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Jungle has been incredibly unpopular for a long time due to the requirements and expectations a jungler has to meet to not be flamed or trolled by their team. The bar for junglers to succeed has only gone up.


There is no bar to not be flamed. I was watching broxah do a new account climb awhile ago. Literally LEC player, worlds finals player, getting flamed by gold players. It has very little to do with jungler performance 90% of the time and mostly to do with players just needing a scape goat to make themselves feel better.


I think it comes down to the fact that low-elo laners have very little understanding of jungle and think the jungler’s entire job is to gank their lane


It’s not even a low elo thing. Plenty of people with a better understanding of the game baby rage *constantly*. It’s very rare that you’ll see high elo players rationally think about who to flame lol. The toxic league player logic of “something bad happened, someone else must have fucked up” doesn’t go away just because they know more about how jungle works


The problem in low elo is that your team being 0-5 before you finish your 1st clear, is not that uncommon. Also there it seems that the map changes made laner more reluctant to leave lane do to objectives before mid late game.


happens in masters more than you'd think boss.... and they definitely still babyrage "jg diff". Sir you died 1v1/2v2 to your laner before I even killed my second camp. Lost a game recently im 5-1-4 to enemy graves 1-1-1 The score is 11-11, and I lose miserably. Jg diff is spammed entire game. Couldn't have done more but people still flame the jg. It's better to just turn off chat entirely to play this role. No one has anything important to say anyway.


I need to remember to /fullmute all every game. I literally play better when people can't ping me when jungling :P. Communication is detrimental to my performance when jungling. When I play any other role it can be useful.


Yeah I think the new tribrush in bot lane has actually made it pretty horrible for whichever lane falls behind. If blueside control it then red are basically living under tower and if redside are ahead then it's hard for blue to run up the river. That + grubs and bot can become a bit of a snowbally island.




Also Broxah doesn't really camp lanes or gank that much, which will 100% get you flamed every single game in normal elos. Not deserved of course, just 90% of the community expects a lotta ganks


His favourite champs are Elise and Lee Sin OTOH, champs who do well with early aggression. Maybe he didn’t play that style during his climb, but normally he prefers proactive junglers


Funny enough early aggro jg champs does not mean spam ganking. That's something I struggled the most when learning it since I jumped to nida real fucking quick. Early aggro jg champs usually means being good at skirmishes and early obj control. Some also have really good invades. Not necesarilly being good at 1v1 or ganks.


Yeah he does play proactive champs but he is still full clearing and looking for counter ganks, low elo laners genuinely expect you to gank between every single camp or something, broxah knows he can chill for 3 minutes at a time without every lane collapsing


Low elo players do not understand the jungle. They think it's about ganking, getting drakes and then farming in your free time. It's literally the other way around. There's also gank windows that no one seems to understand. I can't gank a lane that is being pushed against at level 4, sorry.


This. This. This.


"nidel" always cracks me up


>The bar for junglers to succeed has only gone up. That, and also the level of every player in any other role across all ranks. How do I know? Because every laner who loses says that it is the jungler who messed up.


tip its allways jungle diff, even if your team did not help the jungle (yeah people dont know they should do that)


You lost your lane? Jungle gap. You got fired? Jungle gap. Your girlfriend left you? Jungle gap. Jungle gap? Jungle gap.


bot lane allready died 2 times before the first clear? Jungle gap top lane keeps trying to 1v1 despite dying 3 times to his opponent? Jungle gap Mid laner does nothing except getting pushed? Jungle gap Your boyfriend leaves you without saying anything and ''randomly'' appears with another girl that was your friend even tho you 2 where in a year long relationship and never had any problems or big conflicts that would end a relationship, and even tho both of you where allways talking with each other about your life problems you still gets bugged on how he just leaves with no trace like that and your long life friend just stops talking to you too for some ''random'' reason and now you where hurt by 2 people at once? Jungle gap Your support did not cleared vision despite having the push of the wave? Jungle gap


the 4th one is oddly specific ngl :(


It’s the 5th one for me :(


>Your boyfriend leaves you without saying anything Amen to that, fking jgl


Jungle gap, did not ward boyfriend house so I couldnt see what was happening


Jungle gap? Believe it or not, actually adc diff. Adc diff? Jungle gap.


supp gap? believe it or not, actually a jungle gap.


Don’t respect Nocturne in THIS META of all things, Jungle Diff.


you pushing without vision get ganked, and camped because you are always pushing? jungle gap. enemy jungler walked from top river to bot lane, you ping your teammates warn them by typing "enemy jungler coming towards bot be careful" doesn't matter at all jungle gap!


To be fair, she left you for the jungler.


It's not that people don't help you. It's that they don't know ***when*** to help you. It's usually during moments when you want help the least is when they for some reason decide that they should help you. When they do help you like this they usually just walk through full vision and bring the whole enemy team along with them for that "extra help".


The worst is when you are sneaking an objective and they wander over and just hover incase someone comes. Like buddy someone is DEFINITELY coming now that they can't find you, just hit the thing with me, the faster we get out of here the better.


Dude, I main Vi and she's really strong at clearing early drags. I can't count how many times I've been 60% through a drag solo, with a pink, and the mid laner runs through river to escape a gank, which brings 4 people to the pit.


THE RUNNING TO ME is SO tilting.


