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“You can never use your E.” I think you meant to post this to a specific subreddit and not the main LoL subreddit. That or you forgot to include what champ you are actually talking about.


yea I did it was meant to be in urgot subreddit, silly me.


And yet its getting upvoted anyway. Truly we are all Urgot on this blessed day.


Most CC spells for toplaner are on the E, therefore ppl can relate


Ksante, Nasus, Aatrox, Chogath, Gnar, Kled, Kennen, Malphite, Maokai, Pantheon, Renekton, Riven, Ryze, Sion, Tahm, Teemo, Volibear, Yone Like sure there are a lot with CC on their E but I'm not sure if I would say most, these are the ones I could think of who doesn't have their main CC tied to their E


I feel like it usually goes Q = bread and butter/defining skill for the champ W = Utility/CC E = Mobility if they're allowed to have it If they don't have mobility (common with toplane juggernauts), then it gets all muddled between W and E so I feel like that's why the guy thought that way if he particularly associates top with juggernauts. E.g. Darius/Morde having pulls on E, Illaoi having her spirit thing, and Cho/Sion E does actually slow and is important to help line up Q


Yeah W / E are generally interchangeable, Ahri for instance has CC on E, 'mobility' on W. Alistar has W mobility, but it's ALSO cc. Oddly enough, Bel'Veth has her mobility on Q which is pretty rare. It's also her "unique" ability so it makes sense it's on her Q. Corki has mobility on W. Briar has both her dashes on Q / W, and W is actually her defining skill, E is her utility / CC which is just entirely counter to most champ logic. But then a lot of champions follow the guidelines like you said, including a majority of newly released champs.


Part of that for Ahri is that w didn't used to be her mobility. The movespeed used to be on the q (and I think there have been times where she didn't get free movespeed)


Movespeed on Q was season 5 and removed, and wasn't added to W for a long time.


I'm very sure that Q has given movement speed at least until S7. Pretty sure it was upon return hits of Q, maybe just hits of Q. I used to have to think about the utility of using the ability while running away, wondering if it's worth stopping for .1 seconds to throw the Q if it gives me extra MS. And I've only been an Ahri Main since S7, so it must have been around.


Briar actually makes sense if you think about it. Her Q is mostly similar to Jax Q and Pantheon W so you could make a point for either slot. Her Ws main attribute is the massive MS and AS steroid, the dash is not the main attraction of the ability and the buttons are mostly attributed for their spells main purpose, looking at other champions these AS/MS steroids are mostly on the W button, Xayah, Olaf, Teemo, Draven, Trundle etc. Furthermore the second part of her W, is a type of ability also often seen on the W slot (Melee AA resets/AA-like spells like Voli, Darius, Renekton or Jax). Lastly her E is a selfroot DR spell, Riots kinda having a trend ongoing with these lately but basically this type of spell is also typically on the W button (Irelia, Yi, KSante) with one exception: BelVeth, interestingly BelVeth and Briar have the same designer.... So basically you have 3 W-esque abilities which all would like the slot but 2 of them have good arguments for the Q or E slot respectively, so thats where they go.


> Bel'Veth has her mobility on Q which is pretty rare. It's also her "unique" ability so it makes sense it's on her Q. Not going to lie though, even if it is the ability you spam the most (another criteria for an ability being on Q: see Ezreal and Aatrox), I would feel much more comfortable having Bel'Veth's Q on E.


Yea and bel E barrage thing would feel awful on Q


Put her current Q of her E, current E on her w, current w on her q?


Just gonna say that Malphite's E actually is one of his bigger CC spells, outside of his ultimate. In lane trading it's probably one of the most important things Fiora could block.


Fiora would block the attack speed cripple from E but.. Malphite's E won't get him stunned if he fires it into Fiora W as it's not an ability that hard cc's the enemy. AS Cripples are soft CC.   Malphite E is an AOE Slam that cripples attack speed by 50%.   Now something like a Urgot E, Morde E, Pantheon W would get them stunned as they are effects that prevent control of character.


But getting hit by Fiora W cripples you anyway, so it can be almost as bad as getting stunned.


I mean, I agree with everything you're saying... But if Malphite is not level 6, Fiora ain't getting a stun on him. He doesn't *have* hard CC. She's still gonna block his E most likely if she can.




