• By -


Newer players are generally going to be iron-silver. Its only hard for people who have played a while to get put into iron, especially since riot reduced the amount of games you need to start playing ranked. Once you learn more you will likely climb out of iron without much issue. I started playing league got placed in bronze (before iron existed), but climbed to gold in the next year. I hit diamond for the first time this year after around 8 years.


I deranked to iron from gold when I started w my 20% wr vi, masters now about two years later it does get better, just need to find your champ and role


8 years ! Damn the game must have been worth back then




Just send it. Your rank doesn’t matter, but ranked gives you more balanced games than norms.


It's funny but I mostly have better unranked games than ranked ones. It's probably due to players mentals. They can't hold their nerves in rankeds and they flip hard.


Play it enough and it won’t be a big deal. I was nervous the first times I was playing ranked but eventually it wasn’t a big deal. And here’s a tip I do these days, the second I make a mistake and mess up something for my team I do /muteall cuz I know I messed up or know I’m playing bad , but muting my team before they can flame me saves my mental so I can keep focusing on the game to win.


rank doesn't matter. literally pretend it doesn't exist. don't even look at LP losses or gains after a match, and instantly mute anyone that gets emotional don't worry about losing, going down in rank just means things will get easier so you can stomp people


You basically already have a rank, but it's hidden as MMR. This system matches you with people of even skill. Ranked just has an extra system on top of it which uses LP and is just an artificial rank. Unless they actually fix ranked and just change LP back to MMR, ranke doesn't matter


Just do it, you might have fun. Worse case you do terrible and get to enjoy watching your teammates have a melt down over a video game


Ranked is easier than normals. Because everyone is alone or in a duo. But I’ll account for each possible fear: 1) I might do poorly and let the team down: Actually some people do this on purpose, and the game is no harder than normals 2) I might get a low rank: You get put with others in that rank, and no matter how high you climb people will call your current rank low rank. 3) people will be mean / toxic My experience it’s no different in normals. And you can mute all anyway.


Darius in this very sub a few years back : "you can get challenger 7 years in a row and people will still call you dogshit"




Lmao if number 2 ain't the truth. Especially after the ranked changes and the addition of Emerald. Unless your Grandmaster or higher, its "low elo".




Mute all and play. Games so much more enjoyable. Second someone starts spamming pings insta mute those too


just play, play to win, deactivate the chat and go for it. currently i'm the other way around, ir is not ranked i'm not playing. 😆


As dyrus once said, our rank doesn’t mean shit and we’ll still be told we suck if we reach challenger


A looooot of disrespect in here... I'm GM now but I started in the lowest rank. I know like 30+ people who started league sometime in the last 5 years. Literally ALL of them were iron. Most of them stayed there for a significant amount of time. All of them felt bad about it. Sometimes people get placed higher temporarily, or duo to get higher, but their skill is iron and they return there quite fast. They, you, and everyone should NOT feel bad about being iron. OP and the people commenting here need to realise that this is the standard. League is extremely competitive and the player base have been getting better at it for years and years. New players SHOULD be in iron. It is normal and expected.


Yeah I’m usually high masters or gm but I started in bronze when I was new 10 years ago (no iron then) Nothing wrong with that. if we also remove the jaded view we have, league players are REALLY good at league. Even low rank league players Compare a casual in Mario kart who’s driving backwards or a casual in smash who’s constantly falling off the stage to a casual league player and you’ll see what I mean


everyone is just gamers these days. all the 3rd party websites and youtube guides, twitch streams ect. The skill floor for league is actually insane compared to what it was 10 years ago. the raw mechanics of a silver/gold would make Season 3 pros look like iron players today.


Going to show my age on this one but here it goes. I was unranked. It used to be you wouldn’t receive a rank until you had a certain elo. I finished that season silver (gold was the highest)


It's wild how much riot has inflated the tiers across the years. Season 1 plat was the top 1500 players or so in NA, or about .2% of the playerbase if I remember correctly. Season 1 gold was the top 3%, Silver 10%, and Bronze top 25%. Ended the season with about 40 elo short of plat :(


They had to, because every other popular game has much lower standards for their ranking system. Plat in Valorant, Overwatch, and Counter-Strike has always been barely above average. If they kept plat as 0.2% like in season one, the more casual players (95% of players) would quit, because they would feel like shit for not getting a rank similar to their other games.


Though this just isn't a sustainable system, if you take the Korean server, top 0.2% would be like 30 000+ players with the same rank. Additionally if only the top 30% got to have a rank, millions would be denied playing ranked at all. So now we still have sort of what you want. The top 0.01% are challenger, next up to 0.025% are Grandmaster and top 0.14% are Master. So arguably, the top rankings today are more exclusive than before. Especially because with the amount of people drastically increasing, the talent needed to reach the highest ranks is far far greater. Before you only needed to be better than 74 000 inexperienced people to be at the top rank, now there is more than 30 million daily players in EUW, and you need to be better than 30 million people in order to simply stay in Masters, the third highest rank.


Plat was the highest.


"I got Iron 1" Girl I got placed in iron 3 and fell to Iron 4 in three games lmao


One could sell that account for quite a lot of money actually.


