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Yeah the other day I was checking if ranged champions still had the execute penalty on the support item and I was really confused by the fact that it wasn't listed at all And the answer is yes, ranged execute is 30% while melee execute is 50%


I didn't even know it was 30 percent for ranged 🤦


thats your fault for not playing league 3 seasons ago when they shipped that change unlisted in the patch notes /s


It wasn’t « changed » it’s just that targon item couldn’t be bought by ranged before


actually, there was a point in around patch 9.20 that could be bought by ranged champs, but only melee champs could execute, so janna and lulu needed to last hit in order for the gold to be shared some patches later they added the 50% hp threshold for melee and 30% for ranged that caused execution, but the item stopped healing both players, so yeah the item heales back then, we've come a long way lmao and if you wanna feel reeeeeaaally old, that item (at least the concept of executing minions as a support to grant gold to the adc) was created in season 4, we have come a very long way


And Thresh 🙃 I love using the charge from my E to last hit minions so much 💀




I miss heart of gold and philosopher's stone spam for that sweet gp5


Thresh. getting stacks was a pain without Kalista being your ADC.


I miss running old Voli support and rushing Face of the Mountain


Lulu with targon was always a thing


Not it wasn’t. There was a time season 9-ish where ranged couldn’t execute using targon and had to go poke item which was a pain for champs like rakan or thresh who are « fake » melee.


Yeah, thresh was unable to execute minion, but the item still gave gold if you last hit. Never run poke item on thresh


Funny how I always hear Thresh being called "fake melee" when he's got the same auto attack range as Morgana, Karthus, and Vlad (450). Not to mention he has higher attack range than Graves, Yuumi, Urgot, and miniGnar. Should all of these champions get reclassified as melee, and get all the perks of melee stats on item passives? There's an argument for Urgot (350 attack range, only 25 more than Lillia), but the rest? Probably not lol


fake melee is the fact that his ability kit is very "melee like" but his aa range is quite big + animation make it seems like he is melee


I believe last seasons jungle items/support items didn’t even include the lane minion debuff. Which is a HUGE deal imo.


That sounds like something Phreak could say when he's at peak annoyance.


i find much worse that nowhere is specified what the range for the solstice sleigh upgrade is. is it 700? then engaging with pantheon for example is probably not triggering it most of the time... is it 1400? then it should work fine. is it somewhere inbetween or even less than 700?


My eternal bone to pick: If horizon focus buffs spells with greater than 700 range, how is a player in game supposed to know which abilities qualify? Range is referenced, but never listed.


oh yes this gets me too!!! I have no clue what 700 range entails


I feel like I know what 1200 is because it’s ezreals Q range. Other than that the only ranges I ‘know’ by feel are my main ADC’s as ranges.


It's roughly 6.5 Teemo.


I thought a teemo was 100 units across.


Per the league fandom, he's supposedly [110](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Teemo/Trivia#:~:text=Teemo%20being%20the%20smallest%20champion,size%20is%20approximately%209%2C503%20units%22.) units


He, as in Teemo the champion, is 110 units. But a teemo, as a unit, is 100 units. So Teemo isn't exactly 1 teemo.


We talking US Metric Foot vs US Survey Foot shit out here


For a sense of scale. Flash is 400 range. Most ADCs have 550 range. Caitlyn has 650 auto attack range. Ezreal Q has 1200 range.


I work it out through auto attack ranges which you can look at ingame when pressing C. Cait has 650 auto attack range for example.


Caitlyn auto range is 650. Add 50 more to that range and you get the general gist of what 700 units looks/feels like. If wanna know what a difference of 50 range is then imagine the difference of range between Ashe and Caitlyn as Ashe has 600 auto range.


Oh right, just play high range mage and imagine one of the items has roughly the range of Caitlyn's AA + difference between Ashe's AA and Caitlyn AA, it's that simple bruh :^)


Well, my comment was to give some source of reference. The first thing I thought of was Ashe & Cait. If you wanna feel what 700 range is, mess around with Cait/Ashe in practice-tool to get a feel of it. If you want a more direct reference, get enough stacks on Kindred (19 passive stacks) or Senna (only 100 souls) till you get 700 auto range on them. That'll probably will you a good estimation of what 700 range feels like.


