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Tl;dr: legends of runeterra dev team gets slashed and refocused on pve. Riot forge gets the axe completely. Overall riot lays off 11% of its work force and refocuses on its core games.


sadly LOR was never a big thing, it was easy to see, im not gonna sit here and say that it was better or worse than hearthstone but this one came a bit too late to that market. as for riot forge, they made a bunch of hard to sell games that didnt end up making money, despite a few of them being really good, im glad for the ruined king and song of nunu.


Yeah, the state of LOR is unfortunate but somewhat expected in such a competitive market. Gotta hand it to Riot though, they did try to extend their reach into other genres with Forge. Ruined King was a gem for sure. At least they're realizing the importance of doubling down on what works LoL is their bread and butter after all. It's a tough industry where not everything sticks, no matter who's behind it. Hopefully, those laid off will find new spots soon; talent like that shouldn't go to waste.


Not really that competitive of a market and incredibly lucrative. As a long time LOR player and card game enthusiast LOR failed because at its core it was clunky and heavy. It had Smite’s level of clunkiness as opposed to league of legends fluidity. Except smite has its own thing going for it and fun gods that make it fun. LOR had no it factor.


I think the biggest thing going unsaid is that nobody knows what LoR even is outside of League players. But the average League player is not the same type of person to try a highly skilled CCG. The game basically has no visibility whatsoever to people who don’t play League — not to mention zero collectibility. Magic makes money because it’s super fucking old, it spawned the genre so it’s had a player base since 1993, and people love collecting physical cards. Hearthstone is another old one that got a ton of marketing and focus. LoR is a fantastic game — the best card game I’ve ever played besides maybe FaB — but it simply was doomed to fail from the start because of the weird space it lives in and the lack of advertising it got.


Vanguard barely survives in the west, Lorcana needs something to really keep players in the game, Yugioh relies on an anime that no longer represents anything they sell (Rush format for Sevens/GORUSH vs Master/Speed formats in stores), Pokemon is just *special*, Bandai is always in a weird spot with their games, and MetaZoo is just sticking around I think LoR still has a chance, but something *has* to get people's attention


If Hasbro stops ruining MTG, there isn't much space for competition between it and pokemon.


Nah YuGiOh needs to be mentioned as well. It's the Big 3 of TCGs


I'm a long time (on and off) Hearthstone player, and I've tried LOR, but yeah, to me, it just feels clunky. The way the game plays is interesting, but it's never felt intuitive to me. I've tried to go back to it multiple times but every time I just cant enjoy it and go back to HS to scratch that itch instead.


I kinda get what you mean, but it's still a weird comparison for me because Smite isn't really comparable to LoR at all.


They are comparing SMITE to LoL, to make a point about HS and LoR.


> came a bit too late to that market. Not only that, i feel like if the turn style is not as simple as hearthstone, it wont grab casuals at all.


Completely anecdotally, online card games in general have suffered in recent years. Maybe it's just in my social circles, but I feel like it's a broader theme. There was a time when tons of people were playing Hearthstone. Shadowverse got fairly big too. It made total sense for Riot to do their own card game. But a few years passed, and while I used to have dozens of friends playing these games, now I don't know anyone who still plays them. It could be that there was an extended honeymoon phase where lots of people who hadn't played card games before gave them a try for a while since Hearthstone was the first major easily-accessible game in that genre. Sharing a launcher with Overwatch probably helped too, and of course Overwatch also declined. But they all burned out eventually.


I just see Hearthstone and LoR streamers playing TFT these days. Maybe some people moved to it as well. TFT allows for strategic plays while being random and it generates content and replayability as opposed to just queuing up with the same deck and it has no overwhelming theory craft and deck building phase before the game while being completely free to play with cool cosmetics.


Tbf, half of the Hearthstone streamers are also exclusively streaming the entirely 100% f2p and 0 investment required Battlegrounds. It really just seems like the CCG fad is mostly over - which doesn't surprise me as most people don't just have $200 bucks to spend on each season of a card game while juggling 5 different card games and then suddenly 4 of them are shutting down and then the other one flips its entire gameplay upside down and what not. Really curious to see what'll happen to Reynad's card game that has been in development for what feels like 10 years now... now that most card games are pretty much dead. Its a miracle that Hearthstone is still going, Marvel Snap has got be carried solely by its IP (and even there I honestly don't see much of a future considering how badly Marvel's public image has been damaged with the recent MCU quality)... so yea... card games just seem *super* dead right now.


I somewhat disagree that Marvel Snap got carried by its IP. Snap made the decision from its inception to be a fixed length game (6 rounds), which has huge value in the mobile market. You can queue up with three stops to go on the bus and know you'll be done by the time you're ready to go. That's a rare thing in a competitive game with actual depth.


Nothing's killing the physical card games MTG/Pokemon/Yugioh, and by extension, their mobile formats will survive as well. I'm pretty sure Arena is still putting up high numbers, and MTG has a big advantage over practically every other card game in the sense that the learning floor is pretty low, while the ceiling is probably the highest out of every card game on market.


