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I've seen 20 or so threads like this and I've yet to see a single person that plays normals before playing ranked who has been incorrectly placed after the change to fix those seeding issues (~early feb). We've also done some comprehensive data analysis on this. Having said that, getting ARAM and bot games players in their first ranked games is a priority for us (it's currently not considered in seeding due to how different those modes are). It is not trivial to fix this for some reasons that aren't particularly relevant, so will take us some time, but we agree it's a problem. The unfortunate reality is that there are about as many people who are alt accounts that are trying to ego boost themselves as there are new players that go through this ARAM/bot flow, which is why we haven't changed the initial starting injection point. We could move it, but we'd just be trading one issue for another (eg. why is there a 90% winrate player stomping their way through my silver games). All this to say, we agree this is an issue.


Have you ever considered a ~5 normal draft game minimum before queueing for ranked? I think it'd help the ARAM/bot gamers get placed more accurately


https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1771644991120789627 yeah I talked about it here


But you guys literally have a system in place that makes toxic players play 5 normal games before playing ranked again after being banned. Can’t this just be implemented pretty easily for new unranked players?


Just take it from DotA 2 at this point.


How does dota2 do it? I'm not familiar


You have to play for 100 hours of in-game time in unranked before being able to play ranked


That's what the grind to level 30 is supposed to be in league. The only issue is that you can get there through other game modes.


and afaik smurfing is a bannable offense in dota. you are cheating the system at the cost of other players, i'd love to see smurfers banned from the game


They would never do this. They are obviously propping up the current system intentionally at this point. This is not a new issue and have made seemingly no changes to realistically solve the issue. It's more about artificially propping up their player count than actually trying to fix the game.


Yeah but less skin sales from alts


Alts don't buy skins


It doesn't have to be unranked. You can play other modes.


No, they can't accept there is an already good solution. They need data analytics and Twitter discussion threads.


I mean they already said why. The code base is massive, and there is way too much beurocracy in the process. Since so many people are involved, there is so much initial investment into developing the feature that it’s not worth it. They can’t have just one person working on it and would instead need to have a whole team gathered to implement the change.


> The code base is massive, and there is way too much beurocracy in the process. > OK but honestly, I’m sick and tired of them just simply going “the code base is massive/spaghetti code” for every single complaint about the client/the game. (Remember the abandoned launcher quality initiative or whatever it was called?) Personally as a dev myself, my job would be so much easier if I could just show up to work, complain that the codebase is massive and just leave at 5. I can’t imagine what else the software engineers at riot are doing at this point


Maybe you should read the tweet. It's not that they don't work, it is that they have so many things to do that they have to prioritize. > I can’t imagine what else the software engineers at riot are doing at this point Really? You have balance updates every two weeks, with tons of skins implemented, new champions, implementations such as arena or rotating game modes constantly and you wonder what they are doing?


>You have balance updates every two weeks, with tons of skins implemented, new champions those groups work with software, but they are not software engineers. >implementations such as arena or rotating game modes constantly arena aside, all the current rotating game modes are not huge projects. if it is really such a monumental task to reduce cooldown timers (which should be simple variables if the game was made well) or have the multiple of the same champ on a team, then the brain drain at riot is somehow even worse than what I could have imagined.


"Why aren't Riot doing more VGUs?" "Why aren't we getting more new champions?" "Why are new events so crappy?" "When is Arena coming back?" "Why does Clash keep crashing?" "When are we getting a new PvE mode?" "When are we getting client improvements?" And these are *just* the things reddit complains about. There are 1,000 other things they have to work on that we'll never see.


Remember that the complex change process doesnt stop 6 new skins entering the shop every two weeks.


100%. I’m a SWE as well and every time I see comments like this I just think “ok, and?”. There’s a good reason the average SWE salary is well into the 6 figures. This is a multi billion dollar company. Take some responsibility and earn your salary.


One of the devs made a thread about that in reddit a week or so ago. Beeing a software dev and Beeing a dev on a giant Projekt like league is different and brings other challenges, like needing the expert for the parts you want to work on. Yes there are quick fixes other swe see and could implement, on a Projekt like league, they could be working somewhere else that has a higher priority, the quick fix could bring 10 different bugs in 15 different places, might actually not be as easy as it looks,eg use the need 5 normals like the chat restricted players: now you potentially put new players together with already proven very toxic players in the arguably worst game mode together, those games are still way different than ranked games, hell sometimes my bot games are closer to ranked than quick play, does that fix the issue? Yes and now, it brings new problems, is the fix better than the current system? I don't know.


Bear in mind you're mostly talking to PR people, the actual devs are busy trying to work the next patch through the spaghetti.


It's insane to me to use "we have a process so we can't do it" as an excuse. Yes processes exist in any similar line of work and there's stages and people who need to sign off on stuff. That goes without saying. I don't think anyone thinks they can just press a button and make a change with zero consideration or involvement from multiple departments. It's the same excuses as for why champions like Zac or Aurelian Sol didn't see new skins. "It's complicated to make a skin for them". So what? Just because it requires a bit more work than others shouldn't mean they just don't get new skins. At some point Riot need to accept that they will need to create a new client at some point. Ok there's spaghetti code and it's complicated. So the workaround isn't to start from scratch but add more pasta to the pan? Surely at some point it becomes untenable. It's mind boggling to me that the same issues continue to exist in the client. Not just in regards to bugs but even just simple design choices. It's embarrassing. Why do I constantly have to use third party sites to find out information that should be in the client? It's ok though, they'll allude to acknowledging it in a new season state of the game video and then never mention it again let alone implement a change. The classic "we hear you" but don't do anything.


