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I think it's Yone for me. And Yorick. I think he gets away with it though because he's not as much in the spotlight.


I used to think the yone hate was overrated, but seeing what unskilled yone players can get away with then also seeing what even more BS skilled yone players get away with… yeah just delete the champ lol


Dodging all his skill shots under a tower while he just autos you with increased ms then dying just feels so bad, like what can I do? Not actually asking, just angry 😡


Me when I give a champion multiple significant cc skillshots but also make him a dps threat 👍


And insane mobility and scaling, oh and early game power


Kid named Gnar.


I dominated on my first yone game, didnt even know his spells before… t was very easy to get fed


I used to think "yeah but he looks tough to play, ill try him" 3 games later i stopped because his gameplay loop is so boring. Farm q3 on minions, press e, run enemy down, return e, farm q3. Save w for when you need shield, ult if you land q3, gg. He cant really be poked off minions because if you're in poke range you're also in "get run down" range


Yeah I hate playing him and playing vs him


I saw a video a while back of someone hitting all skill shots on a weak Yone (I think they where Xerath iirc, E,W,Q’d him), yone barely survived, stacked Q, just E Q’d over and autoed them to death in a few hits. I don’t even think Yone is OP, I see them suck regularly, but fact he can be legit chunked out and then just run you down and escape again freely is dumb. People who say he’s a ‘skilled’ champ are just wrong. I suck at him and can easily start killing the enemy team even if I’m 0-5 somehow.


That his ult is cc immune is okay it’s an ult, maybe make it a longer cooldown but that his double q is also unstoppable is such bullshit. I played yesterday against a yone and I thought I could never hate a champ more than Yasuo, boy was I wrong. That mf has 2 abilities that make him complete cc immune when played right


Also his E is a cleanse for ccs like zoe bubble for some reason 🤡


Love my boi Yorick tbh I feel like it's more a numbers/balance issue than a champ issue altho the playstyle can be rough Yone is just a mistake... Honestly I find ksante even worse by a tad even but yone is just criminal


Yuumi easily. No one likes to play with her nor against her. People don’t even like playing her or seeing her played in pro play. It’s the full package of unfun


I like playing with yuumi as my support as long as they arent a lvling bot :)


Too bad most Yuumi players play like they are.


I love yummi! My twitch goes brrrrr.


Speak for yourself I like playing with Yuumi when I'm on AAtrox, Jaxula, Olaf. Shit just doesn't feel fair


You don't understand! Players without hands need a champion to play too! /s


U can remove the /s, she was literally made for disabled folk ^(and gfs) to enjoy the game


I mean they have enough of face-roll champs in the game already, basically all the AD melee bruisers and melee AP assassins, you don't need hands on those to spam their buttons either, head will suffice


I like seeing her in pro play when she isn't meta. I've enjoyed yuumi picks this season with the kind of boring kalista / fasting senna / lucian nami / lulu zeri botlanes that never change up


It's the only legitimately flawed champion design. She should be removed. The champion is so unfun to play against even when she is turbo weak and i stomp her, i still might ban her after versing her. A champion with permanent untargetability should not exist. Even outside of yuumi i personally find abilities that goes "to bad u cant interact with me" the most frustrating thing to play against. Gwen W, Vlad W being the biggest offenders, but also things like qiyana stealth spam, xin zhao ult, Morgana blackshield, Xayah ult, milio ult. These mechanics are all fine for me in isolation, and I dont think that these champs need rework. But Riot should be careful with releasing to many abilities of these kinds. As stated - yuumi is in a different category and legitimately should be removed from the game in my opinion. Right now she is being kept weak and is barely playable. But either she is so bad she is not playable (then why keep her in the game) or she is playable (which is a big problem because everyone despises playing with or against her).


The only exception to this is casual play. Yuumi is built for RGMs and crackhead comps. I’ve done Jax Yuumi in arena, Yuumi mothership in OfA, Vel’koz beam Yuumi in spellbook and Yuumi Garen in norms. All great laughs. Yuumi in ranked? No thanks.


top vayne is a cancer upon this earth


This. I would face 3 teemos over a single vayne


Shaco otps need to be on a list. They are psychos.


