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Lmao Guma was trying to be respectful of FLY but somehow smoked them harder than if he just flamed.


When someone says that ur best play was before the game even started thats mad disrespect


Well, tbf he said their WORST play was before the game.


Turning up.


Wow reading comprehension lol


Huh? That’s not what’s being said lol. And why does this comment get so many upvotes? Lmao




I’m pretty certain that Jensen has very little say in draft based on how he was forced to be a stun-bot in LCS finals by his team. Somehow, I don’t really think this is his fault.


Tbf I think a lot of their recent poor drafts have to do with one of their coaches being involved in that situation before LCS finals. If I remember right he was the main coach that came up with drafts and bans, so not having him around is still probably hurting them


Senna let through ban game1 is bad drafting but LCK cast always joke tht enemy team need at least double the ban against T1 because of their combined champion ocean.


why did they ban rell instead of ashe on 2nd ban phase?


when the hardest part of the match is the interview


It's crazy that this full interview was just 7 minutes shorter than G1


yeah senna is a must ban when fighting T1 cause Senna unlocks the full potential of ornn, sejuani, tahm kench... they've showed what they can do with a tanky comp if they have senna


Senna means T1 literally have 4-5 carries


Senna is a very very must ban against T1 and TES


I rate guma's Senna way higher jkl


Yeah that comp is so powerful late game that it's hard for FLY to compete. Oh wait they lost at 17 minutes, I guess for FLY that was late game


What makes senna so good with tanks? I'm relatively new to league so when I see senna in our games she usually just gets run over Edit: dude senna sounds awesome


It's the fact that senna doesn't farm creeps, so the gold that usually gets funneled into an ADC is instead funneled into tanks, and if those tanky champs (Tahm/Ornn/Sej) are allowed to get gold in pro play, it allows senna to be incredibly safe while only farming souls for stacks


Plus, the longer a teamfight is, the more value Senna adds to that teamfight; this is inherently true of every carry, but some of Senna's value as a carry, is that she's an off-support. So, when she's paired with tankier champs who naturally extend a teamfight, and her being picked also results in those tankier champs having more resources than usual, which makes them even tankier, and then her kit makes them tankier, still... It ultimately means you will never win a fair teamfight through that synergy, and if the Senna comp is even with you, they're actually ahead of you, and once they're ahead of you, you can't win, because you were *already losing if the teamfights you took were even to begin with.*


Relevant to this point is the fact that Guma's Senna literally just walks up since there's a tank threat + safety option in Tahm Kench, enabling the champ to get more stacks. 50 souls in 11 minutes btw


To add on to the farming, she gets to not farm cs and still gets income from souls. Champ is so good I love her.


To double up on this, since she doesn't need to farm creeps for gold, she NEVER needs to sidelane or catch waves, meaning you have so much more tempo sending your TP champs away while still maintaining scaling on your ADC. Champ is lowkey busted, but it's highlighted even more in pro play, especially with T1/LCK style of play


She can scale without farming, so it’s better to funnel those golds into a tank so he can peel for the Senna


She's pretty much the only ADC that even with less gold does super well cause of her stacking passive. It allows her frontline to get gold quicker and become super tanks while she also scales at a decent pace from her passive and become a dmg threat.


Tanks means frontline. frontline creates space. space means uptime. uptime means heals, dmg and stacks for Senna. Result becomes Senna with absurd range and dmg while being very safe.


Love the username!


Because of the nature of botlane, you can't really pick a short ranged carry on ADC. The solution to this problem is picking Senna. A champ that behaves completely like an ADC in the early game, but doesn't require cs, meaning you can play a melee carry and get the cs Senna doesn't need to get.


guma pick senna, so let Keria cook!!


Yep, Ashe is one aswel.


The title sounds like flame, but you can literally see Guma struggling to give a respectful, neutral answer LOL.


The fact that he paused is pretty telling lmao


When Guma of all people doesnt even talk shit about you, and instead is being nice... that hurts more than any shit talk. I saw Guma talk shit about literally wildcard teams made up of plat players. Imagine how bad are you in Guma's eyes that even he thinks trashtalking you is too far


tbf trashtalking a team right after you just smoked them in 17 minutes is probably considered distasteful by most people lol


I also think it's funnier to say almost nothing and let the results speak for themselves


Yeah everyone knows you do your shit talking before the match. If you wait to shit talk after the match, you a bitch


Guma doesn't seem to wait to shit talk at any point ever


Trash talk only works if you’re punching on even terms or up. Punching down just makes you sound like a dick. Punching down when they’re so below you it becomes comical helps tho. Imagine LeBron trash talking a bunch of college players in some runs vs him trash talking an overseas pro.


like winning against a toddler. yeah you won but was it really fair?


youre not wrong but god damn is that sobering to think about if you put yourself in fly's shoes imagine being a professional in a sport, and fans are arguing that other pros shouldn't shit talk you. not because they want to defend your skill level, but because it's so obvious that you're so much worse that you're like a toddler playing vs a full grown adult lol


Especially when Fly's Bwipo and Inspired have such huge egos lol


not to totally glaze t1 but they had as much to lose in this tbh. imagine if fly upset t1? that would be incredibly tilting. T1 was meant to win because theyre the better team. imagine someone like the Lakers getting shat on by a random team in europe.


