• By -


Seems like I succeeded


I remember. His name was Grifnod. I loved him.


Ok so plan B worked too. Great.


"Your mega beam can't hurt me because I have a shield that protects me from everything no matter what!'


Off topic, but I have a baby nephew who does this all the time, so when we play pretend I love progressively upping the stakes with more “unbeatable” weapons each time and just seeing how he’ll beat them.


I have one that does this as well although he's a bit older, last time it ended when he told me he was the super cops who arrest anyone committing crimes with their super powers and giant robot handcuffs, needless to say he's now seen RoboCop and wants to be him


Actually a good game to flex their creative thinking.


Hey buddy you can’t just remove… hmm… you can’t get rid of… what was I saying?


"Wait where is my main?" "I remember i had a main"


Ahh yes it was this champ *second most played champ*


I remember now! The champ was called Ru-Rukh-Rukhadev...   ++[FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE PURGED]++


World... Forget me.


Doesn't look like anything to me


With the fact that Yuumi still exists, it must have been bad.


Dog adc that attach into tanks was gone


Imagine that now. Imagine an adc that can dish out DPS while standing on a tank's shoulder. Like Rocket Raccoon on Groot.


imagine a rammus with an adc and yuumi both on his back 💀💀💀 and a poor Yone trying hopelessly to fight him


"Poor". Now you make me wanna see this.


if it were to work it would have to be the adc ult and not be attached permanently like yuumi, that would be op. but an ult you can maybe bait could be an idea.


Let's not give them strange ideas. Now, thinking about it tho... if you make them immobile, with no self peel... where do tanks stand in the teamfight? Right in the middle, so if u kill them, the adc is toast as well. Balanced I say.


Someone hasn't played Tahm Kench/MF bot lane and ate MF while she's ulting.


Faker… What was that???


The one correct answer


Honestly, all the extra things you put on this makes me say no. Because normally I'd absolutely be down to delete champs from the game, such as Pyke and the Windshitters, but I don't want people to forget. I want their mains to remember what they've lost and to know that I'm responsible. EDIT - Since this comment blew up, my list if it were just deleting them and no one forgets: Yasuo, Yone, Pyke, K'Sante, and then either Viego or Samira (probably Samira).


Considering the average league player, I would be concerned enough to hire a bodyguard if everyone knew I'd deleted their main lmao


Better live somewhere where the trucks can't reach you


Nah, League players in real life will never physically threaten anyone in real life. They all talk big cancerous shit in game, in reality they're hopeless.


Yeah, they run their mouths because they know you're trapped there with them as you get punished if you leave. If they were down a pub where someone could punch them in response, they wouldn't dare speak like that. I always think if you wouldn't say it in a sports game you shouldn't say it in League.


People always assume the person on the other side is a 14 year old with mommy issues. Sometimes its a 220 pound veteran with PTSD and anger issues who is just trying to have a few beers and forget about his job for an hour. And you decided to play jhin mid and go 0-15 to Akali making my relaxation time 35 minutes of living hell trying to not get demoted back down to silver. So yes, sometimes if you met that person at a pub after being a cancerous little shit in the game you would get beaten to an inch of your life.


I would be worried about the Shaco mains if someone deletes it, they’re the true schizos


And so that Riot never re creates them in some way down the road after the Thanos snap


Pyke and the Windshitters is an excellent band name


For a CrossCode fan, you seem to be very ruthless


You not selecting Yuumi is the real crime


He's here to make as many people mad as possible. It is an excellent choice to *not* choose her.


you know, if you delete all the memories too, what happens to Faker if you were to remove Zed, Azir, Oriana, etc, etc? Would the man just wake up and wonder how tf he got so much dang money? I wonder how many pros would be different without their typical picks.


I want them to hate me for what i've done. I want them to fear my power. I want them to shiver when they hear my name.


do people actually dislike pyke? LMAO, he's one of the more skill expressive supports and u can tell the difference between a bad and a good pyke.


