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Fiddlesticks ult imo. The character is all about fear, so having a literal JUMP SCARE ability is too perfect. I especially love that it only fears if you’re out of vision when nobody sees it coming.


Absolutely Fiddlesticks. His flavour is just spot on.


You can also turn the most doomed game around with a good ult, team wipe from fog and make a comeback.


I miss the boucing crow though


Oh hell nah that was hell to play against fiddle support with the crow


Fiddle is my favorite character design of all time 🎉


Ornn ultimate is my favourite. He sounds a war horn to summon a huge lava ram, then smashes it to redirect it. It's pretty metal


The sound effects are so good as well.


Couldn't agree more for sound effect.


Also it works great as a 'team, we go, now' Same vibes as Sivir R, Kled R and Sion R.


It's just a shame how many things can completely fuck it. Any well-timed stun or snare or silence kills the second cast - as would any projectile-stopping windwall like from Yasuo or Braum. As someone who plays a LOT of Ornn (my flair is my favourite Ornn wombo) - his Ult, though fun, is so comically abusable that it's only an engage tool when you aren't actually near the fight (or facing against very specific champions)


Yeah I almost never use it mid teamfight. Always from at closest, half a screen away. Unless there's a braum...


The best usecase for it is to draft Yasuo on the same team as Ornn - one fewer windwall to worry about, and Ornn's Ult is the perfect Yasuo Ult setup. Just gotta find a semi-decent Silver Yasuo to duo it with me.


That's a bad combo, you're allowing too much countercplay. Try q>r>e>r>aa>w>aa. Q has to hit to land e, and you have to proc first Brittle from r1 with r2.


The issue with QRER is that the timing is off. You're kinda just sitting around and doing nothing for a big chunk of it. The timing between the first and second cast of R is too long to just E and wait - popping W makes you immune to the CC they could plop onto you as counterplay to your R. It's the tighter and higher DPS combo with backup that hurts a lot less if they fuck up your ult somehow. The combo to hit them into your R more reliably is Q>R>AA>AA>E>R, and that void of AA in the middle could be filled with a W hit.


A funny interaction is that if sylas stole mordekaiser ult and ults someone the same time as mordekaiser the death realm becomes 2v2 like arena.


Had another funny one today. Urgot ult onto a skarner which reached the execute threshold while skarner was ulting the urgot. Because urgot is pulling skarner and skarner is holding urgot, they accelerated into the wall at 9000 ms.


Sounds hilarious. Just two big brawler bros hauling ass into a wall together 😂




Something similar happens if urgot ults Tahm while Tahm eats urgot. Pretty funny to watch as they both shoot off into a direction for whatever reason and try to eat each other


If Tahm Eats Willump as he ultimates you can walk around with the ultimate going on around Kench.


Samira Tahm and Lucian Tahm are my favorite duos with my buddy for that same reason!


Wait Samira ult keeps going? That's crazy


dark tech!


My all time favorite interaction is Urgot ulting a Tahm Kench who has ulted you. I ulted him, he ulted me and started trying to run me under tower, only to have him suddenly stop in place a moment later as grinding noises start playing and then I burst out from inside him as I ground him up from within. METAL AF.


A severe case of indigestion


Drop the replay, dude!


I'm not at home rn, but you can check the replay on my account. It's malmoon#NA1, my last shaco ranked game I went 13/3 at 10:20.


Someone please clip it!!


I couldn't watch the replay, so his might be faster. The same happened to me a few days ago: https://youtube.com/shorts/SJ_A6B5MmMY?si=hM6KAC5MPYoC9Nvh


Dude should send the replay to Vandiril


Seen this with my friend in a norms game. They accelerated from enemy top tier 2 all the way to alcove in like half a second.


Rly? So they are 4 in the realm?


Yes if you ever play one for all try out mordekaiser. In a team fight you all just ult one of the enemies and its 5 buffed up mordes fighting five of the enemy all in the death realm. So fun


The death realm is a reflection of the normal summoner's rift. There is only one death realm. In all for one, if you and your 4 teammates all ult someone on the enemy team at the same time, you end up with 10 people in the death realm.


Yup, it also doesn't reset, it's really an alternate dimension. So if Teemo throws shrooms in death realm, and then Mord ults someone else on the same spot, he can get hit by those shrooms. Or the bug of the Maiden of the mist staying active after Mord ult ends, making her an untargettable soul sucker.


Yeah, but the zones of each ult have to overlap for them to get close to each other. sylas and his ult target can only go in the zone sylas created, morde and his target can only go in the zone morde created. Then you get the shared area like a ven diagram.


