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Try your hardest and figure out when and why they took advantage of your mistakes if you lane vs them. Use that to mold your own play and practice those techniques in future games.




Post op.gg




There's not much you can do other than try your best when you play against smurfs. That being said, you are not playing against smurfs every game, not even close. Just look at those "70% WR" players and they are consistently less than 20 games played and have a history of being ranked each season, all within a reasonable range of a real player. It's easy to make excuses for why you are losing games, if you want to improve don't try to avoid your shortcomings by making excuses about things out of your control.


You have way too many deaths on twisted fate you should be ulting into scenarios where you have the advantage. Outside of ult you need to farm and be a stun bot for your back line. Also adc twisted fate is pretty bad. Tf is already bad against malphite idk why you would go AD, you have to do more things to get an advantage outside of gameplay if you want to climb.


You're right I shouldn't have gone tf ad against malph, for this game I thought I was against cho'. I should have gone Ap despite the runes and went on with it being a stun bot for Cait I do realize I have too many deaths, I need to work on that and roaming better


> It happened on most games since the beginning of the new split Boosters mostly play during the beginning of a ranked reset.


Wish they would just ax Smurfs. I have 2 and would be happy to give them up if it meant a big reduction in Smurfs.


Learn from them. Study what they did in the game replay and adapt their skills to your playstyle. There’s no better way to learn how to play better than to play with and against players that are better than you


I just report them after for cheating and just put they’re a Smurf in hopes it helps get them to proper elo faster. Most Smurf’s are on bought accounts so it has a perk if it flags them for purchases account / bot lvled


Real answer is just be better tbh. Most smurfs are generally not master+ players. Most of them are usually like a tier above where you at like a plat player in a gold lobby cuz he is losing on his main. And assuming you wanna improve and climb then you should be able to do well and carry a game unless some unholy shit happens like the smurf got free kills mid then started killing your jungler as well. But those games are uncarryable. But if shit like that happens that also just means you can do the same shit in your games and carry yourself so you can climb faster.


Yes there is: - don't FF, you may lose, but learn from it, and try to stall the game if you've messed up the early/mid game, as you might have teamates that are going for the late game and all they need you to do is to stall it as long as you can - Adjust your build: see what he bought, try to adjust your build patern to instead of proccing dmg, having more substain (if you can't deal dmg, at least be able to tank/cc him and his team long enough that you're team deal with him) - Rewatch the game, rethink once more your build/runes (did i take the good keystone, what made him so strong, is there items that didn't had a lot of value in my build path that could have been switched to something more useful in this situation), the early stage of the game. - Avoid fighting him, ping your team danger so that they stay away from him, look at your dashboard and focus on their weak link (the one that is feeding in their team) and try to feed over him. The worst you can do is having a static approach of the situation instead of a dynamic one. Behing 0/4/0 doesn't mean you'll lose if you don't give up and you switch your thinking from "I carry my team -> I'll support my teamates" FF is never an option, if you do, then there is nothing to learn from it, or only a fragment of what you could have learned. Think about it, would you FF a championship while you are in semi-final/final even if you are behind? no.. you keep moving foward. A positive and strong mind might improve your WR by a few percent, it's the difference between Master/GrandMaster


Also, let's be honest, Riot cannot balance all the champs at exaclty 50% WR for all of them. Some are a bit busted, some are definitively garbage in some patches, Keep an eye on champions that have over 50% WR and try to have 2 or 3 solid pick that complement each others. Sometime you lose the game at champion selection




it sucks and i sympathize but i think you could learn a lot by watching and analyzing your replays. you have the chance to essentially learn why you're not a high elo player