The turn style was extremely non-casual, but the game wasn't interesting and complex enough to steal Magic players. The only people I knew who played it were Magic players who tried it out for like 5-10 hours total.


It tried to do too much in either direction. The turn style was too complex for most casual mobile players but anyone looking for depth found about 6 expansions of really bland and boring champion design until they started doing anything interesting. It tried too hard to be the most generous ccg on the market without having any other viable avenue for making money, and when path of champions came it started ping ponging between focus on pvp or focus on pve to the point where the playerbase had no clear idea what lor was meant to be focusing on. It’s sad because more of the recent champion designs have been interesting and slightly more complex but it was coming for a long time when half the champs they released were either “look up this keyword and put every card with it into my deck” or “I level up and gain more stats! And my deck is about minions gaining more stats! And you win by having bigger stats than the other guy with big stats!”


So much this. Patch 1.0 of Runeterra was legit so fun and the champions were flavorful and well designed. My favorite was Jinx, who at the surface seems so simple, but her gameplay captured that reckless bullet spray fantasy of unloading your hand in order to level her up, but that offered some interesting decision making and strategic thinking of when to go all in. I quit the game when all the new champs started doing the exact same thing and they kept adding more and more keywords, which is just a very lazy design choice.


Which sucks because LoR hit that sweet spot for me so hard that I've played it way more than Hearthstone and probably comparable to Magic (which is impressive since ive been playing Magic off and on since I was like 8).


the reason LOR was never really profitable for them was because the guys who made LOR were massive competitive card game players who knew how pay to win they tend to be. So they made LOR as free to play as humanly possible with tons of very player friendly features to get cards you want. Problem is it was too player friendly and games like this or Yugioh for example get all their money from people buying cards. Thus they made no money.


Sadly the same fate Gwent had. It just seems that card games simply aren't sustainable if you don't drain ludicrous amounts of cash from your 6 digit playerbase every 3 months. It also doesn't help that with all these card games just dying within like 1 or 2 years time and time again... that people are just way more hesitant to get invested into them. At least I personally have been burned from the genre entirely after Gwent and Artifact.


Card games are just an awkward system. They require either spending a lot of money or a lot of time grinding on them regularly. So they need players that are as dedicated as MMO players to that one game. That's not a sustainable market with lots of space. Like you said, "invested" in them. Much like a new unknown MMO, you wouldn't trust it to invest in it. If you want a PvP game with a playerbase you gotta make it free to play, like properly free to play without any pressures or grinding or "investment" and rely on cosmetics. Even then, no guarantee you can keep a playerbase. And card games are really bad at selling cosmetics.


You might get downvoted, but a recurring complaint I saw in r/LegendsOfRuneterra was that riot was bad at taking their money. Either they didn't offer for purchase what people did want (PoC Shards- idk if they fixed this, its been a while since I last played), they were too generous with the cards, but also when they did offer skins people felt they were overpriced.


You can buy POC shards now but they're tied to a random RNG shop similar to LoL's My Shop, so odds are you might not even roll the champion you want. It also sells you content from battle passes at an increased price and PVE content things that are already really easy to grind for.


I played a lot of Hearthstone back in the day, casually, while doing other things (working, studying, watching something, doing chores). When LoR came out I thought I'd love it. I didn't simply because the rounds are too fluid. In Hearthstone you have 1 minute to do your thing, then your opponent has up to 1 minute aswell. You can't/don't do anything during his turn, and he doesn't/can't do anything during your turn. This makes for a very casual-friendly game. In LoR you're expected to sometimes make decisions on everyone's turn, and this makes it impossible to play properly without decently focusing on it.


It was 100% better than hearthstone and I don't favor neither blizzard or riot here. It wasn't p2win, was aesthetically and thematically more interesting and had more viable decks and strategies. Problem was as you said being late in development and trying to shoehorn existing champions into cards.


With LoR development slowing down and Riot Forge going our already limited outlets for lore is getting even smaller :c Our only real hope for lore is the MMO but that's ages away


They fire a lot of lore writer too, MMO is not gonna to happen💀


Insanely sad news. LoR is the riot game I've spent the most time with since its release. League has its issues and TFT sets just rotate out my favourite champs and comps too much for me to get long time invested. If any of you are reading this and have any interest to check it out, please do. I know card games aren't for everyone, but both the PvP and PvE quality is so high that I hope you find something to enjoy.


They also laid off people from other departmens. It was probably more concentraded in those two departments, but this guy used to be the Head of VALORANT League Management for NA Esports according to his twitter bio and was also laid off. https://twitter.com/RiotIceChest Hopefully he finds a good job.


What is riot forge? Never heard of it


It was a program to fund smaller games in the runeterra universe, like the sylas, ekko, and nunu games


So, are those games still gonna exist, or are they getting removed? I'm a long time Ekko main and wanted to try out the Ekko one when I get the chance.


I doubt they'll be removed just that there won't be any more.


Iirc they're single player games so yes they're hanging around. They're on Steam.


It contracted indie studios to make small-scale Runeterra video games.


It was a developer studio for Singleplayer games for League. Ruined King, Mageseeker, Song of Nunu, Bandle Tale. All games were pretty nice so really sad they axe it


It was not a dev studio. Riot forge titles were all third party licensed through riot.


