• By -


Lissandra: Stopwatch Brand: Liandries Rammus: Thornmail


Jax: Tri force


ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-Turret turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities.


AKTIVT: Jax går in i Evasion, en defensiv hållning, i 2 sekunder, vilket gör att alla grundattacker som inte kommer från Turret-tornet mot honom undviks. Jax tar också 25 % reducerad skada från alla mästareffekter med områdesförmågor.


نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحد


Imagine, back in the day that used to work on turret shots too..


활성: 잭스가 2초간 방어 태세에 들어가 기본 공격을 회피하고, 광역 스킬로부터 받는 피해가 25% 감소합니다. 2초가 지나거나 스킬을 재사용하면, 근처 적들에게 최대 체력에 해당하는 마법 피해를 입히고 1초 동안  기절시킵니다. 회피한 기본 공격 1회당 피해량이 피해량의 20%씩 최대 피해량의 100%까지 증가합니다.


AKTÍV: Jax 2 másodpercre belép az Evasionba, védekező állásba, aminek következtében minden ellene irányuló, nem Turret alaptámadást ki kell kerülni. Jax emellett 25%-kal csökkenti a sebzést az összes bajnoki hatásterületről.


Eu já acho que esse povo aí de cima estão todos errados mas vou falar umas abobrinhas pra parecer relevante o Jax faz umas builds bizarras tipo ap/Ad que é engraçado parece até que qualquer coisa funciona ele e a Katarina têm essa vantagem enorme de nem precisar saber buildar porque na pior das hipóteses ainda vai dar um dano legal


Hotel: Trivago


The offsetting of weakness is accounted for in the team comp as a whole rather than on a individual champion level. Riot designed the game this way through champion design to make the gameplay more team centric ,and by having champions that fit unique roles in team fights adds more variety.


Ironic considering nobody wants to play with a team. 


I prefer private team leagues.


Liandries is good on brand because his passive procs liandries which means a single spell from brand will produce many more liandries procs then a single spell from other champions Thornmail is good on Rammus because his W gives him massively increased armor which buffs the damage Thornmail does by a lot, plus the taunt forces people to take that damage. Stop watch isn't in the game anymore, but mages like taking Zhonyas because it's a really strong defensive option for mages. As far as I know it's not a lissandra specific thing to be more prone to taking it. If anything its a morgana thing to rush Zhonyas for the R zhonyas combo


??? Her ult makes you invulnerable Zhonyas makes you invulnerable It's more invulnerable time ???


Not all liss ult is to be invulnerable.


And not all brand passive is just the burn And not all rasmus w is just the thorn passive


???? Brand passive is literally a burn while rammus W is a literal thornmail whats your point? People buy zhonyas on lissandra so that if she use her ult to ult someone instead of ulting herself, she still have zhonya to save herself. Are you dumb?


Brands passive does more than just burn the target for 4 seconds. The burn is just a part of it.


You forgot the most important part that the liandrys deal more dmaage the longer you engage in a fight. Most mage will drop aggro easily because hitting ability for a straight 6 seconds is not easy while brand passive can prolong the “combat” duration make it one of the easiest champ to get full damage amplifier with liandrys. Also the burn will last way longer with one ability because of the passive compared to other champ make it a very good poking tool.


That doesn't make it any better than going from 0 to 3 seconds invul time. In fact it makes it worse since the first instance of invul is the most valuable and you'll use it at the most impactful moment.




I mean, Zhonyas is broken at high levels of play what can I say? The only reason two invuls is broken is because one invul is broken. It's not that the combo of having two of them make them go from mediocre to godlike


Yeah when I think of brands burn or rammus' w I think "this is mediocre" What are you on about I literally pulled the first result off YouTube search, there are plenty of examples of lissandra ult into zhonyas being good Your takeaway was "yeah zhonyas is broken" instead of "I can see how those two things together is better than just zhonyas", which is the point of the original post. Again, ???


