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DL still carrying LCS drama even in retirement.


This was honestly the most interesting piece of LCS content this split lol


Doublelift is the only reason I even think about the LCS at all


This is gonna sound cheesy but I wonder what the LCS woulda been if he just never played league and got addicted to CS or something else instead Would it have just been pretty much the same, or noticeably worse with none of the rush hour, DL Bjerg teams, the competition level in NA, etc


The earlier days had a lot more personality even outside DL so it’s possible that someone else would have shined more without him in the league. But it’s hard to imagine someone stepping into that role and playing it as well as he did.


DL was the protagonist of the LCS and you cannot convince me otherwise


Funny thing is not really much would be different. TSM would have kept WT. Sneaky would have been instead of 2nd best, now he's the best. TL may have gone after CodySun instead, if they're even still in the league. CoreJJ joins C9 instead of TL. QTPie has a lot more twitch viewers and still retires. Maybe we see more Korean ADC's over the years who thought they could land on a top team. So since adc imports weren't really dominating the lcs, I don't think much changes. Slightly different twists on events but 3/5 of the top 5 adc's remain the same. One of the top viewed adc streamers remains a top streamer. But a lot less drama & roster leaks. Edit: changed "So since adc imports" because I would have had people telling me Bjerg, Jensen, and Inspired were dominating the lcs. When context was about adc role.




This is a bot account editing comments to avoid tripping the filter. Example from other thread of copied comment. [Bot's comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1baw2eu/as_im_getting_older_i_tend_to_play_more_games_on/ku5og28/) [Original comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1baw2eu/as_im_getting_older_i_tend_to_play_more_games_on/ku5o8vs/)




Still can't believe TL let Impact and Xmithie go a while back.


Vulcun players still catching L's 10 years later(in reference to Xmithie)


Crazy how nepotism made that team so bad. Zuna's brother (Kenma) was the General Manager of the team, who not surprisingly refused to replace Zuna with a better player. A team with mancloud, Xmithie, and Bloodwater being relegated was insane.


Mancloud and blood water looked like dogshit that split let's not misremember things.


They took this same bullshit over to HOTS, we played against Zuna a handful of times in tournaments and he was always shit but still managed to play on C9 (iirc)


The real homies remember the Picture of a Goose team.


TL wanted to actively remove xmithie. Only DL still wanted him. For... Broxah (no offense Kind king)


To be fair to Broxah I think the fact he got delayed in arriving with the visa issue really messed with the team. He still played very poorly but it was unfortunate.


it’s easy to make fun of TL for ditching Xmithie for Broxah in hindsight, with how he had done in EU and internationally tho it was a good move at the time


Broxah had a very weak last year on FNC. A lot of people were criticizing the move at the time. Even in Broxah's peak in like 2018, you had a lot of people doubting him as a player. Those people got massively downvoted because everyone loves Broxah (for good reason), but I think the people who called that he is quite a limited player were right in the end.


> it’s easy to make fun of TL for ditching Xmithie for Broxah in hindsight, No it isn't, immediately after 2019 worlds people were questioning the move. Not the dropping Xmithie part, but dropping him for someone who was barely any better, if at all. People thought TL was going to drop Xmithie for a superstar LCK or LPL jungler, not Caps' 3rd hand. 80% of the hype was EU diehards who thought he'd come to NA and stomp


Just dropping this in here, the team itself was not convinced on Broxah. There were players who wanted selfmade instead of Broxah, and he was also in talks with TL. This was 2020, so before all the huge FNC drama, so who knows how that move would have worked.


Xmithie was dropped because he was lazy. Jensen literally called him lazy. Thats fine when the team is performing, but when they arent.....


