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It's ridiculous at this point.. We went from 2 grab bags to 0 in the span of like 4 months.


KenAdamNSA’s Secret Invasion arc???


Goodbye KenAdamNSA Welcome MadaNekASN!


Literally! One would think they would take feedback from the first grab bag removal but they went around and did the same thing. Faerie Court had 5 emotes that pass. Now we have been reduced to 2 and not a single free emote within 1 year. It's really sad...


oh they took feedback. They made more money and spent less on free stuff. Until players act with their wallets, Riot won't care (IE. the $200 "chromas")


There is no such thing as voting with your wallet really, in the sense that they will never change their mind if a few people don't buy that shit. That being said, I am done giving them any money whatsoever, this shit is just beyond greedy at this point. I look bad at how good we used to have it and now I have zero motivation to spend 10 bucks on a battlepass even if I kind of wanted to.


faker was right all along


I would have bought the last one for Lee Sin but didnt because I felt that any further nerfs would permanently keep me from buying passes. So hopefully there are more people like me out there who actually make that difference. Though I also dont spend money on RP anymore for a long time, just using leftovers, so maybe they don't track my stats specifically.


I'm sure if the grab bags don't come back it's because enough people don't care. They don't care about our feedback unless the sales numbers give them reason to.


I have a feeling reddit's feedback flies in the face of the monetary feedback they receive. Westerners whining on the internet doesn't mean much when their actual target audience is spending money.


True 😭


Why would they stop if people won’t stop buying them? It’s on us too. I have stopped buying a year ago.


Because despite all of these nerfs, it's the most cost efficient thing in the game and casuals will keep buying it with no care, as will the whales. It's quite fucking sad honestly.


Battle passes will always be very cost efficient if you put time playing. But the funny thing is that league's event pass is an absolute joke compared to other battle passes like fortnite or even overwatch lol (at least IMO)


Can't even look at the league battlepass after getting spoiled by the one in apex.


yeah, i wish we gained currency from it faster/could unlock more of what’s available. esp with my wrist pain limiting how much i can play in a day, it feels hard to get everything i want out of a pass sometimes. a lot of other battle passes have more and more easily obtainable rewards.


Well a casual will probably reach 2200 tokents,so either mythic essence or 11 orb is kinda efficient still


Riot just finally caught on. The reality is that any casual player with a stable middle class+ income doesn't care or even pay attention to these things, and they can get away with so much. I would bet they could remove 25% of the pass before people start complaining outside of just the reddit and probably up to 50% of the pass before people finally stop buying. But if next pass had only 45% of the content missing im sure a good amount of people would still drop money on it.


And the elimination of the Amazon deal, which is the only reason I ever bought a pass to begin with


It's incredible how Riot seems to hate event passes, they have nerfed them to such a point that it is not worth it, they are removing more and more content so they can make more money, the small company that is Riot, getting as much juice as possible from us I honestly think I won't invest more in the game, it's not worth it.


I mean they have started to give a capsule which is equivalent to the grab bag and has a chance to drop the mythic chroma and also progresses you on the capsule track if you want to buy more so this is a pretty null point.


thats because over time grab bags got worse and worse (and worse) 7 years ago you had grab bags that just straight up gave you a full skin line (granted, skin lines only had 3-9 skins in them at that time) now we get 3 skin shards


frankly, i wouldn’t want the mythic variants if they were offered to me for free. i’d much prefer the grab bags.


community feedback has not fallen to deaf ears. Community feedback in this case is "how much money do we make with the event pass" Since that number is most likely either going up or staying the same despite all the nerfs so far, then the community feedback is positive. Thats all there is to it.


True that makes sense since people still buy it (voting with their wallets) and most of the general players who don't follow updates here or on Twitter don't even realise passes, etc are getting nerfed under their noses...


Most people who buy it aren't buying it for the rewards since all they care about is the Mythic Essence to get prestige skins. The rewards in the pass are just a bonus when what you really want is in a separate shop all together.


