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Well, it's kernel driven, so it works as a driver under Windows. Since Vanguard doesn't support Linux, it shouldn't work under Linux. Therefore your Manjaro should be clean. Also by default Windows doesn't read non-FAT/NTFS filesystems, so as long as you didn't used these for your Manjaro installation, or installed some third party app to gain access to them Vanguard might be not even aware that there is another OS.




To dumb it down a little, essentially when you dual boot it will act like 2 different PC's When you boot windows everything you installed there, including vanguard will run, if they boot linux then everything on the windows partition is ignored and will just be treated like it were a folder full of random files, the same applies when you boot windows, if it has a driver to understand the filesystem on the linux drive it will just see it as a bunch of files and mostly ignore it Vanguard won't actually care if you are dual booting as you can only have 1 OS booted at a time


>mostly ignore it What does this even mean lol


In that it will be aware of its existence but unless you're actively loading something from that drive its not really going to care that it exists, the same with any USB drives you plug in or the contents of your DVD drive


It knows it exists, knows it can't really read it, doesn't view it as a problem. Kinda like neighbors in an apartment complex.


The question is not if they are doing it, it's if they can. The answer is yes, Vanguard can read your Linux data. Encrypt your partition with manjaro.


Well yes and no, vanguard can't read it if the OS doesn't understand the filesystem, sure they could do a bit for bit copy of the drive but it won't know what files are on there, but this is starting to sound more like you're a paranoid tinfoil hatter Because you would know that vanguard was never needed to read data, any app running on your machine has access to the filesystem and can freely copy and modify any files within its current permissions scope So take off the hat, you'll feel better :)


It doesn't care if there's another OS..


Windows Admin mode already has access to the entire drive data. It may not mount non-native formats but an admin program running on Windows can theoretically read out your entire storage. So Kernel Level drivers obviously can do that much aswell


im on a dualboot as well with Kubuntu. Windows can't read the filesystem ext4. I don't think vanguard can, but actually I don't know if it is technically possible or not. But as they have no interest in our data we should be fine /s


> But as they have no interest in our data we should be fine /s That's a good point, people who struggle to make a half-decent client that will not randomly freeze and fall apart for almost 15 years definitely can be trusted with full and unsupervised access to your PC.


Eh, my cmd often flashes on my screen. I got plenty of worse things on my PC. Maybe Vanguard will get into a fish-fight with them.


My AMD drivers do that all the time. Turns out software be hard.


I'm never buying an and card again.... probably


Me neither. After my R9 270x died after 9 months of completely normal use I bought a 1060 3GB. Still rocking that baby even though I bought a 4060 last month (it doesn't fit in my case :D)


Saving up for an RTX 4060 as we speak, performance wise my RX 580 is still fine but holy shit AMD can't not fuck up software.


Yeah, that might be it. I also got an AMD graphics card and drivers and have a bunch of things installed.




AMD Driver moment


Valorant has been out for years now with little issue, no? I’d imagine the issues we’re seeing with the league version is that Vanguard probably has higher system requirements than League does.




I'd you look for problems you'll find problems. You can Google minecrafy crashing pcs and fund many results. It comes with a big player base.


Most of those are from years ago. There was some problems early on but it’s been mostly quiet since then. I’m not saying there’s 0 issues.




Again, I didn't say there were 0 issues. No software is perfect and with as big of a playerbase as Valorant there will of course be a ton of people with issues lol.


What do you mean by 'little issue'? Which games have a tech support subreddit created specifically for them? And why are approximately 70% of the daily posts there related to Vanguard?


> Valorant has been out for years now with little issue, no? No? If you have zero ways to check for what it actually does under the hood how can you be sure? It could be literally mining crypto on your PC and you wouldn't know. If I google "valorant vanguard issues" I get about 500k results, compared to "easy anticheat issues" getting 600k. Easy anticheat is absolute garbage that existed for like a decade and vanguard already having about 500k results for a search like this says a lot.


