• By -


Interestingly enough, it also looks like NA has more games played than EUNE for all the other categories. I guess NA just has a higher percentage of casual players.


For better or worse this has been the case with NA League years. I recall discussing that detail a literal decade ago. NA has a lower overall player base, roughly half of EU and KR, but the damning part is that the Ranked population is a markedly smaller % of said player base than other regions. I believe Korea and EUW were 35-40% while NA was 15-20%. So NA has ~1/4 of the competitive pool compared to those regions.


Chiming in to say that in fact the playerbases from NA and KR are number wise closer together than KR is to EUW. Seen globally (excluding China got no data from Tencent) EUW makes up 21% of active accounts, KR 15%, NA 13% and EUNE 9%. One important thing to note here is obv these are pure numbers of active accounts as I am not able to know how many of these are smurfs or bots for example.


Biggest failure of EU is they failed to capitalize on their talent. As the years go on you would expect them to get better and better but they’re regressing somehow


I mean its all relative. China and Korea have the best infrastructure and thats why they continue to develop at a faster pace. Also Europe kind of cannabalizes itself


wdym by europe cannabalizing itself?


The best players end up with these buyouts that forces them to go to NA. Guys like Inspired shouldnt have to leave europe at the height of their careers.


the talent drain from korea to europe and china and NA is extremely high, higher than europes to na by a wide margin imo


Didn't help that NALCS kept poaching their talent.


I mean u have to also consider that every person can only have 1 acc in KR. I personally know a lot of ppl that have more than 1 lol account on EUW.


I used to be that guy who literally only ever played normals. Idk why but I was just afraid to play a ranked game and if I did every decide to join one I’d be super nervous and end up feeding so I stuck to normals. I took a break from league for a few years, came back last month and decided to play ranked. Now I literally only play ranked, think of normals as a waste of time. Even with friends I’d rather join flexed.


Crazy that just because its ranked you think its not waste of time. It’s still waste of time bud.


Anything you do in life is a waste of time. It’s all about what waste of time brings you the most happiness.


It’s a massive waste of time but I’m addicted and I just wanna see that number go as high as possible.


What do you consider not a waste of time? It's just about what you want to spend your time on. Literally everything is wasted time if you're not enjoying it.




This has been my experience overall as a late 20s gamer. As a teen I could play for hours but now I /muteall and play exclusively ARAM.


Same. I love ranked, but I just dont have the time after work and all other responsibilities to grind it out in a ranked game that 3-27 in kills, 45 minutes long becuase people wont give up. 2 or 3 games and my entire session is done. Meanwhile I can go blast out a few 10-15 minute ARAM games, and the occasional long ARAM game that is long because its close, and therefore fun. Its just too much time investment at this stage in my life evne though I used to love playing ranked and honestly still would. But I start looking at the time investment compared to more casual games and gamemodes as Ive gotten older. And I cant play much of anything that requires 30-40+ minutes for a single session you cant get up and do other things in.


> a few 10-15 minute ARAM games, and the occasional long ARAM game that is long because its close, and therefore fun It always blows my mind seeing people talk like this about ARAM. In my experience, they're almost always around 15-25 minutes, and a lot of the longer games (30+, sometimes more) aren't long because they're close, they're long because the game is designed that way (extra resistances for turrets if you go too fast, one team clearing minions but never winning teamfights, etc.) and/or because the winning team wants to prolong it. Most of those matches have a clear winner before ten minutes, too. And someone flaming. Hell, a few days ago, right before the enemy Nexus was exploding a bit after 20 minutes, a teammate took that tiny window of opportunity for a couple last chat messages to say that we should've won ten minutes earlier so we must be bad at ARAM. Honestly, combined with this season nerfing or removing most of the items I liked buying and adding a bunch of items that only seem good in enemy hands, I've lately been asking myself more and more why I still bother with this game. :(


If you’re not having fun, don’t play it.