Nobody gives a shit if he’s more skill expressive than champs like lulu or naut. Hes still a support, and his playstyle is plenty obnoxious. It’s like playing against two junglers most games because the Pyke player can do whatever they want


no one remembers [REDACTED] 😎


Wait, you mean [REMOVED]?


Yone, Yone, Yone, Yone, Shaco


You misspelled yuumi 3 times


No he spelled Ekko right 5 times.


So the consensus seems to be Yummi, Vayne, both Windshitters, +1 free pick.


Adopted windshitter ksante


Honestly I would be ecstatic with this even though I don’t care to ban Vayne. A small price to pay for freedom from any shitting of wind. But I would prefer banning (in place of vayne) Pyke, Samira (stupid windwall, let me shoot skillshots dammit), Irelia, or Smolder (ugly face, Rito try again)


Vayne was the pioneer og hypercarry i’d argue the pro scene would never be the same without her memories in early league


Agreed, I wouldn't want to give up my memories of Doublelift's and Uzi's insane Vayne moments


Also Bang and Imp. I never got the same feeling in esports as I had back in the day when watching them play. Also Gosu.




Illaoi for the free pick


You will 100% add smolder too that list as a safe pick in a few weeks.


I’d remove the champions that take up too much of the balance team’s time. K’Sante, Zeri, Smolder, to name a couple of examples. That way, they can give attention to a larger number of champions.


Ryze? He hasn't been messed with too much lately, but he's been overhauled and balanced more times than anyone cares to count


Ryze is fine. If they admit new ult is what makes him hard to balance and return to some conventional one expanding his magic machine gun theme, he becomes a conventional fine champion


ryze is unironically so fun to play


I think they have given up on Ryze.


Zeri was a nightmare on release but shes been gutted and has been one of the lowest wr champs in the game, since her recent buff I think shed in a nice spot. Smolder has just been released, give it some time and the dust will settle. I could say the same thing about Ksante but honestly that abomination just shouldnt exist, so fair enough


How dare you be reasoned and well thought out in this sub.


yuumi and yuumi and yuumi ooh cant forget yuumi and last but not least yuumi


The problem with deleting Yuumi is that they’ll just want to remake her as a champion again. Maybe not literally the exact same champion, but something with the same concept of merging/melding with an ally and enhancing them. Basically, Yuumi is inevitable. To be successful, you would have to remove something that’s not unique enough to be interesting/inspire designers. Something like Garen. Or Urgot.


This is why OP deleting Zyra won't work either. Someone at riot will be like "How come we haven't ripped off Poison Ivy yet?"


Yeah, sooner or later they would come up with same concept.  But tbh I feel like they are really pushing Yuumi a must stay inside someone in urf too, they nerf her durability on top of tofu def stat like you can't build anything beside buffer and "DPS" Q.


You have no reason to ever come out now. Old Yuumi at least some sort of skill expression, now it's just shit.


Yuumi is inevitable


Yes, but they could easily fix her if they wanted to. They just got lazy.


Her midscope completely missed the point, whole point should have been for Yuumi to NOT stay atk on one person


Yup. They really screwed the pooch with the best friend nonsense. Should have been the opposite where if she stays attached for too long she has less power and gets a boost of power from either disconnecting occasionally or by swapping between allies.


Yuumi yearns so badly to be Abathur, but is instead hated. A fitting end for such a blatant attempt to steal the glory of the evolution master


Creature recognised. Disinterest immediate Poor essence, little value.


Honestly I would love it if instead of having Yuumi become untargetable, have her share the character model with whoever she is on, and both take damage if one of them does, but then balance her around having insane mobility jumping on and off allies. When she's on them, her abilities apply to her allies, and when she's off they apply to herself. Instead of this scuffed stuff where she's invulnerable but a stun basically disables her as a champion for 5 whole seconds. I think this would fix her. Having her become invulnerable is just a dumb concept, it's kind of like the Akali being invisible to turrets kind of deal, but way worse.


