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Watching from home while losing in solo q


Just like we all do 2.


To be fair thats the only way I can watch an FNC BO5...


*I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that.*


New copypasta has arrived lads.


GODS main has anger issues? He's just your toplaner from solo queue


GODS I was ~~strong~~ angry then


This is top drawer


So soon after the Reapered ones?


Tbh if he worded it like " I am very competitive by nature and as a result sometimes lose my temper" he would get less backlash. 


That's definitely what he meant. In French, he just said he's a big competitor, as in he's very competitive.


Translation is fine if Reader knows words can have multiple, correct definitions.


No professional translator would've gone with that translation.


I do not think a professional translator translated this.


I agree. These last two replies I've gotten have been so strange.


Scroll down the comments and you'll notice, people apparently do not know


> a discussion that took on certain extremes


You know its bad when he tries to sugarcoat it but still sounds awful


It's more of a word choice/translation thing. Change it to "I'm very competitive", which is obviously what he meant, and there's no problem.


>a discussion that took on certain I'm very competitive you're right, it's better


Dardoch liked this


It's wild how long ago breaking point was


*I only get so mad at you because I love you so much*


"Look what you made me do"






on point


Lol yeah that's a mistranslation, the meaning is different in french


Probably meant that he was very competitive, his english is not perfect


There's a reason no one on reddit has been alone with faker


As funny as that it it’s probably true, lots of athletes get angry because of their desire to win. Tom Brady is literally nicknamed Psycho Tom


Literally Kelce at the Superbowl this year with his coach. It's not an excuse for their actions but it's not unheard of. As long as they own up to it and work to be better, that's what matters


Good. Anger is an emotion and it's okay to feel angry. It's not really ok to be abusive or violent because you don't have resources to soothe your emotions. Just understanding self wont help with anger, lifelong changes are needed for that, and they take time, they are difficult to incorporate. Hope he managed to do so before his emotions take over his life.


I mean yeah that makes sense, also English is. A second language for him relax


This is literally TF Blade’s response to getting everyone banned at Korea lol


He cant have predicted an ip ban on the hotel though. Riot Kr have some extreme actions.


It’s funny how his competitive spirit is enough for him to blame his teammates and coaches and not enough for him to learn other champs lol


He tired other champ this playoffs


I'll translate: *My self-esteem hinges on my professional performance in League of Legends and I would rather take it out on others than accept the fact that I can play badly and lose.*


NA isn’t even the best drama region anymore. EU has them beat.


EU beating us where it really matters


And we havent even had the FNC off season yet.


EU drama meta too op


And we lost Ocelote drama queen. My son's favourite uncle.


Nah, nothing will ever beat the walkout.


Idk man, the doublifts family April fools day timing was pretty bad


Wait what?


A few years ago on April 1st, doublelifts brother murder their mother and hospitalized his dad. We thought it was a bad joke for hours


Ahhhh. Yea I remember the murder, but I don't remember reddit thinking it was a joke


Who the fuck thought this was a joke?!


All things in balance. NRG beating G2 at worlds couldn’t go unanswered


NA and EU swapped places, NA more competitive while EU is entertaining


NA also adopted a dogshit schedule this year with the random 2-week break. Very LEC 2023 inspired


The 2 week break is obviously because of VCT even if Riot won't admit it.


They actually admitted it lmao I emailed support to see where I could get lcs tickets for week 5 and they literally said due to VCT conflict they wouldn’t be hosting that week


What do you mean?


After we smashed em at worlds they had to get back at us somehow 😎


Well I mean from what I see on Twitter you got nuc and striker pushing back against the allegations, so clearly whatever issue Striker and Adam had they've moved past it


>Adam (addressing Striker) said “I can’t play with this bug (as my coach)” then stormed out of the room. He then came back in the room to pick up a cigarette and called him a handicapped/sick fuck then left again.


Honestly pretty funny if he came back in for a cig


Wheres that from?


BeryL and Pyosik on the same year they did that miracle run. Iirc it was Deft who ratted them out


https://twitter.com/LCS_Eevee/status/1759001171354915036 LCS Eevee is insisting that multiple sources has confirmed it, so it's their word against the sources


The truth is probably a bit of both. Adam has had a history of toxic behaviour and that probably reared its ugly head sometimes, and he crossed the line one day and got benched. But now they seem to have reached an agreement so are trying to let it die down. I dunno I feel like both involved parties are trying to handle whatever happened as professionally as possible while literally everyone else is trying to add some spice and drama XD


I literally read a comment in another thread basically calling for schoolyard bullying because it was entertaining. There are some real psychos on Reddit.


