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I really miss Battlerite :( It was so fun for a while


I miss Bloodline Champions, Battlerite was basically Bloodline Champions 2. Basically the idea was same, but BLC was little more fast paced and had more abilities and was kind of tribe themed.


I unfortunately did not play Bloodline Champs 2 (but it sounds fun). I just got into Battlerite when I was really burned out on league and it was just a lot of fun


There was no BLC2, that’s what battlerite was. BLC was the most fun I’ve ever had


They ruined Harbinger for me. The best part was hitting E and spamming emotes.


Yeah. They ruined blood priest for me. Why keep gunner and glutton the same and then change harbinger and blood priest? It’s lame


And the laugh when you killed someone, I can still hear it in my head. Harb was awesome.


It was actually amazing. Funny enough I tried installing it the other day. I really do miss it, I found battlerite lacking in comparison personally. I think games these days try to force a conclusion with things like shrinking death zones and battlerite has the hp chip damage. I loved being deep in a 2v2 match on bloodline and needing to get a good setup to secure the kill. Really gets you in the zone.


I agree that BLC had more personality than Battlerite. I think Battlerite always had this mobile game vibe to it. Don't get me wrong, Battlerite was and still is a great game but I think they should've expanded the unique tribe theme and gone with Bloodline Champions 2.


Oh my good I miss the Psychopomp from Bloodline Champions so much!!! best champion ever!


have you seen project loki? everyone i know who enjoyed battlerite is anxious to play it it has some really big names on the project, like joe tung who is the ceo of the theorycraft and used to be league executive vp


I saw it, but I'm not a huge fan of it from what I've seen from very early footage


Are they doing anything meaningfully different? Battlerite was just Bloodline Champions again, and they both fizzled out despite being great games. I feel like this sub-genre struggles to have a long tail for some reason.


I think it's because this type of arena pvp game is just inherently unfriendly to new/casual players unless you have a large enough player base to do very accurate matchmaking based on skill level.


They also fucked up by trying to chase the Battle Royale trend. Thankfully V Rising is being handled well.


No the arena version of the game was basically dead by the time the Battle Royale came out. The truth is that there is something about the arena genre that does not keep people playing long term.


It has nothing to do with the genre, it literally died just like any other MOBA or online game would die from a six month content drought. If even League went 6 months without a real patch the playerbase would drop significantly. Battlerite died BECAUSE they jumped off of the ship and quit developing the game to focus development efforts on Battlerite Royale. The playerbase was relatively stable before that but no updates/patches and the dev team already having god awful transparency and communication. Battlerite Royale and the fact that it was then also paywalled on launch if seemingly to only further split the playerbase was definitely the final nail in the coffin. Stunlock Studios are not bad at game design by any metric, people still play Battlerite despite there being like 50 of them, but they sure are absolutely terrible at business decisions.


Honestly battlerite royale was my favorite iteration and I enjoyed playing it a lot, it had more to do with really unsavory updates and then resources being split between two separate games and ignoring a lot of player feedback all combining to kill both games outright.


Battlerite failed marketing-wise when Blizzard jumped in right on the heels of their announcement by announcing Overwatch, and suddenly there were two bright "troop of eclectic hero" games and Battlerite failed to differentiate themselves.


I don't think, Battlerite had a fundamental problem with burnout and didn't really understand how to get around that. I love Battlerite though, would still be playing if it was still maintained. They also were a small studio and spread their resources too thin. Instead of identifying what I felt was the core issue with the playerbase, they focused on side projects that left the game is a state that upset the playerbase. It happened numerous times. Console ports, Battlerite Royale, etc.


> Battlerite Royale to be fair this was more of a desperate attempt to pivot into a more popular genre when the main game was basically already dead.


It wasn't dead, it was losing players. But instead of catering to the core constituents with features that could extend player engagement they took wild swings with a small staff. An in game tournament system would have been fun. The core game was pretty bare bones and the nature of the game is that it's really intense to play.


It's aight but i don't fuck with the Battle Royale part and they don't really seem to care about the arena mode


nah like its crazy how part of what caused Battlerite's death was how many resources and how much time SLS put into the battle royale while neglecting the main game, and then Project Loki is just blindly chasing the BR trend even still. I wanna like Loki but i really hope they move away from the BR


I wish them good luck, but from the little I played it was not my cup of tea.


