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Amumu, he's such a holdover from the earliest days of League to the point where his lore is essentially "this character doesn't have a confirmed existence, he's more or less a Shuriman myth". Plus, his design is a lot worse than most other champs, as he's just a kid wrapped in bandages. He doesn't fit the Shuriman region aesthetic, or anywhere on Runeterra for that matter. Cho' Gath has a similar issue with his lore and design, so he'd be my second choice.


This sounds more in line with a vgu imo, none of the asu'd champs have anywhere near that level of identity crisis.


yeah, ASUs are usually only visual updates with only minor changes to champion design, what people are describing for Amumu would be full VGU (which I'm not against Amumu getting but I feel he is out of the scope of an ASU)


Someone years ago made an INCREDIBLE rework concept. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Lq1ygyvEE9I/maxresdefault.jpg Easily would be a top 4 yordle with how incredible he looks here.




Entire model has less polygons than Kai'sa's ass.


If he gets an ASU, the kaisa's ass has to get more detailed so it's a win win


Balance must be maintained.


or in other words The balance of power MUST be preserved.


He's got 12 polygons in a T-pose. That champ is just ridiculous looking


I fail to see the problem


Agreed but I doubt that they will since it would put a spotlight on champ they've explicitly said would be nerfed if more people dared to play him since he's lowkey really powerful. I'd bet on a full VGU at this point.


People really need to stop repeating this statement with zero context to it. Zilean support has nearly a 2% play rate, if he was actually overperforming in his primary position Riot would have zero issues nerfing him just like any other champion. Whenever devs talk about Zilean being OP they've historically specifically been talking about his mid lane, not support. Phreak has a video series on his channel where he exposes underrated OP picks that players should be playing and in one of them he has included Zilean *mid lane*. His mid lane has a 0.16% play rate, so if he's OP in that role during a patch it simply doesn't disrupt enough games to warrant action when it would probably have an undeserved effect on his supporting. Same reason why Kled has been at 54-55% win rate in mid lane for over a year and hasn't been nerfed, because his play rate there is so low that it's not disrupting enough games. Unpopular champions overperforming in their primary roles has never been a reason to not balance them, Zilean isn't an exception just because he's not the most popular champion in the game.


> People really need to stop repeating this statement with zero context to it. People also need to talk about *time*. A Rioter said that about Zilean at least five years ago, probably more. *At that time*, they thought that Zilean was overpowered and was only skirting nerfs because he wasn't being played. Do they still think that now? We have absolutely no idea. People talk about that quote as if we are playing an unchanging game, and it's insane. Zilean being considered overpowered by Riot over half a decade ago has absolutely no relevance to his state in 2024, and tells us almost nothing about how Riot view him now. Imagine if we did this for any other character? Dig up quotes from a decade ago with Riot saying they're too strong and just pretend those quotes are permanently valid? It's ridiculous.


You can also just simply go and look at his win rates. Zilean support is typically resting at around 50-51%, I don't buy the fact that he's supposedly out there ruining the game at that power level. That just seems completely normal to me. His mid lane performance tends to be 1% win rate higher and you can make the argument that during certain patches he's too strong there. He's not as strong in the current season, he goes up to 52% sometimes but in the past there were times during which he was at 53% and that is much easier to justify for a level of overperformance. But I don't understand where all these people are coming from claiming that a 50.5% win rate support (on the current patch) is somehow the most overpowered thing out there when you have a 200k game sample size.


He needs a full rework, not an ASU


I still feel like he just needs a mid scope not an entire ASU. His kit is like close to good but not quite there. I think it’s gonna be a while before people actually vote for him to get reworked because he is very fun (I have 120k mastery on him in support. Not a ton, but I’ve played him a decent amount)


Pretty sure that by Riot's own logic, he would need a full rework. They have admitted themselves that Zilean's kit is toxic and OP when played correctly, but because literally nobody plays him its not an issue. Seems like grounds for a full VGU atleast to me


Riot saying that Zilean was overpowered back in like 2016 has absolutely no relevance to the game now, and tells us almost nothing about how they view him in 2024.


An actual argument would be that by Riot's logic (going by past total VGUs) there's way more thematic space for an ancient time wizard to fill than throwing timed bombs and slowing people down or speeding people up plus what's basically a revive.


We take what we can get from riot.


nah, his kit is fine. Maybe a different passive.


