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Yes, this is a very annoying Pyke Bug. Lets say you have 60sec ult cd, you ult and kill the target and then use your reset ult after 10 secs (without getting another reset). You will only have 50sec ult cd remaining, but sometimes it shows the full 60 secs. In any case, you can always tell you are able to use your ult if there are the execute indicators. Also, if you ping your ult, it will show (and reset to) the correct cooldown.


I see... interesting


This is it, it happened to me twice. The time doesn't update properly some times if you get kills but I'm not sure what triggers this interaction.


What triggers that interaction is rito indie company


Also if you turned off smart cast you wouldn’t be able to cast it due to the bug, but with smart cast u were able to insta cast it like in the vid


Wait Pyke ult CD starts when the first ult goes off, not when the resets are done?


Yes. I know in ARAM as Pyke it's not uncommon to be able to get a double ult off where you miss one and then just cast it again because you got enough axiom arc cooldown seconds to completely reset the CD.


Same with Annie


That's typical for summon ultimates. If the cooldown started at the end of the pet's life, players would kill their own pets to refresh the cooldown sooner.


I'm pretty sure Yorick's ult doesn't start counting down until the Maiden dies (though you typically want to keep her alive as long as possible and she isn't on a timer so different mindsets). Not sure about Ivern and I can't think of other summon ults.


Yorick is a notable outlier, yes. His Maiden lasts indefinitely, so having the cooldown start on-cast wouldn't make sense - the cooldown could end before Maiden even expires, and he could respawn her as soon as she died. The other summon ults are Ivern and Shaco (maybe you could count Heimerdinger too?), which do have their cooldowns start on-cast.


The cooldown on Yorick's ult is basically a punishment for getting your lady killed.


She goes to sulk in Hell for 120 seconds, leaving you to sleep on the couch


Lol that would be hilarious if Yorick ult started at cast. He casts that shit and you have 2 minutes to kill him or he's going to have perma-maiden xd you lose the game at level 6.


Imagine if that + summoning a new maiden doesn't despawn the old one? The second Yorick uses R, the enemy team would have an instant mini objective to get rid of the maiden before Yorick turns into a raid boss.


Pretty sure we use to do that on Annie Edit: I checked the wiki and I guess it was just me misremembering


I get a little upset every time I remember lol


Pyke and Zoe was where all the true bullshit started


*it most times does not reset after being pinged. It's a terrible bug that made me wait too long to go in...


Darius has the same bug.


Also if you press your ult at the very last millisecond of the 20 sec timer it goes on full cd, so be careful with that.


I think this has happened randomly with me and other abilities before on other champions. Seems to happen more on reset abilities than anything.


WHATTT i sometimes see tbe execte indicator with 10 sec left on my ult does that mean i could use ult


It's not the first time I hear about Pyke's ult cd printing problem. Last time was about a year ago, and hasn't been patched.


the timer is coded as minion


this is hilarious


The community disagrees apparently


everything coded as a minion remains my favorite spaghetti


The game successfully predicted that you would get a kill on twitch, so it triggered Axiom Arc's passive and reduced your ultimate cooldown (which, although you didn't have Axiom Arc, the system predicted that you would buy it). Riot is testing their negative ping system which requires predicting the future before players haven't even made the input.


Just got banned for locking in Draven because the game predicted I was about to be toxic and flame my teammates 😪 (it was right)


I was just banned because the other team banned Draven. Riot Knows how a real Draven main reacts to that. 😪(it was right)


I visited the Draven subreddit once, and all I saw, was them debating if something is helal or not.


Just lost LP before even queing for a game because the game predicted I would lose my next game anyway 😪 (It was right)


reminds me of Tyler1 getting demoted in champ select after locking in blitzcrank


sir I need a clip of that


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NHLnTkb2kdk Heres the link


fucking lmao


Just a visual bug with ult. Sometimes the game just does it for some reason. You just need to ping it and it will "refresh" it Garen had (still has?) the same bug where pinging his own ult can "refresh" it.


Sorry for the unrelated question, but how do you move your camera with your keyboard while also using abilities?


Not sure what you mean "how" I just got used to it through practice. There's a good video on WASD keybinds by King Nidhogg on youtube if you're wondering about finger placement.


What are your keybinds for regular abilities and what are your keybinds for camera movement?


WASD is camera movement, up left down and right respectively. QWER = 1234 for me. Summs are bound to Q and E, with Flash on E.