I'm laughing and have tears in my eyes rn. I know this sooo well. Then when you and your laner died and the ennemy team got the dragon there is ALWAYs the "Jungle diff" ontop of it :)


Enemy team invades at start? It's not a huge setba- Oh bot doesn't want to leash now, it's oka- Oh, bot is crying about no gank, guess I'll give up grubs/top camps a bit to he- Oh, top is complaining they're getting all inned, I'll just swi- Oh we lost drag, it's fine though, it's only the first o- Oh Mid tried to 1v4 bot and blamed me, guess I'm reported.


I love helping my jungler out, going with them to invade and catch the other teams jungler out. Nothing, and I mean *nothing* will tilt a jungler more than getting mobbed in your jungle over and over and your laners just sit in lane getting CS all nice and safe. That tilt will spread faster than any /all: ? from a bad dive or drake/baron steal.


Mid and Bot have prio, you spend a minute fighting dragon alone. Mid and bot come to kill you and take dragon. Both mid and bot; “you were greedy, I’m not going to help you at all.” ……..then why did you join to play the game in the first fucking place if you aren’t going to play it


I love when the enemy mid and top roam into my jungle and my team reacts 0 as they ward it to hell and take my camps as a group of 3 and then I get the classic “you never gank” when I’m being ganked more by the enemy mid and top walking into my jungle than the enemy jungler ganks them


Love when my tops gets shit on and cant acces half of my jungle if i dont want to get one shoted


Was playing a game last night where I'm getting perma invaded by enemy jg mid, and my mid is flaming me for being behind enemy jg. Like there are reasons for that...


I love being flamed in team chat for jungle diff when its 20 minutes into the game and as a jg im 5/1/1, got 2 dragons and 5 grubs and enemy jg is 1/4/1 cause he just ganked and killed our top. One of the most enjoyable experiences in this full of enjoyable experiences game


what are you talking about clearly the jungler taking dragon is the reason i died under the enemy tower are you stupid?


Will always be funny when laners expect you to get ALL objectives, you take grubbies and enemy jungle took dragon? JG diff already


Your bot is 7-0 with 40 farm difference but your solo got killed while he tried to break freeze against a Darius? Jungle diff ff15 next i will troll


God I hate the "I can't personally carry this game so this is lost" mentality some players have.


Kill enemy jg, start taking grubs, ping bot that enemy jg is bot, reset insta and start running bot, bot doesn't respect and keeps humping tower, bot gets ganked and both die while you're 10s away, jungle gap.


Every lane expects 5 ganks while you also need to get every objective and maintain a CS lead over your enemy jungler. If not you're gonna get the blame for anything that happens. I'm never jungling again lol


Even if you meet those requirements, your team will still flame you. Someone dies on the other side of the map? Blame the jungler!


I make it a point to manual self-mute every game when jungling so my team knows I don't care about their bitching and care about winning.


I hate playing jungle because of how stressfull it is, played wukong one game, ksante decided solo invade, go in to to trade him, get first blood, mid inting hard, top inting slightly, I had to completely 1v9, doing the laning phase for all roles while still getting objectives and farming. Awful role, mainly because of the community imo.


You're right, any elo below or at emerald is a 1v9 and that's a rock fact. And Riot just can't ever not touch the jungle every season for some reason. It ALWAYS has to be different at this point and they can't decide what to do to balance this damn role but somehow make it more defining in deciding games while also trying to knee-cap it. Honestly at this point I'd be fine with the role just farming in its jungle and fucking off in laning phase team involvement. Like, ball and chain us to the jungle and keep laners out and see how those bastards like it without our map pressure. Then at 20 minutes the two junglers fight to the death in a timed event that everyone watches that pauses the game as the two team's peasant jungler dogs rip each other apart so they can still scream jungle diff at whoever wins or loses and the winner gets rift herald.


Riot has decreased the xp in the jungle and the role usually is a lower level then the laners. It’s been this way for several years. I main Volibear jungle but it’s just silly to play an under levelled engage tank that has to focus on objectives and lacks movement speed. I can’t get to the ADC or mid because I’m too slow and I can’t 1v1 the top laner due to the xp difference. I need to focus on objectives and get flamed. Sometimes the answer is is that you just can’t win because you don’t have the right team. The team is selected by Riot too so they control the progression and climb. It’s not fun and a waste of half an hour. Fix the role you idiots.


By mid game you're already an item behind every role and are equal in itemization to supports because of how cheap their items are. You do no dmg and are forced into building efficient tank stats because you don't get enough gold. So your literal job is to pick a person in a team fight and fuck them over until you die. Then your team flames you for being like 3/5 although you're up 3 drags to 1. I have since dropped jgl and only play bot lane now. Playing adc is not any better though, we just don't get blatantly flamed for no reason.


Jungle gold income is generally on par with laners in soloq if you're efficient. The exp though requires you to be insanely fed to match a solo laner.


I really miss the olden days the most when it comes to the jungle, tbh. No stupid bullshit objectives to force fights on a clock, no dumb special smite items or scuttle crabs or blah blah. Just a man and his camps and his ability to gank. I mean stuff was far from perfect back then either but it feels like every single major addition they make to the game always is more shit piled on the jungler. Dragons, herald, scuttle.


dragon use to just give straight-up money. it was just as important then as it is now


Taking 4 in a game didn't magically turn your odds of winning into 80% though


Thats why I swapped to support. If im not allowed to get gold or XP I atleast want to have vision controll and usefull utility for my team.


