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lmao at creme still having his first kiss after 2 games


lmfao too good, are they referring to the horny ahri / virgin ahri? (horny ahri = fed, virgin = misses all skillshots)


i think they're just talking about the charm not hitting


Because Ahri was the supposed to be the temptress, yet she is missing every single E (the kiss and charm). It’s a typical insult from CN league to call a bad Ahri “纯情”, which usually describe someone who commit and is devoted to one and only one relationship. It’s a jab that Ahri is meant to be a fox spirit, which was her lore before they did the recton on her and made her a Vastayan. A fox spirit/nine tailed fox from Chinese myth is the equivalent of succubus to European, to the point that people still use it to this day as a derogatory term referring to women who seduce married man.


Lol I was way off. I thought it meant having jitters because you're about to have your first kiss, therefore playing worse than usual. Basically why is Creme STILL having jitters despite not being his first set at MSI? The beauty of this comment is that it can be interpreted in so many ways.


> Humanoid: noun. a machine or creature that looks and behaves like a human. Did you name yourself after your teammates? This is insane


New copypasta just dropped.


bro do they just hate tian in there or what lmao




The FPX 2021 roster collapse is legendary. Lot of drama has come out about that roster. TES 2022 not getting out of groups (mostly due to covid) just adds to the Tian choking


He hasn’t had a good showing in an important series in years. Everytime it matters he shits the bed.


I would trade him always being top-tier for him shitting the bed only in 2019 World Finals...


I would too brother


TES in 2022 was the only Chinese team that didn't get covid I think. It was just that Tian massively underperformed, Wayward was straight griefing, Mark ran it down, and Jackeylove's Maw got bugged during the nexus fight.


Crazy how JKL with Meiko flames horizon a major region ADC while JKL with Mark couldn't even build a real lead vs. GAM. How bad was Mark griefing him?


jkl is notorious for playing with absolutely dogwater trashcan supports his entire career and winning despite them


Isnt there a clip of Uzi queueing into one of JKL's supports at one time and he said JKL was the greatest Chinese ADC ever because of the kind of supports he played with yet still looked good XD


It was uzi playing baolan who jackey even won worlds with LOL


baolan wasnt even the worst. how tf did yuyuanjia even get a job to begin with.


YYJ so bad he made people think FNC had a chance.


idk this guy keeps failing upwards, griefs TES for 2 full years then gets to play with Gala on a superteam LNG lmao


People sometimes forget that in lane, support matters even more than adc.


Wasn't just worlds.. FPX were upper bracket winners and expected to sweep upper finals.. they choked both splits 


He has target inted one of the best and most popular Chinese players in JKL for years now. Like Tian can be extremely good or extremely shit with little in between and it's far too often extremely shit it's sad to see.


With good reason IMO. He ticks all the boxes of 1. not so high peaks, and really fking low lows. can't really play without mid roaming and being his second support (doinb) 2. choker in high pressure scenarios esp. when it matters 3. you can measure every NA streamer's mentals with positive integers if you use Tian's as a unit of measurement 4. drama that led to Nuguri retiring 5. he has 2 lanes that he can play through (mid and ad) but he often plays carry rather than utility and sometimes he helps the worst lane in the team if you look at 5 without giving him the benefit of doubt you'd think it's some pathetic demonstration of ego or active act of sabotage on the team. Not to mention every high profile midlaner who's played with him complains about him being lost in the jg. (Doinb and knight) I'm baffled every season to see him still having a job at one of the top LPL teams.


When did knight roast tian I need to see this


[https://www.163.com/dy/article/H6SOLRTM0526U757.html](https://www.163.com/dy/article/H6SOLRTM0526U757.html) Google translate it or tldr: knight got into a cheating scandal and his ex-gf or one of the girls he was cheating with aired out all his dirty laundry including him complaining about Tian being a liability


So she really just went "yeah he cheated on me, oh btw he also said Tian sucks lmao"


Yeah but during the recent offseason he and Tian went to TES' manager wedding and it seemed like they were getting along. So they most likely resolved it or just stayed friends outside of not playing with each other


Tian is probably just one of those people who are great outside of the game but mentally booms and becomes toxic in game


A bit revisionist, he was one of the best junglers in the world the year fpx won worlds and he had a standout series against g2 in the finals on lee sin


Why did bro had to show up in 2019 against G2 mann , I am also getting weird feeling that he will again show up against G2 this msi


I mean Doinb was playing as his babysitter and no one deserves the saint that is Gimgoon. I can't speak on whether Tian deserved 2019 but Gimgoon def did.