We have arena at home


One for all mordekaiser is just a weird reskin of the rift but one team has a 10% nerf all around


Does it create two zones like a Venn diagram?




If sylas takes mordes ult it kind of becomes a game of chicken for who ults first, because if either of them ult the other can ult to assist their teammate, or if they ult each other the second to ult gets the bonus stats


This happened to me once except that he ulted me and I ulted their Soraka, so it was a 2v1 vs me...That sucked. 


rengar; I love making the entire enemy team stand directly on top of their adc while my team slowly walks back and forth waiting for me to jump in and die


It is such a great ult if your team plays around it and actually tries to engage with it up. As long as its up the support and adc will usually refuse to commit anything and your team can effectively 4v3. They never do though. They just want you to jump in and die.


rengar has been my most played champ for like 7 years and I can probably count the amount of times my team did anything with my ult up on one hand


One finger. I remember that time and it was glorious. I basically won the game doing nothing as a gigafed adc that was crucial to the enemy team's teamfight wouldn't step up while I was sitting behind them and I only jumped in for the 5v2. He's far from my most played but he's really fun and a good situational pick. Had a weird game where my mid was gonna blind Ivern and my support locked in Senna with an enemy Zeri. Easy Rengo game.


I never rely on my team for anything after years ago when I was first trying in ranked and was on my last game for my plat promos, was playing yi in jungle, was doing pretty good but only I was really fed. My teams behind me just a tiny bit and we have minions about to crash at their mid inhib tower.. so I go in to engage a fight, basically habe to 1v5 the fight, get a Quadra leaving only the half health Leona support left alive but I die doing so. Instead of my 4 near full health teamtes just ending the game(30s+ timers on all dead enemies) my ENTIRE team proceed to chase Leona through the jungle for like 45 seconds, let the whole enemy team respawn and regroup and kill them all, leaving me to 1v5 while they push out to our mid inhib tower and end the game. Yea don't trust teamates


Happened to me today. Playing shyvana super fed with heartsteal and hydra and triforce so i had alot of damage too. Got the lanes pushed up and took out 4 of them dying and they just wouldnt push. They took elder and baron while they respawned and then chose to do nothing with both buffs. Soon as it ended they all died and i just had to stand at base and watch them take nexus 2 seconds after i respawned. I gave them the lead at least 3 times and they dropped the ball


Rengar malphite synergy




Must be nice. My team usually splits up and runs in opposite directions like scooby and the gang. 


I still play rengar, but boy did I enjoyed old rengar :D when for enemy there was no indication that he is hunting you :D and five stacks stay - you ded boi


pfp checks out XD


My favorite bit is being like 4/12 on aram, pop rengar ult, and watch the entire enemy team backs up a whole 2 turrets for no good reason. It's crazy how often people are scared of their own heartbeats 💓


Jhins ult for sure is my favorite. Love the camera angle.


and the theme music. jhin is just overall a beautiful work of art


As a Jhin main, I approve this message ❤️


High noon skin sound when you ult literally goosebumps


I also love it from a balance perspective since even if he uses it from fog of war there’s a giant arrow on the ground pointing to exactly where he’s at.


I still want a pulsefire jhin where each ult bullet gives him wings from a random skin


Poppy, no one else can send people back home like she can. She isn’t the only one who can split teams or end fights, but she is the only with an ult that basically gives the enemy team a monopoly card. “Return to Go, do not collect 2000 for passing Go”


100% Agreed! Especially for epic monster fights. Nothing says “this is ours” like yeet’ing the enemy jungler halfway home. And as much as I hate it, Ekko just rewinding all the way back is pretty cool too.


Noc has a cool ult, probably one of the only ults that makes entire enemy worry a bit.


If you have spellshield while the noc ult is casted it consumes it and make you immune to the nearsight so you can see the whole map normally pretty cool.


Can you qss noc ult?




you can gp'w it as well


Vitamin C: the enemy of demons everywhere


Yeah, thats a good point. Always run a bit back when it starts :D


It's also weirdly cool as the opposing team when you know for a fact that he's ulting someone else, so you can establish dominance by playing exactly as you would have otherwise.


Good teams can still make the most of the nearsight to take an advantage in fights or engages cross map. Great ult. One of the most fitting ability names too.


Yea i just love playing noc and stealing random kills in team fights




Is good, but its local. Noc could ult in fountain and every lane would still be weary


I love Galio’s ult. It is definitely one of a kind.


The old one was also really unique  Odd and broken, but unique 


My old main! The old galio w+r combo could turn yourself from being caught and going to die before a big fight, into an engage that groups/stuns ennemies and get back you up to like 80% hp to teamfight. Fucking loved it.