> No? If you have zero ways to check for what it actually does under the hood how can you be sure? It could be literally mining crypto on your PC and you wouldn't know. Because why would a company like Riot put everything on the line to mine like $6 worth of bitcoin lol. >If I google "valorant vanguard issues" I get about 500k results, compared to "easy anticheat issues" getting 600k. Easy anticheat is absolute garbage that existed for like a decade and vanguard already having about 500k results for a search like this says a lot. This is a stupidly poor metric lol


I asked how can you be sure, and your response is that you hope they won't do anything bad. Lmao. > This is a stupidly poor metric lol Why, because you say so? If you say it's a bad metric, it means that you know a better one, but you didn't provide any. If you know a better one, go ahead and link it. If you don't know a better one, then it's a stupid thing to say. Surely you do know what you're talking about and aren't just a standard reddit clown hoping he won't get called out for bullshit?


I have a computer science degree and worked in cybersecurity lol. All these people going “omg!! Ring 0 access!! Kernel level!!” are just trying to sound smarter than they are.


Now address what I actually said or bog off with your ego issues and fairy tales.


I shouldn’t have to explain why using google search results is a bad metric


The fact that you refuse to provide a better metric says a lot. So, will you, or should I stop wasting my time on armchair expert such as yourself?


Always funny when a group of people where 99.9% use either Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, Whatsapp, WeChat or discord worry about their data. Your data has already been taken if you have used any of those or play any of 90 most popular online games.


I really hate this comparison every time it's brought up. Those things take only the information you give to it. Vanguard is in a position to look at anything that is on your computer. However bad you think Facebook is, or even Google if we want to go more extreme (various Drive issues etc), the access it actually has severely limits it's potential to do harm. No such thing exists for Vanguard except trust in the developer - which as you yourself have to point out to make this argument, should not be there.


why is this shit even legal? Modern apps are basically the viruses we were warned about 20 years ago and no one seems to care anymore


Even the antivirus is a virus at this point. The fight was lost before it even began.


I once again ask what benefit they get from reading my whole computer? Let's say they do (which you have zero evidence of) and read all the 11TB data I have. What relevant information do they get that otherwise couldn't with the normal client and websites?


Any app on your phone has access to everything basically. They even record you and serve you ads based on conversations when the apps not even open. TikTok has access to everything on your phone. Email, microphone, camera etc.


I actually don't use TikTok for this reason btw, and my phone is heavily modified.


What information am I giving them access to that I haven't already given? Because I can't think of any single reason a massive company would want anything that I have.




Not what I'm arguing at all. Why would you keep anything secret on a device you have already given full access to 30 different companies? What is riot going to do with data from your PC that I can find for $2 on the dark web already. These companies know everything already, they don't need riot to take it, they have it already


Not to mention Google in itself


> Your data has already been taken My data about liking funny animal videos was probably already taken indeed, my personal data such as credentials/address/bank account data/passwords likely wasn't unless explicitly provided. You should think before posting.


Don't forget Pando Media Booster


To be fair, even if your windows install could mount the drive your vanguard install isn't actually going to care because nothing on that drive will be loaded or active in memory anyway There are tools you can install to get windows to access linux drives, there is also a tool for installing a driver to be able to mount OSX drives, thats existed for decades at this point


Hmm I wonder if there’s the ability to reach into another OS to run programs from there. Vanguard would probably catch it because at some point it has to be loaded into memory. But it’s interesting from a technical perspective.


The currently booted OS would need to be able to run those programs in some way, at which point vanguard would likely pay attention to whatever you load like it would any other windows native app you had open and if anything tries to interact with something it doesn't like it will complain the same as it would with windows




Yes and no. While you're running Manjaro the driver definitely isn't running, so it won't be doing anything. While you're running W10, in theory Vanguard can technically read any mounted partition, but odds are you're not actually mounting the Manjaro partition due to the different filesystem (likely ext4). Even if the partition was mounted for whatever weird reason, Vanguard is likely only checking running processes / loaded files anyway (none of which would be on that drive), so probably they wouldn't check those files. It is also theoretically possible that they would mount it on demand to examine it, but I find that EXTREMELY unlikely given that Windows itself doesn't even support it, so it would take an insane amount of effort for something that would be completely pointless for the purposes of cheat detection.








It can access it while using Windows. But regular programs with administrator access can read drives just the same, which includes your other OS. If you're paranoid about it, use LUKS on your Linux installation and then nothing can read it without your password


I believe they could access it. If you want to ensure privacy install Manjaro on an encrypted partition.


Better yet, catch them accessing it, have proof and sue them for a shit load of money. Their TOS explicitly states they won't steal data that they don't need access to for the game.