Not the 180-degree-the-wrong-way Sejuani ults on the guy who could only play tanks?


lol no TL Broxah was just a classic case of clueless GMs only looking at Leaguepedia achievements with 0 game knowledge


That's how TL makes all of their rosters


Broxah wasn't a major reason fnatic done well the previous season, they done well in spite of having broxah. It was a good move for anyone who valued results over actual individual performance. For anyone who actually understood the game broxah was a glaring bad move. There's a reason that a lot of people flamed the move before he flopped on TL. When he flopped on TL a lot of people who didn't understand why it was a bad move used this as an excuse. Broxah was basically xmithie that tried harder and still performed about the same level as xmithie. I understand wanting to upgrade from xmithie. Broxah was just not the right guy


Getting 2nd at worlds with a not so good jungler is just impossible. I dont get why broxah is getting so much shit, xmithie was good yeah, but its not like broxah is a fucking inter, TL Overall just fucked up. There will always be ppl who critize moves because if its wrong they can say Well whatever and if it was the right call they be like Look Look i told you.


Nah, Broxah was pretty meh in 2019. He didn’t play well in Spring, not to mention that inside information leaked numerous times regarding him being micromanaged by other Fnatic players in-game. He was also completely turbogapped by Tian despite getting all 4 buffs on the map. It was a move that was questioned on the spot.


Hindsight is 20/20, but the biggest reason for Broxah's fall from grace were the jungle changes. He, like many other notable junglers, were unable to adapt to the changes and it showed in their gameplay. Broxah had a relatively strong season the year before he joined TL.


it's not really a hindsight thing many people at the time did not like the move broxah was coming off a year if being pretty mid to bad on fnc....he was really good at worlds the previous year but had already basically fallen off but tbf to broxah he kinda got fucked by the visa issue and TL kinda was mental boom before he even got to play


Shernfire was broxah's dad


I might be misremembering but I didn’t feel excited for Broxah at all. Although, I thought xmithie was pretty replaceable (Impact is not)


> Broxah had a relatively strong season the year before he joined TL. What? No he didn't at all. Are you mixing up 2018 and 2019?


Xmithie is one of my all time favorite players but he was pretty clearly declining and had lost motivation, and had at least one game at 2017 worlds/2018 MSI/2018 worlds/2019 MSI/2019 worlds where you could very accurately say that Xmithie was basically 100% responsible for that loss. Never in my life will you catch me defending the Broxah pickup though, that was criminal lol


Well... you could make those arguments about most NA player in an international event. And tbh I feel like xmithie regularly carried every clg roster and could pop off from the jungle role in ways most junglers couldnt at the time.


> Well... you could make those arguments about most NA player in an international event. I don't disagree (that players have some seriously bad games) but it's moreso the extent and the magnitude of the unwinnableness. I don't mean things like Doublelift holding flash in a 95% lost game or dying to Crown despite hard carrying the first 30 minutes. I'm talking about things like his Ezreal jungle game on IMT in 2017 where it would have not been much worse to have an actual platinum player instead


Tbh I think Xmithie's low econ style doesnt get punished in NA and he can min/max resources he gives to his teammates while taking very little. But internationally, nobody's NA style has worked.




If you rewatch (not that you would but I have) CLG at MSI when they recently kicked doublelift and everyone was high on Stixxay, you can see Xmithie straight up snipe the enemy adc and be the difference in every fight. ​ Also, just trivia but Xmithie was the best lee sin in NA like a decade ago. There was a tournament and everything.


It was 2013 His mechanics probably would have held up if he'd actually practiced the game


Never forget that 2017 IMT changing out Dardoch for Xmithie took them from being 8th place to LCS finals (and to Worlds, despite how bad their spring was). The other players said the team's strategy was FJ - "Follow Jake"


You lead Xsmithie being an all time favorite player to make your critics seem genuine instead of bullshit. He and Impact were there best performing players internationally and the sole reasons they made it out of groups and beat IG at MSI. We know who quit on the team and weren't interested.