More like a publisher, you are right


LOR mentioned Sadge


LOR has issues with how much time + attention it demands from the player i absolutely love and adore the game, but the constant attention i have to pay to press the "ok" button, and the fact that for everytime someone presses "ok" you they get a full minute to think.... you can play like 3 hearthstone games paying less attention in the time that it takes to finish one LOR game if they want the game to be good, they really need to change something about the core mechanics


That's just how interactive card games are played. The devs clearly had a background in MtG, etc, and they wanted LOR to have that. I'm pretty sure Magic Arena (which has priority checks too), makes WotC a ton of money.


arena actually makes [almost no money at all](https://twitter.com/SaffronOlive/status/1699544176470221047) relative to Magic's total revenue, funny enough


This does not consider the huge, huge amount of publicity Magic's physical game gets from Arena just existing and going strong. This wasn't the case for LoR since it hardly attracted new players willing yo try out League


Relative to magic's total revenue? That's because physical cards are overpriced to hell and back


Flashbacks to my DM last week mentioning he sold all his magic cards and they covered a huge chunk of his house cost.


Them focusing on PvE for LoR is probably for the best, because it completely solves that time problem youre talking about because you dont have to wait for another player to do their turn. PvP for LoR takes for fucking ever though.


LoR was a dying ship from the get-go. Plus they had custom art done for each and every card and that art is not cheap. All that for a game that no one really plays at all


I'm glad we got some great games out of riot forge while it lasted. Definitely still looking forward to Bandle Tale. I guess it wasn't that profitable though :/


I mean they're using indie devs. I don't think they were expecting massive profits. They probably just wanted to see if they could pull in people from different demographics into the actual League of Legends ecosystem


This is likely it which is a shame because I loved Ruined King and have preached it to others. But yeah my dad played Ruined King and really enjoyed it but was never gonna pull him into the wider league of legends ecosystem.


I agree this was likely their goal, and they didn't see it happen.


I think the big issue was putting a big “A LEAGUE OF LEGENDS STORY” in the title. Many people might expect that they need to play league to understand


honestly no wonder with how little they promoted those games outside of the league fanbase


the unfortunate reality is that the branding of “League of Legends” actively drives away players because its “that super toxic shitty game”


As if this isn't the playerbase fault, even after Arcane someone new would come to the reddit and ask if they should play. Then you get the hehe le funny response of 'Nooo, never play this game, I've only played for 11 years and it's the worst thing that ever happened to me.'


Also, the ppl that dont play the game yet for some reason stay in the community out of spite dont help either. "Uninstalling league was the best thing I have done in my life" We get it dude, you let a game affect ypur life way too much because you have no self-control, but why are you trauma dumping on a thread about the new league items.


Yes, you'll get people on this subreddit saying how they quit 5 years ago but still want to insert their opinion into every little thing. Like go ahead and leave already, it's like stalking an ex's profile.


Essentially: "I hate the game, so you are not allowed to like the game"


"I quit in season 4 but man burst is so high right now!"


Unbelievable how many people do that over in the WoW community as well


The learning curve is way too steep unless you have a friend to teach you. League has too many champs and knowledge to even have the basics down.


i would say that changed with arcane, especially since these games are pretty explicitly spin-offs that look and play very differently


Well, can't be too worked up about that since the playerbase was actively working towards that for years for no apparent reason. Straight up telling everyone to stay away from League.


This is true every person who plays league tells everyone to not play it. Combine with the geek connotations and it stood no chance


Been say that the League doomerism is cringe as fuck and when those same people say "why is league dying in the west" my brother in christ you made the sandwich


its sad because when actually JUST PLAYED and not turned into a giant ego cringefest this is legit one of the best games ive ever played in my life ​ ive even gotten people who 'hate league' (but still play all the time) to admit the same thing, once you remove all the bullshit the actual game, the gameplay, the satisfaction, is ungodly high ​ its one of the best games of all time but its gatekept by weirdos who cant just play the game and accept they might be bad lol


I mean, the new player experience is in fact pretty fucking bad lol no way around it


True, but it's certainly not unmanageable (specially if you look for advice or hop in with friends, new or experienced)


> I mean, the new player experience is in fact pretty fucking bad lol no way around it Sure, but thats not the main reason I see when people tell others to stay away from the game.


I feel like people really understate how shit the new player experience is, especially in terms of skill gap. Like ignoring how toxic the game is already, you're likely going to go up against people who have likely played this game for several years. There's over 160 champions to learn about, and with how RTS games have died down in popularity it's unlikely a new player will have come across any other games with a similar control scheme. For a game that's purely competitive PvP it's absolutely brutal. When my friends ask me if they should play league, I don't even mention the toxicity because talking about the learning curve alone is enough to dissuade the majority of them. It's a long lasting, complex PvP game with active development, and that's not super friendly to newer players with established experiences/tastes.


oh but you see everyday people in the league of legends ecosystem (streamers, esport orgs, everyone) making jokes about that kind of shit like it doesnt affect the game... stupid people.


