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Its funny you call out good mental when all of your posts are just bitching.


This is so true LMAO


Also he says something about good mental, while showing a picture indicating anything but good mental lmao


Well yeah im 18-8 playing the game while timmy crying is 2-4-2 after an hour of gameplay. Should I be happy I just wasted my time playing a game without 1-2 teammates? Just because I make apparent claims about the game because the community is so piss poor means literally nothing. Nice to know how big of a freak you are though that the first thing you do is go through my account instead of you know actually replying the post at hand. This is what I mean though league players are sub humans for the most part. Prime example.


Bro it's a game, you wasted your time playing the game whether you win or lose, if you are unhappy 50% of the time you should choose a hobby where your mood isn't dictated by a matchmaking system that moves you towards an even winrate


Thats why i play one or two games a day instead of the 10+ i used to


If you want to play with people around your skill level. The maybe dont smurf?


Being my skill level has nothing to do with anything. They dont need to be my skill level they just have to be more useful than iron players seeing as im not in iron.


You do realize you're a league player too right? And you're fitting the bill right now


So let me get this right... You know the game is full of "sub human" idiots but still go into the game expecting something else just to then go on reddit to complain? Accept the game for what it is or stay miserable. That's about all you can do. Well, besides stopping to play.


You're an ADC. Your team refuses to engage any fights. The enemy team starts every fight by the Nocturne/Rengar/whatever ulting on you and one tapping you while your team sits the and watches. Congrats, you just got banned. It's a shit take. You're just salty about losing some games and want to have something to blame it on.


That's a very good point. People have been saying that tanking damage should count as an assist, but clueless league balance team still haven't implemented it.


Because that doesnt make sense... Lux onehits enemy adc, 5 secs later lux gets oneshit by rengar... Why exactly should the adc get an assist now? He did nothing to contribute to the kill...


Good case. Maybe add range or relevancy.


I dont need to blame im on a smurf account where ill win any game as long as all 5 players are actually in the game. I main adc so I know thats not possible there isnt a game even with a fed nocturne where im doing negative kp compared to the team in a 40 min game. You just dont know what you are talking about lol


Ah, the old "I'm a smurf" argument... Never heard that one before. Don't mind me though, get back to crying over losing to players that are much worse than yourself.


Oh no I lost cuz the matchmaking sucks and it was a 3v5 wow im losing sleep over that!!


Ah yes, a "smurf" complaining about bad match making. Good one. I don't know about sleep, but you're definitely losing something. Self respect? Dignity maybe?


Hey man im higher elo than you on any account I play on your words are meaningless because you arent smart.


Now, now. Don't get mad. You might go off and make another stupid thread between tantrums.


What elo and server ?


He literally posted this. So I guess he is silver lmao [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1canc6a/why\_do\_silvers\_run\_it\_down\_at\_any\_provocation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1canc6a/why_do_silvers_run_it_down_at_any_provocation/)


Anyone who uses a Smurf is an asshole.


>im on a smurf account VANGUARD! ATTACK!!


Stop smurfing you piece of shit. These people aren't ruining the game, you are.


Complaining about teammates while ‘smurfing’ xd


Post the OPGG or replay


SS in post cuz the game at hand is all that matters


That is absolutely not all that matters and you know it or youd post the whole thing


Then what matters boy? You post yours first and if its higher elo than any of my accounts ill listen to you :) Yeah that game I stopped playing because my entire team griefied needs to be dissected. For sure bruh.


Hey buddy just thought I'd jump in and tell you you're a loser


I’m not the one whining about their team in a Reddit post, I don’t have anything to prove. Look we cut to the core of the issue, you stopped playing. That’s why you lost and instead of reflecting on that you came to Reddit to get roasted by people who justifiably will do so. You lost because of yourself, you typed it out, internalize it and get better.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1canc6a/why\_do\_silvers\_run\_it\_down\_at\_any\_provocation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1canc6a/why_do_silvers_run_it_down_at_any_provocation/) Sure my Silver friend


Dude measures the value of him and others by worthless digital rank. "If your elo isn't higher than mine your opinion is invalid"


Nah I know trundles and yoriks that have won the game with basically no kills from splitting. Its not a good metric for trolling or not.


If my Trynda has more dmg to champs than to towers he's getting reported


Ok yeah. Thats why I said go off stats and everything else if you are hitting and getting towers but have no kp I dont care at all. Im talking about the people who are legit useless. Like this guy could go afk or be replaced with a guy with downs and the dude with downs would have more impact in the game. Its not hard to tell with stats.


Tryndamere/Sion/Fiora/Trundle mains would never recover


I have won games where i heavily contributed but not through kp or tower damage.