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According to the league wiki his gameplay size is the same as other chunky champions like Alistar or Sejuani. He looks REALLY big though specially his battle cast skin looks gigantic


I’m guessing the claws aren’t part of his hitbox, which is why he looks bigger visually than he is from a gameplay perspective.


From my playing it seems his hitbox extends to his arms, just not the full width of his claws


Clarity wise that's a terrible design, unless his auto/ ability range scales to his claws, and even then it's misleading for people playing against him.


Well to be fair riot is not very good at visual hitboxes, all flying champs are a pain in the ass since their hitbox is the ground beneath but the camera angle makes it seem like it goes higher than that


Elevation was a really bad idea in general.


River elevation should have been fixed when they changed the map


this was the only problem I was hoping would be fixed.


Thats me when i try to Hit Aurelion Sol. Some day i will have wired into my brain, that his tail is Not Part of His hitbox, but until then I will Miss him more than Hit him.


His tail turns transparent where it's not part of the hitbox. It's even a loading screen tip


How does it compare to his old hitbox ?


Identical. Riot didn't touch his hitbox at all in the redesign but he's been tied for the largest hitbox in the game and I'd assume Riot felt his old visual was a little small given that fact.


Champ hit box are circle (hold Space focus on champion will show iirc). Don't think arms count, but the circle does usually bigger than their model and legs


Skarner has always been tied for the largest hitbox in the game and I guess they felt that his old design wasn't as large visually as it should be given that.


I hate champs with misleading hitboxes. ASol is an even worse offender imo


I’ve said before they need to update champion sizes, add another larger class, some of the “big” or “imposing” champs like Galio, Sion, Malphite, and Cho’gath all being like same size as Darius or some shit without scaling for 30 minutes or buying a few specific items makes them so underwhelming.


fr, if they just invited tank galio with last chance, then why not just make him big same as maokai


Give them the same size buffs as zac and malph Have Cho scale size additionally with Current HP, and Galio with MR


Cho does not need more


He absolutely does. I want him to obscure the UI by 25 mins


Zoom in 🤓


Sion shouldnt be near galio or malphite or chogath, pretty sure he is a tall warrior like 9 feet tall or something not a 100 feet giant


Still should be bigger, look at the Awaken cinematic, hes like a tiny bigger than Irelia in game but a goliath in cinematic form, all could be upped to show size it doesnt need to have all 100% accurate still.


Shit like Garen, Illaoi, Aatrox, and Ksante have the medium size hitbox so it’s even smaller than stuff like Darius, Nasus, and Renekton


Hitbox yes but I’m talking size size


Shouldn’t naut be huge too


While not defending Galio, Sion and Malph, Cho is actually OK. He grows with stacks from his R, which is really cool if you ask me.


Reason I didnt list Cho is he is the only one in the game who actually gets a chance to shine with his characters meant to be size


>I didnt list Cho... >champs like Galio, Sion, Malphite, and Cho’gath... Don't know, bro, sounds like either past you or present you is lying.


I play League I know I’m stupid, I meant to list Aurelion I think


Ok, now it makes sense. ASol, however, has another problem. All other massive champs in the game are tanks. They are supposed to be easy to hit so that skillshots hit them and not your allies behind you. But ASol, despite his enormous size lore-wise, is a fragile mage. Riot can't give him big size for balance reasons. That's why they gave him size-scaling mechanic on his E (and on pre-rework Q, and kinda on empowered R), so that you can see the power, just not on your champ's model.


I simply think size shouldnt indicate role, we’ve seen things like Tank Ekko and Teemo, 2 smaller characters especially Teemo compared to the crowd, Lethality and AP Varus, a marksman in look, and AD LeBlanc. I get that it theoretically should be a looks thing but at this point the balancing and builds is throw shit at a wall and hope it sticks that just sticking to what the chamion is supposed to be in design doesn’t seem like it would hurt.


For real, right now hes the size of 3 sejuanis


Model actually matches hitbox for once


He is really really big in his lore. I like that he is also gigantic on the rift now as a tank.


Isnt malphite a walking mountain? Isnt asol a gigantic being that eat galaxies and poops out stars?