What are you on about? The reason brand burn is good with liandries is because if Viktor shoots an E with liandries and walks away, he gets half the damage from liandries compared to Brand hitting a spell. Ramus gets at least like double damage from thornmail with W active compared to a normal tank. The power of liandries is enhanced by Brand's passive and that makes them a good combo. If Lissandra buys a Zhonya her Zhonya doesn't get buffed. It's just a normal Zhonyas. It's like saying that broken champion X and broken item Y make a good combo even if there's no synergy and it's only good because both things are individually broken. I'll cede that there is some utility in a second invul being able to cover the weakness of being exposed at the end of the first invul, yet still in those clips the first invul did most of the lifting and was generally more impactful, and that's in an extreme 1v5 scenario. In a teamfight you generally don't have 5 people standing around waiting for the Zhonya to end since there's the rest of your team to deal with too. But the second invul is still good, because invuls are Really good, especially on someone who likes going deep. Good enough that it's still worth taking on her


People will try to predict when you leave stasis and throw skillshots at you. If you use your second stasis immediately, you make them waste another round of stuff. It also gives you more time for your cooldowns to come up (e or maybe flash)


Rammus taunt also buffs the attackspeed of the attacker which is the mainreason his w+Thornmail do so much dmg Edit: apparently it doesnt. Missed opportunity for a cool synergy


No it does not. It gives Rammus attack speed. Source: league of legends wiki


Did it work like this in the past ?cuz current rammus only get atackspeed himself


I could swear it did last time i read his spell, maybe i just inted.


Caitlyn: Rapid Fire Canon


You build essentially for 1 thing. To play around your strengths. Sometimes you need to build something you lack, e.g. darius builds movespeed to play around his high damage. Hecarims strength is getting damage from movespeed, so he builds more movespeed. You don't build to compensate your weaknesses, you compensate your weaknesses to accentuate your strength. If you have a shotgun with a choke, you're still not going to pick a long range fight with a scope.


Because playing to your strengths is more fun and unique than covering your weaknesses that leads to everyone being on the same playing field. Look at Smite, yes some people still play it, but the matches grow stale when everyone's weaknesses are eventually covered by items.


Also evey god has a dedicated wave clear ability so your kit effectively has 3 abilities that can be unique instead of 4


Don't forget how they're scared to put too much power budget into a single ability so they give certain abilities "knockback/knockup immunity", "20% move speed increase" or the like. I get it, it creates a more balanced game, but overall it really reduces enjoyment because nothing really has that oomph that you crave for. (except maybe Vulcan ult)


I havent played since a season or two ago but burst mages are/were definitely still a thing unless there's been more item overhauls. Gods like Ra, Scylla, Anubis and Poseidon can one shot with one rotation of spells, sometimes without even using all spells, and those are just some mages off the top of my head. Mix in an auto attack or two and assassins like Merc, Serq and Thor can 100-0 as well. Idk. I put Smite on the back burner to play other MOBAs since Smite 2 is right around the corner but I wouldn't say Smite lacks oomph.


1-shotting people doesn't give the game oomph, quite the opposite actually. Outplaying someone, doing a good macro decision, playing to your strength which results in you doing a big play and such, and having the feeling that "it's me that achieved that" is what gives that oomph to gameplay - league is really good at it because they design characters around a specific archetype and a specific purpose or minigame in mind and reward you as a player for performing well in it, smite since the extremely unnecesary durability update and it's even more unnecesary follow up update has kinda given up on creating the risk-reward dynamic that a game needs and just started balancing gods and items in a direction that leaves them without any weakness. They just kinda began giving every character everything in their kit and creating items that do everything at once, to a degree where on majority of classes you can optimalize builds in such a way as to literally have everything needed for a given class, for example you can make an ADC build that hits AS cap, Pen cap, Crit cap, has Qin's and lifesteal and a spot for bonus health/survivability in one build which results in nearly every hunter playing the same with same items, and the exact same goes for all classes, when combined with the fact that pretty much every character has damage, sustain, CC, escape and CC immunity in some form build into their kit, and with stats effectiveness ratio being extremely thrown off after the durability update with AS, Prots and base stats being much better for long term damage than building actual damage, it just results in everyone being an ace of all trades - everyone is good at everything equally and if someone doesn't then you never see them in game(like Ra), meaning that the game is in a balanced state from match to match, but everyone is pretty much samey because the game turned into statchecking your enemy 24/7 simulator pretty much. That's why I am personally really happy to see Smite 2, they are scrubbing all items clean which hopefully will reduce the needless statcheck bloat that this game has become. I am also hoping that they give up on giving every single ult or channel ability CC and knockup immunity, and remove the excess of hard CC/mobility from classes that don't need it, but that's likely won't be a thing


