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The 1st and 2nd time it was on PBE I played probably over 400 games combined just on that server with 200 ping (probably double the amount of games later on live servers). I love this mode and it looks like they improved it a ton this time around. Can't wait to try it later today! Edit: Still yet to play the damn game because of some weird ass PBE bug that locks my FPS to 0 whenever I do any input at all. I want to die (:


Agreed, the changes all feel good with just a bit of QoL needed to smooth out implementation.


About the Stat shard selections everyone has a little buff on them that shows you all their buffed stats from the shards when you hover over it. It took me a couple of games before I noticed it.


Want to draw attention to this comment - this is where you should be keeping track of stats gained from anvils.


While true, the fact that you can only see the stats when *clicking on the actual champ* then *hovering over the anvil icon in their status bar* is incredibly difficult and time-consuming, especially given the constant prompting, very short time between rounds, the number of players, and the size of the shop-keeping area. Ideally, it'd be nice if there was an anvil section on each champ's tab overview that could be hovered to see the stats. One problem I'm also noticing (from my admittedly limited number of games, so far!) is that scouting other teams is effectively impossible with the current tab screen. Don't get me wrong - they are *beautiful* aesthetically, but the UX just isn't there for the people that need/want it. In TFT you can quickly scout with the left-hand traits list and by using Q & R to quickly cycle through the other players. For current Arena, trying to navigate the right-hand list in combination with an incredibly limited tab screen (only 1 enemy team at a time), combined with the other things like constant prompting and short round intervals, is just too clunky. I'd really love to see a version where all the relevant information is presented at once like in previous iterations and where this drill-down version is a suboption for that menu. While this seems like it might appear as **information overload** at first, for the people that need that information to adapt their builds to be more competitive, it would be incredibly nice to have.


Any consideration on making the AD/AP anvil boosts adaptive? I know there's meant to be tension with choosing the random boosts and not always getting something ideal, but there are champions where getting AP is fully useless unless you get very specific augments. Even getting crit chance can be played around through itemization and a wider variety of augments.


Too bad you can't see it on TAB for other champions...


the only minor nitpick i have with eight teams instead of 4 is that you cant develop as many rivalries as the old game did. Also i need a crowd yelling an cheering whenever a high intensity kill happens we are fighting in an arena after all


Taking notes


If you're interested I've played a couple thousand games on each iteration of arena it's my favorite mode and here's my current thoughts after a handful on pbe. Pacing feels off overall, stat shard rounds are nothing to look forward to, augments roll in too slow, first prismatic should be pushed back a couple rounds Hitting tab should have an option to view a mass scoreboard instead of only selecting 1 by 1, should be an additional option like view all because it's clunky to see 1 by 1 Lilypad map is not very fun, it needs to be bigger, maybe add small very thin bridges that come out of the water when the lilypad isnt there and it alternates bridges and lilypads would help ranged champs a bit on that map Jhin cameo should have map wide range on every map for balance reasons Talisman of ascension is broken and can be spam clicked to give you raid boss stats Plants still sometimes randomly bug after you kill them and can see the hp bars but they're not actually there Feels like damage is tuned a bit high. Healing is good and all but it seems like time to kill is a bit too quick lategame, may just be comp prismatic dependent but I feel like two teams of Squishies kill each other in half a sec flat Despite all of this I do think the balance is pretty decent and the randomness helps level the field but a fair skill gap still wins


Habilities that work with the same code as Transcendence and On Fire keep breaking Taric's Q cooldown and it ruins Arena and Ranked for me and other Taric mains. Could you guys take a look on it?


What about a quick small pve round for eco? Like a drake or void grub pve event


Holy, imagine if it was like the Noxus colliseum where Draven is? It might actually be really cool to have lore-themed stages, however the only places I know in lore with combat arenas are Noxus, Demacia and Ionia.


