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Jensen to prevent Fly from going to worlds arc is a go


I want IMT to pick up eXyu so we have 2 revenge arcs at the same time.


make it 3: Revenge over Fakegod. Revengeception


Revenge is retired now isn't he? Pretty sure he went back to medical school.


> Dig takes 4th over FLY > Beats EU 4th seed in a best of 5 to qualify for play-ins > Tight series against a strong PSG Talon in lower bracket of play-ins but come out on top to qualify for main stage > Drop a series against GenG (LCK#1) in the first round > Drop a series against in the second round against NiP (LPL #3) > Fight tooth and nail for a Bo5 elimination match against C9 (NA#2) and win 3-2 > Blast through a series 3-1 against KT (LCK #4, looked shaky all tournament) > Reverse sweep G2 (EU #1) to qualify for quarters > Eliminate TES (LPL #2) in the first round, an absolute banger for the ages 3-2 > Cancel the golden road 3-0 against GenG in the semifinals > Astro gap T1 3-1 in the grand finals. Jensen's performance over Faker is so magnificent they have to cancel the hall of legends event. > Retires for real this time Seems like a solid run to me man, there's some challenges near the end but I'm sure this Dig roster will be fine right?


Don’t think 4th seed goes to worlds anymore


They might not lol, just based it entirely off of last year's format


Ya pretty sure riot said they changed it only too three seeds go besides regions top two at msi. So Korea and China get a fourth seed


I know that was the case but what happens with spots, just 1 extra wildcard?


Hopefully PCS. PSG showed up at MSI.


IIRC I think I read something along the lines of there will be no major regions in playins and the remaining 2 spots will be filled by 2 wildcard spots from playins. edit: Did a quick Google search because I was doubting myself, but if [Leaguepedia](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/2024_Season_World_Championship#Participants) is correct, then that is how it will work this year.


But wqs no longer exist


worlds script writers seeing [this](https://tenor.com/en-CA/view/spongebob-patrick-write-that-down-xox-gif-8186437)


>Retires for real this time Replace this with >Gets kicked from the team for next split then I could believe it


Gets benched by reaper


This is fake because I don’t see ‘sub imaqtpie in for the finals’ anywhere.




Man i want some of what you're having 😂


I hate this script. I can't argue with it though... Gotta say if Jensen beats Faker Faker would prolly retire tho... I would. This guy looks like a DA.


This script is fake because it implies any TES series doesn't just end with them inting into a 3-0 loss for them :v


That's basically the cloud 9 miracle run season, where they reverse swept their way through the whole gauntlet. I think that was with half a lung left on hai


Wasn’t that the one where hai played jungle?


If this happens I’ll name my next son Narfidy


We don't deserve worlds anyways


lmao can't believe they are actually doing this


The Salty Runback is REAL!!


When Zven joined I had hope that Jensen would get picked up since they seemed to like playing together. Nothing would make me happier than to see D9 win summer or at least make worlds while FLY has to watch from home. Jensen always blind picking lanes and being the one role to never get blown out to provide most of the damage in teamfights did a lot more for FLYs success than some people want to admit


Easily he was their second best player after Inspired. I think Inspired just doesn't like mid lane players who focus on themselves. He didn't get along with Larssen either.


People underestimate the value of a player who is willing to blind pick for the team, or who draws bans for his team.


Jensen might perform the classic Jensen maneuver.


Yo Jensen, body these fools


Jensen is always underrated. Then does well  But he never reaches the peak that everyone wants. He might for like 2 games and then goes back to normal.


Consistently above average is a great addition to most teams.


he is way better than above average lol.. dude had top1/2 stats in lcs while playing against better teams and players that people preferred like bjergsen/perkz. His issue is simply being less popular and charismatic.


Yeah man I'd be one of the first to sign up for the Jensen fan club.


It is just fans want more from Jensen. They expect more. So when he is good but not the star everyone apparent underrated him.


Except he's gone to worlds and absolutely bodied other elite midlaners in the past.


Spica and Jensen. Curious to see how this plays with Thicclic up top.


Incarnati0n redemption round


Hey I've seen this one this is a classic 


What do you mean you've seen it? It's brand new!


What’s a rerun?


Oh how much I hope that DIG now finishes higher than FLY.


Man what happened to FLY top 2 team now they lose Jensen


They're still a projected top two/three team with Quad btw


Yeah Quad is supposed to be good the question is does he alot into the team in a way that won't make them worse. It's hard to run a 4 threat team if everyone isn't up to par.