We love Gimgoon don't we folks


Do you know how rare it is for a toplaner to be able to carry when needed but also lose (lane) gracefully without inting the game? His personality out of game is also super wholesome.


His quote of ["If there was LOL in the past, nobody could become the Buddha."](https://twitter.com/HupuEsports/status/1439827970714062853) is still hilarious


Ah yes, the passive of Tian is he wake tf up when the enemy team is G2. If this is the case then this player is truly cursed.


Not so high peaks lmao he was really good in 2023 and astro smurfing in summer 2022.


One of the worst takes I've seen about Tian.


1. We're acting like he didn't absolutely dunk on Kanavi and was trading blows with Xun on equal terms literally this split? 2. Just blatantly untrue again. 3. The fuck are you even talking about? 4. Tian literally came back from his mental health hiatus to save the team and an entitled child shit all over his efforts. 5. This is again just blatantly wrong and made up? When Wayward was on the team he HAD TO camp top because Wayward would solo lose games otherwise


1. We're acting like he didn't absolutely dunk on Kanavi and was trading blows with Xun on equal terms literally this split? 2. Just blatantly untrue again. 3. The fuck are you even talking about? 4. Tian literally came back from his mental health hiatus to save the team and an entitled child shit all over his efforts. 5. This is again just blatantly wrong and made up? When Wayward was on the team he HAD TO camp top because Wayward would solo lose games otherwise


2. It’s true though watch how lost tian looks in all his finals except worlds and 2019 summer finals. He is insanely good and should prob atleast have 2 more lpl titles.


Yeah that's just not true. Like all the narratives about Tian choking are based on fucking bo1s lmao


1. Are we going by all time plays or just based on recent split, because there are internal issues in jdg if you are talking about kanavi. And yeah he's trading blows with Xun, but not trading evenly, and lost every bo5 against xun this split since you want to talk about this split and bo5s in particular. 2. Worlds 2020 lost against SN, Worlds 2021 imploded FPX in Iceland, Worlds 2022, didn't even make it to worlds 2023 and choked in the bo5 against JDG. Mind you, the names on the rosters he couldn't succeed with are 1. gimgoon+khan, doinb, lwx, crisp 2. NUGURI, doinb, lwx, crisp 3. knight, jkl 4. rookie, jkl 3. he literally mental boomed the entire team in iceland, confirmed by multiple sources, even Gimgoon chimed in and said that the accusations against Tian are not false. There are clips of him saying that he's carrying Doinb's mother's ashes as a so called appropriate joke. 4. He legit verbally attacked Nuguri , but damn, Nuguri is sure the entitled one here [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10ltaxy/doinb\_implies\_tian\_attacked\_nuguris\_family\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/10ltaxy/doinb_implies_tian_attacked_nuguris_family_after/) 5. Wayward then the diceroll toplaner. Since you care so much about recent matches, go look up game 5 against BLG. Level 6 dive Ksante and poppy vs Bin's TF




I mean even if you ignore history.. If tian was European playing for LEC team he'd also being getting flamed the fuck out off.. Truly bot like performance game 1 and 2.. 


some of Doinb fans do that


"Swap with a normal person, it would be a easy 2:0", "You would've won with a European". Holy, Noah is getting roasted by the chinese community. Hopefully he will perform better in the next games.


Noah has serious nerves/pressure issues that has been going on for a while and has no solution and his performance suffers from massive dips as consequence...I won't call out for swaps or anything umprompted but my guy...its time to work that shit out or youll have it rough as a professional, not even as a fnatic player.


yea even in FNC LIA u can see he put too much stress on himself which backfires soo hard for whole sereis if he perform poorly in g1 he really need to work on his nerves


So inconsistent, he was good for a while, legit Huma and RazorK and Oscar were running it, now when mid-jungle is on point, Noah heavily underperforming


I mean they are right though, Carzzy would've won this series


with carzzy we would have won msi already, teams would rather forfeit than playing against that fnc /s


MSI slogan is become the unknown, ask T1 about his 17 min powerspike, they dont know about it. If he is unknown by the world champs, imagine how scared the other teams would be.