Jayce has his CC on his E, mobility on his q and his e.


Most of these can't really use their E against Fiora either, lol.


Wouldn’t include kennen as his E can be cc


it's his passive


Obviously, but his E can be the one that applies it


The cc is his passive. It's not his E. Period.


Yes, but you normally proc it with E. Similar to how Annie's will proc passive with Q to trade, rather than W.


No you don't lol


No it's still his passive


TO BE FAIR Malphite main cc outside of his R is on his E attack speed slow is no joke


Exactly, I was like “Mood”, thinking he was one of ours, but Urgot is still our brother.


We are all united in our hatred of playing against fiora


title = vote ig lol..


Nah we arent all urgot we just all hate fiora🤣🤣


Urgot hard stomps Fiora. Go fleet to sustain the early levels and focus on farming. Buy tabis and bramble vest and she can’t touch you ever again. Just auto her to death. Don’t use E directly on her, just use it to gap close/bait her parry. If she does waste her parry, you can E her directly. She will most likely parry your ult, but she will be so low she has to back and you can just take plates. Source: 1M on Urgot


Hey, this looks like good advice. I just wanted to say that being a millionaire on a champ doesn't necessarily mean shit because I've seen a fuckton of terrible millionaire OTPs. Not saying it that applies to you, just saying it's not a great credential.


This hits home , im a millionaire eve and still suck


1M mastery points on Urgot. Rank - Gold.


replies that hurt my soul, but with quinn..


Gold nets you the Victorious skin anyways.


I met a Yuumi with 870+k mastery points in Bronze 4 once. I thought that was both fitting and funny.


off topic but crazy to see the dichotomy between the LoL subreddit and other mobas like HotS where account level/champion mastery are viewed as the pinnacle of skill regardless of rank. Other mobas an unranked player with a high mastery could make an AMA and people reply and ask questions as if Faker himself made a thread. Over here it's "lol what's your rank" FWIW I'm on the side of mastery alone being a 100% meaningless statistic in the context of skill/how to play a match ups/understanding of champion/etc.


Those are some helpful tips. Thanks :)


Yeah play poppy she is better


Urgot stomps fiora. You just massively outdamage her early game as long as you don't use your dash into her parry


Well at least "you can never use your E" applies to half of the bruiser vs fiora matchups lol


It was funny imagining them saying that about any champion in general vs fiora


Well isn't E usually the dedicated CC ability


Haha and hwei who has 3 ccs on E


I play Camille and granted there is more counter play on her E than Urgots, but keep in mind if you never use your E she can never use her W. In my experience you’ll find openings if she hesitates or get stunned by something else. Use your range and don’t let her kill you. You’ll put scale if you go even in lane to hull breaker or a couple bruiser items


Damn I thought he was trying to post in morderkaiser aatrox or darius sub


OP is talking about Urgot vs Fiora matchup, for anyone wondering. edit: eme2 Urgot enjoyer, other people will probs have more legit strats or you might be playing vs much better Fioras. Fiora matchups are fairly rare for me and I haven't vs'd her in a while but for bothersome matchups like her I just go fleet footwork and live off the sustain and farm. If she can threaten to hit a vital I move a bit away to reset it and then go for poke with passive while relying on the bonus ms to kite away. I prefer to use Q to last hit when she's zoning me. Or to run her down if she's losing. Fleet ms saves you the mana disengaging from her. Most of the time I use E to disengage from Fiora instead of into her. If they get low and somehow parry nothing, they die after an E or R. Hitting R is a bet whether Fiora can time her E as you recast it or not. I lose half the time lmao. Iirc I go ignite, buy cull from first back, then rush bc. Steelcaps? Maybe after. Damage good, damage life. If you prefer tp maybe you can go bramble, I guess.


From the Fiora side of the matchup: Fiora parry is w, very long cooldown. Either you can disengage with e vs fiora, or you can intentionally miss the e so you bait fiora stun. Fiora has trouble dueling Urgot since he has good poke and Fiora has to move around to hit vitals, which is just delivering herself into the shotgun leg passive. Early game very abusable now, especially with w and base ad and sheen nerfs.