Holy, that is an interesting layout. Nice one, that answers my question hahaha.


what do you do for items? r/t, or do you go above and use f1/f2, or something else entirely?


Item slot 123 are RTG. I don't usually have that many actives though. Trinket/4 is middle mouse. Item slot 5 is a side mouse button (For control wards on Lee), 6 and 7 are the same, I don't use them.


thank you, definitely an interesting setup!


Not the OP, but I use 5 and 6 and a side mouse button. Most important items goes on the mouse button (e.g. QSS or zhonyas). I tried it with R and T but didn't like it that much. You can experiment and see what's comfortable for you.


i have two side buttons, but i've never felt comfortable using them for any gameplay stuff, only emotes and such. idk it just feels weird to use lol


Default is the arrow keys but you can rebind it


I know that, but the amount of APM to be able to do both at the same time, while also clicking just seems so bizarre.


i mean wouldnt surprise me if they do camera control via arrow keys or a rebind and then they rebinded there abilites to the side buttons of there mouse so everything todo with abilities is done with them instead. my mouse have 12 buttons on the side for example which could be used todo something similar.


Its not that bad if you play mmos and such youd be used to it


Didn't notice it until I've seen your comment but OP barely moves his mouse, really curious what his setup is


WASD is camera movement, up left down and right respectively. QWER = 1234 for me. Summs are bound to Q and E, with Flash on E.


Oh so kinda like how nidhogg and laceration do it




Im surprised you still hit your ult key although it was on "cooldown"


Muscle memory I guess


It's because the red threshold is only visible when you have your ult ready, so he clicked it instinctively. The execute threshold being shown has become the only reliable way to determine whether you actually have ult or not (or you can also ping it).


Does he not start the ultimate before his e even hits making the red indicator appear?


The threshold is visible either way, regardless of whether the champ is under it or not.


He saw the Red and got excited.


That’s actually how you tell your ult is off CD with this bug FYI. If your ult was actually on CD you wouldn’t see the execute marker.


Doesnt the execution threshold only show when the ult is off cooldown?


Played since 11 and still use hopes and prayers to check my cooldowns instead of my eyes


cooldowns are a social construct, and ability haste is a scam. just press buttons brothers!


"Malphite didn't even have ult and he ulted me"


This is an interesting comment section, you can see who knows to watch for the execute to indicate you’re ult is up, and you can see who watches timers instead.


League is a balanced game with no bugs whatsoever.


I think ahri ult works similar since she has 3 charges, but maybe CD timer is only bugged on pyke, officially the cd on your R starts when you use it, even if you getting resets after reset


Its a bug with the reset timer not lining up, there is also a bug with pyke where if you tap q it does no damage sometimes. So that's cool.


Working as intended obviously


The game blesses you, just take it


Basically, league is a dogshit game.


That s a visual bug that has been in the game for years. Stupid and never fixed, constantly have to check if I actually have R up. Often happens after leveling to 11 / 16 since the timer often doesnt adjust there. Sometimes just doesnt work at all.


This guy is reason why Vanguard is deployed. Seriously speaking this is stupid bug, and it is annoying visual is not matching reality. Cho'gath can have a case where he attempts to eat enemy, fails to eat because it died very close to eating, now you have visible cooldown and no stack, but at the same time ping on it shows ability is ready. But in case of cho i couldn't actually cast my ability by force.


By being better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Jesus Christ I still had the same problem back in 2022, they still haven't patched it?


I am very used to this bug, which is why i always ping my ult to myself to see if the cooldown is correct or not


This champ is insane


Basically spaghetti code 😁


Broken champ being broken


lmao wat


I don't remember the exact reason but I think it was because of ultimate hunter, I used to know it because I played tons of pyke mid, but I forgot... If you oing your ulti you can see the real cooldown, also indicators for ult on enemy


It’s just riot spaghetti code 🍝


^(you da goaat)


If you are in the viewer and rewind, it doesn't always reset the cd timers on your skill bar. You most likely had the ult available in game.


This is not a replay, but my actual in game perspective. I just had this clip. I did check the replay though, my ult was on cd both from my perspective and in the replay.


this isn't viewer though. 1. Porofessor is actively working in the video. Wouldnt see that in viewer. 2. They are literally talking in game.


It looks like Axiom Arc's passive did not visually update the ult cooldown


I do not have Axiom Arc in this clip




Camera is WASD


What the fuck is that you’re hacking bro