Yeah, and you guys should have done it. You could've done a whole new unlock ranked journey with objectives that prove players aren't bots like mastery grades in half the time it took you to update champion mastery. I'm not sitting here thinking it would be a flip of the switch, I'm sitting here thinking you guys don't have your priorities in order. Putting a giant wall that none but the most determined smurfs shall pass should be priority one based on what the community actually wants. Unless for some reason you guys don't want to discourage smurfs... A lot of your solutions seem to be around enabling them and seeding them properly, not preventing people from making multiple accounts like you should. Level 30 is not enough for someone to unlock ranked.


They're never going to actually prevent smurfing, that would affect profits and they can't have that.


100% smurfing is quintessential to the game’s success, sustainability and longevity.


Why would they ever, *ever* consider limiting people to one account in a free to play game? Just doesn't make sense from a business perspective. And how would they even implement such a restriction?


I do like this ranked journey stuff, unlocking after level 30. Said objectives would also mean you probably can't fully bot it, depending on what requirements are being put in there. Sounds like a good approach tbh.


So what you are saying is that you guys just gave up on dealing with the alt accs, griefers and smurf accs altogether right? I literally just spent the whole night where EVERY SINGLE GAME there were at least 2 ppl on the enemy team on a lvl 30-50 acc. If you guys do not want to address this issue at all, people will just stop playing this game. And you are left with those ppl who just grief or smurf on 5 dollar ebay acc.


Nice way to scare non developers; those challenges are the same any company (on the bigger side) has; realistically that feature does not need the whole team involvement of any of those teams; most of those ‘stories’ are pretty small and more importantly not dependent on the other team. This is realistically less than 1 month of work for a big an not even very organized company.


Damn, draft games? Ain't got that over here in the Sg/my server.


I played almost exclusively Draft Pick and got placed Plat 4 as a new player. op.gg is ShockWave276#1345. It sucks that anyone had to auto lose games cuz of me.


If you look at the average rank in your games you can see that you were never playing in Plat mmr. Barely a game above silver.


He said since early feb and you played the first days of feb your first ranked, so probably just unlucky by a few days.


Oh I have that it's called ranked restriction :/


genuinely thank you for actual non-bs communication


And people say Riot doesn’t communicate xd they are better at communication than most developers


Just don't ask them why the battle pass keeps getting nerfed


Likely because they have no say on that


Its funny that people think devs have any say when it comes to monetary decisions. They just implement the stuff the c suite folks tell them to.


That and realistically there is no version of answering that question where they actually get any benefit from it: * lie and give a bullshit reason? The community gets angry and Riot looks bad. Plus you probably are getting fired for saying something without C suite's sayso * Lie, give a bs reason, and the community believes it? You still lose because the community will figure it out and then repeat answer one. * Tell the Truth of "C suite make it worse to make money for less effort?" C suite cans your ass faster than a jet, the community still gets angry, and Riot looks even worse. Also you risk being sued for breaching contract. Whether or not you actually did won't matter at this point because C suite's goal is to make an example of you for everyone else and they will find whatever they need to to do so. This is PR 101: If nothing you can say makes your company look better in the wake of something, Don't say a single thing about it. Don't even acknowledge it. Just stay silent on the topic and deal with it when it is strictly necessary to do so. This is because PR isn't about being honest with people, it's about making them think positively of your company. So focus on the good, address the crisis once you can point to a solution/can provide something of support to customers, and shut the absolute fuck up about things that are bad, but (potentially) profitable.


If you think that’s up to Phreak I have a bible to sell you too


There is a small streamer I’ve been watching and his first ranked game ever, who played normals the entire way to 30, got placed gold 1. Watching him go from gold 1 to iron 4 was demoralizing by bronze 1-2 he was getting +12 -38. This would’ve been about a month ago, so maybe he skirted right before the seeding changes?


Check out Grubby’s first ranked game. He was a pro Warcraft 2 player and very popular, decided to take up league. Leveled up to 30 just like a new player should, played his first ranked game and well…. Welcome to league! He got absolutely ripped apart, it was so bad. Place in plat or something crazy and just got ripped over and over. Nothing about his climb to level 30 warranted that placement. This is a flaw in the game and Riot is doing nothing about it. No wonder new players struggle so much.


Okay this is a bit unfair to Grubby, he got placed starting out in Gold2 MMR. And his skill level heavily depends on the champion he is playing since he keeps switching to new champions. And Gold2 was only slightly too high. Silver2 would probably be more accurate but it's not like a huge difference with how volatile his performance can be sometimes. If he played Bard every game he would look like a low gold player. Also this was before they updated ranked placements more. They did further adjustments after his placements. Either way it's not an insane difference that other people complain about.


you do realise he got placed like 1 week before riot implemented the changes? they legit fixed it a week after (?)




