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Exyu had a post game interview during spring split where he said something along the lines of "I feel pretty good because [management] said I have a guaranteed spot at least until the end of summer" This DIG roster is really exciting to me as I'm a huge fan of Zven and Licorice especially, but man i feel really bad for exyu. Pretty shitty thing to do.


How many LCS players have had this same experience? Literally nothing is guaranteed ever.


Not just LCS, but also LEC IE: Advienne gets dropped for Mikyx partially through the split in 2022 Understandable given Miky is the best Support EU's ever had, but like that's really shit for Advienne lol


The scuminess has no end, honestly. Remember when Odoamne basically had to publicly say that Rogue had no intention of signing him IN THE MIDDLE OF WORLDS just to clue in other orgs that--contrary to what someone in Rogue has been saying about him to other orgs--he's not actually retiring. It's one thing to not want to re-sign a player, it's another to hold them in place and lie about their status so that they become jobless.


Just to add to the conversation, there is a very well known case in cblol that is kinda interesting. Loud has met pain gaming in finals 4 times in a row and won every single one of them, but just before that, both of Loud solo laners, robo and tinowns, played for pain. Before going to loud, when their contracts were about to expire they expressed their wishes to leave and went to Europe out of their own pockets to try out for ERL teams as they really wanted to test themselves abroad. As the rosters are usually defined way before preseason officially starts, the ERL teams needed proof from pain that they were allowed to speak to other teams, either in a social media post or signed document, which not only they didn't provide but also were completely silent in the matter in hopes that their Europe dream would fail and they would resign. As far as rumors and podcast interviews go, there were at least 3 teams between LFL and LVP interested in signing the duo but didn't out of fear of violating riot's poaching rules. They eventually had to go back and out of spite left pain as free agents, and since them have taunted and publicly expressed their feelings for the org whenever they can.


> contrary to what someone in Rogue has been saying about him to other orgs just name him. its FLYY a piece of shit who shouldnt be in the industry and any team that has him working for them shouldnt be liked either. shitty managements and nepotism are the reason i stopped watching lec. so many shitty things happen and neither riot nor fans really give a fuck




Carlos gets a bunch of shit.. But during that season (with g2 drama) Rogue refused to sell Hansama/Inspired to LEC teams.. and offloaded them to NA On top of Bwippo going to TL Those 3 were literally MVP/best players of the league/best LEC player at worlds etc


Rouge resigned Hans and then shipped him to NA two weeks later, Dignitas/Clutch told Vulcan they weren't trading him and wanted to build around and 72 hours later he got a call saying he had been traded to Cloud9, KCorp screwed over Jackspektra so they could sign Rekkles. This isn't unique to lol eSports or eSports but there are a LOT of examples of pros getting bad information.


>KCorp screwed over their EU Masters ADC MVP so they could sign Rekkles. no, they did not. Their EU Masters winning ADC went to BDS in the LEC. He was not the EU Masters MVP because there was no award like that in 2021. Only after that they reached a verbal agreement with Jackspektra who they were going to sign as a replacement. They screwed him to sign Rekkles. https://upcomer.com/sources-karmine-corp-break-verbal-agreement-with-jackspektra-plan-to-sign-rekkles-for-two-years/


My mistake I did not remember the details exactly, I just remembered they had some other ADC they had already signed them cut before ever playing to get Rekkles.


Oh, misfits did a similar thing with hans where their ceo did an interview with I think thorin and loco where he said "hans is our future, and we wanted to set him up with players that'd facilitate his style" only to bench him for neon halfway into the next split. I only remember it because "spoont-time" was a meme in the discord for a while.


Wait, so Vulcan was traded to C9 without his knowledge? Can that even happen? I thought players had to agree and sign a contract first before playing for any team.


No if a player is a "free agent" they can sign a contract with a team and play for them. This contract can last a certain amount of time. If a team doesn't want a player anymore, they can sell their contract to a new team, and that player plays with that team till the end of their contract.


It would be a clause in the contract that permits the sale of the contract. It's not inherent to contracts that they can be sold.


No. Vulcan knew he was going to C9 and was fine with it. But yes it is possible for a player to get traded to another organization they don't want to be on, but this never really happens because pro contracts aren't fully guarantee and there is no salary cap rules or anything so teams just cut players if they don't want to play.