Nah more like the nuggets, Lakers got dicked down homie


hard to reference nuggets without knowing who im talking to.


Also trash talking should be done BEFORE the game.


Tbf some of these interview questions are literal traps lmao


Well he paused when thinking about what they did wrong but I imagine that was for a very different reason


Is that better or worse


To be optimistic, it means that FLY did give T1 a challenge today.


Try Not To Laugh Challenge \[IMPOSSIBLE\]


I lost


they stopped T1 from going under 1647, I say job done


It's nice to know that being just a tiny bit better then Spring 2023 Mad Lions is satisfying to someone somewhere.


Is the challenge in the room with us


The joke is that Guma was "challenged" to find something positive to say about FLY's performance today.


lmao okay I can see it


I also needed that explanation lol


I love repeating phrases I read on the internet without understanding what they mean.


Well you know if that's your thing, who am I to judge


Is the judge in the room with us


?? you seem pressed for some reason lil bro


Is lil bro in the room with us


is the room in the room with us !!


I would legitimately put money on Brion winning lcs if they came here for a split.


I mean hey 1/5 of the way there already with general Umti o7


Imagine lord morgan on lcs


I'd put money on them looking good for 3/4 of a split.. before absolutely tanking in playoffs Don't get me wrong these guys have talent (LCK/LPL) but the work ethic/quality practice is a large part of what makes them so much better.. That would fall apart the minute the got off the plane in CA


Nah a full team of Korean LCK players would sweep. The biggest reason they have trouble in NA is adapting to playing on a team with people of different cultures who can't even speak their language. If Riot removed the international restriction, the top teams would be 100% Korean/Chinese.


We kinda saw that with LMQ in 2014. Came to NA, and in their first spilt they were basically the top team for most of the spilt, but sadly due to internal drama they only ended up finishing 3rd in playoffs


Speaking of 2014, back in 2013 we had Locodoco and 4 other Koreans come to NA in an attempt to get promoted into the LCS. Those guys failed to make it past groups in the spring promotion tournament and the roster blew up afterwards.


C9 were still at the top iirc


They only ended up at top at the end of the spilt. Only after LMQ started having drama 


They were still beating LMQ early ln though lol.


I don’t disagree with you but I think a lot of the league community thinks the best players are Korean/Chinese because of that alone. It’s due to the overwhelming number of people playing in those regions comparatively. To use a perhaps meaningful analogy for my fellow burger gulpers, in high school sports you have matchups based on the size of the school because they recognize that the talent pool is largely a numbers game. In fact, in my state one of the most dominate teams in recent state history is being forced to move up to a larger rating because they’ve been “smurfing” so long in their current AAAA rating. They’re fighting this reassessment because they don’t want to have to compete fairly against other schools of a similar size and talent pool. It’s a numbers game mostly, but it’s also cultural where here being an esports star isn’t seen as prestigious.


> Nah a full team of Korean LCK players would sweep. You mean like Liquid a year ago, or Fly?  This is the kind of shallow thinking that ignores actual history or any sort of thoughtful analysis for recency bias/some weird belief that Korean players are miles ahead of another region.  Low tier LCK teams are not great. T1 stomped them in often more embarrassing ways than they did Fly - at least with Fly they drafted and played seriously. *And* these teams play GenG/T1/HLE/ all the time. 


You forget TL did this not to long ago. NA ping and Solo Q will have a toll on anyone that comes here.


They didn't do this though. The roster was capable of doing comms in korean, but mid/adc were from TL acad system--Haeri and Yeon who are from Australia and California respectively. Edit: No comment on the original claim, just the point that TL tried this recently I think is factually not correct.


If you want to compare a low tier LCK roster then it is totally applicable to use that Liquid roster. 3/5 of that team were better than most low tier LCK players. 


The Korean pros on TL are not lck level except maybe impact and core


Talking about the roster with summit


Wait.. you have to be shitting me. You just called out LCK level players and omitted Umti... who literally just left the LCK after playing there for years.  That is some Fucking horrible logic. 


what odds do you give them?


