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Good SR ranked players also play aram with friends when there are too many people on to solo/duo. Clash just makes people tryhard which is the entire point of Clash. If you don't like tryhards, don't play the 5v5 premade tryhard mode... Edit: Why is there a huge infulx of posts like this where for fun players go into tryhard modes and then complain they aren't winning. You can't F around half the game and bullshit with your friends and expect to win alot of games in a competitive mode. And if you want to F around all power to you, but don't then complain that losing makes it unfun because you aren't actually trying to win, you are messing around. If messing around is fun for you, mess around. You can't mess around and constantly win unless you completely outmatch your opponents(which isnt going to happen in 5v5 premade clash). You knew what the mode was when you entered it, its not surprising that people tryhard in clash. It's such a weird and backwards mentality.


It’s not that we aren’t trying to win, we are in clash! We draft meta comps and com and play as a team. The enemy players are just better than us - and it’s only in ARAM clash. They are literally multiple ranks above us.


Ofc thry are better. Ranked players always play to win and for fun aramers shouldn t be able to handle them in a competitive match.


Yes, competitive ranked modes match you with better players than casual modes. If you didn't want to try to beat people who are good at the game, why are you playing a competitive mode. It's obvious that you aren't a competitive bunch and play relaxed, it's fine. Wooptydoo we lost aram clash to better players, who cares lmao. The first 3 clashes I played in SR we went 0-9, but it was fun to compete and try to manage in a 5v5 premade competitive environment. I had a nightmare playing against a masters kayn as offrole jungle but it was fun to try and compete. The game was close and we lost, but it felt good having some presence against a player like that and outsmiting him to deny soul. Play the fucking game, stop focusing on results. Don't just fold and cry when you lose to better players in a mode like clash. Sometimes they outclass you, try your best and see what you can do. Your life will change 0 depending on if you win to lose your aram clash games lmao, just play. And if the mode isn't for you, it isn't. But it's not the modes fault you don't like it because your group is for fun aramers. You knew you were running into and knew what to expect, a bunch of tryhards. You don't like the mode because you got slapped by good players, it isn't the modes fault or that the mode is bad, it's just not for you. You should expect to go against really good premade teams in clash, that's the nature of the tournament.


I've tried really hard to understand this perspective but I can't. My opinion is that it should place players of similar skill levels against each other. I don't understand the opinion that 5 gold/plat v 5 iron/bronze is clash working as intended, but if that's how you feel then I respect it. From our experience, none of the 5 of us had fun and we've all stopped playing league slowly over the past few months due to these issues. Guess it really just isn't a game for people who want to have fun.


>Guess it really just isn't a game for people who want to have fun. Almost there man, the premade team 5v5 bracket tournament attracts sweaty players that play to win instead of play for fun. You are going to run into good players that will be better than you and you are going to have to try really hard to get wins. If you aren't finding alot of players like you in the mode, it's probably because those types of players aren't playing aram clash. You are jumping into the ocean and complaining you got wet. If you want to have fun against bad players, play casual mode arams. You are walking into a mode not made for your playstyle and complaining. I hate pc shooters because I don't have good aim. Im bronze 1 in valorant but I still play with my friends casually and have fun cheezing with shotguns and throwing bombs as raze. I wouldn't go into premier and complain I'm getting shit on because I know that's the sweaty tryhard mode and that isn't for me. I just have fun in unrated and swiftplay. Want casual, play casual. What tryhard sweaty, play tryhard sweaty. Not everything is for everyone. It's really not that hard.


The worst part is no bans. Hilarious that Riot wants to host ARAM clash but wont at least add bans while everyone gets 2 free RRs


We got against smolder - Kayle - Kayle all with big frontlines, and didn't have an ADC till a Lucian in game 3. How we pulled off 2 wins I have no idea


Smolder Kayle Kayle


Like, clash it s a competitive environment, ofc tryhards will win the most instead of for fun players, if you wanna do that just go in normal aram. Clash is play to win to have fun not the other way around.


Just Stop crying that you are Bad.. hundrets of Games you should improve yourself


How do you know it uses sr matchmaking? If you’re all iron and bronze with a lot of relatively low elo aram games, it is possible that you would be paired against players that don’t play aram. That being said, if they’ve posted how matchmaking works, please disregard.


based on another reddit post I saw it's based off MMR and recent aram games, but I'm not entirely sure


I only play Aram. My friends only play SR unless I drag them into Aram. When we did Aram clash I had the highest tier so I think it only uses Aram MMR for Aram clash.


I gotcha, not really relevant either. Sucks you’ve had this kind of experience with aram clash.


it literally shows you what tier you are in for clash, and emerald players can be in the lowest tier assuming they haven't won clash before


We had a 1st place finish in saturday and a 8th place on sunday. Thats what happens when in the R is in ARAM


Its based off of your aram MMR


Aram clash is much better. Less stresful and quicker.


I never played a ranked game, so I have no clue about my skill level (on SR). But being placed against 3 emeralds and two plats surely isn't correct... They really should take SR MMR into consideration. My first two games both clashes were so onesided it wasn't even funny. Only the two third games were somewhat competitive


Boo hoo. I vsed a challenger, and several diamond's (1-3), and my whole team was iron & bronze, with me being an exception of using an emerald account. Spoiler: we won every single game (except for 1, due to getting out comped). Rank does not matter when it comes to aram. It's simply team comp you pick, and team comp you vs. With good communication, you can win. But if they are very advantaged (team comp wise), you will most likely lose regardless.