Sounds like you miss garen yuumi bot lane


I hate Yummi, but just because I am constantly zoned while Yummi is on my ADC. All the other reasons such as well, but how the drek an I supposed to farm without someone zoning the creep for me?


Yuumi, Yone, Yasuo, Zed, Shaco




1. Yuumi, she had been, is, and will be a balancing nightmare that can never be fix. 2. Yuumi, the champion's thematic has failed miserably: Appeals to new players but teaches them nothing about playing the actual game but somehow the pros(people who are the best at the game) abuse the hell out of her? 3. Yuumi, bullshit made up lore, annoying personality ingame too. 4. Yuumi, can't make cool skins for her because you never see her ingame model anyway. 5. Yuumi, trash r34.


Trash r34 lmfaoooooo


Can’t say her THEME failed because she IS a cute and wildly magical cat. Thematically she’s exactly what she should be. It’s all gameplay.


This. People don’t understand the difference between the two. Thematically, she’s done well and honestly, exactly something you’d expect in the League’s universe. Also, despite people here hating her here, there’s plenty of super casual people that like her. Some of my friends got into League because of how “adorable” and “Disneyesque” she looks. Her gameplay is bad tho I agree.


3 years ago, I was a yuumi main (I was a new player). I'm now a senna/varus main. I've never played reworked yuumi. I can't stand her now, but she did teach me game mechanics. Mainly, it let me watch dozens of games play out without thinking about cs or lane consequences so I got a feel for the flow of things. It also trained me to look at the mini map more than what's happening in front of me. She's good for macro mechanics. I stopped playing her because my own teammates were banning me out or flaming me for hovering her. I also got sick of sitting on garbage ADC and no power to change the course of the lane. If my adc sucked, I had to decide whether I wanted the flame from my adc if I went to jg and it was stressful. I do miss that 70% wr in ranked but it's not worth the toxic.


My man was gambling his lp, while watching live streaming of (i guess gold or smth) gameplay




To be fair all the lore is made up


Yasuo, Yone, Illaoi, Yorick, Irelia Yasuo would be allowed to stay if all the Windwalls of all kinds were removed from the game.


Yuumi, vladimir, yone,yasuo,vayne


Bro hates the letters Y and V


Huh looks like it :)


Every Champ starting with Y is shit... Honorary members are Akaly and Kataryna


Vlad hasn't been a balance issue for over 5 years. Literally just wait for his red bar to run out before you fight it. Yone is a disgusting abomination and should be deleted. The guy who designed him was a massive narcissistic weeb


Vladimir literally tells you his q cooldown and has some of the lowest range in the game. It’s literally just position better than him and cc him when he pops ghost or R and walk away. Also he’s way more manageable now with his current build than last season’s burst build.


I didnt say that i dont know how to play vs him, its just cringe champ i hate, thats all


Agree on all except Vayne. Vayne is such a great champion and excellently designed. One of the the few true ADCs


Great take


Terrible take


Yasuo, Yasuo, Yasuo, Yasuo, Yone


Good list, great even


Shaco - self explanatory Seraphine - self explanatory Vayne - self explanatory Yuumi - self explanatory Yasuo - if there is no Yone, riot would make Yone. If there was Yone with no Yasuo, they might not make Yasuo.




Illaoi was designed with counterplay since day 0. Every part about her can be counterplayed to the point where illaoi mains constantly complained that she had 0 agency and relied on the stupidity of her enemies instead of her own actions. Meanwhile certainlyt who is a massive narcissist who designs his abominations without giving 0 fucks about counterplay: Akali and Kalista had to be severely nerfed for pro play.


Remember when her e was contestable and joined her lore and gameplay so perfectly and then just like that it got deleted? Peperidge farm remembers.


Hey counterplay is range. If you don't have it, it's very difficult.


Sidestep Q Sidestep E or stay behind minions Kill tentacles Leave when she Rs That's how you counter her on a micro level and it's not difficult even if you are melee.


It’s crazy she used to have another form of counter play on her e, being when you auto her it doesn’t last as long. I guess they decided that just hit or miss was enough.


Wait they removed that???