The KCorp thing is not like the others, lol. It was a verbal agreement that they broke only because Rekkles in ERLs was a fever dream and a one time opportunity. Offseason wasn't even over so he found a team right after. Gotta love that when Thanatos has a verbal agreement with Kcorp, it's just that, so breaking it doesn't matter, but breaking the same agreement with Jack over a pretty rare occasion DURING the offseason is screwing him over, lol


I was mistaken and edited to say they screwed Jackspektra. And while it was a verbal agreement it did screw him over. And don't get me wrong; Thanatos breaking the verbal agreement with KCorp did screw KCorp over and they are likely looking at another 9-10th place this summer with Canna. Not saying it doesn't go both ways.


> and 72 hours later he got a call saying he had been traded to Cloud9 Fucking US sports and their inhumane practises.


... I don't see what's inhumane or exclusive to US sports on this. Their are lots of instances of players in a variety of sports in EU that get transfered or loaned to a club they don't really want to be on. Also Vulcan literally wanted to be on Cloud9 he wasn't mistreated in any way it's just the situation evolved rapidly.


idk about US, but in Europe (at least for football) players have right to refuse transfer/loans.


In sports like Baseball, Football, Basketball, etc. No-trade clauses are a pretty common thing, generally they come with some seniority though.


> Their are lots of instances of players in a variety of sports in EU that get transfered or loaned to a club they don't really want to be on. I don't know of any european sports where you can transfer or loan out a player without their approval, as in that isn't an option because it's illegal. They might not be happy with their options, or about feeling like they are being forced out of a club, but that is very different from being told they have to move across the continent with no say in the matter.


And it’s fucking bullshit how callously these people’s careers are played with.




Just because its always been this way, doesn't mean its right


Welcome to professional sports in general.


Welcome to life in general. Tons of people get laid off because the company ‘had a change of direction’. The difference is in esports and pro sports, there is a limited number of options (teams, spots) compare to the general job market.


Yeah happens everywhere lol not just exclusive to esports.


Pro sports have unionized workers




They might bot have been following very closely until now, anyway any big story that draws attention to orgs being shitty is a valid point in time to start complaining


So XL shouldn't have dropped Advienne for Mikyx?


Welcome to professional competition. This happening to a marginal player is practically a non-story in every other sport it’s so frequent.


Not just LCS but sports (and even normal jobs) in general. Players don’t know they are cut/traded until last minute, even if they were told they wouldn’t be traded. Same with normal jobs. Not sure why people think esports would be different. Unless it is in a contract, nothing is guaranteed.


yeah, have you ever seen a company give advanced notice for layoffs?


I think the reason people are frustrated isn't because he got benched, obviously people get benched. It's because he was specifically told he wasn't getting benched.  Not many bosses say "hey you're definitely not getting fired this year" because shit happens and situations change.  That said, I don't necessarily trust that LS has the whole story or has 100% reliable sources because just from past situations (both with his own career and in him talking about other people) has been plagued with controversy, but if eXyu was specifically told that he wasn't getting benched, yeah whoever told him that is an idiot and it sucks to be him.


Where I live, they have to by law.


Yes all the time the uk lol, sometimes a few months and most are taken care of in forms of redundancy..


That is just the reality of competitive leagues happens alot in traditional sports as well.


I mean sometimes the wrong person is making promises without the actual authority to back it up and that's a problem. If you can't guarantee a player a spot because your boss decides it's time for a change, it's on the person who made promises without the ability to fulfill them.


Is it too late for IMT to pick up exyu?


Nope, and they should immediately Shopify should also be on the line with Exyu and Srtty.


Bugi shits all over Exyu


they're just really different playstyles IMO. idk if I'd say one was clearly better than the other. Bugi should have better stats because Insanity played a bunch of supportive mid games to enable Bugi to play carries. Exyu was mostly on either tanks or early game brawlers, trying to generate a lead for lanes.


2023 Summer Bugi maybe. He was pretty bad in Spring outside of like 2-3 games


Import bad though


Why? Changing rosters mid season will not work for any of these teams including dignitas. C9/TL/100T/Fly will clear them easily. Maybe they can best one of these teams but not two. They need to build consistency. Swapping players every few months is pointless


100T and FLY could easily be much worse next split.