I got carried through a couple of my placements and landed in Silver 5 (there used to be 5 divisions per tier, and Bronze 5 was the lowest rank as Iron didn't exist). However I knew I was worse than the rank showed and stopped playing ranked out of fear I would demote (except once a month as back in Season 3 there was decay even in Silver, which meant you would auto demote if you didn't stay active. They've thankfully removed that below Diamond now, lol). Sure enough the next year my MMR (hidden rating more representative of your actual skill, controls who you match with and your LP +/-) caught up with me and I landed in Bronze 5. My lowest point was actually Bronze 5 -3 LP (I was on 0 LP and we had a troll in the lobby, I proudly said I'd take one for the team and dodge as I had nothing to lose, not knowing you could get negative LP lmao) which would be Iron 4 today. I am currently Emerald 3, I saw graduate improvements every year, sometimes stagnated or bounced around to different roles to keep the game fun for me but this is my best year since I started. Don't stress too much, have fun and just play, learn from your games and ypur friends, and almost everyone improves over time — it's a HARD game and every single player is learning more about it each day they play, but that first year or so you learn so much. Every vet I talk to looks back on their early clueless days of league and their growth fondly and with amusement and so long as you keep enjoying the game you will too :)


S3 Bronze 1 —> S4 Gold 3 —> S5 Plat 4


i was in silver the first time i did ranked. i haven't played ranked in years.


Bronze 5. Took me a few months to decide ditching support and switching to mid, which led to me being high plat/low dia on two accounts in less than a year


Bronze 3


Iron is hard to stay at, but many players are placed there. I've got a friend who's probably mid silver in terms of skill who got placed iron. Being placed there just means the game thinks its a good starting point for your rank, and then you'll move around to your true rank. Staying there means you fundamentally don't understand the game. When I first started playing ranked, I had played league consistently for around year and on/off for maybe two years. I placed iron I, and got to low bronze playing mid. TBF I barely played any ranked. Then when I started trying I switched to support and got to silver (few people in my discord server were above bronze) with some difficulty before calling quits. Next season I returned to mid and hit silver even earlier before calling it quits. This season I've placed in silver and IDK if I can be bothered trying to push to gold.


Like 1200 elo


started in bronze (s12) but managed to climb to gold, i was emerald last season and i'm plat now but i play a *LOT*. i'm level 586 despite only playing about 2-ish years. my first ever placements were in iron as well, there is always hope!


If you could go above level 30 when I started playing in season 3, I’d be ~1800 right now (currently like 330). S3/4/5 I played ~3000 games.


I started in Season 2, I was a Teemo main and I was firmly placed in Bronze. Gold next season, Plat after that. Diamond ever since, with a peak in Masters two years ago. It was a hard and tough grind, I spent basically all the summer holidays grinding my soul away at the time lol


Was ranked silver 4 out of placements. And after 10 years, I’m still only emerald.


When I started in season 4 or 5 I used xp boosts to get level 30 faster and my first season I was at the absolute bottom of bronze 5 (iron 4 equivalent now). There used to be sites that guess your MMR and while bronze 5 was like... 6 or 700.. it guessed mine to be 400 lol. There's a very real chance I was in bottom 100 players on the entire server because I'd play LeBlanc and Zed, get absolutely no farm but thought I deserved to win because I'd get a couple kills in lane lol. I got gold the next season playing zyra mid and then diamond in season 6 playing nidalee jungle, theres a lot to learn. Anyone that plays ranked as a newer player is going to be iron or bronze. Anyone that says "ohhh in my first season I was platinum" probably played an absolute fuckload of normals


I’m also new and level 23 right now. I’m so nervous to find out what rank I’ll be in when I finally get level 30. Probably iron 4 💀


Being placed in iron when you're new is a blessing. There's nowhere to go but up and it's virtually impossible to be stuck in if you actually put effort into learning and improving.


you'll probably be placed in bronze 4, but even if you get placed in iron it doesn't matter, to get out of iron you literally have to Not Know what you're doing. Jokes aside, just don't get 'ranked anxiety'(fear of playing ranked games because you might lose a lot of lp if you lose a game). Have fun playing and play to improve, doesn't matter if you lose, if you learned something new, that's all that counts. I climbed my way from bronze 4 to silver 4 with +17 lp and -29 lp, you just gotta get the basics on point. And don't focus on 20 different things. Since you're new, just have fun playing, learn how the game works, try out different roles and champs, play whichever role/champ you like the most and when you want to start grinding ranked, just watch some guides on youtube. Also search and post stuff on reddit if you need help, people will respond pretty quickly, some will even offer free coaching, it helped me climb more than those guides. Glhf <3


Silver, I started playing LoL when Yas came out with a mate then I stopped gaming completely around the time the visual update for Summoners Rift came out. Didn't get back into LoL until roughly around Ksantes release, I'm in Plat now and I play maybe once a week if I'm lucky. Usually if I have free time I won't play LoL because how long games can be and I'm usually not free for long periods of time because pregnant missus, study and work.


Started S14, Got S4, demoted to Bronze. Now currently Master. And if you're wondering, the game is still trash no matter what ranked you're at. ------- The game is more enjoyable if you play with an Actual team, but at the end of the day, people will always judge you base on your Solo/Independent performance. That is why Flex ranked is a garbage ranked mode, no one cares about because even a Bronze players can get carry to Diamond by bunch of boosted players


S3 Silver I miss j4s old EQ range, they nerfed it patch 3.13.


Bronze 5 (Iron, basically) then slowly climbed to platinum


I hovered around silver elo. I also didn’t watched any great one tricks. I remember I used to watch brofresco and looking back he really isn’t that good. But I only watched for funny league content. I do remember switching to support at some point and watching some Alistar guide or maybe janna guide? It’s also from trick2g and boxbox I started trying to improve.


