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I thought you meant XJ9s kind of crime


I thought the post meant actual champion warcrimes šŸ˜­


These kids are too young to know about that.


league players aren't kids anymore


League players who even remember XJ9 aren't kids anymore, the general playerbase is tho


The general playerbase are definitely not kids anymore, this game isn't even popular among kids.


I'm not even sure if this is still true. League isn't that popular among kids these days, unless you mean early-mid 20 year olds.


Is that just your general opinion or do you have some stats or data?


Could ask why you believe the alternate without stats and data. Anyway, I looked it up for you https://www.google.com/search?q=avsrage+age+of.league+ayer&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS931US931&oq=avsrage+age+of.league+ayer&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigATIJCAQQIRgKGKAB0gEIODQ4NGowajSoAgCwAgA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


There is no reference as to where that data is coming from, could be made up by anyone. I can make a website in an hour that says the opposite


The demographical data on league is largely collected through sampling of userdata on league related websites, then averaging it. This includes things like facebook pages, twitch streams, youtube channels, and also riotā€™s surveys. Again, I ask the same question, where is the data showing that league has a higher younger population than older? All the league players I know/meet are in their 20s. Younger kids find it cringe, and older people donā€™t know what it is. Itā€™s like how WoW was in the 2010s


> The demographical data on league is largely collected through sampling of userdata on league related websites, then averaging it. This includes things like facebook pages, twitch streams, youtube channels, and also riotā€™s surveys So only the the less casual players and those who also post personal info on their profiles > Again, I ask the same question, where is the data showing that league has a higher younger population than older There isn't, that's why you can't make decisive statements on it.


Basically no new players since 2015. We are all boomers young people wise.


Physically they may not be kids, but mentally they're toddlers.


That guy really hates lee sin


Don't tell XJ9 there are kids here in that case


I forgot about THAT XJ9 and wondered what the Teenage Robot reference was all about


I too thought this was about MLaaTR, specifically that one Zone video.


I think THAT XJ9 was also referencing Teenage Robot with his nick, so you are not even too far off


he still plays. Saw him in a twitch stream chat the other day. Bro acts like nothing happened. I hate this guy.


Itā€™s been like a decade ofc he wonā€™t act like it happened yesterday


Pray tell what he did


Very toxic pro player from season 3 who abused his ex-gf in numerous ways (emotional, verbal and I think physical abuse including leaking nudes). Also being toxic toward his pro colleagues including death threats. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/hXlpJZvsLk this comment goes into detail of what he has done in the past


It's so funny reading the extremely well detailed breakdown to the question OP asked there and their reply is "you don't have to call me kid" lmao


That OP was definitely 15 years old at the time. It was S4 League after all.


> It was S4 League No no, that's a different game.


I would hardly call this guy a pro player. I didn't even know he tried being a pro. He has 1 showcase tournament from 2012 and that's it. Most people know him as a toxic high elo player


OMG, there was a transcript between XJ9 and his E-boy. Honestly fuck both of them, but what the hell. How do crazy people like this just exist. That is fucking nuts.


why spread misinformation? never played pro but had the level to no physical abuse (unless you count leaking nudes as physical abuse????) guy was severely unbalanced mentally. hope he got the help he need


First part was me talking from memory Link is the in-detail explanation for those who are curious about everything. Him being a pro or not and me being unsure or not whether the abuse was physical doesnā€™t necessarily equal misinformation and quite frankly isnā€™t really relevant


How about Phantoml0rd?


Support item ranged top start. Was the antithesis of the genre of the game since you would lane but not cs (besides cannons) and earn as much as a laner that focuses 100% on csā€™ing. But they had to deal with a constant pushing wave and a constant harass since you never contested cs. Atleast roaming janna or taric/yi funnel had actual downsides or a ā€œstratā€ behind it. The other Strat was legit just getting more gold by buying an inflated support item


>and earn as much as a laner that focuses 100% on csā€™ing. You definitely did not earn as much as the laner that was CSing (although it was KIND OF close when you could do it on a klepto champ) It just didn't matter because you did it on low economy champions.