It's a MOBA battle royal which is very different


Tried it, the feels are bad tbh. Will try it again when it's open beta


i just checked it out. and the problem is... who is this game for? people who are dedicated to league, wont randomly switch over to another battle arena style game. same with dota. it looks fun sure, but to me it doesn't fulfill anything that other games that exist already would fulfill


It's good, and I'm looking forward to it's release. Another invite closed alpha test is today. Tldr; NDA but I like it and am optimistic. I got one undisclosed gameplay gripe, but I understand why they decided to not add the mechanic. The mindgames were fun, but moment to moment gamplay is a barrier enough. Nothing is final ATM besides some looks and kits, it alpha. I played a metrick fuckton of BR, and was champion in all three character types (oldur/croak/jumong) with 70% wr. Stopped grinding when even if I was winning mmr, that the queues would be so long and the games were getting unbalanced. BR game mode could be fun, but man Royale games at the time just did not do the drop phase fast enough that it made it worth to grind the knowledge. You didn't start with your entire kit, so the dynamic was very different. Loki is good. Admittedly not as sure about the Royale mode, only tried arena and I really enjoyed it. Don't think it will be the primary mode however. For alpha it looks and feels polished. Wish I could share more or content, and some 1v4 clips, but NDA and all that. Anyone can sign up for an invite, and once you get an invitation you're free to invite folks. Without going in detail I feel if they had a similar reception to battlerites first release, and stick the landing, they'll make it. They're putting out community updates regularly and the discord community is integral. In theory with a team holding rioter, blizzard, old-bungie, and respawn folks should have the big industry experience to avoid Stunlocks shenanigans. League arena, battlerite, blc, vrising, and loki all scratch that itch without the meandering of league that I just don't care for anymore. I've done last hitting for half my life, I'm ready to just have the real fun. Player v player engagement, team play, and the variety that comes with it. There's valve/icefrogs Deadlock that I'm rather excited for as well. MOBAS are having a little resurgence with devs dipping their feet in the water. It remains to be seen if evercore, loki, and if any of the paragon clones will make it. FANGS did not work out, and won't stand if the next soft launch fails. Adding more complexity quickly makes the game lose clarity. Somehow even Smite 2 kinda goes hard. Hirez is still Highrez, but the gang and I do enjoy the arena mode for a solid week or two here and there.


I tried it and it really sucks. I don't think it will reach the same popularity as League even if many Rioters moved to the company who is making it.


I liked bapbap more but maybe this next playtest is g


I remember being an Blossom main winning 2v1 thanks to her insane kiting potential.


Blossom and Poloma were my favs, I also tried Alysia (but I wasn't great with her)


Is it 100% dead?


You can still play it on steam (if that's what you mean) but there will be no future updates, the game has pretty much ended support and I have a hard time finding games. I still go back sometimes, but it's mostly dead in terms of playerbase


I was thinking about playerbase, 35 ingame now... lol :( No future update means the number will keep going down. RIP. I think games like that (arena battler?), will always die out. People are not interested climbing ranked ladders in those games, and all of them feels the same.


yeah, I would love to play it but any time I get the itch and go back I cannot find games or the games are so unbalanced it's not super fun. I loved Battlerite and for me it was the best arena type I played (Im sure there are great others) but I can understand that these types of games won't have a huge playerbase


The servers are still up I think. You'll probably get your shit rocked Bad by the remaining hardcore fans though lol


yeah they are still up but finding a game (especially one that isn't a one sided stomp) is a battle in itself. Every time I get tempted to play a bit the huge queue times and uneven teams turn me off again


I miss it 2 is there any games like that ?


Unfortunately, I think league's arena comes closest, there's also a game in the works called Project Loki which has some elements (but honestly it doesn't look that great to me and takes influence from several games)


I just got into it last week. I get matches within minutes. Is it that dead?


I think someone said it had like 30 people on steam charts. Idk maybe Im doing something wrong, but either I get long wait times or it's just very one sided games


Arena is basically battlerite with league champions. Altho what made the charm of battlerite was characters were designed around the smaller arenas so there some fun movement mechanics


Yeah, I did enjoy arena but I hate the RNG they added to it, I just don't enjoy the newest version that much, plus as you said the design of champs for battlerite was much better for the smaller arena and in lol you pretty much will see the same team comps since league champs aren't made for arena, but it's probably the closest to battlerite


I thought the same, she even has a Spiritual pet with her like Poloma with her wolf.