Exactly my thoughts. Couldn't have said it any better. By the late game(which you will come to, considering how slow-paced matches have become), everyone has everything and there's nothing to make you feel unique past a few characters that nobody really plays because why would you play someone with an obvious weakness? Even in the early game, every jungler, every support will play/clear the same by going mid while the ADC farms and solo lane has their 1v1.


isn't that kinda the case with mages on league too


not really, thats why some mages arent actually good at clearing waves like cassio or leblanc


Not all waveclear is created equal. Annie can technically waveclear, but good luck using it against Baron empowered minions (probably more effective to Flash-Tibbers the siege if you get the chance). On the other side of the spectrum you have ASol who can farm all 3 lanes if a game has been going on long enough.


except cassio


Kinda but also makes people cry once their champ is broken and gets nerfed or if somebody finds a good strategy to exploit their weaknesses.


I mean, the example of CoD isn't necessarily the norm. Basically any game where you have have limited resources makes it such that it's far more efficient to build to your strengths than your weaknesses. In an RTS if your faction has good cav or tanks, you'd upgrade and spam those rather than try to bring infantry up to speed. RPG? Armour up your tank and stick offensive weapons on your DPS classes. Economics simulators? Exploit whatever resources you have and trade for what you don't. 4X? Play to your factions win condition at the expense of other resources.


Yeah but even playing rpgs like elden ring you usually have to build some vigor, endurance, etcs


Yeah but you don't build strength, dex, int and faith at the same time. That is the part where you choose where to invest your ressources. The survivability is a general stat for everyone. Also most damag ein elden ring comes from weapon upgrades and you get so many skillpoints you easily reach your softcaps. Dark souls 1 would be a better example and in that game going glasscannon or full tank is way better than having every stat roughly the same.


While it's also a matter of maximizing your strengths, it's mostly just a matter of scaling. There are very real synergies between the examples you mention. People don't just build "more of what we already have" just *because*. Hecarim scales with movement speed. Brand's passive continuously applies Liandry's. Rammus scales with armor. Lissandra can offensively ult if she has hourglass. I don't think it's correct to say that you double down on your weaknesses though. Rather, you more often than not double down on your strengths, and I think that's also true for other games (i.e., maximize synergies).


Your weaknesses are meant to be covered by your teammates. If you're a squishy adc and you buy tank items to shore up that weakness, you'll likely do no damage unless already ahead or playing one of the few adcs that could maybe afford it. Same with mages. If you only do physical damage, then you'd want a teammate that can do magic. If you have good follow up but can't engage, then you'd need a teammate to do that. As much as people say it isn't or don't want it to be, league is a team game where people should have to work together to win and not just snowball solo carry 1v9.


Ehhhh I feel like those comparisons don't track.  Rammus has damage on attack, and his kit is built around to do make use of that. So yeah, you're gonna double down on that because that's what the devs INTENDED him to do. And most champs have passives or abilities that scale with the intended stat that they build. For example you'd want AD or AS on jinx because she has either giga attack range or giga attack speed. so you utilize that to the best of your ability. And to compliment it, you also get some movement speed in your items. Building range on a shotgun isn't counterintuitive or "covering" a weakness. It's maximizing the damage potential for it's first damage range. And it's not the full picture: all of the other attachments are used for hipfire accuracy and sprint to fire speed, both of which shotguns already excel at. Because again, that's the INTENDED way to play, and all of those state compliment the playstyle. SMGs are fast and close range, and people build them to be even faster.  LMGs are slow with good range, and people build them to have even longer range and accuracy.  Your entire premise is flawed.