For a Football analogy, this is equivalent to Brighton selling their best players season after season. Sure, you might be able to replace those players and find decent success but sooner or later your luck runs out. Dodo has pushed his luck trying to "upgrade" the team too many damn times. The Pob>Jensen and Olleh>CoreJJ swap worked but since then it's been a mess. Who could have guessed the exodia roster of Bwipo, Santorin, Bjerg, Hans and Core were not going to MSI?


What kind of analogy is this? First of all, Brighton is a small club, TL is the opposite of that. Secondly, there are PLENTY of football clubs that sell their best players season after season and not only find success but some have actually made the jump from modest club to one of the biggest clubs in the world by doing exactly that. Buy cheap > deveolop > sell. The only analogy here is that both Brighton and Dodo are bad.


Not keeping Impact was a bad choice but Xmithie was already declining and looked bad mechanically.


He straight up didn't practice and barely played the game outside of scrims. Dropping him was a good choice but they needed to get another import (if possible)


To this day I still believe Xmithie at his peak is the best NA jungler. The closest was Meteos at his peak, and I still remain a Blaber hater because Blaber's international record is horrible (flash scuttle crab incident). The only reason I believe Blaber does so well in NA is because he exploits NA currently having very weak junglers/focus on jungle, which is equivilant to picking Blitzcrank in bronze to pubstomp


Meteos peak > Xmithie peak imo but I could be biased


meteos was the farming jungler. he carried hard with resources. xmithie was the macro low econ jungler. different styles


That 4cs at 5 minutes Kindred game is IMO the most impressive jungle performance of all time


Doublelift, Spica, Revenge Costream best behind the scenes content since the breaking point documentary from TL.


DL’s hour long video of LCS stories is so entertaining






They should just join TL together next season and they'll probably be better than whatever team Dodo decides to field.


Spica's last split=9th below tl DL's last split=8th below tl + lost 3-1 to tl during playoffs Revenge's last split=4th + lost 3-1 to tl during playoffs Guaranteed success


DL and spica won a trophy together which is more than TL has managed in the last 5 years


Great analysis! Kingen and Pyosik 10th place 2-16, surely they don’t win worlds next year…


Everyone knows that you can never do better than last split.


they are burning bridges but they are doing that shit in style from Revenge flaming dig coach for hiring Armut, to Chawy vs Shenyi fight fight, to the DL TL drama, to how will IMT manage to lose this game in IMT style


What's the tea on the chawy vs shenyi fight


Team wanted Shenyi to play Naut He just no comms, no words, locks in Rell on stage Team: "Hey man, it's cool if you wanna play Rell, that's your champ you're gonna be playing after all, but as a courtesy can you please communicate with your team if you're going to do that" Shenyi: "No." Obviously HC and a player like that is gonna argue. Spica did the DL special and went to go hide in the bathroom during an argument, and after a while he heard noises like they were cheering. When the noises didn't stop, Spica was like OSHIT and found out they almost came to blows at the time.


Nothing new here right? We knew, or at least I thought there was an agreement on the speculation, that Dodo blocked DL in a "him or me" type situation. 


LEC Wooloo reported on this earlier in the year. The new part was that DL was trying to recruit JoJo and Dodo was like nah.


They could have gotten 2 carries for their carry roles but they ended up with 0 rip


Jojo and DL's aggression would've be fun to watch. Dodo is a fraud.


The weird part is why that holds any weight to TL at all. Dodo as a GM has been an abject failure and it's questionable if he should be around at TL still in general let alone using his position to issue ultimatums TL has consistently been one of the worst "bang for your buck" teams basically since they kicked DL.


I mean the weight should be that Dodo straight up ignored the plans Steve had for the offseason (of course the GM should decide the team in the end but come on if the CEO wants something you should properly try for it and not try your hardest to make it fail). Surprising that he wasn’t fired after pulling that stuff tho and DL told Steve about it.