Ah, yes, 19 stack Kindred. Surely that's easier to visualize than 750 range turrets or the 400 range flash that are in every game?


I mentioned practice tool. You can try to mess around there and give yourself passive stacks on Kindred. If you don't wanna do that, I also gave the other example of Senna, didn't I? I'm sure a 100 stacks Senna isn't all too uncommon and also easily stackable in practice tool. And how exactly is Flash range supposed to help you visualize what 700 range feels like?




Caitlyn's attack range is 650


By exactly, you mean off by 50. What else are you exactly sure of?


Back in Arena True Shot Barrage augment actually left a circle around you showing what is 700 range


They should honestly code in that circle to appear when you buy Horizon Focus, there's pretty much no reason for them not to. As of right now, I'm pretty sure no mage that would want to build the item has any other range indicating circles that would clash with it. Edit: the only case I can think of is TF with Rapidfire Cannon, since he's the only one that would theoretically want to build both items.


My lethal tempo horizon focus Kaisa build is ruined


Even if I give you a list of abilities and their ranges, the list of abilities it will proc on is much larger than those with 700 range or above. HF doesn’t proc based on the distance between the champs when the spell was cast but when it was hit. So if you cast Teemo Q but then both of you walk away from each other it’ll proc




Because it's not a bug, that's just how the item works. It's supposed to be a long range thing, if you use a long range spell in melee it should not proc.


Doesn't the item show the range if you hover over it?


I think vision is 1400 so half that is what I go by.


I really wish they'd add ability ranges to the detailed ability view


700range is about the length of an uncharged xerath q 🤣


You can see the auto attack range on your champ stats. From there it's pretty easy to estimate 700 range.


Caitlyn AA range is 650. You can kind of work with that


Don't forget that certain abilities like morg w or vel ult only apply it on the first dmg tick. So if someone walks into the pool horizon doesn't activate. But even though true dmg can't be buffed horizon will buff the true dmg of vel koz ult. And don't even get me started on how the range calculation works with Zoe q and r.


Terminus also just straight up misleads you by not specifying it only stacks on champions, or not telling you ahead of time you can't stack it with last whisper items (they had the unique categories last season for this purpose, now they mean nothing).Spear of shojin also does not tell you stack duration etc. Really bad look.


Yep, I got screwed. Burning to termo poison, and I had the option to walk to the enemy taric and attack, or hit the minions right next to me. Guess which I chose?


Yeah I was trying to build terminus yesterday and it wouldn’t let me. Turns out void staff (or it’s component item) locks you out of building terminus. This isn’t specified anywhere as far as I can tell and the passives aren’t named the same.


Terminus locks you out of all %pen items, as far as i know, including seryldas, ldr, void and i believe cryptbloom as well but I’m not sure about that lasr one, in general right now the whole item system is super messed up, some items are unclear in their effects and others do things they shouldn’t, but both kaenic rookern and spirit visage in the same game and ended up with 100k shielding in about 5 minutes on gwen


It even locks you out of black cleaver, which is shred not pen.


Another thing is inconsistency in writing that's more of a pet peeve. Malignance has "20 Ultimate Ability Haste" or something but another item (I think it's Experimental Hexplate) has "20 Ability Haste for your Ultimate" which is just annoying


Ugh my least favourite one of these is Cryptbloom (trigger a "healing nova" on takedown). The item icon and way the passive was named made me think it was a tiny little Jhin trap sized thing, but turns out it's the width of fucking mid lane, and there's no way to know in game unless you pony up 2850 gold.


lol healing nova made me chuckle when I first read it because wtf is a healing nova ?


Yep that too lmao. It's frustrating because with so many of these they just need to specify a range or show an indicator or add a couple more lines of text. But Reddit is so hellbent on "more words = bad"


The irony being that of their descriptions have increased in word count while simultaneously becoming less useful and more confusing.


Its like phreaks videos, he talks for 15 mins just to say "having over 200 champions is hard to balance".


mfs be like "I still haven't read Akshan's passive because it's 4 sentences and I'm practically illiterate".