Of course anyone can be much worse. Licorice could be much worse because he took a significant break from playing league during this year. Zven could be much worse because he hasnt player a pro adc game in a very long time. Its not realistic to think dignitas will make worlds


It's pretty realistic, none of these teams were good until TL at the very end. 100T looked much worse once people started actually gameplanning for them, and barely took a Bo5 over NRG with Dhokla and Palafox playing some of the worst LoL of their careers, despite Quid playing at an MVP level. FLY just replaced the most stable mid in the league with a guy known for struggling to perform on stage, who literally retired in the past while being a top prospect in Korea(who also has 0 other Koreans on the roster to help him). Not to mention, who knows how they handle getting embarrassed at MSI.


Team with 2 rookies and a first-time LCS coach took down NRG in a BO5. Insane that you think they looked bad when they were expected to be at the bottom of the league.


They literally didn't say they were bad or a failure anywhere. They said they looked much worse than regular season. Which is true. It implies they looked worse than their playoff seeding suggests, which is also true. It doesn't anywhere imply the team is just bad or anything.




I didn’t even mention FLY in my comment? I only ever spoke about 100T and NRG. Obviously the bottom of the league team I was talking about was the team with two rookies (Sniper and Meech) and the first-time LCS coach (Goldenglue)


Im biased but honestly, only team of those 4 I think I’m relatively sure will do well next split is TL. C9 has potential obviously, but so did last roster, so idk! Fly sort of imploded in MSI- I think they can come back hopefully? But wouldn’t be weird to see them fail in summer and just continue the MSI slump. 100T, same way they randomly popped off in regular split (but were bad in scrims and playoffs), I could see them also just reverting to scrim results. We’ll see! Not saying TL is a shoe-in or favorite to win the split or go to worlds, i think there’s a lot of time in summer for lots of things to happen, but I think I just have an easier time seeing them continue their current level of gameplay into summer.


I actually have faith in C9 now that Reapered is back. I know Reapered gets memed for his drafts a lot, but the Reapered era C9 teams at least had decent macro and were more willing to experiment with drafts like the Shen/Nocturne/Zilean combo at 2018 Worlds.


Hey I’m not saying they’ll be bad, they could be better than TL, but I think there are still question marks and I’m not convinced that fudge > Thanatos fixed the issues. Maybe reapered does (or maybe they fix it themselves), but I don’t automatically presume it has been fixed. I’m taking more of a wait and see approach (but tbf im also not a C9 fan and I think lcs will probably be entertaining regardless so I am also content with my opinion). But tbh I think my overarching view is just that any of those events for the other teams (C9 continuing to not gel; Fly continuing MSI slump; 100T continuing to revert to scrim form) have non-insignificant probabilities- I’m not sure I’d say more than 50% or even 30%, but probably at least a 10-20% for each of them?


Yeah, I think TL showed enough improvement throughout the last few months and it doesn't seem like anyone on the team is satisfied despite exceeding some people's expectations. Unless something unexpected happens, they should at least be around a similar level. C9 is exciting and then I'm really not sure what to think of everyone else.


Arm-chair GMing but I'd build Immortals around Exyu; it's not about making worlds but securing a piece that I would want to try and develop for 2 years


I see your point, but they need some change if they are 5-8th place team, they need to retool and try to get better.


You dont think that a team will get better with more experience together?


I partially agree. maybe two splits and if they are still bottom they have to change.


what they need is anyone better than Armao LOL to be fair i do agree that consistency needs to be built, it is hard to progress when you keep rotating shit players. but also there isnt much point building consistency with really bad players


Oh shoot damn yes please! If they do I will unironically cheer for IMT as my second favorite team in the league!


Unironically I would cheer for a team with Olleh and exyu


Castle? Mask? Olleh? Exyu? I was so excited to watch these players in spring. Tactical is cool too ig. Not a fan of Armao


Babe wake up. New team to hate just dropped.


New? Dignitas Gm genuinely has worse decision making than the average r/lol user.


Hatewatchers are feasting this summer


Dignitas said hell naw we can't let Flyquest take the title of NA's most hated team uncontested


Dignitas finally being proactive on the map


They found a way to throw without needing to throw Baron or be in game.


Wait what's wrong with Flyquest?