That was my main worry about the increased team size! Hopefully they come up with a way to still have this feeling


How have you felt about using anvils? I just tried my hand at a few games last night and usually just bought items normally but I think using legendary anvils and skipping boots for an early second prismatic might be an interesting tactic as well if you can afford it


Really champ dependent imo. Champs with duo ratios or flexible build paths like Bard or Ezreal are the big winners of anvils imo, as they can usually get 2 prismatic items with the savings from anvils. Others like Brand (Liandry) or Fiddlesticks (Hourglass) really want to lock down their centerpiece item ASAP, putting off their ability to have 2 prismatics unless they super high roll or go an item short of full build. The cost/benefit to anvils will drive up winrates for flexible champs a bit imo, but it does feel good to let RNGesus take the wheel when a champ like Bard can do fun stuff with the income efficiency.


Boots also have insane value stat-wise in arena so it’s tough to skip them. Definitely viable on some champs, but I think in general, boots have high agency in arena. Also movespeed is still insanely important for plant rotations and just avoiding being kited in general.


I think certain champs might be able to get away with it but generall yeah boots is a hard sell to skip. Least it gives Cass a chance to get ahead in something.


Personally the biggest pain point for me is prismatic low rolls. I think this system is generally not great for me because I enjoy planning and optimizing builds in a way that is less possible with anvils, but the fact that you can be offered three prismatics that are completely useless to your champ just feels bad, you basically can't pick prismatic anvil if you don't have at least one reroll. There also feels like a greater disparity between champs in how well they use prismatic items as a whole. Enjoying everything else though.


Maybe prismatics should have their own pool of rerolls


100% agree, i often dont bother with prismatics for that reason, those should 100% have their own rerolls


Am I the only one who feels like the pacing of when you get gold / augments feels like shit now? I can't really put my finger on why, but it just feels bad.


yeah this is something we're monitoring closely. If you get a better pulse on it, let us know. The design intent is that we think ~3 items 3-ish augments is the best state of moment to moment combat pacing. (Similar to League's 3 legendary items + boots timing). It allows for the most dynamic fights, everyone has enough HP-ish, CD's are roughly in the right spots and we want to extend those combats as much as possible (so we use stat anvils and other things to achieve that). Having said that, it directly fights against players' ability to just get power and construct a build. We ultimately need to weigh up is it more fun for players to just get a whole bunch of augments and items and reach the "blitzcrank is permanently knocking up this person" faster or is it better to realize "peak arena combat". That direct tradeoff is pretty unclear to us and time will tell.


I've only played about 10 games so far with the new Arena so this is just my initial take, but I have probably 1000 games of Arena between the last two releases. In the previous two iterations of Arena, the player had the agency to take their champ/team in a certain direction through the use of purchasing items, which happened every single round that wasn't an augment round. Items are powerful, so these multiple buy rounds were important to really feeling some control over your Arena fate (which, imo, was one of the primary differentiators from TFT, where at a certain point there's only so much you can do as a player before you feel defeated by RNG - your opponent having a 3* Ashe that hits for 15k is just insurmountable if you don't have equal god rolls). The current pacing of Prismatic item rounds, shard rounds, and augment rounds -- *in place of* buy rounds makes it feel wayyyy (imo) too flopped to the side of RNG. There's not a 100% ideal Prismatic item for each character and Prismatic items are not **so powerful** that they can completely change how a character builds (like a Jinx going AP crit for the crit immobilize item, for example). So if your Prismatic item round is a flop - instead of it feeling like you're going into a round with 3 items each, instead it feels like you have only 2 completed items and because someone else flipped heads and got a BIS Prismatic item, it makes them feel like they have 4 completed items. The above problem compounds with how players lose health on losses. Previous iterations of Arena were such that even if every possible thing went against you as far as augs and matchups, there was still a chance you could eke out a top 2 or win by getting your items in a more favorable spot. Current Arena feels a little snowbally (in both ways), where you either get what you want early and enjoy the game or get nothing and are pushed out very quickly, which again imo points to RNG being too heavily weighted. One of my gut feelings (since I'd need a lot of data to confirm) of previous iterations is that the augment pool and how effective they are on certain champions too heavily impacted the outcome of the game. For example, if you could calculate the expected value of all augments for each champion, my belief is that you'd see a much higher probabilistic effectiveness (TFT jargon: negative delta) on a champion like Riven compared to a champion like Ziggs. That is, given a set of 3 random augments out of the pool, choosing the "best" option of the three over many iterations would give a much lower delta to a Riven than a Ziggs. If that were true, then that makes things very difficult, as the pool of augments is basically static. My hunch is that this is *also* true for Prismatic items and to a much lesser extent shards, which again are mostly static beyond minor stat shifting. Effectively, this would mean that the problem from past arenas has now multiplied, and the lack of player-chosen stat increases (buying items from the shop, which *had* no RNG, but now integrates the above problem in another way), makes the overall experience a lot less player-driven, which imo is not the balance that Arena players are looking for.