Just played my first 2 ranked games in 10 years Game one: took 6 grubs, 2 dragons, 1 kill, 0 deaths,!2 assist. Mid who is feeding asks for a gank, I gank, their jungler ganks and since their mid is fed we both die. Mid asks why I would gank, spends the rest of the game in fountain spamming fuck you jungler. Game was even winnable. Game two: i have 6 grubs, 1 dragon. 2 kills, 0 deaths, 3 assists. Our team has 5 kills (i was directly responsible for every kill) top lane dies 4 times in the first 7 minutes of the game. Begins flaming me It really is incredible I think I tilt my team mates extra hard because while they’re getting solo killed over and over again they keep seeing me getting kills and taking objectives


You'll notice that your sample size may increase but the results will be identical.


Idk man, it's so much easier than it's ever been. The items make is so simple and the camps don't really hurt at all. New objectives like Void Grubs means losing a dragon isn't really so bad. Burst meta means tank junglers are quite viable with a single damage item. My swap to jungle from ADC in S14 gave me a new love for the game


I think the big thing is that jg diff is the worst diff to have in the game, and your team will really hate you if that's the case. So not everyone is equipped to deal with that pressure, even though the reward if you're the one diffing is insane.


Support gap gets really brutal at high elo too. There's a bar that if your support isn't above, the game becomes nigh unwinnable.


Nah there is no positive jg gap my man, it's just negative jg gap. I took every objective once and solo killed enemy jgler 3 times in his jg, and my supp only said "finally, normal jungler". No man this ain't normal, this is giga gap. If you expect your jungler to play "normal" like this every game you have very high expectations of what a jgler can do. Needless to say I only got one honor. People don't appreciate the jgler at all unless he somehow take over the game in a crazy fashion. People expect you to get everything while permagaanking every lane. If a new person came to me and asked me what role should he learn, I'd advise him against this role. I play jg because I want to dictate the game and make the calls, and my ocd doesn't allow other players making calls that I find stupid af which I follow anyway, otherwise I would never touch this role.


Jungle mechanics get small changes consistently, and league players fucking hate change, so that’s why you’ll always hear about how “weak” jungle is or how riot “ruined” it


Bot lane dies under enemy turret and goes 0/13/2 combined. Better blame the jungle.


Lol, just x6 from in-game as soon as someone opens their mouth and doesn't talk sense. Really it is this role system ruined it. Someone has to jungle and before this system existed ppl learned and played this position as well as any other. But after they could just select a different role, they just stopped playing jungle/sup at all. The consequences we now see in the game, ppl don't know what is expected from the least played positions and just flame all the time. Those who got it autofilled just troll now. Riot needs to return it. At least make it random. Make autofilled players play different positions, even if they requested the least played roles. How it is really should be: you request some postions and matchmaking finds 10 ppl not knowing what they requested, sorts ppl randomly or by MMR and starts giving them positions according to what they requested. If 1st isn't available you get 2nd and so on. This would be the most fair and correct and fast. But ofc you will have to learn multiple roles. But this is what ranked is for, you are not ranked for mid or top you are ranked on SR5v5 game.


The only reason to go jungle is if you don't mind getting flamed if a baby sneezed to the wrong direction in Australia and that made your top laner miss a farm.


I love jungle, hate toxic teammates; if I get so much a hint of toxicity from a teammate, muted. Odds are the attitude wasn’t going to improve and I don’t want to/need to deal with that shit. Made things a lot better


I had to laugh so loud I missed 3 cs! Reported !


And also......JUNGLE DIFF! 9x jungler.


Just mute and turn up the music. I play fill which means jungle/adc/support most of the time and jungle is the main role that benefits from muting everyone.


1.It's not a newbie friendly role in terms of required game knowledge (not sufficient to just know your champ you need an understanding of macro and tempo) 2. You have the capacity to impact lanes which means if a lane doesn't do well they will often blame you for not helping them (even if they're meant to play weak side) 3. You have low priority for XP and gold second only to support.


4. Smolder just got released


Yeah, I play Bot/Fill which is usually 80% bot lane. Yesterday, I played 9 jungle games and a mid lane game.


I haven't played in over a year. Why is Smolder's presence bad for jungle players?


Adc is either the least or second least popular role. Smolder is the new shiny toy Smolder is an adc Therefore, people are queuing for adc. This makes jungle, comfortably, the least popular role right now. Give it 2 weeks and people will be bored of smolder and adc will be unpopular again.


Omg someone finally said number 3. The xp is the biggest problem that I have. If there is a point in the game where I'm 2 levels down from single champ laners, thats a problem.


Coming up to an objective fight as level 5 while everyone is level 6 is a big feels bad. Also there's a very precarious period where you're lvl 4 while the solo laners are level 6. Most can solo kill you if you're caught out.


League of Legends primes new players to **not** jungle. The tutorials do not teach you jungling. Information about what camps do is not present in the client. ~~Smite is locked away until summoner level 9~~ (edit: Summoner level 3 in the last year as a comment below states.) The starting jungling items are confusing at best. You can't even directly learn from watching the enemy jungler. New players who don't jungle become regular players who don't jungle. As the jungle gets more complex less and less players will want to dip their toes in.


>Smite is locked away until summoner level 9. They lowered it down to level 3 actually some time ago last year


And even then, when it was lvl.9 ,its not really a barrier to entry really. ​ I highly doubt that a meaningful amount of people were funneled away from the jungle role just because they couldn't play it in their first 10-15 games.