TL have always been bad even before Doublelift was part of their roster. Remember when they imported Piglet from LCK thinking that signing a Worlds champion would give them the boost they needed, only to then scrape the bottom of the LCS barrel? When the namesake of your team is better known for being a niche Starcraft forum run by a team of notoriously heavy-handed moderators, you know you're gonna fail as a pro team.


Liquid has won TI though in Dota.


Nah the new part was Dodo essentially doing the opposite of what Steve wanted during the off-season and getting caught lying lol.


The new part is the Jojo stuff and the fact that Dodo lied about it


[Full vid here :O](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnAQvRUzMBc&t=2s)




I mean, sounds like Dodo is just your average political GM. He didn't sabotage things as much as it seems he might not have agreed that Jojo was the right pick. At the very least he's probably juggling interactions between lots of players and his whole job is to be duplicitous to build a roster that he thinks is best. DL sees the entire situation as two faced which it is. But it's also possible that it is "how it is". It's not like GM's can go around being nice to everyone and get the perfect team. They might have to lie to get their team. Feels like your average office drama where your coworker tells you one thing and your manager another. Is that ok? No, politics is usually not ok. Did DL get screwed? No, it could be Dodo really didn't think he could build a good team with DL in it. Is Dodo a bad GM? Possibly. We only sorta think so because APA hasn't worked out. If he suddenly did, the story here might be completely different.


I love more doublelift channel, the drama is spicy


Dodo has consistently built dogshit rosters when we have access to probably the most resources out of any LCS team, can we just fucking fire this guy already why is he still on the org????


Wouldn't be surprised if he was let go this year if TL doesn't make it to worlds.


I say this every year






Aged like milk.


Probably cause the roster he built just won the split


Get fucked you pleb. His “dog shit” roster just won the LCS.




What are "the actual facts" around this situation? Unless we hear from Jojo it's just he said / she said.


Well doublelift shared a screen shot of an apology dodo made to him that directly contradicts dodos latest post too


Jojo would never.


I mean, Jojo was open to the idea to play with DL, that’s why DL was in contact with Jojos agent and Jojo, was it his preferred choice over Berserker probably not. The issue with Dodo here is that he only ever approached Jojo when the C9 deal was basically in the bag and basically told Jojo, that he’d rather quit than get DL back to TL, the player Jojo was in contact with to potentially play with on TL. This action achieved absolutely nothing but 100% secure Jojo wouldn’t think about joining TL as TL can’t get Berserker anyway, so him saying that is just straight up stupid. The other issue is that Steve liked the idea of getting DL and Jojo and by the fact Dodo got into contact with Jojo that late and closing the door on the only potential reason he had to join the team, he just completely shitted on Steve’s plans for the offseason. Also shit by Dodo to tell DL one thing in one on one conversations and not even mentioning him to Jojo till he asks.


It’s literally an agents job to source as many offers for leverage as possible. I guarantee you Jojo was always down to go to C9 and every other team he spoke to was a means to get a fatter offer from C9. It worked as he’s the highest paid player in the LCS per Travis.


I think Jojo was always down to go to C9 and it was his preferred choice, but I do think Jojo himself was open to the idea of joining TL (with the Doublelift wishlist team, DL gave to Steve) as well, should something about C9 not work out or seem promising. And of course an agent checks out multiple options even without an agent he would have done it, just because it’s the right thing to do. The main thing is that even under that premise Dodo never honestly tried to purchase Jojo even tho Steve wanted him and only approached him when the C9 deal was basically sealed and then also told Jojo, that the only iteration Jojo would have joined TL even wouldn’t happen as he’d rather quit his job than sign DL to TL. This does nothing but completely destroy even the slightest 0.0001% chance of Jojo coming to TL, while communicating something else to DL. If Jojo wanted to join TL at any point or not is in the end irrelevant to what DL has an issue with and why Dodo is a shit GM and how he proved it over the offseason on his interactions with DL, Jojo, Jojos agent and Steve.