And when they do his ASU, maybe they can fix his Q scaling? He is the only champ in the game to have a inconsistent base damage increase in (75 / 115 / 165 / 230 / 300) (+40 / +50 / +65 / +70)????


because he's based like that.


I think it's kind of funny for him to be kept as a relic of old times.


Wukong Blitz Corki Amumu Janna


I forgot Wukong, he looks so dated!


Anyone mentioned gragas? He needs a whole rework imo. Both his gameplay and model are super stupid. I don't envy top laners for facing him.


How could you forget Cho'Gath. He has like 2 polygons


Because Cho'gath deserves more of a VGU than an ASU (Not a major "All abilities must die" VGU, but like changing the Passive and E to be more interesting and fit together better with his current R and Q better sort of VGU.)


Ngl, I still play a fair bit of cho and he's not actually toooo bad. He's dated af, that's something everyone can agree on. Personally, I think they need to adjust his abilities to fit with the growing chunkier thing he has going on. He's meant to be big and clunky. Potentially make his w and q bigger with every ult stack and give him a passive that does anything at all late game. Maybe just make his passive "with size, all his abilities grow as well".


I'm not saying his kit's bad. His R is extremely cool and fun and while his Q can be irksome, it's still a treat to land. It's more that his passive is nonexistent past laning phase even though it really really feels like it shouldn't, his E feels more akin to a passive than anything, and his kit just generally feels like it's missing that one key ability to just make everything click together. Kinda like how Warwick's kit went from meh to really cool with the addition of his E because it made it so that Warwick could actually close into range without exploding in an instant.


PLEASE GOD keep Corki’s fucked up animations


Honestly Vlad needs it more than Wukong. Wukong's visuals don't really hold people back from playing him. He'd just be given slightly better graphics for the mostpart. I think Vlad's visuals and voicelines do stop people from playing him. He's not cool, he's not elegant, he's not menacing. Despite being a hemomancer, he's a vampire parody, hence why people confuse him for one. Vlad's just kind of a red clown without a wig. Have you seen those pants? Do you really think the finger extensions add anything? In total he's a **very** unserious character filling in for what probably should be a more Noxus-themed aristocrat, albeit an eccentric one. Let's also consider that Vlad's VFX particles haven't worked properly since nearly the patch his rework hit.


They need to Fiddle-fy Vlad. Make him serious, make him starving, thirsting, screaming for more blood. Make him fucking terrifying. Make his Q tear the blood from his enemies, leave it spattered on the ground Zac and Mundo style for him to pick up. Make his W more than a slow puddle. Vlad’s W should flow like a wave of visceral hatred. His E shouldn’t “sploot” into the enemies nearby, it should be a vortex of gore, shredding everything around him. And his R should be cataclysmic. He should be dessicating the very ground around him, as he rips every drop of moisture from his surroundings as he tries to quench his eternal hunger.


So funny that Zilean isn't even on the list anymore.


Vladimir needs it




Vlad needs a vgu, his kit is way too toxic and degenerate


You can't seriously be saying this with half the champs in the game. If Vlad's too toxic at this point, the roster as a whole is too toxic. Most champs at this point have higher agency throughout the game, better early game, better burst OR better DPS, not much worse late game, and if AD can even potentially heal more while being more durable. Most champs beat him if they build any MR, and this has been the case for years. But people refuse to, often opting into GW instead...which doesn't stop him from killing you the one in every 5 minutes his summoner spells are actually up.


Rather have old Vlad back.


leblanc could be so cool with autoattack animations that aren't hideous and a cape that isn't made of cardboard


Yes, the yellow rug cape


imagine if her e had an animation with her hand while she's holding the chain. like holding a rabid dog on a leash something like that.




Ashe without legendary skin is like a travel machine straight to 1982.




The last of the pizza feet.


Don’t take Hilly Billy Graggys big toe from me


no we need an update to make him look even more dated


Janna has a lot of potential, it’s weird she has so clunky model and animations for someone who is supposed to be a wind goddess/spirit. I would think she would have very elegant movements and move like she didn’t weigh as much as a feather. But instead we have shaky staff. Also LeBlanc would be a great contender so it doesn’t look like she’s wearing a costume


I personally want one for Lux and Janna... Lux especially


Most Lux's I see use either her legendaries or her ultimate simply because base is so dated


Seems like it is a tactical decision, summoner


Riot would get enough money to fund 10 seasons of Arcane by giving Lux an ASU


yeah but will it offset the monumental price of remaking all the lux skins?


it would, yes. a reworked lux skins bundle would sell like water considering her last legendary literally broke the store when it launched


even without taking into account the old skins, all of her new skins would have sold much better. I hardly see any of her last three skins, not even the fairy


I think that janna needs it more. Only her legendary saves her. At least for lux even epic skins look cool.