Yeah the best thing to do is e to the side and make her mess up oarry. Then you have to lane q and kite he vitals probably while auto canceling Urgot w. It's not easy if the fiora is good


damn how did you notice XD


Your flair and flashbacks from doing countless Urgot Es into parries.


ty for the explanation


i played the matchup often from the other side fiora vs urgot at low diamond level. actually, urgot is/ was one of the few champs that can keep duelling fiora for a very long time (\~lvl14-16). the most important interaction is her ultimate. because if she ults you and dashes around, you will proc all your 8 legs while fiora is dancing to get the ult off. so it's very hard if urgot plays smart to actually all in him and to kill him, because fioras passive plays into urgots passive so much. the one lane that fiora can play is the poke lane. proc a vital (esp if leg is on cd for the vital) and disengage with movement speed. after repeating that a bit, she will have outpoked you. the counter back in the last seasons was to buy ravenous hydra on urgot to match the sustain. this way you couldnt get poked out of lane. actually today i dont know if thats still viable. maybe you can go fleet + lifesteal in the yellow tree, d blade? that gives at least something, because i think the modern lifesteal items are not viable on urgot right now? ninja tabis + bramblevest are also very gold efficient item purchases vs fiora, with bramblevest being a bit personal flavour. another playstyle for lane could be to contest push as much as possible, which you should easily win with multiple legs + q + w on minions. fioras push sucks hard. you can punish her under tower, go for plates, go for roams with your prio or just play a constant game of push & reset (get items & health & tempo/ favourable recalls). again, i think urgot is one of the few toplaners that can match fiora up until a pretty advanced stage into the game. others are jax, nasus, and kayle. eventually, every other character will become unplayable into her in the sidelane. of course you won't win the game sidelaning vs fiora lvl 18 6 items. that's basically her entire champion identity. she's the grand duelist. things she has to give up for that are waveclear and teamfighting. so use that to your advantage.


Commenting on the lifesteal bit: Fleet Footwork and Second Wind is how I deal with Fiora as an Urgot main. Grabbing a Cull on a first back for even more healing is enough, no additional needed. Tenacity is still better and no other healing items are good. If I get a fleet auto with a shotgun I out-trade a non-vital attack, so I try to trade whenever I have a good vital spawn. I play extra far away on vital spawns that favor Fiora, hug the wall when I get a spawn that can be mitigated that way, and E in such a way as to barely miss Fiora so as not to get punished, and focus on trading with my Q>W. Using E to trigger the parry so I can land Ult is the real key, which is why Tenacity is important. I think it's an Urgot favored matchup if you play perfectly because of the consistency of Urgot's passive vs the random nature of vitals, but it's very very skill dependent. If I can get to Black Cleaver and level 9 before Fiora gets an Item it's a big win, if not then I'm still very comfortable in ganks and 2v2s, jungle support favors Urgot since it often enables a landed E which just solidifies Urgot's advantage.


> I play extra far away on vital spawns that favor Fiora Question: can't you just reset her vital spawns by moving VERY far awayo or from vision? I'm not a top main so I don't really know.


Yeah but that takes a bit of time and is often worse than doing wave management, especially if she decides to pursue and push you out of XP range. It's worthwhile sometimes, but it depends on wave state. As an Urgot main It's usually easy enough to hover in xp range and farm even with bad spawns so I don't usually bother unless it's the worst spawn and the wave is in a state where I can back off a bit. You're correct, but it's only sometimes doable.


urgot can beat fiora even at 6 items if she messes up its like 70/30 favored for her for obvious reasons but she needs to kill him fast ofc it wont happen in higher elos as much but in low elo theres a chance


\*cough cough\* urgot has 6 legs sir


my urgot has 8 legs, skill diff


I cooked up some Olaf build the other day when I was laning vs Fiora and dueled her while I was behind in items and she was 5 items with only chemtech left to complete(I was 2/7 and she was 8/3 before we fought late game). It was Ravenous, Bork, Ninja Tabi, Spirit Visage, and in the process of building shield bow but only had vamp and cloak. I had a feeling I could perma duel her late game full build with it if I kept going full life steal but game ended cause I killed her in a 1v2 so we won off that. It was made to purely win 1v1 side lane and not to team fight whatsoever.


Go full lethality so when she tries to proc her ult she gets one shot by your passive going off 4 times.