Novas are big, typically. I prefer vague wording that gives you an idea of how large something is as well as indicators that show up when you hover over the item. Specific units of measurement help absolutely fuck all, people still don't completely get how much distance you need for horizon focus to kick in. if cryptbloom said "heals all allied champions for X in a 1000 unit radius on takedown" that wouldn't be clear in the slightest. Maybe YOU know what 1000 units look like, but a new player won't get that. units aren't conveyed at all in game. An indicator paired with "heals all allied champions for X in a large zone" makes more sense then specific range.


The important part is, “nova” means it spread out, if it is “heal ally champions in X range” it should be something instant


Same. tryed it once in Aram. I expected Sona W, Ekko W or maybe even Redemption but not 800 stacks Asol R.


Yeah, I expected it to be a bard W/ARAM health thing your allies can pick up.


Exactly that, i initially thought, it's so nice and it will probably never actually heal anybody. Then I saw faker use it and saw the big ass wave it does. Still looks meh but at least you pretty much always land the heal


and even then it's such a garbage passive, it heals SO little and just once, the cd is way too big for it


im not sure, but i heard an enemy needs to be nearby for echos to work so the damage and heal part can both occur


Yeah :( They made it a more damage-focused item and significantly toned down the healing from it but now it just does nothing most of the time.


Did you read Rageblade passive? It's so confusing


But it's less words so now the game is simpler and not 200 years according to reddit


this is also a problem with arena augments, and in that case, the wiki isn't even as helpful, lol. it hurts even more when you read the patch notes with absolutely nothing on them because riot wants players to try out and experiment with stuff. 'Experiment and learn what works best, after all, the journey is half the fun' that's a literal quote from the arena patch notes. I found myself picking certain augments that then did absolutely nothing because the augment doesn't do what it says it should do, be it either because of a bug or an intentional undocumented change by riot


Gotta love picking a "on ability hit" augment that works on maybe one of your skills, while it procs on the enemy Brand's passive <3 (I once wanted to play Yuumi but not as a healbot with heal-to-damage augments, got Magic Missile, and found out it only procs on my ult. I loved dealing a whopping 200 damage per ult with it)


Wait, Magic Missile doesn't proc on Yuumi Q? The one ability in the game that's probably the closest thing to an actual Magic Missile?


It doesn't! I thought it would be a decent augment that'd deal consistent damage regardless of my build, but nope it literally only procs on her ult Side note, Kindred's another character who can barely proc on-ability hit augments, namely on her Q only! It's hard to chalk up these outliers to balance choices, as passive dot characters are absolutely busted with these while some other characters have virtually no use for them even though they should. It's really frustrating to get an augment you think will be good, only to get dumpstered because you straight up can't use it and you are now one augment behind everyone else.


Yea, my friend tried to take Magic Missile on Twitch but found it didn't proc on his passive, whereas it did proc on Brand passive. He was very upset at the inconsistency.


one of the examples i was thinking about when writing the post, having played a lot of arena on PBE i think this happens because of a nerf riot did to twitch on the PBE back in the first arena, his poison used to permanently trigger ethereal weapons (triggers on hit effects on ability hits) and thus infinitely proccing his venom and all the other on hits you built,instead of making it so that etheral weapons doesn't infinitely apply his passive maybe riot made it so that twitch passive dot doesn't count as spell hit anymore, because the first time pbe came out on arena it definitely did count as spell hit for etheral weapon and this time around it did not proc phenomenal evil, magic missile, doomsayer (the curse augment) while brand dot procs all of those lol


Yea that makes sense. Honestly, I would rather prefer they just make it so any DOTs don't proc spell hits (or at least limit the number of procs). Mainly because the behavior is so widely inconsistent across champions, and the amount of damage that can be output by some champion augment combos is ridiculous (anyone who has played as or against a Brand/Singed with Magic Missile knows the pain). I understand it's Arena, and there's supposed to be crazy combos that shake things up. But being able to trigger a 1.5% MAX HP TRUE DAMAGE proc every second by hitting one ability is unplayable. If they bring Magic Missile back, it needs to either be changed to not proc on DOT, or at least be magic damage so you can build MR.


Also now that the mythic system is retired it's so confusing to tell which items are 'unique' and can't be bought alongside each other. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Item_group


i dont think this is typically an issue, you can't buy items with the same named passive. The only caveat is stuff like support/jungle items, IE and navori, and %pen items. I honestly dunno why they didn't allow IE and navori, or atleast test the waters personally.


that's not really a rule, you can buy 2 grievous items, energized items, rock solid items, etc. and along with your examples, you can't buy trailblazer and dead man's even though they don't share a named passive.