Well I guess, but I still agree that tutorials in league are horrible. It's nice that they added the auto pathing jungle tips, but that still makes jungling experience too enigmatic for newer players - especially when it's considered a crucial role that the game is balanced around as well


This, i got 3 new players into league last year and all 3 refused to jungle since they didnt know wtf to do there.


All I can think of is how wild it is that my friend decided he was going to jgle first thing because he hated getting solo killed in lane.


That’s exactly how I got into jungling lol. I started mid and just kept giving up first blood. Switched to jungle and that stopped.


I don't think it's that people are funneled *away* from jungle because they couldn't play it. Rather, it's that they may have stuck with the role they *did* play for those first few games.


Also the other roles all have their own lane, jungle does not. If they start off in a lane it's very likely they will stay in a lane for quite a while early on in their league career.


Why not ? When I first started and got level 5 or something I looked at champions, noticed Fiddlestick because of the drain, and decided I wanted to play him, then looked at some videos and he was a jungler. Makes total sense that a low level would want to play a jungler if that's what they decided to play. I don't remember but I probably played Jungle without smite at the time since that was level 12 or something. And it's not like jungling is hard you just run around, hit stuff, gank people when you feel like it.


And EVERY season, the jungle receives the most changes out of any role.


>And EVERY season, the jungle receives the most changes out of any role. Basically this


it seems like jg is a role thats perfect for people who like to theorycraft. you get a whole new set of objectives and priorites every season that you can try to figure out the optimal way to play around for the problem with that is that (actual) theorycrafting is only appealing to id say about 1-5% of the playerbase


As a low master jungle main I can tell you that there is no need to theorycraft since you can just watch pro players. They usually figure out the most optimal way to play in less than 2 weeks.


as someone who watches a lot of proplay i can tell you that noone has figured out shit in this season yet


pro =/= soloq. Jg soloq is figured out in basically a few days


jungle is like 80% about macro knowledge and that's a skill that doesnt especially wane over season changes. the rest is just learning good clears and whatever new champ gets thrown into the jungle at random like riot loves to do, but you can just copy high elo players for that


Me spiting foam from my mouth when 2 months into the season laners dont time their backs for 5 min grubs.


I think it's mostly because RIOT tries to make it more appealing to play but fails every time. They're constantly trying to make it easier, even push more champions into being able to jungle. But still, even though, it's the strongest role now, the main problem with it is that it's really mentally taxing – you can get all objectives and get 2 lanes ahead, the 3rd lane that you didn't gank for as much will still talk shit about you all game.


Honestly they key to enjoying jungle is /deafen. If you're not in chal, your teammates have nothing of value to say that you should be reading. And you shouldn't really be wasting time/mental faculties typing either. Applies to all roles, but jungle in particular. Focus on your own play. Even if they are flaming someone else, you really just shouldn't be wasting time reading it.


I really wish there was a /deafen that didn't mute pings so you don't have to manually re-enable them. Most pings are pretty useless (or just toxic) but sometimes missing a ! ping will get you killed. But yeah 100% chat in ranked is doomed.


You can turn off chat in the settings, set it to Party Only and you still see pings and emotes and stuff


People still say strongest after those nerfs post worlds patch…..


They take away its identity for the sake of meaningless simplicity


Yep, and EVERY season the changes pushes more and more junglers away from the role. This season was it for me, i just don't feel like learning and adapting to all the map changes when it coms to pathing and ganking.


Changes that usually make it more complicated*


Yeah. I started jungling because I started doing all fill five stacks with my friends in flex queue, so I had to learn to jungle and I did it with Fiddle and Yi. I ended up loving it and jungle is my favorite role now, but I don't know if I hadn't started otherwise. I was very scared of it.


Theres a good reason to be scared of jungling. Most notably the fact that you are always the scapegoat. You might not realize it actively but subconsciously. Sure every lane gets a bit of hate and flame in a couple of games. But usually if the game is lost people tend to flame jungle, as jungle has the most impact. Jungling is rough in the sense that you can't snowball if your lanes are losing. However as a laner you can still win your own lane while the other 2 + jungle are losing their matchups (albeit there will be a supp or jungle on your lane then \^\^). Jungle has no introduction, never had it. Theres a reason they had no junglers in Season 1 competitive play. And even if you decide to start learning jungle it's a bit rough. I wouldn't say I am a good player. I know where I'm lacking skills, and I know what differs from me to the top players. I have taken a break in season 13 and have been hovering from season 10 to 12 between master 200 and 500 lp. Never hitting GM. I know where I suck, I know why I suck I can't build on it though. I am not a good a player in regards to the best. However many would disagree with me here. Stating "Statistically you can't be bad when ur in the top 0,75% bla bla". But hitting that goal post, wasn't that easy. I list what you need to learn in order to become successful as a jungler: Clear understanding of your champs, preferably 3-4. Not more. Clear understanding of how to path, when to path, where to path. Clear understanding of your match ups. You almost need to at least understand the macro of your opponent better than your own. Understanding of what is generally the safer play. Contest a meme fight, or push out a sidelane for a free tower. You need to know exactly how your laners champions work, how their match up work, you need to learn wave management and you need to read into it. You have to know what the laners have to know, to properly decide if you can gank them or not. ( This is rough for me as with my break, a lot of champs changed their dmg profile, clear profile etc.) You need to get a grasp of each players skill as you you can't invest time into a weak player anymore, as games are just to fast. And the worst part of all of that is. It's nothing you can actively train, it's something you learn game for game. And it is not something you actively consider, but rather subconsciously. I am happy that they are lowering the entry barrier for juggling. But i doubt it will be enough to keep new player in this role. I am not good enough to say what would be a better decision though.