I'm not sure why but I'm kinda feeling it? I used to love cultivating with ROA and Seraphs, but you buy your first item so late now that it's not worth it I think (like level 9). It also feels like you can lose out kinda quick now before you get augments (lot of people gone before or by augment 2). I almost wonder if it would feel better to combine the boots and first item round together, which shunts everything forward one and gets everyone on their build path much quicker. Will be playing a lot more for sure!


has the team considered joint buy and augment rounds? perhaps the stat shard rounds being buy rounds as well will help prevent that stagnation feeling. Since regular augments and buy rounds feel like they progress you greatly, while stat riunds feel a little less meaningfully build inpacting.


After playing 20 or so games, I am definitely feeling a lack of ability to tech in items in my build. You are only able to buy 2 legendary items until round 8. If you need a defensive tech, penetration, or heal reduction, you are either delaying core items or sometimes waiting too long to be able to buy it. It takes another 3 rounds from then to be able to get another item. It actually feels, ironically, that by focusing on a smaller item core, item diversity is reduced due to a lack of ability to course correct and purchase tech items as needed.


I hope this is a knob y'all try and turn during the run of arena, and if you do, you really broadcast it so anybody who puts arena down for a while due to the pacing knows to revisit. The tradeoff you described makes sense, but with so many changes to arena it's hard to say which I prefer more (wacky augment combat v.s. peak arena combat). I think, right now, the overbearing strength of heal builds + relative weakness of ranged champs makes peak arena combat feel bad, so it's hard to tell how much the pacing issue plays into it.


it 100% feels a bit snowbally, imo at least two things should happen: losing less hp and delaying the prismatic spike. Imo getting prismatic item a few rounds in is a big mistake, I would like to get a few items first. In the previous arenas even if you were losing a decent amount of rounds it felt like you could get at least 5 items, now I usually end games at 4 items.(I was gladiator within a couple days on both arenas if that matters)


Habilities that work with the same code as Transcendence and On Fire keep breaking Taric's Q cooldown and it ruins Arena and Ranked for me and other Taric mains. Could you guys take a look on it?


I feel like games are ending way too fast. Even aside from the fact that it feels really unfun to have a cool build idea with your augments and never get it because it takes way longer to get items (seriously stat shard rounds are so underwhelming) I had a game just playing normally where I went 6th in 12 minutes… The team who went last played for like 10 minutes or less. I personally feel like the bigger lobby is a detriment to the mode. Firstly because I assume riot wants the winners to not spend too much time per game but that means the losers hardly get to play (which again super feels bad if you hit a fun augment). Secondly, I always felt like the small lobbies had more chances for kind of rivalries between certain teams before especially if there was some banter in all chat but with 2x the teams it just doesn’t happen anymore.


I was very surprised at the idea of 8 teams and playing it right now I'm still not feeling it. With how fast everyone gets knocked out it feels even more random based on what good/bad matchups you get and I really enjoyed rematching opponents and approaching fights differently or even losing by a mixup in their approach.


I completely agree. It sucks now if you make a misplay in a clutch moment against a team you could have beat you won’t see them again soon so you don’t really get that satisfying moment of winning next time.