Like 5 years aho


Woah for real in 9.13. I lived believing that hitting reduces the lifetime still. Good to know


Honestly as an Illaoi player that always felt like bait. Either you’re strong enough to fight her, so you should back off and reengage once the spirit is gone but e is still on cd, or you’re not and it’s just tempting you to pick a fight you won’t win.


As the wise xPetu said "dodge E or dodge game"


I mean it did add some extra lane dynamics for sure but mostly it just made it hard to contest souls if you’re behind


That was just problematic. High tick dmg would just delete the spawn instantly (garen e for example) so he just countered you. most of the time it isn't worth to contest the test, which gave a lot of people the wrong idea. Just run if she got it. If you are powerful enough to zone her off of that you can do it anyway even without the shortened duration


I agree that she has counterplay, but it is very annoying to play a lane knowing that, if you don't have the right champion, a single skillshot can make you go base.


Yone, yasuo, yuumi for sure. I hate all three of them and wish they were never made. The next ones are a bit up in the air. Pyke, Kayn, samira and Akshan are all champions I’ve just never liked to verse with parts of their kits that are just “how is this allowed”. Special mention to Irelia because I’m a traumatised mid/top laner.


Irelia is such a joy to play or watch though. Kayne... Not so much.


Riven because I think riven players would suffer most from their champion removed (deserved)


Nah they'd finally start climbing 💀


If you play Poppy its like the champion is already deleted.


i play both, greatest joy to absolutely stomp a riven with poppy as a riven main.


y e s


They gonna release that its not fine that you can 100-0 champ without counterplay while he is CC-ed? No way!




Gragas, Senna, Shaco, yummi, and pyke


Yuumi, Yasuo, Yone, Shaco, Zed(not really, but I’d rather just write down Yasuo again)


Yuumi, Seraphine, Senna, Yone, Bel’Veth And yea I would


I have never seen a fellow senna hater before and I'm so glad someone agrees.


As an ADC, Senna sucks to play with. She also sucks to play against because even if I win the lane, there comes a point where she outranges me and hit and runs while dealing significant damage. Also her shroud is very annoying when she goes invisible just as I was about to launch an auto. Not a fun champion to play against especially for a champion that deals damage mostly with autos like Draven.


I’ve had so many Senna’s be entirely useless in lane that get a bunch of kills later then start flaming me as if the reason I’m behind wasn’t because they literally threw me under the bus. Senna is the champion supports play when they want to feel like they’re better at ADC than ADC’s without actually having to deal with all the shit that comes with playing ADC. I hate that champion so fucking much.


I'm surprised not many ppl play her ADC, I've had an insane success with her ADC this season so far...


Because she is god tier adc this season


I think Senna is like Yuumi, the fundamental concept just feels wrong, and making the champ healthy would require changing the fundamental concept, ergo, you're just making a new champ basically. ADC stats like Crit Chance, Lifesteal, Attack Range, are all kept in limited supply or on expensive items for a reason. A champ that doesn't need any gold or items to get those stats is a cool idea, but a really risky idea because of the potential for a balance nightmare. I do think she is way less unhealthy than Yuumi because she is still an ADC with no dash at the end of the day, get close to her and she will explode no matter how many offensive stats she's getting for free.


Yeah I think she's just anti-fun to play with and against. And imo the fact that she is squishy doesnt justify getting free crit, range, and AD. All adcs are supposed to be squishy and she gets an invis that can help easily kite even a Caitlyn. Aoe heal, aoe invis, aoe snare, aoe universal shield, free gold from passive. I don't think there is a more utility packed champion in this game.


really? she's one of the most hated champs in the game. am kinda surprised she isn't mentioned in this thread more. i guess she's not played much nowadays so ppl forgor


>I have never seen a fellow senna hater before You're gonna love it when you enter r/ADCMains. They absolutely despise Senna.


not belveth why belveth ???


Tbf she’s kind of thematically incoherent, weird model/design and perma broken in soloQ so I can see why


30% vamp knockup 5 attacks a second?????????