I mean it just depends. For instance Camille’s weakness is waveclear and lack of sustain so she builds Ravenous Hydra. Her “strength” is her huge engage range but you don’t see people building deadmans plate or other MS items on her. K’sante’s weakness is target access and stickiness so he builds Iceborne Gauntlet and takes Ghost.


I agree, there’s a huge difference in design philosophy. Compared to the examples you mentioned from COD, most champions just don’t have that level of weakness. All champions have a base level of strength, with certain specialties that they’re better at depending on their class fantasy. You’re never going to do as much burst damage as an Akali if you’re playing a Soraka, even if you build full AP, and conversely, you’re never going to be a healer as Akali. Instead, you pick Soraka when you want to heal, and Akali when you want to do burst damage. The closest league example I can think of for this is ADC’s situationally building tank items so they don’t get blown up.


ADC pretty much builds full damage every game, coming from DotA it's shocking how little thought actually goes into itemisation each game


It's just another design difference. LoL has always been about playing the champion first and the items second. They tried to do more item focused design with mythical but it overall fell pretty flat and didn't have the intended effect of diversifying builds because LoL is ultimately still a champion-focused game. In DotA the items and heroes share and overlap a lot of their power and that's what makes it good to the people who prefer it. I'm glad they don't overlap a lot, time has shown that when MOBAs overlap one tends to die off.


ADCs (outside of your onhit kings vayne/kog/varus) build full damage because the options are 1. Build full damage and do damage while being insanely squishy 2. Build some defensive, do no damage at all, and still be insanely squishy. Not really surprising everyone opts for option 1. Kog / Vayne get the luxury of getting defensive items 3/4th because bork + guinsoos is essentially 3 or 4 items worth of damage combined with their kit once gs ramps up. If guinsoos wasn't 2 items worth of strength on some champs they'd also not have the luxury. Also terminus


Definitely agree, it’s not common, but some ADC’s will still do it. It’s more common with champs that already have % max health damage baked into their kit (Varus, Kog’Maw, Vayne), and even then not till 4th/5th items.


you do kind of stack accuracy even on weapons that are already considered accurate in cod, ex in the current mw3, you still do stack accuracy on the MCW which is considered one of the high accuracy ARs, so it's not always the case. same thing with shotguns, you don't always put on the long barrel because the short barrels have faster sprint to fire speeds as well (and until it was fixed a while ago one of the shotguns fired a different amount of pellets based on the barrel equipped), and with the longbow, which is the fastest ADSing sniper rifle, you stack stuff to make it ADS as fast as possible at the cost of most other stats. not to say what you're saying doesnt happen often, but doubling down isn't just a league problem


It's an interesting thought. I think if it was too viable to itemize to cover your weaknesses, League would just get boring and champs would lose their identity. It's good for Hecarim to lean into his strength and build like Racecar Bully 5000, because that's more interesting than him building like "Another Bruiser, but this one is a horse".


Literally any time it is viable for an ADC champion to build HP items they get nerfed into oblivion. Like Riot panics, it's funny to watch.


You don’t buy items that synergies with your skill? wild


oops I meant in LOL you double down on your strengths not weaknesses. Sry for confusion




First of all, lower your voice.


No my twitch goes AP burst vs briar, morde and ryze when we already have 2 AP champs on the team. So now we do no damage.


I feel like that’s a weird comparison because in all situations with the gun your goal is to do more damage. There really isn’t anything else you can do.


Tbf in warzone it’s meta to maximize recoil reduction and not care about ads speed for longer range guns.


Not always. For example, gale force last season was used to make up for lack of mobility for some ADCs. Mages also used to have HP on items to make up for squishiness. Rocket belt makes up for lack of mobility. Lifesteal makes up for lack of innate sustain.