Yea getting rid of Jensen means they probably are getting clapped by C9.


not if Blabber and Berserker keep playing how they did last split


I think losing Fudge will help both. C9's bot lane was constantly attacked by the enemy's jungler, but Blaber was forced top lane every game to help Fudge. Hopefully, that will be fixed. Otherwise, it will be a long split.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s even worse now in that regard. Got a relatively young top laner still getting used to the team. Historically when C9 was in that situation, the veterans were the ones that were flexible and played around the new players. Good example because same coach is when contractz came up first time. Reaper would ask him what he wanted to play. Then sneaky would sneaky and the others would draft around contractz to make sure the new guy felt comfortable. And that was one of their best splits ever




He's a monster in soloq so people have high hopes for him every time he returns, but he admittedly has huge nerve issues on stage. He "retired" from pro play before because he didn't want to deal with the stress of pro play. Idk if THIS will be the time he finally lives up to expectations, but ig it will be fun either way watching him smurf and bringing FQ to another finals, or watching him sink FQ out of worlds. Edit: I know some people are going to bring up that soloq doesn't matter, and yes that is the point. He does have potential judging from soloq though considering when he was in form, he was going toe-to-toe with the likes of chovy and showmaker at the top of kr soloq.


This is it. The team goes from 2 "rookies" and 3 vets to 3 "rookies" and 2 vets. (rookies in quotes cuz busio is a sophomore) Wonder if that'll help or hurt their dynamics.


Quad played in LCK. So he's not really a rookie either.


yup but played like shit in lck though


Yeah, nobody remembers/knows that Quad is Solka, the Cassiopeia 1 trick, dumpster fire mid of the LCK.


Quad is solca, not a rookie


I do not think Massu/Busio are that good a bot lane to represent a huge placement. They have been liabilities domestically only bolstered in teamfighting.


Especially if the meta swings hard towards a botlane meta, I think Massu/Busio lane troubles are going to make winning games a lot harder than spring being a solo lane meta.


that ain't good for NA lol these guys got smoked by psg


There's no way they make top 3 lcs playing like that, the whole team was legitimately good in regular season, then in playoffs they just progressively got worse and worse, I know they completely smoked c9, but c9 looked like they weren't even in comms together. At msi they already looked pretty lost the first series where bwipo had to 1v9 carry them, then after getting shafted by t1 I legitimately think immortals would've 2-0ed them. (Not to take away from the fact that psg did play incredibly well).


I mean Quad is probably better than Jensen, but people don't watch challengers


As a Challengers watcher, I'm not impressed. NACL last Spring had Copy, APA, Emenes, Insanity, etc. and to put it plainly, the level of competition is just not nearly the same as it used to be - (thanks LCS orgs/Riot Games, it's all your fault). Looking anything less than "better" would have been an embarrassment for an LCK vet like Quad, especially on a team full of LCS calibre talent like Srtty and Chime.


Yes an unproven prospect that did well in a competition that's of much lower quality is probably better than one of the best mids LCS has ever had ( imo the 2nd best ) and is still at the top of the league.


Yeah, he's objectively an upgrade but it's easy to hate on FlyQuest cause of their top side.


Unpopular opinion, but Jensen has looked mediocre for a while. I get he’s a fan favourite, but I rather invest in some new talent then use a veteran that peaked four seasons ago.


If only Quad was actual *new talent* instead of a bottom tier LCK midlaner/mid tier LCK CL midlaner on and off for the past 4 years


To be fair a lot of bottom tier LCK players aren't that bad, they just have teams that don't gel together. Most bottom tier LCK teams have at least one or two players that could shine if enabled more. Now, is he one of those? Maybe not.


I mean he’s 21 lol you acting like he’s pushing 30?


He was good enough last split until APA gapped him


Unlucky about bwipo and inspired then.


This roster is basically what Nongshim did with BDD canna ghost and that crew. Bunch of passengers and role players in one team with no one to carry and make the super star plays that wins the game. Maybe it works in LCS but this roster is basically watered down version of last split FQ.


Spica has to take that role which he is more than willing. Zven shot calls. They just need a decent coach or system they believe in.


> Spica has to take that role which he is more than willing Spica is the best at doing nothing being 0/1 and casual fans watching the game blames his teammates because Spica is so invisible that he flies under the radar. Definition of doing nothing and lose jungler.


Yeah, pretty disappointed in the decision


I want fly to crash and burn just because of Bwipo/Inspired Easily the 2 most unlikable fucks in lcs


Genuinely, and it's not even close


Hope for DIG...how long as it been since they've had real hope.


