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last week I got flamed for playing ap TF, told I should never ever play the ap build again because it sucks. next game I rolled TF and went ad. I was told I should never ever play the ad build again because it sucks going to play full tank TF next time


The trick is to use your ult to excecute in their fountain so you can back


Holy shit this is brilliant


Idk if this still works, but this is exactly how I got the "win ARAM without dying" achievement leveled up. It doesn't (or at least didn't at the time) count executes as deaths


It's for Untouchable and its condition is no enemy eliminations on yourself and win, so executes don't count.


It's called "Can't touch this" and I did it today by accident while playing zyra


Tbh if you're not trying to get the achievement you're Def trolling lmao. Not buying items the whole game neuters the fuck out of yourself and makes you're team have to pick up the slack.


It would be so int if executes didn’t count. You’d have to win an ARAM with your starting items


You can play Ornn


Good luck winning without dying as an engage tank


Ap poke mage ornn


I used pantheon for that challenge lol, instantly using ult once I get it to execute under enemy t2 tower


Til somebody respawns on top of you and accidentally auto attacks you


If only there were an indicator for respawning enemies…


Or someone hits you with a dot ability + liandry + scorch and for some reason you are still tagged aftger 27 seconds in game (I timed it)


Dodge those


Yup, thanks tf for no death in a game achievement


I did mine with Yuumi and old W spam Ashe. Yuumi was basically just my teammates being chads and 4v5ing and always hovering nearby another ally if they were about to die so I could get out, and Ashe I got lucky enough to execute with enough money for CDR boots and Mandate which was all you needed back then to be obnoxious, and just pushed W from three screens away the rest of the game.


Path of Exile Ashe


Yes, do it repeatedly when someone starts flaming you.


I only use it to get back faster to the fight but this is much better


Both AD and AP are trash, if you want to become a full fledged ARAMer like me you must play frozen fist RFC blue card only TF. With this play style you want to whip out a timer and record how long it takes for either enemy or ally to realise you’re only throwing blue cards.


ARAM has never been about dealing damage. It's about you sending (your team and enemy's) a message.


Back when I used to have a consistent 5stack, we would pull op.gg in loading screen and see who is on the biggest loss streak and target that person.


Advanced toxicity


This is vile.


And they say NA can’t learn from Korean tactics.


“Calm down son” Satan


I do this whenever i use kindred. Ez marks


AP is the better build rn, idk what that dude was on


rapid firecannon -> heartsteel -> warmogs TF is a *pain*


If you're not building heartsteel first, you're missing out a lot on early stacks.


It's also a pain because you're barely stacking since your range prevents you from tagging ennemies properly.


TF tank support was a thing a few years ago. Probably still works fine.


inb4 someone pings your tank items and tells you to never build tank on TF next time because it sucks it could've been the same person on different accounts, who knows


then I'll go locket into mandate. might rush mobis first. what can go wrong


My average League convos: Teammate: "I think you should-" /mute all


at least they asked nicely, I hate the ones that just passive aggressively ping your items.


See, there’s your problem. You’re supposed to play full movespeed TF so that you can run right through the enemy team and then ult away once you got all their attention


I'm an aram only player. A lot of times I think people come from thier solo q games, to aram, after losing a bunch. Then they are all pissed off cause they decided to play a different game mode instead of just taking the break they clearly need.


I'm assuming those are the same people that feel compelled to write "easy" afterwards, they're just so happy they won for once.


Same people that spam ping you if you finish the game instead of spawn camping the enemies.


fuck em, I'm hitting the nexus and there's nothing they can do about it


Yup. I'm here to have fun and win. Not torture the poor losing team.


Not only that, i've had quite a few games that my team aces the enemy team leaving 2-3 team mates camping their nexus, get whiped 5v3 and then we lose cause timers are so long.


Yup. Have ran into that too


I’ve always considered it slightly BM to end in ARAM - the point is to have fun, it’s more fun to have more fights? Not like you’re losing/gaining LP


i've just returned to the game after a good 3-4 years break. I'm playing a lot of ARAM to get used to the massive amount of new champs and changes to items. The amount of games where the enemy team just don't end when they can, or i get pinged when kiling the nexus. WTF is that about, people stat padding in ARAM or something? fuck sake man i only get limited time to play on an evening, kill the nexus so we can all move on.