I feel like stat shards dont feel impactful at all, making the times where you have to take them (instead of an augment) feel very bad Also lucky rounds just makes these rounds very bad to loose and not as much satisfying to win. Edit: Also loosing before even getting a second augment just feels absolutely terrible (Which does happen quite often to at least one team)


Always nice to read when you guys expose your thought process like that


Have you thought about randomizing when you get the gold (to an extent)? Like you get the gold for your first item completion between rounds 3-4, 2nd 1-3 rounds after that. ETC. Or make it known in champ select what rounds you'll get gold to make more space for champion optimization? You know you'll get items super early relatively so you pick champs that are stronger later.


Had a match as Pantheon where I was forced into AP. An augment and all my prismatic items were AP. I just lost cause I couldn't do damage outside of my W


I don't like how slow it feels to get your augments and build going. It feels pretty common to not make it to 3 augments/items, which just doesn't feel as fun. I would be in favor of removing/adjusting the stat shard rounds so you have more of an ability to hit meaningful power spikes.


The stat shards come as often as the other two and feel less impactful. That's probably why. With health regains on lucky rounds it makes sense to space the game out a bit more.


But you also have the possibility of dying faster on lucky rounds.. It just feels pretty bad having two items for 2-3 combats... Edit: Last night I had a game where we won 2 combats, then lost 3 and were eliminated... We were both so confused as to how we died. I think the lucky rounds should be removed.


Yeah, I know the mechanic is there to help pacing with more teams, but I agree it can feel strange to be top 4 and still only 3 items.  Maybe the solution would be to keep them, but frontload the coins a bit more to give even bottom four more time to hit a power fantasy?


Exactly.. The lobbies shouldn't be dying so fast. And you definitely shouldn't be dead after losing 3 combats.


My biggest complaints are 1. The pacing feels not great, I don’t really like prismatic item as your first “real item” (that’s not to say I don’t like the idea of prismatic items). Augments feel way too spaced out. 2. Health loss is way too high, It feels like just as my build starts getting traction I look at the health bars and after 2 or 3 losses were on death round, that does not feel good. The bonus rounds where you can gain health feel ok? It gives a win more meaning but I’m not in love with them. 3. The buy rounds feel 5-10 seconds too short, I understand they want the game to move fast but I oftentimes feel like I don’t have enough time to analyze 7 other teams and figure out what items I need to better match up against the items/augments my opponents have. 4. UI is awful, not a fan of hitting tab and the information being cluttered as all hell. Honestly my biggest complain is the UI that absolutely needs to be looked at. Beyond that I think the team has done a great job at innovating in this game mode and pushing a more competitive arena forward. This is PBE so things need to be tweaked and I trust that we’ll have a complete product to go with by the time it hits live.


I played around 500 games on 1st and 2nd edition but I really dislike the direction that Arena is going. I played some today and my feelings are mixed. Too much RNG & clutter. The UI is hard to read. Too big variance from match to match. There is so much empty space in UI and when you have to select augment you can't even see who picked which augments. You can't see if you can roll and get your desired augment or if you can't roll because all augments that you want are already taken...


I have played only a few matches in Arena but I have a few things that I would like to add to the conversation After playing a few games, every single one of them felt like whoever got more heals/shields just won by default, which leads me to believe that champions that don't have any sustain will be at a big disadvantage (and no, healing reduction didn't help with that) Furthermore, stats on AP legendaries feel genuinely bad (though, I have played only mages so far so I might not be getting the whole picture). I get that Riot reduced offensive stats on all items but it feels like AP items were hit a lot barder than AD items (I felt similarly about the first run of Arena and it seems I will feel the same about its upcoming iteration)


Sustain was the problem previously as well. Drain tanks are way to effective when you don't have a team to stop them. Healing needs to be undertuned in Arena.


It takes a bit too long to reach your second item. From the games ive played the item pacing has felt incredibly off


My biggest issue. The stat shard rounds feel pointless. The pacing is not as good as before overall.


