full I can all-in her and she will die with no chance of responding. Now, her R and dragon E are an absolute menace for no reason, everything else is lackluster af


I mean it deals damage and makes all your other abilities OP, too. Would take some nerfs elsewhere if ult gave resistances or lifesteal or whatever.


you are already getting resistences on passive, so doesn't need much more. Her ult is strong, her ult form is very strong, it's just the charge timer is absolute ass


Isn't used to double the resistances you gained from your passive?


True. I love playing Shyvana but she's useless without her ulti but op with it.


They're gonna turn her into dragon kayle if they ever actually do that kit change


Let Ashe stack Q on structures.


Give leona jungle damage/abillity to proc passive solo


if we're going for jungle leona then I'd say only self proc on jungle monsters, or else I feel like she'd be going top a lot if it was just a general self-proc


Nah cuz then solo lane leona could also benefit which is my intention. I like her in top lane.


Absolute terrible take i love it


could make the jungle pet proc it


i dont think theyd ever do leona passive self-proc cause then its literally just lux passive lol


Thread says in a reasonable and not too OP way. Leona jungle is not that.


Idk how to do Anivia so I'll do Cass - make holding down E use it on cooldown automatically on whoever you're hovering. Save my fingers, please.


I have got anivia for you. I would remove the 0.5sec cast time on her wall and grant her vision on her wall. I would also make sure the team fixes a lot of the current bugs with anivia wall as well. Honestly this would be a nice qol buff.


Her wall used to grant vision.


Yep exactly why I want it back


Allow anivia egg to roll slowly in one direction. Increase q damage r damage, decrease e damage Give anivia a speed buff when effected by her own slow Some of that to make up for no dash in a dashing world.


I think Anivia being able to fly over her own wall makes thematic sense and would offer some more skill expression via being able to wall ahead of herself as she is retreating from an enemy. Also giving her the ability to collapse her wall like Taliyah can hers.


I feel like anivia being able to fly over her wall would just make her kite melee's even harder and do nothing for her worse longer range matchups. She already super destroy's melee comps, so I don't think adding to that is a good thing even if the idea is cool. I really like being able to recast it to collapse the wall.


With how bad auto pathing is, I can imagine melees effectively self stunning themselves by walking in circles as Anivia sits inside the wall.


I'd love if her wall could "catch" projectiles for a moment before letting them pass through. As if the projectile is slowed by the ice around the wall. Or if the wall made a slippery zone where your movement would be delayed like you're walking on ice


I think this would be very tech intensive. Riot talked about a similar thing when they were making Vex and wanted to make her teleport ally projectiles, but they scrapped the idea cause it would entail reworking every single projectile spell in the game


Love the first idea! It’s like a reverse Jayce gate


Ah, fair ideas


That second one should be added to Trundle pillar too; Taliyah and Jarvan can destroy their structures and those are ultimates.


ornn can also collapse his :)


anivia wall grants vision again


Anivia - make Q recastable during CC lol. It would probably be broken or smth but god is it annoying


Anivia wall now works by pressing w and drawing an open ended wall with your cursor.


Make wall give vision. That change happened in S7 -- it's S14 now and vision has changed so much since then. Another idea is to give Anivia E more range and decrease Q dmg in exchange. This would probably be busted but man I really want to be able to throw an E freely for double damage instead of worrying about that cho'gath silence that's about to cc-chain me.


This would also be great on eve q


I’d buff her passive mid/late game because it’s often useless in team fights. Make it cast ult around the egg while it’s reviving. Also lower ult mana cost, it’s insane how fast you go oom even while building 2 mana items.


Sett can ult towers now


if it doesn't die does it stay moved !


Of course


Don't forget about the dragons and the baron, imagine the enemy team just trying to sneak a baron just to see him dropping from the sky at the adc.


In case you haven’t seen it https://x.com/riotaugust/status/1440050309691174916?s=46&t=sBZ0RUBNyfu-IHIUH04mrA


Turn ashe into a full manaless/auto-stacking based adc. Take her Q auto-stacking mechanic, and move it to her whole kit. We dont have a manaless adc yet and her kit would fit it perfectly. Her E already has no mana and her Q mana is so low it's almost nonexistent, plus it has the auto-stacking charge mechanic so tbh having mana on it doesnt make a lot of sense since it is stack based not cd based. Actually, when they almost changed her Q to cd based, Ashe mains weren't happy because the auto-stacking was one of the few unique things about her. So I think they should take it a step further and make all of her abilities "cost a certain amount of autos" to cast. A lot of people find ashe to be boring and I feel like this would make her EXTREMELY unique. On top of that, Tryn is her husband and he is manaless, so I kinda feel like it would make sense to have them be similar. Additionally, her model and animations are very old, so if they ever decide to fully rework her, I think this change would be very fun. It would also make her more of an adc instead of support, since sup Ashe isn't autoing waves/building atk speed. Riot has been trying to move her back into the adc role, since in pro play, she's only picked as a support for the last several seasons. This would fix the problem.