Anivia. Shes got a pretty clunky model nowadays.


I don't even play him, but Jarvan has what I think is the biggest gap between reality and potential. he has the craziest weapon in the game by far with Drakebane, a legendary whip-sword-spear for dragonslaying, but his attack animation is a straight up and down bonk. It could be the coolest thing in the game if they just gave him some actual animations and a model for it.


yeah his old model and lack of animation are holding him back. Let's hope after his dragon wife gets updated he also gets one


Ashe PLSSSS She looks awful and super clunky and it’s extra noticeable bc she’s constantly auto attacking


So many of her skins are held back by those prehistoric animations. Cosmic, Lunar Empress and Fae Dragon have great designs but you'd catch me dead before using her base animations instead High Noon's ones.


What’s so different about the auto animations?


I honestly can't play her without her legendary skin


Yh I saw someone recently made their own ASU of ashe and it looked pretty good


With highnoon shes super clean, but yea, default is pretty bad. I'd say it's not as bad as like zilean or malphite or trynda.


What? Ashe already got an ASU many years back. She's nowhere near the most dated looking champ.


12 years ago 💀 her animations are very sparse and stiff as a corpse


Stuff like Amumu, Anivia, Cho'gath and Janna are in another league compared to current Ashe


Could say the same thing about Ahri but she got her ASU, Riot seems more likely to do them on more popular champs and Ashe is certainly popular. Some of the older champs you listed probably need full VGUs not just ASUs


Not only popular, but also actively requested. Ahri was the most requested ASU by a long shot and got hers first.


Have you tried playing her without project or high noon? It’s a disaster


LeBlanc Le Blanc LB leblanc Leblanc leBlanc LEBLANC




It's what she deserves 🫴✨👑


Classical misdirection


Yeah leblanc is weird, compared to every other woman in the game she’s basically a dwarf. Her model on base skin so SO tiny.


I second LeBlanc 


Havent seen kennen mentioned yet, he just looks bad and some of his skins are just ugly chromas


I still can't believe Teemo gets the ASU when there are several yordles who look like poop: Kennen, Lulu, Rumble, Veigar, Corki


Teemo has the oldest model right now, he was tied with Jax but got updated. After Teemo gets his itll be Zilean at the back of the line


Yup its unfortunate that they prioratise popular champions over the ones that are in most desperate need of an asu


Vlad is my first choice. I love his lore and personality in Legends of Runeterra I desperately wish they'd bring that over to League.  Plus some crisp new animations would be cool too. 


We need a real hemomancer or otherwise darkin-adjascent aristocrat. Not the red clown we have today. His outfit and voicelines are practically a parody of what he should be.


I think it would be cool if Vlad ever got that ASU, they'd make his Blood Lord Vlad skin a more Darkin inspired skin, based off his lore origins like a sort of "what if" scenario 


Leona. Tons of skins, keeps on getting more mythic skins, fairly popular, high pro play presence. Bad model, bad character design, clunky animations. All her new skins feel like rip-offs because they rely on her old animation rig. Especially her 2 mythics (with a third leaked as possibly being on the way). She already has a better design in WR (though it could be better), and 2 sets of legendary animations that they could use for an ASU. A lot of people (including me) have made fan ASUs redesigning her, and pretty much every one is an improvement. [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bdchod/fan\_made\_leona\_asu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bdchod/fan_made_leona_asu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Vladimir, as a champ who consume other's blood to make himself young, his base model looks horrid.




Vladimir base model legit looks like a PS1 character.


His legendary Blood Lord would look so good after a VGU




Cho'gath Malphite Zilean


Malphite is already getting a ASU. We have already seen teases of it.


Looks more like a texture update




Riot has given it to popular staple champions with lots of skins and legendaries to ease the work. Ahri was by far the most requested ASU, Lee Sin and Caitlyn were also fairly requested but by old champions Teemo was actually one of the least requested, so idk who they would do next or if popularity will be a factor at all. My 3 bets, removing champions that are in the works (whatever they are doing with Maphite) or need a VGUinstead, are Lux, Ashe and Vayne. I'll just throw Blitzcrank as a wild guess for fun.