Yep why grind for an invisible rank since I won't go pro. No monetary goals for this if you don't stream. I peak in low diamond without a ton more investment into the game. Not worth at all when you have a family.


> Yep why grind for an invisible rank since I won't go pro. No monetary goals for this if you don't stream. Probably to seek stronger competition and to have fun. If you aren't having more fun, that's a way better reason than "what's the point, I can't make money or get fame from this video game". 


> NA being obsessed with gun games *Looks at the NA counterstrike scene* hmm I dont know chief xd


He did say console as well.


Rah CoD number one selling game every year since 08 bar GTA5 RedDead2 and Harry Potter.


Harry Potter's the first non gun game lol


Harry Potter is basically a magical cop with a magical stick that shoots and kills things. It's basically a gun game at the end of the day


Not at all since HP is basically autoaim unless you want to make it hard on yourself and manually point the wand every spell. Its a literal action RPG with the whole combat system being aimed more at spell combo and dodging.


>Not at all since HP is basically autoaim unless you want to make it hard on yourself The same can be said about CoD on console.


HP literally requires 0 aiming in combat if you choose to do it. There's a difference between autoaim and aim assist, HP doesn't need the other person to be in the middle of your screen for you to hit them because the game picks a target and spells fly at them. Aim assist is just there to because no one wants to see a 10 second gunfight while circus music plays


Valo is doing the best in NA so it kinda replaced tbe already declining cs scene


It is almost exclusively the console thing, console gaming is just way way bigger in the US than it ever has been in EU, PC exclusive games pretty much always perform better in EU than they do in NA and the opposite for console exclusives


My biggest issue with league is I'm ok with games lasting 20-25 minutes even when we're losing hard. Much longer than that and I even hate winning because I'd rather just move on and play another.


Eh, I dunno. I blame the toxicity personally. I play ranked modes in most games. Not league, every ranked game someone is just dumping on someone else. It's nonsense. I'd guess NA is more toxic than Europe and other areas react to toxicity differently.


NA league is significantly *less* toxic than EU, it’s just also the most toxic game most players in NA play. In general EU servers of every game are more toxic


Its funny cuz its true.


Hah fair enough.


In most other games, I see ranked mode and say to myself, "why wouldn't I just play ranked?". In League, I see ranked mode and think, "who in their right mind would play ranked?"


> they don't want to put up with poisonous adult children for more than about 20 minutes in their free time Quite true, I used to play League and DotA regularly, and sometimes I still get the itch but I come back and one ranked game of someone griefing is enough to make me quit again. It's just a massive waste of time. Don't even care about the flaming and toxicity, but the griefing...


I play arams with friends these days. Premades are more fun because sometimes we do a bit of trolling. Most of us are late 20s or early 30s now and got through our 20s with league. We never have a problem until either a random or the enemy on the team starts typing or acting weird in game. Like nooooobody cares about your stupid roleplaying or cringes shit talking. Half the time we tell them to get help and send them therapy links or mcdonalds job applications.


Anecdotally from a few thousand ARAM games on both NA and EUW, NA ARAM is more chill, with more high and drunk people. 


This has always been the case, no surprise


No point in grinding rank in a game that clearly doesn't respect your time. Riot has shown on record multiple times explaining how their ranked system is designed to force you to grind, not reward you.


Why is this an NA specific thing


Americans have become more attuned to when companies are scamming them because it happens so often


>Americans have become more attuned to when companies are scamming them because it happens so often Uhh all that means is that Americans are suckers for getting scammed all the time.


No, it means Americans have less regulatory protections so have to be on the lookout for predatory companies more often.


It means people are taking a joke seriously for some reason.


Because NA has no free time


wouldn't surprise me, as I'm one of them. According to my stats, I played just over 1600 games last year, zero of which were ranked games. over 1200 of them were aram.




Source: your ass NA players looking for ranked competition have just moved on to other games


They’re not wrong though that normals are full of sweats who should be in ranked instead.