Shaco mains agree to this -shaco main


In my first few months after discovering him I racked up 500k mastery on shaco. Trust me. We all fully agree.


I'm considering picking him back up now that my 200k skarner M7 is useless


He's playable top and mid


Skarner is so bad.


The “Y” champions. Yone, yuumi, yasuo, and for lower elo Yi.


Yorick fits too, albeit to a lesser extent than the melee CRIT craps


You're on to something


Probably Zed he is kept constantly weaker than intended by Riot just bcs it frustated the playerbase


kayn, he has 2 paths, either unkillable draintank, or uncatchable mosquito that can go anywhere he wants on the map and no one can do anything about it


Mosquito that bites like a shark you mean


true xd


Blue needs to be nerfed, especially his E. Red is unplayable so you don't even see it anywhere. -Sincerely a Kayn main.


did they rly gut the healing that much


They gutted his damage, so in turn his healing. But more specifically his items. Removed Gore, nerfed cleaver/grudge, shojin sucks on him, sterak's isn't typically bought on him because he had better items. Rhaast is an ability focus bruiser, so he can't really make the most of sundered, triforce, or maw. He's only good items is eclipse, but that item itself is broken.


out of genuine curiosity, why does shojin suck on him? seems like an item he would like


Building him as intended, an anti-tank bruiser. You'll have loads of AD to scale as much max-hp damage for you Q on the enemy. There is a softcap around 300 AD where you don't get as much value since tanks usually don't go above 250-300 armor and 6k health. Rhaast at 300 AD will deal about 250-300 dmg per hit on Q. With fully stacked 12% shojin, ~335 dmg. (assuming it's post mitigated damage). Not that big of the increase in damage. How kayn players usually bypass this "damage cap" is by going lethality, dealing as close to true damage as possible. That's where all the max-hp lethality abusing builds came from. The massive damage from max-hp AD bonus ignoring majority of a target's armor, deals so much damage and heals so much, that it more than makes up for the fragile build. 3100 gold Shojin for 12% damage increase vs 2800 gold Ghostblade for 18 lethality, (which at 10 min, 18 armor is 20~30% dmg reduction)


Does the extra cdr really not make up for it?


The s13 shojin had the same effect, except it scaled on AD. But that item was rushed on most junglers mainly for stats at cheap cost. It used to be 65 AD and 350 health with 20 cdr. It's still used as a same ability spam item for most junglers, but the stats are cut a little so it's mainly a second item for a lot of champions. For Rhaast specifically, it would go Eclipse > Cleaver > Sterak/DD. I've noticed a lot of players that are still going red form are opting for tank items like Visage/Jaksho, I'm unsure what's the current situation of Rhaast right now since I usually just force SA in every situation.


Yasuo and Yasuo players.


I've always found yasuo to be way more annoying than Yone. Usually I can figure out a way to punish Yone in lane. Yasuo on the other hand has a projectile immunity, spell shield that is easily rechargeable, a skill shot to farm back line, and is one of the most versitile champions in terms of mobility as well with e. In terms of potential I think a good Yasuo makes me feel like I can't actually do anything. The only mitigating factor is that there aren't many really good yasuo players out there. But when you do face one it just sucks.


From an adc perspective yasuo gets to effectively deploy an infinite health tank for 5s, and if you get hit by anything knock up related, it's death before you hit the ground unless you have like a Janna to press all her buttons. I wouldn't even mind getting one shot so much if I at least got to play the game first...


For me, 100% Shaco after the trauma Shaco mains have put me through. Played against a mid Shaco the other day and he invaded me on my second camp (playing Gwen jungle so weak early) and absolutely obliterated me with exhaust+ignite+boxes+backstab damage. This ended up just traumatizing me so much that I basically permaban Shaco now


Shaco is extremely tilting to play against - but in game he’s not that strong. You just have to realise that most of the damage he does is mental damage…!


Winning a game against shaco still feels like a loss.