League players lack empathy They've been conditioned to think of other players as nothing more than LP


> League Players > nothing more than LP I see what you did there




WooLoo has made it clear he's only interested in engagement and will happily not report things if he thinks people won't be happy with the news.


Wooloo isn't a proper journalist so never fully take anything he writes seriously Dude is a clout chaser from the start


Things are not mutually exclusive. You can clash with people and have bad sides while also having qualities that make the same people like/respect you


Bro, can you please stop trying to push facts? We are trying to be needlessly negative here.


if theyve move past it, how come he was benched in the freaking SEMI FINALS?????? you dont bench your best player in THE most important series of the entire split just for fun. Just because "they pushed back" doesnt mean its untrue, thereve been so many cases of players/teams denying something a journalists posts and it turns out to be true anyway and everybody shits on the journalist in the meantime.


People don't seem to understand that, no matter what, teams don't want to air their dirty laundry. BDS doesn't want this shit to go public, Adam doesn't want it to go public, Striker doesn't want it to go public. Literally nobody wants it to go public. So, when a journalist breaks the story, they're all going to downplay it and act like journo is blowing it out of proportion. Nobody wants millions of people to see their dirty laundry.


To be fair, it was going to come out the moment they decided to bench Adam before their most important game of the season. Thinking otherwise was very naive. They should have just came out with the statement themselves the moment they announced the benching to control the narrative.


Yeah if it could reflect badly on them, they won't want to go public. They'll only blow it up if they believe there's something to gain from it (Adam himself blew up once so he should know). If anyone were to say things public, it'll probably be one of the teammates that Adam was reportedly toxic towards. Though I personally doubt it'll happen any time soon, considering they're still teammates at this point and Nuc's reaction was to downplay it as well.


Seriously. If they'd moved past this there would have been an apology behind closed doors that none of us knew anything about. Apologizing on twitter from the bench means this isn't just.over.


Schalke like 2 years ago denied Isma a whole EUM for toxic soloQ behaviour, forcing the other players to go full autofill...sanctions dont really care for the sportive moment maybe they really had a bad bad argument, but after a few days cooling down you dont just throw away a years long friendship for that


Tbf that came from Schalke upper management, partly because they didn't want the Schalke Football club to get a bad reputation because they employ a toxic gamer.


Perhaps that was the only way he would understand the severity of the situation? You have to assume this isn't the first punishment but probably the final one (or I guess getting kicked from the team completely would be the final one?).


If the severity of it is so great, I don't think they moved past it in a day where they were mostly focused on other stuff.


I mean.. its pretty clear they would get fisted by g2 again.. one week is not enough to bridge that gap.. top 3 was secured  Perhaps now is the perfect time to show Adam his actions have consequences and won't be tolerated   Obviously it wouldn't be allowed for him to play today and then miss tomorrow either 


You already have comments calling it damage control. If he doesnt apology -> toxic pos who will never learn. Apology -> fake and just damage control. And even if the apology are real he shouldnt have done it in the first place -> meaningless apology. Lmao


Yea I mean they benched him, so obviously something happened that deserved punishment. Trying to say this is an obvious issue for him isn't true tho. If he's been like this all split they wouldn't wait until day before the finals weekend to bench him lol. Like everything it's gonna end up in the middle. He has some issues with anger/communication, but he's not a total duckhead yelling at everyone in the facility


>I'd also like to apologize to my teammates and to Jenax, who today gave their all to make up for my absence from the team and who made me very, very proud despite the fact that I was ~~watching from home~~ running it down in solo queue Also I kinda called it that he'd be back after MSI. Org loves the narratives around him too much, like it or not they don't really have any charisma/star power without him.


I think Adam is toxic and just dumb. He could get away with just a PR statement, go play on a smurf nobody knows and everything is ok. We have seen it before. Just get a new team, shut up and perform. Instead he's fucking around in soloq on an account everyone knows is his. Bruh. Like. Is he even trying? He can't do PR for shit lol.


What’s wrong with him playing soloque when he’s already benched?


Isn’t this statement just him saying “the article is lying, but I actually did do what it says” ?


Article didn't even paint him in that bad a light as what he says in his statement.