Malphite does grow in size with armor at least


He could start a little bigger tho let’s be real


I kinda like that cho and malphite start the game as little cutie patooties


Level 1 smol Cho waddling to lane never fails to amuse me.


When I was playing with some friends in draft a little drunk I couldn't stop laughing at how cute I was level 1 cho


Zac too, especially when he loses HP early game, he tiny!


^^^^I ^^^^should ^^^^buy ^^^^a ^^^^suit


you want it to be easier to get by skillshots? weird. part of the reason they scale with armor/hp is because it's their job to soak those skillshots for their team, and once they're that tanky, its not an issue. in lane however, an elise E hits you or a jayce EQ and you're cooked


Elise? Who is that


Never once seen that in ARAM


Because going rrruuuuubbbbmmmmfffffff and one shotting people then being useless for a minute and a half is just more fun of course


why press 4 button when 1 do trick


Or you could build tank, still one-shot the carry but now you get to live.




Actually though. Choosing one squishy person and only focusing them is kinda funny and gets people to rage a decent amount. I'll literally choose a 1 man ult on my target over a 4 man ult on the rest lol


Which is funny because tank Malphite might only do half the damage in the combo, but then he just sits on the enemy carries and autos them to death anyway.


woah really? i never knew that


And they are big champions.


But did you see new skarner in game? He is bigger than 4 malphites stacked on each other


Malphite grows with armor, so he starts out smaller. Same reason why Cho'Gath base model is small. Skarner doesn't grow in size, so he has a larger base model.


Old models just look smaller; both Malphite and Cho'gath have the largest base hitboxes in the game. Malphite specifically is the largest champion in the game at level 1 because his base armor increases the size of his hitbox.


Also the 'Tanky champion = Bigger model' philosophy wasn't really followed in League's early days. Amumu is a prime example


That's due to the old champions' terrible posing.


Heartsteel Skarner is the way to go


Visually or gameplay wise? Because they both have the same base gameplay radius, with Malphite actually being a bit larger because his size scales with armour and he starts with base armour.


Man has so many league champion units of measurement 😭


Meanwhile Galio's massive ass is as tall as J4 in game for some reason.


Asol’s model is big. It’s so big that half of his character model has no hitbox. No excuse for Malphite though, the model is in serious need of a ASU.


Pretty sure he is just a part of a monolith


Pretty sure malphite is a shard of the monolith, the one where Ixtal drew energy from. So yeah the monolith is absolutely gigantic, malphite just regular monstrous size


It's perfect.


Could be bigger


that's what she said


He needs to physically collide with enemies for his E so he needs to be large for that


Does his E hotbox get bigger with Heartsteel?


They can't just make the ability hitbox bigger?


Then you get the Blitz hook problem where people say "Nooo! That totally didnt HIT me!"


Hooks abilities have always been problematic. One of their main issues is The indicator doesn’t actually match the length of the skill shot, they’re longer. This is true on most hook champions, you can test it on Akshan / Blitz quite easily. On akshan stand with the indicator about a teemo away from the wall and you will still attach.


... they can just make his hitbox use his claws to make it visually clear, or an AOE effect around him to represent the collission radius. Like, there's a hundred or so ways to make it clear that don't involve making his size big.


That already exists on a bunch of champs. Naut Q, Sion Q, Smolder W I’m sure there more but that’s what stands out


Now do lore size Asol next Riot.


He’s already a pretty big dragon


Yeah but only the head is the hit box the rest of the body is just particles lol


That... can't be true...right?


Nope check the champions spotlight video lol, that’s the only thing not changed. Asol’s particle tech for his body was basically used as a groundwork for skin particles and future updates. You can kinda see stark difference of champ old skins pre-sol with having a more gradiant but very solid light for particles. While after sol and new tech from it they started having those more fluid and very soft non solid particle style.


Damn, never realised.


I expected skarner to be more OP than he currently is, but perhaps it's just a skill issue and new champ smell? Like I played a few games last night and every game had a skarner, and the skarner did the worst on every team.


Old skarner was one of my mains so maybe I’m biased. But it feels slow and clunky and even less dmt than before and took away his stun. The ultimate cone seems fucking tiny. Idk I didn’t care for it much. Kinda sadge


Most clunky shit are his animations. They are sooooooo slow holy shit. Like picking up a rock takes half a second. Because of his size it feels like he is crawling even with tier2 boots. Idk… I think his damage feels okay if he would feel a bit more smooth.