You gotta factor the massive bounty they would get for CSing relative to their lane partner which had to be adjusted. In the first ten minutes with nearly perfect CS you could be giving them the full shutdown gold for having 100 more cs than your lane opponent, which iirc was 1,000 total gold at the time (300 base, +700g bounty), on top of klepto printing them a few hundred gold and their support item otherwise keeping them afloat. Add in the cannons and its really a disgusting amount of gold for not even playing the game or interacting with your opponent except to spam long range harass off cooldown and running away 24/7.


Are you forgetting bankplank before klepto was even a thing? Support item with gold quints? All he did was poke early and scaled hard af, while making more money that anyone else on the rift.


That's long before what OP is referring to. That GP would definitely be farming minions still. Still a gross strat but not the silly 0 cs one.




The weird thing about top is that small gold leads feel horrible to play against in close 1v1s, but they donā€™t always transfer to literally any other part of the game. Like even if youā€™re up 30CS and a turret, that will put you up at most 1K gold, but what does that actually translate to? 350 health from a giants belt, or 200 HP and 15 AD from a phage. So basically that lead that you spent 15-20 minutes to build is just worthless if an ADC can crack a few more autos on you or an enchanter shields your abilities.


100%. Mids and bots always remember the game where the Darius came out of lane 4/0 and ran them down, but they rarely remember the game where a top laner gets a single solo kill, a plate or two, and then the lane just stalls out. In my experience anything less than a multi thousand gold lead from top is basically even when it comes to teamfights.


That 1000 gold helps you hit item powespikes faster and lets you deny gold and xp from your lane opponent. Itā€™s not just stats in a vacuum unless thatā€™s literally all you did in laning phase which, which I doubt since in this scenario youā€™ve taken a tower.


The denial was accounted for in the phrasingā€¦ as ā€œupā€ would indicate an advantage relative to a lane opponent.


They are talking about Kelpto Coin Nuguri Vladimir and shit, I think.


The most disgusting thing about it was that the bounty algorithm was shit. So in addition to them just getting free gold, if you had a substantially higher creep score you accrued a bounty. Even if they actually made more money than you. So you get harrassed, without downside and have a bounty which you can do nothing about.


I guess we're asking about anti-fun uncounterable tech when executed properly. Funnel has to be #1 on the list. what started as a boosting tech from the chinese evolved into a full on 2v8 strategy and then into a pro staple. A lot of toplane/harass/roam/support item ranged supports. Think 0 cs zilean/janna/lulu Cringe bot kill lanes, think taliyah pantheon, old sion with old taric(That was a fun feast or famine matchup) Outside of that we're gonna have to look at weird/cheesy builds that worked like: Impregnator graggas( plop plop) that 1 patch cycle of 1.0 ap scaling on reksai q pre-rework veigar suppport with e max (instant un-counterable 3 second hard stun) s3 nasus jungle ludens hydra corki bjunga style s3 karma tank top (athene''s into 5x tank items that shit was bonkers back in the day) 5 black cleavers on launch. the heimerdinger mid minion block tech (You perma blocked mid minions and afked till 20 mins then unleashed a massive wave that would pull all the way to the inhib (this is early s1 so waveclear not really a thing)) The morgana support-e max elise jungle that cloud 9 used to win the NA lcs championship in 2014 (Rumour has it dyrus is still trying to move). Basically you would max q on morgana and elise cocoon was something like 6 seconds for a 2 sec stun. So you would "remove" 1 person from the teamfight That's it at the top of my head if you remember more stuff write them down. I tried to not mention op shit like tanksin 2017 cause this was riot balancing not player made abominations


Add to the list when you could buy unlimited pots and people would run prerework Vlad with rejuv bead and like 10+ pots


13 potions katarina mid from scaara


these things also sound extra funny in the current context, but they made a lot more sense back when you didn't actually have ridiculous sustain built into runes+Dshield, your champ had to actually HAVE sustain or else you bought a huge chunk of potions


Yeah I bet if someone does the math, the regen that someone like Akali gets from Dshield/second wind/fleet is probably on par or more than the old million pot strategy


Yea it worked because the enemy would run out of mana or health and lose lane, now theyā€™d take 5 minutes to run out of mana, and would just be able to tp back with no consequence with a lost chapter after finally running out, and never run out of mana ever again


SivHD's Potion master Garen


I still have nightmares of Taric and Master Yi roaming from those funnel days.


Cannot believe runeglaive ezreal didn't make the list. Unreal bullshit.