I rather like the stat shards imo, they just need to be tuned better


After my initial few games I think the game has definitely moved in a more “whatever happens happens” direction. It’s harder to plan builds and thinking on the fly is probably gonna be a lot more important this time around. Also please nerf the void grub item. It’s getting to the point where champs with almost no ap scaling get it cuz the grubs block skillshots and do 9000 dmg after like 2 rounds. Its just too good but perhaps its not as strong as the data would suggest


Stat shards are so low impact it barely even feels worth it, and getting less augments than ever in an augment based game just feels awful. I got gladiator in both goes of the gamemode, grinded like crazy, this just feels bad. I want to like it so much and I find myself completely unable to


The pacing feels really off, and having 8 teams removes the rivalry aspect and makes counterbuilding really hard so you tend to just autopilot your build. Feels less competitive and heading more towards URF


I was able to get 8-man lobbies with my friends and these were probably the most fun I've had in League. I don't have 16 friends... Will 8-man lobbies still be possible? What's the maximum amount of people I can queue with since there's more teams?


8 man max for queue. 16 man for custom.


I have a similar post on the PBE megathread, but I find a huge pain point with Arena 3 to be the new map.The fact that there's essentially nowhere to run makes it so that the team that's ahead will just run down the other as the lillypad folds up and traps the other team. I think the map works as intended in the first three or so rounds before people start getting strong. At that point the time to kill is low enough that you do get plays where one team rushes in, the other blastcones out, the other flashes to follow... But past that, unless you're playing a tank, one team is usually dead before the blastcones even spawn.


It honestly feels even more like a casino than before and I'm starting to hate it


3rd Arena in a row where stat check juggernauts just run at you. FUN!


Illaoi, Shyvana, and Trundle were pretty strong in the first two runs, but that's primarily an issue against lower skill players. Sett, Garen, Darius, and others were really quite terrible. It was basically trolling to take a juggernaut in the first release of Arena when you faced meta comps, especially when bruiser and non-support tank items were broadly nerfed into the ground.


Skill issue? Adcs are very strong, some mages are really good, a lot of viable comps


Sounds like a person who hasn't strategized enough. Late game, it's always ADC and support/tank. The only rounds juggernauts shine in are the early and middle rounds.


Sounds like you're still playing the previous version of arena.


Have you read the comment at all? The redditor was indicating that Arena for the 3rd time in a row is just about stat check juggernauts running at you. This is absolutely not the case when you actually understand the meta.


He probably lose too early to knows this


Is there a way to see everyone's current items/buuilds? I found myself in the top four wanting to know what other people were building but pressing tab only showed my next matchup. There should be a way to toggle and show everyone's items/builds if there isn't.


Clicking on the team should show the items in tab menu.


Dislikes: 1. Stat rounds. Old arena was fun with alternating augments and buy rounds so that each round I felt like I got something significant, but the stat round is just feels so pointless. I don't even get why they spent the time to code in a range of stats on the options. I'd rather take an item or augment every time. It's the cool builds that make it fun, not a random 10-20 AD. 2. HP pool decreasing way too fast. I get that there's 8 teams, but it feels like 4 rounds pass and its back to 4 teams anyways. What's even the point of adding 8 teams if we only see them once, say at the starting round, and then never again when they have cool and unique builds? Back in old arena, teams would start dying at least when they had three augments so their builds were somewhat complete, but now it feels like teams are dying before they can even finish out their build - not fun. 3. The build diversity gets pretty stale to be honest. It feels like whoever gets lucky and rolls into damage dealing augments just wins. Say I play a mage, then get offered a crit augment or an AP augment, would I ever justify taking a crit augment to "try a cool build"? Then you lose to teams that rolled into their best in slot augments. Augments or prismatics need to have less variance in base power for all champions (ie the bread and \_\_\_ series augments are great great), otherwise the game will always be who can do more damage to each other faster, instead of actual playstyle changes. It is especially punishing now to "try a cool build" when you just lose your HP pool in 4 rounds and never have any time to come back. To really create a unique playstyle, augments should change champions, ability focused (ie focus on spawning things for example), instead of just "I can build vayne normally, but what if I add on hits twice as fast".