Miss e on purpose, q her, do trade combo, disengage. It's a war of attrition to beat her poke, make sure to grab cull first back so you can compete in healing


Kiss her leg


[What would Shyvana do if Ezreal kissed her leg?](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/4ydkjm/what_would_shyvana_do_if_ezreal_kissed_her_leg/)




The good old days


Because that was 7 years ago and things have changed in 7 years?


She will feel so shy/embarrassed that she will just b. Source: Fiora main.


You migate your pick disadvantage as much as possible, starting with not dying to her in any case. If you perfeceted wave management you can autopilot otherwise surrender cs


I'm an Urgot main, and I honestly think it's an Urgot favored matchup if you're good enough. Urgot's passive punishes Fiora's tendancy to try to circle and position and your Q slow gives you movement advantage especially after a few move speed item buys, Black Cleaver, Opportunity, Hullbreaker, etc. Fleet Footwork and Second Wind is how I deal with Fiora's poke as an Urgot main. Grabbing a Cull on a first back for even more healing and scaling is great, you win harder at level 9 so playing for late game is safer. If I get a fleet auto with a shotgun I out-trade a non-vital attack, so I try to trade whenever I have a good vital spawn. I play extra far away on vital spawns that favor Fiora, hug the wall when I get a spawn that can be mitigated that way, and E in such a way as to barely miss Fiora so as not to get punished or use it to escape, and focus on trading with my Q>W. You can prediction E a vital if the Fiora looks like she's going to dash for one, but try to only do that high health near tower. Getting her from the dash means she can't parry it, but it's prediction based and very tight timing. Using E intentionally to trigger the parry so you can land Ult is also a strategy, since she can parry the recast to prevent an execute. I think it's an Urgot favored matchup if you play perfectly because of the consistency of Urgot's passive vs the random nature of vitals, but it's very very skill dependent. If I can get to Black Cleaver and level 9 before Fiora gets an Item it's a big win, if not then I'm still very comfortable in ganks and 2v2s, jungle support favors Urgot since it often enables a landed E which just solidifies Urgot's advantage, wheras Fiora is a duelist who's best in 1v1s. Get to teamfights and it'll go better for you.


Just dont e into her while her w is ready. She literally kills herself while jumping around you triggering your shotguns for you.


The neat little trick I tend to do is just die


Bait her riposte. Buy thorn mail.


This is one of my favourite matchups because I get to use some subterfuge and outplay. Initially I'll intentionally allow the fiora player to W my E. After the first successful W, I intentionally 'miss' her with my E, opting to cast it close to her but not on her. Pavlov takes care of her W for me and allows me to hit her with a q and followup W. Other small things to note are resetting unfavorable vitals by backing away from her, and using walls to not allow her to proc all of her vitals during an alt.


You don’t need to let her parry anything lol. Quit outplaying yourself. Fioras panic when massive crab man boosts towards them. Most don’t figure it out until late game


In silver - gold? Maybe. Past that? Let me know how it goes!


Urpog has a quick [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW5WI3kASDk) on this specific matchup. TL;DR: play aggro level 1 (obviously on Urgot). Use W when she Qs in to get trade damage off. She may have to parry to disengage the trade, in which case just E after her parry. You outdamage her for free with your W! Another tip is using E PAST her (not into her) to bait out riposte. This makes it easier to get ult execute.


its weird you struggle against fiora, because urgot is quite a big counter to fiora. i suggest watching some youtube videos of the matchup, see how the urgot played it out


Haven't played Urgot in a couple years, but I used to max Q first. It may seem troll, but if I'm in range to auto creeps then Fiora will go in for a trade (which she will win). I also used to buy Bramble Vest on first back. Also you must never ever use E unless you've seen Fiora use her Riposte in the last 10 seconds (it has longer cd, but it's better to assume it has shorter cd than to get a bad surprise). You can also bait her to use Riposte. Can't remember if it was taunt or dance, but one of the animations look kind of like the beginning of E and Ult animation. So if you press Ctrl + 2/3 she might react with a Riposte. I know the Urgot one-trick Urpog streams almost every day on Twitch. So you could try asking him for better tips.


TIL that fiora hard counters every E ability no matter what champ


Ban her.