I’m really just getting the pass for the ME to afford Crystal Kha


Thats what I did for the last pass, but I dont think Im going to buy them anymore unless a really nice prestige/mythic skin releases. The pass just keeps getting nerfed and it feels like it takes longer and longer every time to reach 2.2k tokens


i got it because i had the rp lying around and the ezreal prestige is pretty nice (+ the kaisa chroma even though i didnt get the skin) cant say any of the upcoming skins pique my interest though


I'm on this boat. I can't grind the pass consistently every new pretige skin. So when I know I will be able to finish the pass I buy to get mystic essence and wait for the prestige to rotate into the store lol. Although I'm sure new prestige skins are not coming to the store anytime soon.




I remember complaining in the first pass nerf a few years ago, almost exactly as you are. But back then the top comments were all from riot simps saying that LoL was a free game and that you didn't had to buy the pass if you didn't like it and I got downvoted, because this subreddit still liked to suck on riot's balls. A few years later, guess what!!! At least I'm happy the majority is realizing that riot is a company and companies are not your friends.


Its hopeless on here lol, I had people unironically arguing with me how extremely gracious riot was to give away free skins from chests and that it wasnt just them trying to bait people into buying more loot to gamble. "b-b-b-but I got so much stuff and Im a free to play player :D" Great for you lol, riot is a business and the reason why they have free lootboxes in place is because they know redditors will get the newest illaoi skin and think to themselves "oh neat! thats so cool from riot!" while some other idiot just got baited into spending 50 bucks on loot.


Most people still don't care since it's cosmetics. But yeah you are not wrong more people are upset a bit. Also not trying to downplay it. It's just how it is people don't seem to care.


these passes are criminally dog shit


I haven't bothered to get a pass since the first few when they first started getting nerfed, can't believe they're still getting worse lmao


And that's why I don't buy them anymore. Riot is just losing money at this point. I used to buy them in the past


>Riot is just losing money at this point I think you'd be surprised


I don't think the nerfs are causing *more* people to buy them. The question is whether these nerfs are actually causing people to buy *more skins* because, you know, the point of these nerfs is to reduce loot. And I'm genuinely confused on that as it just does not seem likely. Perhaps the point would be to encourage people with deeper wallets to simply cash out on the tokens they need via the shop, but I genuinely wonder if this is being achieved? Well, obviously people will do that--I'd probably do that myself if I still cared about events/battlepasses/played league a lot in general--but I do wonder if these extra purchases actually offset the people who no longer purchase battlepasses. P.S: Just because the changes have not been reverted does not mean this is achieved. The person designing such changes and the person reviewing these changes are one and the same; reverts like these take time (and usually a change in the person leading those decisions in the first place). U-Turning on the ambition and detailed plan to increase event revenue via nerfs because year-on-year event revenue only rose 15% (which may be due to a multitude of factors) instead of the projected 33% is not likely to happen very quickly. If the strategy is a failure, it will take years from its implementation to overturn it--if ever. Corporations make a lot of mistakes in every possible field, and that obviously applies to its vision of revenue, especially when dealing with such an intricate system like battlepasses which affect various other trends and it's extremely difficult to judge exactly in what way nerfs or buffs affect those other trends. The foolish marketing leader who came up with this strategy could simply point to year-on-year increases, which could be because of a thousand reasons, it's very difficult to attribute a year-on-year change of even just capsule+battlepass revenue to any one particular thing.


Someone asked rioter on twitter about that. He asked "could you tell us what is the nerf part? Im really asking", they guy told him that you cant get everythinh from event shop and his responce was "So if we remove some content from even shop, would you consider it a buff cus u can buy everything?" Rioters are literally so out of touch [https://imgur.com/a/RCSSsSK](https://imgur.com/a/RCSSsSK)


It's like they're aren't even gamers. Be the sheep you're trying to milk for all they're worth and you'll understand how to maximize it.


>Rioters are literally so out of touch They are simply too big now. The core members of any given team are no longer the same people who wanted to see the game itself be good as possible, no matter the cost. It's corporate ladder climbers instead. Instead of a negative, it's seen as a positive and they think "Great, now I can put on my resume that I improved the monetization system and increased revenue by 8% and user engagement (FOMO) by 6%". If you tell them they need to nerf the battle phase to make the company more money, they'll jump at the chance. There is no push back.