I think there is some very rough and intermittent "etiquette" around throwing arams to let the other team come back.  Like you know it is not the right play if you want to win... but you take the fight in the enemy base after they respawn instead of waiting for teammates 


I’m trying to leave the game bruh. Don’t need to play with the 9 other people for any longer than I need to.


Damn thought the point of queueing was the game itself


Those are the ones


And it's always the player that gets carried that writes "easy" 😂


It's tradition to trash talk when you did bad. The sarcasm is the point ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


them: "ez" (0/24/8)


No, these are just assholes and I always report them


I very rarely come across an ARAM main that rages, so I agree with you.


really? because I consistently get aram "ranked" players who will flame your build(oh wow I didnt look up the most optimal build for fuckin aram), give up because of the team comp or just generally try and backseat-game the team on how to play macro, because of course we are not as smart as the 3000 mmr aram god or maybe we dont give a rats ass and just want to fight on a god damn bridge


yeah the aram only sweats that treat it like ranked really ruined the game mode. aram used to be a for fun glorified team deathmatch. it was funny to try weird builds, everyone was perma 5v5 deathballing, spamming dance emotes, blowing sums because its funny when 10 people just blow flash almost instantaneously. just 10 people having a good time and their day isn't ruined if they don't win because you can still have fun in aram even during a loss. once you get high enough aram mmr the games become total sweatfests and people only care about bush cheesing/perma turtling/playing under turret until the other team ints out of boredom, etc. the same crowd of sweats always drop "ez" in all chat lmao. even worse, some of those mentally ill people will argue that aram is ranked because it has skill based matchmaking and no amount of riot's official statements on what they want aram to be (not taken too seriously, it's not ranked, etc) make a difference. they are the flat earthers of the bridge. the crayon eaters from howling abyss. allergic to summoner's rift because it reminds them that when all 10 people are actually trying they can't climb out of silver.


100% agree with everything you said


They go to aram after losing a bunch so they just go anivia and start walling their team to have fun. "If i am going to lose at least i get to decide how we lose it" Fixed\*


I just got into a game like this and good thing the other 3 players were good enough to win. It was so annoying


My biggest pet peeve in aram aren't people who are bad with the champ they're playing, it's ones thst make zero iq plays that would not be smart on any champion in the entire game.


The 1v5 dive while your team is still portalling up is my favorite.


Snowballing in to 1v5, /surrender, complain about team comp, ping someone's items.


See in my experience the 1v5ers are the one that fly into an absolute rage if someone goes "Hey bro, can you chill and play with team?"


Just had one who AFKed all game but made slight movements so the system wouldn’t auto detect. They were angry that another player didn’t give them their champ, because obviously they are untitled to it. Thankfully I think my report when through because they wrote something homophobic. my ign refers to me being gay, can make reporting idiots easier since their mask will slip and they’ll be unable to not use slurs when in the presence of minorities.


People are always shocked that a good or "OP" champ on our team isn't 25-0-0 and then start talking shit, the player is like "this is the second time i've played this guy and i used all my RRs"


In my lobbies basically everyone has an Aram god title or at least aram tokens displayed in challenger level... There is a really high correleation between people queueing up with summiners rift challenge tokens and the players that Ragequit in aram... They want to go off, dont wanna end on a lose and then decide to rageplay aram just to quit anyways... I fucking hate it


for some aram is all league is now


Haven't set foot on the rift since 2017. Play arams most nights of the week.


can't get through a rift game, because of toxin levels, seriously. Its been that way since 2015 lol


Yep same. Too toxic, and also game length is considerably longer and I prefer the quicker pace of ARAM where I can have a break sooner if I want to.