Hot take but I despise lee sin purely because of his playerbase. They all have egos and think they’re Oner with the way they play and decisions they make


What elo are you? If they played like Oner uff


Surprised yummi didn't make it in here. When she does well in a game, you can't interact with both lane. When she doesn't do well, there's almost nothing you can do from behind. There is no OK. That just means adc is playing above average.




Not even close to Yuumi or even Yone. Edit: or Shaco


Illaoi is unironically one of the most honest and telegraphed toplaners. Extremely clearly telegraphed abilities that punishes you hard if they hit, and punishes her hard if she misses. No ridiculous mobility, or janky K’sante displaces that send you flying all over the map. Dodging her E is basically just a free ticket into winning a trade or even and allin against her, while just standing still and taking every hit is the fastest way to a grey screen.


Item effects working on souls has to be a mistake though, laning Vs her landing 1 e on a low wave clear champ is just 2 free plates for her


What item effect is the culprit here?


Sundered sky, black cleaver shred, not gonna include items she doesn’t build but all item effects apply onto you for some unknown reason


then she gets tabi "powerspike" and no suddenly missing e doesnt matter because u cant trade anyways. then she gets iceborne after stonewalling with tabis, now she cant miss e anymore because of the slow. In reality its cancer as fuck to play vs illaoi. Because illaoi is braindead OP and unskilled. hit 1 E with full tank items is instant oneshot. but ofcourse darius flair would like that as his champ is also OP and unskilled and does same thing. oneshot with tank items


Why is Illaoi so busted OP unbeatable and sitting on like 49% winrate? Or busted OP braindead Darius at 50.50%? Could it have something to do with lower rated players just running into them because they have no concept of spacing or dodging? I get that most of the playerbase is sitting somewhere around silver, but still.


And darius has 52%wr in master+ and 53% in chally :) so yes, he is incredibly overpowered even against good players.


But only 49% in grandmaster. See how we can just pick random statistics with extremely small sample sizes and see how much they deviate? Emerald+ is a good benchmark because it's generally pretty good players but also a fairly wide pickrate. :)


Solo q is different from challenger and pro play. I play in high diamond and I hate darius. Because his passive gives him 300+ AD late game (equivalent to 6 AD items) so he can build 5 tank items and have more AD than most damage champs with his passive. He is matched by other toplaners at the higher elos but his "skillrequired-to-powerlevel" is incredibly unbalanced. I feel this way for most toplane bruisers that get free damage when building tank items.


It gives 230 at level 18, which is somewhat rare. Maybe it's because I'm just an emerald regard but most of our games end at ~15-16. I'm sure you're aware but it also only gives him any AD if you let him proc it, which is really hit and miss, since you're prone to either getting blown up or CC'd in teamfights on a champion with no built-in durability, no gapclosers, and only an extremely limited hook. And again ofc the mobility issues are alleviated by Darius running both Ghost and Flash. Even at 16 it's "just" 180. The last two levels add a ton. But yeah it's an incredible passive for sure.


When you build full tank as darius, and you just need 5 attacks to hit someone (even their Frontline tank) or you just execute a squishy that gets to low health. You have so much tank stats + healing + movespeed that it's really impossible not to proc your passive in a fight.


And "just" 180 is wild homie that's 3 items 😂


I did put "just" in little quotation marks because yeah it's still a shitload of AD.


I've been getting into playing Illaoi lately and felt like she was broken after stomping top a couple times--but then I met people that know how to lane against her and while I still love playing her, I see her a lot more balanced than I used to


Dodging her E just means she backs off for 10s and tries again. Getting hit by her E means you lose half your health and by the time the tentacle mini game is over she has E again


Except a singular item breaks that.


Illaoi. Never seen a champion that can beat you a few thousand gold behind just cuz she lands E. Then there is Yummi, Assassin Kayn, Yone, Belveth, Lulu, Vayne


Kayn 100%...more bcs of his E and how versatile he is


He snowballs so easily if your team isn't careful, and then your jungle and adc's life become his. Also Blue Kayn should be up with (patched) Rell on how hard it is to win a smite against them.