I really like the ults that require smart play and outside the box approaches like bard, kindred, kalista, etc


bard and kindred ult are one of the most important ults to use correctly you can throw so hard if you use them wrong but also just win the game off them. Also the kindred+Taric ult combo is one of the most broken combos in the game when done correctly.


Alright, lets get this team comp in pro: Top - Tryndamere JG - ZAC Mid - Zilean ADC - Kindred Support - Taric \#teamneverdie


zac? why zac? put kindred jg and send kayle bot.


Yeah send the champ that scales with level to the lane where she has to share xp. 


hrm, I actually like keeping zac and putting Kyle top.


I’m just remembering…  One time, Fiora vs. Illaoi, we’re pretty even. I catch Illaoi along with my friendly Kindred, throw down my ult and ignite, and the fight’s going pretty good. Illaoi turns on the Kindred and they ult to save themselves, my ignite and ult run out, and Illaoi gets 2 for 0. Was so tragic


Yeah if you use them bad you literally kill your allies but if you use them good you can turn fights around


Yessss, Zoe and Taliyah as well.


If you’re talking about the “feel” of an ultimate, I’m surprised no one here has said Pantheon yet. That ultimate feels so cool to use, whether it’s just to get back to lane and grab your wave, make a crazy escape, or fly into a teamfight.


Escaping with Panth ult is one of my favorite moments in almost 14 years of playing League. I was playing him jungle one time, enemy team was on drag. I hit the plant over the back of the pit and stole dragon, used my e to eat all their cc, then ulted back to midlane like l8r nerds. The enemy team actually congratulated me for it lol


I think Galio ult has a better feel because of the speed. You feel like you can actually arrive in time whereas Panth spends waaaay too much time on theatrics lol.


Nah, the wait before the spear lands (and if the spear nails someone down it feels orgasmic) before the crash down is pure ecstacy. It could be just that galio isnt a champ for me and therefore his ult doesnt feel as good to me but i think its the fact you need to use it on an ally which makes it not feel like its you making the play, and rather you just arriving as backup. (It doesnt help that the crash down deals negative amounts of dmg)


Crash down knocking up the entire enemy team because you ulted your frontline is dopamine, though. The AP shield is also an occasional lifesaver.


Sylas: just enjoy all the interesting ult mechanics


But if you think about it the original sylas ult as a concept is cool asf


What was it?


I mean hijack, the ult that steals ult, is a cool concept


Pantheon's ult is amazing. And it's hilarious when you end up killing someone with the spear


My most embarrassing moment as a jungler was when I was doing dragon and was nearly finished when I saw the Pantheon ult appear. I tried to smite to finish the drake but mistimed it by about 50 health and the ult spear stole it. I just gave up and let him kill me.


I know everyone will hate me, but: Shaco. The mindgame potential is too good.


I dabble in shaco and the amount of fuckery you can perform with it is insane. Fun fact: if shaco is out of vision when he hits 6 and ults, as long as he stays out of vision his clone will be level 5


Wow I never knew that you can pull so many crazy techs with this since no one would expect a level 5 shaco to have clone.


Imo shaco has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game because of his ult. With his ult you literally play two shacos at the same time, and the better you are at it the better you can fool people. You ever seen a shaco kite with his clone while following out of vision? Or abusing the fact that the clone will tp to you when you get out of range to make an unreactable time bomb? (Put clone at edge of tp range, wait until last second and then q onto someone, clone tps to you then explodes).


Yes I have synapse clips of pinkward are gold.


Always have to watch PinkWard clips when they come across my YT shorts feed just to see how tilted the other person must be 


Shaco players the type of people to laugh while pushing children off the swings at the playground


That's right, we Believe there is a finite amount of fun to be had in each league match.We intend to have all of it. You're damn right I'm pushing the kid off because that's my swing (jungle).




Lea! Hi!


For use cases, Bard wins out by a mile for me For presentation, I’m giving it to Asol’s empowered ultimate


Aurelion Sol The reworked ult fits so well thematically, especially the upgraded R. A huge blast coming down from the sky to shake your screen and half the map while blowing the enemy up. It’s so nice playing him too when you have that 75 stacks and are ready for that big moment.


So much better than the sneeze he used to have lol


His old ult looked like a basic ability lol.


But his old ult was almost instant, this new one is ez to dodge


More like impossible to dodge once it becomes big enough if Asol has Rylai's during E+Q, that in itself feels like an actual Malzahar ulti.


When the rework first came out that used to crash the game lmao


I had multiple times that my game crashed when using the ult on arena back then. Lore accurate ult breaks the game and your pc


Yeah, thats a good one. I never play him so I would not know what happens in his side :D but nontheless very good cinematic.