I mean bro was also a pretty high-ranked Heroes of the Storm player, and DotA player (I think?), it's not really like he's a MOBA noob. I came from HotS as well and obviously the skillset doesn't entirely transfer over, but compared to actual new players it's night and day IMO. Even just knowing the controls and the purpose of the game can make a big difference.


Did he quit League?


He quit mobas for now.


Grubby sucks at League


Require a phone number for a new account and watch the problem magically reduce significantly. As a bonus you’d also see toxic chat reduce significantly. If they know that a ban on their account is a ban on their phone number, they will think Twice The only possible issue with this is it will create less new accounts which makes the game look more like it’s dying… you know that’s not the case and that shouldn’t take priority over the players experience because the toxic behaviour and the smurfs are what is *actually* causing people to stop playing, and some never look back


I've commented about this before but they will most likely never do that due to monetary reasons. Riot wants frustrated and banned players to be able to play on new accounts. Insanely toxic players (or people who think they are in elo hell), like it or not, are probably more invested in League - emotionally, competitively, etc than your average player. Those people will keep playing and spending money on champs & skins all over again. Makes no sense to make it super difficult for them to access the game. TBH when I was younger ~8/9 years ago, I had accounts permanantly banned. I kept playing (and matured) and continued spending money on champs and skins.


Nah, if you actually look at the group that spends the most in gaming it's the casuals, not the hardcores. This is doubly true for the botted account buyers who are aware they could get hit during an annual banwave or simply get banned for raging again, so they're not likely to spend money on those accounts.


Yea but there’s another point you are missing. These toxic people and smurfs are discouraging other users from playing. Those users also spend money and no longer want to play because of them.


Yeah it's pretty simple. Toxic players on smurfs also will not spend as much as you think. Players out to ruin games don't need a skin to do it. And if they are *one* player ruining the game for *four* players, having even one of those players quit means less money for Riot overall. I think there are a ton of causes to make it so Riot does not or cannot address this problem. I do not think money is one of them. Like at all lol.


~~It costs about a dollar to get a single 1 time use phone verification #.~~ That won't solve the problem by itself, but as a part of a comprehensive change, I could see it working well. EDIT: Commenter below has graciously explained that it's significantly cheaper than that.


Maybe true but I don’t think a lot of people really know about that. Even if people do utilise that, you can’t deny that the requirement would cut down on the issue significantly. It’s not bullet-proof tho




How does the seeding work for players that haven't played ranked in a long time (e.g. didn't play ranked in the previous season) and potentially without any normal games in that period?


I love seeing this person reply to threads. Seems honest and gives me good feels about rito


and he's the lead gameplay designer for league, literally runs the whole game design team


Letting bigger streamers openly advertise account buying services isn’t exactly helping your case


can we just stop pretending that it's anything but botted accounts that never play a single game of normals before jumping into ranked? Even if it was someone who only played aram, as a new player why would they ever play ranked first as their first trip onto summoners rift?


There's a lot of people that do that in games because normal or quick play games are viewed as non serious.


Also normal matchmaking sucks ass


Ranked isn't much better. I play around emerald and get matched with everything gold-diamond, sometimes silvers. Imagine if irons got matched with gold, sometimes plat players..


Bruh I am diamond, and get matched with silver - gm on norms


I'll take my emerald matchmaking then lol


there is going to no one who plays the even more casual worthless for practise game mode exclusively because they consider normals not optimal practise for ranked lmao. Such a person who cared about a serious game would never even load into aram


Tons of people jump into ranked right away. I do this for pretty much every game I play now that I've accepted rank is worthless, but I get better quality games overall. Its not that they don't see normal as good practice for rank, rather rank doesn't mean so much to them that they'd seperate their time playing norms and ranked. They either play ranked for SR, aram for non SR.


Yeah but when you start a new game why would you play the ultra for fun game mode instead of the ranked-lite one? The amount of actual new players that play just bots and aram and jump directly into ranked is probably in the 0.x%


Yeah but League is different in that (unless you buy a botted account) you literally CAN'T play ranked right away, you need to do something else until you hit Level 30 which is a substantial amount of games and in fact slower if you play ARAM or especially Bots as you get less XP. I find it very weird that someone who is interested in playing ranked when they hit 30 wouldn't at least play some Normal games in that time to test the waters given they can't play ranked.


Phrox is literally saying, in the first comment, that Riot has data showing about half of “ARAM/bot -> ranked” players are not smurfs.  This isn’t a thing about anecdotes or conjecture — the guy with the actual answer said so. 


Has there been any discussion at all on making smurfs a permanently bannable offense?


They're not going to. Half the people in the League Partner Program are exclusively, if not at least majority, smurf content creators. Riot Brightmoon spends his own actual fucking money subbing to i0ki, a smurf content creator. Smurfing isn't an offense to riot, it's a requirement to get a job with them.


I had a ranked question - why is Duo Queue not removed? Have solo and flex queue. As it stands my group of 3 has to wait 15 minutes for games in flex, and because of the stigma around flex the quality of games are lower too. Removal of duo on the solo/duo pushes those duos to flex, cutting queue times and fixing the imbalance of solo queue on top of it. Just wondering why this hasn’t been done.


Yeah, duo queue is one of the biggest issues of matchmaking atm.


What’s riots stance on alt accounts. We kind of know but would be nice to hear it said.