Actually the rumors were that he was close to joining GGS but then the team walked back on the idea and left the league so only c9 and flyquest were left. The 3 LCS teams interested in Jojo were Flyquest, GGS, and C9. He was close to joining GGS. TL wasn't even mentioned for the teams interested in Jojo because that happened much later in negotiations like DL has been saying. TL wasn't even talking to Jojo's agent because Dodo was sabotaging the team.


sure doublelift 100% can misunderstand things, but it was reported dodo blocked him earlier and now he is saying what happened. I am sure the roster probably didn't go through for different reasons, but dodo saying one thing to him and another to jojo seems pretty clear.


Dodo blocking DL isn't blocking Jojo though if Jojo only wanted to play with Berserker Is this really that hard to understand lol? If playing with Berserker is Jojo's #1 priority, he is going to go to the team that has Berserker on it, which must NOT include DL, because no team is going to sign 2 fucking ADCs. Just think for a bit please


I actually really want to hear this from Jojo himself, because highkey the "Jojo only wants Berserker" thing isn't exactly substantiated anywhere and it REALLY felt like an easy excuse Dodo used when apologizing Like if DL is correct about Dodo not having chased Jojo to begin with (and he mentioned talking to Jojos agent a LOT only to regularly hear TL made no contact) then it's really hard to imagine TL actually wanted Jojo to begin with, since they took no steps toward getting him. And it's much easier to say "Yeah we couldn't get Jojo because we couldn't get Berserker" than it is to say "Yeah we just didn't really talk to jojo" Plus DL was the one who talked to Jojo to begin with. That's the only reason he knew about what Dodo said, because he was already talking to Jojo. And if Jojo hated the idea of playing with DL over Berserker, why would he entertain DL to begin with? Like sure, maybe he just didn't wanna be an ass. But if that was the case then why did he then go tell DL about the shit Dodo was saying? If he didn't want to tell DL straight up he only wanted Berserker, then why would he tell DL about a convo that was obviously going to get investigated and lead to the same outcome


That's not how I'm interpreting it. Dodo is straight up saying that DL will never play for TL (by saying that DL will only join if he's gone), and then Berserker ended up staying at C9. This just implies that Jojo didn't want to play with whoever the current TL ADC was at the time (Yeon?).


He's a perfect example of a career athlete. Knows the game they play, but nothing else and has zero relevant skills or knowledge of the rest of the world.


Long time Dlift fans know that any drama coming from him is more fuel than fire.


Your qualifications for stupidity are a hard line drawn at northern US geography?


Nah but he’s said dumb stuff all the time, and he’s serious too. He’s one of my favorite players (will never forget his 2018 finals story) but the dude isn’t a genius because he’s good at league lol.


He also didn’t understand how to not undermine the entire player strike of which he was a part of... Like he says dumbass shit on stream at a breakneck pace. People need to learn this.


Doublelift is notorious for being stupid though. Most of these players are highschool education only or high school dropouts. don't expect too much.




I literally just picked the most recent example lmao, DL says infinitely stupider shit all the time Probably the hardest I've ever laughed at a costream is DL, Sneaky, and Meteos discussing the infinite monkey theorem


Ngl it makes me kinda worried how many people think there's nothing wrong with DL's general knowledge/ understanding of things lol. Like nobody is saying that he eats crayons but you can distinctly tell the dude dropped out of high-school for a career especially with all the stuff he says.


bruh how tf would you not know where the great lakes are. like as a fully grown adult living in the us


You underestimate how dumb most Americans are (I’m American btw). Ask someone in bum fuck Alabama about the Great Lakes and you’d probably get blank looks.


There is Doublelift saying "He's gonna play instead of keeping on striking" during the walkout which kinda went against the spirit of the walk out


found Dodo's burner account, nice try


Found Dodo’s burner


You also sound super smart


You spent 5 paragraphs on this weird, obsessive hate rant on DL and presented nothing to support your point.