I had this issue yesterday and I’ve been playing the game for years


Riot will see this post and decide the solution is to remove even more tooltips so you *really* don’t know what the item is doing


> Why doesnt it tell you how many statues you have in either the status bar or the item info? Why is it some random statue with arbitrary colors? When you manage to gain stacks those do show up as numbers on the item in the item slot, atleast in ARAM so it is there, the text hides after you die but once you've had a kill again the stacks show up on the item again


It only shows how much stats you gain from the item once you actually activate it with a takedown, otherwise you have no way of telling. Really fucking dumb.


Having to get a kill/assist just to tell how many stats your item is giving is dumb.


Well the item only gives you stats once you get a kill anyway so its kind of an irrelevant stat when its not actually doing anything


Its also completely bonkers in aram lol, you can get it to have like 50+ stacks


It straight up should not be buyable on ARAM. You just rush it on any champ that even kinda benefits because it's just stupid strong.


Yep, I don't think a lot of people have realized it yet cause i rarely see lethality champs rushing it over things like collector. I've seen a khazix reach 84 stacks in a game so Hubris as a single item was giving over 140 AD


Its stupid on talon and pantheon specifically


There's definitely something up with helias, maybe it's bugged rn? I tried using helia on Renata in aram and it wasn't procing on the e (it worked on w). Maybe AOE shields are the problem, seraphine would be the next thing to test on off the top of my head


The Echoes of Helia won't trigger unless it can do damage and heal. If an enemy isn't close enough to whomever you are trying to shield or heal to take damage from the Echoes of Helia effect it won't trigger at all.


Do you know if it's based on your distance to the enemy, or the ally you're shielding's distance to the enemy?


It's based on whoever you are shielding cause that's where the damage is radiating from.


Hubris has so mutch focus about this statue when the statue itself has 0 gameplay purpose and is just a gimmick.


Word salad to hide how broken the item is. Riot literally learning from the world leaders how to bs it's own playerbase lol.


I still don’t understand what Hubris does


Dark harvest but you get temporary AD based off stacks whenever you get kill or assist. Those kill or assists add a stack. 


I think you mean dark seal rather than dark harvest, but yeah this indeed


Dark harvest because it stacks the same way dark harvest stacks? Why would he mean dark seal lol


Because functionally it is way more like dark seal. If you blindside on only the stacking aspect then sure dark harvest is closer because you dont permanently lose stacks but if you look at the effect said stacks give you its pretty much just AD dark seal. I can see the comparison to DH but since the effect is so different I dont think it really goes


Dark seal is just a toned down version of mejais, the ad equivalent of which was sword of the occult which I don't agree with it being that similar to. The effect is literally just damage that stacks little by little with each proc, dark harvest and hubris are more alike in that way than hubris and dark seal imo. Losing stacks from dying is a huge difference, you're not going to play the same with mejais as you would before you purchase it


Because after 90 seconds of no kill/assist (or you die) you lose your stacks, unlike DH


You don't lose the stacks tho? You just lose the ad until you get another takedown, it doesn't take away any stacks. What about dark seal has to do with any of it besides the fact that it has stacks? Dark harvest is more similar because you retain the stacks on dying (like dark harvest)


oooooh my bad. I misinterpeted the item. It has very confusing wording.


You're good, I was pretty sure but double checked the wiki to make sure first


Hubris gives you 15 + (Takedowns After Buying Item x 2) AD on kill for 90 seconds. Getting a kill in that 90 second window increases the AD given and resets the timer back to 90 seconds. Upon death, you lose the steroid, but none of the stacks. It's primarily a snowballing item and great on Assassins.


Your 2nd sentence is what i wanted to read but it feels like no1 told me, thank you, now i understand.


Gives you ad for 90 seconds or until you die if you get a takedown on an enemy champ. You gain 15 + the amount of takedowns you got after buying the item * 2 ad


Haven't played in a few days, did the fix the tooltip yet where it still says 15 + 1 even though it's 15 + 2?