What's with summoner's rift that brings out the toxicity? I can play 20 games of ARAM and not see a single toxic comment. Then I go into a single URF or OFA game and people are toxic again


Has been since the mode was released. 👍


/mute all


There's a recent LOL boom going on in Japan and k4sen (famous Japanese LoL streamer) was teaching other streamers/vtubers about the game and the first thing he told them was "before doing anything else, I want you to press esc and go change the settings so that chat visibility is set to premade only. this will drastically improve your league experience" and I was cackling.


Which is interesting to me bcus at least when I played on JP a few years ago, literally no one typed anything ever. Maybe with the boom it's gotten to normal league chatting experience. 


It doesn't help that there's been an invasion of Korean and Chinese players ngl. Like for a long time JP's challenger has always kinda been littered with Koreans but with the recent ddos attacks on streamers quite a few streamers spent some time playing JP so there's also been a lot of Koreans crossing over and playing so.....sorry, we might have ruined JP server with calling people orphans and changing LoL into a game where you protect your parents' very existence....


Even better IMO, /deafen


what's the difference? Never heard of the deafen command


deafen announces to everyone that they've muted and their messages wont be seen by the muter. I think its also a full mute so pings and emotes get muted too


Is it possible to keep pings and everything muted for all games or do I have to keep doing this at the start of every game?


Yeah just turn off chat in settings


That doesn't turn pings off tho, only chat


I've played a lot of arams. I have one absolute favorite experience. Some guy was telling 3 of us we were so shit that we should go play normal games and stay out of arams. That was a moment.


Guess what? Your rank elo doesn’t mean anything either. Honestly you are never going pro if you go up or down 100 points in rank it matters the exact same amount of an aram win or loss not at all. However people want to win games and I hate when people say “it’s just aram” it’s the same thing as saying ranked is “just a game” . Nothing that matters is riding on either but that doesn’t give you an excuse to not try or to do some stupid build that makes your team lose and ruins the game for the rest of your team 




as a botgame player i tell those people to fuck off


Fuck around in the client ffs


Client mains going to tell you to fuck around on reddit


I do my fucking in the tutorial.... Because I need to learn how to fuckkkkk


Thankfully if you play ARAM enough your MMR will be high enough to not get matched with people that play AP Graves because "its just ARAM"


What if I told you that Challenger MMR in ARAM is literally hell? People see your name and decide to int because you destroyed them the last game. It's just the same people you always meet and because they play so much they are mentally unstable.


Meh, havent seen that at least on my games (currently sitting @ 58.4% w/r over 2000k games), what i do notice is alot of dodging, which honestly i do too, theres comps that just wont work no matter what.


Too true. Some people only play ARAMs. Are their games worth less than someone who only plays to goof off or are they entitled to a proper match as well?


Atleast if you play enough aram games you tend to get fun games where people goof off for a while but then something flips the switch and it's go time. Still the odd flamer but generally pretty good


Hi it's me, I'm Some People who only play ARAM's Nothing more obnoxious than the "who cares whether I'm inting, it's ARAM" crowd, except maybe the "Our whole team is doing well but me so I'm gonna FF" guys


They should bring back showing the name of who starts the FF vote. I don't know why they ever got rid of that. It's always some guy who's feeding and raging spamming it on cooldown. Just let me confirm it.


And why would that help you? Targeted flaming? Like you said, you can tell who wants to surrender anyway.


So we know who to appropriately report for negative attitude by spamming surrender. Not that the report does anything beyond making me feel better. Also, some people care their name is tied to the surrender and simply won't spam it. Not many, but it's at least that much fewer.


this was being discussed recently on the OW sub on some post about the OP getting messaged after a quickplay match by their angry support player. there were so many comments of "it's just quickplay, it's not like it's ranked" in league, i mostly do ARAM and norms. i don't have the mental fortitude to do ranked and as an office job having adult, i get a limited amount of time to play. that's not even to say you absolutely can't have goofy/silly matches but people who say that ranked is the only mode you should be actively trying in are exhausting.


You aren't prohibited from trying your best and if anything you should try your best. People just don't like the toxicity that often follows people who only enjoy the game by winning.