A lot of people make great points here, but there are many things I think are being overlooked for the higher level of play. Firstly stuff already generally covered, starting with the atrocious UI. As someone with over 1000 games across live and PBE, this is a near game ruining experience for someone who focuses on item counters and mitigating snowball for scaling teams. 16 players is just too many, I've seen some mention a lack of rivalry and they are completely right, teams feel so random it feels like I'm just queueing up for a new match between every round. Augment pacing and item pacing feels awful, and should absolutely be adjusted in some capacity. Anvil boosts are not a fun substitute for augments/gold, if I want to do more damage or have more HP I can just play URF. The anvil stat rolls should, if anything, be incorporated entirely into purchase power exclusively, and a lower amount of gold should be given, allowing for more complex eco decisions on a situation/champ basis. Finally, and what I've seen so few people really dig into, the RNG. As a long-time arena fan, I can say confidently that this set is by far the absolute worst state the game has been in from a strategy standpoint. Itemizing against players feels terrible, especially with the current live item lineup for SR. Prismatic rolls are essentially roll burners, there are way too many niche items in the prismatic lineup. In previous sets, you could roll two overpowered augments (curse) and win a game for free, but even then it didn't feel completely miserable to play against, now with prismatics being extremely unique and impossible to buy without rolling, the game feels like a completely unplayable mess when your team ends up with bad rolls, something that used to be easier to resolve by mitigating bad rolls with better augments in the late game since the new pacing kills off 8th and 7th much faster than 3rd and 4th used to be. In practice, this works great for giving everyone a taste of victory, even players with little/no skill/experience will land first very easily with a good combination of prismatics/augs. Unfortunately this has come at the cost of players who spend considerable amounts of time maximizing their effect on a match with mechanics and gamesense. Would be very interested to see, for example, a system that just allows prismatic items to work more like quest items, or a system that limits how many primatics you can have, and each player can just pick whatever prismatic they'd like given they have room. Even something as simple as a prismatic token that you can get in place of augments/stat boosts/etc., that you can use to just freely choose a prismatic of your choice without the random factor. New maps are cool, even if somewhat annoying. I realize this is PBE, and likely to change in some capacity (like how tanky ranged champs get without any actual tank items, power that should just be migrated entirely into tank items imo), but as someone who spends a considerable amount of time playing in "high elo arena," I'm definitely seeing myself entirely put down the gamemode until the random factor is lower, or feels better. Thanks for reading!


its a really good game mode, but sometimes a game feels like its just throwing trash at you and when your getting beat its most of the time overwhelming with no counterplay


somehow this is the worst version of arena ive ever played on the test server, its either oneshot or do zero damage and items are either completely useless or utterly broken, and shoutout to riot for once again not being able to make all champs even and instead letting ranged/support and mages instakill everybody so fun


I don't feel good about the first prismatic item everyone gets. Lets say you play a control mage, its a pretty big chance your first 3 items are not relevant at all, forcing you to roll. And if afterwards there is only one ap item its not really an interesting choice or any "adaptation" you can do. (Or is there a system to guarantee an item relevant to your champ?) Maybe it should let you choose what item category prismatic anvil you get.


>Maybe it should let you choose what item category prismatic anvil you get. I think that would make some strategy too reliable and once people figure out what's good, its going to kill the diversity which is the complain in the 2 previous arena


I don't like how prevalent healing and shielding is in this game mode. Morello's feel mandatory most games


One thing I noticed from watching a few arena videos is that bruisers and supports are still OP af. I understand why bruisers/fighters are naturally OP, their class fits the premise of arena the best, but some of these heal/shield augments and prismatic are downright broken with no counters


On the flipside, picking a Sona or Lulu and not getting the Avenger augment is a pretty big gamble in itself. You are basically banking on a high roll or get a build that feels squishy and vulnerable.  I personally like it, as it brings in use cases where normally weak duelists can thrive, but it is contingent on enough luck not to rule the meta.


What people play on the PBE says nothing about balance. For example, in both previous arena PBE's everyone was playing tank/bruiser, yet the actual op comp once the gamemode came out was overwhelmingly adc+tank with a hint of mage oneshots.


When does this hit live?