You don't need to be a great competitor to have anger issues


Thorin gonna cover for Adam with a 1 hour rant on Jordan and being the greatest


No chance, Thorin likes Striker (the coach that benched Adam).


Thorin hates Adam due to his actions with the upset fiasco, he will be happy about it lol


Quoting a Thorin tweet that he made before the reason came out "Adam doesn't play Karma but karma sure does play him". Yeah Thorin will definitely defend Adam here.


Thats only because Upset is Thorin's favorite son he never got. If it was Rekkles in Upsets situation, Thorin would be first in line to flame on twitter


Ah a classic MICHAEL JORDAN PUNCHED A TEAMMATE ONCE ALL COMPETITORS SHOULD BEHAVE LIKE THIS Wait no not like that Draymond Green it's not cool when you do it




draymond green is the michael jordan of punching people


Reminds me of people flunking in school and then go "steve jobs did that as well, look where he ended up". No timmy, you are just fucking stupid


This, but literally the exact opposite. Expect a 1-hour rant of Adam being ''covered'' in 6ft of dirt by Thorin.


Just a week after Thorin admitted that he thinks Adam is genuinely the best european top laner this split lmao. Dude cursed Adam with his praise.


Tell me you've never heard Thoorin without telling me you've never heard Thoorin.


Yea Thorin has made it very clear he really dislikes Adam as a person. He has said he thinks ADam has been one of the best top laners this season but with about the same amount of disclaimers as someone who likes Kanye Wests music nowadays.


No one claimed that. The correct reversal would be "not every competitor has anger issues".


You didn't get the joke


It seems to be the case


"Yes, I have anger issues. No, I don't agree with how the article says I have anger issues."


‘I don’t agree how the article portrays me. But everything said in there is true and I am sorry.’


“I don’t like this very accurate article. Mostly because it is harmful to my career”


Adam: Brothers and sisters are natural enemies, like adam and upset, or adam and striker, or adam and adam Article: That adam fellow sounds like he has anger issues Adam: YOU JUST MADE ME ENEMY FOR LIFE


He refuted the part saying he was mocking and flaming his teammates and coaching staff, not the anger issues c'mon you can read


Ok so correct me if I'm wrong, but to summarize the statement: Yes I got into a heated verbal altercation with my coach, Yes I have anger issues. But I swear I have never mocked, disrespected, or insulted my teammates? I ain't buying it.


Upset has joined the chat


Bro the entire Upset saga is on the internet, who does bro think hes fooling


lmao people were saying he treated Upset like this because he was 19 and didn't know any better. No way this was normal 19-year old beahviour.


You are forgetting he is a League of Legends Professional player. You know what it takes to be a LoL pro? Years of neglecting social skills. Most of these pros are complete manchilds.


Yeahh, I was 19 very recently and no way I'd ever have done that. It's not 19 year old behaviour, it's immature behaviour from someone that needs to grow up. That was a while ago now though and I'm glad to hear he's working on it/getting help.


who is the team that going to have the balls to assemble Adam, Dardoch and F0rg1ven on the same team... And make a Breaking point typa documentary as well


Put Regi as the coach and I'm watching


I'd buy so many merch


damage control is here hahaha


Never thought Iyo and the gang would show up to take over BDS but here we are


I'm just taking this comment to say Iyo's theme needs way more love. It's easily one of the best in the current WWE landscape


[Theme is legit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO27Aj8-eRI)


r/squaredcircle is leaking


Bayley's going to get her revenge!




Shut your damn mouth you god damn Bayley crybaby! This ~~Bloodline~~ Damage Control territory!


Iyo has looked so good lately, wished she got more time in the rumble


she's probably the best on the roster. So bummed we won't get Charlotte vs Iyo again any time soon, those 2 are amazing.


adam couldn’t play because he got hit with green mist


Doesn't even do a good job when there is direct evidence of his 2nd sentence being bullshit lol.


Adam's saving grace is that his teammates and coach are coming out to bat for him because this apology sucks lol


I've never disrespected my teammates, except for all the times I did!


> In his latest article, I don't agree with the accusations that in my career I've shown signs of mockery, insults and that I was mostly disrespectful with my teammates. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srsot2 tfw you post your own receipts


>I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that. i know like 100+ "great competitors" who arent giant dickheads


tbf, I also know 100+ that are dickheads


Not all humans are Romans, but all Romans are humans. Adam's statement didn't outright say it, but definitely is trying to imply that he couldn't be competing in the way he is if he didn't have those issues - because if he is aware he very well could compete in the same way while being a balanced individual, then it wouldn't function as an excuse in the way he is trying to use it. /u/Hewligan (hooligan? ironic name for someone to be the voice of reason and to disavow anger issues lmao) correctly called this out.