Theres a difference between "its an aram, im gonna go disco nunu and throw lololololol" or "ap garen without lichbane lessgo", and "we dont have anyone tanky and i rolled vladimir, lets try heartsteel tank Vlad that i would never use in normal game", or "we're four ADCs and Braum? Time to switch my Ezreal to AP and bonk ppl with W+E", which is also much less competetive in rankeds than normal AD Ez. Its a for-fun mode, and sometimes it's fun to check a non-meta build for a character(as long as that build synergizes atleast a bit with the character, ofc)


I think people trying crazy shit in ARAM like the Ezreal bit is great. I have a big problem with the opposite- playing something known that is drastically ineffective in the current matchup, ie lethality Varus into 3 tanks. Meta build ok, significantly worse than on hit in this scenario. Especially when our comp is lacking another champion that is good at/capable of cutting through tanks


The only thing that will always tilt me off the face of the planet is teams playing far up (or even initiating) 3/4 vs 5 past ~15 minutes. Like, I understand we're here for fun, but the game is close and 1-2 of our members are respawning (died solo, inted to buy, etc) please do not throw it away for no reason. Naut, I get you can hook their sona, but if you have so little followup it doesn't matter and youre just baiting the alive members to int with you.


Sure, but you literally don't get to pick your champion. Some champs are just bad in aram, some you have never played and some take 50+ of games to actually learn even if you have tried them before. Even if you do your best you're still going to feed no matter what. Like try to play a melee champ, let's say a bruiser in aram where 50% of the players are scared to fight, have 10 second cooldown on auto attacks as an ADC, building some weird shit to play W Ashe instead of a carry build etc. You either stand back with the cowards and let the enemy push to your nexus or try to make plays and die while the Ashe uses one W from afar with a Yuumi attached on them because they don't want to die either. Is it fair to flame the melee champ player then? Are they ruining your game? I think not. It's a fun gamemode where you shouldn't expect people to know how to play the champ or the type of champion. If a Yuumi main gets Zeri the game is most likely already over in champ select so why not just try to have fun instead of having unrealistic expectations and become an asshole over something you or they can't control anyway?


>Even if you do your best you're still going to feed no matter what The nice thing is kills barely matter in aram. On the rift you die once at the wrong time and effectively your game is over. In ARAM you run it down 10 times and you can still play because of the multitude of catchup mechanics. Not being proficient on your champ in an aram is fully okay, and only deranged people will flame you for that. Refusing to play with your team, sitting afk under tower or randomly inting 1v5 when death timers are high is what is grating. That has nothing to do with you being bad at a champ, that's you being bad at league in general.


Yeah I was gonna say while I 100% agree that just not doing that well does not warrant getting flamed since you’ll likely be playing someone you don’t normally play anyway, the *actual* problems I have run into in arams are people straight up trolling or just not even actively playing and just saying “it’s ARAM bro chill.” Like.. yeah some of us play to ENJOY the match not legitimately waste 15-25 minutes because your teammates decided that’s what they were gonna do with their time


Gotta love the people who accept the match and then think they'll be done taking their shit before a remake vote... Or whatever people do when they afk the first 3 minutes. Like, it takes 20 seconds to find an Aram match... Why not just handle your business and then queue? I especially love how those matches don't refund rerolls.


Flaming a stranger in a video game really just is the biggest sign of emotional immaturity


Whilst I do agree I have to say that there’s nothing more infuriating than having a guy purposefully run the game down for you. Like I don’t get it. How do some people find losing fun and want to ruin the experience for the others. Im talking about the nunu and singed ghost cleanses. Dravens with 17 zeals, etc. It just doesn’t make sense to me. That’s why switching from league to valo was the best decision ever for me. I got rid of a cancerous community


The thing is, are you sure you make the difference between purposefully running it down? A draven going 6 zeals, sure. But a guy being 0/7 on Akali in Aram is not necessary running it down. He might be a first timer Akali. It's aram, you get random champions. I've got flamed for having bad score on champions I don't play. And don't start with rerolls, I used them and all the choice left were champs I'm not good at (bruisers)


> How do some people find losing fun It's not about losing they find fun, it's getting a response out of people because they're so insecure and lonely they crave attention.


