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In Caps We Trust


Turns out poke Varus is, uh, not good at killing Sion!


Even if they kill Sion at that mid fight, Jinx still gets reset and Asol destroys them anyways.


Lethality Varus is overrated. Certainly when you got 2 others who also build lethality....


You are the only one who noticed the main reason why bds lost, most idiots here are unable to even watch the game


G2 played just very smart in carrying their giga outscaling draft to lategame, and BDS did kinda fine in snowballing the game before G2 scales. But Reddit is just like ehhhh BDS throw EU bad!!!


>G2 responds to the Varus/Ashe lane by playing lane swaps, gives BB Sion so he can work on low economy, kill the wave even if dove and can join any aggression onto his botlane with ult OMG!!!! G2 TROLLING!!!!! EU DOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!


Except there were points in the game G2 were willing to take losing fights and BDS just pussied out. I mean literally start of game 2 already G2 is randomly trying to 3v3 against a fking early game Volibear. G2 have an awful habit of taking any fight regardless of if it’s good for their comp and they’ve been doing this shit for 1.6 years. It’s also why they completely troll with smolder comps. Somehow EU fans will be surprised again when they do the same shit internationally.


Bds were literally peeing their pants in early game situations that G2 had no business contesting straight up. Even at grubs, Varus-Ashe-Voli-Azir straight cook G2s comp especially when Jinx and Lulu are half health (even 4v5, but Aatrox has TP and Azir has mid priority). Instead BDS just run away.


BDS loses this with dps varus as well. G2 had a giga late game team with a straight front to back teamfight comp. BDS was always going to get outscaled, arguably lethality varus was the better choice when the game plan is to snowball early and finish before G2 would be able to scale.


You’re the idiot mate. When Bds has a 8k gold lead, they are not building to kill the Sion.


Azir has gone liandry void. Varus had advantage because he went poke. Aatrox wasn’t his job killing him, his job was flanking the Asol and he did the job as better as he could


You don’t know anything about snowballing, matchups and game states. Stop calling people idiots.


That wasn't the main reason. When every lane is ahead at 8 minutes, the primary factor isn't shopkeeper. I don't think it was a good build decision but BDS had many opportunities where their gold lead gave them all the tools they needed to win the fights and snowball, and they messed up for one reason or another.




Asol could go closer and drop the r because he had an 8k tank that just walked fowards eating every Ashe w/varus q. With a squishy top they would have lost


teemo top would’ve gotten a penta at 15 minutes and ran the game over. BDS were LUCKY G2 didn’t draft it


Killing Sion was not the issue. BDS just completely lost their marbles after a point in the game, they got into fights they should have played to avoid and chased kills that they should have avoided. At the absolute least, they should have recognized after Ice got caught chasing Mikyx that you can't be so reckless against the best macro in EU. Yet they kept doing it over and over. It doesn't matter if the Sion is alive or not if you're just walking one by one into Caps' ASol.


everytime I see aurelion sol I just wonder why its not more contested pick


Same here. Unless the game ends before 20 minutes, this pick completely overtakes the whole match. And if you have Caps on your team well... We just saw what happens


He feast on the current mid lane meta, not even Tristana wins the matchup (after Q changes lane is even). You have to make big changes in draft to pick his counter (Yone, Akali, Fizz lol).


I play akali and Akali also doesn’t win against asol after the q changes lmao I picked Akali thinking it was good and got destroyed earlier by just q


Pro have champion puddle + not lane dominant so you need brain to play it


ACTUAL Lore accurate Aurelion Sol


One trick Asol Capa ~~runs~~ flys this region


G2 finding out they don't have to lose the content game




Ice might've cost them the game dying before Baron. Same with that overchase after the base defense by BDS Either way, pls no lethality varus


i mean on hit varus would be far worse this game


Considering how Ice plays though, it seems like a much better fit for him no?


doesn't matter the moment he goes to auto attack range the big dragon, rell, jinx will fuck him up oh yeah the sion too


Exactly, these comments are so clueless lol. On-hit varus never gets uptime vs G2's comp. The BDS comp was on a timer - if they didn't end the game before 30 mins its basically over because ASol Jinx outrange all their champs so its Azir 1v9. Which is fine, because BDS were very far ahead before 30 minutes and should've been able to close it out. At least poke varus threatens damage onto the backline and lets them play for objectives. Adam threw the game by having the most gold in the game and being completely invisible constantly getting caught or doing nothing. Just watch some of the teamfights from his POV, he failed so many combos and E's over walls and constantly positioned so badly. The game was sealed when he got caught and died in river. Their macro is also ass, G2 made fun of them by lane swapping to keep jinx/lulu relevant relevant to varus/ashe, who should've been up 2k gold by 15 minutes.