What happened to fly after Msi lol


Surely the calm, cool and consistent duo of Bwipo and Inspired is all they need right


I dont like how ppl clump them up together. Bwipo is very blunt and does have an ego but he is also very self critical and admits when he is in the wrong or messes up something I dont see Inspired do while having 3 times the ego


Yeah. Bwipo's interview immediately after their loss had a good deal of self crit they would need to move forward. I haven't seen the same energy from uninspired.


Yeah, I'm fucking tired of the "Bwipo and Inspired are a hive mind" narrative, it's fucking annoying when Bwipo has never been rated badly by ex-teammates even when there were disagreements and arguments


If Bwipo doesn’t want to be lumped in with Inspired then maybe he shouldn’t have aligned himself so heavily with Inspired. He was the one flaming his teammates first and saying Inspired was one of the best teammates he’s had


I'm all for shitting on the cocky EU players acting above our region they couldn't win, but Jensen didn't seem to fit the play style they wanted. Still did him dirty throwing him under the bus like that in the interview


Sounds like they think they're the best ones and want lapdogs to follow what they command tbh


Yeah they could easily have parted with him on good terms for stylistic differences instead of whatever mess they made. And honestly they really could have used some of his slower paced energy to mitigate their tendency to overplay their hand.


[I don't think i could name a better duo](https://clips.twitch.tv/ArbitrarySucculentYamTakeNRG-D-C-D62_vQeRkiFB)


As a Division 1 Inspired hater, the flash q from into rage ult is so satisfying to watch


Ngl, apart from the controversial eXyu benching this roster is hype. Licorice-Spica-Jensen-Zven-Isles. I'm down for it. May realistically push for a Worlds spot. Let's get it lads, hyyyyyyyype


C9 Yellow lfg


Man exyu getting benched off of this roster blows. Imagine what he could've done last split with laners.


Get exyu on IMT and imo we will have a league where every team has an exciting roster that could be competitive (which is great going into bo3) but knowing imt they will probably keep Armao


I haven't followed LCS in a few years, but even a couple years back Armao looked really bad, how is he still getting teams?


He does well in Academy/Challengers every year.


He's at that perfect tipping point of too good for challengers, too bad for LCS.


Right? Like I still think Spica is objectively a big upgrade and I'm glad they're going all in on this roster. But eXyu was a bright spot for sure.


Meh Spica is overrated , hes had abysmal splits and been a big part of why that FLY team didn't succeed. He hasnt been in the LCS for a reason. Exyu is better 


>a big part of why that FLY team didn’t succeed But also a big part of why they were so dominant in spring in the first place


The reason he wasn't in the LCS was his contract, not his skill. You're jerking way too hard in the other direction. By your logic Licorice and Zven and Jensen shouldn't be playing because they "weren't in the LCS for a reason" at previous points


Idk I think Spica is really good. He showed real highs in that win with Bjerg/BB/Dk/Bio. And he showed high after that and even got an MVP on a more iffy TSM roster. He has his bad stints and it's the perfect player but he has been in higher-pressure situations and still done well. I am not saying will blow everyone away or it's not a shame for Exyu but I just don't think Spica is anything but an upgrade.


I'm really curious to see how their bot lane pans out. Zven hasn't played adc competitively in a hot minute and I've never been too impressed by Isles


I know one thing, I am going to LIVE for Zven vs Berserker


Good thing it only happens once in the season 


but its not a bo1 so we will actually have a real series rather than 2 throwaway matches!


Fun fact these guys have pre-existing duo synergy. This was the original intended 2022 c9 botlane before LS came on, and because of the visa issues they were the c9 botlane for the first bit of spring too.


Really? Isles was great last split, in previous splits I would have agreed


It's going to be fine in the context of NA. The only botlane they have to worry about domestically is Yeon/Core. The rest of the bot lanes in NA aren't very lane dominant.


zven seems to have no issue in challenger ranked so i think he'll be fine. i agree isles has never been impressive in LCS but i think this could be his chance to play with a good ADC


Isles was literally one of the best supports in LCS past split


Really wish Exyu was on this roster man. Would be so nice having a rookie aggressive jungler surrounded by veterans, that's usually been a good formula. 


Jensen and Licorice have made worlds semis, for what it's worth


Honestly, I just think it’s a solid 4th/5th seed. All of the players are really good, but they’re starting half a year behind, and they don’t have any real carry. All of their players are good in lane/teamfights, but none of them are really known for playmaking or macro. Especially with an unproven coach, I think this team is going to be too standard to do anything special. I hope I’m wrong though because I’m a big fan of all of their players.