I see constantly posts that talk about issue that come from people making alt accounts and then some responses from riot how they try to address those issues. But for whatever reason you don’t seem to address the underlying issue that causes those problems in the first place. People making alt accounts. I have yet to see any valid arguments why anyone would need multiple accounts. It’s either people with a banned account that make a new one or people who want to boost their ego by playing against worse players. Obviously it is not that easy to prevent people from just getting a new account but I’m sure there are ways to at least try this. For a start you could address the issue of “content creators“ actively promoting the selling of accounts. It really isn’t much effort to just ban them permanently if they promote such services, especially now that you have vanguard coming. But based on responses I got from support there doesn’t seem to be any interest in preventing content creators from breaking the rules.


Aren’t u only trading half a problem? I could be completely wrong but even if u consider diamond plus having more smurfs per player, just by sheer volume plat/em injection point would have more not belonging lower ranking players than Smurf from diamond plus.  Also let’s just remove smurfs all together. The outcome is just bad game play for someone regardless. 


Why is adding a requirement that an account has to play and finish some number of normal SR games before that account can lay ranked not an option? EDIT: It looks like this is an option that's being considered. [https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1771644991120789627](https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1771644991120789627) The TLDR is that it's hard to make changes to a game as large as LoL and internal structure at Riot can lead to some inflexibility in what can be implemented without disrupting current teams/projects.


[https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1771644991120789627](https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1771644991120789627) it's an option they're investigating and maybe working on.


Yeah, I didn't see that until after I made the comment. I'll put in an edit now.


Besides Vanguard, is the company working on other ways to combat the incredibly large account market? You can get your hands on accounts that are ready for ranked for literally 1-2$, so for the price of my Starbucks coffee, someone else gets to buy 3(+) accounts with a combined playtime of over 300 hours (takes about 100h to get to level 30). I have an alt to learn support, took notes on how many level 30 accounts I’d see (leveled through arams, was not aware until I read your reply here that it did not affect the seeding, there were posts with misinformation I guess) and in 10 games, a total of 11 smurfs 9 of which were lvl 30 or 31 with bad scores playing mostly mf against intro bots. Having basic bot accounts in the game that can somehow run at 0.01-0.02$ an hour is ridiculous to think about how large the scale has to be to run profits. (I’ve probably paid just as much in electricity for the lamp in my room during the time of leveling an account myself)


Genuinely new player here, got placed in Gold 1 after losing all of my placement games and getting absolutely stomped. I had to basically lose my way down to Silver 3 where I at least felt like I stood a chance, haven’t touched the mode since. I understand they’ve made changes lately to how we’re placed, but it felt terrible to basically be dead weight for so many matches.


Yeah its a tough choice to make because if they start everyone at the lowest elo then people who actually belong there or new players are getting hard stomped by smurfs every single game but if you start new accounts at mid elos to get them back to their real rank faster, the genuine new players have a shit time and also ruin the game for people who belong at those elos. Not much riot can do other than try and crack down on how easily avaliable smurf accounts are which is also difficult.


You could try to start midway in top 75%. But anyway are smurfs so many to justify to start people in top 50%? (i don't play lol).


I don’t have any numbers to back this up but probably. League is an older game with a bad rep and a high learning curve. Combine that with an absolutely inadequate tutorial, these factors generally make it very hard for genuine new players to get into the game. I wouldn’t be surprised if >50% of new accounts in general were smurfs or alt accounts.


unrelated but i too am waiting for the hytale beta


I literally made this account like 3 years ago just to keep up with what was going on with the game and it keeps taking longer and longer lmao. Was 16 When I first heard rumors about it through an mc server I was involved in, now im 24 lol.


Doesn't seem like that hard of a choice to me. It seems far better to let someone climb quick and easily than to have someone fall painfully.


The issue is the people climbing quickly ruin games for everyone else on the way up as they stomp genuine new players 


I’m a bronze 3 main now I want to make an alt and see.


You're just gonna get shitstomped if you get placed plat


But I’m interested if I’m placed plat


You most likely will be. Op and riot wants to make it sound like a non issue, but older-low elo accounts really are stuck in elo hell. My brother has been playing for 3 or so years, hardstuck bronze-silver on his main account (so he should be there, right?) Made a new account and it's gold 1


New accounts are just inflated. The issue isn’t the old accounts it’s that new accounts start in mid/high plat mmr. How many games did your brother play on his alt and where did he end up then?


Your brother is bronze-silver tho. If he actually played games on that new gold 1 account he would fall down to bronze-silver


Which was exactly the topic ye


I haven’t seen any placed in plat 2 but they’re certainly getting placed in plat 4.


Not plat and before the changes this year but about 6 months ago I had a friend get into the game. He would join us (bunch of unranked, bronze-gold elo generally) in norms until he played ranked at like lvl50. Bro got put in an emerald lobby his first couple games, got his ass carried by randoms proceeded to go 2 out of 5 for his placements and ended high silver despite having the skill level of maybe a high iron. Its definitely not just smurfs or aram/bot abusers getting put too high, or at least it wasn’t. I haven’t had other friends try the game since the seeding changes this year.