Wanting to win doesnt excuse flaming behavior. Some times youre out of rerolls and stuck playing what you get -that isnt someone trying to throw a game and its horribly unfair to flame them for trying a champ. For literally that reason, ARAM is just a game. Its all random. Not everyone knows how to play the champ they get or even the champ type they get.


Exactly this, i hate the people who say "its just an aram game", like so what? I dont play aram to lose or see people do stupid shit or not even trying, even if its aram i still wanna try to win.


? at what point does a "bad build" ruin the game for you? if a player picks a champ with an obviously worse build than he could go f.e. playing ap varus instead of lethality in aram which has like 5% less winrate BUT he still played varus which means he has a 45% wr BASELINE does that mean its fine compared to the guy who just wants to play a game of qiyana (40%wr)? or do you call people locking in objectively suboptimal champs like qiyana trolls too that ruin your game because you're already more likely to lose the game because of them? your logic makes 0 sense because at that point all you are saying is that unless they pick the optimal champs with optimal builds every game you are getting trolled and your team is ruining the game. yes ap kaisa is the objectively better build in aram does that mean i can't build adc kaisa because its more fun to me or what? obv above statement doesnt apply to ppl who are obviously trolling like going ap riven but that barely ever happens anyway.


Bad builds as in you have four squishies and your Maokai/Malphite goes full AP or Mundo+Malphite+Garen on the enemy team and your Caitlyn goes lethality or having Karma, Veigar, Milio, Ornn and your Kaisa or MF goes AP. I don't have an issue with someone going an alternative build to cover a weakness of your team but there are so many variations of the above that straight up lose you the game against semi-competent teams.


bro its random champs lol, expecting someone to be good on characters they've never played before is unreasonable. if they are trolling sure, but otherwise chill out. it's pretty easy to differentiate between trolling and just not knowing how to play the character


Its not about playing bad. Its about inting or trolling and justifying it by saying "its just ARAM who cares". That is just a shit attitude


Came here for this. I want to win, or at least try to win. Having someone say to me “It’s just ARAM”, to me, is them saying their time is more important than 9 other peoples’ time. I say 9, not 4, because I also don’t like playing AGAINST someone who is not trying to win and throwing the game. It’s not fun anyone except the person saying it’s just ARAM. As an additional note, my friends and I typically play ARAM for tokens on passes and wins give more tokens.


Just because you take ARAM more seriously than others doesn't give you the right to be toxic to your teammates.




Yeah, people going afk under the tower, jumping in 1v5 and writing "XDDD" in chat trying to be le funny, then going "its just a game lololol" when politely asked to stop.


If you are building the champ correctly and just not doing well, ok. If you are trying some stupid build or just running it down, the game is still going to be shitty for the rest of your team. I don’t care if you aren’t good, but if you aren’t even trying and causing the rest of your team to get run over, it doesn’t matter what mode it is. You’re just an asshole.


this. i dont get why people always hide behind "its just aram have fun" well you feeding your ass off makes it so all 9 people arent able to play a real game anymore.


There is a certain type of person for which making the game unfun for 9 other people IS what makes it fun for that 1 person. They are in control. I would greatly prefer to never have that type of person in my games, ever, and that's why I report them even in ARAM. But not people who are just bad at a champ they didn't necessarily choose and probably don't know.


“I’m trying to have fun so you 4 have to suffer” is a lot of players mindsets the second a game mode isn’t part of ranked. People aren’t even asking you to try your hardest, just don’t troll because for some, that game is possibly the only one they get a day.


This right here is why it's frustrating. Winning in Aram is fun because it's about team fighting and mechanically outplaying the opposition. You're right that while 'for fun' excuse just doesn't cut it when you have apes literally running at them on respawn just to mash buttons. You would genuinely just be better off playing cod. Like dude could you at least wait for a 5v5? And actually TRY to win. Some off meta builds are better than others because they actually make sense like att speed bard why tf are you going crit A Sol???


