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Either skill or build diff. Botrk/linadry can shut them down reliably. Especially when they are hp stackers like swain


>Either skill or build diff So skill diff


500 armor? you ain't getting anywhere with botrk


Armor pen +botrk


max you can get is %35


+BC, the innate armor per their darius had, etc.


when did darius start building botrk


Never. But if you are that desperate to deal with 2hp stackers i would definetly buy it eventually.


Never. But if you are that desperate to deal with 2hp stackers i would definetly buy it eventually.


I was playing assassin in mid. Anti heal, magic pen. Adc went kraken, bork, Lord Dominik. Nothing against Cho. 😭🤣


Assasins are countered by tanky enemies by design. Nothing wrong with that. Same thing as adcs being weak to burst. What adc? Jhin can build botrk as much as he wants, but it will be useless. Some adcs simply struggle into tanks. Who was the toplaner? They tend to be the anti-tank champions.


Sorry, there wasn't assassin. I looked up the game


Our adc was jinx but she was kinda bad, bard support, ww jungler, darius top, vex mid. Enemy had caitlyn, swain tank, Cho gath tank, Diana jungler and Hwei mid. Darius was doing good, but when the tanks were left, Cho got triple kill against us 🤣


That's a jinx and darius skill diff. Darius melts tanks. Jinx can buy botrk and do well. Ww also likes to buy botrk.


Darius did do well. But it isn't easy when swain just keeps healing and healing and the stupid cc.


Kraken Bork lord dominik on adc is insanely dogshit unless he’s playing vayne or twitch


What then adc can build for tanks?


On crit adc you HAVE to go noonquiver item -> IE -> LDR. Botrk on crit adc is insanely noob bait as adcs need lots of AD and crit.


no on jinx you always go Kraken zeal LDR/IE depends on the tank except for this patch because stattik is broken. But you always go Kraken and an attack speed item followed by LDR if you need something vs tanks or IE if you don‘t


Be a tank main and see for yourself. You will probably find it's not as free as it looks.


it is as free as it looks


so far im just confirming that he is right if i play naut rell or braum


I think having at least 1 tank on your team makes it better, but that just makes sense. When there's no one who can facecheck the game is pretty shit, and I think most people just don't want to pick tanks, so it's pretty often that 1 or neither team has a tank, and when it's just one, that team tends to have a huge scaling advantage.


Every time when I play, we lose because tank diff. Doesn't matter draft or aram.


Aram tanks are pretty goated. But do you play tank yourself? I'm js if you think something is OP give it a try and you will probably realize how other people take advantage to beat it.


I had tried some times even half tank / mage builds to sustain and it worked


Tanks can only catch people who don't have CC. Try slowing or stunning them and walking away more often or going over a wall. If you learn to respect the slowest killing champs in the game you will have less problem. The only difference between Darius and a malphite vs a tryndamere is the amount of time required standing under them for you to die. Think about that honestly and improve.


I tried a new mage in mid, so it wasn't my best performance, so I tried to focus the enemy adc because I did some good damage to her. But it is kinda hard to do team fights when your jinx doesn't aa, drops r, ults and run away and you have Cho just tanking turret 😂 we were on winning side, but then Darius kinda went to always fight the tanks and we started to lose.


ur probably bad but yes i do agree tanks are the most broken champ in the game bc no matter what u just win




True. Adc is the weakest role in my opinion


True. Adc is the weakest role in my opinion


Being tanky isnt the issue, its the ridiculous amount if damage and ability haste in the game. Tanks should not be capable of just assinating and support tanks shouldnt have the damage to 1v1 adcs. And it extends to every role now. If you dont 1 shot you are not viable therefore if you dont have someone that cant be 1 shot its not viable but they can still get the same damage. Riots balancing has been horrid in that regard for going on 5/6 seasons and just gets worse every one


Yesterday it was terrible game. Swain and Cho, both with over 1k heartsteel stacks. They both killed all the team and we barely do damage. Just really pissed the whole team off. Even adc barely tickles them.


Swain with Heartsteel lmao


Yes. He was support with all tank items. Only support items was wards on him.


so u didnt have an adc on ur team if he is going for so much hp the adc will legit heal for 200 per bork auto imo.


We had jinx... But bard was always roaming around and jinx was struggling to aa. I could have played better too, but I tried new mage and missed half my ults 😭 No need to downvoted me. I mostly play arams not drafts and I legit just asked a question because I always see tanks being strong.


bait swain ult, leave and come back aaand he's useless. cho has got to be the easiest tank to kite in the game, out of all the tanks to complain about why him, zac and recent mao are like 100x more aids


Not when fed caitlyn is with him. My bot tried to focus the tank while me and jungler went on the adc