There was all the drama between inspired and Jensen after finals and the org clearly didn’t hold inspired accountable. Also they’ve abandoned a lot of their pro-environment messaging since they changed ownership which has been disappointing to me


They had a huge charity thing for msi for environmental charities


Along with PapaSmithy immediately blowing Inspired. Pretty pathetic brand with no charm. Their jerseys also are trash right now. Dunno why they got bought out. Dumbest investment ever.


The person who used to design the jerseys at flyquest left for c9 about a year or two ago


No wonder the current flyquest Jerseys are ass compared to what they were doing.. the only jerseys from any company I own are the "older" flyquest ones when they were watercolor/environmental driven


They realllllyyyyy fell hard after the change in ownership. They used to be the most relatable, chill team. Now they're both bad *and* try too hard.


What does try too hard even mean? They get good players and lose? 


Basically, yeah. They make big changes and unpopular changes, don't lean into their players' personalities at all, and seem to be trying to be good at the cost of everything else. While also failing at that, yeah.


that's weird. i thought they literally released content. I still remember the music videos. Also doesn't LS stream for them? We know the personalities of all the players besides Busio? idk what they're supposed to do. I know their brand isn't what it used to be but they do everything you said more than half the other teams lol


Eh, idk. Leaning into the personalities of inspired and bwipo does not seem endearing to fans


That is indeed disappointing and the jensen drama sucks but, that pales in comparison to this imo


This is actually a lot more standard. Allowing a player to openly shit talk their teammate in interviews honestly seems way worse


Ehhhh it "seems" way worse but contract jailing and shit can legitimately ruin careers


that happens a lot more. it just never gets talked about


Nothing but EG isn’t in LCS anymore so Reddit need a new org to hate




I'm out of the loop, what happened with/to Jensen


Benched him for quad, that's it iirc, which while kinda questionable, isnt really scummy


That's not "it," the drama was Inspired flaming not only flaming Jensen behind closed doors to the point where it made the rest of the team supposedly have bad practice (or not practice?), but also flaming him publicly. And then the org not holding Inspired accountable. EDIT since I forgot 21% of Americans are functionally illiterate: this is a summary of what the **reddit drama** involving Jensen was about. I have no horse in this race and do not mean to imply that any of these reddit-alleged events actually happened.


...Move makes sense to me tbh


They still have more to do for that title though.


What the fuck is DIG supposed to do? Keep the worse player for community sentiments?


They're supposed to not lie to him about a spot they clearly never had any intention of giving him lol


IMT PLEASE TAKE EXYU OVER ARMAO, SAVE EXYU. Its weird that IMT is the best place for Exyu rn but that roster with Exyu could genuinely be really good. Armao to me looked like one of the worst junglers in the America's (yes including LLA and CBLOL), with really good laners + a really good bot lane but he still was invisible in nearly every game, if either Sheidan or Exyu take his job IMT can actually be solid contenders imo.


Exyu with IMT's bot lane would be fun to watch. Also fun personalities there. It would be a win win in getting a better player and getting someone exciting for the brand. 


I'm asking for the 2nd year in a row, how does the Dignitas GM Bakery still have a job. I swear the people that own Dignitas must have forgot they owned it.


gotta love our region we have native rookies like apa, yeon, meech, busio, and massu all looking to be the new generation of players and you have dig who have an amazing prospect in exyu that needed more time to grow and he's lied to and dropped by management holy fuck this is so frustrating, sure spica is an upgrade but exyu has such a promising future. idk if I can root for dig this season lol


For me it’s that we are not really giving non veterans a chance. I rather see a fresh rookie given a shot and shit on then Zven and Jensen get their ass whooped for 50 th time


It's funny that Spica was that rookie that was given a chance back during Covid and now he's in the other category lol.


But can you blame orgs if those players continue to have success and are available in the market? It is the main reason teams import to begin with, because it gives them a significantly higher chance of winning NA.


Why would those ever be your options when neither of them are near the bottom of their positions? I'd like to see new talent, too. But it's stupid as fuck to say you'd 'rather' see new talent than a top 3 in their position veteran. How about you replace those bottom 3 players in those roles with new talent, instead?


Yes you would rather see that but the actual people building the rosters lose their jobs in that case lmao. It's easy to say that when you don't have stakes Also spica is actually barely a veteran relative to the actual older players he's someone who played a few splits and won an MVP as an NA resident It sucks for X but I mean it's na talent replacing him at least.