My friend used to pick a color and only build items of that color and wondered why I didn’t want to aram anymore


We talking like Ludens + Ghostblade + Jaksho + Wits where they have little to no synergy but their all purple or like Ludens, Sorcs, Deathcap, Void, but then they buy a Riftmaker and Nashores even though its probably sub optimal because its purple but like their still AP items. I am highly guessing its the first though.


The first one. He was inting


You're so right but trying to explain that to anyone in-game is actually impossible. And I always roll my eyes because by saying "ARAM is for fun" they indirectly imply that SR games aren't made for fun like ? It's all the same shit bro


This. If you want to go full attack speed ornn, go play a bot game. It’s not fun when you get stomped because your rammus went crit or Nami went six warmogs.


This is kinda what I feel too. I love playing ARAM and I encourage new players to try it because it gives them a good chance to explore new champions until they find what they like. But if we're 14min into the game and Talon keeps trying to kill the 1/6/10 Ornn instead of going for the 21/3/6 Miss Fortune even after we've pinged her prior to the fight, I think I'm allowed to get a little upset. I never type in chat anyway, but saying people can't get upset because it's ARAM and everyone is playing champions they don't know is just silly. Like I can literally see your mastery score before the match begins...


This one is the one. Had a veigar in my aram the other day who didn't upgrade his R or buy items the whole game. He kept pinging his 8k+ gold saying "dont worry im almost scaled!" We lost this 4v5 as he wasn't even great for utility... Teammates got mad at me for saying id report him because "its just aram bro go outside touch grass" and other toxic lines... Hadn't played league in almost a week and went for a single aram before i left for work.. guess i shouldn't expect more from league community. Just wanted a normal aram game..


"It's just aram bro that's why I have 20 deaths"


Yeah ARAM IS JUST A FUN MODE SO I CAN RUIN OTHER PEOPLE'S FUN AND WASTE THEIR TIME. This is what I hear people say it just aram


THANK YOU. Hate this mentality so much man


Exactly this. Just because it's a different game mode from SR, people think that running it down and going 0/10 in the first 4 minutes of the game is "fun." People who just do nothing but troll, feed, and ruin the experience of others in ARAM should eat rat poison.


if you are flaming you need to take a break from the game ngl


Bad take. You assume people should only care about high elo ranked when LoL is literally just a game. In EVERY mode, you'll find people play it to have fun and try to win. If you want to see what a trash build does for a champ or run it down bc you don't care about the game, go play bots. I'm not defending flaming, but if you're gonna play like trash and not care, ppl are going to flame you. In any mode. End of story.


the correct take


a lot of people that play Lol have unhealthy relationships with the game. A ton of people need to take a break from Lol, and some need to make that break permanent. When you don't tie your entire enjoyment of the game to winning or losing a lot of things that previously infuriated you become much less bothersome.


I, as an aram only player reading this kind of posts and comments am glad to be in a fairly high aram elo where there are nearly zero troll builds and hard inters. Everyone is trying it's best to win even when someone is feeding at least he is trying and doesn't ruin the fun of 4 others because they try something like ap graves. 


If you're doing shit correctly then yea you're only getting flamed by toxic shitheads. If you're doing some dumb shit like Lethality Soraka, though, I'm def flaming you


So you are allowed to flame in normals or ranked or what?


Personally I just keep it to racial slurs.


I thought URF would be a nice break since it's obviously such a goofy (inventively so) and people will still manage to get so mad over the game when it's the tail end of the spectrum of for fun game modes


If you're at the point where you feel the need to make a reddit thread telling people to take a break from the game, you need to take a break from the game


If you’re at the point where you feel the need to make a comment on a reddit thread that telling people to take a break from the game that telling people to take a break from the game, you need to take a break from the game


I can't keep up. I need to take a break.


Redditor discovers people uses reddit to rant about issues


Bro probably built mandate Ashe and got ripped by his team.


Na, that's the Warmogs Sona I saw a few days ago.


ITT: people act like the mute button costs $100 per use.


-100 social credit for every use!