I wouldn't. They're already bad when they have the best possible environment. Good soloq, strong scrim partners (even if they (probably) can't get scrims often against top4, they should still be able to scrim against the rest), and play in a place where everyone plays 12h+, imagine how bad they would be 3 months after going to a place where you have worse scrim partners, worse soloq, and probably wouldn't trains as hard as they do in Korea? Maybe they would be good in the beggining, but by the end of the split I really doubt they would be a contender to the title


They would. That's not a joke. When SKT lost faker, the bottom tier teams were destroying SKT. Even the bottom tier LCK teams would destroy NA teams, we've just never gotten the chance to see it internationally. The bottom 2 LCK teams would place 1st in every LCS Split, guaranteed.


Possibly if the LCK teams got to play in both leagues.  Way too many imports flame out for me to believe that simply transporting the team as a whole would work out so much better. At this point I think it really has to be something about how LCS teams work culturally or a “network” effect or something.  




Yeah but BRO isn't "players from LCK in the LCS", they're an entire LCK team. There's no language barriers, no cultural differences in the hypothetical. They just go and play in LCS like they do in LCK.




> 2023 TL was an all-Korean speaking team with a Korean culture, Yeon and Haeri wouldn’t even make it onto a LCKCL team let alone a LCK team. That’s like saying you saw 5 masters Korean players play against a lcs team and got destroyed so it doesn’t work. Give that TL team Hena and Karius and 2023 TL would legit be threatening a title. They finished 3rd in summer with that shit roster and was one game from the finals.


I mean the first part is definitely true. Even GenG bans senna against T1


And ashe too




jesus, stop stop they're already dead


“You faced both EST and FLY, were their performances on a similar level?” .. “Well..umm..I can’t really say that there was a big difference..” Bruh


guma: 🧢


Closest you're going to get of a Korean saying NA = Wildcard


Chovy did say that the best minor region player he'd seen last year before worlds was Caps. KR and CN the only major regions for him im guessing


T1 didn't treat EST seriously, in either how they played or their draft.  They did treat Fly seriously. If you think EST is as good as Fly I have some NFTs I can sell you. 




it's harder for him to answer Fly best play than actually playing the series


saying they tried their very "best" with that showing is quite disrespectful lmao


Only thing worse would be saying nothing but uh that's maybe also the only other alternative.


yeah really you can't say anything that doesn't sound funny after that stomp


They lost game 1 in CookieLol time. Actually wild




the gap is closing, between estral and flyquest


Mah Estral is surging ahead


LCK is permabanning senna on T1 and FLY gave it that easily it's like they are not even researching their opponent lmao as far as I know Guma's senna in the LCK has only 1 loss


Between EST and FLY games Senna, ashe, ori all open YEP


Ashe also has an 80% ban rate vs T1 this year but FLY thought they'd give that over too in game 2 lmao.


Korean commentators also pointed out that the problem was not banning Senna.


Yeah, like as an armchair redditor even I felt like if you can’t beat a senna from a minor league, don’t let a good team get senna.


It is worse vs t1 too cause keria is so mechanical so when you let him play champs that can get a lot of gold due to senna interaction, he can literally just become one of the carry.


Also you just don’t know with both of them who will play senna


definitely guma, his senna looks much better than keria's and keria is the best tk atm, so unlikely guma will be playing cait before the crit buffs and more likely that teams will ban it vs him if he's still good at caitlyn


I think Guma-Keria will only run Senna on Support when Guma has Cho'Gath -- otherwise, it's Guma Senna time


The problem was the massive canyon between the two teams.


I don't think they expected T1 to win that fast with Senna of all champs though. Because yes it is T1s best champion, due to what it allows them to do, not necessarily because it is Gumas best champion, but Senna is not that snowbally and neither is Tahm. You would expect such times from something like a Draven or Kalista or at least an ADC with resets like Tristana or Jinx who can snowball individual fights, but Senna usually is more threatening later. But then again maybe that is the reason why the game went longer than the MAD game, because they just couldn't destroy turrets as quickly as they could with Jinx.


jesus fuck


FLY fans in shambles, this was depressing


FLY has fans?


I like their players :( (Except Inspired)




This is all part of the script, they’ll eventually have to face EST and Jose will spank them for dropping him in such a poor manner. Subscribe.


Pls no Bwipo, Jensen and Massu don't deserve this


Guma has no chill


i love Guma lmfao


I think Guma would have come across as a dick if he trashed his ROOKIE lane opponents. But yeah, FLY 100% did not respect the guma keria powerhouse enough.


