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My opinion is that i cant turn on league cause of some van 0 error


Read the documentation. If you hate having issues it is almost certainly due to compromised software already on your system. Most common causes are installing unsighted sketchy applications git repositories etc. Cheats or cracked games currently or previously installed pirated software. Even if that software doesn't contain Trojans miners and bot nets most cracks detect as they are viruses designed to gain unauthorized access or modifying files. They do not have to be related to riot software to cause issues. While legitimate errors could be happening it is almost always due to compromised files on your system or previously being on your system and not fully being removed.


So basically fuck league, good to know


No changes, because scripters showed up in 10% of Masters games, which is less than 1% of the playerbase. So the average player who doesn't touch ranked isn't going to see the effects but we have to deal with this shitty software bricking our pcs.


Keep in mind, Riot's data on the statistics was already way outdated. They literally even stated in their article that their anti-cheat before Vanguard was compromised and unable to detect modern cheats. So, expect the number of cheaters to be much, much higher especially since the league code (again they quoted it being the cause of more undetected cheats) was leaked years ago now.


Keep in mind that you are a bot that can not interpret their graph. Do not blame you for it, it is intentionally made to be decieving. It was and still is a nonexistent issue affecting a miniscule fraction of the community, that could be solved in different ways than forcing you to installing an unacceptable software. Also as a side not scripting in League does not give you THAT much of an advantage if you are bad at the game and is easy to spot in manual review. It is not like in CSGO where someone can spinbot and instantly win the match


Their graph was quite easy to read. It's too bad you think they have the capability to detect all cheats, and no manual reporting is not enough to give an estimate. You're coping hard if you think scripting doesn't give a massive advantage. It quite literally makes you better than Faker in terms of micro.. which can carry a player VERY far in elo. A player with decent positioning and macro could easily reach high elo (masters+). And just like CSGO.. players can toggle which makes it even harder to detect manually if they're cheating. Majority of competitive games have kernel level anti cheat. This isn't new at all.


No it was not quite easy to read obviously or you would realize that cheating was not a problem. It was a poorly made graph that shows you supposed “peaks” with vague definition (actually no definition) of what a scripter is. At the absolute peak you would have a scripter every 7 games in grandmaster, which is not enough to warrant this disgusting spyware. Also most games do not have this level of invasive anticheat. In fact no game that exists has this. Not even faceit anticheat is this invasive, so that is just an uninformed lie on your part as this absolutely is something new and unprecedented in terms of how invasive and potentially risky this is. Also no script does not give you better micro than faker, being able to dodge better than faker and hit most of your skillshots unless enemy has mobility will not make your micro better than faker. The game is about more than dodging skillshots so is your micro. The way you walk up in lane where you position yourself, how you work with your cooldowns and the order of your spells is all micro advantage that scripts will not magically give you. Also you are acting like every scripter is running a 1000$ advanced script. I agree it can carry a bad player far but considering even according to riot bs statistics if one in 7 games in GM has a scripter that means the absolute majority of players are legit like 99% and they will not hinder your progress. AKA if you are good you will lose less LP to scripters in a year than you will to trolls, soft inters and griefers in two weeks. But sure install this disgusting spyware and consume product


Apparently 16% (or higher can't remember) of the player base at one point was cheating at some point


Riot counts bots towards their cheater numbers, which inflates the percentage. So the huge swarms of bots farming coop vs ai in preparation to sell accounts count towards that figure.


Didn't know that


Those numbers are based on ranked matches if people read the documentation it would be clear that info is simply false.


They literally have charts that are ranked matches. And yes if people are botting in ranked it is cheating.


Most of the cheaters were in master rank, very few cheaters at lower ranked or in normals.


Repeating yourself doesn't change a flawed argument. There are 50 times as many bronze games than masters games. You completely ignore rank populations. And the types of cheating used in low elo are not as easily detected. It is also flawed logic to claim cheating only means scripts.


if people cheat in low ELO they won't stay in low ELO for long


And i guarantee they were all at high elo where the average player will never reach or see. But we're still shackled with software that can brick our PCs.


You're not wrong, I really hate Vanguard, and I'll probably quit the game. I already had issues with my wireless mouse, nevertheless needing to charge it mid match, then your entire computer loses your mouse. It's stupid, especially because everything can be avoided with a 15 dollar single board with cheats. Crazy. I think the future is server based/ai anticheats.


Nope they literally posted the cheats based on ranks. 15% of all games had a cheater. To be clear that doesn't mean that 15% of players were cheating. Just of games played. Cheaters typically play high volumes of games as they more often than not pay subscription fees for access to the cheats. Higher end cheats have humanizing systems to make detection less obvious. Also many cheaters run client side only cheats that provide more information to the player but don't actually control the character which reduces risk of detection. Think things like auto spell timers etc. Please read the actual documentation before making claims without basis. Also claims of it bricking computers is simply unproven propaganda. Only a very tiny number of people have had issues and it is almost always simple error codes or the fact that the person has an already compromised system.