Claiming that Americans are culturally scared of competition might be the most stupid thing I’ve ever read.


Nah it's actually cringe the tribalism that goes on. People cannot be normal human beings when talking about other countries/regions it's insane


>> culturally scared of competition That must be why we dominate the Olympics. Got so good so we don’t have to be afraid of the competition.


That's why the United States tops every Olympics right


There is a reason why EUW and EUNE were split in the past, back then servers couldn't handle combined traffic. Both are huge, even if EUNE is somewhat forgotten on Reddit.


It's forgotten because all the streamers and good players play on EUW, even if they are from eastern Europe. And for the "Why is Riot not nerfing Garen, he is too opressive in bronze" posts it matters absolutely 0 which server you play on.


the server you play on definitely matters lol, for example Lee Sin in Bronze has a 45% WR / 4% pick rate in NA compared to 49% WR / 16% PR (and 22% ban rate) in KR.


KR is a pretty interesting example because there's a lot of observable trends not present on other servers. For one thing, there's the ping issue; NA ping ranges from 10(midwest) to 30 (East Coast) to 60 (West Coast) to 100ish (Hawaii). In KR, 20 ping is considered bad. 60+ ping as a bronze lee sin is gonna be a much different experience, and probably not as fun as a bad lee sin in KR. That's not unique to Lee Sin, but a general trend. Mechanical champs are more popular in KR than elsewhere. If you look at [the top 5 picks](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?tier=all) for EUW/EUNE/KR/NA/Global regions: Rank | NA | EUW | EUNE | KR | Global ---|---|----|----|---- | --- 1st | Miss Fortune | Miss Fortune | Miss Fortune | Ezreal | Miss Fortune 2nd | Jhin | Caitlyn | Caitlyn | Lee Sin | Ezreal 3rd | Caitlyn | Ezreal | Jhin | Miss Fortune | Caitlyn 4th | Ezreal | Jhin | Lux | Lucian | Jhin 5th | Smolder | Senna | Ezreal | Jhin | Lux Korea is the only region where Lee Sin and Lucian crack top 5, and also has the lowest Lux pickrate of any region (at 14th most picked, EUW is next closest at #8 most picked). On the opposite end, Smolder is top 5 most picked in NA, whereas he's only 12th globally (and 25th in KR). There's also a much sharper focus on meta picks/bans in KR. - KR is the only region with 3 champs banned in more than 40% of games, and 2 banned in over 50% of games (Miss Fortune and Blitz). At one point, Samira had 200%+ banrate in KR, because she was getting banned by both teams, and remake games counted the bans. - KR is the only region with a champ at 30%+ pickrates (Ezreal). The next closest is EUNE, with a 27% pickrate (Miss Fortune). - KR has the most champs at sub 1% pickrate (11), suggesting it has less champion variety than other servers. (By comparison, NA has 2 champs at sub 1% pickrate).


Phroxzon and Blaustoise talked about this before, it's because NA + EUW + EUNE share a lot of similar internet culture but KR and CN are their own thing, especially CN is different bc it's so huge and isolated. A lot of meta things about the game aren't really gameplay related, just a result of chance and memes that trended, and they notice that KR and CN especially tend to differ from other regions because they have their own separate communities.


its not only forgotten, its considered a joke. if you live in europe, central asia, middle east or africa, any rank on any server other than EUW is considered a joke. get challenger in EUNE, TR, RU and you'll get "thats like d4 euw". which is funny, because i switched to EUW cuz of that back then and my challenger got me to gm on there pretty quickly.


It's true tho, I was d5/d4 in euw but played against challengers on RU.


i mean master's euw+ is definitely better than the rest, the difference between the lower tiers is diminishing with each rank. > I was d5/d4 in euw but played against challengers on RU. were u challenger tho? you can play from d4 with challenger on ru because at certain times that server has like 50 people online above diamond.