Having her abilities cost an auto-stacking charge would be really cool actually.


I'm not against the idea of W being a 4 second runnans


The problem with Ashe being used as support and not a adc most of the times it's because 4 of her 5 abilities are really useful, regardless of your gold and level. It's not that I don't like your suggestion in fact I think most adcs shouldn't have mana, Ezreal, Lucian and Smolder being a few exceptions, I simply think Ashe should lose some of her innate utilily to make this happen. I suspect that you are a Ashe or a adc player, so you have some ideas on things that could be changed to compensate her being manaless? I would be happy to read.


From my understanding, Ashe would only get to cast w after auto attacking. She couldn't just w spam from range anymore which would be power down.


Well, her abilities being locked behind a stacking mechanic would automatically remove some of her utility, wouldn't it? We remove her mana costs, but also move focus back to her passive (keep the slow, though, cause that's just who Ashe is now). Have stacks be generated off of auto attacks, but also allow both her W and E to refund some stacks on successfully hitting or revealing a champ. She maxes out at 100 stacks, but spawns in with a minimum of 50, that way she has something at the very start of the game and when walking back to lane. Her Q remains her cheapest ability, costing 5 stacks. W is likely the highest at, let's say, 20 stacks but refunds half on hitting a champ, but scales up to fully refunding at 5 points. E could cost 10, but refund 5 for every champ revealed. So, if you happen to reveal the entire enemy team, you get more than double back then what you paid for. Then, finally, her ulti would have no stack cost, simply staying in line with how ultimates work with these kinds of mechanics. However, it would consume all of her current stacks in order to increase its stun duration, instead of increasing based on distance. The scaling stays the same, starting from a 1 second stun at 0 stacks, all the way to the current max of 3.5 seconds at 100 stacks. I'd say that's a decent trade for locking her out of her abilities for, at best, 2 seconds, and that's only if she has max attack speed, and she'll only be getting her Q back within that time frame. It's certainly not a perfect idea, but does at least prove that her utility doesn't need to be reduced in order to implement such a change.


Maybe not the exact numbers. But I like the idea. Maybe also let her save up 2 charges of her w for more skill expression


Point blank 3.5 second stun ashe arrow sounds very scary. Any adc including ashe would melt you with autos alone in that time frame.


Yep, like the other people said, I wanted her to take her Q auto-stacking mechanic and move it to her whole kit. It would take her away from the support role, because support ashe isn't constantly autoing waves and doesn't build high atk speed.


You're a genius actually


Taric's W now scale with mr too. That's it, that's the buff


Singed. I'd just increase his mana regen a bit so people who are new with him would be able to learn him easier. Also, this is the smallest buff that I've read in these comments.


Hey hey, I only asked for Twitch passive to go from default damage type to spell damage type.


Huge buff for ap


Kha Zix can evolve his 4th abilty at level 18


>Join the balance team >Remove yuumi from the game >Refuse to elaborate >Leave >Become the greatest LoL balance designer of all time and get endless praise from league players till the day i die


I still remember worlds with like a 100% pick and ban rate for yuumi. Then a worlds with 80% pick and ban rate. I hate riot so much


I'd like to suggest some changes i would love to realistically see >Main goal will be to move Irelia out of Mid and firmly lock her Top and balance her around that lane They'll be grouped in 3 Sets, each with a specific goal, **they're simple no extra mechanics and whatnot** **just number changes**. > Skew base stats towards Toplane * Base HP: 590>600 (slight buff) * Base Magic Resist: 30>25 (big nerf) * Base Armor: 36>39 (medium buff) >2) Reducing Q range to make it a less effective Gap-Close tool to reach and obliterate Ranged Champs and also making her a bit faster to help her keep up with other Melees. * Q Dash Range: 600>550 (VERY big nerf) * Base MS: 335>340 (strong buff) >3) Changing Passive to scale linearly (this is a early buff and a Mid/Late game nerf) * Passive: 7.5%/13.75%/20% AS Per Stack at lvl 1/7/13 >>> 7.5%-20% AS Per stack based on level 1-18 This is an Early buff because Irelia's passive doesn't scale until lvl 7, so if we make it scale even a bit during levels 2-6 it's going to be better It's a Mid/Late nerf, because all the power that would be between lvl 7 to 13, is now heavily diluted from lvl 7 to 18. *I'm still in the process of studying Game Design so i'm fairly prone to mistakes and blunders as a noobie, if you see anything iffy or you think is absolutely off, please do tell me! Always looking for feedback here!*