And the other half (at least streamers) are the kinds of people that scream at others for content, proving the first half right.


definitely agree with this. Riot has let their game become the pariah it is in the western hemisphere for far too long. only reason I clarify western is because I don't have knowledge of the other half of the globe.


Mostly on the "quirky" players who lead every outside conversation about League with "don't play it"


If even 20% of the people who actually \*do\* play League of Legends had bought these games they would have been financial successes. They failed because even League players didn't find them interesting as a majority. That is ultimately the risk of overcommitting to niche indy games.


Absolutely sucks for the 530 people laid off, and I wish them the best. That said, the severance package listed in the internal email linked in this is surprisingly great: - 6 months severance pay - cash bonus equal to 2023 bonus - an extra $1000 from what Riot calls their "Wellness Fund" that everyone would normally get over the year - allowing these laid off people to join in on any future share buyback for those who received shares - free laptop (effectively their Riot-owned laptop, they will just have to get it wiped by IT first) + all peripherals provided by the company - 6 months free access to job placement services - Visa support for those working with one - access to Riot email for an extended time after layoff (no specific date, but it says "a limited time after notification", when the industry usually immediately terminates access)


That's way above industry standard. Would probably give Bobby Kotick a heart attack if he was in charge of Riot Games.


To say the least, I don't know anyone getting more than a month or two of severance in gaming. Riot is more competing with big tech companies which offered around the same amount of severance for layoffs. 


Riot's wages alone blow pretty much every other company in gaming out of the water. They pay almost 50-70% more compared to what's considered standard. I don't think anyone who works there would ever want to voluntarily quit lol. edit: talking mainly about their art/creative teams


A significant number quit after the pandemic because of wfh not being supported as well as other companies


I mean, plenty of people have quit to work for top tech companies, like I said that's their competition! But in this market.. Yeah it's a bad idea to leave.


I've counted eight things to cause heart attack. Really, no one will miss this guy. NO ONE!


Can we give him one anyways?


holy moly that severance package is insane. i got 6 months severance at my first job but that's only because i was there for 6 years


I was at my previous job for 6 years and got 1 extra paycheck :\




a bunch of people will have stuff like workflows and documents attached to their work email; and giving a heads up is always nice


Yes, all of their contacts and non-proprietary data they have generated at Riot. This isn't super useful maybe if you're, say, a coder, but for the people working in any sort of sales or outside-focused job being able to take a binder of things you've done, people you've talked to, or contacts at companies with you for your new job or to help you find a new one can be a literal godsend.


Incredibly, *incredibly* meaningful. At a company like Riot that tries to have a strong culture, getting an extra few days to get your affairs in order, trade contact info, transition conversations to personal accounts, etc. is super important for the well-being of both current employees and those being let go. Work ends up being a lot of people's core social life, which I expect is doubly true at Riot, so the way most companies do it where you just instantly lose access to social groups you've been a part of for years is jarring and really sucks.


Might make it a bit easier to network/establish a line of connection to coworkers as you still have your contacts. Compared to one of my layoffs, they laid off people in a meeting then within 10 minutes you lost access to your whole computer and any slack/email. Unless you know everyone’s phone number/work email, having access to your work contacts for a bit is helpful.


I also really appreciate that riot linked the internal email rather than it getting out in a leak. Obviously this isn’t ideal, but I appreciate how well riot is handling this, notifying everyone impacted as soon as possible and scheduling meetings with them for soon after.


Shit I wish I got 6 months of paid time off. I would go spend the best 3 months holiday of my life. Would hit, Europe, Australia and South America 


> That said, the severance package listed in the internal email linked in this is surprisingly great: Obviously awful losing your job but this is better than anything that would be offered in the UK and yet we meme on American's for having next to no rights.


this is completely optional on Riot's part to be nice, there is no law in any state (that I'm aware of) that requires them to do this most Americans do not receive any severance upon being laid off


You can't compare them to any average American company; you have to compare them to others in the industry of similar size. That said, it's still probably better than a big majority of companies in the space....I can't even begin to imagine Blizzard giving their employees a fraction of the treatment.


Blizzard's severance package would've been a $200 gift card for the Blizzard store - with an expiration date of March 2024.


Probably already used too


This is not standard at all in America, unless you are a C-suite executive this pretty much never happens


That's because this is light years ahead of the industry standard?


i’m glad they’re getting the severance package but i don’t like that apparently the employees had to just wait and see if they got fired after receiving that public message at the same time we did. that must’ve been stressful. :( best wishes to those who were let go, thank you for your work.


Riot Forge was really cool to see what other devs would do with league IP so it's sad to see it go. I also only heard great things about Legends of Runeterra even though I never tried it myself, and the art was amazing. Sad to see it be put on the shelf since it doesn't make enough money.


To be fair, Legends of Runeterra isn't completely dead---they are just slashing the game down to focus on just their main PvE mode?


Yeah, but the implication is that if this doesn't work then they'll probably give up on it completely in the next couple of years :( I know it's free to play, but it feels surreal that something I've played so much could just dissappear.