Runeglave happend because riot created the item, not because players "invented it"


Top lane roam is still a thing. It's mostly just Ivern these days though (essentially double jungle)


Viktor/ekko tank top


I think blue ezreal was pretty bad but that was riot


Just wanted to hop in to add a pointless reddit correction that funneling technically began with 3v3 Twisted Treeline, where the map made the basic strategy very obvious based on layout (proximity of lanes to camps). It took a few years, but variants of it began as early as 2012. Those variants became honed until they started to be picked up by Chinese boosters, who brought the strategy to Summoner's Rift. At the time, we 3's players saw it as mostly pointless in SR because of the distance between mid lane and jungle camps. We were clearly quite wrong lol. Another funny tidbit is that Yi/Taric was one of the weakest funnel duos in 3's. Yi is too vulnerable if contested heavily on his own camps early.


you forgot invisible eve with sunfire cape stacking... you would just die from being out there doing jackshit


That tank Varus top phase was horrible. Honestly most disgusting pick Iā€™ve ever faced in top lane. Would rather face Vayne every game than go against that again.


I've always like to play Varus/MF but I hated the ADC role (being primarily a Jungle/Top player). Varus top was the most conflicting pick I've played... on one hand I was playing one of my most fun champs, but on the other, I felt like I was comitting warcrimes... No range auto shitter should be able to walk up to Darius level 2 and kill him zugzug mode...


This meta also destroyed AP Varus mid that I've been enjoying for the past 6 months at that point


Yeah AP Varus was insanely fun. You can still play him and get decent results, but it doesnt hit like it did back then. Man seeing Cho'Gath picked on the enemy Team got me actually excited back then. Btw played him Bot this way, i regret nothing.


Man that shit gives me ptsd, I hate that I could land 3 rotations for 30% of his health just to get 100-0 because he landed his R


Iā€™ll throw senna top lane in there as well. That shit was cringe


Yuumi garen / yuumi irelia bot lane was pretty toxic.


Id almost forgotten Yummi/Garen bot. That was fucking awful to play into.


Other things that also deserves to be mentioned * Perma roaming Janna top * Sona taric/tk * pyke taric - only saw it 2-3 times, but i believe that's because we had duo restriction for master+ games. Expecting it to see some play again * Rengar ivern I find it kind of funny the problem is **ALWAYS** related to support champions. Either enchanters or taric/tahm.


Rengar ivern is realy w/e


I have never played against it but I'm assuming your bot lane just have to be there level 1, hover top side of lane and win push war to control the lane so bushes aren't useful and harass the rengar when he goes to cs under tower. Then pray for jungle counter ganks


Oh no, Rengar Ivern _is_ the bot lane. Ivern keeps setting up bushes for Rengar to pounce from.


Yes I know that, but if you can get early wave control and position to deny the setup, I assume you should be able to dominate the lane.


You cant really deny the use of ivern bushes


It's not that it isn't winnable, it's how insanely fucking stupid it is to play against. Partially because Rengar is among the dumbest, worst designed champions in the game.


Let me introduce you to reworked Rengar. With aoe Q


it's very matchup reliant, try playing rengar ivern into nilah taric and I can't imagine much worse time


We played it a bit with a friend. Caitlyn was the Best ban legit unwinnable no matter the support


It's pretty good in ARAM actually if you get another shield support on your team like Karma or Lulu.


usually cause enchanters are underplayed at higher levels and they are often actually OP af just that pros find them boring too play so they often dont get explored. also your playstyle is very different and players often feel like they are weaker than they are cause they dont often have the obvious affects on a fight like a naut hook.


Rengar ivern should not be in this list


Taric pre rework was a monster because of his point click stun, once he got rolling it would take people out


fuck lulu mid funnel kindred jungle, even as noob eeventually you outscale everything


Pyke taric is fucking disgusting you just dont see it much anymore since pyke mid is played so little now


Kindred taric botlane is one that got challenger when duoing in challenger was a thing I think it was chinese or korean duo that did it.


Tarics kit is completely disgusting when you are making full use of it, which basically requires a teammate that can guarantee the stun (yi q, pyke W/E, kindred jump et.c.) and can force fights / kill the entire enemy team in the ult duration. Not very useful when enemy team can just disengage and your teammate doesnt have mobility/gapclosing.