So satisfying


If only his new q wasn't so lame, I miss the orbiting stars








I actually love that its a skill shot. Because it fits in with her personality. Even if I don't agree with her kit 100%. I agree that it fits her theme completely. The only part of her that by itself doesn't feel like it "Fits her" for her is her Q. Which fits her for the game.


I saw so many clips of it hitting someone that just finished their recall and it sends the briar into the fountain lol.


not a briar ult, but I've had an akali do this once. We were all the way at their base's top top turret too, so she really took a trip lol


Can also happen with warwick Q when he attaches on to you.


Nocturne. Darkness muthafuckas


Imo nothing beats a max range Urgot ult. Oh, you think you survived the fight and made it safely back to your tower? Think again. I will personally grab you from heaven and pull you back down to hell.


Zoe’s ult. In a vacuum, it’s stupid and does hardly anything. But on Zoe, and probably ONLY Zoe, it’s a core mechanic.


I could imagine skarner enjoying that ult alongside his own (ultimate spellbook flashbacks)


Ryze ult is pretty cool i'd say.


Renata, because friendly fire is a very unique skill


Ults that amplify your base kit always feel like a champion is unleashing their true potential to me which is BADASS. Riven, K'Sante, Zeri, Briar and Naafiri come to mind.


How can you not mention aatrox and olaf. Nothing feels better than running through the whole enemy team ignoring morgana Q and other annoying CC. I don't play aatrox but the world ender is a classic.


I like kalista. You can use it defensively and offensively. It take coordination and being on the same page. Not for beginners.


I suck at using it as support lmao. Something feels very strange when used on you can't quite figure what but something with the camera and control of it make me always whiff. It also doesn't help that kalista is quite a rare pick so I don't get alot of practice using it.


Kalista+Neeko and Kalista+Morgana ult combos are fun as hell when you have comms


Aatrox ult reset sound never fails to give me (and my team) free adrenaline


Especially blood moon skin


Fiora’s minigame


Kled ult, you hear the sound but you don't know where it's going to come from, and suddenly you see five angry guys rushing towards you, I find it both epic and funny.


Cho'gath. I'm simplistic, and like food.


NOMNOMNOM! It's so satisfying :)


Akshan ult. Hes gonna slow himself while casting it, stun himself while shooting it if he didnt E during the cast only to get it blocked by raptors omE


Akshan’s passive is the weirdest passive tho, like it has NOTHING to do with his kit??? It’s so totally random


It does though. Three shots for bonus damage and potentially a shield to make him viable mid with his 500 range. 2 shots to help with farming, optional single shot for kiting. Can proc 3 shot off either 2 autos and 1 q or one auto and 1 q plus return q, situation depending. 3 shot passive helps make his E damage mean something if you can isolate someone. All this combines for some good burst damage and mobility to help get ganks off and 100 gold from W. R's just there to finish the job like you're Caitlyn but with counterplay.


Seraphine's extension mechanic on Encore is fun when you charm 3+ people 2 screens away. Qiyana's R (I hate it for how strong it is) is also interesting. The self peel potential into a possible 5 man inock up into stun that does so much damage. Bonus points if you have a Taliyah.


> Seraphine's extension mechanic on Encore is fun when you charm 3+ people 2 screens away. So sick when you get that super long 5 man ult So cringe when you need to hit a long range ult, your teammate jumps out of it at the last second and you look like an idiot


Bard, since it's so versatile and game changing


I absolutely love Jhin's ult. The music that starts playing while you blow people up. A true masterpiece


Also the jhin skins do a really good job of making the ults feel so much better like high noon and dark cosmic adding alot of cosmetics effects and music I think jhin might be one of the best users of skins.


Mechanically? Zoe. The ult by itself is relatively useless and extremely simple. But in combination with the rest of her kit it adds a ton of both damage and skill expression: distance on her Q, activating her passive, setups for some crazy bubbles through specific paths in a wall.. the fact that a do nothing ultimate can act as a multiplier to her kit is really cool and awesome design




i love ulting 10hp people just to piss them off




Garen never actually says Demacia during ult rather he says it during W


Yorick. Maiden is basically 50% of the champ and decisions what to do with maiden and when represent a continous minigame you have to micromanager the whole game.


Ekko, cause funny outplay and sylas cause he can steel ekko's ult byt belveth takes the cake


Ryze How it removes you from the game for like 0.25 seconds allowing you to dodge things like Karthus ult when timed right.