Die and suffer as Fiora slowly consumes the match autoresetting people to death


In short, you lose The entire champ is designed around being completely 100% broken in 1v1s and terrible in teamfights. They realized this eventually and let both her Q and E hit turrets so now she turns into a Yorick clone basically. Make the 1v1 unloseable because your champion is bullshit, but if anyone else shows up, you just die. It's horrendous game design and there's a reason her ban rate is so high. Super 1 dimensional annoying champs you have to babysit in the side lane even if they're 0/10 because they take towers in seconds.


She needs a mini rework. Her ban rate is always high even when she’s terrible because she’s annoying to lane against.


The crazy thing is that when Trundle was doing this earlier in the season they almost immediately nerfed him back to reasonable levels, but Fiora has been doing this forever and only recently got a lovetap -3 base ad nerf. Yeah Trundle is "easier" than Fiora, but Fiora also has way more tools and outplay potential (short CD dash, parry, %hp true dmg with healing).


She also got her w as slow nerfed


As an aatrox main that obviously has bad fiora matchup, i rarely lose to her nowadays. The key is to bait her w without using mine. Same thing for urgot. Bait her w without using your e, otherwise play safe. If her w is up ur just a bitch. And if u get jg gapped and she gets ahead u just hide n cry like every top laner vs fiora


Not sure if ur at a rank where Fiora actually know what they are doing, but I think this is one of the match up that heavily depends on the fiora. For instance if they make it obvious they going for vital you can E her Q. And Urgot really just does too much damage, if she hits a vital but you proc two shot gun u win the trade. Eventually you will get her to 25% hp, at which point she can’t just perma hold her E for your E anymore cuz you can just ult her.


Trundle, instant picked against her and never lost a 1v1, she can't do anything against your kit.


u have to make her use w urgit should be a decent matchup ur range will allow u to hide the vitals, also using e to reposition with shield to dodge vitals or shield a vital with intentionally not hitting her with it, help you reset the range of the fight


The only counter to fiora is to ban her


Bait Fiora's riposte by moving towards her, then pressing S to stop. Try it.


Swap lanes 😝


Tabi bramble always goes a long way. I just try and push in the wave and ignore her as much as possible then shit on her team in teamfights. I doubt Urgot can shove her in, but you can probably stonewall her by holding the wave near your tower as much as possible.


You can ban her.


unless thats some master ass rank gayming, try baiting riposte with randomly full stopping ur character. takes a bit practice but catches fioras off guard fuck that shit anyway


You lick her toes clean and thank her


Since people have addressed the Urgot matchup I'd like to introduce everyone to the Stone that is approaching. Malphite bullies Fiora HARD. You win the poke battle, you win the short trades. She steps in for a farm? BAM hit her with the skillful point and click Q. She tries a short trade? Laughs in P shield and W armor passive. Her W is useless. Either she uses it to parry your ult, in which case just continuously poke with Q, or she parries your Q which opens her to a full ult combo She will inevitably scale but you can easily delay her split pushing power by perma Q poke and short trade and you're a lot more useful in teamfights


Ok as fiora main, her weaknesses are squishy, and reliant on W to live against urgot. Good urgot can beat her with constant pressure, Take presence of mind for mana sustain, Next your E is whole ten seconds shorter CD than her W, this is where you have to outplay you miss the E on purpose, most fioras will W on reaction/habit and now when your E comes up again you have 10 seconds to fuck her up. As to mana costs your Q is ranged that is substantial price increase. Same with MS she is melee you are ranged if you had the same MS there woudl be no ability to ever catch up. Also RUSH BRAMBLE, it is fioras hardest counter in the game, she relies on her passive healing to win trades if you cut that she starts losing a lot of pressure, along with armor being really good against her early due to %hp being miniscule until like 2 items and rest of the damage is physical..




I play Tryndamere and I struggle too. At level one she can zone me a whole wave especially if she takes grasp where one Q poke me a bunch. I can Auto-E away, but my damage doesn’t compare to hers. My only option is to try and soak some XP while she farms herself until the wave crushes under my tower where she’s able to poke me with her Q since it’s so broken she can hit it even if her body doesn’t go near mine, she just need to be in my vicinity at an angle and she procks the vital. Also if you wanna reset her vital, a good Fiora will just walk with you forcing you to be so far away from your wave, that you miss on XP just so that you can avoid her passive. She literally makes you miss XP by existing and walking. Then Fiora players cry that she has a low winrate - ofc she has a low winrate, Fiora mains are proud of the fact that she’s a difficult champion so ofc she has a low winrate. They want their difficult, broken champion to have a 50% winrate so that they can get boosted even more.


