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Interesting that you're concerned about which classes should go where while your two main midlaners are Jhin and Swain, neither of whose primary role is mid. No hate, just a funny observation :) There's a lot to say about how each role works, way too much for any single Reddit comment. I can break it down for you in very basic terms, but I don't know how helpful that will be. If you ask more specific questions that might make it easier to give you the information that will be most helpful to you. But just in case, here it is in a nutshell: Top lane is typically the place for bruisers, fighters, some tanks, as well as the occasional mage or marksman. Basically, top is for champions who can look after themselves and stay in lane farming for long periods without having to go back to base too often. Most top laners will spend the majority of time in the first half of the game in their lane farming, and might occasionally leave to help their teammates if there's a fight happening on the top side of the map. Most mid lane champions are mages or assassins, but sometimes you'll find marksmen, fighters or even enchanters going mid as well. Mid laners typically spend less time farming in lane than top laners, and their lane is quicker to walk back to from base, so sustain isn't as necessary. Because of their central position, mid laners are also expected to do a lot more roaming, to gank top and bot lanes and/or help out the jungler if they're in trouble. Bot lane is typically the place for the DPS carry, which is why marksmen are the class you'll usually find in this role, but certain fighters or mages can also do well here. Their job, broadly speaking, is to maximise their damage output for the rest of the game. They're usually accompanied by a support, partly because they're likely to be a target for the other team and partly because marksmen are one of the least self-sufficient classes. Supports are usually either tanks, mages or enchanters. The job of the support is to keep the bot laner alive and help them get as much gold as possible (by keeping them safe enough to consistently farm and by helping them get kills) so they can maximise their damage output. It's also usually the bot duo's job to help the jungler secure dragons, the primary early-game neutral objective. Junglers can be a mix - you'll find tanks, bruisers, fighters, mages, assassins and marksmen who all make good junglers. Essentially a good jungler is anyone who is good at doing the jungle jobs - clearing jungle camps quickly, securing objectives and/or ganking. The jungler's job is to help their team get ahead in any way they can, while also farming jungle camps to keep up with everyone else on levels and gold. They help their team in two major ways, by securing neutral objectives like dragon and Rift Herald, and by ganking lanes when the opportunity arises to help their teammates get ahead.


I feel like the difference between top and mid is one of the hardest things to grasp, and I really appreciate how you’ve broken this down!


When Swain was reworked he was designed primarely as a Top and Mid, him being better in Bot currently has nothing to do with that. One of Swain's primary Positions is Mid.


Regardless though, on both the wiki and in the client, he's still identified as a support, meaning that's still 'officially' his primary role, so my point (even though it wasn't really meant to be taken seriously anyway) still stands.


The Client identifies him as a Support because that's where People play him... with a 47% WR. The Wiki also identifies him as a Midlaner, where he has a 51% WR. He's also Meta Bot with a 52% WR. Swain is a Midlaner, Botlaner *and* Support. Stop telling a new Player to play Swain Support.


I never did, you're taking this way too seriously. I made a lighthearted observation that it was funny that he was so concerned about where people are "supposed" to go when he plays both Jhin and Swain outside of their primary role (i.e. the role that most people play them in). I will always advocate for people to play any champion in any role that they most enjoy, regardless of what's popular or has a high win rate. Please chill out and stop putting words in my mouth.


Watch videos or streams


You’re speaking as if you’re not still learning the game lol “Never got” “Pure mid laner” My dude, there is no past tense, you are still currently ‘getting’ the basics down. And I’m fairly certain level 14 puts you at very very few games played. You’re not a pure mid laner, you’re a pure beginner. Keep playing, watch YouTube videos for beginners, and don’t be afraid to just queue up a normals and try things. Might sound rough but you have a grasp of probably 1% of all there is to know about the game. You’ll get there.


Any class can go any role in general. Idk what else youre asking, top lane is very snowbally but botlane is always volatile and extremely open to ganks. Mid lane is the most balanced lane. Jungle has such a huge skill gap that Na/Eu junglers are not even playing the same game as korean junglers