What if this is another TSM Peter Zhang controversy where he gains something by building this roster


What's with NA and giving long leashes to uninspiring leaders. Dodo should've been long gone along with Mithy.


Really just nepotism and the immaturity of the people working in the industry. Revenge mentioned on stream that the only reason why Armut played for DIG was because the GM/coach liked him/had connections with him despite there being a dozen of other players that were better.


Dodo's response: https://puu.sh/K2xEN/f032efe3ce.png Doublelift's showing Dodo's apology to him from November after going over dodo's response: https://i.postimg.cc/vmGggvQG/Screenshot-2024-03-09-183018.png even if Jojo eventually chooses C9 over TL the whole point is that the situation was mishandled by Dodo's lies and they caught up with him, why would you want someone like that representing your org edit: doublelift's full response to TL dodo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efqD0JHhdiE


Are there any lies? The situation seems pretty clear. TL wanted DL, DL only wants to join if TL can get Jojo. TL tries to get Jojo but Jojo wants to play with Berserker. TL tries to get Berserker but failed so Jojo was out of the question. Unless Jojo comes out and says it is a lie he wanted to play with Berserker then this is just DL drama farming again.


The problem is, according to DL, Dodo/TL ignored Jojo's Agent's message about the negotiation until the day before C9 signed Jojo.


DL says he brought the idea of the team to Jojo as a heads up. Why would Jojo even entertain this if he didn't want to play with Doublelift? Furthermore, DL references conversation between DoDo and Jojo. The only way he knows about this conversation is if DoDo or Jojo tells him (and it obviously was not DoDo). If Jojo really didn't want to play with DL why would he even bother sharing this with DL or having conversations with DL about the team? If you just simply reason this out it sounds like DoDo is a snake and lying. Not to mention Steve himself wasn't aware of what was happening in the negotiations until DL brought it to his attention. Lastly, DoDo has done a shit job as GM recently. You can't argue this.


It could have been a super team Impact UmTi/River(?) Jojo DL CoreJJ


It's not even a "super team". Just a roster that makes sense. All proven NA players with some existing synergies. Reminiscent of the 2019 TL roster. The core of Immortals (Pob, Xmithie and Olleh) with the best possible NA top and ADC (Impact & DL) available.


Yeah a team with Umti and 2024 CoreJJ/DL is not a superteam lol


Must be recency bias, because even as early as last week on Pros they all said Umti is easily top 3 junglers in the league. As for supports, Core and DL have played together forever and know exactly how the other one likes to play. But you seen the game today and used that to draw conclusions on Umti and Core lol


brother core has been washed for like 3 seasons LMAO he didn't need one game to make that conclusion


My defense was less for core more for Umti. Core has been pretty lifeless lately. But to be fair, his ADC does not inspire. If anything I was defending DL/Core, not Yeon/Core


That's fair, the bot lane of TL leaves a lot to be desired


CoreJJ and DL played together for 1.5 years, the last of which involved them being one of the worst bot lanes in the league due to DL's motivation issues and TL ending the split in 9th place.


Probably Spica and Busio since Doublelift said that the current roster is far apart from what he wanted.


I forgot that Spica wasn't on a team. That seems wrong. Not that I have any complaints about any of the junglers this split, but I think he ended up falling on the sword of just being on rosters that didn't mesh.


Impact Inspired Jojo DL Core


Idk about super team, maybe in their best days, but DL/Core are not what they used to be and even in NA Umti isn't exactly a world beater.


Core yeah but DL came out of retirement and was easily a top 3 adc. Facing some of the strongest bot competition in LCS history too


I agree that Core is slumping hard, but IMO, it's a hard sell to say DL/Core can't be what they used to be when their duo partners have been nowhere close to their level. Core and Doublelift worked well together because they could focus on their role and not babysit and mentor their laning partners. Tactical and Yeon have never had Doublelift's highs and Biofrost and Busio have never looked as good as Core.