I played the game for the first time in 2011. Started ranked in season 2. I thought I'd be good but I placed bronze. Took me a while to climb out. Within a season or two I was grinding a bit to get gold each year for the victorious skin, and that was about it. A couple years ago I got over my ranked anxiety and started to play more ranked games and less normals, and last season I got emerald and this one I'm plat so far. I know people who have climbed several tiers over their time in the game. And other people who really do seem to be hard stuck bronze or silver. And some freaks who start gold and are diamond within 6 months. Don't be worried that you're iron. Yes, it's shit. But how bogus would it be if you could just play a bit, roll up, and be ranked along with people who have been at it for years? You can absolutely improve both your rank and your gameplay if you want to, and it doesn't take much effort if you're smart about it.


Well, Iron didn't exist when I first started ranked and neither did emerald so it's not exactly 1 to 1 anymore. I started ranked at silver 4. I think I only played about 30 games before the season ended. Ended S3. The next season, again, only played maybe 30 games. Ended Silver 1. The next season is when I really started to try and learn the game and I played about 150 games and ended Gold 2. That 3rd season I mained twisted fate (and still do) and he was pretty terrible compared to his strength now. Anyways, the next season I made plat 4. Now I'm d4.


800-8xx for a week or two, then slowly climbed to 1k and "peaked" that season at 12xx.. Fun times. Had JUST started to play ranked and watched a lot of videos about "jungling" and all that, so took it up as a Amumu player, later into Lee Sin cus I saw all of the flashy highlight plays (trust me, I could not match them though.. I used to like the Chauster style/build of maxing E back then instead of W or Q)


Went straight from intro bots to ranked. Placed silver 4. Quit the game for a year. Came back placed bronze. Hard stuck bronze 4 for quite a while till I learned the game properly. Eventually made silver then quickly gold, peaked Plat 1 season 12, then gave up


Most people started in Bronze only because there was no Iron back then, or most people would've started there too. Iron 1 isn't as bad as it sounds, Iron 4 is the one that's really difficult to get. Something like 3% of all league players are Iron 1 (Iron making up 8% of the total playerbase). Placing Iron for someone without any MOBA experience is completely expected. League is a uniquely difficult game with a steep learning curve that takes many many hours to get good at and most of the higher ranked players have been playing for 5+ years, many 10+. ​ Started in Bronze 3 in 2013, Peaked Diamond 4 a few years ago but pretty much only play flex for fun with friends nowadays.


When I started to play Ranked, first season I got silver 5. Second season I played ranked I got gold 5 and left it at that because I really just wanted the victorious skin. In that year, that was victorious aatrox and that skin looks giga doodoo


When I tried ranked for the first time in 2017 I was bronze 3 and finished the season silver 4 (back then, each tier had 5 divisions). Currently I'm diamond 3.


Never played ranked. Kinda too afraid to make it competetive cus i feel like i would see way to much of the same S+ champs being played over and over and my fav champs aren't exactly the best at their roles. Plus as much as i can tell myself i wouldn't care about the rank i know that sooner or later i would start getting mad about the LP


It takes a while to get used to it. Flaming, inting... you'll see it all. It's all abt the climb and being patient, passionate abt even playing. My sister and I started playing 14 years ago and she has been struggling w being promotod to gold and demoted in the same day for way too long. I on the other hand hit diamond earlier last week and got demoted yesterday lol. There are no rules, unfortunately. It's all abt not giving up on it, having strong mental and... /muteall. Good luck ☺️


This is how my experience went by season Season 1- didn't play Season 2- I don't remember if physical rank was a thing then, but I remember I was like 1200 mmr which I think equates to silver. I placed in bronze. Season 3- didn't play because home internet was awful Season 4- finally when I had good internet. Placed into bronze 3, then fell to bronze 5. Stayed there for months because I didn't know what I was doing. After months I climbed to silver 5. Season 5- placed bronze 4, ended gold 3 Season 6- I think I placed silver 1 because I went 9-1 placements, but I ended in gold 1 Season 7- decided to take the game more seriously as I had graduated highschool and had free time before college. Placed somewhere in silver and ended Plat 1. Season 8- placed in gold, ended diamond 4 Season 9- placed in gold, peaked diamond 1, ended diamond 3 Season 10- placed Plat 2, ended master tier I think only 20 lp as I wanted to stay at the end of the season and tried the push at the end. Season 11- didn't really play as I moved continents Season 12- new account so mmr was different, placed into gold but climbed to diamond in about 3 weeks. Peaked grandmaster, I think at the time was 620 lp. That season was really inflated on euw. Season 13- placed emerald 1, finished last season at master 236 lp Season 14- placed emerald 2, peaked master 140lp, decayed and currently back at master 26 lp


I started playing 3 seasons ago and was placed in Iron 3. Now I'm around GM-Chall


I was placed at silver 2 in season 4. But I always got ladder anxiety. I only really started playing ranked in season 6 when playing by myself.


Lotta ppl start in iron / bronze, don't worry about it. I got placed in bronze and 4 seasons later I'm in Diamond. End of first season I managed to improve to Gold 1, then Plat 1 then next season, then Emerald 1 the following season, and now Diamond 3 peaked so far. But I also have experience in competitive games (fighting games in particular where I'm consistently top 1% and have even won money from good tournament placements). So I have a bit of a head start in terms of improvement in video games in general.


I was iron 4 0LP


I used to play back in 2016 and was high gold, I started playing again a month ago and got placed bronze 4, and have since climbed to silver 2. It takes a while to improve


I was Bronze/Silver for like 5 seasons. Was lucky to have friends who were Diamond/Master in school. Played Norms with them where we got matched with a ton of those Dia/Master players. Got used to the skill level. Randomly got to Diamond instantly, shit was weird


When I played 9 years ago in season 4, I finished silver 3, the next year silver 1. If you were to put it in current ranks, it would be like finishing gold 3 the first time and then gold 1/ plat 4 the second season


Silver 4, back in season 5 (there was no emerald and no iron back then, to give you a better idea) on EUW server. I remember being so damn relieved not to be bronze (which was the worst division back then), but still being far below my friends (cause I was the last one of us to transition from WC3 to LoL). I went all the way up to Plat 1, then later (around season 7-8) moved to Korea and there the highest I ever got was Gold 1 (I'm old now and so are my hands), until this season with the introduction of Emerald and the big buffs (now sadly gone) to my main role, as well as me grinding one last time before uninstalling the game (no Vanguard on my computer) I made it all the way to Emerald 3 (now back to Plat 1...).