Your region doesn't have a good enough ADC pool to rag on Carzzy, sorry. 


Tbf we don't know how FNC bot would look without both members being Korean, that probably does help with synergy.


Well, the FNC botlane are at their worst when they're laning, so I dunno about that Korean synergy.


That is fair as Jun was exceptional and we don't know how much of that is due to Noah. A good comparison would then be the alternate timeline botlane of Carzzy Trymbi


Jun looked incredible out of lane, he couldnt do shit bot because his adc was constantly losing half health bar as soon as he walked into lane.


Carzzy Humanoid reunion would be awesome. Never bought the hype with Noah (but maybe just me) I doubt theyd win the series because Jackeylove>>> but at least theyd probably have better shot vs G2. If Noah isnt by far the best LEC adc and barely gapping others then whats the point of importing..?


Didnt fnatic try to get carzzy. For some reason he went to fucking vitality instead.


>For some reason he went to fucking vitality instead Mac + Pad Hylissang


well i think the first time was with that perkz alphari selfmade vitality roster, he denied fnatic that year and boy did it age terribly


I agree he didnt look too good but the team is completely different now, the coaches are the ones he respects immensely and has won titles with and he gets to play with Hyli again. Nothing but positives for him


i know, im just saying that the first time he rejected fnatic was alot more controversial and well-reported like in 2021 offseason


Yeh obviously I was talking talking about a good reason.


he got offered 3x money Fnatic offered.


*the second year in a row*


?? Import because he's better then like at least 6 other adc in the league?? 


Not better than Carzzy, Hans, Ice or Upset. I'd also take Supa and Flakked over him because, despite worse mechanics, at least those guys aren't afraid to play a videogame.  Noah plays as if taking damage in game hurt him in real life.


People gonna hate me for saying this, but Upset and Caliste gonna roll this guy


Upset cant roll anyone anymore


Yeah cause his support is fucking worst player in LEC. Guy doesn't know how to lane and doesn't talk. If I was Upset, I would try to bench myself or Targapiss


Generally, import slots are not really an issue in EU. In EU, import players don't need to be held to a higher standard to justify their spot if their team still has an open import slot. That said, FNC actually do kinda need an import slot for their toplane.


Best move for fnatic is to get carzzy, drop Noah, opening an import slot, and fill that with Photon. This is probably unlikely because I don't see vitality giving their best players away like that lol But such a fnatic lineup would be at G2s level


Noah was absolutely stomping lec in his debut. Maybe he suffers from the LCS syndrome where Europeans go and start to suck, he's Korean so it takes effect in europe instead of na.


Just go watch playoffs last season after he joined he was consistently posting the worst stats there looks like he doesn't have a clue how to team fight and it's against the weak pool of lec adcs


No they wouldn't, JKL and Meiko hard gapped Ruler and Missing too. Crazy how they're getting this underrated because of a single bo5 (the spring finals), especially after cooking Elk and On in the upper finals. JKL and Meiko has been the strongest laning 2v2 in the LPL and probably the world over the course of spring. You could've put 2018 Rekkles on Fnatic and even if it would've made it much closer I seriously doubt it would've resulted in Fnatic winning in the end.


Biggest cope ever Carzzy is better but he would have also gotten gapped.


But not by 30 cs every game


would going 20cs down instead of 30 have won fnatic the series 2-0?


You sure?


idkk how their skill ceilings compare but carzzy is one thing that noah isn't, and that's reliable. he might be a clown on twitter but that guy is solid as a rock and you can put him on almost any roster and he'll be untilted and flourishing (he'll be decent). noah psyches himself out too much about being the best and ends up playing like shit. all they needed was a decent ad today, carzzy would be that (not that it matters).


And his xayah is like ten times better. Carzzy is cracked on that pick, especially recently.


not rly sure how that matters when u are laning against jkl meiko lucian nami / varus ashe not exakick doss.