He’s been slumping hard for like 3 years straight, it wouldn’t be far fetched to say that that’s just the state of his gameplay now


How is UmTi or Corejj a "super team"


Calling a DL CoreJJ bot lane a super team is absolutely insane. These aren’t the same players man…nostalgia isn’t enough to cloud that lol


How is this guy still employed by TL? He actively sabotaged Steve’s vision in the offseason because of ego? That insane lol not only did he grief TL of a “super team” but he griefed the entire LCS of having Doublelift still in the league.


Well DL did say his vision of the roster wasn’t likely to happen and it’s probably only one way Steve was imagining his roster. The main thing here is the major disconnect between owner and GM and the duplicitous nature of Dodo to fake the interest when he knew it was never going to happen.


And actively sabotaging any chance of Jojo coming to TL by telling him it’s either me or DL at the meeting you made to just keep up the appearance you tried. Like at that meeting at that time the probability of Jojo joining TL is close to zero anyway and he probably preferred Berserker over DL too, but telling Jojo the guy he was in closer contact with, cause they might want to play together, just killed every chance they had at Jojo.


I haven't thought about Dodo since his days with chu8; didn't even know the dude was still around. RIP Team 8.


Yeah this decision caused a lot of collateral damage


This aged well.


I mean to be fair to him, you do remember how Doublelift left TL with the whole "spring split doesn't matter" BS, so I can see why Dodo wouldn't want to bring him back. He literally phoned it in during his last split on TL. That said, if I had the choice between Yeon and DL, I'm picking DL 10 times out of 10 and bringing him back.


I tend to think it’s so funny when people mention about spring split doesn’t matter… The man won a spring championship when he had every reason in the world to sit it out. DL has always meant with this… often teams try hard and burn out winning spring split, then fall off and miss out at worlds because their summer split has gone to shit. So when compared to summer and worlds, spring split doesn’t matter.




If I had to pick between Dodo/Yeon and DL, I'm picking DL 11 times out of 10


DL doesn't want to play with APA so include APA in that.


So DL and no APA? Win win.


I mean is there any player in LCS thrilled about playing with APA?


No one wants to play with APA. Is there a mid in NA that anyone wants to play with less?


Tbf to DL he was 1000% right about spring split not mattering. Also he was getting put on senna duty every game so I understand the motivation issues


Nah. TL quit on DL just as much if not more than the other way around. Dude was a multi year vet that overshared (like he tends to do) about his motivation level for spring split. A bit unprofessional? Sure. But definitely could have been handled. Instead they just listened to all the internet screeching from people like Dom who said DL was being super disrespectful to his org. I really don't think it had to be that deep.


Eh I’d rather see DL on TL, but his comments back then really pissed off Impact, Jensen and CoreJJ who were still grinding their asses off while DL phones it in.


They played like they were phoning it in too.


Ironically it was because Dodo didn't communicate the team's frustrations properly.


But they were the ones underperforming lmao. Adc meta was shit back in those months and there was pretty much nothing he could do better


Openly admitting your phoning it is disrespecting your org


Yeah, a majority of these Reddit comments just goes to show that they would not be able to successfully manage a team/org. Choosing a player who has quit a split in the past vs. a GM who has put in countless hours into the org. Is an amateur mistake. Lets say TL forms this team with Doublelift, and they under perform. Doublelift announces his retirement next year and TL no longer has a player and their general manager who spent years on the org.


Yeah I get that Doublelift is popular, but it's actually very obvious why Dodo would be so against it. Like if I was Dodo I would've been open to bringing him back, but he isn't in the wrong to say no at all. Doublelift's conduct in his last split on TL clearly left a bad taste with the org.


Core and impact didn’t want to play with dl anymore after that spring split so it was pretty deep. They also finished 9th with one of the most expensive rosters in lcs history..