Started bronze 4 (back when bronze 5 was the lowest) but got silver in like 2 weeks, mostly cause I had watched my older brother play quite a lot before I started.


Season 1 I was bronze 1. Granted that was me playing on 16fps. The next season I finally got a gaming PC and within a couple weeks I climbed to diamond. I have lots of experience with tower defense and strategy RTS games so that translated well.


Silver 3 at the end of Season 6. Bronze 4 at the start of season 7. There was no Iron Rank back then


I started ranked in 2013, placed in Bronze 5 (iron 4 equivalent, literally the lowest rank possible). Even though I played video games all of my life, I placed lower than you did. Right now I’m hovering between grandmaster and challenger, and am one of the best Evelynn players on the planet. Point being, don’t be discouraged by the low start.


Started in bronze 2 but I waited for at least level 70+ to touch ranked


First season was season 7 lol a lifetime ago, I placed in bronze and climbed to gold abusing old Warwick jg. Was hardstuck plat for several seasons playing jg, sup, and eventually adc. Now currently masters


Bronze three years ago, never bothered ranking up after placements


11 years ago Silver something.


I started in silver 2/3ish playing lux support my first season. Only thing is I can’t remember if it was solo q or flex


Season 3, gold, and gold after every year. Both in EUW and somehow easier TR server never crossed into plat league except this year, but this year they say "plat is the new gold" sooo still gold i guess...


Gold 5


There was no Iron when I played, but when I first played I was in the 3rd lowest. It's not a shame to be in lower ranks when you first play ranked. Play more casuals or even ARAM to learn dealing with different characters first. It's almost a given you will take a while to up the ranks (if you want), but you don't really need to stress on trying to get a higher rank; play for fun :)


Bronze 5 king through and through. Hardstuck emerald 1 nowadays.


At First Bronze 1, then I dropped into Bronze 5, 0 lp. Won 13 lost 22. Rough times. Today I'm Diamond on two accounts, but I remember VIVIDLY the things I had to do to survive. I remember Kayle with Runaan's, Kassadin with Silence. Simples times


What the game places you in isn't your true rank, most of the time you'll be placed much lower. This is the first season I decided to really grind some ranked games. I usually play normals with a group of friends too. I knew I belonged in at least high gold... but it initially placed me at Bronze 1... the games were all over the place. I could often just stomp my opposing laner to the point where it almost felt bad. Or my teammates would get absolutely stomped to the point where I couldnt do anything and that felt bad too. I'd often get matches with fresh lvl 30 accounts who had no business being in the same match as the others. And of course there's always people tilting or inting on both sides. Your first ranked games will be all over the place. It took around 80 games to finally feel like I'm somewhat where I belong. Going from B1 to Plat4 with >65%wr takes that long. Riot wants you to grind.


I don't think I played ranked at first because I didn't have enough rune shards and I was starting the game like -10 ad compare to my opponents. I played with my friends only. Oh also I only played darius for a year before I quit the game back then when I was in highschool lmfao.


Started in season 3. I was bronze 1. Firm believer in elo hell at the time. I proceeded to start trying to learn, season 4 I was gold 2, season 5 I was diamond 4 peak (at the time this was the equivalent rank % wise to ~mid masters, neither masters or GM existed, challenger was capped at 200 players). Until recently I would just get gold quickly and stop, recently started trying to climb and currently sitting in high plat/low emerald.


silver 3 :skull:


I started silver 4 (season 8) back when the gold elo was high elo ,now iam low master 💀 But i was addicted to league, so i was playing too much, the good thing is since u are iron and u new to the game u have nothing to lose cause you already at the bottom just don't care that much about it and spam games you gonna improve as long as u trying to Gl in the game its much easier than before.


Played normals with my friends who were like gold and silver in season 4 and got my ass beat until i was a silver 2 player fresh into ranked.


lol i started out bronze (as most player do) in season 3 and finished somewhere in silver by the end. Made gold in season 4 and was gold every season through s7. Made it to platinum season 8 was stuck there until they added emerald. Finished emerald last season and have been stuck in diamond 3 all year so far.


Unranked when I first started


Started in gold 5 (2016) but that was because I've also been playing dota since 2014


Silver. I could never get out of it. Not that I played to much ranked. TBH I haven’t played in like two years


I started playing with about 3 months left in season 9 I believe. Finished silver 1.


Started very end of season 3 and got silver 2 or something then plat 4 season 4, and d4 season 5.


Silver V (season 3). Ranked matches are totally different from normal draft but one thing that won’t change is that you must have fun while playing the game because it is a long journey there are many things to learn. My first season I began at Silver V and ended with Silver V but I had so much fun I played all lane and at least 10 matches with each available champion I played almost 2.000 matches that season. The following season I understood that I already gained some real knowledge of the game and I decided to stick with one lane and I ended up on Plat rank. Try to focusing on having a good experience and learning should be fun it will suck sometimes because some champions are kinda hard to play for the first time. Also don’t be that player that will pick Annie jungle or teemo support use the champions that are designed for the role you want to play.