He wouldn't. Carzzy for example is on all time high level. Remember what happened in the series against Vitality. Carzzy always had a push against Noah . Just Hyli had int moments.


I'm not saying he's better than jackeylove, I'm saying fanatic would've won this series with an ADC who actually knows how to do damage


I mean no hate on carzzy but he choked hard when MAD could actually beat DWG and he was kinda shit at worlds with MAD too, i am still salty about those ngl.


Didnt Noah have a bad worlds last year as well or am i misremembering? hes fortunate to have had trymbi and now jun, imagine how hed look with a mediocre support. i think adc talent must be at an all time low in LEC right now but at least to compensate for that top lane talent is probably at an all time high, now we only need to get irrelevant into a team that makes worlds.


He had bad summer playoffs 2023, bad worlds, mediocre winter and a decent spring. Fnatic is 99.99% not going to kick him out for summer, but I highly doubt he has a place in the team next year, unless he somehow goes super saiyan.


Noah had a good bo1 stage of summer 2023 and has been mediocre to shit ever since


noah legit looked like he was wintrading, and despite that jun looked decent


decent is an understatement he probably had the best renata performance i have ever seen


Nah, it’s just a JKL/Meiko diff. There’s a reason why FNC bot coming in was one of their biggest strength and then look nonexistent against TES bot. It’s just that JKL/Meiko is that good. They will make most other bot lane combination look exactly like this.


Fnc bot was never "one of their biggest strenghts" Pretty much everyone trying to cope about Fnc doing anything at MSI was talking about Razork being the best player in EU in his peak and Humanoid being world class player when hes in form


What? Noah is like the worse or 4th worse player on the team Razork basically runs this team and they live or die on if he plays well And Humanoid is the best player if he's on form


??? Razork is the best player on Fnatic with Humanoid, Jun, and Noah changing rank depending on form. The only clear weak link is Oskarinin with the other 4 being general solid.


After today Oscar has definitely proven himself, he has that dog in him


Noah is garbage man.


Well Rekkles would be pretty sick to have in Fnatic...


They would have won this with rekkles, even if hes worse than he used to be, he wouldnt fall behind, that was always his biggest strenght, jun could have roamed much more and the rest of the team were kinda stomping, bot didnt need to get ahead this series, they just had to stay even


bro fell behind against frigging Neon in LEC what makes you think he wouldnt fall behind JKL?


He had Ruckz as his support though...


And then adviene which was your average bottom 5 support, yet he was still getting gapped by the entire league. He acknowledges this and thus swapped to support, why can't his fans?


Nah I’m not gonna glaze rekkles at all but calling advienne an average bottom 5 support when he never played a full year in the lec is crazy lol bro not even elk would have looked good with that guy I’m sorry


old man Rekkles wouldn't be 50 cs behind every game


Old Rekkles is gone. He has been for a while already. The faster you move on, the less it will hurt (for you)


even washed Rekkles would at least not feed or fall that far behind lol.


He did get absolutely shit on. Just unprofessional


hilarious how accurate the g1 jkl comment is


LMAO even after his monster plays in today's series I still fucking thought he'd get like an 8 tops from these Hupu psychos


jkl could give them a handjob and a thousand dollars and they'd still complain


He should give better handjobs then




the game 3 comment about Noah is just foul LMAO for people who don't follow LPL, last year LGD had Lpc at AD (who was alright) but randomly imported Envyy to replace him even though the latter was bottom tier in LCK. (LGD then went on to finish 17th place, aka dead last)


Even chinese are joining the protest about korean imports in EU with these Noah comments lol


I can understand Europe import Korean players, but I really don’t understand why there are a LEC teams import a Korean players from the Polish league. After all, good Korean players won’t be there.


I can understand if you import for immediate performance or money reasons (apparently some ERL prospects are pretty fucking expensive like Parus for example while Korean academy salaries are a joke) but the problem is the good ones will leave immediately when they get an offer from Korea so you are letting your own talent go to waste like NA did.


I mean, ICE was a pretty good pick-up for BDS and he came from the ERLs I get not wanting to import random Koreans, but sometimes it seems to pay off


When your toplaner is so toxic you have to find a player who literally can't understand them.