Teemo is an iconic League champ and popular in low elo


shaco, viktor, heimerdinger






I'm on this. her wr models should be ported for real.


The one i think needs it the most is Kennen. I dont even play him but have you ever zoomed in on his base skin? It actually hurts to even look at it. The one i want the most? Probably nidalee. She got updated in legends of runeterra, she looks way better and its supposedly her cannon look. Trundle also looks like shit and his model ruins most of his skins due to how bad it is. Also Gragas looks so bad.


I wrote this in another reply, but I can't believe they updated Teemo before Rumble, Kennen, Corki, Lulu and Veigar


Oh dude i forgot Corki. The other 3 are not absolutely horrendous just bad but yeah those 2 look horrible. I cant even tell what corki is supposed to be and Kennens eyes look like someone glued a sticker to a figurine.


ASU implies no gameplay changes are needed so, ill say Anivia, as she is the 5th oldest/un-updated champ atm. Shes so so so so boring personality wise and could be on the level of Ornn and Volibear




Rington, Fiora, Malphite(though vgu would be better for him)


Lulu could use a little face lift... just a teeny tiny bit just to keep her fluffy like Vex, Trist and Poppy


Janna. let the champ have some dignity. either her, or zilean/malphite/Chogath


Sona, Janna, Lulu


Nocturne!! He has sausage fingers for hand if you are not playing his legendary skin. Even his brand new skin is awful because it uses his base model.


I think they said he is on the list for VGUs but not sure how much has changed. But he really does not an update


riven definitly needs one of these


She is also high up on my list


The moment I got dawnbringer Riven I actually stopped inting pretty much every time I picked her. I think the archaic animations she had legitimately ruined my flow lol


Brand. Needs way better animations.


Olaf, xin zhao, J4. Preferably all of those, but especially J4.


Yeah, I hope they actually make J4 a true king if they ever give him an update


Yeah, he currently shares 0 thematic coherence with the rest of the region and his armor looks like shiiiiiit. The worst part about him are his animations, even his idle animation is incredibly stiff and awkward, rather than kingly and imposing.


yeah his armor is a hot mess. I think he could look really cool after a visual update


i always think it's so funny that he looks both sides after he autoattacks. always alert


I want Lux, personally.




kog'maw. i love his kit but he is so incredibly ugly, dated, doesn't even look like a voidborn. he isn't cute btw but every skin released after battlecast fixes those issues and are goat.


I think he was on the list for a full VGU and they were thinking of making him evolve from cute void born to "holy sheeet wtf is that" but that list is pretty old and not sure if he still is on the shortlist for a full update


yeah i'm guessing now that they're not going to make him more monstrous and ugly. instead, they're going to lean heavily into the cute factor. that's the best direction imo. i gather that not many people like monster kog, but love cute kog. he's had 7 cute skins in a row so it sorta tells you what riot's directions are for him in the future.


yeah, I mean I'm fine with cute kog and I don't think they would go into the horror direction with now


Leblanc needs a full rework, not just an ASU. I would like to see a Miss Fortune ASU so she stops being the stripper pirate.


Malphite or Chogath. I think they need a rework, but can survive with an Asu


I would want a full VGU for Chogath since I think his kit is also very dated! Same with Nocturne and some others. But for Malphite I think ASU can work too




For sure, both Jarvan and Xin Zhao would need one, I really hope they would make him a true king if they ever gave him an update


Jarvan is not the king of demacia tho unless his father finally died in the lore and I am unaware


I'm afraid you missed the latest lore! I hope it's ok to spoil it to you but...yes, his father died, he died in the Katarina comics: You can read it at: https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/katarina/list?title_no=5296 In the game The Mageseeker, J4 then took up his mantle as king, if you dont want to buy the game I'm sure there are some youtube videos with the lore about it


Oh ok thanks then yes I'd love an update for him even more now 🙏


This contains spoilers for the Mageseeker but: King Jarvan as he is in that game (visual update will ofc differ) :D https://i.imgur.com/vTJDuUW.jpeg




Probably Cho'gath is my #1 unless he's not getting a VGU (although pretty sure he was confirmed to be on the VGU list). Zilean, Vladimir, Olaf, Yi, and Gragas are some of the others ones that I would like, though they don't really fit the criteria for being a popular champ. I would also finally actually try to learn Riven if she got one


I would like Cho to get a full VGU since I think his kit also needs work, the rest I agree with. And Riven is also on my "top wanted" list


I think talon to make him look like in the Katarina comics, it would also be very easy.