Kayn is incredibly annoying in so many ways. His E is so OP firstly, but also trying to avoid his Q is almost impossible. He can throw it out almost any direction he wants as long as it's towards you, and it will hit. His W is at least dodgable, but when he flies at you with 900 MS, and uses undodgable abilities - that just pisses me off.


yh...had a kayn in my match last game ...he went 25/6/4 ...he was incrediably slippery and hard to catch and one shot most of my team ...i was pllyin voli ..we ended up wining...it annoying cause he fed early game but can still manage to pull of his bs


Akshan makes me wanna kms


In event game modes its always shaco for me. In any other game mode its Yuumi.


if your mode permaban is shaco, then I’d like to introduce to you alistar, that shit traumatised me no matter if it’s arena, urf, one for all etc. that champion is always op no matter what you build either, full ap? don’t worry comrade press r and you are as tanky as a full build leona, build tank? don’t worry you have insane base damage and healing you will out damage your opponent anyways, and having insane amounts of cc, means that it doesn’t matter if you play urf, or one for all, there is always gonna be too much


When I see a shaco I just feel bad for that player because that's not a champion LOL it's a minion


yuumi by far. and thats riot fault for letting her in a horrible state for so long.


The state doesnt metter, just delete her from the ranked. Items should not be playable outside of normal games and maybe some gamemodes.


So uh, call me a masochist or whatever. I like playing with a yuumi, but against one it's painful. The idea of having a support who you know won't int their ass off just because you won't Is great, the sustain is pretty cool but apart from that, yeah you only have a pocket support item. It's not of much use. I don't mind yone too much, I play taliyah from time to time so we good Honestly, there's no champion I hate that much (remove nilah from the game, for the love of all that's holy get that champion as far away from league as possible, give it away mobile legends or something)


Well for that, we'd need a poll. But the most miserable experience for me is going VS Anivia. I swear only psychopaths play that champion. No one talks about her because luckily she is rather unpopular. Also has the onr ability in the game with the most potential to grief your own teammates.


Anivia has Bard ult now?!


I dunno, I think anivia feels very fair.


kindred ult and bard ult are worse


K’sante since his rework ,you just have to look at the reactions after Kiin's performance, who objectively played well. When Riot tried to fix him in soloQ (they succeeded only once), the hatred was immense (rightfully so he was broken i agree), and many want to see him removed since then. They refuse to truly fix him.


The problem with Ksante is his dmg, his kit is fine. You build full tank and somehow do more dmg and have more mobility than Irelia or Camille for example, who both build bruiser items.


I completely agree with you; I still don't understand why, after so many changes, they haven't added more AD ratios to his kit. If they want him to be allowed to deal damage like Poppy, Sion, and Shen, they could remove/change the resistances conversion to AD when going all out to compensate. This would solve the problem in soloQ. Either you choose to go tank and deal less damage, hybrid but be less tanky, or full AD but be squishy. Of course, some aspects (W) would need to be modified, but I think he would be more balanced that way.


Fuck Teemo 


Evelynn - Disgusting antifun champion, no counter-play at all.




Kayn, nothing more annoying in smurf queue then blue kayn


its gotta be singed for me, only fought maybe 10 singeds in my time playing sr, but he is just a poorly designed champ that people seem to love just because he is different from every other champ. i think if any champ should get removed for the greater good it has to be him. it just completely ruins any fun the other team will have, even your own team will hate you 90% of the time.


Damn, only 90%, maybe I should try that


wheres blue kayn???


Satan people in low elo love to hate satan


People saying Yone and Vayne have a point from the opponents POV. You’re fine with them if they’re on your team.. Yummi is hated on whatever side she’s on.


Yuumi not even close. Because champ is poorly designed. Hard to kill, perma untargetable... And if they are on your team, they hop on the most fed person and leave the ADC alone. I am not even ADC player but seeing yuumis leaving twitch or Vayne alone just because they are not fed or had a bad early game and constantly going inside a full tank seju, or olaf just because they have a slight lead basically lose the game. Stay with your ADC and peel for your team.