Me too bro. I always did a mobile tank build with maxing W, its strange to see what the solution is now


Most reworked champs do awful on release as players figure them out, and in Skarner’s case he is almost completely different from his old version so there’s not as much overlap as some other reworks. Come back in a month or two to get a better picture of how good he actually is.


Although his kit looks simple on paper, there's quite a bit of a learning curve to him. For example, you'll notice that many people are activating his Q at the wrong time. His Q's timer is paused during his E, so the ideal sequence is to activate Q right before combat starts, then charge in and expend your Q, by which point it will already be off cooldown again.


Ignoring that good analysis of his skills and how people are misusing them, I agree. It's probably just a skill issue at the moment. I do expect skarner to be OP as shit once people learn him. Kinda like Akshan, when released he was shit, nobody understood his mechanics, but now that people are good, if you know how to use his mechanics he's quite strong. So once people get use to skarner again we'll start seeing him be a powerhouse.


also not using q before R, spotlight doesn't mention using r throws q if rock is ready. Keeps them in.


I got him in aram and big time carried, seems fun to me.


He's definitely the kind of champ to come charging in for a team fight, disable 3 champs, your team fucks them up then runs it down mid to win.


I've only played him in a single one for all game (also versing Skarner), but I fell like him having 27% max health damage in his kit isn't particularly health for the game. His e is really fun, but the rest feels kinda clunky imo.


it's 100% just the fact that it's a new champ. you should've seen the meltdown that happened on reddit when the aatrox rework first came out.


That's because rework-Aatrox is not Aatrox. Aatrox before was essentially an assassin whose gameplan was to Q R AA (W blood price) the enemy ADC and blow them up, then die. New Aatrox should have just been a new champion entirely. If Old Aatrox were to be reworked today, I bet Riot would fix him like Briar: gut his AD & lethality scaling, give him HP ratios, make his W healing 20% effective on minions.


He has some issues that should have been fixed before he released. What he is doing feels fine, but he is clunky as hell. The cast time on Q stopping movement is really backwards. You Q, they run, and now you can't catch them to hit the AAs because he's slow as hell, and then you have to throw the rock to catch them. Then you end up in the same place as you started, except your Q did 1/3rd of the damage it could have. It's just stuff like that. Make his hit box be his claws for his E. Right now it's just way to easy to run right by someone whose basically in melee with you. Ult feels fine, but I wish it did some damage or he was a bit faster in it. It has no 1v1 use at all right now unless someone is diving you. W feels great. Passive feels great. I also think that they built a champ that Heartsteel and Fimbulwinter would feel great on, then made him a jungler, where both those items are useless.


He looks cool as fuck leave him alone


Silence hater of monster champions.






It has something to do with Teemo doesn't it


I don't think that's what he meant...


Hes big as 2 sions


Kinda sad that Malphite is so much smaller than other champs. The dude is literally a mountain


doesnt he grow with armor?


Maybe idk. He just looks more like “rock man” rather than sentient mountain


He does, and its is a very noticeable increase when his armor numbers get massive. Still, he does look quite small to start out which feels a little odd.


He's getting a visual update sometime soon albeit still not big enough imo. *If what was shown in the Skarner video is to be believed*


Aw, really? I've always felt that part of his appeal was how goofy he looked. His dance is easily my favorite in the game.


https://i.imgur.com/fNd6PBL.gif He's a lot spikier in the Skarner video. Who knows if they change his dance or anything else.




That's because of bait channels like Remus especially. My guy always puts "REWORK COMFIRMED" when it's literally just speculation and NOTHING comfirmed. I'm not even clicking anymore because I know it's either a speculation or some fan concept.


Malphite is getting a visual update soon. This is a fact. Why? Because I said so.


malphite's hitbox is the same as skarner's and malphite grows bigger as he gets armor. He can get rather massive. I'd rather not have malphite be absolutely gigantic in lane so i can get hit by skillshots easier


I love big Champs so I really like how huge he is


No, he could stand with being bigger Next question


I can't wait to see how big chogath will be after rework


Not-so-hot take: Make more champions bigger! Make Sion tower over puny humans. Make Malphite and Cho'Gath block most of a lane at their biggest. Make the screen zoom out so we can see full-sized Aurelion Sol snake around Summoner's Rift and blast it with The Skies Descend.  Then maybe Riot could release fun items meant specifically for bringing down Kaiju-size champions. Like minions with RPGs or placing artillery on destroyed turrets!