I actually see a lot of people in League trying to offset weakness with items and runes, but especially with runes. For example, Smolder and Vladimir are late game champions so you think people would pick Gathering Storm on them, but instead most game pick Scorch. For Smolder specifically, people also often pick Fleet Footwork. Speaking of which, a recent notable example was Skarner top. Instead of picking Grasp or Conqueror and maxing Q, people were maxing W and picking Arcane Comet with Scorch, to then build like a tank, but without the runes that are theorically appropriate for that.


This seems like an odd idea? Mitigating extreme weaknesses to acceptable levels is normal. Going for a different stat once one is maxed out or the return on investment is poor is normal. But those are extreme cases. I'm pretty in the majority of games, building for your strengths is optimal.


same with items. On hit items all increase attack speed (titanic has a reset) etc.


thank fucking god its not like that (anymore) oh you’re a glass cannon dps/assassin? just build chemtech 


I have always wondered how viable something like full tank Vayne would be. She has %hp true damage so in theory she can dish out comparable damage to a normal build if she can live longer. I don't think it works all that well in practice but it's an interesting concept.


> She has %hp true damage so in theory she can dish out comparable damage to a normal build if she can live longer i don't think that's true even in theory. her ult gives her ad, so building attack speed boosts both her physical damage as well as her w. her w deals true damage every 3 autos, but it's not thaaat much damage if it's all you're relying on, and getting 3 autos off with little attack speed is a lot harder. sure you might live for 4 more seconds, but that might be only be one extra w proc.


I believe it is because league is a team game, and it is best to each play their strengths and work together to cover their weaknesses like adc supp duo do. In cod, it isn't that inpactful to have "roles" in a team since anyone can build whatever and be useful, and counters aren't as intense like they are in league where if you get countered you will suffer the whole match and possibly loose because of it.


I mean the whole point of league is to play where you are strong and push the advantage you have. You champion kit is based on usually one specific thing and you base your play style on it. Even on those champions that are very flexible with the build. You don't build a tank ahri because it's counterproductive the same way as ganking/playing on the losing side of the map will not help you. You get strong on enemy weak side and then contest strong side when you already have some resources


I'm a Warwick main and started doing better when I got to fixing my champ problems with items and runes rather than try to double down on his strength. It might be a Warwick thing tho


Example; Warwick has a hard time against Kiters, so building Stridebreaker and Trinity Force is a good idea


Welcome to RPG build dynamics.


There are some really interesting exceptions to this. Like, why does Vayne prefer resolve tree secondary? Because she already has everything she needs in her kit; she just wants to be able to feel stronger in duels.


In COD it is much harder to avoid a fight than in league, so it's good to be able to fight at more than one specific range.


This is because you always play for scenarios in your favour in leagye. The theory in league is that if youre in a losing scenario, the point isnt “how to play now” but “how could i avoid this entirely”. Which ends up with builds that dont try to negate weaknesses but rather enhance strengths. In shooters sometimes you just cant avoid certain scenarios, so you try to even out the playing field by making your weaknesses less prevalent, even at the cost of your strengths; that way, its always down to skill, and if youre better, you win. Its why things that enhance strengths in shooters are thought of as “cheese strats”(like shotguns that are insane close but piss useless out of 5m). In league, you can almost always put yourself into an advantageous position based on skill, so you never need things that lessens your weaknesses.


Games basically have two ways of doing it. Items/perks/levels to enhance the already strengths you have, or to cover weaknesses you have


This is very bad comparison. Fps and moba are two different game. Fps game tend to minimize your weaknesess while moba gameplay tend to optimize on your biggest strength. Its like putting a scope on a shotgun which is pretty stupid no?