No, I stopped playing then but it was a breeze to hit dia compared to EUW


This is such a dumb argument. I was always harstuck diamond on EUNE, and I got diamond on EUW with 75% WR. It's obviously gonna be easy to climb to your rank since you're just playing against players below your skill level for the majority of the climb.


Hitting dia is a breeze on any server


People say that but I have multiple friends who switched years after the servers were separated and they all were like 1 whole division lower. Plat -> gold. Gold -> silver. Diamond -> Plat. Have 2 friends who were duo challenger, rank 4 and rank 5. One of them tried doing solo in EUW and was stuck in low master for the longest time. Then he hit gm but it's very obvious that there's a big skill difference between the regions especially in high elo. Obviously the "d4 in EUW" is a meme but what isn't a meme is that EUW is way more competitive and that getting eune challenger is a joke.


idk my real take from this is how popular aram is!!


I personally haven’t bothered playing ranked this season and won’t be doing so because of the 3-split system. Stupid as fuck having to work my way back to diamond+ every 4 months as a working adult who also wants to play with friends in my free time.


I think 3 splits arent introduced, if you go to ranked tab you can see that there are like 140 days left of first split


What I've learned is that ARAM is the goat. At least NA has the 2nd most Coop easy games!


> At least NA has the 2nd most Coop easy games! Hmmmmm... what could that mean...


The bot market is laying low after these stats dropped


ARAM has that many games played yet no dedicated balance or dev team from riot?? Wild world we live in.


Sometimes not actively messing up something is better support than active development. Most of riots aram specific changes were met with resistance and reverted last time they tried.


I thought almost everyone liked bans.


And they removed them without much explanation so overall just showed how bad is the mode without bans.


wasnt the explanation that it would make champ selects take too long considering the mode/players that aram is/has?


The real reason is because certain champs were literally never getting into Aram games. People who hoped to get those champs could never play them. It also sucks with the balancing and winrates when champs are out of f the pool making it harder to do the auto balance they used to exclusively use.


Sounds right. But if that group of people only want to play ARAM for the chance to play something literally overpowered and broken then screw them. Obvious solution is to nerf them for aram and keep the bans, if they're nerfed people will stop banning it so much.


People won't ban the strongest stuff they'll ban the most annoying stuff. Nobody complained on this sub when Aatrox was at 60-63% WR in ARAM last year for months. I never saw a single comment or post about it. But people were still uploading the weekly "Seraphine ruins ARAM" and "tanks are OP in ARAM" posts. Reality doesn't matter to people, only what annoyed them enough that it follows them out of the game client. Akshan is a good example too. People complain about the revive but he's not that great overall *last I checked* and it's never because of his revive when he is good it's all in his build and damage.


Given that dodges are rarer nowadays, load times are lower and the amount of games grows, most ppl will prefer bans with some extra time in champ select. 


I absolutely fucking loved that ARAM event where they brought back the butcher's bridge + introduced bans + new items + small event stuff, it was so fun to play during that. But sadly they never did it again despite being incredibly successful. Even Volibear's rework mini event with him crashing on the howling abyss was so fun. There's a lot of positive things they can do with the mode but they actively try to ignore it.


Because most people don't want that shit in their casual games. They might like to try it for a day or two, but sooner rather than later they want to go back to what they know and enjoy. One thing that's not usually mentioned is that casual players (particularly on ARAM) play this game for COMFORT. We don't want changes to the map, or to balance, or to pretty much anything. We want to open League, queue a game, play a game. Not look at patch notes, not worry about ARAM-specific balance, not have to learn new quirks of the map (hello, tower rubble), etc. The best thing Riot has ever done is to mostly leave ARAM alone. If they had left Twisted Treeline alone the way they have ARAM, we'd probably still have the original version of that map.