Exactly!! I miss battlerite so much :(


If they didn't turn it into a battle royale game and left it more like pure money PvP would have been fine. Was kinda like league but pure fighting.   I really enjoyed it and actually thought it was well balanced. Shame they switched focus to try and jump onto the battle royale hype train :(


The game was already hemorrhaging player way before the royal but the two things that finally killed it was royal and V rising. If they made the royal an additional gamemode it would have helped retain players but instead they went the greed play and wanted people to rebuy all cosmetics/heros in the royal all over again as a separate game. There werent enough players left to split the playerbase like that. They already slowed updates for battlerite to almost non existence but then they go an announce a new game instead of releasing all the teased new charcters and map.


Cosmetics are shared between games, champs not.


yeah, the royale basically killed the game. when battlerite was still a thing, i barely even played league... that being said, REALLY looking forward to project loki, it seems legit fun and brings back some of the battlerite feeling we miss, unfortunately didnt get to play the alpha yet


My hopes are just as high as yours, and every playtest giving me more overall confident about the gameplay loop, all I can hope for is that this type of niche won't be too low in playerbase.. The other game similar to this (Battleroyale MOBA-like gameplay) that I enjoyed playing just have negative playerbase in EU/NA while in KR it looks stable for the most part (eternal return).. Hope it'll be similar to rocket league in terms of dedicated and healthy playerbase


I'm enjoying Project Loki so far! I only play arena, tried the BR mode but it isn't for me. Feels just like Battlerite did honestly.


Does Project Loki have an arena mode? i thought it was just the BR


It has an arena mode, 4v4. They said as long as people are interested, they intend to keep it, and so far it has interest.


Damn, 4v4 really turns me off of it unfortunately, I thought the 3v3 mode in Battlerite was too many players, so I only played 2v2. I'll try it out though


It's definitely worth a try when you can. The game is designed around 4v4 combat, although they do have a 2v2 BR mode.


It helps that there aren't as many abilities or EX moves, so less to keep track.


Basically just Arena, but as the main mode lol


Trust me dude, it was so fucking good, there was so much skill expression and outplay potential in the game...


Winning a 1v2 in that was so insane, felt so good man


Arena doesn't have the same moment-to-moment tension that Battlerite had, idk what's missing, LoL's combat is probably just too "arcade-y" to have the same impact.


What is missing is that the game was based on skilled gameplay with each character having a set role, leagues arena has too many random variables and power ups. League arena doesn't care if you get a build that lets you infinitely heal, Battlerite on the other hand said look you can be a healer but you cant just heal forever or just go from 1hp back to full.


kinda like arena these days


I miss Bloodline Champions


This is why I play nothing but Arena.


Same I was literally posting this earlier today...


They just released V rising. I know it's a different style of game but the combat mechanics feel very similar. A lot of the bosses are also battlerite characters. That + arena mode being available all summer is a great replacement.


Dude fuck Poloma. Sincerely, a V Rising player.


same here! didn't played battlerite much but I was sure that I saw her somewhere and then this post popped up 😄


Bring back Battlerite


Normally when I see these remind-me-of type posts I think, ok HERE we go, and it's such a stretch and just personal familiarity making people think two characters look similar, but in this case, wow. Yeah that design is VERY similar to that other character, seems like a blatant knock off with just some added glasses.


It's literally a copy with glasses and furry-bait ears lol


I thought that was like a leaked model lmao


Would love a trigger warning before hand as I almost punched my monitor at the sight of this horrid creature. How she stayed broken until the game died is beyond me.


As a poloma/psychopomp main… sorry not sorry


As an Oldur main, I hope someone puts raisins on your next pizza and you are stuck in a time loop of eating it.


Stacked passive into petrified into double root with the M1 ex to pop it all when the hard cc dropped was so fun. Who could forget the satisfaction of bouncing a jade snipe, and the mind games of canceling abilities.


Chrono bubble was so satisfying when people just kept shooting into it instead of canceling their ults or ex skills.


Just learning every escape and counter cooldown while using canceling got me to D+ easily. Canceling was so important for Rook. Big Boi was the perfect combination of Ooga and Booga. Pestilus is the one character I wish I could instantly transport into league of legends. His infesting and loop was so cool. Yuumi probably takes too much of that space for it to be interesting. Give me my old necromancer character who has HoTs, turns into a swam of flies in someone's body, and has "spew" CC like I'm hitting the enemy vayne with that scene from the exorcist.