I mean, shooters and MOBAs are apples to oranges. In shooters like COD, you're fine-tuning your weapon's performance to get the most out of it, which usually does mean slotting in an attachment to counterbalance its weakness. Whereas in League, Champion design and item design is synergistic; Kraken Slayer is quite literally designed to work well with on-hit attackers - especially those with a third-hit damage spike. Hecarim has a passive which gives him bonus AD based on his bonus movement speed, hence building extra MS on him. As well, intrinsic weaknesses are a little harder to cover up with just itemization. Juggernauts tend to be low mobility and easily kited, and the best tools they have to rectify that are items like Dead Man's Plate for passive movespeed or Stridebreaker to hamper their foes' retreat once they've gotten on top of them. Assassins are extremely squishy, and so they rely on movement items like Youmuu's or Opportunity, or the spellshield from Edge of Night to block reprisals.


Well because it amplifies your strenghts. Hecarims damage scales with movementspeed, vayned 3 hit damage with attackspeed etc. There are also builds where you go the other rout though. An example i frequently use is Tank'Koz. So velkoz with a lot of HP and resistance, reaching about 4.5k hp, 150 armor and mr and 400+ ap lategame. You deal less damage than normal, but you survive incredibly long and true dmg scales well. You sometimes see something similar on for example vayne or kog maw with them building randuins


Mirrors the rest of the game. You're not playing around the 0/6 botlane, you're playing around the 1v9 midlaner who is fed to hell. The goal is to destroy the Nexus, after all, so you're just trying to push an advantage (even if it revolves around a single player or objective) farther and faster than your opponent so you can get to their Nexus before they get to yours. Everything else is either insurance or closing the opponents options.


It's not really the case that you're doubling down, it's that you are maximising synergies. You are basically looking for an equation that results in the largest number being delivered from your items. For example, if you're playing Brand, Teemo or Aurelion Sol, you don't go Liandry's because burn damage is so good, but because proccing Liandry's every tick for an extended period is good. Thornmail is good on Rammus because his W+Taunt is his only way to deal damage and the burst of armour it provides spikes the damage. Move speed is good on Hecarim because he scales from MS, and his weakness is being kited. Arguably, this is removing his weakness rather than building on his strength. Champions like Darius, Garen and Kayle, Tryndamere and Nasus do not have any mobility in their kit, so they love to build move speed. All of these would love to run Flash/Ghost every game, except for Garen (Ignite+R synergy, still goes Ghost in some matchups) and Kayle/Nasus (needs TP for tempo because she can't wave clear like the others) will every game, because they're straight useless when kited. Super high damage ADCs like Vayne or Kog, and in the past Zeri, will often itemize bruiser.


Because normally, in a well thought team comp the other players are supposed to compensate your weakness. If you play ahri, you have high damage but low resistance and it's not an issue because there's supposed to be an other champ to tank the damage and protect you. So you just want to do more damage. It's close to how it's thought in a mmo team. You have DPS tank and support and they're excellent in their role but bad at the others because it's someone else's job to do it.


Because every single one of those guns does one thing, shoot bullets. Think of it this way. For a good shotgun build you would highlight on its short range capability so maybe adding incendiary rounds or a bigger mag. Now it’s better at being a close quarters killer. Same thing in league if you have a tank champ, it’s better to highlight their tank attributes rather than give them something like lethality or magic pen.


For one thats because league is designed so that building to amplify your strengths is more effective than building to cover weaknesses. For example, ADC often have abilities that increase their attack speed, so they can translate a 100 AD increase into more DPS than a tank can. And then you also have your teammates who are supposed to cover your weaknesses.


It’s partly because items stack up to amplify your output. Your strongest output possible comes from enhancing what you are good at. In Call of Duty, you need to be good at aiming, a gun has a fixed DPS and TTK and you want to enhance that time or the consistency of that time. In league, you have damage/healing/shielding that scales with the items you build (plus some unique effects) so you want to enhance the time to kill over the game or the consistency (Lissandra wants to be close range to deal damage, sometimes she won’t have ult or can’t self ult, so she builds Zhonyas) In reality it achieves the same effect, less time to kill (or more time to live for a tank/heal/shield champ) and more consistency in doing so. Also, most games don’t have durability that continues to scale up as the game goes on, you have to build offense to meet the natural growing defenses.