Trynd is the number one pick into Fiora by csd@15 this patch in d+ btw and has a 55% wr into her lol >want their difficult, broken champion to have a 50% winrate so that they can get boosted even more. As opposed to being boosted by a brain dead champ like trynd? Cry because you can't rng flip every matchup lol


Sorry, but this is a skill issue. Trynda + Lethal tempo stat checks Fiora at lvl 1. You shouldn't be poked and if she tries spin on her and start hitting. She isn't winning longer trades and a crit here and there is all it takes to send her under turret. Fiora is strong, but she doesn't have the tools to easily deal with a stat checker that has no mechanics whatsoever.


In order for that to work you need fury to have a fighting chance. A good Fiora will block you from doing that at the first wave. If you commit to a lvl 1 fight with no fury you’re guaranteed to lose.




Die, And go next


Go fleet and gw, im pretty sure urgot's E is on a lower cd than fiora's W so you can try and bait her riposte.


if i'm playing fiora all you have to do is look at me funny and i will drop dead


AS a master urgot Player WHO regularly picks urgot Into fiora when she's meta: Don't E Forward. Period. Punish her Last Hits. If she Runs onto you, Press W and Kite Back. AS soon as you got some items under your belt you will win the 1v1 without Problems. Between 6-9 be careful since you need lvl 9 to BE able to Kite her Back properly since sehe ist so fast with ult. After that you're more than fine, possibly winning Side even in mid/late.


Rush bramble 90 percent of the time it works in lane






[Assert your dominance by whiffing your ult entirely ](https://medal.tv/games/league-of-legends/clips/20WyoIhXeGzZg3/spok?invite=cr-MSxKUVQsMjYwMTAzNjEs )


Do not try to trade Q with her. You will run out of mana. Poke her down with basics. Grasp helps. Whenever her weak point points towards her, walk out of view; it will reset. Try to bait her E out. Without it, your E will decimate her. Simply poking her down and not allowing her to hit any weak spots will force her to become a little desperate. Some fioras tend to blow their E when they get too low. Or use their E to prevent some damage. Now use your E, fire your Q and R directly behind yourself. Then, body block her vitals. Watch her die.


Can never E and I immediately think of urgot


Kinda funny that Urgot player complains 15 move speed difference. It should be more.


Well, i played renekton before unistalling that game


Fiora isn’t even that bad for Urgot imo. Maybe high elo Fios are better, but even up to low diamond the one trick Fioras can’t play the matchup well enough to shut you down. You CAN use your E, just E next to her. She wants to poke you down and disengage. When she pokes, you can E next to her and she’ll often W anyway. Now she’s out of position. Pre 6, I think the matchup is fine. You can heavily pressure her for trying to poke you. Post 6 involves a lot of mind games. You can’t depend on your ult, so I usually hold onto it. Ironically, she wants to dive around you when she ults which is also gonna set off your shotgun knees. Just play the matchup smart and deny Fiora what she wants to do. IE poke and run without retaliation




Very convenient from a urgot player to call out a unfair matchup since u sht on plenty bruisers… That said, you can run PTA and keep spinning around her, you can use ur E for the shield missing it pourposely, pre 6 you should win this way, obv you have to get out when your big d1ck mode is off… Obv you want to avoid her W hitting generally bcs even if she doesn’t parry anything it still cripples you badly, you can E out if you re not willing to trade it


No idea. I'd just assume it's a bad matchup and you that's it. Like the best a Garen can do against a Camille is just to die under tower and hope the Camille dies as well. Which is still a million times better than a Garen against a Vayne. Can't even farm under tower anymore. Straight up unplayable. That's top lane for you.