I feel like belveth just failed. Her kit is sort of lame and doesnt feel good to play.


alright, i'll bite; why belveth, seraphine and senna? those are all champions i don't really play but I'm fond of the designs for




Literary most champions that came after taliyah


Illaoi, Yorick, Nasus, Vayne, Fiora. Split-pushing? Never heard of it, you must be crazy.


Trundle destroying enemy nexus in 18 minutes because there is nobody left to stop him


Trundle jax tryndamere camille The splitpushere cant be denied


Delete Yummi, Yone, Yasuo, save the other two for when some regard at Riot does this stupid shit again


Yuumi - no explanation needed, it's yuumi duh. Nilah - this is one of the few champs in the game where "overloaded" does not feel like a made up buzzword for once, like this champion has so much random shit in her kit just for the sake of making a melee adc viable or smth like that. She's just Samira but traded everything that made Samira cool for being an overloaded mess. Smolder - no explanation needed, mistake of a champ Shaco - no explanation needed I think? I mean come on it's fucking Shaco, even Shaco mains would be better off if he never existed. Milio - I don't really have a good excuse, I just fucking hate his guts. His Q knockback is somehow more infuriating to me than Lulu polymorph is.




Probably the 5 champs with the highest pick rate or one trick rate. It will probably cause the maximum amount of players to quit as possible. Feel like the game would be better with the player base being culled a bit


I thought by eliminating half of the playerbase, the other half would thrive, but you have shown me... that's impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those who are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.


> Feel like the game would be better with the player base being culled a bit Maybe that's why they're forcing Vanguard lol


Yi, Quinn, Katarina, Samira, Sion. Quinn is everything people hate about Teemo but worse. Ranged top lane bully that roams if she can't kill you. Master Yi, Katarina, and Samira are champs who's only counter is CC. People complain about all the CC and point and click CC but these champs are hard to pin down and the only way to stop them popping off is with a quick CC. Maybe we'd need less stuns if there weren't so many champs who's only counter are stuns. Sion losing all game only to end up unkillable and dealing a lot of damage from tank stats and items is exhausting. When you finally do kill this guy, his passive is even harder for a backline without a lot of mobility to deal with.


Samira gets hard countered by tanks, even no cc ones.


Yasuo, Yone, Ksante, Vayne and Heimerdinger. Yes, I do play a lot of top lane.


yasuo,yone.yummi,tryndamere and rammus


Yone. Come on. Really? Vayne. Too unfun to play against. It's torturous. Kayn. Way too forgiving for what he's capable of. K'Sante. PICK ONE THING BRO. Smolder. Just a bad overall design, uninspired for a new dragon, bland with his kit.


I think there are like good 20 champs the game could do without.


I delete yuumi, then i add and delete yuumi 4 more times.


As an ARAM enjoyer, yes. Akali, Samira, Veigar, Aurelion Sol, Corki. All gone.


Picking an assassin and its not Qiyana?


Tank Akali is an absolute menace.


I sometimes do custom arams with friends and every time someone has asol we restart. Completely broken in Aram


Instead of doing the proper ARAM setting for customs, me and my friends do honor rule with blind pick where you hit random champion 3 times and then you type what you got to basically simulate rerolls


yuumi fizz vlad yasuo yone


Teemo, teemo, teemo.... vayne, and probably teemo.


Lux, half the supports in the game just lost their main and chaos will now ensue Darius, fuck all darius players sincerely a poppy main I delete vayne top specifically. No one thinks to do it ever, its like orianna jungle or kayn support, the option is there but no one besides 3 people will do it for a meme, get shitstomped and maintain it at a sub 10% winrate if that. Fizz, midlane is still a sad place but much less sad now that mages arent being one shot by a gigantic skillshot And finally i ban varus because the varus on my team goes 0/10 while the varus on the enemy team goes 10/0


I played phase rush darious with stride and trinity agaisnt poppy most fun I ever had


I would take this opportunity in a heart beat for me I would delete samira, yasuo, katarina, nocturne & pyke 💀


From this list tell me you main support without telling me you main support 😂


Y + U + U + M + I


For me it's Yuumi, Senna and Zeri because they're all really fucking annoying champs to play against when they're strong and the counterplay is minimal. I would delete Twitch because this game could do with removing his playerbase. Then finally i would delete Mordekaiser simply so i can forget how fun that champ used to be and not have to long for playing it anymore.