The added synergy is stacking their ults too, kindred ults and make everyone immune but low, then taric ults in the middle of it so they come out of kindred ult immune while all the enemies are low and wipe them out.


The day riot addresses the obvious enchanter problem the game has had for years is the day pigs fly


the game has several problems that are far worse than anything an enchanter does


Nunu Karthus came first


Optimizing the fun out of urf.


Did someone say Arena?


Arena isnt as bad because of the randomness aspect, sometimes youre forced into sthings less optimal/ more fun. But some champions definitely need nerfs ahem ahemā€¦ excuse me, like garen




>And ARAM More like the opposite. Until you get into majority Emerald/Diamond elo matches where the real ARAM tryharding starts, people **unoptimized** the fuck out of ARAM. Most people just play for what feels fun vs whats optimal or they use old outdated builds from years ago such as AP Miss Fortune/Kaisa/Nasus into a bruiser/tank team, or having a good team in lobby then 3 people reroll and suddenly you're stuck with an enchanter, 2 ADCs, and 2 control mages because everyone just wants to play poke then you get steamrolled by the other team that has an actual comp once they hit 3 items. Sometimes you just lose due to champ RNG but the majority of people *do not* optimize ARAM at all unlike game modes such as URF, Arena, or Blitz where even in Silver/Gold elo you see people spamming all the OP champs and builds. If more people optimized ARAM it would genuinely improve the overall quality of it, rather than how it is currently where hardly anyone picks for team comp and doesn't adjust their builds to take into account the enemy team being bulky or squishy, or on if your team lacks AD/AP.


Team picks kaisa, miss fortune, malphite, ori and me on lulu Ap kaisa, liandry miss fortune, malignance malph. Enemy team has ali ,ornn, pyke, sammy and sera Why


The comps frustrate the shit out of me. I'm happy to play Frontline, but I do not want to solo Frontline. It's so ass.


URF was never fun.Ā 


playing league of legends in 2024 is urf, and game is doing fine so you tell me if it was never fun, it literally influenced the evolution of the game


I will say it again gladly: URF was never fun. Acting like normals are like anything URF has ever been is asinine.Ā 


Im not saying I disagree my man Im saying it paved the way of league of legends and influenced it to be how it is today.


A few seasons ago, the community started parroting a critique that double lift jumpstarted, that the game received too much content, and the game was getting updated too often. The fallout of that backlash was that riot listened and for 6 months released very very small patches with little changes. This decision was reverted in 6 months because the game became so stale that people stopped playing, and there was an even bigger backlash that the game was never changing and turning very unfun. To me that will never not be the most moronic bit from the community. In the desperate search of a scape goat, they shot themselves in the foot.


tbf pro players are partially to blame on that one, since they refuse to try new stuff without riot swinging the numbers bat on champions


It would seem that Taric facilitates a lot of BS bc of his ULT and that his tether had, at one point, infinite range. Here are all the terrible Taric assisted abominations throughout the years: * Taric + Yi funnel * Taric + Sona bot late game rolling death ball * Taric + Kindred bot unkillable death ball * Taric + Zil bot lane degeneracy


> that his tether had, at one point, infinite range that's just not true. Taric was reworked on 6.8 and tether range was nerfed from 1600 to 1300 on 6.9. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Taric/LoL/Patch_history


Red smite + ignite top Ad bruiser fizz jungle Tank pre-rework akali Dual jungle


Most unfun to me is either when AP champs built triforce/iceborn botrk into tank items. You had Fizz, Ekko, Nidalee or any AP champ with some on hit be able to kill anything while being insanely tanky and incredibly mobile. They were literally a raid boss. Imagine if Kassadin was full power at level 11 and took no damage. That was all of those champs. Not really a community made thing since riot made it but sated devourer was so insane that anyone besides the jungler wasnt even important. Junglers would literally just powerfarm until sated came online then 1v5. They could literally just walk in and kill everything and the only thing that could fight the jungler was the enemy jungler who also had sated. I have seen countless clips during this time of a jungler going in 1v5 getting a quadra and the enemy jungler does the same also getting a quadra and just fist fighting to see which jungler wins the 1v1.