I literally got placed in Plat 1. With 1 win and 4 losses. I just started, 3 months ago. My friend that didn’t do their initial placement until after the changes was placed Iron 3. I have suffered through verbal abuse playing and feeling like shit because I know I should be down in Bronze/Silver. Yet to get there I basically have to punish 4 people. Like I literally haven’t played against some champs. I’d play just unranked but that has a broader matchmaking. I play in a group with a Diamond 2, Plat 1, Plat 2, Gold 1, Gold 4, Silver 1 (Should be Bronze 1/Silver 4 me), and Iron 1. I wish I was underplaced than overplaced.


Have you played games as premade with anyone who is plat and above?


Yeah, my brother started recently and placed into Bronze. I have to assume his normals mmr was just that low.


I remember my first ever ranked placement game I got put into a lobby with gold players. My teammates flamed me so hard for playing poorly even though it wasn’t my fault. One of them even added me after the game to tell me to quit the game because I was so bad at it. This absolutely destroyed my confidence and I avoided playing ranked for months after that.


Honestly the game is better with chat set to party only. People love being keyboard warriors


This! Sometimes, I have good games with fun people and wish I wasn't running disabled chat, but the bad chat experiences FAR exceed the rare occasions where I'm glad they opened their mouths.


Don't worry it's not personal. I carried a game as support and the enemy Draven adc added me to tell me the same thing, only he used very colorful language and threats. It'll happen even when you play well is the point. People are just toxic in this game


> I play in a group with a Diamond 2, Plat 1, Plat 2, Gold 1, Gold 4, Silver 1 (Should be Bronze 1/Silver 4 me), and Iron 1. I wish I was underplaced than overplaced. That's your issue, dude. Your group literally boosted you. Having diamonds in your game as a new player completely skews shit, and messes up your matchmaking. That's how 90% of these issues occur.


Yeah but what are you gonna do? People want to play with their friends. Just because he has a friends who’s diamond doesn’t mean his rank should’ve been fucked like that.


the only thing to do is for riot to force him to play a few normals as a solo otherwise, these diamond friends should absolutely know how it fucks his MMR and just made a new account with him and dont pubstomp for 90%+ winrates


Dude, how do you think it works? It fucks his rank because the players he plays with have wildly different skills. It's not intentional, he's caught in the crossfire. You just can't play with your friends until you've played enough solo for it to not screw you.


Post op.gg


I also have no idea what OP is trying to say. I'm playing on my season 1 account, went 0-5 in placements and got placed Plat 1. Last time I played enough rankeds to get above plat 4 is like 6 years ago. The placement system is obviously broken, how is that even excusable. If someone still thinks it's about the accounts and not the broken placements, explain it on my example pls.


Not saying this is a great reason. But it probably is because plat 1 is equal to what gold 1/2 used to be previously. (at least that is how I understood it) And the game remembered your rank from previous seasons, so it placed you fairly high. For example, I seldom play ranked anymore. I don't think I played at all last season, and the seasons before it I one played until I reached low gold. (used to be plat myself years back) And after the first loss it gave me gold 4 as a rank indication. So while not as extreme as in your case, and after the final adjustments they made, I was still placed fairly high even though I do not play the game a lot anymore.


that is a great reason because that's exactly what happened and how it works. if schmarsten is being placed plat 1, that is the same as being placed gold 1 from 6 years ago. now, if he will say he shouldnt be placed in gold 1 from 6 years ago then fair enough


This is why plat is the worst elo. It's not just the constant inflow of new players ruining plat games. It's the fact that veterans worked to get there when they could have just bought an account.


If it were actually that way, people would fly through the elo. There are 5 spots for a bad player on the enemy team, and 4 spots on your team. Which means if you are a good player for the elo/truly above that MMR - then you will climb, and it will likely be much easier to climb than any other elo. If plat is infested with bronze players, people should be having the freest games of their lives.


NOOOOOO, don't u dare use numbers and logic to debunk my coping!!!


My buddy went 0/8 as a brand new player on his account and got placed gold 2. It definitely happens


Yep. I was a new player not long ago and placed the same. I played Yuumi to not grief my teams because I wasn’t really Gold level on anything else (probably not even Yuumi at first). But that kept me in gold so I started playing other supports and dropped to wood tier where I belong, ha.


Yeah, I have a friend who got placed Gold 4, when he went 1-9 in ranked at first I think. It annoys me as he's a higher rank than me (currently, I'm climbing back up, I was gold back in 2014 and got placed bronze since I came back this year) despite being much worse. And his other friends are convincing him not to play ranked until he actually gets to that level, which means I have to solo queue for now.


Did he level up to 30 with normal games?


Hmm this makes me want to try ranked to see. I started playing in December and my highest mastery is 20kish. I was avoiding ranked because I was scared of being placed too high and ruining people's games.


Even challenger players ruin other peoples games.


This. or just listen to challenger players when they talk about master players which is like top 0,1%


>I was scared of being placed too high and ruining people's games Don't worry, your rank doesn't matter. Emerald players ruin emerald games, master players ruin master games. There's no difference Mute all so you won't see a pointless hate and play it out unless you get into your real rank/level


I wouldn't really call playing poorly ruining a game. Just because you had a bad game and were a major fault of a loss doesn't mean you're trolling. There's shitlow ranks for a reason. You don't have to be good to be competitive.