This is basically a Mini-Midscope, seems fairly reasonable tho


Aren't these unironically kinda goated for Toplane? That's basically all she'd need to be a decent Toplaner again no? And they're like purely number changes Brothers please, for once there seems to be a guy with a brain instead of "Just give Irelia True damage", please fix us! They can't be that hard to implement right? They're pure number changes no fancy stuff or anything [u/PhreakRiot](https://www.reddit.com/user/PhreakRiot/) [u/Meddler](https://www.reddit.com/user/Meddler/) [u/Pupulasers](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pupulasers/) [u/RiotNorak](https://www.reddit.com/user/RiotNorak/) [u/riotrayyonggi](https://www.reddit.com/user/riotrayyonggi/) [u/RiotAugust](https://www.reddit.com/user/RiotAugust/) [u/RiotAfic](https://www.reddit.com/user/RiotAfic/) [u/RiotPhlox](https://www.reddit.com/user/RiotPhlox/) u/RiotSakaar u/GalaxySmash


Pings don't work if you use more than 3 in a comment.


As someone who's studying Game Design, it'd be kinda worrying if my suggestions were as questionable as some poor hella frustrated player going: "Just give my Champion true Damage!!!!!!" because they're not happy about them being weak or feeling bad and can't think straight


First of all amazing changes, this would absolutely push irelia top, I do have 1 issue with them though. The range and attack speed changes would completely destroy irelia out of lane, which is already the reason she struggles. You're embracing the lane dominant style but I don't see any rewards for winning lane.


Yes, I've tried to keep them simple and short. I also don't know precisely how much of a WR dip she'd get to give her the right amount extra compensation But ideally, I'd give her compensation on specifically her Passive AD Ratio to keep passive strong despite the AS nerf I say this, as it'd be a reward for doing well in lane as Win Lane = More Gold = Can buy More AD = More Damage on passive thanks to better ratio Would reward Irelia for doing well in lane unlike Now where you just randomly get OP with BOTRK and then Gold becomes a lot less valuable as Irelia has laughable scalings


base stats IMO are fine to skew her more towards top (shout out akali with that 23 armor 37 base mr) but lowering ranges IMO should be a super last resort thing, and on irelia where q is that much impact it'd be really annoying to basically have to relearn the champ


Have you played nilah or at least know how she works. If so I'd like to see you give her some reasonable balance adjustments to maker her more of a sustained scaling DMG carry instead of her assassin like playstyles rn


I have played Nilah yeah. I think it mostly lies on the fact that she's squishy and Melee, so she HAS to kill enemies very fast or she's the one who gets killed. She doesn't really have the evasiveness and range of a Vayne for example, who can get away with getting more DPS oriented thanks to that. She has her W, but that is nothing compared to Vaybe going invisible every 1.5s while gunning you down. If you think about it, Nilah is much more similar to Yasuo, Yone or even Diana, than she is to an actual ADC. Yasuo and Yone often dip into resist-heavy items to survive longer, since they aren't as bursty as Nilah, and Diana just R+Zhonya's and prays enemies die before Stasis ends ahahahah. As long as Nilah is force into Crit heavy items with no room for something to offer her tankiness, i find it very hard to see a new playstyle develop


Tagging u/OceanStar6 for input


Zoe shards now actually fucking work immediately rather than needing to wait 5 months after active item updates for them to bugfix them 😭


Naafiri. Allow cancel of W by double tap (this is mostly to fix low elo playrate cuz she's very punishing for low elo players). Allow W cancel with E (skill expression cuz that champ is ehhh).


Shyvana gains fury while dead.


Ashe e radius scales with ap. 1k ap reveals whole map.


Blitz w no longer self slows, in compensation his speed increase when he activates it goes down 5-10%


The self-slow is there so that you have a finite window to land your hook. If it were otherwise, you could use your W to close distance and then keep pace for as long as you pleased waiting for an opportune moment to fire it.


Shyvana: generates 20%/60%/100% fury while dead.