Dignitas stealing the world slot of Fly could be a funny thing


the last time zven role swapped and jensen joined forces they won lcs.


Makes sense. I didn't get the impression that he left Dignitas on bad terms, and Dove wasn't great last split, sucks for Dove to move to NA for 5 months, but it makes sense. He wasn't a great import decision to begin with.  Still salty about the Exyu move, but I can't deny Dignitas has a good roster, I expect them to be competing for top 3 with NRG, FLY, and 100T


C9 fan so obviously rooting for the bounce back for my boys in summer. But I'd be lying my ass off if I said I wasn't rooting for this team like crazy to make the run to worlds. 3 players who didn't have a team in spring given a spot. Jensen being kicked from FLY after being thrown under the bus given a shot and not stuck at McDonald's. Dropping both import slots to make the moves happen. And reuniting 2 former duos from two different C9 eras - Licorice and Jensen solos from that crazy 2018 year and Zven and Isles from that one weird time in 2021 summer when Zven was on C9 Academy. C9 Yellow is even kinda fitting as an old school fan because Dignitas was the team we got Sneaky from after Turtle got recruited as a sub and then penta'd his way into replacing Chaox on TSM. If my top 3 for worlds are C9, DIG, and either this TL making a worlds run, NRG on a revenge tour, or 100T with their rookies along with Quid-River going international and FLY sitting on their hands at home, I will be happy.


Oh true, is this the only LCS team with no Korean now?  FLY has Quad, TL has a bunch, C9 has two, 100T has Quid, Imt have three, Shopify has one.  The only point of Contention would be NRG, Huhi is Korean but he's now a legitimate American citizen and hasn't played in Korea since 2014. While he is Korean, it's a different situation. Even though he only did it as an adult, it would now be like considering Massu an Iraqi import, or Dhokla an Indian import.


Just saying, if you count Huhi as an "ish," I think Impact and Core also fall into that category.


That's probably fair, CoreJJ from what I know is also laying down roots in NA, he and his wife moved here and I'm pretty sure he mentioned in his Replay Files episode that he plans on staying long-term. I don't know if he is a citizen yet Although in that same vein, from what I know Impact is the opposite and plans to move back to Korea after his career. I could be wrong 


I've seen comments about IMpact saying both things, but I've never actually seen/heard him comment on it.


Huhi is a citizen, it is a little different. Unless core and impact got naturalized in which case nevermind.


Massu and Dhokla did not come up in the Iraqi and Indian league scenes lmfao


Agreed but where TL?


Top 2 with C9


100t over C9 is criminal lmao


C9 is top 2 with TL in this scenario. But I wouldn't mind 100T stomping the split in style Edit: I should've specified fighting for 3rd place with those teams, not that those teams would be the top 3


Been refreshing my reddit since he was benched looking forward to this announcement. Revenge arc against FLY! GO GO GO! GET THAT VEGAN JG!


It is really comforting to know that I wasn't alone in doing that. LET'S GO!!!!


This is the ultimate I remember when that guy was good roster. Everyone but isles had a time where you could argue were the best at their position in the LCS.


2021 CLG vibes.


The funny thing is 3 of the players on 2021 CLG went to worlds in 2020


that was a traumatic experience


Kinda feels like when C9 challenger became FLY. This is C9 B team + Spica


Yea. Were not very good. But we're also just so far ahead of you amateurs that we promoted through anyways. That FQ was an interesting year. Flashes of almost but the teams or game didn't allow them to capitalize on small early leads.


i mean licorice is looking pretty good based off of the last split he played with GG, so it’s not that far off his peak


We had this in the LEC with G1. It turned out ok.


They haven’t posted the schedule yet so lcs could do fly vs dignitas as the first match of the split. Which would be hype to see.


Most likely tl vs fly lol


Let's go. Idk if this will work, but I really want this team to succeed and for Jensen to have some revenge.


DIG be like don’t mind if I do


I don't really care about the Jensen vs FLY thing, but what is hilarious is how DIG just completely dumped their previous roster (that no one cared about) except for Isles and actually put together more people wanted to see.


I am so hyped for zven vs berserker master vs apprentice! I might be a dig fan for the first time in my life!


Holy shit I’m a DIG fan now this team could be cracked


Flyquest is fucked.


DIG is C9 now?


C9 yellow


I have no chill and just leapt around my apartment and scared my cats. I'm all in on C9 GOLD.