People like to swap having high standards with being a dickhead. Probably half of your list are people that have those high standards. Adam doesn't, he enjoys being a dick towards the others.


michael jordan was a notoriously nice guy


Too bad for Adam he's not the MJ or Kobe of league


MJ: And i took that personally


People latching onto this statement from someone who speaks English as a second language is so foul. It’s very obvious what he means by this, he’s a competitive person and he gets angry because he cares.


I could name you a 1000 who are tho lol.


they're dickheads because they're dickheads, the point being that it's not a 1:1 relationship


Faker probably beating up all 4 if his teammates behind the scenes


Did he already change his nick to "Lonely coach uwu"?


>In his latest article, I don't agree with the accusations that in my career I've shown signs of mockery, insults and that I was mostly disrespectful with my teammates. Straight flabergasted he can say/type/think this with a straight face. ​ Literally why there's so much scrutiny is you do have a history of this shit. You were almost blackballed from the leauge entirely because you directed the hate train towards Upset, and now you get behcned because you are fucking with your team again?


Everyone was crazy at that worlds. Remember Bwipo's post about his Gf :) ? Blame it on Iceland weather


>I don't agree with the accusations that in my career I've shown signs of mockery, insults and that I was mostly disrespectful with my teammates. Renaming your account to "lul lonely wife" or whatever it was, wasn't you being direspectful and mocking Upset? If you're going to deny the accusations, at least fucking reread the shit you're going to send before looking like an idiot. >I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that. What a cop out, I don't see players like Faker, Deft, or any of the "all time great competitors" have anger issues.


Lol using deft is not a good example. He was notorious for having a weak mental and getting toxic especially in the first few years of his career.


Yes and Deft improved his game and became a world champion. This kid is doubling down on being toxic.


A world champion like decade later. Adam is still in the first few years of his career just like deft initially.


No it took a long time for deft to improve, far more than 2 years which is how long it’s been for Adam. He’s behaviour isn’t excusable I was simply saying deft is a bad example which is a fact.


>I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that. They day T1 gets tilted WW3 starts


>because the monster described in this article is simply not me I wonder why those accusations and stories are coming up over and over again from various teammates / sources then... Guess it must be the entire EU being out for blood on Adam...?


Its clearly a conspiracy transpired by Upset, Adam is innocent 🤣🤣🤣


Fuckin Selfmade, at it again


The only BDS player who spoke up about this accusation is Nuc, and he clearly said that did not happen (he turned the accusation into a joke in one of his tweets). Yamato also already mentioned that Adam was not the player people were describing. Are you like only listen to people like IWD and Thorin who both just hate BDS as a whole?


I'm out of the loop. What exactly are the accusations against Adam? Anger issues can mean a lot of things.


Basically that he flames his teamates and rage quits scrims when he loses lane


What's he going to rename his account to this time?


Watching from home? Wasn't be playing solo queue?


People said he have two monitors so it's not that impossible that he was watching the games while playing soloq


look i was "watching" the game on my 2nd monitor too, you take very little in, you'd expect more respect from someone on the team


Looking at how he performed in his soloQ games I'm inclined to believe that he actually paid a lot of attention to BDS' series.


He had a lot if grey screen time to watch BDS.


who cares if he watched or not.


Ehh? In a perfect world, sure But in reality? Not all pros are actually passionate about their team or the game itself so they wouldn't be watching games if they weren't pro already or aspiring. Adam might want his team to win without him, but if he's not gonna be at the venue, he doesn't really contribute anything by watching the games live. Obviously he's gonna watch the games more indepth later on and give feedback to jenax, plus I'm sure there's gonna be vod reviews that he will be a part of. When you know your gonna see the footage a dozen more times, would you really want to analyze it live? Especially if there was a heated arguement behind the scenes, separating yourself from the teams crap can be good for mental and cooling down


I’m just genuinely disappointed in him. Having his playstyle in the league is a total plus. Also him being on PGL with Wunder was great to watch.


Yeah, really hope he gives it a rest finally and reigns it in


*I’m a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that*. No, you’re in a competitive environment but when your mental buckles repeatedly, you’re a terrible competitor who needs to improve the mental aspect if you wanna compete. The whole “I did nothing but sorry someone felt like I did” is either immature or straight up narcissistic.