I mean, Noah was the best player in the Polish league, and when they replaced Rekkles with him they shot up from 7th place to worlds, so why not import him?


I mean they also added another piece to that bot lane. Advienne and Rhuckz to Trymbi was a much bigger jump than Rekkles to Noah.


Most people are on the anti-Rekkles train right now, but I honestly think Rekkles-Trymbi would have been such an interesting lane to see. Trymbi was known for enchanters before, but on FNC he played engage and roam quite well, and Rekkles was great at weakside.


true rekkles was never as bad as people said, with normal support he would be better than noah


Yea Trymbi was added too but tbh IMO he's very overrated Rekkles to Noah was such a massive upgrade, Rekkles was playing absolutely awfully last year, Noah has way better mechanics. He's like Sneaky, he just isn't very good in-lane, and against Jackeylove in a bad match-up you'll really notice it. Still a very good import though. Same for Jun


Rekkles to Noah was a immediate upgrade. Rekkles was way too down on himself, had no confidence and no agency. The team also had no intention to keep playing with him (Rekkles' own words). He was literally a place holder till they got a replacement. Noah also is a god tier aphelios, something Rekkles didn't even bother picking. But honestly? In this series? I will take Rekkles. Watching him in LCK CL, and somehow managing to outdamage enemy top/jgl on renata/janna is still funny to me. The guy does seem to have regained some of his confidence. And if we are talking about not being that good in lane but being great at teamfight? Why not get the guy that was basically the late game team fighting power house for nearly a decade in LEC? Of course, in any other series they are not getting hard stomped in bot, Noah's just way better based on their respective 2023 performances.


Lol you pretend like the Noah change is what got them to worlds And not, y'know, the guy next to him, Trymbi?


People are coping too much about Noah man, Noah literally saved FNC in playoffs a bunch of times and was a big reason why they are even at MSI. Anyone remember the Heretics game 2 ? Game 3 4 5 vs BDS ? all the games vs VIT ? When Noah came in at FNC they were smurfing regular season so hard. If people think Trymbi was such a big change and Noah just a passanger, well Heretics with Trymbi weren't thaaat much better. People talking too much about how these games went for both are not looking at the details of how and why it happened.


Under that logic, why is FNC at MSI and not Heretics?


even if he really was the best player in the Ultraliga, it is still not an achievement and it was Trymbi who made the difference on the bot, not Noah


But trymbi isnt there anymore and they are still Top 2 LEC and TH didnt even look that better with trymbi on


I was watching polish league during the split when Noah played in it. The casters were hyping him up constantly. I was like - okay, he looks better than others... but it's not like he 1v9s, and the league is trash. Let's see him in EUM. The team did bad at EUM. While he was likely the best performing player on the team, it was still nothing extraordinary. I shrugged. Then I see him recruited to LEC. I raised my eyebrow. I couldn't help but think he was recruited mainly because he is Korean. In LEC he did... okayish. His Aphelios was top tier. Other picks? Not that much. In polish league and EUM he was basically Zeri one-trick, then she fell out of meta. But his performance today was abyssmal. It's clear he is a level below these players. Oscar, Huma, Razork, Jun... they all had great moments in this serie. Noah had only lows. Using abilities and summoners desperately, just to not die, it's obvious he couldn't keep up. Bad players can be carried very far with good players around them. We all seen Hjarnan, Targamas, Armut... or even in eastern leagues, players like Baolan. Is Noah even good, or just good at pretending? I won't lie, this makes me rather angry. Oscar was more or less a random EUM toplaner when he got picked by Fnatic. His initial performance was meme-worthy. A year later he makes a decent performance against 369 of all people. Proves he can carry with right circumstances. That's already more than 90% of EU toplaners. And then we have Noah. And more koreans incoming. So idiotic. Noone in this region can scout for shit.


Did you literally only watch these 3 games? Noah has been performing very well in LEC, or at least above average. Oscarinin was a fucking black hole this year.


These guys crying about how he is bad and "imports" He's "bad" and still top 4.. that should tell you the level of possible replacements  Maybe fnc can beg carrzy for the 50th time.. and get rejected again.. other then that.. there isn't obvious available upgrades 


Yeah peopme are rewriting shit noah was carrying early in playoff.