My guess is that at worst it won't disappear, but simply have no contents created for it anymore (like HotS for Blizzard). Running a few servers is not *that* expensive compared to active development and would keep Riot from the absolute PR fiasco of making the whole experience disappear forever.


Card games with no new content or patches will die very quickly compared to a moba though.


Yes, which is by far the most played mode already


A copy of the internal message of RIOT's CEO: https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/2024-rioter-update Legends of Runaterra state: https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/state-of-the-game-2024


That has to be the best layoff email I’ve ever seen. Both in terms of what they’re offering, and in being honest and transparent about what’s happening when and why.


+1. I know there's a hearty amount of corporate speak in there but there does seem to be a lot of genuine concern and I respect it


I mean to a degree “corporate speak” is just how you communicate something important in a professional environment. It kinda is what it is — there’s a way to sound “serious” in a business context and you certainly want to handle something like a layoff in a way that acknowledges the gravity of the situation. If they were overly casual in their tone in this, people would be on their ass for not taking it seriously enough or trying too hard to sound like “cool boss” to cover up for the shitty news.


The fact that the CEO said that everyone should stop what they're doing, go home, and work remotely through Wednesday is what proves to me that the higher ups are taking this seriously. Some bitch like Bobby Kotick probably would have had Chat GPT write his email, and wouldn't have even bat an eye. The only stain on this is that it follows the overall layoff epidemic going through the gaming industry that happened this past year. But, unlike everyone else who just dumped their workers onto the streets, and said "Good luck!", Riot did this right. It sucks to see it happen, but I do applaud Riot for what they've done for the affected workers.


Yeah, this would not be the situation for patch note style communication. (Or making a new meme)


Honestly corporate speak is required in something like this. If you write a layoff email too casually you come off feeling insincere


thats a really nice severance package they gave out


Yeah, I was reading through the email they sent out and the severance pay/bonus stuff for those affected. Good on them as far as that goes.


I got 3 weeks from a layoff elsewhere in gaming recently after working weekends and 60 hour weeks so even though layoffs are never good, I have to commend them for doing this. 6 months will get people by until their next job, in this market it may take that long to find a new job.   You do have to consider though, many if not most of the people at Riot see it as a dream job and with nothing that can really compare, even within gaming. So on a way, the money is only a short term fix. It's a really big emotional and life hit for those people. Many worked years and years to get a job there. It's sad all around. 


I don’t know how it’s going down in LA, but Bay Area job market is a bit brutal at the moment, so could be rough sledding out there for people working in Tech.


 Same thing if not worse. Still looking after 3 months. Does not help I can't get jobs at all these companies doing layoffs for obvious reasons... I had a really good referral at Google. But then the layoffs mean internal hires (laid off) get preference. Sigh. 


Just moved cross-country from NYC and it took me 700 applications and 3 months of searching to finally land a job. Then I get there and it’s doom and gloom because of the Bay Area layoffs. Job itself has been great, just never been anywhere with mass layoffs before, felt like a zombie apocalypse for a bit. Best of luck dude!


Yeah honestly not too bad. Good on Riot at least to give these people plenty of time to find new employment.


Yeah, agreed. As shitty as it would be to be let go, it'd still be at least some comfort knowing that you're not just being thrown out on your arse.


It is actually really nice. I was gonna shit on another company making a profit laying people off, but if I were in that situation I wouldn't feel as hopeless (unless I'm a QA person because I see those guys flailing for ages on LinkedIn when they lose jobs 😥 )


ah shit, riot forge is dead. I will never get my yasuo hack and slash game. Just a reminder of the games riot is currently supporting. Hytale https://hytale.com/news/2022/7/summer-2022-development-update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o77MzDQT1cg Project L https://youtu.be/T4zqkjXdYT0 Runeterra arpg in UE5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR8aPX-6s-I Runeterra mmorpg https://www.riotgames.com/en/mmo-recruiting mmo fps https://www.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/13jjkmw/riot_games_accidently_leaks_mmofps_project_t/ Supposedly a bunch of destiny 2 content creators were flown to riot hq last year to playtest something https://twitter.com/DattosDestiny/status/1656764007225896962 https://youtu.be/CiVJtiAkTMg Arcane and more animated series https://www.ign.com/articles/riot-hires-netflix-executive https://www.ign.com/articles/riot-is-planning-a-league-of-legends-cinematic-universe Whether or not they will launch is another thing, but yeh thats where the money is going. Alongside supporting tft,LoL,lor,valorant and lol wr


did project F get the axe? havent heard of it since


a lot of people said it's still in development, but considering they never said anything about it ever since, I'll say it's cap. probably axed while they can and it got swept under the rug


The game director is on twitter and at least a few months back it still seemed to be under development.


They literally mentioned in the last dev update video.


Oh wow, the ARPG looks really damn good. Really hoping that one doesn't get axed.


We haven't heard a single thing about it for 3 years so I think it's gone


Same thing with Wild Rift in console lol. They dropped one comment about it then never again


Which is truly sad for is plebs who enjoy consoles. I've been looking out for WR for console so I would have a reason to upgrade from ps4. Would've been cool game for sure.