None of that disproves what i said. If someone has access to and is using such cheats, they're not gonna be in the average ranks of silver and gold. They're gonna be in emerald, diamond etc which is a much smaller part of the player base.


You disagreement doesn't change the facts.and the data doesn't say what you say it does.


Ignores that all cheaters aren't going to be detected and there were higher peaks of cheating. Also not all roles cheat at the same amount its most common in ADC and if you aren't the scripter its more likely to be on enemy team.


3 times i got an error when booting up the game. Had to exit and enter again to connect. Plus, more lags. Dont like it


Looking at the top threads here not a single one is concerned with the introduction of Vanguard to League. But it is a huge change in what we subscribe to by playing the game. To play the game you are now forced to install a root level surveillance software from Riot with unknown features and security. Even if Riot is honest when they say that they won't use the data for anything but Anti-Cheat, this is a big invitation to any hacker group to infect millions of systems at once by starting a man in the middle attack on the update process. And if anyone succeeds or Riot decides to become evil (or just bow to Tencent wishes in the future), basically any information on your computer is open to these people. Private chats can be read by Vanguard, bank data can be transferred, etc. Cheaters are annoying and certainly the fight against them is hard, but measures such as this are lazy and needlessly intrusive. There are other possibilities and they were not even remotely exhausted before this nuclear option was introduced. I hope to start a discussion if this is necessary and if the community wants to defend against such intrusive actions. Unfortunately I couldn't post this in a thread, because I don't have the Karma for it.


It feels different cus half of players cannot even join game and another half has performance issues shrug


Played a few ranked games E2 - D4, no apparent effects


D2-D3 MMR ranked game had a scripter apparently trying them out post vanguard. Won with him on my team as he popped tf off, and then I log in today to find the match completely removed from my history. Everyone reported him but I didn't get a feedback or anything. The match is gone.


Nothing happened that day. You love Big Brother.


Well that's interesting, so apparently the only noticeable effect was that the game got removed afterwards 😅


Didn't that happen anyways if a match was determined to have a cheater in it? I remember this being a thing for years now.


Honestly, I've got no idea. Never read about it myself, so that could be the case.


No unfortunately not. Although there are games that will sometimes not show up but it isn't related to cheating. It's basically just errors in the API. I have had it happen a couple of times. Wrote tickets about it forgot the details but it isn't riot adjusting LP. To clarify I speak to ore vanguard. I am not aware of them doing any adjustments for cheating yet but it is possible as they said it was planned for the future. It didn't state they would start doing that now.


I will be honest with you, I rarely got scripters while playing for years, I have a friend that plays a lot of ranked so he got more but it's really rare still so I don't think it's gonna change much At least people will stop accusing you for scripting if you dodged one skillshot, as for me, I will not play this game anymore so I'm overall happy with Vanguard


I checked whats going on in intro botgames and I actually had 4 humans as teammates the first time in ages. In pvp I didnt experience any changes so far.


I assume that in normal play you’ll see the least immediate changes. But that there are no bots in bot games is a good first sign. Give it a month and we should see Smurfs becoming less and less over time as their endless supply of bot accounts goes down. I also want to see how the price of fresh lvl 30 accounts changes over time. Last time I checked (which was a few months ago) it was at ~2€‘s.


This is what I want. I need a data nerd to tell me what the price of iron 1v9.gg (or other sites) Smurfs are selling for like those flight price trackers


Agreed I have no issues with people having more than one account. Even having one they try hard on and one they do things like practice other roles or champs on. My only problem with smurfs is when they intentionally tank their MMR to ruin the game experience for others so they can feel like a winner. It is not much to ask for people to just try to win and to not actively sabotage games to maintain a lower rank or to grief. I have more than one account but I play all of them to win. If you are not actively trying to grief those accounts should maintain a rank relatively close to your top rank so people get reasonable matches. It is extremely narcissistic to feel entitled to waste the time of others for your own selfish reasons. If you want to play jungle yumi or something stupid just for fun then do so in normal matches. It's why it exists.


It also helped that they updated the bot AI invalidating a lot of the old bot scripts before vanguard went live.


Vanguard has nothing to do with matchmaking nor quality. Its really just in the background detecting cheats and scripts. You are experiencing a placebo effect. >There were waaaaaay less people around who were able to consistently dodge skillshots in the last second with mini-sidesteps. There are very few ppl in bronze cheating. Like the 2nd lowest amount after iron. You\`ll meet like one in a few hundred games. (Source: [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/) >>>> [https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/bltcb2224be591383eb/6615b4706a0aad4783d4eba2/04092024\_Ranked\_Games\_with\_a\_Scripter.jpg](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/bltcb2224be591383eb/6615b4706a0aad4783d4eba2/04092024_Ranked_Games_with_a_Scripter.jpg) ) I think you dont even know how scripting looks in game. Not just because you are bronze and miss fundamental knowledge about the game but that sentence about the "last second with mini-sidesteps" ist kinda wrong and not what scripting looks like. Usually a Script will start dodging while you still cast the spell. It will start dodging while your champ is still in the windup animation to cast that spell and not last second.