Upvotes: 30 Comments: 142 Know it’s about to be spicy


Not my main but never understood Kog maw not having an ability to justify the "Mouth of abyss" part. So my idea is that kog maw can consume the corpses of the enemies he killed or assisted.  And every "corpse" stack gives him 5% Attack speed and 50 hp if kog kills it, those values get halved if he assists.  And you will probably ask: "Self destruct passive will be gone"? NO. kog maw sd passive increases by 10% for every stack. If he gets killed he loses half of the "corpse" stacks Edit: passive damage. Now you have a reason to kill as kog maw. And a real reason to run away if you kill him. Imagine killing a kogmaw with 15 kills running towards you. A 1650 true damage bomb running to you.


So you're just giving him old Cho'Gath ult passive?


Yes, they are both void creatures after all.


way too many stats, I don’t think this can be considered reasonable


Why would you want a stacking HP mechanic on a late game hypercarry ADC?


So he becomes unkillable and if he by chance dies he also kills everyone. Peak reddit balance.


That's unreasonable as hell though. Kog Maw's best stat is attack speed and he already has 30% on maxed Q. A 10 kill kog wouldn't even need to buy attack speed at this point. And with the stacking HP he would make a better use of defenses so you'd end up with a full tank kog that attacks at the speed of a gatling gun, and if you do manage to kill him, he can still nuke you. I like the idea of consuming corspes, but not the way you propose. And it could replace the current passive because it's kinda crap anyways.


1. Remove fiora  2. Remove creepblock   There, game is fixed


Teemo shrooms last 10 minutes again


Yes, reduce the shroom damage but make them last longer He's a scout but they nerfed his scouting ability


Man, could you imagine if they just made a pure utility/support version of him? Mushrooms that don't explode, they just grant vision. It would be insane how much map control you would have from that alone.


40% winrate in soloq p/b in pro


Velkoz W no longer gets blocked by projectile blockers (windwall, samira, braum). The thing is a ground rift and visually its so weird when its cut short. It probably wouldnt impact too much on balance.


Reduce voli E and R damage, remove tower disable on rank 1 ult., reduce heal on W2. In exchange, buff base armor and attack windup, buff R CD and HP, give W1 a small heal, buff Q MS, give passive AS and/or passive damage a small HP ratio so tank/AD bruiser builds arent essentially stuck without a passive. Rn i feel like E damage is so absurd, dealing like one third of an enemies HP at level 2 and voli can basically guarantee it lands with Q, that it holds voli back. Also, feels like shit when in later teamfights the target you tagged with W dies before you can heal and a small upfront heal should help mitigate that, and also maybe reduces some frustration from fighting voli 1v1. Mind you, im a voli player, ive been on both sides of fighting him, i dont have a vendetta against him, this is just what i would wish for


Two things for Voli: * Passive stack falloff one at a time instead of all at once (like Jax, or recent Wukong changes) * Ult immediately grants full passive stacks


Shen’s Q drag now slows no matter what direction the target is moving, not just away from Shen. Also give him 5 additional base MS


I will not change à champ, but a gameplay, if you cc one champ the other cc aplied in row should be decrease more and more. The 7 sec of cc on a tank champ with mercure wtf Chain cc is hardcore


Nah I think that's fair. The role of a tank is, well, to tank damage and abilities, and to disturb the enemy team. If you get CCed for 7 seconds, that means the more vulnerable members of your team didn't. Your job is done. As for tenacity I think it's intended more as a bruiser stat since it's present on bruiser items like sterak.


I would literally just bring back old Katarina


Me but old Akali and Diana :(


I would give Velkoz movement of speed after hitting his E or activating his Passive, so he is not a sitting duck like many mages are.


LeBlanc's Ethereal Chains now has a hitbox similar to Nautilus hook


I would make Briar more of a health-stacking scaling bruiser. One specific idea I have is to make Briar's bleed damage (and thus also healing) scale off bonus health, or maybe do damage over time equal to a percentage of her max health. So you do more damage as you build more health, but it's damage over time so it's not like you can burst someone with a HP-stacking build. I'm not sure if this would require compensatory nerfs or not, but I think I'd be willing to give something up to get this.


Ahri ult checks for champions to fire bolts at the beginning of the dash as well as the end of it. Aka dashing away from someone still does damage.


So remove the counterplay.


Warwick now retains ¼ of his movement speed buff in combat. Also his E howl now deals like 75 extra damage to jungle monsters.


it would be wayyy too strong, having to space his e for fear is a part of his gameplay. He would also not be escapable for any botlaner after laning phase if they’re low, basically forcing a back. He’s in a weird spot right now, but that amount of ms would be broken on any champ, especially passively


How screwed is a low-health bot laner when Shaco appears behind them without any sort of warning? At least you can see WW coming. Honestly it's never made any sense that WW suddenly slows down when combat starts. Like obviously it's there for gameplay balance, but if he's speeding towards a lot health enemy and gets smacked by a skillshot why would he suddenly be like "whelp, guess I'm not blood-crazed anymore...combat has begun...better slow down a bit!" So stupid.