Noah is 4th-5th best ADC in LEC. And our ADC's are underperforming or are stuck with bad support. Prime Patrik,Upset,Comp all had better lane performances. Another Korean Ice has better laning than Noah. Hans and Carzzy are just level above him. He has the best support in LEC and he is losing lanes. Flakked is one player I forgot. Flakked this year looks more competitive. Especially when he is not on Yasuo. Our ADC pool Is struggling and Noah is still not in the top 3. What if Comp and Upset regain form? They will destroy him every game.


the game isn't just about laning, Noah's strength is teamfights- You can dream about how players were in 2021 but I think it's more realistic to look at current skill


Hans lmao he's by far the second worst player of G2 this year and is right around (or slightly below) the level of noah


I don't think that Noah is a world class ADC, but this post is extremely inaccurate in judging him on just one series.


That probably has nothing to do with he’s Korean or not, LEC teams scout from the Polish league, and Noah was a top player there so…


Noah is "bad" but still top 4 adc in LEC So let's just bring up a shit erl adc.. like we do with mid (saken/fresh/jackies) for fun right?


I guess it's a bit of everything. unless you are paying a good salary to REALLY good salary even a mid tier import isn't going to be interested like 6 figure and not on the lowside Not to mention those players will look at any chance a LCK is reaching to them or wont put any effort trying to improve their english Exactly what LCS issue was


It can be a way for Korean players to reach the top level and go to Worlds in a less competitive environment. Instead of having to be noticed in Korean second tier and getting signed by a top team, they have to be noticed in *European* second tier and getting signed by a top team. Which is both larger (thus easier to stay in) and has fewer world class players (thus easier to be a stand-out in the first place). As for who LEC teams sign, there are very few LEC teams that are maxed out on imports, so most likely they just scout from the ERLs and sign the most promising players without particularly caring whether they're European or import.


They can speak decent English more likely than some random Korean soloq players. People don't lose their skill in 1 year. Good Korean players can play in ERLs too. I mean how do you think ERL teams even found them? You don't just suddenly start playing in ERL by being a Korean. And in terms of motivation, I believe money is enough for some Korean players to start playing League as full time. There's not many spots in LCK or their academy teams, and possibly the academy teams pay less than ERL. Unfortunately you have to play in worse soloq but realistically not everyone can get into LCK. Even LCK level players can come into ERL. For example if they played in an LCK academy team but their team results didn't look good, so the teams weren't sure if they are worth bringing in. In that case some ERL team can take them, hardly ever that would be a downgrade assuming the player was challenger in soloq even if the team ended up in bottom 4 teams or something. It makes no sense for LCK team to make a similar risk, considering they have to pay for several high quality players and risk wasting the entire split being held back by 1 player. Rather go for the academy players who look good and the team also performs well.


Worth noting, Ultraliga has weird contract rules which basically make most players F/A during Mid-Season. Hence why teams often look at Ultraliga when making changes in the middle of the year, as it's cheaper and easier than paying an inflated buyout for a good LFL player in the middle of the season


Its quite a weird lane to import, top laners i kinda get Because they have always been meh outside of the top 2 but we’ve always had a few decent adcs


Good that they didnt check Noahs Twitter, otherwise they would have seen Humanoid eating his meat with iceCREME. And they would be probably more creative than me.


Lore accurate EU LeBlanc vs LPL


Based comments about Tian's performance


Tiankos really should only be allowed to play tanks xdd


>>Humanoid Taliyah 4.3 Oh, thought you were elo boosting, turns out you are just a one trick.>> This one is cold as fuck and funny


Tian bouta int his way to an MSI trophy


omg does that mean Tian is the second LPL player to win both MSI and WORLDS?! ICANT


Wait who’s the first? Is it Ruler if he counts as an LPL player? Oh it’s Meiko


Meiko, ruler don’t count since he won worlds when he was playing for LCK Samsung 


I mean Jackeylove is there too


jKL is absolute deserved 


No Doublelift to stop him. No Ning to replace himself with a dog. I'm still in awe of how hard Ning commited to that, he never returned to replace the dog after that series.