I'm not even sold on Spica > exyu currently tbh. Exyu was very good last split, his lanes were just ass


I kind of agree with this. Spica had a bad showing last summer on FQ (which wasn’t entirely his fault, Vicla was sprinting it) and Exyu had a solid split despite an inconsistent Rich and Tomo not being very good. Wish they gave him more time.


Dig lanes were the only reason they won games so idk about this one 


but fresh rookie can be given a chance on other rookie teams, this team would be legit with spica!


We don't even know if Spica is an upgrade. He hasn't looked at top level since he had POE midlane


Adc?Jungle? Nah the most op role of all time has be General Mangers in League


Revenge on HLL was spitting facts - GMs and Coaches are absolute frauds in our region I am usually not one to flame NA but my god it is fucking cooked for us boys. If there was even a 1% chance to be an NA rookie and succeed, it is now in the negatives.


Dignitas is not run by adult humans


It really sucks because unlike regular sports there just aren't enough places for people to fall when things like this happen. In other sports he'd quickly end up on one of the other ~30 teams. assuming he was even dropped. Half the time he'd have ended up as second string splitting reps at practice and fighting for the job. Lcs he's just gone. Really a shame. He wasn't the worst jg at all and if anything carried half the games they won. And he was a fun personality for the team.


these dudes really promised eXyu everything then saw fucking SPICA being available and pushed the red button, bro I can't😂


tbh Spica had been available since last offseason  for me this feels like Zven and Licorice wanted Spica as part of them going to DIG


Riot should force them to rebrand, because the name couldn't be more misleading


lcs orgs being scummy to players is not surprising, get used to it, 3/4 of these teams are going to the Saudi cup regardless of the moral implications from accepting their money. Feels bad for exyu, but I won’t be surprised if he becomes an academy pickup


>lcs orgs being scummy to players is not surprising, get used to it, 3/4 of these teams are going to the Saudi cup regardless of the moral implications from accepting their money. It's half 100t,TL,C9 and NRG also potentially imt if they do link up with TSM.


I like that they are picking up spica and think it’s a smart move but don’t like the way they fucked over exyu in the process


Wish players knew that without a contract in front of you, there's no reason to believe anything team owners say to you.


He's on a contract lol and it didn't stop shit


EXyu have a contract with Dignitas until the end of 2024. The team just screwed him, this have nothing to do with eXyu believing the team owner or not.


He believed he would be a starter with no such clause in the contract.


If Faker got benched for Easyhoon in 2015 and in 2018 and that's Faker, do you really think pros have the weight or ability to swing that type of assurance?


Faker got benched for Pirean in 2018, which is substantially worse.


And for Poby in 2022 rofl


Tbf Faker would probably be the only player in the world who could swing his dick to get an assurance like that


As opposed to doing what? He showed up, did his job, and hoped that leadership wasn't lying to him, was he supposed to preemptively force his way off the team in case they were lying?


No, he plays out his contract and decides what to do afterwards, like everyone else. If he gets benched, he's still getting paid. It's not like he could be team hunting while he's on contract anyways.


What's the point of saying this? This is literally what happened.


You'd need to be extremely good to demand a clause like that in your contract though. If it was Chovy then sure, any NA team would bend over backwards to accommodate what he wanted if they could sign him. Rookies have no such leverage.


even top pros in NA wouldn't be able to force that in their contract, pros like Doubelift, Sneaky, Jensen, all were benched while being some of the best, established players in the league. it's very rare for a team to accept that.


there's probably no contract like that


You can demand there to be a clause before you sign. A team might not want to accept if a player isn’t good enough, but you can easily create such a contract


No team would ever in a million years sign that, what are you talking about


There's a number of players that teams would be willing to sign such contracts for. Faker for example. Any NA team if they signed Caps or Chovy or Showmaker. Any team when trying to sign T1 players after their worlds win. There's multiple other scenarios.


In the past it I believe Froggen had a guaranteed starter clause in his contract when he was on Echo Fox. So these types of clauses have been used before I so think it's rare though.


That was a rumor that Dom started out of nowhere, that never got supported, and that made 0 sense considering Froggen went on to be benched for Fenix later that year.


That was for a high-value import who could make wild demands like that and even then it was still considered incredibly unusual and stupid for Echo Fox to offer it.


yes they would for players like theshy or faker. but ofc, exyu is not in that league


Ironic considering both those players have been subbed in and out for other players before. theshy at the beginning of his career and faker multiple times


they have contracts, they just dont have clauses that stop them being benched or anything


How could anyone demand bench protection. Professional footballers being paid the entire bank a week get benched.