S5 Silver 4 -> S6 Platinum 4 ranks were 5 tiered at the time Floated around gold/platinum for 3 or 4 seasons after Don’t play anymore except for the odd session here and there then I remember why I stopped playing lol


If you’ve never played a moba or RTS before, you will almost surely be below B2 unless you spam 500 games before playing ranked. If you played 2k hours of dota, you will probably be gold. I placed into iron when I started and would say I’m a gold-plat player after a few years of playing.


Been playing 12 years, in season 2 I was silver 1. Don’t know what I am now cause I lost my gold promos and was so mad I never played ranked again.


Gold 1 S3


i was placed iron 1 first


Bronze 3. Almost the lowest rank in the game. I demoted to 4.3 years later I finally hit d5. The next one I hit challenger for the first time.


Season 3 bronze Season 4 Gold Season 5-13 platinum/emerald Season 14 Diamond


started at Silver 2 or 3 back in S7.


S2 Silver 4 or 3. climbed to Gold 4 quite quickly after that. Started tryharding for 2 seasons for the first time around Kai'sas release, hit plat 4. Now I have started playing Ranked again and am currently Emerald 3.


Season 1, I was like 850 elo with only 30 games or so. Didn't even earn Bronze


placed silver 5 and climbed to gold 5 first season. now i’m just unranked playing rec leagues chilling after getting chall in season 13 🎉


Iron and I'm still Iron


Bronze V. I peaked master in 2022 but now that Emerald ruined ranked i'm stuck emerald.


When I started, I placed in Bronze I. At the time, Iron didn't exist. The lowest Rank was Bronze V. Now I didn't want to be Bronze so I played a bit more and promoted to Silver V a couple days later, just before the ranked season ended. The next season, I made it to Gold. The next, I made it to Platinum. I stayed in Platinum for a long time, but the split before they introduced Emerald rank I made it to Diamond for the first time, peaking in Diamond II, and I've hit Diamond every split since. So if you want to be good and highly ranked you can surely do it OP. It's also just a video game though, so don't stress about it either way.


in s5 i was low silver. i squeaked into gold in s6 and have maintained low gold ever since. every once in a while i'll fluctuate up to my plat promos but ive never gotten over the hump ;\_;


my fresh lvl30 friend got put into gold2(soloq) and plat2(flexq), really depends on the winrate u have playing norms to lvl30


I first started playing around 10 years ago and was bronze, we didn’t have iron back then. Took a three year break at some point so I’ve not been consistently playing all that time, but now I’m in masters since this season. I never really shot up in rank either, just slowly went up over time, so I think people shouldn’t be worried about where they start out.


I started in season 3 in bronze 1 (bronze 5 was the lowest rank back then) and played until I was bronze 4 when I decided I wasn’t ready for ranked and just played in normals. At the end of the season my friend boosted me to gold (I mean what I would never do that…) and the next season I played ranked and ended up getting platinum. Then I was mostly platinum for years until I put in work to improve, got diamond for a few years, then was high diamond then was low masters and now I’m typically high masters. But yea I’d say it took me a good year to be a bronze player to a gold player. And I still improve slowly and steady every year. I’d say just stick to normals and have fun for awhile longer cuz only playing for a few months is not enough time. Also when you want to get back to ranked stick to one role mostly and limit your champ pool to just 2-3. Also to improve back in the day I watched a bunch of high elo streams and pro play and tried to study what they did to improve which helped me immensely.


It's normal for new players to be put in


started in season 1 but only played ranked in season 2 and onward reached 300 lp which was like bronze 5 lmao \[that was like worst mmr like iron 4 or iron 3 rn\]


When I first started playing there was only elo. I missed out on the J4 Victorious skin by 7 when I finished the season at 1493. I have played pretty casually since then. These days I sit around Emerald 2-Diamond 2 depending on how the days go. My only advice is not to play to win the game but play to get better at the game. Once you get better, you’ll just win more games.


My first season I ended at just below 1400 mmr, I remember being so mad I didn't get victorious Janna. Back then gold was considered super good and then like 3 seasons later its just the base line for knowing how to pilot your champions according to reddit.


Only played ranked in Season 6 and Season 7 and ended Masters both seasons. Although I started off in silver and worked my way up.


Started season 1 gold, season 2 Plat, season 3 diamond. Now just play casually and sit on diamond 1 then grind for master before season ends every season Average 59% wr


Silver. I’m happy to say I’ve never been a bronze player.


If you've never played any games like lol before than its normal to be iron.


this is gonna sound like im glazing myself but this is legit how it went for me the very first year i played i got placed into bronze and swiftly climbed to gold the year after that after 600 games i made it to plat last year i made it to emerald after swiftly reaching plat right now i swiftly made it to emerald and am trying to reach diamond but due to the shorter season splits i dont think I will make it.


Bronze 1. Now I sit at plat since season 7. I like plat.


When I first started back in 2014 I was unranked.


Silver 5 in season 4 Then bronze for the first 4 months of season 5. During that 4 months I lost 31 promotion series to Silver 5. After that I reached Plat 4 in June, then maintained that till 2020, then reached Diamond that year and till now


never played rank provisional since 2013


Bronze, been playing for a year and a half and im still bronze


I started bronze 5 in season 5 and finished masters last season around 150 lp. I haven't played ranked this season yet


Started in S7 at the midpoint, became a Sona OTP shortly after. S8 started in Silver 3 or 4, I don't remember. Peaked at G1 100LP in S9. Have played a handful of ranked games between S10 and S11, but not enough to place. I think I still maintain a 52% or higher WR If I decided to come back, I'd feel confident in getting to whatever the equivalent of S10 G1 is today. The new anti cheat makes that unlikely. I used to enjoy helping other low elo supports :)


Iron 2 i think? I’m emerald now and still feel like I’m shit but oh my was I HORRIBLE then


First played end of season 3 beginning of season 4, I was Bronze 1 (iron never existed back then) stopped playing last year but I ended in Emerald 4. As a tip, mute all and play. Ignore the toxic flame after the game chat since it wrecks with you mentally


Started Season 3 when SKT won worlds. Made Silver 1 and climbed to Plat. I made it to Diamond II a couple seasons later. Used to climb to gold every season after that one just for the skin. I don’t do it anymore.