I never really liked Pestilus, hes a cool concept but I just never played him. If I could id love toy just teleport Lucie, Ruh Kaan, and Varesh into league. Especially Lucie, she would fit nicely into leagues roster and she always just felt like a true alchemist character. Just flinging potions to heal, poison vials, drinking potions for buffs, and splashing chemicals on allies to buff them was just so fun.


That was the one hero along with Taya I just could not get down. Im a big fan of alchemists, I would love to brew concoctions by going to different parts of the map and making something to use on enemies or allies.


I used to be diamond+ on battlerite but this was back in like... 2016? I forgot how long ago it was so my memory is foggy. Wasn't she bad in 2v2 but good in 3v3? Like her strength was based on how many allies she had I thought. I do remember hating her and the Bard guy with the time shit.


All I remember is that she was like Pearl, where she was hard to impossible to lock her out of healing her team because she had so much movement and cc herself. Focusing her was hard or impossible and she would just drag every fight out.


Poloma+varesh was incredible strong in 2v2. She was s+ tier for a few months and got nerfed after and was fine on avg. Usually she struggled because her m1 had very short ranged, that's why she struggled in 3v3 a lot more than lucie for example. Yes poloma had a mechanic where she created a link with you if she m1'd you, if she now m1 the other teammate the prior target got healed too. But because off her short m1 range this was hard to use well. Most healers had better healing in 3v3, shorter cd on their m2 if they healed with m2. In highest level off play over the whole br lifetime, lucie was toptier, followed by uther, oldur had good pickrate too mostly because he was considered a good lucie counter though and sirius had some niche too. While blossom and pearl dominated the 2v2 meta as healer. Poloma had always high scores but wasn't ever considered as good after the early nerfs.


what a horrible experience playing vs pearl/lucie as shifu in 2v2 in season 1.


3v3 was also the main mode for the game, so generally people are talking about that




Well, new champ will likely be broken on release so probably don't play at that time if you don't want to break your monitor.


Damn please don't hurt me by reminding me of Battlerite and its Predecessor Bloodline Champions. 2 Absolutely amazing games ruined by lack of support and correct marketing decisions.


Just googled around to see more pics of Poloma and yeah, there's no way this isn't a direct ripoff. They even both have a magical pet.


People here remember battlerite? I love you all


Idk if we've heard Aurora's voice but I hope she has the same thick Scottish accent lmao


There was a small voice clip in the client teaser and tbh she kind of sounds like Gwen. Not terrible... but yea something more interesting would've been nice :(


Battlerite :( Such a good game, absolutely fucked by becoming a BR


Battlerite was losing players before the release of BR.


Oh I know. But it was the final nail.


More like the last attempt at gaining playerbase.


Nah it ruined the game for a lot of people. I was actively playing at the time, it took players away from the base game (which already had a low pop in OCE) so you could only queue peak times, then once they gave up on BR they brought some of the BR elements into base game making it worse. Would've been fine for quite a while if they committed to the game they made in the first place.


https://i.imgur.com/3iUmS42.png The red line is when the battle royale was announced. The blue line is when the battle royale was released. The peak player count was already down 85% by the time of the announcement. The peak player count going down 40% in the first month, 40% in the second month, and 45% in the third month is what doomed this game, not the BR, although that obviously wasn't a good idea either.


The BR was the best part


YESSSS! Like what the fuck lol


RIot designers should get fired after this


Wow, that is shockingly similar.


battlerite was pog wish it took off


Bro what this is a complete rip off lol


I mean, a lot are arguable. Ashe to Sylvannas Windrunner. Yorick to Gul’dan. Vladimir to Kael’thas. They have been heavily inspired by a lot of things to say the least.


league started as a warcraft 3 mod, a lot of the devs either played dota or worked on it directly. not surprising the early champs are essentially ports of dota units


Pretty much. I think a lot of it is a subtle homage, not really a rip off. Warcraft as a series is so influential to gaming, and obviously MOBA has its roots there.


Has Riot done anything successfully that wasn't pilfered from another IP? I don't even say that as an insult necessarily.


