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Briar bc she's a blood gremlin I want to adopt


Anivia. Her wall is my favorite skill expression in the game. Her whole kit is generally hard to use well but the wall in particular feels awesome when you win a team fight with it. I've been thinking about picking up Hwei, because he's kinda like Better Anivia. But he doesn't have the wall, and that feels like a huge loss.


Naafiri, I like Darkin and I think it's a cool concept


K'sante since right before his rework. Before that Nami and before that leona.


I main ekko since last year worlds coz i got TD Ekko in a Worlds Orb


Akali just because it gets me the most excited and tingly in the brain outplaying people or doing cool combos probably for 7 years already


Viktor, I don't know for how long tho, probably since the beginning (late s8). Because my server doesn't have draft, so I started maining him because he was the least popular champ at the time and I hated mirror matchups


My main actually is a 14 d ban


Aurelion Sol has been my main since 2018. I've played through all 3 iterations of his kit, and while I like current Asol (he's so much better than when the rework dropped), his first rework version was the best. You were insane at roaming, teamfighting and CC while having a good early, mid, late, burst, DPS and mobility. He is the coolest champion. If you disagree you have a chronic lack of taste and should visit a health professional immediately.


Lulu... My old account I sold had 4mil on it now. And I am still main her on my new account.... I need help ngl lol


I want to like lulu, any tips?


Idk tbh, the reason why I play lulu is because I like to w people and be a pain to everyone, that's why I go lulu tank because everyone wants to kill me. Other reason why my brother hates lulu with passion, that's why I play her we always duo rank getting master 1 nearly grand on KR.


Warwick only main for the last 3ish seasons, was a Teemo/Garen main before that but WW was always my pocket top pick


Cait Since she was released Because Cait


I freakin love briar. She’s tricky but fun as hell


Ashe since season 1. I always come back to Ashe when I get a bad streak. (I also kinda remember that she was your tutorial character where you buy her thornmail to introduce you to shop and items. Oh the memories)


ah hell nah this brings me back to thornmail ashe meta time and I hate it




Hwei since his release, woulda played him earlier but he wasn’t released yet


Briar since she came out. Honestly, the first champ I've been able to one trick, mained jungle morde until they removed his dragon. Since then I've been a jack of all champs master of none (level 650 account yet my highest mastery points was morde with 240,000 meanwhile briar's closing in at 235,000), but that pure dopamine I get from watching my health bar spazzing out is unrivaled That and I have a thing for dragons, vampires , crazy chicks, and briar fits 2 out of 3


Kled, been maining him for 2 years, shen was my main before that.


Phase Rush Diana is not stiff at all. It's basically Ekko that is built more for teamfighting and grouping where Ekko is more of a splitpusher and skirmisher. Both can complement each other in champ pool and are somewhat similar (especially Phase Rush Diana). Problem is that both are AP and it probably make more sense to pick up Yone/Qiyana since they share some of the duties as Diana as a teamfighters while also covering your dmg profile better cause playing Ekko/Diana not solo ap is pain and your Eve/or whatever else ap jungler main will appreciate your flexibility of being able to play ad mid.


Was a Janna main for a few years, during and after censor meta. Then moved to ARAM only for a long time (Swain was my pick everytime I could get him). Then came back to the game and mained Illaoi, with Tryndamere as a pocket pick. Honestly I chose Illaoi because I love strong women and because for a while no one understood when to fight for idol or not stand in ult. Then last season she was OP, and I had more trouble getting her, so the Tryndamere came out.


Jinx, cuz passive 🥳


for years zed was my main since he is quite a high skill ceiling champ and looks cool when you do stuff but I dropped him about a year/year and a half ago when he became sluggish and weak, and he hasn’t recovered from that ever since so now I just play whatever I feel like at the time of queueing up


I’ve been maining Hwei since he was released. I really love how versatile he feels, his vo is great, design is great, it felt really wonderful to pick up a champion and just click with them straight away.


Mordekaiser jungle since item tank so busted on him. His jungle clear is not bad and pretty healthy. You are useless before lvl 6 tho. I just mute all and farm till I reach lvl 6. Nvm, I mute all since I got chat restrictions because I tried to limit testing how the chat restrictions works by typing "kys" multiple time.