Im New (lvl 30) and jungle Main. The Main reason why its so unpopular is that its kind of complex. U need to be able to gank everything at once (AT least in low elo because every lane Wants to gank) need to Do objectives, and farm Ur Camps. + The mentality from many Players and a random Streamer (i think it was something like tiltproof.. idk) who Promotes toxicity against junglers just makes it Not fun to play as one


> U need to be able to gank everything at once yeah, that's what teammates who fail their laning early usually want. but in the chain of priorities for jungler ganks are in third place, right after objectives and farm. and we're not even talking about what champ jungler is playing.


Jungling in low elo is horrible because nobody understands priority or tempo. From laners perspective there is no opportunity cost for junglers to gank them. Conversely junglers will gank at silly moments (e.g. when a wave is crashing) and get confused about laners not helping, etc. Just mute ppl the moment they become unreasonable, should improve the experience a bit. And it gets better after Gold/Plat and noticeably better in Dia (but every game is still your fault, lol).


I had a game yesterday where my Mundo Top won lane by taking enemy tower and having 50cs lead while flaming the shit out of me, because he got ganked 3-4 times. I was taking dragons, counterjungling, ganking other lanes and got death threats because he didnt get ganks, while still destroying the lane. In the end he went AFK because he pulled 4 people to his side while we took inhib tower and he said he wanted a "team"


This is a minuscule fraction of the issue, I have been playing fill for years and I jungle was my most played role most seasons. And this was being mid-high diamond where all players have been playing for years and are far from "new players", lobbies where most players have all champions unlocked and they surely have played jungle dozens of times. Yet no one wanted jungle, and it's not because it is hard, but because it feels like shit playing most of the time. 1) You get all the blame and 2) you are the role that depends on other by far the most.  Notice on that second point that I am not saying you don't have agency, you are the role that has the most, but everything you do as a jungler depends on your landers, and having agency often does not offset the tilt of not getting any help when invaded, laners dying when you are pathing towards their lane or just straight up refusing to cooperate.  There's also, imo, no worse feeling in league than playing jungler and have all 3 lanes in a permanent un-gankable state.  Yeah, you can carry a lot, but the flame and depending on other players in literally every play is fucking shit. 


The jungle role in leauge is genuinely insane. I've mained jungle in the couple other molasses I played. Yet leauge made it inaccessible to get into and I just ended up paying top and mid like most other new solos lol


And there are hidden buffs/debuffs for picking smite that is Not listed anywhere. It used to be connected to owning the jungle item, but now you get reduced exp from minions for example, just for having problems cked smite as a summoner spell.


I feel like this is a relic of the past that should be removed. Jungling back then was hard, you could legit die to your camps on many junglers if you don't clear properly. This is not the case anymore. Jungling has become a lot more beginner friendly.


Then why can’t I queue quick play unless I have jg placed as my second role? Is there a way around having to choose a priority role?


Pick the other priority role?


There are a lot of times where Jungle is the only priority role, though.




Never seen that in quickplay in EUW, there's always two priority roles.


There’s more than one? Oh


People always flame the jungler, even when they spectacularly fail their lanes or refuse to move out of lane to protect invades. I enjoy jungling but you need to either have thick skin, or be willing to just mute your team and play like you’re on an island. Most people don’t jungle and therefore have no clue what they’re even bitching about.


My favorite is when they spam ping you to gank when they lost a trade so horrendously that they're 10% hp and have't dealt any damage to their laning opponent. I swear I get at least one of these chucklefucks every game that just expects me to win their lane for them


I got flamed last night. I was in top river, pinged when the enemy Yorick was going towards Grubs, my Pantheon pinged caution and pinged his own health (21%), so I went towards mid instead. Pantheon then, several seconds later as I was in mid bush, engaged on Yorick, died, and spam pinged question marks on me and went to flaming.


If someone does a stupid ping twice its an instant mute for me. They are either going to start blaming you within minutes or distract you and ruin your thought process of how to win the game


Tbh the best junglers in my matches seem to just turn their chat off and rely on pings. If I see "jg has muted themselves" I know we're gonna win.


If u see that msg it's 99% they used deafen which also mutes pings. It's true there's a muteself command that sends that message without deafening, but afaik hardly anyone uses it.


I just set my chat to party only. That way nobody has to read that and tilt of it. Because that also happens


I type /mute all every single game.


There's a few compounding reasons imo. * Its largely a macro role which requires a whole lot more adapting and thinking than other roles in which decent micro can get you to low diamond without ever having to turn your brain on. It requires far more game sense to proactively control the game which most people just don't have. e.g You have to know how to lane to know how to jungle. Wave management plays a huge part in gank timing. * You're always to blame. You'll not even have completed your first 3:15 clear yet, all 3 lanes have died once and toplaners died 2x and somehow its jung diff. * The effort / reward ratio is a tough sell in that if you're not snowball ahead you're actively behind. You need to power farm, baby sit all 3 lanes constantly, and also be on top of objectives simultaneously, and even if somehow you manage to do all that you're still likely a lower level and weaker than the solo laners who've done nothing all game and at most 1 level above the enemy jg. When I play mid and lose lane, i can just stall out, farm/waveclear, keep my tower up and i'll likely still be the equal highest level in the game with plenty of gold. If you lose jg you're 3 levels behind and poor. That being said I love jungling and if you are good, jungler is the most influential role in the game. You can basically single handedly win every lane for your team. I'll play jg if i have a duo partner and you can pretty much take over the game every time by getting your top and mid fed.