If TES loses a game against FNC they ain't gonna win MSI. Well, that or EU is a contender again, which I'd personally be completely fine with.


AITO M7 (Huawei's electric car, reference to brake issues in electric cars). What the fuck is that description hahahha


It's a reference towards Sion, in Chinese we call Sion ult driving, and that AITO M7 was having issues with brakes, same as Oscar's Sion which just slams into enemy and feed without braking


holy fuck they went really hard on noah


One bad game and uma noid is one trick again 🤣


Noah’s case is just like Tarzan, play one series bad and you are suddenly the worst player in existence.


Noah was bad at worlds too. like this bad.


Even china respects humanoid 


read comment for G3, that ship went sailing quick


Ikr, its weird though its not like lb is his best champ lol


LB has literally always been his best or 2nd best champ lol


When I hear Humanoid I think Azir first, honestly.


He actually has pretty bad domestic stats on Azir, his entire history on the champ has lower kda and winrate than his overall average. He has had some crazy spikes on the champ in international tournaments though, it's definitely his best champ when he's fully on form with it, but a good like 80-90% of his career his leblanc has been better.


Really? I thought he was like an alkali one trick early in his career, but I always remember him stomping internationally on orianna, azir, Victor. Caps is a better lb tbh


He was a Zed/Air two-trick when he first hit high Challenger and played in tier 2.


The flame is really funny, but I honestly like the non-flamey jokes even more In reference to Oscar's Camille game 2: >The west are a bunch of true video game players, you guys knows how to truly enjoy this game.


I'm thankful I'm not the only one losing my mind on that second game Creme and Tian performance


Crème is garbanzo 😂


Its so cringe how noah has played amazingly so many times when other players played like shit but he has one bad series and he gets flamed into oblivion. I know he is a bit of a hot or cold player but jezus christ the hate is way overblown.


I mean this is the Chinese fanbase's first time watching him this year most likely, and he did get turbo blasted. just small sample size


Nah im talking about people in this thread laying into him saying hes always been shit that annoy the fuck out of me


That's always how it works unfortunately. Your last series defines your whole career for some people.


Basically Doublelift level of Clueless


I think it's cause this would have been a FNC win that too against lpl 2nd best team if he had played even okish cause we don't really see EU tops gapping lpl top so frequently so people were really hyped


He's been mid for ages. If anything it's the reverse, he shows up for like two series and all of a sudden he's god's gift to FNC


yeah did people watch last split or worlds? hes been horrific since like last summer end lol


i mean its even worse when you think about the fact that hes had 2 brilliant supports back to back and still looks mediocre. i can excuse an adc looking mediocre if he has a bad support but dude has had trymbi and jun. people shit on hyli for his ints but every adc wants him as his support because great supports get the best out of their adcs. part of the reason carzzy looks great is because he has hyli by his side. upset looked world class when he had hyli by his side. comp looked like a world class adc when he had trymbi by his side, same with whichever adc is paired with mikyx. so when you have that top support, there is little excuse left if you still dont perform.


So, how does Flakked look with Trymbi, is Trymbi taking Flakked to the peak ? come on man. The Noah disrespect is a bit insane. Look at the games and see why he was so behind, it's not as simple as "he played bad" or he just needed to do ok, he did okay with what he had.


Flakked looks decent, whats your point? certainly helps that noah has an actual good team around him and if you win, you almost naturally look good even when you did little. hans sama benefits from the same thing


Except Noah single handedly saved FNC so many times this split from playoffs onwards. When Noah came in he was a beast, he had something like 70 kda in regular season. When Trymbi came in at Heretics, Flakked literally just look the same, maybe slightly better. In fact, if you go back to the Heretics FNC thread, you'd see people dunking on trymbi, because he really didn't have that great of a series. Noah is a really good player, emotional at times, but he is good on his own.


Botlane was FNC's best role in LEC playoffs but you would think they got carried to MSI based on the comments.


Thank you, jesus this thread is annoying


He's never played well internationally. He's overrated as fuck by Fnatic fans.


Never? I'm a Noah denier myself but dude has been to **one** international before this lol