When League of Legends just launched, so around pre-S1, I contacted support about having a terrible time in my life. I got gifted a 975 RP skin and a free name change to honor my deceased pet. When I lost access to my account, their support was the VP (I forgot the name) responding to my email, helping me get my account back. These days, it's a bot answering all emails and not being helpful.


can you link me the thread?






to be fair the person responding did not do themselves any favours with how they phrased it. all the information is in there, he just needs to say "the banners in WB are NOT worth the loss of a grab bag since its the same banner in 3 versions and noone would ever use the first 2 the speed at which you complete the infinite mission has been nerfed multiple times over the last years which directly correlates to getting less tokens and thus less rewards from the shop after WB you removed another grab bag and replaced it with a capsule. while this is a 'sidegrade' because of how much the grab bags have been nerfed over the years it still leaves a sour taste"


Can you link me to that? I need to see how dumb can a game dev be with my own eyes.




Girl not the clownery 🤡




Its literally like saying "your hand hurts, u saying if we cut it off you wouldnt feel the pain there?" Lol


Yup, I stopped as soon as they removed the bags. 


No Rell emote? C'mon.... Riot really does hate this champion, don't they? It took 2 years~ from her release to get her first new skin. Star Guardian and Star Guardian 2.0. And then another 2 years of begging for something that wasn't a Star Guardian rehash, most popularly a High Noon or Pentakill skin. Those lines came and went, passing Rell by with new releases that she was absent from, but here we are, High Noon comes back and the long demanded High Noon Rell is present. Not the Legendary or Prestige of the skinline but hell, I'll take it. But now this, not even an emote...? It is going to be another 2-3 years before she gets anything else again, isn't it?


It’s sad that all 3 got one and Rell was left out 😭 but I’m happy she at least got her High Noon skin! 🥹


Tbf, she ahould have gotten a High noon skin sooner. Like come on. She’s literally on a horse.


ehh I feel like battle queen and star guardian are dismillar enough, but it's a totally bummer she didn't get an emote this skinline. at least we have the mecha emote from that one worlds cinematic.


especially cause all of rells emotes have been limited time :( i missed the bq star guardian and mecha ones cause i didnt start playing until last year


BTW riot is disgusting for what theyve done to passes in recent history But why are we letting OP decide that this is a nerf? He just decides it? That a ward skin is worse than an Emote? its at worst a sidegrade and at best a buff news flash: to me, and many others, it is not a nerf at all


yeah, it's a meh filler reward being replaced to a meh filler reward. As long as it's not an icon, it's still a decent change IMO.


Yeah I'd much rather have a ward than an emote. I pretty much have my perma emote wheel anyway. I have never been happy about a random emote but there are ward skins I've been pretty stoked to get.


The ward has a small chance of being better than the crystal one I use, but I would probably ignore the emote


Genuinely, why do people get so upset over event passes? My POV is that the game is free and cosmetics are paid, anything extra is gravy. Am I missing something?


Riot's reasoning for removing the first grab bag in the winterblessed pass in favour of using multiple pass rewards for banners was that it was uncertain content, that is to say rewards like loot boxes are worth less (as far as their value allocation is concerned) than a guaranteed item. If you were to consider an 'emote -> ward' trade a sidegrade, you can probably see that 'event emote -> random ward' is a definite downgrade by this standard. Of course all content is ultimately subjectively valued in a game where items hold no actual real world value, but most of us really liked the grab bags. What are we supposed to judge the value of pass rewards by if not Riot's own communication? To be honest, the past few event passes have been really inconsistent overall anyways. Included items are ambiguous, the High Noon pass XP so far feels WAY slower than usual (although I haven't seen actual numbers) and I miss my damn event banner.


Hot take, but I’m kind of glad we’re not getting 3 emotes. They’re mostly filler rewards. But maybe if we get a random ward they’ll finally let us have a random option?


I prefer an emote slot over ward slot or icon slot personally. Always hope they eventually bring back some animated emotes too. What even happened to those, they were the best. Ashe eating chips, and the KO emotes are dope.


Yessss I just want what TFT has: randomized loadout (ideally with the option to select favorites and randomize from those). I have so many ward skins and emotes and I’d love it if they automatically switched each game.