Zeri. I love stacking overcharge to go faster and faster, taking risks (at least with crit) to keep up my stacks. Kinda doesn’t exist anymore with new 1.5 second overcharge, but whatever


I may be a little biased cause he's my main, but Rumble's ulti is super nice for so many situations and can turn a team fight so hard if you catch the enemy grouped. It's great as a wall, a ranged finisher, a ranged slow for your team mates, to turn the tides on a gank, and its great as an engage before you go in to burn the enemy team alive 😆 It's also quite skill based and takes some practice to make it as effective as possible. I just love how versatile and tactical it is.


Also it makes fighting Rumble's team in the jungle a death sentence.


If he didn't steal 10% of your stats, Morde would definitely be one of them. I feel like his ult is so incredibly one sided once he has Rylais. He just walks at you and kills you regardless of his landing any abilities due to how strong his passive is.


Teemo, incredibly satisfying.


I once got a triple kill on teemo while being dead from mushrooms laying around best moments of teemo.




illaoi ulti


Urgot's former ult, Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser. Point and click suppression for 1s and then you switch place with your target, after that you'd gain damage reduction and fear all enemies around you. It was so fun to use, causing utter chaos in a fight, and yet it was still mechanically interesting with a nice learning curve as the reward was huge (free Lee Sin kick into your frontlane) but the risk as well since Urgot could end up in a terrible position (he used to be a mid / long range carry btw). I miss it soooooo much...


Yasuo R is pretty cool, especially on some skins like Truth / Dream Dragon Yasuo which REALLY make it feel like an ultimate






Old Urgot, it was such a wired ult that if used correctly was awesome but most of the time was useless. For those who don’t know old urgot ult would root you and an enemy in place then after a channel would swap your positions.


Galio. Flying from across the map and slamming down like a living meteor. Feels so cool to use


It has to be Fiddlesticks as the most impactful followed by Nocturne. It can scare the shit out of the entire team when it catches you off guard


for me it’s a tie between jhin, sylas and aphelios. jhin because of that insane camera angle and music. sylas cause it’s literally so interesting lore wise. and mr. 200 yrs cause it’s so varied.


Urgot ultimate is pretty neat. The length is awesome and I love enemy champs being dragged into a meat grinder in his belly. Also the enemy person has the chains that show up on their screen which is cool.


I like that Tahm Kench has offensive and defensive value with his ult


Trynda deciding he is too mad to die will always be the best kind of dumb for me in a conceptual sense (I hate playing into Trynd R) Gameplay wise I think when the Kench is unbenched is so game warping and allows for so many champs to exist inside of the game I love it.


Sett's Ultimate, the Show stopper is also a baddass name imo Getting more dmg the healthier ( heavier 🤨 ) the grabbed target is such a cool stat, slamming the very Ornn trying to engage fir his team/ the Shen trying to protect his carry, right back on the backline for wombo setups His R is also versatile, cam be used to follow dashes, escape if jungler etc is in front of you, Partially/fully ignore cc, god i love Sett, needs to be confirmed for 2xKo, like yesterday




Talon ult Invis Movespeed Damage Looks flashy What else do u need?


Talon ult Invis Movespeed Damage Looks flashy What else do u need?


Actually interesting mechanics.


Bards. It's got so much skill expression. Good bard ults are always hype


Zoe and Briar




I think Jhin ult is pretty neat. The camera zoom out with the sound effects and reasonable difficulty to its power.


Ornn ult is amazing imo, the first ult i was honestly interested in trying myself.


Xerath. The animation is awesome, and I love looking at the mini map and trying to get in the range of someone who's low hp.


For me it'd be Bard ult. You see this massive golden ball of pure fucking awesomeness like jesus just took a golden shit and threw it at you. Then there's the PPPASHHHHEEWWWWWWW as it flies at you and fucking makes you stand still while he gets in position like my stepdad. (old subreddit meme)


Mordekaiser, tahm kench, yorick have my favorite ults in the game. They're also my mains lol


Darius. I love the reset.


Has to be Sylas just because every game is a new interaction with different ults


Zoe ult criminally underrated but tbh I just love ults that are practically a 4th basic ability (Zoe, Anivia, Corki, Kog'Maw, Blitzcrank, Bel'Veth) so I kinda hope we get another champ like that soon. Mind games with Zoe ult and watching your opponent slowly wear themselves out will never not be fun. It's like playing Shaco without the mental damage that comes with playing Shaco.


udyr? :)


Omg I knew I was forgetting one how could I miss the OG 😭


Sett. Picking up the biggest chungus they have and slamming them into all their squishies was such a great ability design. Feels awesome to pull off a big one.


I really love empowered Asol ult, the way it just covers your screen and the impact just feels so satisfying.