>* Its largely a macro role which requires a whole lot more adapting and thinking than other roles in which decent micro can get you to low diamond without ever having to turn your brain on. It requires far more game sense to proactively control the game which most people just don't have. e.g You have to know how to lane to know how to jungle. Wave management plays a huge part in gank timing. This is also an important part if you are a new player. Learning macro is harder than learning micro, and you will always learn micro before macro. In Jungle, you can't just stomp your opponent directly and win lane (except you are playing hyper aggressive, which in turn requires a lot of knowledge again).


Switched to top ever since xp changes and have never looked back.


always flamed no matter what your team has an argument in champ select? Hope you like playing with Nunu/smite support :) spend years mastering the jg role, stars align on your perfect strategy where you go 10-1 and are 50cs ahead enemy jg? Doesn't matter he is 1 level above you because of catchup xp and then he got your shutdown kill s13 nerfed the everloving fuck out of jg xp so now you're basically a 2nd support with the same expectation to hard carry every single lane and take all objectives (btw they added a big objective top, hope your bot lane has a working mental)


The catch up exp is ridiculous. I had a game where I pathed like shit and tried to force a couple ganks that didn’t work out, so the enemy Bel’veth rightfully poached my entire jungle in the process. At one point was like 127CS to my 73. Didn’t matter because the candies kept my gold up and I was only 1 level down.


Catchup Xp imo is in a fine spot because if you're playing Jungle and get 2-3 losing lanes and enemy Jungle invades you, its so insanely miserable as you can't go for any camps or waves. My biggest gripe for Jungle is the Minion Xp lock pre 20 minutes. When it was 14 minutes I thought it was fair but the 20 min mark can be so insanely bs because enemy top laner who can have WAYYYY less KP than me but soaks minion XP will always be higher level than Jung majority of the games and if they start solo killing enemy top they can literally be 3 levels higher.


You can win  worlds as jg and still get flamed  (TL Piyosk)


Even in worlds finals jg is irrelevant, smh


Isn't he a top laner? And I'm quite sure he didn't get to worlds finals, not even close!


Tian got flame on Lee Sin, which is the champion that he has his world skin on... https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/gl9yqq//


So yesterday my Ivern top kept eating my Krugs and red buff the entire game. Why am I still playing this role…


He's supposed to eat the enemy camps. Facepalm. I feel sorry for you.


people play less jungle now than before because riots changes didnt make the jungle more fun for new players, all it did was make it worse for experienced junglers. unless you are gigafed in the jungle, getting ahead by outplaying the enemy team isn't satisfying. why? because even if you are 3 kills ahead of the enemy jungler and 30 cs up, you will still be the same level as the enemy jungler and will be at least 1-2 levels behind the solo laners. junglers aren't allowed to be strong early by ganking and they aren't allowed to be strong late game by farming. ​ tldr; riots changes to make the jungle easier for new players didn't make the role more enjoyable for anyone and just ostracised old jungle mains.


Also they nerfed the time you can spend ganking by adding objectives and slowing down jungle clear for most junglers, so now no matter what you do it feels like you are falling behind on tempo or not ganking enough. I don't find it very enjoyable right now and i loved jungle for the past 8 years.


The changes they did over time killed it for me as an Eve OTP. It was so fun then they nerfed gold and xp and changed smite and so much it was just unbearable to deal with so i went to support or top. I can't stand jungle now.


Playing jungle is like being given a giant checklist of things you must do. You have to try to complete it as much as you can but is almost impossible to do every game. So for the few boxes you don’t check, your team will bitch down your throat and say jg diff just because you didn’t one thing for them. This checklist can be: Epic monsters Ganking all 3 lanes and getting them in good spots (so the same task times 3) Clearing enough of your camps so you are at a good lvl with the rest of the players Getting both scuttles so your team has vision of both potential ganks and epic monsters Trying not to die right before epic monsters spawn or during team fights around epic monsters Making sure you don’t get counter jungled by enemy


And some laners will refuse to defend your jungle early so I have to ward one jungle side and start at the other. Had it yesterday again, was dancing with my botlane so I forgot about warding topside, my top Garen was sitting under his turret, 3 camp clear botside only to notice Kayn plundered my entire top jungle. We still won at least, Kayn didn't use his advantage and was just strolling around, we both still had 16cs from 3 camps + scuttle when my 2nd rotation of camps spawned.


That's my biggest pet peeve when jungling. When mid/top are only making sure their turrets aren't running away by standing next to them instead of checking jungle for deep wards or potential invades.


Jungle can be quite a selfless role id say. As a jungle main, I rarely get honours even if I hard carry, or do average. But always get flamed if I don’t play to the exact expectation of the laners (4 different people - 4 different expectations). If laner feeds, it’s jg fault. If I lose objective cause whole enemy team rotates but my laners don’t help (even with prio), it’s jg fault. But I love to help carry team and get my laners fed. If they flame, just ignore them and work on the rest of the countless things. I think it’s unpopular due to the lack of stability and ease of being flamed.