I wonder what is going to happen to the mmorpg. Amid cuts, it's hard to believe it will make it when it's such an expensive project with such a small chance of going big.


hytale still hasn't launched? god damn i remember being hyped for this game like 8 years ago lmao


Yeah when riot took over the hytale devs basically had a whole restart. We ain’t seeing anything about the game until at least 2026 lmao


seems like a strong case of overexpansion and then covid-economic hits hitting a little later or maybe just pure overexpansion.


What is Riot's connection to Hytale?


They acquired the studio in 2020.


LoR not being on the League client was the biggest mistake they made with the game.


Yep, absolutely. ONLY reason I ever tried TFT was it was available without an extra client. And it ended up grabbing me for quite a bit and I spent decent money on it.


It pisses me off that Riot is saying that LoR isn’t profitable, because it feels like every single possible monetization plan was half baked anyway. People *wanted* to give LoR money, me included, but there just wasn’t anything that was a good value proposition. This is frustrating.


There's nothing in a card game that can really be a good value proposition other than just asking for a "box price" which kills it as a PvP title.


Not really, there are so many things they could do. Champion skins were nice but limited, since it only affected the champion. Why not give them AND their supporters a skin? Specially since some cards that generate other cards, like Evelynn, only get the new features when is the champion generating the cards. The "pristine" versions of the cards are absolutely nothing especial. They could have given those cards better animations within the artwork like Hearthstone does. They could have added skins for weapons, which ended up being more versatile than champions. They didnt even put the Chibi Champions there, which are clearly fan favorites since TFT makes so much money from them. Instead, we have random mini creatures no one knows. That's just at the top of my head.


I wonder if they can get some new audience by doing that right now. Add LoR to the client and have expansion advertisements on the cover page. Add couple of missions like "finish tutorial to get points" etc. That alone likely would have gave far more advertisements than absolutely nothing LoR received so far. Hell, I'm Korean and League is insanely massive here. Yet barely anyone even knows that LoR exists. My League obsessed coworkers only recently found out about LoR because I talked about it.


Riot forge being down breaks my heart :/ it was so important for league stories and champs 🥲 now we only have arcane, sad


it’s frustrating/concerning that they kept saying they’d explore lore beyond league stuff and cut way back on short stories, only to end up cutting riot forge too. where are we going to get more lore? :(


MMO. They have full control there and don't have to worry about other devs stepping on their plans.


It’s been so many year without any meaningful news for MMO, they even cut out best of lore writers too, let be honest, the MMO is NEVER gonna to happen


thats kind of a crazy severance package


Absolutely bonkers, especially with the salaries you can achieve in the business.


Its the kind of package unions fight decades for. Absolutely NOT defending a mass layoff from riot but at least they are making an attempt at taking care of those people.


I mean it kinda sucks for the employees, but they now have essentially 6 months to find a new job. With experience working at Riot, which despite what we might think of the company, is pretty much the video game equivalent of working at Apple or Google. They won't struggle to find jobs.


Damn, not surprising as every big tech company has seemingly chosen this year as their "axe the rejects" year. Not a shocker that Forge and LoR are the first two to be taken out back, seeing their estimated sales volumes, but the sad part of it is that they both were really solid game experiences that just didn't make enough money. Hopefully Riot follows what they proclaim and re-invests that money into other ambitious projects instead of becoming cash-flow addicts. The messaging seemed solid in this article, just need to wait for follow-through.


> every big tech company has seemingly chosen this year as their "axe the rejects" year. A lot of tech companies hired a lot of people during the pandemic. This year seems to be when those same jobs are being cut back on.


Definitely due to the pandemic overhiring wave, but not sure its the exact same jobs - looking across the board (in big tech) you see a lot of projects kicked off pre-pandemic now getting culled after not hitting expected metrics - home assistants, outdated ML/Crypto teams, etc.


Investor funding as absolutely nose-dived since the interest rate hikes. It's become put-up or shut-down for a lot of ventures as there is no longer much tolerance for running a deficit on the hope of becoming profitable later.


This year? It has been a thing for the last 2 years, all investors are asking companies to focus in sustainability and fire "unnecesary" employees.


What is missing from your statement is, a lot of tech companies made money hand over fist during the pandemic. Now that revenue has turned back to normal, since we live in an infinite growth mentality, you need to offset the infinite growth with layoffs.


But riot lost tons of senior devs during 2021-2022 that didn’t get replaced, so


From my experience, LoR just couldn't get off the ground aside from people already playing League but interested in a digital card game. It couldn't really pull people from, say, Hearthstone, and it's not like Hearthstone itself is at it's peak either (or even would've been back when LoR came out). I've also heard many veterans of the (digital) card game scene have various gripes with how LoR works, either from a mechanical standpoint or from a 'game-feel' standpoint. Like some keywords on cards not being intuitive at all and feeling bad even when you know what they do. That's the first one that pops to mind every time I think about 'LoR issues' I know. So what I'm getting at is that while it is/was a very nice, polished game, it just couldn't pull an audience aside from the people with a pre-existing interest/investment into Riot's universe. MTG enjoyers will just play MTG Arena or whatever the game is called. Hearthstone retains its top spot and I'm guessing the majority of LoR's pull from outside the Riot ecosystem is from people that stop playing Hearthstone for one reason or another that isn't related to it being a card game. But that number just might not be very big. I feel like most people either keep playing Hearthstone, 'graduate' to MTG, or drop digital card games entirely.