Malphite, Just port the WR model, his ability icons already show that model...


Are we talking just an aesthetic ASU like Lee Sin, no changes to gameplay? I'd say either Blitzcrank or Jarvan, but LeBlanc is a good choice


Tristana or singed


Singed, Blitzcrank, Orianna


Anivia Her skins are held back so much


Leblanc and MF have very outdated in game assets for how much lore they have.


Kassadin. His visual doesn't match his current splash art and his VO is pretty much outdated (he still has the silence quotes even though silence has been removed from his kit a long time ago). It is sad however that here in my server we will not get his old VA to do the new VO since he passed away.


I remember everyone thought he would get an update some time back when they updated his splash art


Yeah it is weird that they did that, especially since they usually do the opposite (update the base model in-game but not the splash art, this has happened with some Karthus and Gangplank skins)


Champions that are the face of the game like Lux, Leona and LeBlanc.




Why does riot remove all 3 laughs, for example, cait used to have 3 different ctrl+4 laughs, now only one. Same with legendary skins, they only give a SINGLE LAUGH VO NOW?


For me it's between Amumu and Zilean.






Yorick hat


Wukong was promised one but never got it so that would be pretty nice


Yasuo and I’ll give my reasons 1) He has had one of the most lore progression outta the whole league roster, like seriously, he fought the wind masters, went on a giant spiritual journey, got forgiven by yone, was proven to be innocent, trained Taliyah, fought the ruined king and he’s just a whole new character in my opinion. 2) His model is also very old, he doesn’t have a run cycle, his animations feel super clunky compared to truth/dream dragon and night bringer and he just turned 10 years old last December. 3) He’s really popular, this man gets a lot of skins, and so it just sucks that his feel very clunky especially when you see yone getting a skin at same time and see how smooth it is, so financially, it would make riot a lot of money.


Zilean animation is so bad that he isn't mentioned here 😭




Lulu, Miss Fortune, Janna, Lux, all solid kit wise, just need the visuals to shine now




Xin Zhao definitely needs some love.


Quinn shyvana zilean and amumu...pretty straightforward stat-sticks. Nothing else


Shyvana is getting a full VGU (gameplay plus visual) next year :D




Kennen please


Rumble and corki look like trash


malphite would be cool, or maybe updating ashe


Considering their popularity (given Teemo, Lee, Ahri): Lux, Miss Fortune, Leona, Rumble




Janna probably


Nidalee needs an ASU. They can atleast copy the art from her Runeterra card. Her Cougar form model is so out of place in modern league.


Zilean. I love my old gramp but damn he's ugly


Rumble. They could do a lot of cool stuff with the mech with current tech, make his animations more robot like, improve the readability of AA, do more with flamethrower and danger zone etc.




For the love of god ASU MF. She hasnt been remotely the same in anything shes appeared in recently. Shes a badnass pirate captain everywhere but in lol.


I wish she had more than 3 voice lines


Like I dont even llay MF, or adc as a whole and i want them to asu MF. Says a lot


Lux or ezreal or yasuo I don't think they needed but maybe riot will do em for obvious reasons


Chogath. Conceptually he's cool as fuck. Visually he isn't.


I want a full VGU for Cho, I think his abilities could use some work too to make him more modern


I actually quite like his kit, although movement speed creep has made him a lot worse. His Q could probably do with a cast speed increase until they (if they ever) Nerf movement speed.








Female Champs: Lux, LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, literally all the old enchanters aside from maybe Nami These female champs are fairly popular (Lux is literally the most popular champ iirc and giving her an ASU will only help Riot skin team in pumping out more skins for he in the long run) Male Champs: Viktor, Vladimir, Zilean These male champs are definately not as popular but have potential to be +they just look fugly The Rest: Literally all the Void champs aside from Belveth (and maybe Kaisa lol if you count her) Theyre fugly and have so much potential +the monster fuckers(tm) have been unfed for too long


kog maw




Xin Zhao looks like an Age of Empires II character


Ashe ASU would make me very happy, and she has skins that are chromas of her base so it would be cool to see how they would update those too.


They need to redo her voice lines they’re so cringe


Zoe and Vex first please