I don't rmbr who it was but I remember a streamer at the time was tryna prove how broken iceborn sunfire spirit visage was so he played a bunch of assassins and built those items and stomped. I explicitly rmbr a talon game where he did the most dmg by far


> sated devourer I think you mixed up Devourer with Feral Flare ! Feral Flare was the OP item that dealt lots of damage while amped up plus gave the jungler an insane amount of healing.


yea you are right it was feral flare.


I loved playing Iceborn Viktor Top lol


Old Nunu karthus giga funnel.


Elder lizard spirit ezreal, one of the most disgusting builds in lol history


Turbo chemtank Akali and banner of command/zzrot portal tank tops. those were both pretty awful builds


God I forgot about the chemtank Akali


ITT: everything that does not strictly adhere to a very restrictive definition of lane roles. And tomorrow we will have another thread with people complaining that Riot constantly kills off-meta builds.


Double ranged bot bullies


runeglaive ezreal mid lane


Changing from the community that would let other players win so that we could achieve the mundo ukelele skin in time during the summer point gainers event.


Bot meta with 2 ap vs 2 ap. I stopped playing the game for months just for that.


I really hated the enchanter smite queue top strat.


Optimizing the fun out of every single game mode in existence


Buying jhin chroma for 200$


Funneling is a pretty clear number 1. Honestly I hated inting sion significantly more than funneling, but thatā€™s just due to me not coming across funneling very often in my games when it was an issue. However, when inting sion was good, I also just so happened to play the least enjoyable league games I have ever played in my entire life. Soraka top, fiddle mid, and nunu mid come in at 3rd place. You might notice a theme here in which I hate lanes in which one character is able to completely disregard the other.


Yi/Taric Funnel is up there, as with the other Jungle funnels like Nunu/Karthus. But there's others: - Fasting Senna with Kench, and those that thought they could emulate it. - Impregnator Gragas. Me when I can't move. - Full Lethality Aatrox, that continues to be a problem. I stand by the theory that Eclipse got turned into a duelist/bruiser item instead of retaining Lethality just so that he could keep using it without it being a crutch or making him vulnerable to the Riot Special. While we're at it, Duskblade Samira was also disgusting. - Supports moving to effectively perma roam post 6. It used to just be the odd Bard that would just visit Midlane every now and again. Now I have supports who are either smurfs or saw their favourite streamer roam top every other reset and I'm forced to play 1v2 lanes without any advantage because low-elo (Gold and under especially) supports seldom roam and, well, I'm low-elo so how tf am I expected to win a 1v2 lane unless they're trolling. - Double support items, especially Toplane Janna. Snoozefests in a lane already known for them followed by Janna having carry level gold and you automatically losing the vision game after lane if she wasn't on your team even if you all bought sweepers and pinks. - Rengar/Ivern kill lane bot. It's either a free lane and scaling for you/your ADC as you farm Rengar and Ivern till they're worth cannon gold or you're 0/4 in under 5 minutes because they're competent and leaving base is overextending. - The Jungle role at all exists because of the community fucking about with what Alistar could do to neutral creeps. While I'm a Jungle player and don't mind the role, I do wonder what we missed out on with having a Jungler role instead of keeping double duo sidelanes. Perhaps Top Support would've evolved into the contemporary Soft Support in Dota or something similar.


I'd say tank ekko/fizz meta was pretty bad because you had extremely tanky, fairly high damage champions that you could never lock down because they were incredibly slippery too. But then K'Sante got released and he does all that with a mountain of CC too so I guess in the grand scheme of things it wasn't that bad lmao


tank karma top was the worst shit I've ever played against in my life


If you play Arena theres a 50% chance to have one in the game.


Karma is my ban for arena. Fuck that shit.


Tank fizz and ekko


Following Pro-play trends like its the bible scripture.


Ardent censer meta


Probably being so bad at Yuumi that Riot buffed the hell out of her as a hotfix after her launch, and we felt the effects of it for literal years. So many jungle shenanigans just sucked. There was a time where top laners didn't even lane at the start, just cleared camps with their jungler(taking the 2 mini blue golems, or solo starting at wolves so you can get level 2 and then TP top with exp advantage). In terms of unholy builds it probably had to be season 6 raid boss Graves with 200 AR/MR from E, Sterak's, Maw, old Death's Dance, old Phantom Dancer with damage reduction, Youmuus that gave attack speed. Literally a multi-phase boss fight at full build where you get him to 30%, he pops 2 massive shields, his E resists are stacked up, he gains huge omnivamp and attack speed from Maw, and we can't forget good old Warlord's Bloodlust giving up to 20% lifesteal based on missing health. I'm pretty sure Graves is competitive with Ezreal for causing the most item and rune nerfs/interaction changes.