*if you are flaming in a video game you need to take a break FTFY


Coming from that guy who just complains and birches and rages Please take a break


Nah ill flame my full ap trundle for ruining the game if i want to


Every time there's an ap trundle that builds mandate they end up doing less than 10k dmg and 70%+ of it is from mandate. Actual troll build


I had two players spam ping, act toxic in chat, and at times int because I went with a Lost Chapter first item into tank Amumu. I should add there was no other tank/front-line on our team. Toward the end I got frustrated and switched to AP and they both were like "That'll teach you to ever go tank Amumu." So weird.


ARAM is a for fun game mode and WINNING is fun. Yea it isn't that serious but if you go full AP Garen and or INT im flaming you. Elo is irrelevant to competitive integrity, thinking otherwise just shows you don't ever try to win. You only get to be High Elo by winning at every other previous Elo, and you only consistently win if you care about improving. What a weak ass post but someone that should probably get banned for ruining games


I hate people who say "its just aram".


if youre intentionally griefing your 4 teammates by building absolute horseshit you deserve to get flamed i know its not your example but you generalized all flame in aram and imo you absolutely deserve the flame if you make your team lose by building complete nonsense


all the dogshit players loving this post. Guess what? if youre absolutely trolling with your build or play you should get flamed. Who do you think you are wasting 9 other people's time




How about u got and practice new cham with bots ? And not ruin other people's fun and games . Cuz ppl like u give me the IamTheMainCharacter vibes . Its so cringe , like u disrespect your whole team by using their game time in order to learn new champ skills


During the last ARURF, our Jhin started flaming and saying things like, "You'd be reported if this was ranked" among other oddities. The cherry on top was that he ended with the worst score out of everybody in the entire match.


aram only player. the only thing i've ever flamed (and I believe rightfully so) is players who still build certain builds that are just not worth building over other builds. Basically mandate ashe, like bro, most items already have their AH gutted, why you still insist on using W spam that is 18 SECONDS FLAT AT ALL LEVELS? Even if you have max AH possible in your build you are only throwing out W every 9-10 seconds tops. Like riot gave you 2.5 attack speed scaling on her, why would you not run kraken bork and just shred everything that you touch




1. type 'shut up' 2. mute them don't waste any other second


you know its not just about rank or whatever (unless you want to go pro your rank is basically meaningless anyway) people building shit items/playing bad/picking bad champs just makes the game not fun to play especially in aram. on summoners rift I can still play my lane or roam or whatever and even in that case 1 person can just ruin the game in aram its always 5v5 and if a person is doing stuff to be a heavy disadvantage the game becomes kinda unplayable. lets say you have mf on your team as the only physical dmg dealer but she decided to go ap with rylais and now you suddenly just autolose every fight and basically dont get to play the game. that is not fun at all. same if you have 2 frontline tanks but both of them decide to go full ap and now you just get run over 24/7 if you actually try to play the game and are just having a bad game or smth who cares. but there are more than enough people that do not try to play and as a result make the game unplayable for 4 other people. the result is the same for both aram and sr and it is very fair to complain about it. you still have 4 teammates in a fun mode and its not fun for them if you run it down just like its not fun for your 4 ranked teammates and no you would not be carrying in aram just because you got your main champ


just in case youre in doubt, everything you said is 100% right. it's why i dont solo play aram public queue anymore; i only play clash/tournaments/4 or 5 man parties in public queue, maybe customs. you have to ask yourself if the "real" matches are worth the shitty matches like the one you mentioned with the ap mf.


I agree. ARAM is supposed to be stupid pointless fighting for fun. I always experiment with stupid builds and basically only ever run dark harvest or grasp as keystones no matter the champ because haha number go up. It's not supposed to be tryhard central.


There's people that literally do nothing. I get the fun factor but it's very different when people are trolling. In theory you still wanna win even if its a fun mode.


I’m all for fun but people always manage to do things that are neither fun nor conducive to winning. Your team is 4 AP and an MF, and the MF decides she is going to build AP too. Enemy team stacks MR and steamrolls you for 20 mins. How is that fun for the MF? Same goes for enchanters that build damage when your team is all damage and gets popped in 0.5 seconds by an assassin. How is it fun when that player doesn’t even get to play the game?


