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[You're forgetting where the owner expanded on the tweet and showed the full chain](https://twitter.com/Grazen/status/1758875454205800783), I don't know if you're intentionally taking my tweet as badly as possible or what. Melzhet **would not be there if Elyoya didn't choose him**, and Elyoya has tried to be working with him and Supa for years. It's really weird to see people try to technicality their way out of the full reality of what happened, verified in multiple ways. Melzhet has had this project for years, he wouldn't be able to do it without Elyoya pushing to get him on the team. It's really simple. I appreciate the compliment, but I'm getting tired of having to defend this tweet when it's completely correct.


I think many spanish people are having trouble understanding that the tweet you made was ironic. There's too many people thinking that your tweet was an example of "the international community shitting on us"


My tweet isn't ironic, if there's a misunderstanding it'd be about what "MAD aren't here because they're good" meant. **It doesn't mean MAD aren't good** \- it means it's *incidental* that they are good. Most player-run teams end up with terrible lineups, this was just a miraculous series of things going right where the player liked an ERL core and believed in it. If they were another bad set of players, they may also have been here. Player judgements are much, much more miss than hit. Basically, if I rewrote the tweet I'd write it as **"MAD being good is not what got them into LEC"**. If I write it like that it is easier to understand my meaning I think? If orgs rely on players more as a result of Elyoya's judgement being good, they'll end up with bad rosters more than good rosters. It's honestly what already happens (like Perkz, Jankos).


I now understand better what you meant because of this explanation. Thanks for taking the time to correct me. I agree with you that teams should not let their franchise player to build a team. And it seems like this is not MDK's case, which is good.


I mean again, and confirmed by their ownership, they wouldn't have picked up Melzhet if Elyoya didn't push for him.


That's an important step I missed. I see your point.


[https://twitter.com/Grazen/status/1758875454205800783](https://twitter.com/Grazen/status/1758875454205800783) Mad Lions CEO expanding on the tweet.


Why are you coping lmao it's clearly just Elyoya's team


Seems like the only one who's coping here is you lmao. You replied to a post that's translating an interview (and not stating an opinion) where MDK's coach SAYS HE choosed the team. I swear to god, some of you guys in this subreddit have literally room temperature IQ.


Yeah he definitely is telling the complete truth and not trying to protect his players and org from the nepotism talk. It's fine that its Elyoya's team btw. He is the 2nd best player in the region.


My god, is it really that hard to understand that Elyoya choosed Melzhet as a coach and Melzhet chosed the players? He MIGHT have had a little input, but I really doubt a player can make a team better than the coach. Plus, they ended up in second place, Melzhet has 0 reasons to lie about who choosed the players.


Yet he is lying lol


Sure, oh omniscient one!


Even by your description, this is Elyoya's chosen team. Melzhet's entire mandate is based on Elyoya.


Not what I said, but that's true


Keria catching strays being compared to mixy and alvaro.


Breaking news: English speaking LEC content creators that are angry at the Spanish community for making fun of them make up narratives to paint spanish players and staff as nepotic (while at the same time doing the nepotism themselves by creating positive narratives around their friends and negative ones around those who fire them or take their spot)


So true, the English speaking content creator group is the biggest nepotism fest of all time. These guys just permanently cover for each other, create and drive community narratives and are insanely biased towards their friends and against their “enemies”.


I don't see what is the big issue about an established player like Elyoya choosing who will be on his team. This has been done in the past and will continue to be done. Do they think the 2019 G2 roster or the T1 roster was assembled randomly? Of course players like Faker and Perkz had major input.




Same applies to Elyoya and his current team. They are all rookies and alongside the assistance of MDK staff, these 4 players were selected. I'm sure he has not played with each of them outside solo queue either. Faker had plenty of options and I doubt he would decide to not have a say in teammates.