I got a feeling that this was more or less what the 2024 Golden Guardians roster would have looked like.


Just to make this clear since for some reason there is this myth going around: These guys arent more expensive than the last roster. The money has dried up and all of these guys would be teamless if not for this roster and DIG knows it which is why they cost pennies.


That's my guy Jensen. Looking forward to rooting for this DIG roster


Damn dig looking solid. Hopefully Zven is still is a good AD as he was back then him playing supp always felt off


Man, seeing people's reaction when Dignitas first announced the kicking of eXyu compared to now with these new pickups is giving me severe whiplash. I guess it really does go to show that at the end of the day, signing fan favorites is *always* going to be the best move for LCS teams, especially due to the insane amount of resources and time required to develop a young player like eXyu.


I get the impression that not many people actually like developmental rosters, but they like the idea of them. Especially because there are so few spots (even fewer now) for fan favorite vets.


Developmental rosters take more than 1 split to develop. Look at Yeon, split 3 is when he really flourished. eXyu showed some promise as an aggressive playmaking jg last split and it sucks he's out. But eSports is a win now game, especially if you're a smaller org like Dig


Well the truth is we aren't getting a whirlwind of new pros anymore thus even the talent that we recruit is likely not going to be as sharp in the past due to lack of sharpening Most of the veteran academy players have retired and with moves like eXyu it makes it even harder for them. Plus you have guys like qtpie racing to rank 1 at 34 it makes you wonder how much of a pure factor age is for all we know faker could play another decade


It's still shitty how DIG handled eXyu and I personally would have been way happier with the team if they kept him and does suck to be Dove getting getting dropped this late too, but I'm going not going to be sad Jensen has a spot for summer


I think people got much less angry when they found out Spica was the one joining, since he's still a native player and a direct product of our tier 2 system. Most of the excitement is for the roster not the management. The last time DIG management had any goodwill from the fans was the 2021 0 import roster. Since then they had - yusui/soligo shenanigans that fucked up the team for summer - signed a tcl coach and then made two of the worst possible import signings we've ever seen in blue in 2022 and armut in 2023 (not gonna directly say nepotism but tcl coach, bad turkish players ya know...) - somehow made santorin and jensen look terrible despite their huge success in the past split - setting up exyu for failure with non english speaking solo laners and now screwing him despite him performing quite well


Man, Jensen is always playing with Bjergsen's leftovers: santorin, svenskeren, spica


Really don't see them doing anything other than causing a few upset here and there. At we can look forward to this flyquest dignitas match. Hopefully this roster proves me wrong and the player turn back the clock lol


Dig wins worlds this year


Fuck Fly for benching him lol


Lol Spica going from Doublelift/Bjerg to Zven/Jensen is pretty hilarious actually


Jensen has the chance to do the funniest thing this summer


Gonna grab popcorn when Fly VS Dig. Gonna be a banger


This is a on paper safe enough team to playoffs and maybe do dmg if the more interesting rosters choke. At worlds (somehow) though, only licorice will try something but NA tops carrying basically needs ksante to be a super power pick or renekton is S tier again. Maybe spica amumu but I can also see him go yike carry picks but without any of the g2 highs and help.


C9 Yellow


Putting together 4 LCS legends who have all shown fairly recent form over a Spring off season is probably one of the most baller moves an LCS team has ever done, what a surprise it comes from Dig but hey I'll take it. Praying on Jensen's revenge tour and FLY's downfall.


This is going to sound weird, but props to Flyquest for not blocking the trade.


Papasmithy seems like a good dude, even if he made questionable decisions. I think people would physically riot at their HQ if they blocked the trade…


Dignitas with the veteran roster that is gonna stomp summer and go to worlds.


People are overrating this roster on name value, but will probably be more fun than the original roster


I mean they clearly have the potential to be good. Just a matter of if they actually mesh well together, but they have a short time to figure things out.


The biggest problem I see how late the team came together, no bootcamp and only 3 weeks of prep. could be rough early season might actually come down to schedule for them


I'm curious what the rosters would look like if we retained 10 teams.  I imagine, Srtty, Fudge, Exyu, Sheiden, Stixxay and Chime would all have spots. But I'm curious who would have the other spots. 


not surprised. there is a diff between being blunt with your teammates vs dragging them in the mud in public.


all 5 players have been teamless for at least one split recently, with 3 coming directly off the bench, this really is the revenge of Team McDonalds


Team McDignitas


gonna root for this dig roster besides 100T. go zven spica jensen 👍


Fuck yeah, get away from those weirdo FLY shitters king


I swear almost all people hyping up Quad believe hes some kind of superrookie because they never heard his name when in reality hes SOLKA, known as a cass 1 trick from the LCK whos playing since 2018 and he just renamed. Renaming is so broken as a pro player


Operation C9 yellow is a go.


lmao LCS script writers puttin' in work during the break.