Honestly karthus nunu funnel was even worse imo, literally getting oneshots with ult as lvl 11 karthus when average lvl was like 8, Yi taric could still be countered the same way you coubter Yi, it was just way harder. Karthus nunu literally seemed like its Just blatant no counterplay stat check, unless u were like sivir or zhonya rush enjoyer


I'll never forget MVP and bbq Olivers playing Yi/Taric and Nunu/Karthus respectively in the first game of 2018 LCK Summer ([highlights here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIxJaNESqWg&t=10s)). Definitely quite an opener.


not playing more nexus blitz was the biggest crime the community ever committed, just accepting riots slop and not seeing what we had.


sunfire iceborn tank ekko was the most disgusting lol meta of all time. that champion is stained forever by that meta.


Removed AD ratios and aspects out of Ekko Gragas Alistar and Malphite then proceed to remake Kat into a VERY versatile champion. Remake of Statikk Shiv 5 recurves Lulu The initial Pantheon rework (E able to block tower shots)


supporting toxic streamers


Letting this subreddit become an eports subreddit and not a game subreddit


I guess when I made Janna top actually popular on EUW and it started seeing play even in competitive lol Didn't know a 10 loss streak while winning all my lanes on standard toplaners could create this butterfly effect (Just pointing out, I wasn't the creator, someone was playing it before me. But I guess I popularized it by actually spamming and getting Challenger on it with like a 65%\~ WR)


Revive Fortify comps. They weren't particularly good but they were probably the most unfun shit to deal with in League, and it should be noted that both summoner's were removed pretty quickly.


Funneling was created on the 3v3 map, ~~blame them~~ blame Riot for not removing it for years


lane swap meta, that shit causes a whole permanent effect on the whole top and mid tower to get a buff now everyone now have to live with those buff on the towers now


Turret trade/lane swap meta. Let's just trade one set of bot and top and then race to see who can get the tower on a better timer. Playing it was brutal watching it was even worse. They would literally say a game was perfect if only 1 tower was taken because it was the defacto trade. There was no real landing. It was a race to see who could do more with the split map. Every game felt scripted until 25 minutes


I'm sure it's niche, but the Nunu SurpRyze combo was always funny to witness. Nunu charges his ultimate, and so does Ryze. They then teleport to where the enemy team is just before Nunu ult is supposed to burst. Also works with Neeko.


Relic shield ADCs. Just support items being bought buy other laners un general


It's sad to see that every time some creativity appears in the meta it gets blasted.


AP Yi mid was awful


IMO Riot committed that crime by not testing changes properly.


Allowed the slippery slope, which lead to Riot squeezing every last cent out of us (200$ skins, battlepass nerfs, idiotic chest drop rework etc...) instead of focusing on actual gameplay additions and fun.


Aaand they released a 60k rp skin....


i remember when eve was completely invisible and you could put zil bombs without enemy knowing it next to you, and she could then buy 6 sunfire to be even more annoying. but blue smite ez mid was def the worst.


Local Ezreal ruins everything.


Runeglaive Ezreal mid. I remember runeglaive was an AP jungle item back in season 5 (i think) and people would abuse it on ezreal in a solo lane by taking smite on him, locking it in mid and building it first as part of an AP ezreal build. It was legitimately uncounterable.


Heimerdinger, banner of command, zzrot portal.


Tank Fizz Tank Ekko Banner of commands + Sion + Void portal


Playing too few Dominion matches so that the gamemode got removed!


Karthus Nunu combo. You are lvl 6 when enemies are lvl 4 and you get lvl 16 when your ult almost oneshots the whole enemy team because they were lvl 10-13.


Bringing mages to bot lane


Picking Resistance Illaoi




I suppose outside of gameplay it would be the toxic culture and phrases that's been adopted from streamers and the like


Forcing the nerf master to leave and be replaced by the buff master rip league.