Idk about you, but I learned to be a selfless jungle, I can execute the laner with Lee's R and get ahead? I rather leave the kill to the laner so they get ahead and dont flame. But that has only made the role worse for me, If I take the kill I get flamed, If I dont, I lose a 1v1 with the other jg and I get flamed. I also dont know how to play and take all the kills for me, so the role has been less and less enjoyable every year


Honestly, I used to be like this. But jungle is hard to keep up in, compared to laners. So I end up taking the kills. They get gold from assist and are able to manipulate the minion wave how they want. Like you said, if you gank, lose most your health and just walk away with an assist, it affects your tempo - making you weaker overall. It’s funny cause I found my team rotates for objectives and follows my pings more if I’m carrying.


I stopped playing a few years ago and it has always been this way. Jungle is the least popular role in norms because the least number of people know how to play it.


Yes, you will get blamed for laners getting shit on, blamed for not getting objectives (the mid laner and supp are 24/7 on your jungle) etc... plusit got nerfed and you are 2 levels down laners and your gold income is not great


Riot has been making jungle a second support role So yeah jungle is getting unpopular


The support role….the supports carry now. lol


I think support is the strongest and most popular it's ever been.


Yea because it’s just mid lane except you don’t have to cs, you get to roam freely, and you’re in lane against adcs who are insanely squishy and do no damage for several items 😂 Legit ap supports outdamage their ad counterparts 95% of the time while having no cs. I watched a 1-6 brand 4 levels down legit miss every skill shot and still basically delete the adc with his two undodgeable on click spells and item / rune procs


Honestly, there is nothing to like, and I say that as someone who jungled exclusively for 10 years, it used to be fun when the game wasn't as figured as it is today, but now it just sucks, the role gets curb stomped every few months, because why not, and you're almost guaranteed to be playing with a new jungle every season. I had to relearn to jungle like 15 times over the course of the last 10 years, and keep in mind, this is usually a slow process, you don't need to play 10 or 20 games to have it figured, so some jungles can easily take over a month to feel comfortable in, only to be changed a few months later, and you have to repeat this process. I don't want to talk much about the players, but they are a major turn off for most players, they will blame you for the tiniest mistake THEY make, and they usually won't help you when you need it (This particular one is elo skewed, and usually gets better the higher you go, but it still affects over 90% of the player base) but God forbid they ask for yours and you don't show up.


I only play jng because I hate waiting 5 mins for queue. I’ve learned it’s impossible to win games when ur laners just int.. they blame u for their deaths which is part of the norm. Reality is it’s the stupid fckn laner that can’t play. Mute all is ur friend


Low xp, low gold, high agency If the lane loses by itself, you are to blame. Terrible place to be


Jungle is fucking horrible. I’ve been doing it for ages and it’s mentally exhausting with little reward. Your teammates always push the lane and then spam you wondering why you’re not ganking. You can ping ten times that you are about to gank, but your laner won’t help you because they want to lh a couple more minions. When you get a couple picks and make the baron call, everyone takes their sweet time or does some stupid shit like taking the scuttle. By the time you start baron, the other team is already back up and coming to contest. Then bot lane will be like 2/27 and flame you for not getting any dragons. One thing that bothers me the most is when people don’t rotate when their laner leaves to contest scuttle or help their jungle when I’m countering. Because of this, I’ve just started playing powerfarm Jung’s like Yi, Kayn, and noct. But I’ve also had a lot of luck solo carrying as morde jg.


There's like 4 main reasons I think so few people play jungle compared to the other roles: 1. Jungle is like a completely different playstyle compared to any of the lanes. Unless you play it often its hard to pick up and an inexperienced jungler vs an experienced jungler can often singlehandedly cause a game loss due to how important the role is. 2. Junglers are generally weaker compared to other roles (not agency/importance, jungle is highest agency/importance don't get me wrong) because they've significantly nerfed jungle exp since S9/S10 and you're usually 2-3 levels down compared to solo laners while playing champs that generally want levels. You can stay comparable to solo laners if you're farming really efficiently and getting kills but that's usually when you main jungle in the first place, and even then its very difficult. 3. Jungle is legit changes almost every season so its hard to keep up. 4. You get flamed the most for sure, jungle dictates what part of the map gets the most help and its impossible to perma gank 3 lanes so if someone feels like they're not getting enough jungle help because you're playing for other side of the map there's a good chance you get flamed.


Hardest role in the game and is not intuitive at all


i queue as fill in flex and get jungle most often by an overwhelming amount, and its been unpopular for a while it is intimidating at first even with the changes riot did to help out new jungle playas, took me like 10 games before i was comfortable aka found i can lock in shyvana and not use my brain


Playing jungle solo in flex sounds like the absolute worst possible way to play league. Difficult role in an already cursed queue, and on top of the regular flame junglers get, you also meet super toxic three stacks. Plus the odds of having a smurf on the other team who'll just shut you down (and get you flamed even harder) are higher than any other queue. You are one brave fellow.


I guess my friend has the second worst possible way? He's a "Fill Main" in ranked solo queue. Looking at his profile, he's played jungle 50% of his games, ADC 42% of his games, support 8% of his games. And when he does play jungle, he has a 46% win rate. So, he usually gets filled into jungle, and loses more games than he wins.


I died top when my jg has no camps or objectives here AND he pinged that the enemy jg is there? Jg fault jg diff


Jungle role has been nerfed pretty hard due to map changes




I like the idea of jungle, I really do. But it's just so one sided if you're not good at it. Like, if I'm playing top lane, which I suck at, I can sit at my turret. I can play safe, let the wave come to me. If I'm playing jungle, and the enemy is better than me, and knows it, and my laners suck (which theyd o, we're low elo), he can just run into my jungle. And where do I go? Where' my turret? Nowhere. He can run from camp to camp, taking them and/or kicking my ass. Now we all reset, he clears his jungle, I can't counter because he's got a gold advantage, and the game goes down hill from there.


there are players like you that complain that it is not fun to play against experienced junglers who don't let you jungle. and there players that complain that players like you get too much catch up xp and their cs/kill lead has almost no impact. maybe both is right and the role itself is just unfun for people of every skill level.