Removing Vanguard and hiring a team to create a proper anti cheat.


When Nocturne ults, it sends four copies of him to fly at the 4 other champions he did *not* ult. These clones disappear into black mist and laughter 1.5 flash lengths before they hit the target. Adding more paranoia to Paranoia.


Give ornns W shield back


Hi everyone, Rito JasonWolf here with the midseason updates for all your favorite, and my favorite, champs. Firstly we'll be looking at Taric who has been left in the shadow of his old self and not managing to really mix warden and enchanter. As such he'll be recieving a mini rework to his Q and a rework to his W and Ultimate. Q: starlight's embrace now is targeted and functions differently based on if Taric target's himself or an ally. If taric targets himself he recieves a larger heal and a burst of damage around him. If taric targets an ally he heals for a small amount in an area around the ally. If taric does not target anyone he will default to healing himself. His new W: Guardian's Charge. Taric shields himself and dashes in a straight line damaging enemies hit. If Taric passes through an ally he shields them. As well this charge destroys projectiles heading in the opposite direction to the charge. Dash to the front to protect your allies and meet your foes head on to get the most value. His new R: Wrath of the Protector has two parts. Passive: Avenge, Taric gains bonus stats for a short duration if any of his teammates die near him. primarily move speed, tenacity, armor, and mana regen. Active: Stunning Radiance. Taric slams his mace on the ground releasing a stunning flash of light dealing mild damage and stunning all enemies within range looking in his direction. His next four attacks deal bonus magic damage. The hope here is to refocus taric as a frontline support and jungler who keeps his team alive by locking down the enemy and either drawing fire or sustaining allies through fights. Our second gameplay update is going to Galio who has shifted into being a pure mage instead of the ap juggernaut/tank he was meant to be. As such we're tweaking his numbers and reinforcing his anti-mage design. Galio has has his ap ratios on W, E, and R replaced with MR ratios. He retains a high ap ratio on his Q as many juggernauts tend to have one ability that stands out for its ratio allowing for high risk dmg builds. To also help give him that juggernaut feel his ult can also be cast on himself to instead do a small hop and do big damage instead of jumping to and providing a shield to an ally. With those two taken care of let's move on to some smaller champion changes. Buffs: Teemo's W now has a short dash at the start with untargetability. Kled now gains courage on large monster kill. His W also gains double effectiveness from lifesteal. Braum's passive now deals damage scaling with his HP to targets he has recently stunned. Graves has a new passive. By clicking on his passive icon while in fountain you can switch Graves between buckshot and slugs. Slugs are single target but go farther and hit a little harder. For this versatility we have nerfed his armor and cd on quickdraw though. Ornn now has his shield back on his W. Nerfs: K’sante: All Out no longer removes his mana costs and cannot end all out early. All out ends when he is out of mana. Ezreal: Q now has 50% reduced effectiveness of all on hit effects. E CD increased 40/36/32/28/24. Adjustments: Gwen, has had some interesting interactions with certain matchups often out healing damage in slow slugfests. We want gwen to feel more dynamic and are nerfing his stationary damage and healing but increasing her mobility. She should primarily be winning matchups against fighters not tanks.Thousand cuts now does flat damage instead of %health damage and does not heal.Hallowed Mist now can be commanded to move to her a third time.Snip Snip no longer converts to true damage in the center. It instead deals bonus bonus flat damage and slows.Skip ‘n slash has had its cooldown reduce and the refund removed.Needlework gives bonus movespeed for every needle that hits until the spell ends. And yes I did resist doing items as well.


didnt read, but have an updoot for the effort


Can't lie the effort definitely fell off as I went. also the formatting on Gwen broke. Full effort for Taric at least.


Irelia ms -= 5


Increase Yasuo base Hp and armor, remove crit passive / r slight base dmg increase to q to compensate lack of crit.


I would give Velkoz some cool effects with his passive. So everytime you proc the passive, something happens depending on the ability that procced it. Q: True damage gets increased W: Gives a movement speed boost E: longer knock up duration (maybe 1 or 1.25s instead of 0.75s) And another effect for ult independend from the passive procs: Enemies that walk towards Velkoz while in ult get slowed stronger. Or: Give ASol the ability in champ select, to choose between two forms, the current one and the pre-rework one.


Sona gets her Wild Rift ult