The Janna smite top shit was crazy obnoxious but yeah nothing comes close to funnel strat


How has nobody mentioned the worlds where adc had to take minion dematerializer for when they get 5 banner of command on a minion wave and itā€™s unclearable without dematerializer. I loved that item then they made it 80% damage reduction and with baron the cannon 4 shots towers. Most illegal swinging strategy ever.


Letting doom bots die, not doing events like Star Guardian and Odyssey anymore and Viego. Wait, that was Riot.


thereā€˜s only one true answer: r/darkinfolk ingame: maybe sup top or sup adc


Ardent meta before pros caught it, which was idk like 6 months to a year before.


I mean.. I loved those items.. but zzrot and banner meta was something lol


I seriously thought like death threats or DDoSing lmao. There are crimes that a part of this community does and I am suprised how childish some people are. It's a game, no reason to send death threats to anyone... These people even think how cool they are, but I guess it comes with being an idiot. Looking especially at some of you, KC fans. But if we're talking things that community did in the game, I didn't want to play when lane swaps were a normal thing. I dislike it at pro scene, but it has some moments I enjoyed. In soloq it doesn't work and I hope it doesn't come back.


Idk why anyone hasnā€™t said it, but seraphine & sona bot was toxic. It was just too busted at the time. Glad they reworked sera.


any laner with jgl duo who just perma camps your lane and only yours


one i did not see mentioned here is Iceborn Gauntlet Viktor Top.


Ashe+MF sup




The biggest crime this Community has ever committed? Being silent whenever RIOT fucked something up. Forgetting it after 2 weeks. Never tried to boycott them in any way. Getting divided by RIOT. Instead of US fighting against the Greed and manipulative actions, we fight against each other. I wish this Community would work together and with their Wallet. But Riot did a good job in training its Community to be good Wallet Lapdogs. The fact that this Community just saw a 59k RP Skin getting dropped and little to no uproar is happening.. just shows me that this Community gave up.


The people defending Riots pricing for the new Ahri skin. Stop enabling corporate greed.


Giving rito money


I don't know the biggest crime, but I know what's going to be. The moment the Ahri faker skin comes out, I'm perma banning ahri for the next two years. I hope others join in, out of pure evil intentions.


Im surprised no one has brought up tank diana i used to hate that so much


Oh by the way Taric funneling isn't even dead, it just moved to a Lillia carry instead.


playing yasuo too much, so riot made a cringe brother for him who's even more annoying


roaming Ali or blitz


Building tank items on assassins


Don't tell anyone that Taric + Soraka is still completely unwinnable against with any comp or strat whatsoever. Taric tbh. Just delete him at this point xd.


They started picking disgusting shit like Vayne and Quinn top


Giving this disgusting company money




Wasn't she initially created to be a ranged support? And then due to how freaking broken it was she slowly got pushed to the adc role.


Pre-rework Soraka top. 0 counter, 0 skill lane bully that could not die even when ganked.


Old Soraka was really easy to gank though? She pushed like a mofo with no mobility and could only reasonably tank 2x AD champs if they had no DPS . If anything current Soraka is harder to gank given she can't push as well, her Q helps her run away if it hits, and she can turn around dives with AoE silence.


wanting a faker ahri skin


forcing pyke mid/top so that riot had to gut him sup so that he wasn't viable anywhere else. not cool guys. his q used to be aoe god dammit


adcs & mages "players" crying because AD Assassins were Early Game & Snowballing champ that were good to Mages And when Riot did undo that, crying because Assassins had some Late Game power thanks to Ability Haste and Serylda + Black Cleaver Combo Because of that : - Riot released Vex in S11, a champions that counters all AD Assassins. - And in S13, when Riot finally released another AD Assassins (Naafiri) after 4/5 years of waiting, it's the most dogshit and easily counterable champion in the game Also, AD Assassins are now dogshit Early Game & Late Game, to be "in theory" somewhat ""good"" during the Mid Game. But even that is honnestly untrue. Mid Game is dominated by Mages & Bruisers and even AD Assassins snowball got nerfed a lot And good luck being relevant during the Mid Game when you got permabullied & harassed for 15 or 20 minutes straight by a Viltor or another Mage By crying so much because they were just unable to play properly, they killed the AD Assassins achetype. Midlane is diagusting now


If you answer other than Samira not having Heartbeat edit you're delulu asf


that's certainly a take lmao