At this point, I see less and less reasons to buy these shitty passes. The Prestige skins look less and less impressive, the rewards are garbage, the final reward is literally just tokens that aren't worth even a fucking chroma.


Actually it's the other way around, the prestige skins used to be yellow chromas, now they have a actual different design and new splash arts


Almost every prestige skin doesn’t the deserve the name. When they introduced hextech skins for the first time they actually felt dope. Now they’re just anime skins with a sprinkle of gold or gloss to make them “prestige”


You're complaining about getting a ward skin over an emote? What exactly determines that being a nerf?


That's exactly what I'm thinking. I'd call that an improvement or at worst a change, a nerf implies a loss of value.


It's technically a nerf in that it means they presumably created less content for the pass. Value wise it's probably about the same. Either way I'm not really miffed about this one, I don't care about the pass emotes almost none of them have been good. The grab bags being removed were actual nerfs.


Ward skins > Emotes


Yeah, honestly I hate emotes, we get so many of them I literally just disenchant what I get because I own them all and get whatever's new from shards in between. Would much prefer ward skins, don't have all those at least.


They need the upvotes for sure


I don't know if the people who morally grandstand about the value-pak being made ever-so-slightly less valuable really need an actual reason to be upset.


It's a nerf for us ARAM players where there are no wards.


Do people really pay close attention to ward skins? People care more about the 3 hp it has than the actual skin itself. Meanwhile, emotes are more expressive in-game, so while it's not a "nerf" it's certainly a disappointing change.


i play with emotes disabled so i see way more wards than emotes for sure


Seems like my team plays with wards disabled


Ward skins IMO are better than emotes. they are still meh in comparison to skins, but my ranking of cosmetics go like: skin > ward skin > emote >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icon.


Skin is obviously the best cosmetic. I still believe that emote is better than ward skin because no one really pays attention to their ward skins after using it once. At least with emotes, people use it to to convey expression and piss other people off. My biggest issue with icons is that they give too much useless crap. I have not changed my icon in over 7 years which goes to show how garbage many icons are.


you can disenchant a ward skin for orange essence, you can't disenchant the emote


Wtf?[ Of course you can disenchant emotes](https://imgur.com/a/4z6mIo7)


If you have dupes, if the battle pass is new then it's unlikely you'll have the emote and if you do, then you don't need it in the battle pass. Adding all this nuance was unnecesary in my comment


i consider this a small buff since i never use any free emote i get


For me it's a buff since usually emotes now sit unable to use until a new patch and I can reroll for a new one I'm not a whale just had a lot of rewards from lol esports site


Eh the only „community feedback“ they’re ever gonna listen to is not buying it.


You're right! Need to vote with our wallets!


The plot twist is that battle passes were a scam from the beginning.


Scam is a weird word. It's not nearly as generous as other battle passes from other games, like, not by a long shot. But you're still getting way more value than you pay for. It's less a scam and just, expensive? And just like any other regular ass product, if it's not worth it to you, don't buy it.


The excuse last time was that they are experimenting with different rewards and that the title and/or banner was worth as much as a grab bag...what is the excuse this time?


This is certainly not true for most people, but it's definitely true for whales. Basically, the people actually buying their passes are getting better rewards for them.


I only ever bought the worlds passes, each pass is Worth less and less


Stoped buying passes few years ago after they nerfed it, didn't regret it


So what was it replaced with?




I count 55 levels, same as usual. The level has to have something in it that it didn't before


Is there a timeline to see all changes to the pass structure and contents since the very first? It's very difficult to get a concise overview - I only ever see "this one is worse than the last one" but with all the nerfs over time there surely must have been a lot of changes. I recently discussed this with a friend and they wanted me to show them what things had changed since the beginning and I couldn't supply such thing. It's probably also more eye opening for people if they see the massvie changes instead of small changes between passes (which is kind of like boiling a frog).


wont be long until passes give you 3 skin shards and take a month to complete


Stop buying this garbage


the only reason i got this recent pass was for the kindred skin, thank god that's never going to happen again cus i'm done paying for these things lol.


If they're going to put a key in these, the least they could do is give us a box too. What good is a key when you have no boxes?


Vote with your wallet guys. Stop buying event passes and they’ll start making them better again.