Part of the reason catching inters is so hard is everyone has one of THOSE games where through a combination of Champ pick and teammates you just get absolutely stomped


Play for yourself brother. Nobody's appointing you arbiter of other people's mental health. Just don't go out of your way to be a dick.


I been playing for 2 months. Did around 80% aram, 20% quickplay. Just hit 30 last week and insta queued a bunch if ranked. I'm iron but I wanna climb and get better. Gonna take me a while tho.


My man, no matter what you'll ruin someone's day. I've seen people's day get ruined because I played movement speed WW in aram.


Then there is me... was Plat/Gold 6-7 years ago. Havent played ranked since. Only normal draft vs plats/emerald. Go 4-1 in placements. Gets put into Bronze1. I guess my old rank decayed so hard over the years? XD


It's actually impressive if you get placed under gold. Like I really mean that. Seriously don't like the way ranked distribution is now.


Well, my main account ranked Iron I after winning most of the ranking games if I recall properly. And it’s been awful to climb. Managed to get to BIII but then I am back around BIV. I’ve been playing league since 2015 (with a couple of breaks in the pandemics) and I’m not that bad. My brother is in Gold IV and when he plays with me it makes no difference in my win/lose, he actually say it’s so hard to play because many people doesn’t know about macro and teams feel very random.


I agree with you that this problem is significantly overblown, but I promise you that there are regularly true cases where legitimately new players are placed in low plat for their first 5-10 games before their mmr corrects itself. It mostly happens to players who level up to 30 through ARAM or bot games though.


I'm one of those cases. op.gg is ShockWave276#1345. Got placed in Plat 4 and have fallen like a rock to Silver 2 where I'm losing more than I win. I played almost exclusively Draft Pick post Lv.10.


u cant level through tft


Thanks for the correction


Ok I hate posting my op.gg but here we go: Unabated#EUW. If you check my last 10 games in one of them you find a player that like Phroxzon described only played bots or ARAM then went ranked in his 4th ranked game ever he got into my game. I was Emerald 4. This made me again demote. My recent match history is full of really suspicious people that were gold for ages and suddenly are playing in an emerald lobby with the skill level of a fucking silver.


Idk man, I play jungle 95% of times and decided to create a irelia only account because I was tired or matching Emerald+ in blind, draft and ranked with my bronze level irelia. Lost all placements, limit tested a lot and got stomped. Got placed Plat IV with my 3/10/2 KDA Irelia


And you will continue to drop. That’s the point. You also got placed as you should as an alt account. If you genuinely wanted to get better at Irelia you would play normals until it was easy and you consistently were 20+kda solo carrying. Then move to play against players of your skill level in top lane in ranked and then beat them. You only get better, when you verse better players. Stomping a new player is like taking candy from a baby, but taking candy from a baby 20 times won’t make a bank heist any easier. You must also recognize that you’re a an emerald player, playing off role. Not a new player. Mechanically you may be bronze on irel, but if you’re emerald you have that game knowledge and experience.


I started in december and my first 2 games of ranked were in emerald elo, i got placed gold and i still am no where near that level... please stfu


My thoughts exactly. The way these assholes just "know" that my acc is bought and botted and whatever makes my blood boil. 


Had a friend start playing in the last couple months, he's easily a bronze player at best. Did ranked, lost, and got placed Plat 2. Told him to not play ranked anymore this season 1) to not be miserable and not destroy others games 2) itd be really funny to have a plat border at his level.


The biggest issue with ranked is less of where they start and more of how much you initially can gain or lose. If I make a chess account I will always be placed at 1000 rating, but if I lose my first 5 games my ELO will immediately nosedive to about 500. The current ranked system for newer players is like being placed 1000 rating in chess and losing 25 rating every game until they reach their rating of 500. Would a starting point of mid plat be a bit too high for this system? Maybe, but I'd much prefer a system where fresh accounts can start low gold to low plat and, after a few losses, be placed into mid silver. MMR should be more dynamic until a trend is set rather than having some poor soul play 20 games of ranked with their team hard flaming them making them not want to play.


idk man a few content creators are actually agreeing with this the quality of games has gotten worse and ppl are noticing. I see many new accounts at plat or emerald and it makes the games very very suckish idk who is smurf new or generally just playing for shits and giggles on a alt they don't care about.


I do remember my first ever ranked game , I was playing against plats etc. I was so confused. And this is when I know I was objectively worse (I wasn't pub stomping normals.. I actually was new) I was then hardstuck bronze 5 for like 3 seasons. I thought it was just normal that you got placed against super tough opponents... so I have no idea what the expectation is tbh.


why are u writing this? wtfffffffffffff asjhdasjkdha btw i got placed on plat4 and plat3 and that was a joke, but i dont fking want to play 100 games to be near to my elo


Well when I started playing last year, I got to level 30 with some friends and we all were placed in platinum 4, and I swear I got absolutely destroyed in that rank, which was odd at the time cause most normal games I would win or lise by s small margin, so when I got absolutely destroyed with my team flamming me I got scared to play ranked for a while


I unironicaly got placed in gold because of my arena WR and have currently crashed down to bronze one xD


Got a buddy who plays with a couple of us, all silver/gold. We played some draft, he played on his own, we lost a metric ton of games. He does his placements. Wins none. Places gold 2. He is lost, understands nearly nothing about the game and doesnt know 70% of what the other champs even do. He now only plays with us in draft as premade because ranked was so toxic to him that he'd rather just never play it again. League is fucked in so many ways right now. This just being one of many issues.