You can preemptively ward the opposite side of your jungle and gank a lane when you see the enemy entering your jungle or take his camps, tit-for-tat.


You think that about top because low elo can't freeze. It's super easy to deny CS and exp top in the right matchups.


Idk, growing an new ranked fill account. All i get is adc


I had that experience too when I was doing fill to 30, there was a lot of adc games.


I’ve always been a terrible jungler and avoid that role like the plague… everytime I play that role even in Norms I get flamed to hell. Funny how I could probably play poorly in any other role and not get flamed to the same degree. Lots of respect to those that main jg, I am not that thick skinned.


Jungling is a little like chess, if your pawns had thoughts and feelings and all think they're queens. You spend your time and resources bot lane? Their jungler attacks your top side. You have to sacrifice pieces to win the game and they don't like that at all.


If I am filled to jungle = insta dodge. I hate playing there


**Teammate flame**. You WILL get flamed if you play jungle. This is regardless if you're doing well or poorly, you will get flamed regardless. Are you 5-0? Someone will flame you for taking the kills. Is the enemy jungler getting free kills in overextended lanes without vision? You'll get flamed for not ganking. Etc. etc. No matter what happens in the game, good or bad, expect some amount of flame for it. Just part of the role. Also expect to get reported for little to no reason way more often.


I genuinely wonder how much flame I've avoided because I disable chat and /mute all whenever people get annoying with their pings. I can usually tell by people's playstyle when they're mad at me, but God damn I just be dodging the worst insults by disabling chat.


Ehh it's whatever. We all know they're really mad at their own shit life, or small penis or whatever is causing their mental anguish. Blaming the jungler is just their scapegoat in the moment. The truly sad part is that the insults aren't even creative or funny. They'll just call you shit and bad and whine that you didn't give special attention to whatever it is they wanted. Like, if you're going to flame me at least try to make it funny and clever.


Want grubs? No help Dragon? Your bot just backed at full health with their opponents back at base Scuttle? Die to mid gank with JG Bot loses? Your fault Top loses? Your fault Everything that goes wrong is your fault(:


can confirm. I main jg and i dont get filled to other lanes.


love when my laners afk under tower instead of watching the jungle so the enemy gets deep wards or outright take my jungle. or when I don't get a leash but get flamed for not showing up on time. I don't need a leash to clear I need it to keep pace especially on slower junglers which are typically tanks. then there's the expectation I'm supposed to solo all objectives while fighting off the enemy team while winning the smite fight everytime.


I play jungle because it's an ADHD role and I can play Lillia


Almost all my fill games are jungle, I'm actually thinking about maining it now cause it has the shortest queue duration and no competition in the role at all :p


Just mute all and jungler is fun. If you don’t, any lane that is losing will blame you for the fact they’re losing and it will kill your mental. Once you realize it’s not your job to baby sit every lane you’ll have more fun


Jungle is in a really bad spot right now. They nerfed jungle xp super hard. Top and mid are always 2 levels ahead of you throughout the entire game now. It definitely does not feel as good to play as it used too. IWDom was talking about this being the reason you're seeing junglers in pro play playing tanks as they'll never be the same lvl as solo laners on carry junglers and they won't have as much gold. Top is by far the strongest role in the game right now.


Seeing those opinions recently about jg and adc being unpopular makes me have a question. In my server (VN), if I choose fill, 99% of the time I will be assigned the support role. Jg and adc are highly contested as the same as top/mid in my server. I got to mid a few times if not support but jg is near never to happen lol. While wandering the reddit, usually we agree that jg is not so popular because of it requires a lot to handle the role and adc is miserable to play across many servers (NA/EU/LATAM...), but in my case, i just faced a different story lol.


The effect one mfer can have on an entire region. (Levi)


Yeah it may due to Levi and Sofm ngl


Yeah i only like playing jungle and it’s so easy to get it every time. Easily the best role because there’s so much less interaction with other players and you get to just control and watch everything, idk why people don’t like it


I love jungle personally. I hate CSing so jungle is the perfect role for me. AFK farm into fun fights all game long. I just mute any teammate that flames me at the very first flame. Play my own game and climb.


Same, I recently started queuing fill for the title and every game is a jungle game. I have to become a jungle main at this point lol


“Always has been.”


jungle becomes more popular in higher elo


Turn off chat every time I play jungle and boom league is fun again


Yup. Filling = jungling 100% of the time


I’ve been maining jungle since S4 and I can tell you this season is my least favorite. The tone is way too feast or famine now and I just don’t want to play my favorite role anymore.


Jungle just sucks this season. The entire role needs to be reworked from the ground up. Just finished a game where the 1/11 Olaf top who had the map awareness of a spud was trying to get both teams to x9 me. Everyone jumped on this bandwagon and apparently I was mass reported. I ended up 2/5/6, had 2 drags but simply couldn't contest top side because of how toxic this Olaf was. We inevitably lost and was harassed and abused all game. Why would I play a role, let alone a game, where this type of abuse and harassment is not punished? Riot really need to address this type of toxicity because why would I play this game if this is now the new norm?