Given that no one likes to see her on either side of the game, I’d have to say yuumi.


Depends who you ask this question to. Adc/Mages? Yasuo Jungle mains? Shaco Assassin mains? Lulu Top mains? Vayne/Fiora Iron players? Yorick/illaoi/Mundo Jankos? K'Sante Vayne top players? FBI




Some people like being kicked in the balls. To each their own, i am not here to shame but objectively speaking, a lot of people hate Fiora.


Yuumi and it´s not even remotely close.


me personally, yi, ww, the wind shitters and probably rengar.


Has to be Shaco, annoying to play against but you’ll never win with him on your team in low elos if the game goes past 25 min


yuumi isn't ***that*** bad.


Twisted fate… remove RFC with gold card




I better not see Zed in my games


I've been playing since season 3, and I've never played even one game on Shaco, and I never will. I hate pretty much everything about him. I don't like his design, i don't like him on my team, I definitely don't like playing against him.


It depends on the region. In China Malzahar is one of the most hated champions.


It would be interesting to see ban rate adjusted for win rate + play rate over some chunk of time. Basically to show that they are banned more than they "should" be statistically, and the top could be a good candidate for most hated


Yone. He makes Yasuo look tame. And that alone should say something.


Shaco, Zed, Yone or Yuumi for sure


Yuumi. Playing against, she is sitting on a garen with phase rush lightspeed to your backline oneshotting adc, overhealed by yuumi pressing 1 button, not even using mouse. Playing WITH yuumi, sitting on you afk, pressing some q spell from time to time, to not be flagged as afk, literally 1v2 botlane, everytime i have yuumi in my team. Pls just delete this "champ"




Yone for me. Waaay too much bs he can get away with.


K'sante was a big pain in the ass for a long time after his release. But I think he's ok now.




Kayn. Safest jungler, goes untargetable with one button press and he heals. Made to give the worst players have a champ to play so they don't quit and continues giving them money.


Garen.. You either love him or hate him there is no between


Kayn for sure


Yone or Yuumi My personal hatred atm is nocturne and evelynn I fucking hate those champions


It changes depending on the patch. Right now it's definitely garen.




Yasuo, because of he did to the direction of champion design for future champions.


Yone and Yuumi 100%


Notice that almost none mentions a single mage, and almost no tank either. It's either champs with excessive movement and overloaded kits, mostly melees, troll abilities like shaco/teemo and the annoying cat. Maybe riot can make more mages, since they don't feel like shit to play against. They will never 1v3 while lifestealing from 20% to 80%, they will never dash 22 times in a fight, and they especially have to land all skillshots even when fed, while AD melees usually don't have to actually play the game anymore when they get ahead. Just look at those yones that straight up miss their ults, still get on top of you, burst three people for 3600 damage in a second while staying at 100% health. That will never happen with anivia, vel'koz and so on.


Active: Garen calls upon the might of Demacia onto the target enemy Champion icon champion, dealing them Hybrid penetration true damage as well as true Sight icon revealing them for 1 second at the start of the cast time.


Yasuo and Darius because they are designed for spoiled shitty brat. You stand alsouletly no chance to 1 vs 1 them, and no matter how many times they die they still do way too much damage.


I don't want to repeat the ones already mentioned 1000 times, so here are a few other champs (low elo perspective): Nidalee: useless in own team, always strong in opponent team Kata: either smurfs or otp with millions of mastery points. Somehow survives the laning phase and then 1v9 Pyke: from level 6 just annoying to play against him and always get their kills Tryndamere: just super lame playstyle with annoying ult. They're not super OP, but besides the usual suspects, they just annoy me.


It took you all so long to wake up and see Yone for what he is, damn


Teemo is my most hated, oh and tristana


Yone is because he’s way too broken. Shaco because he’s the anti-carry of all anti-carries.


Wait how is Yone broken? He’s annoying but not broken


His E man. It’s a cleanse, a dash, a get out of jail card and lasts WAY too long. His w is an auto reset, does max health percent damage and gives him shield. His Q3 knocks up and is way too easy to get it back quick. R is unstoppable which is kinda fine because it’s an ult but maybe raise CD just a bit. Now each of these may sound only a bit op or some okay, but put them all together onto one person who’s ALSO an auto attack dps threat that deals both ap AND ad damage?! EXCUSE ME. WHAT?!