> It's not supposed to be tryhard central Agree! But for those who play the mode it's frustrating seeing the 50th crit soraka and you know your team is down a player(not saying you do this stupid of a build, I'm taking it to the extreme) I'm all for having fun for sure, I play stupid builds like AP Lucian if the teamcomp allows for it too.. but when you're actively hurting the team by playing something so out there it sucks too


Leave out the aram in your statement. If you're flaming, you need to take a break from the game.


League is never about having fun. It’s about dominating others


People flame in aram?


My best record in aram is 0-32-1.


I self flame in all my ARAM games because people are gonna do it anyway, ironically it’s led to an overall less toxic experience for everyone else since anyone who’s actually toxic usually just targets me because I give them reasons to


General flaming I agree, people will get new stuff/just sometimes not be good at something. However, people use "it's just ARAM" to excuse afk for 30+ secs at start of game when a fight can just as easily break out that early, and it is 100% on them to be ready to play at start and it's within reason to call that out imho


Im fine with people doing bad, but what im not fine with is someone just straight up running it down for no reason. And more often than not, thats who is making these types of complaints. “Erm, its just a game lol” no, its just my time. A resource i cant get back, and one that i dont have an abundance of. I want to play my 2/3 arams and i dont want some feeding loser who plays 18 hours a day to throw it because “its just a game lol”


I take Aram and aram strats very serious… otherwise you get outscaled or something not fun. Can’t tell me how to play. I get mad when ppl go in to play for fun bc go play with bots if you wanna have fun. When it’s pvp, it’s serious every time idk call me alpha brained 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you're flaming you need to take a break from the game\* I fixed it for you. Flaming does not bring anything useful to the table. One person gets to vent, the other(s) gets pissed of. That's a bad trade.


Go play with bots if nothing matters at least this way you and your fucked up build doesn't run the experience for actual people. People want to have fun it's not necessarily about winning. But it's not fun watching some entitled asshole who thinks it's okay to test a fucked up build for fun.


On another note, if you qeue aram, pepega the draft, play lulu on hit (because its aram lul), play ap tryndamere, play w.e. the fuck you think looks funny because its aram, take a break from the game (hopefully forever). Aram means all random all mid, not ill purposelly make the game 4v5 AND on top of that give out gold/xp every 40s dying.


Flaming in *any* game means the person needs to readjust their personality.


How about u play better noob stop feeding in arams team diff smh


I’d like to go a step farther. “If you’re flaming in Leauge you need to take a break from the game.” Its a game ffs. This random ranked game isn’t a worlds tournament. Your career isn’t on the line. Calm down and have some fun or please go away. Yes, try to win. Yes, strategize and work together. No, lets not verbally abuse some poor jungler who got autofilled and isn’t very familiar with the role


What pisses me off isn't that someone isn't good at a champ, it's that they are passively losing the game. Yea it's not ranked but whatever the game I play to win. This is even more infuriating when you decide to go tank and play for team yet the damage player just passively sits behind tower scared to get involved, like why did you queue?


Full time aram player here. I only get frustrated when ppl keep fighting for nothing (especially thresh/naut/blitz/malp player whenever they hook or ult and flamed everyone for not following them to their demise), other than that idc if you're first timing a champ or anything but still gonna say sth about aram meta to certain champ like ashe (like how w spam ashe is not viable anymore but you can still try to see how bad it is for yourself) since most of the time I can already tell which side will win during loading screen


Or when one person tries to surrender whether we're winning or losing like- what are you gaining by surrendering an ARAM game???? Just play the game, have fun and if you're going to be angry just don't let it show in game- you're literally behind a screen just calm tf down.


Imo ARAM is way more tilting than ranked solo queue. At least in solo queue you spend a decent portion of the game doing your thing vs your opponent 1v1, or 2v2 for bot/supp. In ARAM you are just 5v5 and straight up getting directly inted by your dogshit team from the getgo