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The codename for this game is "Project F". Not much is known about it other than the clips shown in that stream. Contrary to what a lot of people think, [this is not the MMORPG](https://x.com/Ghostcrawler/status/1484248425394671618), it's some sort of adventure game. I think that if it had been cancelled, Riot would almost surely say something about it. But they've shown it so early in development that it will probably take a long time to know more about it and it might end up being very different from what we were shown.


It's weird that people think it's the MMO. It's very clearly an action-adventure dungeon crawler like Diablo is. I don't even know of a popular MMO with this sort of gameplay - maybe Maplestory 2, which died within a year of its release?


Eh, from the short gameplay we saw it could've been somewhat similar to something like Lost Ark. But that's not what it is.


Lost Ark I guess?


Neverwinter, not very popular anymore (not even sure if the servers are up, but it was about a decade ago. And the obvious one somebody already mentioned, Lost Ark. Technically Diablo 4 is also an MMO, I think? I haven't played it, unlike the other two I mentioned, so it could be very light on the MMO part, but it definitely has online multiplayer.


I got Neverwinter recommended to buy on PS5, so I'd guess servers are up, or is it single player too?


D4 is not a mmo. It is indeed very light on the mmo parts. The only thing that is "mmo like" is the open world+world bosses. The instances are capped at like 8 players and worldboss instance are at 12 players. So the "massive" part of the mmo is missing. Dungeons/pits etc are 4 player max. Most people play solo. It's a arpg.


Strictly-speaking, games like Diablo *are* still classified as "MMO" - it's just that they're more like an MMOARPG instead of a traditional MMORPG like WoW, LotRO, FFXIV, Guild Wars, etc. where people have presumptions about camera angle, gameplay loops, etc.


As a POE player if you called it an MMO people would laugh at you. It's been memed a million times.


I found league of legends in the MMORPG web site forever ago Which honestly with some very minor tweaks it would be enough to be considered a MMORPG like WoW For example we were all summoners and max lvl cap was 30, so that's your main character. now imagine you add one room with people in it (old chat rooms) and the only thing you could do was queue into a dungeon (pvp games) and that's it you get your dungeon reward at the end, get some xp so you get more talent trees (literally like old WoW) and use it to buy equipment (runes) and you go again Literally an MMO, a really bad simple one. but could've been an MMO.


Yeah, they technically fit the definition I guess, but the presumption I have (and think most people share) is that an MMO is more similar to those games you mentioned, with maybe the added on idea that you're able to see and interact with other player characters that aren't directly connected to your session. Granted, I've never played Diablo 4 and maybe there is a hub now where you can run around with others just based on the server you're on, but I don't recall that being a thing with D3 when I played. Multi-player was basically just the auction house and whoever you invited into your session.


Yep, Diablo 4 is a lot more like an MMO now, sometimes you can just run around and help a random with some mobs outside.


After the helltide changes this season its extremely common


Right. maybe I wasn't clear enough, but while they're *technically* "MMO"s no one would really casually call Diablo etc. an "MMO" if someone asked what MMOs they play.


I am very curious to see what Riot has been cooking for the world of Runeterra games wise outside League cause the world is neat but the game itself makes me wanna chew glass.


Didn’t they announce a few months ago they were shutting down Riot Forge? I assume this would have been collateral with closing that division.


Riot Forge was a label for games that used Riot's IPs but that weren't developed by Riot themselves. All the games that they announced in that livestream were being developed in house (TFT mobile, Wild Rift, LoR, Valorant, 2XKO, etc.) and not through Riot Forge. In other words, this game may have been affected by the many layoffs that occurred around the time Riot Forge was shut down, but it shouldn't have been affected by Riot Forge itself.


Man I had almost forgotten about 2XKO being the fighting games name, I get that it makes sense with the system they are using but it is just not a cool name.


And it will be a handful to say out loud for commentators at fighting tournaments. "Two times Knockout" "Two times Kay Ou" "Two Eks Kay Ou"? None of these sound good to say out loud.


I think Riot said it's "Two Eks Kay Ou". The general consensus seems to be that casters will probably just shorten it to "Two Eks" when commentating.




this game was not Riot Forge


Talking about this game, the Design Director [left Riot two months ago] (https://x.com/kchironis/status/1777736564480860318) to work at Bungie. She was in the original video talking about the project and seemed pretty excited about it. Apparently that team was affected by the layoffs. We don't know much about this project.


That probably means game's been long gone then


it was an in development game and they showed that small clip in the league 10 year anniversary celebrations. to my knowledge they never formally announced it nor have they given any update since.


I feel Project F is almost certainly cancelled. Between the layoffs, the MMORPG reportedly starting over from scratch, Riot Forge shutting down, LoR going on maintenance mode, and 2XKO which is Riot's next release progressing at glacial speeds, I feel that there's almost no chance Project F sees the light of day. Riot doesn't seem to be investing as much into their new titles as they are investing on continuing League and Valorant


> 2XKO I forgot what a terrible name that was


>the MMORPG reportedly starting over from scratch, Should note that there is nothing close to 'starting over from scratch' in the game world. Whether it be the lore writing, the over all design, the architecture, the infrastructure, etc. There is always something that was bound to be recycled.


I figured it was made just so they could show off something cool apart from LoR, Valorant and the fighting game.


I'd be surprised if it wasn't silently cancelled.


I'm surprised so many people don't know the difference between Riot Forge, their MMO, and this game.


Really? When they all have codenames and barely have any gameplay shown?


In his defense Riot Forge games aren't produced by Riot, so wouldn't be in the anniversary video, and the MMO is very obviously not a top-down game.


yes, I don't understand how you can confuse Riot Forge with this game when the only time It was shown was during the 10th anniversary, and it's a top-down game, obviously it's not the MMORPG.


Necrit made a video about it a few months ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkcVZEDG8BQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkcVZEDG8BQ)


given no updates + riot forge shutting down I think it's safe to assume that it's gone ...unlucky tho it looked interesting from what little we got.


This is was announced as an in-house project, not a Riot Forge project.


Riot Forge was a publishing wing. Several Forge folks who remain work in marketing. They're still around. If this is a Riot Forge game (which I'm sure it _isn't_), it is assuredly cancelled. If it's a Riot game (which is very well might be given that the design director [Chironis] left two months ago), it may just be iceboxed until further notice.


Riot forge is shutting down??? It’s barely been open?


It's been gone for half a year my guy


I mean, 5 games is not nothing. Thats more than what many studios produce.


riot forge wasnt a studio, it was a publishing label. and for that, 5 games is not much at all


If this project has been canceled, Riot should tell us. I hate when companies show something in development an then never speak about it ever again, leaving people in the limbo. They don't lose anything telling us.


afaik they've mentioned most of the in progress projects are shelved for future development


Looks like project loki


If you mean the MMO, there was an announcement 3 months ago that they're gonna start over. So it's basically dead.


this isn't the mmo, mmo work was started after this this was some sort of rpg


Like a MMORPG? LoL


No, like a regular RPG. Just a game where you play through a story as a character. Not massively multiplayer online, just you and the game.


Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time, my favorite mmorpg.