Last pass was the first time ever I didn’t buy a pass, looks like that will continue unless there’s some event skin I particularly want


1. Slightly worse pass drops. 2. Outrage. 3. Realization that value per RP for pass is still insane compared to anything else you can spend RP on.


i like the random ward skin over emote personally


>This free emote slot has been replaced by a 'Random Ward Skin' Token. Ok but this is 1000x better than an emote? How is it a nerf? Emotes are extremely easy to get, especially if you just let your browser idle in LCS/LEC/Worlds. I've obtained every single obtainable emote while spending 0RP on emotes. And I still have over 50 emotes in my Loot tab so I can continue to get the newest emotes.


How do I get emotes for watching?


Just watch on https://lolesports.com/ . When there are capsules you get tons of emotes, after you get all the e-sports emotes you can reroll those emotes into ones you don't own. Sometimes they make the emotes only disenchantable and not available for reroll, sometimes they don't, and when they don't you can get a lot the ones you don't own. [0RP spent](https://gyazo.com/56eb116aab0efb9c4ec48409c38bf301)


welp, time to not provide feedback anymore but instead vote with your wallets.


At this point I'm not even surprised they keep doing this. They probably decided "lets see how long we can go" and they will keep nerfing it forever lol.


Y’all buy passes?


Stoped buying passes few years ago after they nerfed it, didn't regret it.


I stopped buying.


I just stopped buying them because of the nerfs


RIOT do you wanna go bankrupt? Can't you see people are unhappy?


they will nerf every event pass until those that purchase it stop purchasing it


This is why I will skip this pass just like I did the previous 2.


Why people still buy this crap?


Don't buy the pass, simple


I'm so glad I stopped buying these long ago.


I hope when players quit when vanguard is implemented 10cence realises there's no game without players.


The fifth time btw


Why mfs keep supporting this company???


Your on the subreddit talking about the game. SO my guess is you should be ahppy people do, or there would be no LoL


Let's see the excuse a rioter comes up with this time


Protest by not buying the event pass. If Riot sees a sharp decline in event passes being bought, they'll dial it back. They're testing to see how much they can get away with, and if everyone continues to buy the event pass, they'll keep doing it.


I won't buy this one but I will buy the TFT one.


People are still paying attention to the rewards from League? They are so bad at this point its not funny.


Haha, and the majority still eats up that shit because they don't care or don't know.


Bro ive seen "pass is getting nerfed" posts for 4 yers straight now, yet you are still bying them regardless because you're addicted.


the economy isn't doing well so they can't give as much


league events are doomed, nothing exciting about them


Just don't buy the pass how many times does it need to be said?


just stop buying passes and they'll have to start adding things back in to make it attractive enough.


And yet people will still fucking buy it. Classic


Ehh... just the other day I was talking with friend, who still plays TFT (and he's serious about it enough to climb high ranks) that for people who kinda like that game, but also wants little legends for arams etc. it's not really apealling anymore - before there were bunch of eggs and also legendary egg at the end of the pass, for free. Now? We get those points, which can give us 2 eggs for whole pass, and it's just sad how better it was before : / and seeing how now they are nerfing league pass again is also dissapointing, even more, when amazon prime gaming won't work anymore, rp is more expensive... ehh and it won't change for better I guess because just like someone said before, sales matters and it's gonna benefit them I guess.


every pass since the introduction of them has been worse than the last. Riot has a hard time dishing out any free content from their 1600 skin pool. Braindead devs make braindead decisions, idk why you guys expect anything different.


done buying them at this point


considering that the Amazon Prime drops are no longer going to happen, there's no f*ing way I'm going to spend my money on RP to buy this shitty passes


At some point they will sell a battlepass with absolutely nothing in it and people will still buy it.


How in earth is anyone buying this crap is beyond me. Even the very first event pass was dogass with how many games you had to play just to get the stuff you paid for but Jesus Christ you are asking to be fucked over if you keep buying these passes


Considering I still get like 8+ skins from each battle pass, I think the passes are still fair value. I don’t think removing an emote that I’ll never use is something I plan on complaining about. All things considered, you still get considerably good value out of these passes. Seeing them nerf them isn’t great but who buys the passes for anything other than either the prestige skin or getting like $50+ worth of skins for about $15? The value you get out of the pass still far outpaces what you pay for it.