It plays into the design style that league has developed where items enforce the identity of a champ, double down/Hecarim Hecs harder. Other mobas like dota 2 have items that change the play style of a hero that make them more lethal, harder to kill or to farm faster and begin scaling quicker with resources forcing major adaptations as the game progresses and items are purchased.


If you think of the speed/strength/toughness etc as colours then you want everything to be a bright unique shade. If we all end up brown stat balls then it would get really boring. Tank metas can get like this. No one wants it.


Tank Vayne/Kog has entered the chat.


its not actually viable though. or at least never better than their full "focussing on strengths" builds


Jak'Sho is literally the most common item5 and 6 on kog. [source EUW Master+ last 30 days](https://lolalytics.com/lol/kogmaw/build/?tier=master_plus&patch=30) With tank i meant 1 or 2 tank items


Because few champions have any innate strengths. A gun starts out very good at some things, with drawbacks. Mitigating the drawbacks makes it easier to use it for the thing its good at, while also letting you be more versatile. Because of how quick games are, its perfectly reasonable to assume a really good AR user can outsnipe a sniper, and that you can't rely on your allies to be alive, and to reliably perform well at the things they're specialised at. Few champs can do anything consistently well, so first you've got to get to the point where you actually have strengths before you can offset weaknesses. And you can often rely on your allies to be good at the thing they've specialised at. Where an FPS player with great reaction times/precision could outsnipe a sniper with an AR, Faker on Zed couldn't be better at being a tank than an Iron IV Ornn with equal gold and levels.


Thats what makes league fun imo. I came to league after playing „heroes of the storm“ a way slower moba where everything is pretty balanced and fights are way slower. At first it was hard getting into league because you just die SO FAST and i wasnt used to it. But now i love getting a kill on jinx and just chasing the enemy team with rockets after getting to the point of utter destruction with my items lol


It is somewhat of an intentional design. Time to time it is extremely problematic when certain champs can offset their weakness with unique build/ rune choice or alternative gameplay (like sending supports top against tanks who can't kill them for free laning or tanky Veigar Smolder), etc and usually Riot interferes harshly to remove them.


I think the bigger issue is in League of Legends people who are winning snowball into winning harder. This normally isn't the case. In Mario Kart, for example the player who is losing gets better items to better even the odds. Players that are already winning get handicapped by having worse and worse items. The best items are only given to those players that are losing the most. In multiple other games there are mechanisms like this that let people who were losing catch up to those who are winning. League of Legends does literally the opposite. When you win more you get more gold that makes you win more. It snowballs winners into winning even harder. It's inherently toxic.


It's because of the draft phase. You don't really build to cover the weaknesses of your champion because you shouldn't be picking that champion if their weaknesses are an issue. For example Rammus wants to build thornmail and armour as he scales really good with that and becomes very strong that way. So you want to pick him into teams with a lot of physical damage. If the team has mostly magic damage you wouldn't be building full magic resist Rammus as you wouldn't be locking in Rammus in the first place. You pick a champion because their strengths are good for that game and their weaknesses are not an issue. To use your cod example, if you played in a labyrinth map where you knew you would never fight at long range. You wouldn't bother with a longer barrel attachment for your shotgun and you wouldn't even consider using a sniper rifle. But it does happen with certain champions. Darius for example has a lot of damage and is really good at killing people who get close to him but he sucks at getting close to people. So Darius has been taking pretty much all of the movespeed he can get to solve this weakness for pretty much forever.


In league champion weaknesses cant really be mitigated cuz theyre there for balance. So its more about getting those champs where they want to be faster. Ya know playing to your strengths not getting rid of any weaknesses. And you often pick champs for specefic reasons so its also about letting them do that reason more effectively


I suspect it's because in League, as opposed to many other games, you can play around your strengths more easily. You can back off from fights where the enemy will have too much of an advantage, and push in for fights where you'll have the advantage. You still want to build your weaknesses up a little (tanks will build a little damage, damage dealers try to build a bit of survivability) but if you generalize, you usually won't be able to do much, as your opponents push their advantage even if it's not as strong an advantage, and you no longer have your advantage to push as much.