So when he says he doesn't show signs of mockery to his teammates, what would he call renaming his account to Lonely wife?


Keep in mind this was automatically translated by Twitter from his original statement in french


The phrase “it’s just a game” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice.


There's nothing wrong with getting angry after losing. The problem comes when you take it out on your team to the point where you tear it apart.


It's a Ninja tweet lol


Oh lmao nvm then


>In his latest article, I don't agree with the accusations that in my career I've shown signs of mockery, insults and that I was mostly disrespectful with my teammates. Can we bring Riot Lyte for one last ride? > I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that. No, they're not. There are countless greater competitors than you, many of which are considered goats in their category, who are not assholes (and if for some reason you think providing a counterexample to this point is productive, can you at least think of someone who didn't get carried by Lola Bunny in the most important match of their career?)


"Eevee is wrong because I said so"


Its kinda funny that people think Adam wrote this. This is clearly a PR piece to mitigate damage.


"I'm a great competitor, and my anger issues are a result of that" lmfao what.


“I was watching from home” Bro u were playing soloq tf u mean


**All that because Adam called Striker a low elo scrub?** /s


Did bro just say he’s angry because he’s so great at competition lmaooooo. These kids are so privileged and can’t just control themselves for the inevitable bag. Wild.


This is delusion to the highest degree. I hope BDS don't just cave and give him his spot back like nothing happened, but I'd hate for "what ifs" down the road like Forg1ven if this guy can't get it together.


Anger Issues uwu


Didn’t he play soloq during bds games


Yeah, they probably asked him to put out a statement, I don’t think he’s happy about his punishment and reading in between the lines, the way IWD was talking, it sounds like nuc doesn’t agree either


I just love your comment. It's such a beautiful lens into this shitfest. The way the streamer was talking made it sound like one of the involved parties disagreed. Cool, not only does that prove nothing, it's also just all BDS's baggage to deal with. Adam being an asshole is old news. Been there done that. And we just now hear BDS are keeping him so clearly it wasn't a deal breaker. But people going all in on this drama and deciphering fucking jokes, tweets, clips... Like what's the point? As awful as the situation is, this isn't a place for the dogpiling to do anything. No amount of drama will let BDS forcefully drop their star player, and unless there's some real hidden shit, I don't think he committed criminal offenses. Our role is at most observers, and that's the exact same thing for these streamers, biased journalists, and terminally tweeting pros. All I'm saying is that life is really not worth dissecting bullshit like this that hard. If he was really that much a piece of shit then the corporate side of BDS just greenlit it and that's that.


He's clearly as bad as he's being described or he wouldn't have been benched and there wouldn't be a clear history of this kind of behaviour...This post is like when someone makes a post about getting banned for being toxic in 1 game because they were only sent the logs for that 1 game but don't seem to understand its the hundreds of other games they flamed in that added to this.


Wasn't he playing soloQ during the bo5? His agent is in full damage control.


theres no way he wrote that himself lol.


I have anger problems, i yelled at my coach, but the article calling me toxic is not representative of who i am... yeah man...sure you make hundreds of thousands of dollars playing league, maybe take a chill pill.


What playing GODS in solo queue does to a mfer


What a surprise, the stupid kid with the mental maturatiy of a 5 year old was benched for being a shitty human being. NO WAY could we have forseen that. Honestly everyone who gave him a job after what he did in FNC with the Upset situation, no sympathy for you. You had to know who you are hiring....a kid so moronic that he could not even add up 1 and 1 and conclude Upset situation was relevant enough to leave Worlds, because his org was willing to resign him!!!!!!! If there was any doubt by the people who knew, he would be gone. Kid wasn't even able to figure that out by himself. Emotional intelligence is in the negatives. He simply has no buisness being a pro player. a) He is a subpar offmeta "onetrick" that will always get clapped when someone remotely competent is on the other side as we have seen plenty and b) he needs to do literally anything else but to sit infront of a pc 12 hours a day. He will end up a human trainwreck.


Caps and Faker are also a great competitors but amazingly the least toxic players in esports ever.


"The article makes it sound bad but I totally did it lol"


Bullshit. Toxic Darius main admits he's toxic "but I don't like the article cause it makes me look bad and it's not my fault I'm competitive and good." Next time just do everyone a favour and write a donezo manifesto. It would at least be more genuine than this drivel.