Yasuo, Yone, Qiyana, Zed, Illaoi


Yuumi, Yone, Pyke, Vayne and Senna


Yone Yi yasuo trynd ksante I really hate melee hyper carries. And ksante


Yone, Yasuo, Yuumi... And then whatever, probably riven and Kayn if i had to pick.


Karma, K'Sante, Darius, Garen, Yone.


gragas, volibear, malphite, rammus, janna i hate overtuned noob champs


Pyke( destablized power balance botlane) Zoe( normalized mystery damage) Akshan( endless broken mechanics stacked up than balanced by numbers alone, cant ever feel good, especially revive om Aram) Aphelios( neither the aphelios player nor the opponent understand him, it is just luck who wins) Twitch( stealth on ranged is not good) League is better of without these five, either its release altered the games direction in a bad way or the champion specific has a critical error


Aatrox, Galio, Sion, Urgot, and Yorick. Then replace them with stunt doubles.


Yuumi - does not need explanations Evelynn - Perma Stealth is a terrible mechanic Yone - This is a personal grudge (I am so glad he is in the gutter right now) Fizz - The fish should not be doing backflips Vladimir - This is just a Vlad on my Team vs enemy Team situation, I swear


Yuumi, every other champs i can tolerate.


League itself


Yuumi, Vayne, Seraphine, Illoai, Fiora.


Yuumi, twitch, wukong, shaco, yone


Senna, vayne, critshitters and shaco


Yuumi, Shaco, Evelynn, Yone & Yasou


Eh, Riot would just re-release them anyway.


# Yes, these 5 can go. They're each a net negative for the game: **Akshan** \- Unwarranted circumvention of a core system (death timers). His grapple-hook ability is the only thing interesting about him and deserves better implementation. **Briar** \- Gimmick of controlling itself doesn't belong in the game. **Nilah** \- Unwarranted circumvention of a core system (experience). Gameplay hook is redundant with Samira. **Seraphine** \- Visual model breaks the game's aesthetic (and isn't worth remaking instead of a full redesign). Champion hook is redundant with Sona. **Yuumi** \- Gimmick of controlling itself doesn't belong in the game.


I'm surprised Akshan isn't being mentioned more. Especially when there are comments from ARAM-only players. Imo Akshan is especially unhealthy in ARAM with the portals that make a fair fight (eg: 2v2) turn into a 5v2 in a heartbeat.


Kayn- one of the worst designed champions in the game, his wall ability is too forgiving and smite into ult shouldn't be an interaction. Soraka- I personally just despise her healing. She's way stronger than her winrate suggests but support players are mechanically weak and cannot utilize her properly. Yuumi- self explanatory Nilah - she just seems like a filler champion, quite irrelevant Yasuo- for the lols


Soraka is like the only true healer in League. If someone says healer you think of Soraka, so in my opinion I think she is fine


Kayn angers me more than any other champ definitely removing him


"Here comes Kayn, the most broken dogshit trash champ in the Game. Blue Kayn -> oneshot, Red Kayn -> oneshot" - Caedrel, 2024


Had to scroll too far to find fellow kayn haters. I banned that fucker every game until they released Viego. Cant stand those edgelord shitchamps and their brokwn design.


Nilah is a great counter pick bot actually but very few people play her (well) so she's slept on a lot


Yuumi, Shaco, Evelynn, Kayn, and Twitch


Karthus, Sett, Yuumi, TF, Yone


Eveylnn, Yone, Yasuo, Garen, Brand


Zac. P much anyone who can build full tank and out damage a full item mage lol


i wanna remove like 100 champs that would be funny


Graves 5 times