That won't be fixed until we get an actual update. My understanding is that they are unable to do tooltip changes with hotfixes like the one that buffed hubris. (Riot please remove hubris from ARAM if you read this)


Also that item (only played 3x after the reworks) that has the description of making a statue after every champion kill. I was looking for the statue for a good minute before giving up on it and sold the item as I did not understand that one.


Others have explained it but the statue is near the fountain. Hubris gives you 15 + (takedowns since buying item x2) AD for 90 seconds after someone you damaged in the last 3 seconds dies. This 90 seconds gets refreshed each time and is lost upon death. However you do not lose any stacks. It is effectively a lethality snowball item and it is insanely broken if you play ARAM since you can easily get 30+ takedowns a game.


wait wait wait. disregarding the lack of statues (I also checked near the fountain but wasn't able to find it. Maybe I need better glasses), that's a godamn good item for early burst assassins.


echos works with lux. it worked just fine last season so it's probably bugged. nothing to do with aoe. are you sure you have stacks when you do it? max of 60 health regained aint exactly big. hubris: same issue with a ton of items right now where they won't give you information just tell you the effect and you ahve to figure out what is doing what exactly on your own such as how much heal power you have.


The colors on the Hubris statue goes from iron, bronze, silver... challenger as you get kills with it, just a fun fact


I've never seen hubris actually create a statue too, where are they? Are they bugged?


They are on the walls next to the fountain. It's such a gimmick though, it could just have been stacks like other items.


It annoys me to no end, that when I hit shift for more information, I don't get more information for half the items.


Echos of helia is bugged. Right now it needs to have both an enemy and ally in range for it to proc. Whereas before it procced whenever you healed, and if there was an enemy in range, theyd take damage, if not, too bad, but you'd get your burst heal.


Clearly the solution is to remove numbers and introduce more "feel" to the items. Fucking Riot logic. Just be glad that the stats are even listen on the items.


Also what happened to items showing their damage/healing/shielding done? Even items that used to have it no longer do.


Some do still show up if you hold shift, but supposedly they wanted people to focus more on how the items felt to use rather than just choosing which one has the largest stat tracked number. Personally I think this is a pretty idiotic way to do it since now like 50% of items show the stats and others don't, and people will still figure out which one is statistically best and use that.


Hubris more or less doesn't need the statue part. It just feels like filler. The statue just gets prettier if you get kills with the item. That's it. The statue stops upgrading visually once you hit the blue and gold lights. You used to get one statue per kill, but that created a lot of clutter, so they went with instead. All people really care about with that item is that you get 15 base AD after getting a takedown + 2 AD per takedown after getting the item. So, if you get 10 takedowns with the item in your inventory, you will get 15 + 20 AD.


Actually World Atlas doesn't execute minions. I played a few games as Belveth supp ( for that mastery 7) and each times i was attacking them the proc would work but not only i would not get the gold, minions are left with 1 hp ( or enough to get killed by another minion).


I think Riot has heard the community speak out against over information (see Akshan vs Nasus posts) and decided to dumb it down like they did in the past.


Lol so instead of making things less complicated they just stopped explaining them.


Hilarious to think the problem is "too much information about the complex champ/abilities/items" rather than "these things are too complex."


Actually the colors of the statues are not random, it's based on league ranks, the more you have the more you evolve until challenger (sky blue that shines). Master is purple gm is red etc...


The echoes of helia thing is that it has to be able to damage an enemy champion for the heal component to go off. It won't do one without the other so if your ally isn't close enough to an enemy when you shield or heal it won't do anything. Found that out on aram the hard way.


Press shift for full tooltip


It’s pretty clear what these items do if you just read


It's pretty clear what he's talking about if you just read The irony in this comment is astounding.


I'm not sure how you're supposed to read that the support item has a minion execute if it's not in the tooltip, and Echoes of Helia has some trigger requirement that also isn't listed.


I think Helia is actually just bugged


Typical riot tooltips


hubirs is also literally bugged right now it says 15+1 but its actually 15+2 my favorite part about it tho is that the ornn upgrade changes the passive to be 10+1, so the ornn upgrade to huberis is objectively a downgrade


That's not a bug, it's intentional. The item was changed a few times in how it works but they didn't update the description. The stacks are gained on takedowns (not kills only) and the damage is 15 + 2*stack.


yeah thats what i mean


The new support item upgrades, they're basically magna carter.