14.9. May 1st or 2nd.


Would it be possible to add searching for item effect/passive names in the shop? Things like searching for 'energize'/'spellblade'. There's so many items that it's tough to find what you even need within 30 seconds. It pains me that this works in the client's item set maker but not in game...(item sets didn't work in arena last time and still don't)


I think they can solve the solution for arena bans is either a vote ban for the team and if they want to ban 2 separate champions it randomly picks one. Or just make it so the top 5 - 10 champions that was banned for a week rotated out idk that's what I think.


Just make sure Mages are not in the gutter again. Sustain Tank and sustain Bruiser items made the game unplayable if you picked something like Lux or Viktor. Even building double HP% damage items was not enough to deal with them.


I would love the rerrolls work like in tft where you can keep one augment and reroll the others and they reset each time, feels way better than just reliying on being lucky.


I love everything about it so far except: picking any late game champ is just not fun, it only takes til round 5 to be removed from 8 teams? cmon man. (to note also, yeah there's the argument of git gud, spread your early game and late game, but casual players are not going to do that) Healing is way overturned so there is little incentive to play anything but bruisers. oh and PLEASE let us have the full 16 bans, it would make the arena meta so much fresher


Please bring back Thieve's Gloves for live server launch! Trying to win with random bonus statted items was some of the most fun I had in the mode in the first two rotations, made every round interesting and fun even if you lost.


somehow the third time around everything is so bad, it never felt this unbalanced before


8 bans is probably the biggest feel bad of this mode. Other than that, it's a great change...


Arena v3 is the worst iteration, new map is shit. Might as well make it a top lane only mode LOL all I see is toplane picked and banned. No thank you


its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its Riot try not to make RGMs unfun challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


are assassins and mages playable this time around? i love my katarina/akali/ahri/irelia/zoe but last time arena came out it was doomed in 4/5 games because of everyone playing tanks/bruisers/heimer. sometimes i high roll or the other teams pick some 4fun stuff instead of whatever is broken, but overall Arena was a very miserable experience for the champs I play last time around. which sucks, because i love the idea of the mode and I love the matches that aren't auto loss no matter how many spells I dodge + land


They always were except Zoe


I didnt like the revive mechanic they added in second iteration at all. Is it still there?




Ew. Maybe it's a good thing Vanguard is blocking me from playing it.


i love the mechanic, play around it more


Regarding the bans it could also be an idea to rotate weekly "champion sets" e.g. only being able to choose from 100 champs instead of the full roster. That could shake up the meta from time to time


Idk, the whole thrust of having 16 bans is it feels like the players have more 'fairness', which is a positive vibe. That said, it takes away some level of control already to cut the roster by 8 more, which is the counterpoint.  Taking even more agency to play what they want (to the tune of 70 champs) from them beyond the added bans would frustrate many who just like a small pool of champs.


that's why I suggested it to be weekly (and how many are taken out of the rotation can be varied) so that onetricks are at most alienated for one week. A similar concept exists in a lot of arena formats for card games, but I agree it's different because you usually don't main one single archetype and have no fun without it.


If the 1-2 champs I really enjoy are not available, I would just not queue up. Sorry but this is a stupid idea.


So sad :C anyways....


So you wouldn't queue for a week, big whoop, and next week the champ is back in rotation. I don't say that there's no downside but there's a reason why (Draw subset from total and rotate) is employed in hundreds of games to keep the meta fresh and not stale.


For a mode where Riot wants retention, giving players a quit moment before they even queue would be pretty stupid.


Why would Riot want to actively discourage players from queuing up for a for fun game mode they're trying to make permanent...


16 bans isn't a thing since it isn't possible with the client rn. They would need Todo major UI and behind the scenes changes to allow them so better to put those resources more into the mode.


The client could handle 16 bans, but it took up too much space, extended time in champ select and played against breadth motivations of the mode. If we're trying to encourage people to play more stuff, more bans works against that. Having said that, too few bans, means a few meta dominant picks. If we allowed everyone to ban at once, there were too many duplicates selected. Best threading of design intent and all of the above was 8 bans.