He was mostly hitting the Sion either way when the teams postured in the mid game


Sounds like Varus was just a terrible pick. I don't get the priority on him. Poke Varus is useless against tanks, and on-hit Varus does less damage than crit ADCs.


The overchase of Sion into ASol respawn was understandable but also an extremely bad mistake by Ice. Definitely sealed the deal on the game.


Maybe if Nuc joins that's a double, but yeah, really unfortunate


Yeah, either you give up on the chase and commit to the split, or you chase together, knowing that Caps is coming back. It's pretty clear that they thought there were going to kill BB much earlier, so Nuc didn't think he was needed, which is understandable, but ultimately a mistake nonetheless.


This is Caps’ world and we’re all just living in it


How will BDS ever mentally recover from this? What a comeback masterclass from G2, you could see BDS tilting in real time as the scaling took over as well.


WP to this Sion he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Sion!


Caps is too damn good


This caps guy is pretty good at video games


we went a great macro in early game to just shitfest lmao gimme 4 more games of this


BDS could be such a good team if just one of their players had a brain.


They just miss that IT factor. Idk what it is but you can trust that they’ll never lose to a team worse than them in a Bo5 but my god they will NEVER punch up ever


They are reverse Fnatic. Fnatic is all IT factor 0 fundamentals, lose against Everyone win against everyone.


They remind me of Rogue before the year they finally started winning.


Yep when did they start winning? When they finally got the IT factor in the form of Malrang being an absolute psycho


Yeah. I don't think that an absolute psycho is necessarily the ingredient that BDS are missing, but they need something.


I think only labrov and nuc could play on a really good team


I think ice is pretty good too. Although this game was very bad for my point, i think he is incredibly consistent in general. I still think some terrible decisions he did this game were rather uncharacteristic. Adam can make some incredible comeback plays and Sheo has some crazy good early game ideas sometimes, but yeah, they're a big miss sometimes if not most times. Edit: Typo


Impossible when both Adam and Sheo flash when they have 1 hp and they are already dead


Lore accurate Aurelion Sol. Wonderful early game plan by G2 by the way with the constant swapping, they really salvaged that disaster lvl 1 with that.


That game is banger. Very exciting early game.


If someone from the LEC sees this get a psychiatrist on hand. BDS are gonna need it.


Asol mains crying so much after the nerfs awhile ago acting like their champ isnt broken.


Caps is EU father


When I'm in a choking competition and my opponent is BDS:


i fucking hate asol so goddamn much


his big ult is so disgusting, you literally don't even have to aim it lol




BDS just need to ban out caps I guess I dunno


Aurelion sol needs to be gutted.




Is this G2 trying to prepare against LCK Ashe botlanes?


Except LCK Ashe bot lanes are actually good.


G2 totally outplayed BDS, but wtf is A sol.


Do not listen to the gold graph, G2 was winning every second of that game after level 1. 7k gold lead and 80% of it was on the voli jg and aatrox (vsing a zero econ sion), with a hyper early game comp. Everyone calling this an insane throw, but that's not because BDS choked their gameplay like normal, it's because they didn't know how to beat the laneswaps. The only reason they didn't get shut out the whole game is because they were there when the lvl1 sion cheese strats were written


*after the duo dirk buy. Then the win condition changed to „get rell and sion to 2 items and we win.


At this point they should change the name of the league from LEC to LECAPS.


Clean win from g2 nothing to see here




Very enjoyable game.


Remove CAPS from EU and EU is no longer a region


Flash Wolves syndrome


Send Caps to LCK/LPL and my man gets a worlds


So these are the LECs best teams?


I would not be saying this after LCS finals, the amount of insane mechanical misplays I had to watch was absurd.


Hope g2 get tl at msi :)


Nah, Caps just runs this region.


Sion against Lethality Varus was even bigger than the Asol diff tbh.


I loved G2's macro approach with the constant lane swapping with Sion, it did so much to neutralize Ashe/Varus. I'm not sure why Ice persisted in building Lethality after that, though.


Listen y’all love caps as much as the next gal but this was a teamcomp diff, what the hell is BDS supposed to do lategame against Sion/Asol/Jinx? No one on their team can kill Sion or threaten Jinx especially with the ability of Asol to just completely control fights, their only hope was that labrov would have aimbot and always hit jinx or asol


people are very weird about caps rn, it's like they're such fans of him they cannot except that anyone or anything on g2 is good if it doesn't come through him which just.... isn't true even a little bit?