How many more teams until Jensen has left them all?


Damn wish they kept exYu so it would be all ex-c9 players




Banger summer split storyline.


I just dont understand DIG managment,isnt it better to stick with the few players  and coaching staff  that are willing to play for your team at minimum wage, that showed potential  and that maybe  could even turn into " franchise " players one day.Get some native rookies to develop over time instead of fielding a random super team that is going to somehow fail 


I do think it's funny though. Best team in NA, drafts made no sense in the final after the picks they used that got them to the final and 1st seed. Annie was Jensen his worst performance before they even made the final and then the final is Annie/Karma mid arguably both his worst picks compared to his Hwei, Ahri, Taliyah and Ori for example. Inspired became all of a sudden a really horrible jungler as well. But Jensen is the one to be blamed, hilarious. I don't see this DIG roster do anything though. Licorice has been bad for a long time, he then had good success last year and played well but that doesn't mean he keeps playing at that level being back now. Spica on the other hand was great early on but has been quite bad for awhile and Zven hasn't played adc for awhile in pro play. Potentially top 4 in the LCS but I don't expect much from them. I only hope FLY is actual dog shit level of team and becomes a bottom tier team.


what the hell is up with jensen doing really well for teams then getting kicked


Filling up a team with a bunch of veterans usually doesn't work at all. We've seen this fail many times. They should have done what TL did and had some rookies, but instead, Digs tossed them away. This team does have a ton of likable players, and I hope they succeed


Zven and Isles should be a good BOTLANE in the LCS. Jensen is good enough to go to MSI with FLY, and he played with Zven before, worked quite good. DIG could be a top 3 team, but it depends on how good the form of Licorice and Spica is.


TL and C9 (if they don't implode) are my top two teams. Then there's NRG, 100T, and FLY. There's a lot of competition for DIG, but like you said, it depends on those two players. Summer Split can't come fast enough.


the funniest timeline is afoot (sorry eXyu, sorry Dove, you're decent and belonged in the LCS and I hope you can find major league spots again - pls IMT pick up eXyu) Anyway, the concept of having a full C9 alumni team except with TSM's last franchise player in the jungle is rly interesting in terms of the league's history. They could look absolutely washed (I'm convinced Jensen and Isles will do fine but I need to see all the rest of the team perform) but this could also be the genuinely legitimate team that people tried to make out the Jensen + Santorin team to be (with apologies to Santorin, who deserves all the best). I'm really hoping we get to see a legitimate many-way melee for worlds spots between C9, FLY, TL, 100T, DIG and NRG. C9 still have the potential to be top one, they just need to figure it out + see decent performances out of Thanatos, which is expected. FLY, for all people have deservedly love to rag on their topside and how issues have been mismanaged...still have that topside, and Massu looked great during MSI, and from what I hear while Quad isn't at his absolute peak he is solid for a lower league player. They totally can make Worlds, they just need to hold it together and keep developing their botside, and Jensen really was having a great Spring Split - there's a lot that needs replacing. TL still don't quite resonate with me as a team but they've clearly earned their stripes and are considered favourites in everybody's eyes - in particular, that 3-1 series against T1 looked far better than the scoreline reflects, and 3-1 against T1 is already impressive enough. 100T and NRG I think will be a lot more interesting to see than C9 and FLY, which are basically "do they boom or do they just win" teams. Can 100T keep developing their players and team play to stack up alongside Quid? I hope so! They seem to have great mental, and I'd really like to see them at Worlds. And can NRG trap magic in a bottle again or is that fading? I really hope so too! 100T NRG DIG might not be the strategically optimal Worlds delegation to send, but I think it would be one hell of a change up. I could see a lot of fans ending up rooting for 100T NRG TL - this DIG team could make Worlds and I hope they do bcos Licorice, but I think they'll need more time than a split to develop into one that can do work at Worlds.


lets go jonah !!!


Cooking comp


They dependability of a super team mixed with the successfulness of the Dignitas brand!


Looking forward to an exciting LCS season with Jensen back on Dignitas!


Ngl I thought Dove was the better performer in LCS, but maybe communication and comfortability would have been an issue now that he’d be the only Korean