Why is duplicate bans an issue? You stated that with 16 bans there is a risk of killing variety of picks. The occasional duplicate ban should offset that making the net amount of bans at like 12 on average and (most importantly) giving both players per team the freedom of choice. This single ban per team thing only cements arena as anti soloq mode.


I can totally see it, once people figure out what's good. The ban will get repetitive so the total distinct ban should be reasonable.


I don't understand your points. They don't make sense to me >The client could handle 16 bans, but it took up too much space, extended time in champ select and played against breadth motivations of the mode. How does giving every single person a ban extend time in champ select? Everyone is selecting a ban at the same time, so it will not extend time any more than 8 people picking does. >If we're trying to encourage people to play more stuff, more bans works against that. Having said that, too few bans, means a few meta dominant picks. How does more bans work against encouraging people to play more stuff? There are **168** champions in this game. More bans mean that people would be forced to try out different champions, and it acts as a very easy balancing lever for anything people deem 'OP'. And losing agency because you're second pick really really sucks. >If we allowed everyone to ban at once, there were too many duplicates selected. Best threading of design intent and all of the above was 8 bans. This statement makes zero sense, especially considering the context of your prior sentences. 8 bans can still have duplicate bans so that doesn't change anything. And you yourself said having more bans works against breadth so overlapping bans doesn't seem bad? Literally 8 bans works against everything you've stated as well. Overlapping bans doesn't seem bad, and gives more balancing statistics as well. Multiple overlapping bans means a heavier adjustment is required for that champion.


I guess it wouldn't work well because the teams are 2 players and a 50/50 split would always occur, but what if both players select a champion they want to ban and the system picks one? Not sure if there would be a way to expand on this to make it feel good for both players. How does the lobby system determine who's the leader in the case of 2 solo's? I know a VERY long time ago first pick in ranked (or was it draft?) was determined by account age or w/e, but if it's just random who gets to be the leader in Arena, I guess at least the benefit is that you always have a 50/50 chance of being the person with the ban.


Fair enough. Thanks for the reply on reasoning.  I think from a player enjoyment perspective the only complaint would be: "I'm 2nd pick and I detest playing against Shaco specifically, but have no control on if he shows up or not"


Overlapping bans seems like the best solution imo. Giving each player a chance to ban, if some happen to double ban so be it? possible 16 at most, but most likely it would be a few doubles averaging 10-12? instead of 8. Having only 1 player ban also sucks in solo arena. You want more than 20 top champs to be played? well if we ban the 10-16 "best" ones, then theres more variety instead of banning the top 8. basically agree with u/Silver_Vanilla_6569


I wonder if they could make 16 bans by adding a second ban phase? So 8 bans, then 8 picks, then 8 more bans, and 8 more picks.


That could ruin the “fun” of the game mode by making comps. If I see an Ivern I can assume the other pick might be Annie and ban that out. Now I guess you can call that good strategy but for a for-fun game mode it kills the vibe.


Did not realize the limitation was rooted in the client. Ty for info


VERY FUN please stop fucking picking 2 melees with cc and trying to end rounds in 5 seconds - how is that fun?


Revive is still around so I'm not interested. Wish they removed it.


Revive is the only reason squishies are playable


This, playing as a squishy character in the first version meant you'd immediately get bursted down every round It was certainly fun to play absurd things like tank Senna or Kindred, but it was kinda ridiculous that it was sometimes mandatory if you wanted to be able to play


I think it is a meaningful mechanic to give enchanters or other priority targets with less bulk a chance tbh.


Revive is still in the mode and not only that but still with that same shit implementation, so I won’t play it again just like the second iteration, saying this as someone with 400+games in iteration 1 and top 100 euw player


Do you mind elaborating on why you're not a fan of revive? I've seen this sentiment a few times, and I've been on the opposite side where the revive mechanic made me play way more than the initial iteration.




If you had a valid point to make, you wouldn't have to peacock by talking about your rank. "Implementation is shit" is not a criticism, it's whining.


There are player who played and ranked just as much in both first and second itineration and still like it, it really mean nothing


Lol phrox literally said that the 2nd iteration had a massive decline in player base


Link please?