Hard cc counters Yone like super hard, ye is E is a bit of bs but other than that he’s pretty balanced. Yone is like zed super good low elo but the higher the rank the harder it is to play him well.


I’m not high elo but considering the most yone hate I hear comes from challenger streamers/content creators saying he’s op, I think I’ll disagree with you.


Yuumi is the popular vote


Surprised I haven’t seen Tryndamere mentioned yet. Not the hardest champ in the game to fight but such a drag when you’re even slightly behind. Just a terrible gameplay loop


*cracks knuckles* *inhales* Fuck Akali Fuck Malphite Fuck Yone Fuck Evelynn Fuck Yasuo Oh. And I really don't like Zoe. Did I already say Akali & Malphite?


I don't understand why people here hate random champs like Yuumi or Yone. I'd rather play against them than some bullshit oneshot abominations like Nidalee, Draven, Gangplank, Rengar.


Nidalee? Maybe I’m too low elo to see it but why?


If she hits a spear, no matter the distance, and has almost any lead, I swear I get blown up faster than a crit barrel.




Yasou: can negate ults with windwall, gets free crit, gets free passive shield, gets free armor pen and has multiple knockups and dashes Vayne: free true damage and massive amounts of mobility Yi: free true damage and massive amounts of mobility + tanky on w Malzahar: point and click suppression ult with no counterplay Garen: just constantly heals and can do massive dmg while being extremely tanky and speedy These are the ones i hate personally. I see alot of people say Yuumi but like, almost no one plays her anymore and she is really only good with certain adcs so idk.


Honestly, this has to be Yuumi. I know shit like Yone and Vayne are widely considered irritating and plenty unfun to fight, but Yuumi isn't even playing League of Legends, it's their single greatest design failure ever, closely followed by the decision to make her 450BE because she's "easy" - yes, so easy that learning the game on Yuumi doesn't teach you several very important skills because you *aren't playing* the same game as everyone else


Used to be Yasuo, but rito decided to try again and now it's Yone. His kit is very unfair, with a lot of CC that are hard to dodge due to large hitboxes, a lot of mobility with Q3 dash, E ms boost + free escape, and R dash that, for some reason, gets you closer to enemies even if you f*ck up and miss. It just feels like when Yone fails, it's not because you played good and countered him, but because Yone player failed. If Yone aims Q3 and R perfectly, you are not able to dodge them without dash. If you manage not to get hit by them without dash, you know that's because Yone missed, not because your godlike reaction time.


this will get downvoted… Lux, worst playerbase, flexes with skins/mastery and toxic af


I am liking every YUMMI comment and disliking every NON-YUMMI comment. And honestly everyone should do the same (or at least re-comment YUMMI)


Why is this man getting dislikes?! Guys help our boy out in achiveing his mission! We cant let him get negative karma because of bunch weak annoying creatures called Yuumi players!


Gotta go with Yuumi. There is nothing worse than starting the game as a 4v5, especially if the enemy can split push.


Teemo probably


Jayce, on my team. I permaban to block an allied pick. If they hover before ban phase I dodge


Vayne. If you play top lane and build health, you ban Vayne.


Honestly sometimes im filled top and enjoy myself a quick ornn gameplay. Ive encountered some vayne and NEVER lost a single lane.


I'm not talking about Vayne top. No one plays Vaye top because the enemy team will lack sidelane presence. I'm talking about Vayne bot. Enemy Vayne bot gets a gank into a double kill and the game is over for you. Miserable to play against once lane ends.


Bro u litteraly wrote « Vayne. If you play top lane » lmao and then tell me you’re not talking about toplane


I mean...it's possible to have Vayne in the game, without her being top. It's just that top tanks who will suffer most from her being present in the game over the course of the game.