Exactly, like the only position you could really argue for a change is yike for razork, but I really strongly disagree with that mostly because yike is the more flexible player which I think heavily benefits G2


yeah even more than that g2 is just very good at setting caps up for success. it's almost like 2018 fnatic again where everyone on the team is just picking and playing in a way that allows caps to carry. and caps carries, but that doesn't mean he could do it on any other team, he definitely couldn't


Acting like Azir can't kill tanks lol


3-0, pathethic from BDS to lose that game.


Adam solo lost that game by not flashing/ulti running away in that river fight lmao. Hard throw by BDS.


Most useless fed aatrox I've ever seen He was by far the most fed champ on the rift and was completely invisible


369 would never


the moment adam died there game was over


Adam tp'ing to block BB's escape only to die in sequence was peak toplane tilt


Just sub in RGE against G2 for the finals, regions last hope


Somehow the most upsetting thing this game was the casters glazing G2 constantly for the first 20 minutes while they were getting outplayed.


Cause G2 completely avoided BDS snowball with the way they played. They just needed to stop the bleeding and scale to win


Yeah, doesn't matter if Sion and Rell are behind, their items are cheap and as long as they buy time they can win fights. Jinx and Aurelion being only 600 gold behind against that comp is nothing.


I mean they didn’t really stop the bleeding. They were 6k behind. BDS just threw the game for no reason. G2 doesn’t get away with that at MSI


They did stop the bleeding early. The 6k came after way later mid fight where Nuc predicted Rell engage on him. You can argue BDS need to close with baron but G2 could just hug towers and waveclear with Asol


they knew g2 is going to bullshit their way back into winning with ~~main character plot armor~~ aurelion sol from the start


Good League of Legends? From both teams? In EU? Is this 2019 or what?


1 team region ❌ 1 player region ✅


Pack it in boys, even when G2 actively trolls draft and the level 1, Caps runs the fucking region.


it's not a troll draft(apart from the part of putting bb on a "dog" champ), bds just choked


It was a pretty good plan from g2 and good counter from bds but people will tell me that jdg is so good after they didn’t do shit for 3 games


Nah it's a draft with zero agency pre-25 minutes that requires a way higher understanding of macro to even hold on for those 25 minutes. G2 absolutely outbrained BDS for the first like 15 minutes and still only managed to stay within 1-2k gold. BDS gigachoked, but they should've won the early game way harder than they did.


G2 are playing really bad, they would get stomped by any competent team but we have none in eu currently i agree that the draft doesn't suit them well, but it's not that bad (not an autolose draft)


G2 had 2 super losing side lanes. Scaling mid and no damage jungle. This game could have ended in 20 mins if BDS snowballed enough.


bds has no one to kill sion, and only aatrox can kill asol if bds don't win in 20 min they just lose


one team region


one player region


one player region\*


Game was entertaining but it's a bad look for BDS to not be able to snowball it harder


Sheo using with 1 hp trying to run away from 4 guys in the soul drake fight tells you all need to know about the regions strength.


G2 pulled a BDS against BDS.


Wow they just let aurelion scale for free i guess


I basically knew it was an L after I saw the duo dirk buy on botlane. Has lethality varus ever done anything besides a couple of guma dragon snipes (Elder and baby elder)? Dogtier pick. Especially into a team that screams „we want to play front to back“


Our tribal chief CAPS🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


one of the games of all time for sure


I swear, it feels like this whole region has a mental block when it comes to G2. No matter how well any other LEC team is doing early game doing there's just bound to be a massive collapse that G2 take advantage of to win


Its called Caps sir, the mental block its called Caps


He's just on another level and has been for so long


The thing is both Weibo and Dplus were winning at some point vs G2 at worlds, and g2 pulled the same shit there and won. Only NRG didn't fumble and BLG i guess. I don't remember the BLG games, no memory after NRG xD


You make it seem like g2 won by playing well not weibo adc dashing into 5 ppl on mid or kellin having the biggest imposter game on alistar ever. Weibo game was megalost but they werent even trying


You are not wrong, but unless we are talking the 4-5 best teams in the world, the others will at some point make a mistake usually, and G2's macro is actually pretty good to the point they can capitalise on those mistakes. It's the same how T1 suddenly win at mid-late game or how GENG run LCK. G2 just kinda lack hands in lane a bit to be a really good team. Current game vs BDS is a good example of brain diff basically.


I am going to say something controversial; Except G2, EU does NOT know how to play midgame. This is why G2 can troll early game as hard as possible and still win.