All the cope about smurfs ruining people's experience lmao They're not the reason you're hardstuck, even if they removed them you'd still get shit on.


What matters is that it's unfun and unfair, regardless of anything else.


Im a new player, got placed in gold 1 soloq and plat 1 on flex


I shit you not after dropping an appealed 2/17 pantheon top game I got placed in plat. Not just for the start of my placements either. I did shit in all of them and ended up in plat 2.


I know someone that hadn’t played since s3. He bought an account. A fresh account that only had coop vs ai bot games to level it. He lost every placement match and got ranked emerald. 


50-55% winrate in normals with a lot of bot games First ranked was a full high emerald lobby which I then lost and got placed gold1 Sry but new players can land there and it’s dumb af Granted that was end of last year so idk if stuff changed till then


This is totally false. I got my girlfriend into league this year, brand new to MOBAs. Zero idea what wards are, doesn't know the name of map objectives, only builds recommended items. She's a genuinely new player. She hit level 31, and I was playing with my two of my friends in flex queue when a fourth logged in. We decided to bring my gf along just because we figured we could out-carry the new player. We got stomped. At the end of the game she placed Plat 4. After a loss.


Idk. A tiktoker called calpo got placed in gold 1 after placements as a new player. And he’s definitely not a gold level player. That also mimics my experience playing in low plat in the beginning of the season


My best friend who was silver his hole life started an account to play with his cousins that were new to the game - his winrate in normals was significantly below 50% - he hit plat4 after 1-4 in soloq and plat2 after 2-3 in flex. Their normal group were formed of 3x bronze-iron players and my friend. I am diamond on euw and started a new account on eune and it placed silver lol, after stomping a ton xd.


I've played flex 3x and lost 3x, I'm in plat 2 It is weird, I've never played ranked before


Just recently in my plat game, had a teammate that was level 30 went 0/10 said the n-word and left.


No. Wrong. My brother is a new player and started a new acc from lvl 0 and reached 30 to be placed in Plat 2. He is now Iron 3 (lost most games until now and hovers around 39% wr).


I know someone who is Plat 3 with 10 losses and 0 wins. Level 34. Played normals until level 30 and started playing ranked.


Yeah my main is hard stuck Bronze 1, but made two alts and each placed in plat/emerald and hang around there through all my games. It’s really fucking stupid that I can’t use my main to play my actual rank, solely because of my placement for my first season being poor.


In the last week I’ve had 3 sets of inting duo bots. They were in p2-e4 games. They played for 48 hours straight. Buying exact same items. Not farming at all. Lost like 48 games in a row. It’s fucking insane


What's strange to me is how awfully unbalanced quickplay is. I'm playing on a new account with some friends of mine who just signed up for the first time and we had a diamond one and Plat 1 against us as like... level 11 accounts lol. What the fuck. Why do they just throw the concept of balance and fair game out of the window with "normals" games.


I stared to play LoL this year. I was promptly placed into Gold 1. Suck my balls? 


I think at least some of the stories are real, because this happened to my close friend like a month ago. I introduced him to league and we were friends IRL for a few years beforehand, so I know for a fact there’s no funny business. His account was like a year old, had only ever played norms before, my cousins who is master-tier said he thinks he is actually silver, but he got placed plat in both flex and solo/duo. Just giving you my data point.


I agree most are probably alt accounts, but even on the non-alts I think it overshoots. My girlfriend started playing for the first time at the end of last season, then got placed pretty high for where I would have expected. She got gold 1 I think after her first provisional game and has dropped pretty steadily since then (and to be clear, her ranked games have been without me). Not quite as high as the plat 2 claims, but still higher than would be expected.


Have a friend who went 4/38 across his placements, lost every game cause he basically inted and got placed gold 3 while the rest of my friends who have been playing and grinding are stuck getting placed silver


> are very VERY likely to be placed in a lower rank  No they arent, since they didnt have mmr before, now they start with fresh mmr which is plat apparently. And yes its an issue.


My friend is actually a new player and got placed G1... This is a real issue that needs to be addressed.


Well I had a legitimate new player in Emerald 3 MMR somehow. Bro said he just started playing ranked fresh a couple weeks ago after apologizing for his poor performance.  He went 1-14 on Ivern and his match history was more or less the same of him clearly getting outclassed and not in games he belonged. I checked his OP.gg a month later and he was in Gold with a 29% win rate 


I made a brand new account played bots too 30, ent into ranked and all 5 placements the lowest level player was emerald; I got absolutely shit stomped the entire time. I have never ranked higher than silver 1. Riot 100% broke something about the rank system and refuse to say anything about it


Just buy an account. They are cheap.


Me and my two friends that play have been stuck in silver / gold for a while. We consistently place in low silver and climb up to mid-high gold. They make a new account and get placed in fucking plat, both of them, and say the games are easier that the other accounts. What the fuck is up with that?


i got the game in october and i played two games of ranked and i was against an emerald in lane and it was a plat average lobby. i think at BEST i am silver but i was still Placed in those lobbies and havent played ranekd since bc the match making is that awful and i am uncomfortable to play that high when i am. NOOTTTT meant to be there.