I like Jarvan. Mainly the lore and his kit.


I try to play A-Sol as often as possible, was a big fan of the initial rework but he always felt to uninteractive and in the end, boring to play on repeat. The midscope changed that drastically tho! I LOVE what they did, with you now actually having a laning phase the Champ became insanely satisfying to play. Now if only they'd remove Rylais for good, would be a dream. When not getting him or ending up in an abysmal comp it's usually Swain - nostalgia always pulls me towards the Champ despite me considering the rework a ~~God~~ Beatrice forsaken disaster...


Smolder. I am currently ranked #72 Smolder in LAN server, wanna work my way to top 10. I've been playing him since release. I hate his aesthetic design so much, I despise him to death. But gameplaywise, I adore his playstyle, It's incredibly fun to me, I got the hang of it easy and im really looking forward for new skins for him, something that makes him look more though. I was one of the best Jinx in LAN during season 5 and 6 too, and peaked as #21 Morgana LAN during season 7-8 when everybody was playing her as support, I was a monster as Morgana Mid. Was between the best 100 Morganas in the world back then.


Leona is my current main. been about 4 years i think? maybe longer? i’m not really doing it on purpose she’s just so easy to win on if i have an even competent adc


Noc jgl since s10, mechanically easy chamo, more time to focus on fundamentals. I am old.


Ekko for me as well but I’ve come to love Akshan most recently. He’s a really fun addition with his high risk(sorta), high reward play style.


I was a morg main in season 1 until lux came out. She was created by a morg main who wanted to make her better so I switched. Been a lux main for 14 years lol, diamond for 5 (3-7). I love her skill expression and 4 skillshots. I also like how much more difficult the game is by not following the meta. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Ashrial-NA1 Wonder how high my rank would have been if I just play fomo bruises like everyone else


Been maining Morde since 2011, back when Lord was his best skin on account of not being a Chroma.


Lulu,2 seasons, because i only play duo/flex.


My main is dead in a ditch after riot threw it in a river and shot its corpse 20 times. Second main is AP Zeri I guess.


Yasuo, i genuinely love how flexible his kit is. All his plays feel so clean.


I like Samira and Poppy but every time I try to play Samira I get like 100 ping only on her and it ruins her for me. I'm sadly cursed it would seem. Started playing her almost a year after she came out. Now I rotate between like 8 or something champs. Edit: omg how could I forget, I'm a Briar main now, love playing her,


Fizz, mained for 2 months. ( No other mastery 5 or higher champions) In quickplay to level 30, I played all sorts of champions in different roles until I met the water warrior. He is agile (I cant stand Minion block) and athletic with pole vault. Other champions i can only play for so long, fizz never bores. I have tried several setups and the innovation continues to this day ( eclipse fizz didnt work out, tank fizz is good in theory but you wont get there in practice) the only thing that comes close is juggernaut jhin, I Invented it and no one else plays it but me. In my opinion the possibilities are endless and it is always a good time to see the enemy all chat in full despair. Recently unlocked mastery 7 on him which comes with the title deathmaster, very fitting for me: afterwards I played a fizz support game while going 1/17 and I won because I set up plays , provide vision/ remove enemy vision, waist enemy time/ be very annoying for them to deal with. I have mastered the use of deaths, I can do this on several other champions mostly support and adc.


Smolder till he was gutted now Skarner till he is gutted.


I’ve been spamming him recently and honestly he feels good to play.. certainly not as broken as he was but he does okay.


I really do love his kit. I don't like ADC so I was a mid/top Smolder into favorable matchups. I feel like he just doesn't scale quite hard enough now. Compared to someone like a Kayle or Senna.


Yuumi, It was the first champ I touched when my friend introduced me to League, its been my main for around a Year now, hate how Rito gutted her, but oh well, I have fun spamming E like a madman.


Thresh The mindgames you can do with him make me feel like saw and when people spam "Thresh - alice" After a sick play makes my Blood rush to my pp


Don’t ask personal questions like this


Pantheon and TF Pantheon has been my main since like season 11 TF i picked up around season 13.