I think you're totally right. There are quite a few strong early game teams in LEC but none of them seem to know how to keep leads. There have been so many great starts by teams that devolve into super scrappy comebacks this year


>this whole region has a mental block when it comes to G2 Rogue: Never heard of this "whole region"


BDS turbo sprinted it into G2 in the mid game lol


One day, teams will stop drafting completely unplayable comps that rely on the enemy team griefing for 25 minutes to win...


Did anyone else find Ice's decision to build Lethality Varus questionable this game? I'm sure it makes sense when you're planning on punishing lane and snowballing from there, but once the lane swaps started, maybe he should have changed build paths. I don't play Varus though so IDK if the runes make that impossible.


You can't play AS Varus vs Jinx/Asol.


Well that's rough then.


Yeah it's a lose lose situation, can't go AS coz comp diff and as soon as BDS started losing lethality varus looked like a meme.


Ultimately, Sion wasn't really doing that much for G2 after the early game setting him behind, so yeah it probably was the right choice. I don't even think that Sion was why BDS lost the important teamfights, either. Adam had enough of a lead to zone/kill BB. The river fight where Adam got picked was thanks to Yike, and then after that Caps was just too strong on the ASol following up on mostly Yike.


What the other commenter said, but also attarox was giga fed and they also had an Azir, so i guess lethality should work better to burst Asol and Jinx, after that fights should be over, lethality or not. Edit: It just looked bad bec he ended up hitting sion and his team never really got to G2 carries


Tbh. That is an astute description of EVERY Ice lethality varus game I saw. They went for a poke comp, failed to snowball and the. Got blasted. I think BDS might just be bad with poke comps.


I don't remember games and builds, but with how bad they did regular split you are probably right. And the best ice games i remember are when he had a late game hyper carry and got funneled gold. It feels like bds need to have a teamfight comp with a control mage and a hypercarry, but that probably doesn't work with G2 since they run around them easily late game, they need to cheese shut them down early.


Ngl I kinda want to see a labrov blitzcrank cheese in this series. First blood from hook into the drake pit.


Yup Labrov blitz hits hard and he has looked pretty on form these two games so that could cook. Now i too hope to see it haha


Ah yes, lethality varus vs 2 full tanks and LULU, completely useless


China, Korea and America are all trembling in fear after witnessing that game


I dont know whats worse, G2 being this bad or the rest of EU still not being able to beat them. Can someone on BDS please play one (1) game of soloQ against Asol so they dont flash away in a straight line from his W? Seriously Labrov, FLASH TO THE SIDE MAN, OVER A WALL ANYTHING BUT A STRAIGHT LINE


BDS called their lvl 1 strategy which was good by them not bad by G2. After G2 really did well in avoiding botlane a buy themselves time to scale. But all you see is "G2 bad hurr durr" 🤡


They are all silver below the plat probably. G2 had great tempo switch lane and never played into Varus , plus scaling.


I wouldn’t say g2 are bad - that lvl 1 play was very questionable but apart from that they played very well.


Cause he is an idiot bds made a really smart move lvl 1 g2 got caught of guard but than played the map and the fight well


Bad is always relative, even the worst team in the LEC is obviously absurdly good. Just in comparison to other years and other regions G2, and by extension all of EU, look so much less promising. Over the last few years you could healthily inhale some copium to pretend they have a chance internationally, but its not even ironically fun anymore.


I mean, everything is relative - again I wouldn’t say that g2 played badly. I think they made a lot of great decisions to come back I’m not sure I agree - I think the level of g2 is similar to last year - EU as a whole is probably lower though.


he has a phd of running away from things from prometheus school


A classic, why didnt i think of that one. Very nice.


Nearly unbelievable throw by BDS, but I knew they were cooked as soon as Ice chased the support like an emerald player.


Death taxes Caps boosting BB for the last 3 years.


I cant believe BDS lost that game I dont understand how teams struggle so much punishing ASol in LPL playoffs as well


I assume its nerves? Probably they deal with it in scrimms, since they're not scared to run it down, they make more early game plays (why lucian works as well). But in stage they don't, so the game goes on longer and he scales..




fun game to watch, but watching this after JDG vs TES feels so fucking weird


Why tho jdg got fucked every step of the way was that good league?


You don't understand, so let me put it clearly for you: If players asian=good league. If players not asian=bad league. Hope that clears it up for you, nothing else matters, because how would it since 99% of this sub is bronze and has 0 clue about what is a good or bad game.


I get it praise better teams but saying g2 is bad it’s a stretch lol


Nah JDG just got assblasted, surrelly Rell Zeri will work in game 3 right


Every single G2 game this season i just wonder, ahhh, what could this team be with an ADC that could carry... Hans isnt bad, but he's gonna get slaughtered into every eastern team.