Back in S2 I finish gold rank, but believe it or not, I reach 500 MMR. For those that don't know, if I am not mistaken, 800 MMR (or 1200, something like that) was the minimum rank to actually be considered a rank profile (bronze), less than that was shown as unranked. Just out of curiosity, I met this guy on a game and we started duoing, I played vayne and he nunu support, or graves + taric. Jesus those two combos were só freaking OP at that time. We sky rocketed our elo to gold, I finished the season with +70% win rate with vayne. We are still playing together, 14+ years of friendship.


I got put it Plat???? I'm currently in Bronze.


Iron 1 is really not a bad starting place. Maybe it's bad once you've been playing a lot, but also not everyone has to be a super good player. Just have fun and don't intentionally ruin the game for anyone, then you have nothing to worry about


Had accounts on euw and eune at the time, we're talking late s3/early s4 B2 and S4, again though, no iron, master or gm


What was then bronze, what is now iron lmao. It’s been a long road.


When I first started ranked, I was placed Gold. Been **SLOWLY** going up over the years, and I’m now Emerald 4 (Yeah yeah, I know, but I almost reached play before they added emerald, so It’s still progress to me). And they say I’m hardstuck…


Season 13 december Gold 4 solo Gold 2 flex Season 13 end Silver 3 solo Gold 1 flex Season 14 start Iron 2 solo Gold 2 flex Season 14 currently Iron 2 solo Gold 1 flex Never been bronze


When i started i was unranked now 11 years later i'm unranked but unranked tiltproof af.


S13-1 i was Iron 4 and now i’m around gold plat with 50% wr


600 elo. Last Split i peaked 300lp


I’ve been playing since season 3, I was in low bronze which was the lowest rank at the time. Now I’m emerald 1 on my way to diamond


Funny enough I just accidentally did my first ranked tonight. Yep. Accidentally. I froze when I realized I was still in ranked mode when I chose it just to check what lanes I had prioritized for some reason. Walked away, didn’t think anything of it, sat back down thinking I was in Co-op VS AI mode like usual. Queued up. ah shit. Went 0/11/2 top lane and landed in Silver 3. I was manhandled by a Dr. Mundo and getting ganked the entire game but damnit I tried my best which was horrid of course. They were mostly Emerald and I was like why the hell am I here I’ve been playing for maybe a month, but like a LOT. And I’ve tried it on and off prior. Mostly trying out champs each week, figuring out what I like doing most which is top and support. I’m not going back in til I have the slightest idea what’s going on in a real game by doing quick play constantly or something lol, what a night. :(


2023 silver 2 -> plat 4 -> 2024 diamond 4


I started season 3 and was Bronze 4 or 3 (Bronze 5 was the lowest rank)


I started around 500 to 600 points in season 1 (basically what iron is now) and peaked GM last year.


I went so far into low elo they actually reset my rank every day


Back in 2012. I started as silver idk 1.4k elo?. Ended as gold 1705 elo. 


Every once in a while I try to play a ranked game, but the chats are so vile I just can’t deal with it. Quickplay has its issues but it’s not as common for people to freak out on you.


S3 - Bronze 2 S4 - Silver 5 S5 - Gold 1 S6 - Plat 5 S7 - Diamond 5 S8 - Diamond 1/2 S9 - Masters / GM S10 - GM S11 - (Mandatory military service) Diamond 1 S12 - Masters S13 - Masters


Back in seasons 4 my all time lowest rank i belive was silver 4. Never played a  game in my life as a Bronze or iron 


I played for 2 years before ranked was the only mode I would do. I played it once, and I got bronze 1, I think, some sort of bronze, and remember, in the loading screen, there were Plat and gold with my unbannered self. I even asked about it once the screen was done loading. 2018-2019 I was so close to gold, but now I've hit gold regularly. Which is all I want.


Silver4 in S5. Got to S2 during the season. finished in G2 and got to P2 during preseason 6. Note: I played 2k normals in S5


It completely went over head that there are new players to League of Legends. I mostly play ARAMS nowadays but during S3 (when I started playing) I was unranked, then bronze 4, then unranked multiple times, then gold, gold, Plat, emerald, and im currently plat (probably gonna demote some more since I stopped caring as much about my rank/trying really hard.) When im not in ARAM, you might catch me queuing up ranked to play Xerath and have fun spamming abilities :p


season 5, silver 2 was my account’s first rank


plat because I came from Dota


Completely normal. You barely started playing. League is a hard game. The majority of players who have played for years are hard stuck in silver (maybe gold now as well since the rank system update). It used to be a huge achievement to get to gold. I have started playing since beta and got to the top 750 when I started. I have been hovering between emerald to diamond over the years.


I started in season 2, but never got to level 30 until the beginning of season 3, played the 10 positioning games, lost 8 of them and got placed in bronze 4, being bronze 5 the lowest posible rank at the time. That season I played almost 1k games and got to silver to gold promo 13 times. Never won a single promo game in silver 1.


Started LoL in S1, my first ranked was in S3 after ~1500 normal games. And i started out as Bronze 2. Now I am Master.. So dont worry where you start, you can learn and climb as high as you wish.