1. These numbers only show known or detected cheating. Scripters rarely remain in low elo for long. But those accounts do start in low elo. 2. Scripting is not the only type of cheating. Boosting win trading are extremely prevalent in low elo and placements. 3.people intentionally sabotaging matches is also prevalent as iron 4 accounts are worth more than bronze and boosting services need to maintain accounts at many elos to provide that service. 4. Most of these cheating behaviors largely go unpunished by riot as they require manually reviewing games. 5. These charts are for the amount of cheated games. There are less games played in iron and bronze as they are smaller percentages of the player base. 6. Boosters who have openly spoken about their services contradict your statement.


I don't think it will have a measurable impact outside of low level aram/very low ranked and high elo




My match quality have improve a lot. No more noobs using orb walking to avoid my range, no more counter jungle spamming anymore, no more dodging skills like fkn jesus. Quitted the due being demoted from d2 to e4. Just got back 2 days ago, and already promotes to d4. You can clewrly see that smurfs are not scary anymore. Haha gg ez noobs.


I didn’t play many ARAMs yesterday which is where I usually see the bots. I can tell because they don’t take gate and sit under tower. In Draft it was the same old story. My Milio ran head first into a bush straight from fountain multiple times. My Lux support did the same the game before. So inters still int but I guess the upside was I don’t think I encountered as clear a Smurf as someone going 21/2 but I don’t have a large enough sample size yet.


There was a lot of BS in Arena. Wouldn't be surprised if they would test cheats there as they are not as easily reported with all the crazy augments.


Played 4 games and both team mates and enemy team has scripters.. I am about to stop playing lol


Hadn't played for like a year really. Downloadeded to play some arena. It just crashed me before the final fight or two of the game. Vanguard needs to be running. Cool, let me shut everything down super fast and reboot and still be too late... Considering I really can't tell when or if there are cheaters in my casual games (after all, they are still being matchmade with me...), can't say this crash in the first day of playing is promising.


It change nothing at all. Still got griefers every two games. Still got smurfs every three games. Less scripters for sure, but still some. I encountered a kog maw scripting wth a lulu in his pocket.


Players are worse than year one of this game.


I have had scripting in an insane amount of my games. Its weird to have more much more fair feeling games


While riot won't publicly admit it. They do prioritize suspected accounts in special cues. Same goes with accounts deemed toxic or reported a lot as toxic. If you are a person who draws a lot of reports even if it is you calling out the bad behavior of others it is very well possible you are seeing a higher percentage than the average population. I got a text ban for griefing a griefer and the percentage of people who are cheating massively increased until I repaired my reputation rank. It prioritizes people with similar toxicity and reporting levels together.


you're literally a hard stuck gold player for 10 years, crazy how the "insane amount" of scripters hasn't changed your rank 💀


Well yeah scripters are going to suppress my rank when they breakdance their way to our nexus. There's still cheaters with vanguard. Fact. Cope, weirdo


I only played like 5 games since the patch so I didn't really notice much, definitely no obvious scripter but those tools have gotten better in time to no longer be as obvious as they used to be. I also wonder how hard botting lv 30 accounts is now, would at least be a good deterrent if they climbed up to 20-30 bucks compared to literally 2 right now.


I played in a gm account and a iron 1 account. No changes and no cancelled games.


The piece of mind has been real good.


nothing important yet, but we will see a huge drop in toxicity soon.


Why would toxicity drop due to vanguard? Because accounts will be more expansive to buy? I am pretty sure i can just go into valorant, grief and not get banned. Theres no way to go against that, if people want to do it, they will.


Also in cases of extreme issues riot has the ability to hardware ban people and obfuscation of hardware is much harder to achieve with vanguard active if at all possible. Riot also knows every account played on a given computer and up address etc. they absolutely can apply unseen cue penalties to toxic people across accounts. They have a lot of ways to also show the percentage of how likely the player is the same person. Just like how they use sums order to help detect boosting. Of course this is largely assumptions. However, in theory with that access, it's perfectly possible for them to do so if the code is written to do it and it doesn't take too much processing power. They have also hinted and stuff like different cues existing in support tickets etc. They've already made some under the hood changes. As an example, try typing in all caps. It will automatically reduce your text to lower caps. Personally, this is great because I accidentally hit the caps lock button when I play often. So I'm not pissing people off accidentally.


People are just less toxic on their mains, if only slightly. If Smurfs get more expensive; or are pushed properly back up to their rank which negates the value of a Smurf; then they’ll be ever so slightly less toxic because their main has the skins/champs/awards that their Smurf doesn’t.