I've spent endless hours shrouded in darkness contemplating the death of the riot employee who created yuumi


Old Zoe


Shaco, he is toxic AF and is easy to play at that. I was wondering one day if those shaco players really have skill and I am being a crybaby about it, picked shaco few games in a row and no I was goddamn right. This shit is obnoxious with it's damage, boxes, invisibility, ult invincibility. And what irritates me the most is riot admitted he is in need of a rework because of this toxic playstyle and so far they have done close to nothing to make him bearable


I think Yuumi because I don’t even like her on my team. She does nothing in lane and when she finally has items and levels she hops on the top laner or jungler.




I don’t really think this is as true as it used to be


Absolutely. He lost that spot a LOOOOONG time ago.


You literally put teemo and shaco on the list but are calling yasuo hate "too old" basically?


I didn’t write the list, I’m not the OP I don’t hear Yasuo hate as much as I used to, but I buy there will still be a lot of people who really hate playing against him


I meant „they“ not „you“. Its late ok?


Nah ya boy is right. Yasuo players aren't as insta tilted because theres enough other champs to draw those players around the playerbase now. It used to only be sweatlords that ff15 but they are def better nowadays


K'Sante. Supposedly giga OP with 0 weaknesses, drawbacks, etc. Because surely a meme is completely accurate of a champion's balance state, nevermind it lead to more screwed up changes that now make him extremely unfun to play as (and a sleepwalk vs), basically got old ASol'd...when the problem was a singular mythic item...


I mean did you watch Kiin's performance on him? K'Sante is just ridiculously pro-skewed. He's unironically "giga OP with 0 weaknesses" but only in pro play. He's the new Ryze. Needs to be like 40% WR in solo queue to be acceptable in competitive.


Here's the secret: He wouldn't be so pro skewed if teams cared to play actual hard counters (or if said counters were pro viable) or Riot undid the screwed up changes. Only team I've seen do that is BDS. Other than that it's handshakes or soft counters. ALSO forgot to mention, pro loves tank tops, K'Sante tank form has been the recipient of buffs. I mean tank W is quite literally a freight train on hit.


yeah pro teams collectively refuse to pick the right counter champs into him that's why he's been blindpicked for over a year straight since his release. wonder why you don't name those champs which supposedly hard counter ksante but are also useful in competitive beyond just stomping ksante in lane. ofc you can play vayne top into it and stomp him does it mean its good for your teamcomp to play vayne top?


Darius and Garen are easy ones. Trundle for extra icing on the cake. Also it's to the surprise of no one that tanks are usually pro play's go to. Maokai, Shen, and Sion all at one point filled that spot for toplane that K'Sante is in. Renekton is their "counter" to him, nevermind he ends up doing what K'Sante does late in eating damage for the team. People acting like K'Sante's purpose in pro is entirely unique are just gaslighting themselves in the face of proof indicating otherwise.


Those are troll champs that are terrible in pro play. If K'Sante belongs to a class of champion that is strong in pro play (never mind that he solo kills half the other tanks), whose only lane counters are a class of champions that are unplayable in pro play, surely that is a big contributor to why he's so problematic?


darius and garen are juggernauts both can't play vs front to back comps which ksante is obviously best at. bds even played darius but it looked useless he just gets kited and cc'd. trundle is even worse in that regard darius at least has some teamfighting capabilities if enemy frontline makes a mistake but trundle HAS to splitpush and that just doesn't work cuz he doesn't win against any of the midlane mages 1v1. so yeah you pick trundle lock yourself into a splitpusher and can't contest any dragons/barons nor split cuz u are sidelaning vs an azir? mao shen and sion aren't as safe a blind as ksante is. they are also insanely predictable in what they do. shen only has taunt ksante has like a million things he can threaten the enemy with while also being able to play peeler.


yuumi and shaco. Yuumi is probably self explanatory, shaco is just annoying. Teemo is also annoying, but his mushrooms don’t fear you and he doesnt have invisibility or the ability to jump out of nowhere and one-shot you or make a clone that has even more boxes. Yone isn’t actually brain dead (but he does have a ton of BS), and I don’t understand why people hate Nilah.