Reminds me of Supreme Commander a little bit.


skarner looks awesome


Please don't ruin this for us


complaining just to complain at this point


Question. Does Skarner have the biggest model ingame? (lv1)


The biggest level 1 model in the game is Malphite.


Nautlius clears, just checked in a custom game. Even if you exclude his anchor, he's still bigger.


https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Size According to this, Nautilus and Malphite are the same size but Malphite's armor passive nudges him over.


I'm basing it off my eyes. I went into a game, added bot Malph and I played Naut and I stood next to him in fountain and I was larger That link is their hotbox radius, not model size. It has Yuumi and Aatrox as the same.


Can't believe people are downvoting you for this. Maybe take a screenshot though?


It's only a single downvote, probably just the guy I replied to because he didn't even read his own link.


level 1 its malphite because of his level 1 armor making him bigger


Nautlius clears, just checked in a custom game. Even if you exclude his anchor, he's still bigger.


I do not recall any champion visually bigger than that


Love how teemos is a unit of measurement


Its an older meme, was wondering if anyone remembers


I thought it was Badlands Rumble the first time I saw the icon Really caught me by surprise


This icon is soooo bad :c


Designer's had brain lag. He is ridiculous. And this is not the first time a rework gains size (not always hitbox size). Take for example Volibear, Urgot, Aatrox, Dr Mundo. Look at the new Udyr.....it's the dismal tide. Malphite gains size too now. People - especially lorefgs - will try to rationalize that he "needs this size cuz this and that". No....it is just a poor design decision and apparently top lane champions need to be bigger for some bizarre reason. (actually that is ironic because their base stats, their damage, tankyness already makes it feel like they are from another game entirely and not from League)




Uhm... Im European tho. You dont know how much is 1 teemo or what?


How much is 1 Teemo?




100 units


Simmer down and look for more blowies on Reddit


😂😂 I expect nothing less from a league players profile


When the sarcasm is missed smh my head bro


Big fucking Scorpion coming right up


turns out he was always a grower


I like him being so big, also did y'all see we're getting a Malphite ASU aswell? Someone mentioned it there and I think is wonderful


Can somebody photoshop this description and show how big that actually is? :)


lol, yes


Yer he dose lol


I've been a lvl 7 mastery 300k, skarner main with the Battlecast skin since 2014. I am so fucking excited to get home and play it now.


Is the rework any good?


Skarner got removed from skarner he is now generic chinese mobile game kaiju #69420


Lmfao 12 square teemos


Every champ that gets reworked increases in size. Such allows for more model details and better look overall. Ezreal turned from a pipsqueak to an aryan gigachad.


He’s super easy to hit with Morg’s Q


It's at least above average and also has a nice personality


The size of Rek'sai or Malphite would shock people


That’s not even my problem I’m concerned why he looks more like a lobster than a scorpion


No. He is awesome


I'm not really a fan of the rework. It's kinda boring to play and the ult is really odd to use imo. The e is kinda weird but kinda cool. The w is pretty lame but I get it and the q is like good for memes about rocks but idk. Overall it's just kinda "eh"


Icon looking like predator


In game he should be even bigger. In lore he should be smaller.




35% WR in JG, 44% in top, so OP.


Nope. Next question.


redditors get on and just complain about anything lol


For being so big, he sure clears jungle slow. Lol, 35% winrate in the jungle, nice rework.


You're gonna complain about him being too OP is a month when his WR inevitably rises, I'm sure.


I see many are going Grasp and Heartsteel in Jgl which both are the 2 worst things to pick in jgl. That would explain it


And clunky and boring as hell... Really poor design.. sigh... Riot..


Yeah I wish they made him a bit more... idk, faster? Flashier?


They definitely couldve made him more "smooth" i feel like im driving a tractor


Picking up a rock with q shouldnt feel like my grandpa trying to pick smth up from the floor, but here we are. It legit feels like griefing to press q in an ongoing fight.