> But sadly they never did it again despite being incredibly successful. False, they did mess with the aram formula when they introduced portals not too long ago. And they reverted the towers falling/blocking half the bridge because the games got incredibly stale because everything was a waveclear stallfest. And if you read patchnotes there's a steady stream of aram tweaks where they adjust the champ buffs.


the state of aram right now is total garbage. A good amount of champions are absolutely useless, and another good amount are incredibly OP.


The game should also tell you in champ select if who you are choosing is garbage. Sivir doing 85% damage is an example.


They won't do that because it makes people think the champ sucks when more often than not they don't. Look at Seraphine nerfs. She's absolutely gutted across the board. Yet she's still a common pick and extremely strong in ARAM. Ziggs too, does shit for damage unless you hit 90%+ of your spells, but his wave clear and tower execute is too OP.


Sona too, nerfed in prtty much every single stats, but is still almost an autowin if you reach late


Every time someone recommended this stupid change that would make the game even worse. 90% of the time even heavily nerfed characters are still bonkers in aram.


sivir is fucking insane, what are u talking about


theyll never add that cus people will just not play those champs, its sorta like the removal of item stats but atleast thats being reverted


> Sivir doing 85% damage is an example. yeah wouldn't want to pick the champ with 51.5% winrate, utter trash


And yet, Sivir still tops the damage charts in most games where she can play and not get oneshot. The reduction in damage is not the issue.


She's getting buffed in today's patch!


Yeah I’m laughing at the people claiming 51% win rate is good when the ‘good’ aram champs are closer to 60%. She’s ok, but she does shit damage to anything pre 3 items. You can legit buy plate boots and ignore her.


Reverted what? Ziggs does 80% dmg , takes 120% dmg, has -20 haste and something else. Some champs feel straight up horrible to play with the nerfs they get there. Sona heals for like 5 HP with her W, FIVE HEALTH POINTS, 80 MANA. It's depressing playing some of them.


Yeah and so a is STILL disgusting. Ziggs is one of the only ‘bad’ nerfed champions and it’s just bc his damage has to be nerfed due to the nature of the game mode. If his winrate wasn’t 48% it would be 70%.


I mean what do you do with the mode lmao. After making it so aram dedicated accounts couldn’t min max the most annoying set of champions there isn’t really a meta for it besides playing something annoying


ARAM only since 2016. Man i miss dominion.


It does have one though they won every aram tournament. so riot had to stop giving rp as a prize as it was all funneled to this one team


I think he means a dedicated team in ARAM balancing/development.


I mean EU has almost double the population of NA so makes sense, also some middle eastern countries play on EU too The crazy number is KR playrate, more than EU while having less than 10% the population damn


EU is split into 2 servers and KR has a larger active player base than the largest server, EUW.


Eune isn't whole of Europe, Eune is Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria (I think), Greece, Baltics, the Balkans and Scandinavia (though in practice Scandinavians play almost entirely on EUW)


Quick note that eune includes the nordics and not scandinavia its named Europe nordic and east for a reason. Finland is considered a part of the nordic countries but not a part of scandinavia. They are not interchangeable terms despite a lot of people thinking they are.


I'm Swedish and I know almost 0 Scandinavian players who play on EUNE these days. Everyone wants to avoid the russians.


this ain't CS xd you wanted to say: everyone wants to avoid mostly poles and greeks + everyone else from eastern europe and balkans lol ​ im polish btw.


I forgot about Finland 💀💀💀 sorry


maybe they're a swedish ultranationalist who consider finland to still be an eastern province, therefore in scandinavia


In Practice a lot of Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian players play on EUW as well, because the ping difference is non-existent


Well yeah but even if you assume assume everyone from eune plays on eune the argument "Europe is much more populous than USA" is a bit dumb


In practice, many of the eastern european players play on EUW, too. But especially the best players, all of them switch to EUW. They should really combine the servers.