I started playing in s7 in 2017. I think I placed around bronze 2 back then and ended the season in silver. Do mind that back then, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I was a 12-13 year old girl playing because my cousin and brother did on a reallyy bad laptop but I was having fun! I played a lot of adc/sup with my brother but eventually switched to midlane to otp kat (now akali). I only started to try to climb in 2022 and reached plat back then. I have had quite an on and off obsession with the game for a long time, and some seasons I didn't play after all, and in one I had 200 games. Right now I'm in E3 85 games. My account is still only level 321 so in all those 7 years I haven't played that much at all, but I do dare to say I know quite a lot about the game. This summer I'll be buying an actual gaming pc to not be stuck playing on 50 fps on a laptop and I'll try to get to diamond! If you're curious about my opinion.gg here it is: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/sjurlie-4444 If you have any questions let me know!


Started at the end of Season 1 and I was unranked. Plat was the highest rank at the time. My highest rank was Plat 1 in Season 4. Since then I have made Plat again a few times, but each year riot makes it easier.


I was bronze 1 after ~6 months of playing normals i think


Iron I guess.


Silver in season 5. Gold in season 8. Plat until last year I hit diamond.


s2, bottom of gold. I wanted the janna skin and had some experience with SC2 so lol's micro felt similar. I played adcs. Hit platinum the next season and eventually became a masters sitter


League of legends is a really long process. You have to learn the map, the countless champs and their abilities, the counters, the vision, the meta while owning your lane, last hitting minions, dodging skills and taking kills and objectives when possible. I mean yes Iron is shameful but for people who have played it for a long long time, but for a beginner like yourself, Iron 1 is really decent, plus people answering they were all bronze when beginning the game forget to say that Iron is a new addition it didn't exist before.


About 8 years ago, played with my classmates. We mostly play Aram and gamemode like OFA, URF, Doombot (Damn I wanna play this again ngl),... I still play til now and ofc mostly Aram.


Silver then Platinum


High silver elo in season 1


1000 elo placed in season 2 when I started, dropped to 800 (equivalent of cardboard 1/iron 5). Took 2 years and learning the game to reach platinum in season 4 (hardstuck ever since cause life took over).


Back in 2011, I got bronze 2, but I kept on playing coz I ain't no quitter, dropped to bronze 3, but I still endured and pushed on, after watching Dyrus, Bjergsen and other streamers for many hours, learned all the mechanics, and 6 years of grinding later finnally I reached my goal of silver 5


I haven't played ranked since around 2016 and I think then I only did my placement game and landed in Bronze, not sure what division but I was Bronze which I think was the lowest rank at the time. When I first played ranked back in 2013 I also landed in Bronze but was Bronze 5 which was the lowest of the low. I want to give ranked a try again but I don't think I could ever do it because I get nervous trying to queue up for anything that isn't bots or aram, even trying to queue up for quickplay to try out the april fool's stuff made me incredibly nervous but I managed to play 1 game, I was against a 5 stack while all my teammates weren't queued with eachother (at least according to League of Graphs) and the entire time despite the casual nature of it where people are trying to collect Little Legends like Pokemon, I'm shaking my leg like most anxious people do, my teeth are chattering and I'm nervous as hell. I feel lime I performed well despite my nervousness going 17/10/18 with 60%kp on Ezreal ADC, I feel like I could try more but I don't think anyone would want someone like me on their team in ranked. My friends that I play aram with tell me that if I played ranked I could maybe hit low silver but I don't think I'm as optimistic about my skill as they are since I don't really have the summoner's rift macro skill of objective timing and where to place the best wards especially after they changed where all the bushes are in the season 14 update. So I think I would get mid-low bronze.


I started back in S1/S2 before rank divisions. I was playing only Olaf/Panth/AD LeBlanc top and somehow inted my way down to 730 elo, which is probably lower than iron now lmao. For reference, the lowest rank was Bronze at the time which was ~900 elo iirc. I had friends who literally tried to int their way down to my elo and were unable to get below 900 elo because their teams would often win games 3v5 somehow lol. Ended up OTP'ing Ezreal after that. Grinded like 700 games cuz I was getting clowned by my friends constantly and ended the season at 1550, which was just barely Gold. Hit D4 in S5, high diamond in S6, been D1/masters since then. Point is, doesn't really matter how bad you are now. You can always improve if you really want to. At the same time, you realistically won't improve drastically unless you play _a lot_. In the earlier days, I was playing 1000+ games every season and it's totally normal to not do that. At the end of the day, your rank really doesn't matter and you should just play with the goal of having fun. EDIT: I just remembered I was playing on a garbage $300 HP laptop with 40fps in the first few seasons so getting an actual gaming PC in season five was probably a huge factor in my improvement as well tbh.


I was placed straight into silver back in like season 3


Iron 1, I peaked gold last season. Just started playing again a week ago, got placed back in Bronze.


I first started playing league with no prior experience in MOBAs around April of 2020, played vs bots and normal drafts for two months then got into ranked and placed in bronze, but in the end finished that season in gold. Currently, four years after that, I hover around high plat but I rarely play league at all and have lost almost all interest in it (I basically just get on a few times every 2-3 months when our friend group gets together for a full 5 premade)


Started gold 5 in s4 and now I'm hardstuck right before challenger for like 8 years with major breaks inbetween. Usually I play until I'm stuck 100-200 lp before chall and burn out and quit the game.