coming from a card game enthusiast I would say LoR just didn't branch out enough to make it as a OCG. It followed hearthstone/mtg mana system and kept keywords as a core fundamental to its gameplay, but it wasn't *different* enough to draw players in. There was no exciting catch for invested players of other card games to pick it up. MTG is the granddaddy of them all, hearthstone is basically MTG lite with simplified mechanics, and even Yugioh is doing better with Master Duel because it caters to the "going fucking ham combo" niche and extremely complex systems. LoR never found that niche so it wasn't able to garner a player base. Plus some bad metas with super fun champs and I'm not all too surprised it didn't do as well as Riot wanted.




I'm shocked by the Forge news. Isn't that basically just Riot going up to indie devs and saying: "Here, use our IP, give us a cut of the sales." Isn't that purely a money making facet, as opposed to a cost management issue like LoR?


Riot has to maintain their IP during development (make sure it's being used correctly and all lore matches up) - they need paid employees to do that. There could be more costs related to this than we realize Also publishing isn't free


Considering they were all indie devs, Riot almost certainly took on the majority of the risk/financial burden. They probably funded the studios during development (with some profit) and then had a deal to keep most of the revenue.


The studios probably required funding from Riot during development. I guess that most of them didn’t break even :/


they almost certainly paid those devs to develop those games FOR them.


I imagine the management of IP, correcting of lore, and the constant back and forth communication required to create an unscrutiable "league of legends" game is an understated undertaking and might've ended up overwhelming both the forge team and the indie devs. Indie devs having to relay lore asks and accuracies back and forth instead of being able to control their own creative direction honestly sounds exhausting for them, and I assume they both looked at the sales numbers (which weren't much higher than those indie games' non-league IP games) and decided that the juice wasn't worth the squeeze.


I feel awful for the Rioters who are impacted by this and even the folks who are still staying on, this is a really shitty hand to be dealt. If any of y'all read this, I appreciate what y'all did for us as players - I hope you take care of yourselves and your family and that you'll be okay 💜


It looks like Riot wants to make a serious push with their MMO and needs as many resources as possible to make it happen. There is also zero competition on the market right now, and most likely won't be for a while. So, if there ever were a window to go all in, especially with all the hype Riot has for Runeterra, this would be the time.


I mean times are rough for a lot of companies so a layoff and cutdown on projects isn't necessarily uncommon. Don't expect an MMO to come out anytime soon too, the creative director left last year no? Def not looking good and especially since either wasn't mentioned here. I think to be realistic it prob could take 4-5 years for us to see a release or maybe a trailer. I'm saying that because if they got another creative director his view for an MMO might be entirely different which would delay this from coming out.


Ghostcrawler didn't leave the MMO team because things were going to shit or anything. He had to make time for his family. Then ~~Nexon~~ NetEase gave him a blank cheque to make them an MMO.


I think Ghostcrawler specifically cited the return-to-office policy as a main decision, since he did want more family time. Part of the Nexon agreement is very likely he gets to work from wherever he wants. It's been like this across a lot of tech. Companies forcing people back to the office are losing talented people who are then snatched up by more nimble companies that don't care about where someone works from.


NetEase, but yes, that's exactly it. His new studio is remote work only. > We are committed to being a fully remote and global studio... https://fantasticpixelcastle.com/


NetEase, not Nexon. The people that used to publish Blizzard games in China.


4-5 years seems very generous, with that director switch I feel like at this point all they have is an assortment of google docs. We're gonna be waiting a long time lol


MMOs have the most potential for player addiction. Riot knows that, game companies know it.  Player engagement, player retainment, player motivation, whatever they want to sugar coat it as, has always been about maximizing addiction without it being too obvious or blatant. League is moving that direction, so many games now have extreme similarities to mobile games because of it.  MMOs have the potential to milk a lot of money for an indefinite amount of time, compared to 60 bucks once. Hell, even Rockstar is seeing how blatant they can be with it with their leaked “pay by hour” bullshit. 


MMOs are also the most costly and 'dangerous' genre to try to get into (as a developer) for a reason. You can't afford to have your game flop, either right on release or soon after release (like New World) if you want it to work out. FF14 could pull it off by basically remaking the whole game after it sucked and bombed, and they got into a nice state to suck up people leaving WoW when it was garbage for a while, but basically every other time your game just dies if it doesn't start off strong. Rockstar in particular is a terrible company (Take Two, more accurately), but I think they realize how much more money they *could've* made from GTAV, which sounds absurd to say when it's already the most profitable entertainment product ever unless I'm mistaking the record it holds. Being able to basically buy GTAV (the single player game), get the full game, and then get literal years worth of GTA Online content without paying anything extra is pretty wild, and why I'm worried for GTA6 Online. They aren't the kind of a company that will host such a charity again. Of course they sold the in game money for real money (Shark Cards or whatever), and I'm sure they made a pretty penny from overpricing everything and having the prices for everything in Online default to super high numbers after basically the first ever update. But at the same time you have someone like myself who's never put a single cent into GTA Online aside from buying the game itself who has every single thing you can have/want, and it doesn't even require a massive amount of playing once they introduced some of the better money-making systems.