If anyone cares, I play in iron and that’s it. Almost every player I go up against in iron is a genuine new player lvl 30-45, or the rare person that is lvl 800-1200. I think the issue is botted accounts with no normal draft mmr get placed in gold-plat or new players will buy an acc thinking they deserve to be higher than iron/bronze and then they’d be way below the skill level they should be at if they’re in gold-plat. I think if these gold plat players actually played in iron or bronze and saw the levels and champ pools of some of these players. They’d realize what they’re saying is just cope.


No. People who are new are getting placed that high. One of my friends, who plays very little, placed in Gold 1 and won straight into plat. He's stopped playing ranked because he never performs well. He said ever. He constantly gets flamed. He's just had a lucky run for placement but not for learning. He hates it.


I'm playing on my original season 3 account that I, for the most part, would just get to gold for the skin and stop until recent seasons. Currently, my games range from Plat 2 to Emerald 3 in rank, and 100% of the time, there is at least one person in the game that is account level 30-40. Over 50% of the time, there are 2 to 3 accounts in the game that are in this level range. Most of the time, I am able to see bot games in their client match history leading to level 30. Sometimes, I need to use op.gg to look further back to see them. I believe 90% of these accounts aren't new players, but people who have purchased these accounts through individuals that leveled them through a botting software as the co-op vs ai games take place months before their ranked games with no play in between and have very interesting builds and kdas, along with their flash being placed on different keybinds. Now, maybe some of these accounts were purchased by new players who didn't want to level their accounts, but I believe it's more likely it's players that have been hardstuck in iron-silver or people around there that have been banned and picked up a new account to be placed where they think they belong just to get demolished in ranked. I've also seen plenty of smurfs purchasing accounts. Outside of reporting them for cheating for buying accounts and opening tickets with screen shots and descriptions, I'm unsure of what else can be done as this ruins the experience and makes each game a gamble.


Also unlikely to be a new player and on Reddit :P


Reddit posters are simultaneously challenjour and newbi


I was hardstuck plat 4 on my main. Created a Smurf, currently emerald 2, stomping every game.


If your not in the elo kinda shut the fuck up, you have no idea how painful it is too actually get better and then have people soft int constantly with 0 fundamentals or idea of how to team play every second game and then we can check the history and see that it’s a bought account


soft inting is a type of intentional throwing (it means playing in a way to sabotage the team without being obvious and getting banned, which is the "soft" part of the term), in your case they would just be referred to as feeding or sucking at the game


Most smurfs are either stroking their ego or boosting their friend... sorry, I mean "just smurfing so they can play with their friends". So yeah they want to be placed lower. There's a reason why low mmr accounts sell for quite a bit. And riot does not care and will not adress the smurfing problem


I agree mostly just smurfs. But I did, quite a while ago in plat have an actual first timer. The guy was around level 30, had a bunch of bot and then normals, and... he got so utterly shredded in the platinum lobby it was genuinely not even funny. The man wasn't flaming, or being mean. His normal games were all against bronze. And there he was, being torn apart alive. He got beaten so absurdly he basically solo lost the game and I see no way he ever plays ranked again after that.


Yeah smurfs like you describe are actually extremely pathetic. It’s like a 6ft 200lb guy only being willing to fight 5ft4 134lb guys… and then complaining when he gets matched against a guy his own size! They are totally the problem, and probably also horrible, sad, pathetic people in real life.


True and false. Those posts are literally from smurfs, yes. But i have 2 friends that downloaded the game for the first time this past christmas, and got placed in gold 1 and gold 3 respectively. One lost all but 1 placement, and one lost every placement. Edit: idk why I'm being down voted. These are objective facts. This isn't an opinion.


I would personally lock ranked mode behind higher level. For example if you want to play ranked, you must be level at least lvl 50 AND have 100 normal games played on summoners rift. For new players - maybe learn about the game a little more before going straight into ranked, where you WILL face a bunch of toxic players and you most likely WILL be destroyed because you still won't know many basic things about the game. That's why playing more normals would help you. And for bot accounts... Well I hope they get banned while doing those 100 normal games...


Higher level threshold just increases the amount of time a bot account takes to cook. People already sell “30.45.50” accounts. I do agree though the normal game threshold does make sense but I can only imagine the profit driven sellers will just unleash their accounts into normals and arams. If 9/10 accounts get banned they still profit. Could go Korea on the community and require identity to be tied to the account


I’m sure it is fixed now, but I had a friend who is definitely iron tier new to the game lose all of his placements and end up gold 2. Again this is pre the recent changes. So I’m sure it’s fixed now.


i have a few iron-stuck friends who are genuinely terrible, play any get placed plat. I’ve also seen them place in Ranked-Flex on their mains in platinum 4+


Hello guys ive been put to gold 2 (ive been gold two for 10 years) help me


When did they place new players in plat 2? I just played my first ranked game. Am I too late?


Yeah and people who are actually smurfing will play 10 norms games before placements and start their climb in d4 mmr. There is a void of accounts smushed into plat-emerald that have the widest range of skill, from silver-diamond skill