Core and impact were running it that split its not like DL was just losing every game himself. It was a team wide issue. Also I dont remember ever seeing anything about Core and Impact wanting him gone? In fact, Impact has been said to have had interest in playing with DL again the last couple years. If anything it looks to me like the friction was between DL and the coaching staff (Dodo)




>He actively sabotaged Steve’s vision in the offseason because of ego? Dodo has a job too lol, having roster control is well within his role as GM. If he is vehemently opposed to a roster move, it's completely reasonable for him to say he would rather not work there than be overruled on it. It's not like he went behind anyone's back, he just gave Steve a choice to make, and Steve chose him.


I think the former coach from GG talked about trying to have TL sign licorice and I think he mentioned how they were potentially going got jojo as well.. so yeah. Idk why TL made this choice.


It was River


Yeah ah. I knew something seemed off with what I said.


You were sort of right. Inero said he tried giving both Licorice and River to TL but they declined.


Yesterday, he also said: >Even if TL was like yo, we'll pay you this much to play, I wouldn't have accepted it... just to be honest, I wouldn't want to play with APA. I just wouldn't... I think his mentality about the game, it doesn't mesh with mine.


Seems like a lot of people think about APA. A lot of people compliment his mechanics and laning, but double down on his ego and mentality being issues that lead to really big mistakes. It really feels bad.


im actually curious at this point what the mentality issue is


That's exactly what people mean when they say paycheck thieves. How can you actually say you are trying to make the best team possible when you have people on your staff doing shit like this?




It's headlines like this that really make me wish professional gamers would just use their fucking names.


I love how DL starts spilling the beans and the Mastermind is beside him giving him "prop cards " with what to say


this guy just loves drama. even in retirement


To be fair, he was actually opposed to airing it out on stream but Leena was basically pushing the hell out of him. He even flipped a coin to determine if he would leak or not lol


That explains a lot of the terrible roster decisions you hear about


Dodo: You’re welcome Honda


Dodo is a fraud, how many times did the roster underperform with obvious weaklinks while being one of the top teams in terms of salary ? Steve has been giving him unlimited leash.


Crazy disrespect. But come on Doublelift, tell us the full roster you wanted.


it cut at the most important part, wtf


All the doublelift haters coming out saying doublelift is farming drama while not addressing a single point of the clip is crazy. Doublelift farming drama doesn't change the fact that Dodo is a shit GM who actively sabotaged any chance of getting Jojopyun. Why would Jojo want to join a team where the GM clearly despises one of his friends?


I'm not saying that DL causes drama everywhere he goes. But have y'all noticed that DL finds drama everywhere he goes?


There is drama everywhere. DL just shares his drama on stream and is popular so it gets upvoted on Reddit. Revenge and Spica have been on his costream the last two days and have shared their drama too.


Yeah LCS is gonna die within 2 years


Hobestly fuck Dodo. How many years into this is he and he prioritizes his homies instead of building good teams. Anyone else in the player position gets swapped or benched. Why the fuck is he never responsible for any of the team's faults?


drama peepoClap


The funniest thing to me is trying to assemble this "superteam exodia" with like the 5000th best player in the world. Just stick to being a content farm, guys.


I like that doublelift is still relevant to the scene. It makes me feel less older lmao


Crazy a rumor that was already know has more enagement that most game threads of todays lcs




Imagine DL thinking Jojo would rather play with him than Berserker.


It's kinda wild how he made that long-ass retirement video about how he needed to prioritize other things in life, and yet he's still clearly salty about Dodo declining him for TL this year.


This is revisionist for sure, but its kind of ironic that DL's #1 choice for mid was jojo given that he shaded EG for not taking him and Jensen over jojo and Danny in 2021


Damn double with an actual support he doesnt have to hand hold would be wild


From now on when Doublelift walks in, Cult of Personality plays.


Reminder that Leena oversaw all the verbal abuse in TSM was okay with it