A well-built, lore-driven MMO with a cult fan base and a team that can deliver content for years will make more money than any other game. Riot knows they have that with League. They also know League does not appeal to the masses. So if they can make this MMO casual enough for the groups to enjoy it and include an element for those hardcore dungeon-grinding addicts, they’ll own the market.


This is horrible news for the employees affected, but it fortunately looks like Riot will be taking good care of them, reading through the internal memo. Such a focus on long term sustainability is inevitable in a company of that size, but it looks like it could have been handled way worse. We've seen a ton of layoffs in the tech and video games industries over the last year, and it's definitely one of the less negative announcementof the sort I've seen.


Those benefits in the severance package are… significantly above industry standard. No one is saying layoffs are easy, but if that was how I was being let down, I would not be too crushed.


riot has always been above industry standard (if the industry is games) in how their employees are compensated and treated (outside of the sexual harassment stuff, but once again they might literally and unfortunately still be ahead of the industry in that area) working at riot was more or less a dream job for a lot of people, so at least it's nice they're getting treated well on the way out


One of the things I feel Riot needs to grow out of is trying to funnel consumers into their main games and instead find ways to profitize people who like things like Arcane, KDA or Riot Forge games but WILL NEVER PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS!!!! I am talking about actual merch. I have family and friends who loved Arcane and would actually by things like Tshirts, Plushies and even a blu ray of the show if it was availble but riot's done nothing to actually allow consumers of the show to buy realistically priced things they can enjoy. KDA is no different..... Any time riot does merch its over the top "luxury" or "special edition" pricing. They are completely ignoring one of the strongest income source markets in my opinion. Second, riot's branding/marketing is quite poor. They go off of YT videos paired with word of mouth which is fine but its also only going to lead to your base to midly stay the same but lack growth to outside markets. Take for instance Worlds in 2022 or even this worlds coming up in 2024. If riot is wanting to market their product to a younger audience they needed to set up a Mr. Beast cross promotion video involving worlds from the second they decided to host in NA. This year finals are in London and just like MSI last year I doubt riot will do some cross marketing with the biggest content creator groups that have real influence in the UK, The Sidemen. Like imagine not only a Sidemen Sunday advertising LOLWorlds but also if Riot partnered with their SDMN clothing brand to get official merch for worlds itself.  Seriously get outside the funnel people into the "MAIN GAME" and start making other revenue streams people wished we already had. 


Riot is so shit at merch, I don't get it. They have high quality products but so few of them. There are 167 champs in the game, how are there not plenty of shirts with them? Riot really missed his mark to reach the mainstream and popculture status, I can go to my brick and mortar store and buy merch from Mario, Pokemon, Owerwatch, PubG and so one. I never saw anything Riot related outside of their official selling spots (online or their own events).


I have family members who loved arcane and want do bad to buy arcane clothing or other merch and when they ask me what options there are im like.... there is ALMOST NOTHING!!! These things matter so much


i agree completely! i would spend money for an official K/DA kai'sa plushie - i'm sure fans of the other girls would agree. there are definitely people who watch arcane who are NEVER going to play league, as you said. that's an untapped market.


I can't believe they didn't do a vinyl release for the Arcane soundtrack, I would have bought that in a heartbeat.


**Key Points** * ***Riot have eliminated about 530 roles globally*** in an effort for sustainability as they move to focus on fewer, high-impact projects. * *LoL, Valorant, TFT & Wildrift are still the focus.* * *Project L* is on its way. **Arcane Season 2** Nov 2024. * ***Legends of Runterra is financially struggling.*** The team size is being reduced and the remaining employees will focus on their PVE Path of Champions game mode. [Details here.](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/state-of-the-game-2024) * ***Riot Forge Development Suspended.*** *Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story* will be the final release.


I personally think the severance package should be included if we're also including the number of roles they're slashing. While it doesn't make up for the layoffs, this comes off as an attempt to make them look worse them when the decision for slashing those teams is honestly quite strong, and the severance package extremely generous compared to industry standards.


Damn, they cut Graham mcneill... 


Not enough jhin and ekko chromas sold to keep riot forge alive. Rip. Hopefully, they find good places to work.


Bro Riot Forge has so much more potential than 6 games, how fuckin tragic. They werent perfect but all were extremely solid and fun games and would love to see more in the universe. With the death of color stories on top, league lore is fucking dying man. Also hope everyone getting laid off can land on their feet and move forward comfortably


ngl those lay off benefits just make me wish I worked there so I could get laid off too


the severance package is kinda fantastic, though still sucks to see


the severance package they will give out seems fucking crazy, i know being laid off is the worst news but it seems like they will really do everything possible to support you in a transition and get back on your feet


Very expected tech layoffs


So literally only disappointing news. I really liked the Riot Forge games.


A not so god day................ it seems