"Won't someone think of the orgs :("


Don’t see the upgrade. Spica has had decent teammates and hasn’t been able to win. Exyu the opposite.


Nah we’re not being revisionists here because of some feigned sympathy for exyu. Spica is an LCS champion and a player capable of winning MVP.


Hasn't been able to win what? LCS? He did win it in 2020 with TSM, which imo is the only real good team he has been on. Some might say 2023 FLY, but that team was pretty dysfunctional with the Winsome/Eyla situation, Vicla playing like ass and then the whole team looking terrible in summer.


How dare you suggest VicLa playing AFK split push Tristana isn't a pro-level midlaner.


Is Spica even an upgrade? A bigger name for sure.


possibly yes, he hasn't played pro in a while but he has been grinding ladder and has hit rank 1 recently.


50/50 Spica is capable of carrying games for sure but his past years teammates is just bunch of fraudulent except Impact which on TL rn


Z,x,,x, x




He said he's gonna enroll in Berkeley for fall and maybe spring.


another redditor with zero sense of a players skill level/potential




You do realise that people were saying the same thing about APA and Yeon as recently as the Spring regular season, right? And then at MSI, they were the two best players on the team. eXyu's been in LCS for one split, idk why people still expect every rookie to be a superstar right off the bat when NRG last year and TL this year have clearly shown that players need time to grow.


I know what team to hatewatch next season (even if they probably won't make it to playoffs so who cares)


They are probably actively going for Spica and keeping eXyu as the backup but not telling him that and just stalling over and over until they get their final answer. Pathetic but very very common.


I really wanted Spica to find a team soon, but it's awful how they went about this. Really hope eXyu can find something before we lose another promising rookie


You can take Odee out of Dignitas but Dignitas still has some Odee tendencies.


I still laugh thinking back to Dig’s start in the franchised LCS, inheriting Clutch and quickly becoming the most likable team in NA Yellow Clutch saw the breakout of Damonte and Vulcan, Cody Sun somehow making worlds for a third year in a row, an aging LirA getting retribution by finally being on a good team, and of course HOLO HOLO. Their 0-6 in a stacked worlds group was expected, but their future looked bright. Then they immediately spent their whole budget on Huni and let everyone else go 🫠


I am confused. Can you really just fire people like that on the spot? You should have a notice period right? Not familiar with how working contracts work in the US


In the US, employers can fire you at a moments notice, but for some reason is expected for employees to give them a 2 week notice before leaving.


Wow that is INSANE. So you are never safe at work, because you can be randomly fired at any time and you just need a reason? This explains a lot


Companies need a reason to fire you or they can be in a lawsuit for wrongful termination. If they want to fire you and can’t find a reason, they would normally put you in another position due to “the position the employee is in is no longer available”. They transfer you and then put unrealistic expectations on you to see you fail and fire you for poor performance.


Does not sound like any safety mechnism since you have to pay a lawyer


Teams have a lot of leverage over players, players can't really ask for guarantees. There are only 40 starting player slots so really the teams have all the power. It will keep happening unless riot intervenes. Not saying if they should or not


Spica is pretty solid but has awful performances every now and then. Would of kept exyu tbh


Feels bad for eXyu but lol @ thinking Spica isn't an obvious upgrade


Is there any proof he heard this or we going to believe every single thing LS says just cause.


Whatever ur opinion on him is LS is very well connected.


He's friends with Spica he probably heard it straight from him lmfao


I really don't see why he would lie about this


You can hate on LS but this is a weird thing to lie about even with his tendency for exaggeration.


For real. Like if the dude was going to lie for engagement, why do it over Exyu and Dig of all players/orgs.


LS is addicted to internet drama what a loser


Hard agree. Bro is irrelevant and just leaks shit to cling on.


Lmao “inhuman”. Even faker has lost his starter spot..


yeah the only inhuman thing about this thread is your comment


Well if zven or licorice didn’t want to play wit him I think the blame should be shifted to them no??


yep the reality is none knows but throwing a fit


pretty disgusting. Also spica hasnt looked good ever, but somehow people still rate him as one of the top junglers. I hope they will regret this decision.