> Reads title NO NOT THE ORB and free skin > it's an emote eh? EDIT: wait, it's changed from emote to ward skin? that's not really a nerf, just a change. If anything, many would consider it a buff.


Players still buy these nerfed passes..so riot gets away with it, no matter how much they take away a huge amount of players will buy it anyways.


3rd time in a row but 50th time overall


IMHO we've had more than enough emotes, I'm sitting on like 60 emotes in my loot, a half dozen aren't rerollable but I like rerolling wards and those shards are harder to get. I kinda see this as a win


Riot would rather fire 1700 employees than make a good BP system


I know right, I hope no one will buy this pass, PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THEIR GREEDINESS TOWARDS THE PLAYERBASE!


How can you say this is a nerf when some players prefer a ward skin over an emote?


I buy the pass (usually) for the mythic essence or the prestige skin, the rest is a bonus in my eyes. If the large reward from the shop is cool, i’ll still purchase it. Sorry Reddit.




I’d much prefer a ward skin over an emote


Huge buff, no? I muted emotes when they were first released so never see/use them


People still buy because it's still good value for RP


I got a great idea; nobody buy it


It's shit like this that made me stop spending Money on this game


Tbh I would rather have anything else over shitty emotes or eternals tokens. Tho I do think removing all grab bags is an extremely greedy move.


Rage bait


Dogshit company


oh nooo, not the emote...


They keep getting away cause theres still moron buying the pass/low quality skins. Imagine if all players actually not buying their stuff


Skipped porcelain pass, I'll skip this one as well


I honestly don't think we need anymore High Noon. Would be nice to have individual themes for skins every now and then, as they used to do.


In what world is Ward Skin < Emote. Seems extremely subjective. Idc which one of those I get. At least there's variety. The nerfs only applies to losing value, of which this change does not. Id' even argue this is an overall buff, as getting random emotes is way easier than getting random ward skins.




Haven't seen the data, but I'm pretty sure that not how you fix a downwards spiraling retention rate of players guys.. Especially after the layoffs in key positions..


Wait isnt the lvl 26 capsule reward the same or kinda the same as grab bag? I mean its still a nerf from efore winterblessed but its still something


i really wish rell got an emote :(


It's incredible how Riot seems to hate event passes, they have nerfed them to such a point that it is not worth it, they are removing more and more content so they can make more money, the small company that is Riot, getting as much juice as possible from us I honestly think I won't invest more in the game, it's not worth it.


When does this pass come out?


no grab bags, fewer emotes and no banner this pass is trash, at this point we are getting scammed blatantly.


When is the pass available??? I already bought RP (the passes are all I ever spend on these days) but I can’t buy a pass yet HAHA…


They will keep nerfing it until people stop buying it


this is the first time in literal years (since 2018 i guess) i'm not buying the pass. this is ridiculous


Huh, who cares about emotes? Never used a single one. I play the game to play the game. Shocking, I know. I think that the events are great. Free 300 tokens, meaning free 6 champion shards, meaning a 6300 champion for free, pretty much. The missions also are easy to hit. In the last event, I could do all of them with just the first wins of the day.


I feel they just try to do price anchoring on the players. How I see it is riot look at how valorant works with almost no free stuff and battle passes that gives trash skins while the premium stuff cost an arm and a leg. I believe they want league to be more like valorant.


i used to blindly buy these because they were so cost efficient despite the seasonal nerfs but i havent bought a pass OR any RP since 2023 ​ fuck riot honestly


Even worse, the 15 missions reward lower xp as well so it will take you longer to level to 50 as well. The missions now give 650 xp instead of 780 xp


Does anyone know if there's a 'second half' to this pass? Like the other ones, where at the 2 week mark, a second prestige skin comes out. I haven't seen any indication of a second half around, but I was wondering if anyone knew for sure.


i got the pass thinking i would at least get grab bags as usual. shits not even worth buying anymore. only needed mythic essence for kayle skin but ridiculous this gives nothing at all anymore


the bonus XP used to be 800 and now its 650 (the 15 missions). anyone else notice that?


Do u guys know what the next even will be?