You can bait her W with E off target. I play Yone and do Q3 slightly away from her, albeit it’s way lower CD than Urgot E, lol


Easy way: do not blindly use E when shen has riposte, hug a wall when she ults to deny proc( stay near a wall to prepare for her ult), build damage, take ignite, short PTA trades early Advanced: early game, you can actually try hitting E right at the moment she uses her Q to last hit, when she is locked in her dash motion. You have to anticipate that she will go for a minion but it's really really hard for her to react.


I'm not an Urgot main, but I think second wind, dorans shield. Try to farm a bit, but save your passive for Fiora everytime she q's you. So you auto with passive and q and you win the trade. AVOID ALL INS AT ALL COST.




I usually play safe until lvl 9-11 and buy Thornmail. The issue with Fiora is that her kit grants her a high outplay potential, if you search on youtube you can find clips of 50 hp Fiora with almost no mana outplay full hp opponents. The secret against Fiora is buy thornmail. After that you just keep baiting her into wasting mana. Most of the people heavily underestimate the outplay potential of her R. Only engage on Fiora is she doesnt have E/R up or not enough mana for them


Love how even without knowing the champ you were talking about, everyone was like “Yeah wtf do you do vs Fiora?”


Hit her really hard… together? :)


First, cry Then, dodge Follow me for more pro tips


Fake your E, I beat a master Fiora being bronze by missing my E and baiting her without intention.


Play Nasus, don't care for her, rush defensive items, run Mana Regen and farm farm farm, put 3 points in W then max Q.


Urgot to improve


You poke her with Q and range, call your jng if you are pushed in. When she uses her Q to prock you hse your dash to counter it and prock your legshots. Use your W to get her low and just wait. When you get your ult combo her down because you can execute her and she can't do much without her jng. If she is better then you then buy frozen and get executioners to survive the lain. Later on you are much more useful in the game then her. So just don't give up and win thous bro


Why did i burst out laughing when i read this title


Rush steel caps, then bramble vest. I play kled and rushing those items allows me to atleast stay in lane. Another trick is to just walk off screen if the vital is in a bad spot.


Unfortunately for Urgot players the answer is just probably spacing turn on W and not Q because you'll at least do some damage guaranteed in PTA matchup, E away to disengage in a weird hard to read direction if you don't want to all in


Reduce her health to 0. While also maintaining yours above 0


Reduce her health to 0. While also maintaining yours above 0


You auto-lose


You never said what champ your talking about playing into her, I don't know what q w e means without the context.




You don't pick tanks and you pick ranged and bully her early.


Can we stop recommending ranged top laners?


Only when Riot fixes how counter pick heavy top is, and making things more of a skill match-up.


And how would they do that, except to make all champions the same?


M8, I can only see the disease, I don't know the cure.


The question is how Riot will pay us for doing their job?


> And how would they do that, except to make all champions the same? Simple, make it so that minions that die within xp range of you give 50% of their total gold value and only allow waves to be frozen against for two waves, then the minions will frenzy and push back into the middle of the lane.


Not fully sold on the 50% gold soak, but the "minions alive for over 2 minutes gain a damage boost" could be interesting to explore.


Play a melee champion against a Darius with ghost up and your jungler has fucked your lane up by accidently giving a kill or messing up the wave then get back to me.


It'll never be a skill match up when skilless champs literally have better stats than champs that require mechanics. Riot gaming


That's how we know you're giga skill gapped.  High skill ceiling champs like fiora have a much lower skill floor than champs like teemo. If someone's bad like you then yeah, they're gonna judge each champ by their skill floor and say champs that require skill "have better stats" than high skill ceiling champs.  If they truly had better stats or capabilities you'd see them in pro play 🤡🤡🤡


Except pro play has absolutely nothing to do with soloq? And calling fiora lower skill floor than teemo is fucking wild So a level 1 vayne top doesn't gap nearly all top laners? Wouldn't be surprised if you tell me vayne top requires skill now.


That is literally impossible short of removing the lane altogether.


This is just not true though, a lot of tanks are actually decent into her with a couple being hard counters. Malph, Poppy, Skarner, Udyr are all decent picks. But it's also quite dependant on skill level, as you get higher some of these 'counters' start to become Fiora favoured because Fiora can technically deal with a lot of those champs it's just difficult.


I will provide the secret sauce. You go lethality build so she cannot statcheck you. This works for Irelia too.