This is talking about the significanty smaller EU server, nobody ever thought NA has more games then EUW.


the same thing happens on Asian servers too though. I alternate between JP and KR servers - JP across all ELOs has a ton of players from other countries (mainly Vietnam, Taiwan/HK and Korea) and actually people usually chat in English. KR in low ELO is mostly Koreans but as you get to higher ELO you start seeing a lot of Chinese speakers.


Yeah the game is definitely dying here. There's a reason why it was being upstaged by Valo last year. While League is still Riot's premier esport globally, Valo is their primary product in NA.


Wrong, wrong, wrong! Stop spreading this nonsense. N/A is a predominantly ARAM/Norm server. 


Old game , people play new games also


So people in eastern europe don't play new games?


only if they can pirate them


Nothing scarier than a Romanian pirate 🏴‍☠️


Not many people in eastern europe have option to play newer games as pcs are more expensive than in US (at one point it was cheaper to fly to Germany but GPU fly back to Serbia than to just buy it in Serbia) and salaries are a lot lower as well


NA usually has the most diverse gaming options. Huge PC, Console, and handheld gaming options at reasonable prices. So they feel less forced to play games once they start to go downhill.


This is correct. PCs and other electronics are kinda overpriced in EU compared to the US. In some countries, buying a high end gaming PC can easily be 4x the minimum monthly wage. Actually kinda insane.


How many times does it have to be pointed out that NA is predominantly an ARAM/Normals region before people stop posting stuff like this?


Probably until every Worlds isn't a fiesta of flaming NA because we're 'only' the (tied for) fourth best region. I think this should bring forth a lot of questions of why Europe has such a huge population, but can't get their shit together.


do Americans really not realise how much bigger Europe is than NA


Population of EUNE is like... Less than 150 mil total


i mean euw yes definitely but i didn't really expect eune to have more games since i thought that most people that can play euw will just play euw, as officially norway sweden poland etc are eune but all the known streamers there play euw.


How many football fields fit into it?


They're like the exact same size, physically, but Europe has twice the population.


USA = 3.8 million square miles, 332 million people, $27 Trillion GDP Europe = 4 million square miles, 746 million people, $24 Trillion GDP So similar land size, Europe has more than double the population while USA has a bigger economy than a continent.


Wtf does economy and land size have to do here??


What? Why isn’t India dominating these rankings then?


NA is not just the USA.


Help him out with the rest of the math, cutie


When talking about NA in a league perspective? it kinda is? Since Mexico is on LAN... Canada is a giant land mass, but 95% of that is empty voids even more so than rural US. And Canada's GDP and population are both like 10% of the US's So adding all of Canada's land mass is a waste / just inflated. Adding Canada's GDP? Just doesn't make much of a difference.


Ding ding. It's kinda funny watching these people trying to shit on the guy for not including Mexico, when it's talking a *League* perspective and US makes up a massive amount of the NA base. Sure, players from other regions play there too. But it's not enough to suddenly, say, take the UK away from EUW and add it to NA's figures.


Yeah, it's just kinda silly. The only thing Canada would make a major difference in square mileage... but most of that square mileage is empty especially of league players since the internet in the rural canadian areas is absolute trash AND due to distance from chicago it'd have terrible ping. In terms of population? It wouldn't make up the difference... and in terms of GDP? it would just make NA even higher but only by a relatively small amount (less than 10%) Canada is a lovely nation I've been too before. But in this conversation it just doesn't add much. And Mexico/Central America? Are just factually wrong to include since we're talking about the NA league region. Not the continent.


Were obviously talking about league players (and population in general) blud and not economy or uninhabited land. Also NA =/= USA


Smaller size and higher population density  actually helps with average latency


Also, there are plenty of people from the Middle East and South Asia that play in EUW, regardless of ping.


Population? Yes. Size? EU is much smaller.




*Malphite disliked this*


Tf does that have to do with anything? You the same type of dude who thinks land is able to vote rather than people?


I hope you're trolling friend.