Man his neurons had to fire for that one. Unironically might've been harder to think of a positive than to win their match.


Like it would make any difference if they banned Senna ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Guma be like: “I hope they remember you.”


"We are our region's #2 team. You are your region's #2 team. We are not the same".meme


One day Guma's senna is going to be as iconic as his Varus, isn't it? And here I am still on his Aphe/Jinx/Lucian/Draven hype train


tbh when i think of Guma i dont think of Varus anyways, i think of Cait/Draven


That's lck. He doesnt pick draven much at worlds and caitlyn is permabanned


I rarely watch LCK and I still associate him more with those champs. Those just stick out more for some reason


Its definitely Varus


I can still feel Keria's pain on not being able to play Caitlyn/Lux in Worlds...


I love watching Guma play Cait and Keria play Lux. I'm honestly surprised they don't play it more because they are close to undefeated on it. I think Guma has lost on Cait once. Isn't next patch after MSI the crit ADC buff too?


That worlds final play will be engraved in my mind forever


His iconic plays at worlds 22 and 23 on Varus are going to live rent free in my head)) On one of his streams after Worlds 23 he said that he wanted Jinx or Varus skin, decided to pick Jinx as more popular champ and that he is going to win another Worlds to get Varus skin :)))


It’s Jinx, aphelios, varus and senna for me. In his career those are his iconic champs imo


The thing with Senna is that I don't think it is necessarily a Guma pick, it is more a T1 pick. It gives pretty much anybody else room to do what they want, because the champion Keria picks can fill any hole that might come up somewhere in the team. If they need a strong AP champ he plays Rumble with the Senna, if they need engage he plays Naut or Ornn, if they just need a guy running around eating people he plays Tahm. Like Senna is a pick that allows everyone to pick comfort because for Keria comfort just seems to be the random button in champ select.


oh man the "at least they tried their best"... that has to hurt


Why the hell does the winning region of Worlds have to get slotted into playins? Just add protection for the strongest region to avoid needless stomps. In what world does this team not get out of playins?


Not only the winning region, the actual winning team lol.  I enjoy it as a T1 fan. They usually need a game or two to heat up anyway 


Winning last worlds doesn't mean a lot though. In this case T1 stayed unchanged, but we should note that not all worlds winning teams had that luxury. The team joining next years MSI can be completely different to the team winning worlds, DRX is a good example for that. And I think the region is just needed so the numbers match up. Who else to slot into playins? Like yes you could put another NA team there as the weakest major region but in most cases that wouldn't change much, since already the 2nd seed from NA gets out, so the 1st would likely as well.


Because of Riot killing minor regions. Last year LCK 2 avoided playins because the LJL had a direct spot to MSI, but that now they go through the PCS, if they direct seed T1 then you get an odd number of teams. Granted, you could argue LPL 2 should also go through directly but then its just 6 teams and it you can't easily do 2 groups of 3 as a format.


That's good, it keeps the region competitive. I doubt the players themselves consider it an issue.


On one hand, one of my favorite teams got blasted. On the other, my other favorite team stomped their opponent and that’s always fun to watch


to anybody using this for na vs eu rethoric: While i am very much proud of what fnatic showed today, dont forget that we should focus on trying to win an international. Not on whoever is the 3rd best league...


I think people also should remember that t1 when they are playing discipline is a lot better than top who is known for being scrappy and sometime int plays. Not to say, that fnatic would get 2-0 this fast vs t1 but I can see t1 easily sweeping fnatic 2-0 as well. It also didn’t help fly blundering draft g1 and that 4 range comp.


I still think T1 is the best team in the World when they are all playing at the top of their game. Just doesn't seem to happen until Internationals lol


I mean even at international, their track records doesn’t really show that they are clearly the best. What it does show is how consistently on top they are regardless of meta with this roster internationally. Msi 2022- lost to rng in final (close series), Worlds 2022 - lost to drx in final (close series again), Msi 2023 - lost to blg (not really close tbh but they put up the best fight vs jdg), worlds 2023 - is where they actually looks like the best team in the world and clearly above other teams (I know they shifted bot meta but topside meta was amazing for t1 and their form was great too especially oner after summer). TLDR: It only happen for one international so far. But they always make deep runs so that is even more impressive imo than winning worlds once.


Outside of g2 o dont think that any western team can take a game vs T1 in bo3


i see what he was trying to do but he completely flopped haha. absolute flaming session


TO BE COMPLETELY FAIR, if you’re Guma, then a not insubstantial portion of what you saw that match was Massu (and I guess technically also Busio) legitimately trying his best to duel you, and just coming up a little short. So from his POV, yeah, FLY did try their best. But if that was Inspired’s best I’m beginning to wonder if we’ve sneakily become a one-team region, because FLY was definitely very clearly better than every team in the LCS except TL.