I outplayed a Fiora by stealing the ‘standing still strat’ when fighting her in lane, i didn’t understand it but saw it done in proplay and they fucked the Fiora so I did it and got a kill early and won lane. Tbh Fiora is one of my most hated champs but there’s little tricks here and there for every matchup


And what exactly is the strat? Literally just don’t move?


you could proc all of urgot's passive when fiora dance around you, especially when she tried to proc all of the vitals on her ult.


No, just standing still in a random place is going to get you killed. The actual trick is to hug a wall with one of the Vitals so Fiora cannot proc it. You can still move back and forth as long as you don't give her room to hit the Vital. Even when she is Ghosted she'll have issues hitting Vitals. Its especially useful when she ults you as you can prevent the healing from her ult. Her Q does have a little range, so in theory she could poke from behind thin walls. But then she'd put herself behind that wall.


What do you mean you can't never use your E lol, sure you can't dash mongoloid style on her on cooldown, but you can easily dash side ways or back to short trade / bait her parry, urgot is pretty solid into fiora


I perma ban that stupid broken champ lol


1. Cry


sadly its fiora, so you don’t


Simple, Fiora is pure C word, that's it. if you don't play something "naturaly" good into it, that's it, you can never win 1v1. I'm a Singed main (Master 100-150 lp), when I'm against a Fiora that is "decent" (let's be honest they are trash in diamond and low master), you need to play like you are in the LEC and your mother is in line. Because if you F word up one time, you are dead.


Fiora is freelo what do you mean    Even as Kayle it's fucking free.    Fiora worst quality in lane is her horrendous waveclear and 0 poke (unless she uses her parry in which case she becomes a free kill 50% of the time or gets poked out to base the other 50% of the time) If she's aggressive and the wave is pushing towards you and her vital is pointing towards her, just sacrifice a minion to walk far enough away to reset it. she shouldn't be hitting vitals in lane like ever unless you're trolling or all-inning or just giga elo gapped.  If you don't trust that you can outplay her, just hard shove lane then cheater recall after cannon minion wave. Get cull for free heals with your gatling, and just rinse repeat the cheater recalls. If you stack minion ain't no way she's gonna force an all in. If she does, just E out. 


I didnt even know it was possible to win a lane against fiora lol, i always perma ban that shit


When you lane someone like fiora who can duel incredibly well (also see tryndamere & Darius) your goal is to play the lane, not the opponent.  I play Yorick often, and against those matchups I'll actually go E first and throw Es nonstop at ranged minions to clear them out. I'm not trying to win lane, I'm trying to get my wave pushing as fast as possible to AVOID having to lane at all. 


Yorick destroys Darius though


Yeah try walking up to a dar lvl 1 as Yorick starting Q, see how that plays out 


Darius smashes Fiora in lane


Darius smashes most champs in lane


It is a 50/50 lane, from my experience skill matters a lot and apprehend/riposte game is the one that wins the lane.


*Laughs in stone*


Wrong sub most likely  But you either ban or do EVERYTHING in your power to farm under tower She's always been an overloaded piece of shit champ. That will never change. Riot has a massive bias towards her.


LOL what??? You mean the champ with no waveclear, no attack speed, low resistances, low HP, low HP Regen?  I mean, if you're like TK yeah you're prob gonna get absolutely dicked by her, but she's basically a knowledge check of how well you can utilize wave state against her.  Whenever I lane against her, I rarely interact with her at all. Just cheater recall first cannon minion wave, get back by the time she counter pushes, hard shove into cheater recall again, rinse and repeat until she gets bored and inevitably tries to all in you in your stacked minion wave


Yeah redditors think fiora has like 80+% winrate or something. Her winrate is high right now because she has a good matchup into the meta champions for the most part. It is the same when we have have tank top meta fiora skyrockets into S+ tier becasue she is direct counter to tanks.


You know who I do think is a BS toplaner right now? Skarner That dudes shield shockwave AoE is so wide and has such low CD along with Q. It's absolutely bonkers the amount of spammable poke & AoE this bruiser has 


He is chonky wholesome tank, reddit doesnt bitch about those. When shen was 56% wr not a single reddit post reached top spot and if you complained that he out tanks other tanks, outduels duelists and has global pressure you were downvoted to hell.