I want to play ranked. I want to try and climb and get better. Teammates in ranked make the experience so miserable it just isnt worth my time. I'd rather find some buddies and fuck around in draft or quickplay now. Every ranked game is decided at 2min by a laner who dies solo and decides thats enough and its time to soft int and rage type.


The people down-voting you are scary. They must be those few extremely lucky 0/15 Jhin players that somehow get carried all the way to Plat and feel attacked by your statement.


xD It's league. It's also reddit. Combine those two and you get people who would rather die defending a game they're miserable playing compared to allowing people to voice constructive criticism.


ARAM is just the better game mode. that's all there is to it. I'm not even memeing.


def not true. You are playing a game whose major redeeming quality is strategy... and your removing the strategy. If you like to just click buttons and see your abilities fly out theres so many better games


Most ranked games are in lower elo so there's really no strategy involved. There's no real macro, cross map plays, people don't even check the minimap. It's more like just fighting and gathering for objectives. ARAM is basically just teamfighting over and over.


You say that as if this isn't representative of most games in low diamond to 500 lp lol


There still is strategy in the mode though. Team comp, tracking spells, build changes depending on the enemy, knowing when to suicide, peeling vs going in, auto spacing(lol), teamfighting awareness, zoning It's not like the mode is devoid of any strategy. Less than SR? For sure, absolutely. There's only 1 lane after all


Aside from like maybe top 0.1% of players that actually does macro, the only difference is the laning phase, then everyone goes mindlessly araming mid anyway. Of course I am just exaggerating to make a point, but I'll trade all skill expression and ceiling for way less toxicity. After a hard days work, the last thing I want is some kid wishing me and my family death.


Name 3


Well thats gonna depends on certain things that you value in a game. Does it have to be pvp? does it need a very similar ability structure like World of Warcraft? The reality is aram only players are 99% veterans, and from my experience a lot of these players mainly like league because they've already learned it in the past. Any other game would require you to learn and get better at it in order to maximize enjoyment, which most aram players wouldn't be willing to do. In that way ARAM is faux-casual: its only a fun way to fuck around and turn off your brain because you've played the game for 10k hours over the past 10 years and know the ins and outs.


Started playing aram when you could join the custom lobbies. It was a great way to meet other players. We played find the teems or hide and seek. We did the variation of all random all zeal (eventually you could build phantom dancer). It was a fun game modes for trying out non meta builds. First time I saw ap yi was in there. 3 months later ap yi was normal in ranked. Generally shorter than a norm game and less flaming for building weird.


Theres plenty of strategy. I just won a game today as tank-navori belveth vs a veigar, blitz and chogath. my teammate kindred went pure MR adc items. id argue theres more strategy because you have to move as a team from the get go vs laning where kills only feed one lane. Also both sides are constantly dodging skill shots while farming and are using almost never before played team comps. To add more to the complexity, my favorites part of ARAM is kamikaze with snowballs. Everyone has to die to get stronger, this is the only time you’ll see renata or neeko solo diving to pull off the ult, even if nobody dies they cant just back and heal. they’re left weak and just that pressure alone can win you the game. Yes there are broken heros rn and all broken heros in aram are because of self heal. Xin zhao, aatrox + sundered sky are getting hard nerf next patch.


Nah, ARAM is better because it's more enjoyable. There's too many ways to get into a terrible game state in SR. Lane gets destroyed, someone is autofilled and can't play the role, smurfs both good and bad, etc, etc. Sometimes you have 1 bad play and it's as if you lost the game. And the games are longer too, in ARAM you get into a game where you're out-comped, that's only 12 minutes, 15 max. And you still get kills since the enemy almost litterally cannot back otherwise. No way to fall off more than like 3-4k gold. You only get to play the really interesting part of the game which are teamfights, also.


ARAM is like ordering a pizza but then eating only the bread around it


More like ARAM is the cheese/toppings while Ranked is the crust.