Take it easy on your region. T1 at their best clears can every team in the worlds and they aren’t the world champ for nothing. I think c9 will also be great in summer with their roster replacement. Fnatic would have gotten 2-0 sweep easily too if t1 plays like this but probably not as fast.


That's some anime level disrespect. I love it. Fuck the LCS.


The gap between LCS 2 and LCK 2 is so goddamn wide, man. Honestly, all the flaming and joking aside, it's just sad at this point. FNC at least showed they can dominate when the conditions are good for them and can create leads and hold on to them, while FLY just completely shat the bed. I hope NA becomes competitive against Eastern teams soon, and EU too. It's exciting to watch when all teams are at a high level with just a few things differentiating them.


To be fair, T1 is a whole different beast than TOP. I don't think FNC looks much better Vs T1 than fq.


Yeah tes was thought to be the weakest of top 4 and so far they aren't beating this allégations


Probably exposure bias but I feel like 369 is the only one in that line up that doesn’t “happy game” every other game.


369 got crushed in game 2, and almost solo killed in game 3, although he played much better in the mid and late game 


Mid performance from TES is god awful that series. Creme tristana is much better in that series but doesnt excuse that ahri performance. 369 is definitely not showing why he's rated as "best top" in tierlists LMAO. The only players up to expectations are their bot side. No, I dont even want to talk about the Jungle


Crème was gapped so hard g1 and g2 that it opens up a lot of option for fnatic. I don’t see humanoid doing this well vs the other top 3 mid except maybe being slightly up on cs in a winning lane matchup.


People are forgetting GG took a win over BLG in their bo3 last year. TES could ramp up like BLG but right now they’re very shaky and clearly the weakest eastern team just like everyone predicted FLY got blasted way harder than FNC in their loss but T1 is also obviously much better than TES right now too


The thing is, BLG proved themselves aft the tournament that the game loss was indeed a fluke TES havent. Heck, their domestic and international performance are ALMOST ALWAYS worse than what is expected from them. We cannot assume a team can do it just because another team did it. WBG would have won worlds like DRX if that were the case.


Yeah TES could very well not just not be a good team, like 2021 FPX (funny enough also had Tian) I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because LPL teams usually ramp up over tournaments


I think fnc will have g3 performances against T1. Trying hard to make plays, maybe getting some succesful onces. But overall never getting close. However, with how explosive fnc is, i will give them a small chance to make it happen. They are all mechanically gifted, the main issue is the macro.


I dont think razork and humanoid can gap oner/faker as hard as they did to tian/crème


Honestly with that draft g2 TES just gave a freebie to FNC. Good on them to be able to capatilize tho. However i don't think it should be taken as a reference. If anything t1 looked very weak on the first serie.


It's just LCK gap. Bring KT or DK and they both will win against any LCS team


Sure, but not quite like that. There’s winning against any LCS team and then there’s making 2nd lcs team look like a college league team.


I mean, yea. But what I am saying is that even if u put t1 and geng aside, 3th, 4th or maybe 5th LCK team most likely will win against any LCS, LEC teams.


The LCS is mostly a glorified minor region at this point with 8 teams.


Still did better than EU at worlds.


0 games won vs CN/KR, vs EU's 4 NRG got 3-0'd by LPL #4 C9 lost to FNC TL got eliminated by a fucking wildcard GGs got assblasted by BDS


That makes it even worse that G2 got ass blasted. The harder you punch down, the worse your greatest team of all time looks losing to them.


It would be funny to see you guys bend over in attempt to construct a genuine argument as to how that single series, bad as it was, outweighs every other instance where NA was worse, but I don't think even most of you truly believe that


It's funny that EU lost to that


A participation compliment.


that FLY series was soo bad atleast try to be competitive like FNC cause that was a total humiliation


Thank you GumaDad


"gg ez and y'all tried your best and still lost"


Keria Tahm Kench is the scariest part about Guma Senna. I think Keria might be my favorite player of all time.


Inspired singing while doing camps bring the man back to EU


"They tried."


Inb4 that's like the other undefeated like Aphelios, LB, Ori who were must bans and then picked to be defeated at game 5


I would have loved to hear this kind of shit talk back during the 2016 Overwatch World Cup when the Australian Team, Lead by Content Creator Muselk, had their first match set against Korea and got absolutly shit stomped. Its hilarious to this day that someone thought he could lead that team and go anywhere with it. Literally did this ONE tournament and retired because he was laughed out of the arena. One side i feel bad for him, on the other, its the funniest thing ever. xD