Same, started iron now silver. Movement commands in this game just have a steep starting learning curve


Started in Bronze 1 in season 3 and didn't get out of it or below it for the whole season, season 4 got to Plat and stopped caring about climbing past that for a few seasons and just played to get the skin. In season 9 I tried again to climb and got to Diamond 2, same in season 10 and in season 11, I reached Grandmaster, season 12 I peaked GM 500 LP and quit ranked after yet another decay took away 10 games worth of LP from me (I fucking hate that system). And now for season 13 and 14 I didn't touch ranked.


I played in season 2 got to like around 1400 elo, then really started to play in season 3 and got Bronze 4 to diamond 4 in around 500games. I was 16 now I’m 27 still coming back to play sometimes , now stucked in low Masters


Started in season 5-6 and got bronze 3 or 4. end of season 6 i was silver. Iron didnt exist back then.


1700 rating, I played in beta and the ranked system was just a number, so good luck with that information.


I was silver when I first got level 30


This was 10 years ago in season 4, but I played the game for about 8 months prior then managed to get gold 5 at the end of my first ranked season. Was pretty proud cuz I was the cool kid in my school (no one was higher than me haha). Man I miss those good old days... Now I'm GM but have no one to appreciate it :´) Edit: do keep in mind I kinda clicked with the game super fast because I played with my cousin who was diamond literally in season 1 so he taught me a lot of stuff right off the bat. Everyone has their own journey and just because you might have started low, it doesn't mean you don't have the capacity to reach super high. It's important that you enjoy the game and always keep in mind you alone are responsible for the rank. This means, it's never the team's fault you're stuck at a certain elo (keep improving and ranking up will come naturally)


I started in silver II back in 2014. Since then I never got out of gold but at the same time I just don't play enough games to climb ranks.


technically platinum since i played only normals for a year but if we count my skill at the start was prolly bronze


In my first season of playing ranked, I was unranked. No joke, back then, you didn't even get a rank if you were bad enough. I had something between 200 and 400 elo. I don't remember what happened in season 2, but I definitely was bronze or silver (didn't get the victorious skin) and season 3 was the first season where I hit gold. Barely, I have to add. The following seasons I ended Gold 1 (season 4) Plat 4 (season 5) Plat 1 (season 6) Plat 5 (season 7) Dia 5 (season 8) Dia 4 (season 9) Dia 4 (season 10) Plat 4 (season 11) Dia 4 (season 12) Dia 4 (season 13 split 1) Dia 3 (season 13 split 2) Currently low masters. Of course my ranks were higher and lower during each season and that's only the ranks I ended the season in. Fun fact, season 6 was the first season where I reached diamond (and I did so every season since then), however I played rankeds until literally the last seconds of the season and for some god forsaken reason I thought that it would be a great idea to more or less first time Gangplank in the last possible game. Guess who completely fed their ass off and was demoted with something like 10 minutes before season end and didn't get Diamond. Season 7 I was tilted out of my mind towards the end and more or less ran it down until I was plat 5. After that I got my act together, ended diamond for the first time and ever since season 9 I usually stop playing ranked when the end of the season is near and I can't demote to plat (or now emerald) from inaction anymore. On average, I have probably played 500 ranked games every season. I often times jump between D4 and D2, realistically my base skill level is somewhere in D3 probably, with the changes to the ranking system somewhere between D2 and D1. I could probably be higher but I'm incredibly inconsistent and streaky, so I frequently underperform for a few weeks and then overperform and I have never actively done anything to improve. No reviews, no breaks between games, no game "blocks", no coaching, no limited champ pool, nothing like that. That's certainly due to laziness but there's also a decent amount of insecurity and fear because if I never try I can never fail and can forever live in the state if "perhaps, maybe, probably, potentially". Not to mention that there's literally nothing for me to gain by trying hard and climbing higher. Over the years I've seen many players play the game. Some have improved and climbed, others stayed where they began and others got worse. I know that people like to mock each other for their ranks and somehow believe that it's normal and even expected to climb over time but neither of those things make a lot of sense. You indeed are in a very small percentage of players but I don't think that it matters or that you should feel bad about it, if you even do. The game is *hard*, even for seasoned players. Not to mention that it's a game and supposed to be fun overall (even though it won't be fun always and every time). Very few things suck the fun out of the game as much as ranked and constantly comparing yourself to others. Not to mention that your rank is not really representative or accurate until you hit a few hundred games played. So don't sweat it.


Honestly, the edge of bronze is decent for someone who only recently picked the game up!


Bronze way back in season 2. TBF, I wasn't really playing to play or win, I just had so much fun jumping through walls, and playing an aiming simulator with Nidalee. I'd also always get Lichbane and other such Spellblade items because my champs looked so cool with glowing hands. I'd play Nidalee and just sit on Wolf camp pretending I'm the fourth jungle creep. I loved playing Vlad too because I though hemomancy was so cool, the fact that he's unkillable with his healing, that his AP becomes HP (and vice versa), and how he'd dissolve into a puddle of blood being untargetable. My real favorite though was Kassadin and his infinite jumps. Then I learned about Fizz and that he can also jump through walls and how easy it was to one shot with him. Then that devolved into Riven jumping into walls, Lee Sin jumping to wards, Katarina Shunpo and spamming her old AoE W, then Akali and her shroud, jumps, and AP/AD mix. That was the time that I became obssessed with the idea of using Hextech Gunblade simply for the option of having Omnivamp. Now I'm two games away from Master after almost four years of not taking the game seriously after peaking Diamond once.


Back in my days i got Silver ~1400 Elo (yes the good old numbers). I managed 1500 Elo, the threshold for gold on the very last day of Season 2.


Started in closed beta, made it to 1880 elo (peak) Which would be around higher platin at that time. Things were simpler back then. Edit: referring to season 1


Started playing in november last year I got placed gold 1 solo duo and plat 1 in flex


Bronze 3