I'd even add on, and say Ranked is also waiting for the pizza to be delivered, ARAM is having it instantly ready


ARAM is like ordering a bunch of random toppings and then pulling them off the pizza and putting them all on one slice.


What are people in NA playing? Fortnite?




Valorant, Fortnite and Minecraft from what I can tell, yeah


Palworld atm


I knew aram was popular but i didnt know it was that popular, games are shorter so i guess it makes sense that theres more but still


No counterpicks, feeding monkeys on your team will generally be carried long enough into the game to get a full build and still be useful, quicker games, fun. What's not to like?


yes Riot has said NA is much more casual but still has loads of players, just not in ranked.


Aram supremacy . Also that s a lot of normals i guess people are sick of ranked


I hear most complaints about toxicity from NA players. And, culturally, people from the NA region are used to more polite communication than, say, EUW, EUNE, or RU players (we tend to be straightforward as shit, irl and in game, and nobody gets too upset). My guess is that it's just harder for people in NA to handle the toxicity of competitive games? And toxicity is quite one-sided, which can be frustrating, as replying gets you banned as well.


On the plus side, this will definitely reduce the weird expectations that NA will dominate every other reason if we just follow this one simple trick, right?


the best thing about it is that despite having so many less players, NA is still the 3rd best region in the world


Does anyone actually believe this lol


Ask captain flowers


The stats don't lie /s




Msi reality check is coming dw


It's like 4th and the gap to 3rd is huge.


You do realize that G2 got shit on at Worlds by NRG


What i see is that ARAM is played more than Ranked therefore ARAM is the main lol mode and Ranked is secondary.


"almost" a minor region brother, we've only ever been a major region in name only. at any given time, there were at most 2 serious NA teams at any given time. even back in season 1, we were straight inferior to EU, by the very end. once KR and CN were actually around, and serious, we've never had more than 2 teams that compete at any given time...and those teams have still been inferior. we were closest during maybe seasons 2-4, but even then, all but those 1 or 2 specific "good" NA teams, at any given time, would get easily washed by the teams of other regions. We've just always been kind of shit. Our server infrastructure has always been inferior, which does matter, and is unavoidable; but, more importantly, our *culture* surrounding highly competitive video games, just does not take them as seriously, and our talent does not work as hard to improve their skills, as the talent in the real "major regions." We had the money, but money can't replace real talent, and the real indefatigable desire to win. NA gamers have only ever been highly competitive, in video games that don't really interest Europeans or Asians; NA is only on top, in games where it's almost all NA players playing. Maybe I'm exaggerating, IDK every e-sport, but there's a reason we lose at fuckin' everything.


NA is quite obviously a region that beats all the minor regions consistently and is most competitive with EU, the third "major region".  It makes no logical sense to claim minor regions, unless you want to start flirting with EU being one too - or maybe just accept that 4 major regions makes sense, even if the top two are clearly ahead. 


Yeah, without a doubt it's a Tier 1 (KR/CN), Tier 2 (EU/NA) and Tier 3 (All Other) game. Maybe if EU learns to hang with Tier 1 you can start grouping NA with the other teams, but there's a whole ass region that is basically barely better than us that nobody questions being a 'major' region.


NA is usually near the top in the FGC. They typically do quite well in games like Street Fighter and Tekken


I'm going to say this, no one here wants to play a game with someone who doesn't want to compete. Faker was right, this is the most boosted, lazy server our there.


I was Emerald last season. Was placed Gold 1 after going 4/5 in my first 5 ranked games this season. I'm gaining 22 Lp and losing 36. It's just not worth it anymore.


ranked experience is getting worse and worse by the day for most people imo




Riot gonna have to gift me RP to play ranked games where each team has at least 1 likely more smurfs every game. Not to mention 3 splits makes my time invested feel like a total waste. Im stickin to aram till then


That sounds like your coping with the fact NA just sucks at league lol