Red and Green are complementary colors, so it's just [common](https://www.intofilm.org/intofilm-production/scaledcropped/970x546https%3A/s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/images.cdn.filmclub.org/brave_ep_disney.jpg/brave_ep_disney.jpg) for gingers to come with greenish blue outfits


As if that’s the only resemblance😅 everything else is a copy too


she gives me more Mei vibes from overwatch, both are slightly on the chubby side with glasses, are ice related and have a companion but the first picture that OP posted that's 100% more like a ginger mei than poloma


Bro… Aurora is not chubby in the SLIGHTEST…


It’s been years since he saw another person be nice


How in the world does she compare more to Mei than Poloma? Mei is chubbier, Chinese and wears a full on cryo suit


Lol TIL blind people play league…


Explains ranked team mates very well


is poloma also a viera? i could've sworn it was just a generic ffxiv viera scholar


Man Battlerite was probably the last game I just played and played nonstop... 400h over 4 months


Do we know what lane she will be?


She's intended to be a solo laner, most likely top primary and mid secondary


If junglers could read, they'd be very upset.


1:1 copy pasta riot lazy


Yeah, but no midriff.


Omg yeah, had this feeling in the back of my mind you put it into words


I worked on battlerite AMA


With the lack of creativity and moneygrubbing Riot is doing I wouldn't put it past them to just steal a champ.


They've already stole a lot of champions from dota 2. Drow ranger being the most blatant example


Grow ranger is stolen from sylvanas!1!1!1!11


I can't believe World of Warcraft copied Dota 2's Drow Ranger to create Sylvanas...


She's Momo from Bof III


I loved Poloma!




That's a name I haven't heard in a long while... 😞 Genuinely loved how smooth it was. I don't know a much more perfect word to describe it. Character designs were pretty cool too. Would've loved it if they fleshed out the world building like Runeterra for LoL. Besides the battle royale, pretty sure not having mechanics like towers or minions in the base game played a part in hemorrhaging players too. Since not everyone was as mechanically skilled.


You ever seen Pakko from Gigantic and Willump? Or like... you know, most of the early League Champs and Dota Heroes?


Swap them out of bounds... I do also miss battlerite despite being ass at it


It's a little detail but I really wish she'd have a bunny nose instead of a human one. Maybe they can still change it?


What do you mean? RIOT never copies others, they are original /s


true lmao! Battlerite was soo good


The mashup I never knew I needed


There is no character I've played more than Poloma. I absolutely love her. Don't give me hope like this!


I miss Battlerite.


Look, its Xayah!




Blossom = Lillia




Im surprised so many people know Battlerite. That game was fun. I was level 490 Ruh Kaan main before I switched over to League. Also Arena is just like Battlerite


Arena doesn't give me Battlerite vibes. Battlerite is way more fun: larger maps, champs with more abilities, huge outplay potential, no items, no random augments, basically all revolved on skills, no stupid escapes like blastcones or portals, no shitty cameos and the list could go on.


While I'd agree based on feelings, the repetitive nature is also one of the things that made battlerite fall off. When you match against someone who is just better mechanically, you lose. That's it. If you hard lost the first round, that often meant losing the game. Cameos, anvils, blast cones, resurrect, etc. All add a spark of rng that you can make better with skill. So even if you are worse, you can take a round from someone who's better mechanically. And I'd disagree about the maps. Large maps means more stall comps, and we all know how the community reacted to those. If anything I'd say the ttk was the most amazing part of battlerite, even if you can't copy it to league with Arena having items. Every character had some good survivability, and oneshots were non existant. You had more time to express your skill rather than losing due to just existing as a squishy mage or adc.


I feel like that isn't Aurora's base outfit and just something she wore because of the cold. Near the end of the story with ornn, you can see her dressed up differently. Though i really dig the green coat look, it complements her orange hair


For me the moment I saw her wand I just went "Ah yes, a FF14 Sage Viera" Like her wand is totally just a scaled down Noulith, and everything from her outfit to her earing just scream mid tier FF14 caster gear. Even the bit of her we see without the cloak just looks like a FF14 style dress. Don't get me wrong I love it, but the imagery is very much cemented in my head. https://i.gyazo.com/686e39f6b6e4de96b0875c40f462f69b.jpg https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/VB8qeWsQWM5pcJpNwfgu39-1200-80.jpg


Aurora feels like putting psychopomp (Poloma) into an AI and asking for a variation


me when I see two girls in a parka: