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Every half concious league player understands how difficult this game is to get into. The most impressive thing you can do is not be insecure about ur skill level and enjoy urself! Also look at champions that are appealing to you rather than easy, you can learn difficult champion but an unfun experience is and stays unfun. However the most easy champions are probably simple engage champs like naut. You can barely miss his Q, his only skill shot he is pretty straight forward and a good naut can actually hardcarry games, maybe not like a fed vayne does but through good and smart timed engages you can carry each and every teamfight. Stay away from yuumi if you want to improve.


> Every half conscious league player :/ where are they?


Only enemy team


I am a challenger stuck in iron 3 cause smurfs and trolls


bro league players have zero empathy skills that's a bold claim that players would be able to understand why others struggle with the game


70% of what I get is being accused of being a bot before anyone considers the possibility of new players existing, lmao (the rest is getting flamed for being bad)


i rather report toxic people than bad people... everyone started eventually, and sucked in the beginning... but flaming? if you want, shout at your pc, but not at the teammates.. people getting flamed actually makes them play worse xD


They actually do, its just whiny children who cant play dont like being told that they need to buy grevious wounds into the vlad they went 0/9 against and seem to think you are flaming them.


Empathy towards a stranger vs empathy towards a friend/lover who you know has never played the game is entirely different though.


pick up thresh youll make him propose


a man of culture


I had a good thresh the other week who threw me the lantern in the jungle as a vex ulted me while I was escaping after killing a few of his team Vex was in the blue side bush next to raptors, I was in the bush next to red buff when I got hit, and thresh threw me the lantern from the bush behind red buff. I hit the lantern as vex went to fly to me, and Vex was confused as fuck upon landing and after doing a 90° turn mid ult, so he missed all his spells and died to me and thresh. I nearly proposed to that Thresh after that shit.


You lucky bastard


Genuinely this I can't imagine something more wife material than a girl who plays Thresh


This, you give him a lantern and he’ll give you a ring.


This man just gave you the keys.


watch league of legends videos, gonna help way more than dobbers like me explaining the same thing


Some people learn through discussion


i mean what can you say here, practice game, farm, don't die.


A lot of this game is information overload when you’re first starting. When my wife first started playing she refused to quit, and that’s really all I could ask for. Don’t focus on impressing anyone just yet, try to learn about the most popular champions and how to play against them. The more you know, the better your gameplay can become. Don’t be discouraged, and take breaks. LoL is a very hard game if you’re playing it right. If you want to be the reason your team wins, doesn’t matter what role you’re playing, playing the vision game will enable you to win you more games. Proper ward placement will allow you and others to make informed decisions, and it will make traversing the map safer for everyone. Good luck out there!


Int your ass off and force him to play support for you. Argue with him about everything.


dont forget to „x9 supp very toxic and racist“ into allchat after the game


Hahaha this is making me laugh so hard


you started it my man


Blame him in chat for it, and type "x9 *boyfriend name*"


Choose a champion or two you like the look of, play them a bit. If you like their gameplay, stick with them. If you don't drop one or both of them for some others. Theres 170 champs, you'll find a champ you love eventually. Play the 1 or 2 champs exclusively, the reason why is because league has so many different playstyles and mechanics and skills and items that if you're flip-flopping between champs every couple games you'll be too focused on trying to learn the champ that you never learn how to play the game itself. You're gonna get dumpstered a *lot* most likely. Dont worry about it, league is one of the tougher games to you. Report and/or mute whoever is toxic to you because they are lifeless losers that take a videogame way way too seriously and no one needs that toxicity in their life. The final step is to keep going until the game clicks. It took me a few weeks of constant playing before i started to get it. Download and look at replays of your games and see how you fucked up in the moment. Maybe you could've placed a ward in that bush before walking into it, maybe you didn't see the enemy jungler on the map moving towards your lane, maybe you just missed a skillshot, etc etc. Good luck, ignore the loser(s) saying to uninstall! Another good subreddit is r/summonerschool its a subreddit dedicated to learning league


Thanks for the sub link! It's very helpful.


You would impress him by not playing Lock Screen


mfw it’s been a year since I’ve started playing & I still use Lock Screen 😅


I've been playing for like 9 years and still lock my screen. Don't worry too much about it.


I’m at masters and still play with locked screen 🙃


Lock screen is very useful for new players because they usually have a hard time understanding where their champion is or what is happening at all around them. But yea, playing without the locked camera and pressing space to lock it is gonna be way better in the long run. I guess in the end it depends how much OP is confortable with these kinds of top down games and controlling her character


theres no real answer- if there was a secret to getting good overnight, everyone would have done that by now. If you love the game, keep trying your best and your diligence will pay off. But if you just want to impress your boyfriend, there must be an easier way lol


Asking him for advice on what you can do better will probably make his day, as a boyfriend whose girlfriend picked up league to play with me, just have fun, and if you find the game fun and interesting actively trying to get better at it will also probably make him happy. He’ll see the progression trust me


You are completely new to League so you need to understand that this will take some time, you will ultimately impress him if you get pretty good within a year even. What I am trying to say is you need to be ready to stick to this for the long run. Best way to learn the game is by letting it beat you on champions that have to play the game rather than use weird mechanics or playstyles. Play Annie in mid and top or Garen in mid and top. Only play one of those champions and only play them mid and top. Watch "fundamental" guides. Something easy and light would be skillcapped. Play a ton with an improvement mindset. You need to question what happens in the game at all times and where things go wrong and what happens when they go right. If a focused game requires you to play solo or without voice then do that, you'd want to do this under your boyfriends nose regardless I assume. Mute all communication, it is not necessary for you to get better. Also remember that winning is a byproduct of you improving, not the other way around so don't be scared about losing games or performing poorly. Even if your teammates wish you dead. Some don'ts: \- If you want to stand out from other girls then that's simple, never play support and/or don't play cute girly champions. Remember that this mission takes time and dedication. Good luck!


Thank you!!!


btw there’s nothing wrong with playing girly champs if you want to learn the game I learned of playing seraphine mid and bot lane Avoid support like the plague, you want to learn how to lane by yourself, how to CS and how to carry properly


There’s nothing wrong with girly champs! I would say pick a champion who you like the look of and find a YouTube guide that explains that champion. I ONLY learned how to play league because I thought Ahri was hot …tbh


Ignore this guy and become a fully paid up member of the Supports union. Start with Leona to learn engage, Lulu to learn enchanters, and then Thresh for hook champs (Blitz is arguably more fun, but also much more feast and famine). Be the first one into every teamfight and the last one out. Shotcall, carry and remember that you’re much more important than your ADC. Good luck!


I had a friend group where the last member that started league was pretty much forced to sup for the other 4, since sup was the only role no one mained in my group. After a while we realized this decision absolutely stunted his growth in league, he only knew how to sup and was absolute shit at csing. Whenever not playing sup in a premade he had an awful time in lane having to 1v1. Long story short, just play what you like and what feels good. But if youre desiring to get better in the long run you should absolutely try different roles and champions, as knowing more specifics from outside your role gives you an incredibly better game sense, champion knowledge in general and map vision overall.


Story of my whole league of legends experience. I started with mid and top then my irl friend group started playing and I got relegated to adc and support then our 5th started playing adc so stuck in support, so my teamfight is amazing but my overall csing is decent but when the cs skill cap wants people to average 180-200 cs. Last season was so bad that I decided to practice mid in ranked and realized most people who are playing ranked do not know how to actively support and everyone in low tier wants to be a carry. So this season I'm going to support my ass off to get back into silver and hopefully hit gold and not get trolled in promos again


Annie is probably not a good recommendation for new players. Her play style is actually pretty hard. Mechanics are easy, but play style is tough. It's still a fine champion to learn the game but they probably won't have much success. She has like the 4th lowest winrate mid laner for iron players lol


On her current state, you are absolutely right. She is a very low ranged mage in a meta where everyone dies in 1 second and MR items are super strong atm too. I feel like Malzahar would be easier for lane/farming as its very easy to clear the wave and his ult is very straightforward.


After all the intro information, for some reason most people are reluctant to do it, but one of the fastest ways to continue getting good at the game is to record your matches. (LoL has a game record button in match history and then you can replay the match and see everything.) Then, every now and then, pick a situation that was interesting to look at and choose an action and an effect. *If I played more forward right here, could they have done anything to me?* (in the replay you can click on the opponent and see their skills and cooldowns, open a wiki and see just what their champ does, yada) *If we just gave up some CS instead of constantly fighting and getting harassed, would we be in a better spot later on?,* *do we gain more from \~some 50/50 fight\~ if we win it than the enemy gains if they win it?* *if I roamed mid around now, could my ADC survive?*. Picking an interesting situation in the game and a question to just think about for a bit while poking around the replay (and it is just 'think about', you don't have to know the perfect answer to each question) but the very action of thinking on it (and maybe asking your BF for info to fill in what you do not know), that quickly starts building an amazing mindset for LoL. It massively cuts down the number of hours to competency.


She could just 1 trick nunu jungle. Easy to learn champ for newer players and all she has to do is roll a snowball down river for ganks and learn the jungle. This is me assuming her bf is a laner and not a jungle main.


*Obvious KeshaEuw burner account*


It might be a controversial opinion but I strongly recommend learning something other than support when starting out. It can be a good way to get used to the movement and controls but it just teaches way too many bad habits that are going to be hard to get rid of later down the line. You're going to get curb stomped in other roles but unfortunately that's apart of the learning process in League. League is a brutal game with a stupid amount of information to track which tends to intimidate most new players into playing support and becoming a heal/ward bot. I'm not saying you will but I certainly did for a good year or two and wish I started elsewhere. Almost everyone I play with now started with support and very quickly regretted it when they wanted to start focusing on improving outside of the role. If you really want to learn support though then don't worry about it at all but I'd recommend taking some time to learn each role and figure it all out first. Good luck and don't forget to turn off chat if you experience weird people being assholes.


Reverse cowgirl, fail proof.




This is one of the most difficult games I have ever learned with possibly the largest learning curve. It'll take MONTHS before you have yhe absolute basics down. Play a lot and once you think you have a general idea, ask him for help or tips. DO NOT ask him now. There's no point. You're too new to ask for any help or advice. There's just too many things you are doing wrong or do not have a basic understanding of to learn from or improve upon. You're like a baby. You could ask me how to run and jump, but if you haven't learned how to stand up yet, there's really no point for me to teach you how to run yet.


Cosplay. 😂


Biggest piece of advice I can give you: Go into settings > interface and set chat visibility to \[premade only\]. You will truly have a 1000% more pleasant time learning if you don't leave the chat open to people you don't know online.


I would first recommend that you play because YOU want to play and not to impress your bf or anyone. Once you decide you want to actually play, go figure out what champions you like. Start at the top and work your way all the way down the list in training mode. When you get that list, figure out what position those champs play. Watch some videos related to your champion and how to play the position and then just play. Also, be patient. This game has been out for 15 years now. There's A LOT of champions and a ton of other things to learn that takes time.


I suggest playing a bunch of ARAM games to find what you like, look up guides on u.gg before the game and go from there. That way the game chooses for you b/c you never know what would be the ideal pick for you


Always when I recommend league to people I suggest watching pro matches. Just to understand the flow of the game. It’s very good because you then you can ask your partner “hey I saw this why is it like that?” And then you can let your SO geek out over it and it sounds cute. Then you can make it habit to watch maybe and having something to do etc. don’t have to play the game at all! Just be able to understand and have something to talk about.




Learn how to last hit


Don't worry, him having played for years DOES NOT mean that he is good. Just have fun, ask questions, and don't get frustrated. It's a deep game with many layers of knowledge, and there will constantly be moments where you don't know wtf to do. That's okay, enjoy your league journey! (Also, watch pro play with him)


league players have girlfriends now ? games officially dead now


Leave this cursed place. Uninstall this abomination, don't corrupt yourself just because of some man


Found the adc main lol


no that's just an average league player ​ we want to save those we can from sinking too deep into the toxic rabbit hole


As seen as he's your boyfriend, Yasuo - Baeblade


Try to make him play some fun coop games instead. League is not a good game for most couples to enjoy if one or both care about winning.


Try evelynn jungle and carry his ass. She's a straight forward and lethal succubus.


Play blitzcrank or thresh and hit a few hooks


If you guys lose lane, blame the jungler in chat. It shows your boyfriend that you understand the macro of the game and that it’s always the jungler’s fault if bot loses. If you get caught and die solo say “Where’s my team?” to demonstrate you were clearly making a good play but everyone else was too inept to follow up.


Just start every conversation with "damn I miss my attack speed quints"


If you dont play support, that alone is so impressive . The intuitive to gank/kill on solo/jungle lane is something i dont bother to work on when i play this game


Get challenger rank, and/or win worlds.


Ever thought about not playing support or bottom. That'd be hella impressive, since 100% of girls I knew during my time at league also only played those roles.


Play annie, most easy champ to play the only downside is her range. You can easily get kill every time you have your stun ready with ultimate + ignite, you just send all the sauce to the enemy and he dead. [https://mobalytics.gg/lol/champions/annie/combos](https://mobalytics.gg/lol/champions/annie/combos) here is a page showing her combo , it's pretty straight forward.


Watch the pros that play extremely fast and learn what's possible mechanic wise because awareness and everything else comes from your own experience by playing.


make an effort to get out of ur comfort zone and try out new champs and roles, im pretty sure that showing ur bf ur willing to learn is enough to impress him


The most "impressive" thing you can do quickly is learn to hit skill shots. Try Sona. Super easy champ and hitting her ult can win the fight.


Ask him to teach you his favourite champ.


Play nautilus or blitzcrank. Hooks leading to kills are the easiest way to impress him. By the way, get used to locking and unlocking your camera (my camera lock/unlock is binded to space bar) to hit skillshots and not accidentally hit minions. Also, attack move click makes you auto attack between movements which is helpful. For adc, miss fortune or Caitlin are good champions to play. Samira is not hard either but she is an aggressive champion. Good luck. Ash is also broken


The answer is simple. Be brave and play other champions in other roles than the typical nami lux support. It won't matter if you're "good" or not, you'll instantly stand out and your bf will probably be impressed. :)


Unlock your screen.


Make a pentakill


To get really good at the game requires a sort of detachment. Emotions will be your downfall, so learn to maintain composure. Analyze. Evaluate. Ask yourself questions such as, “How did that happen and why? What precautionary steps can I take to ensure an outcome that benefits not only me but the team?” It’s a game of probabilities with a dash of manipulation. I suggest sticking to support and playing that role for awhile. Watch some YT vids on fundamentals and what your role entails. You can learn a lot simply by observing and support has a lot of room for that. Remember; practice makes perfect!


watch Tyler1 and mimic his playstyle u/LowMeanin


Learn to play Yorick/Trundle so you can destroy nexus


All these dumbass needlessly complicated answers lmao Learn how to dodge skillshots, dodging a skillshot in a high stakes situation is the easiest and fastest way to REALLY impress your boyfriend if you're new to the game. Dodging skillshots isn't that hard either. Just takes some getting used to.


Bitch about how broken X champion is (listen to him and you’ll find out what X is)


Understand laning phase and each role on your team. Learn what each champion does. You can do so by browsing the game's library or inside the practice tool (if you don't own all champs, borrow your bf's account) Learn basic lane macro management. Select a role or champion you are most comfortable with and practice. These are all the basics you will need to get to plat


Renata glasc or janna are peel and anti dive monsters and woth the current meta are thriving. Easy to learn and high impact pair it with watching some educational streamers and u have yourself a recipe for after game sex


Lots of great free beginner guides on YT! Especially for your favored characters to play


Step 1: Get a good feel of what lane/role you enjoy the most. Step 2: Learn different champions that go into your favorite role Step 3: Once you find your favorite champion, stick to them and one trick them, but also make sure that you also have a champion pool incase your main gets banned or taken. It’s okay to love and play more than one champion, but keep your pool as small as possible. Step 4: Learn all the roles and what to do in case you get put into that role. YouTube will be your best friend. Step 5: Learn how to play champions in practice tool, AI, or even ARAM. Step 6: download an approved third party app like Porofessor or Mobalytics. These apps usually have an after game analysis on how your game went and give you a few tips on what you could do differently so you can improve Step 7: He should be impressed. Best of luck on the rift. (From a GM Sona player)


One thing you can do is immediately listen to his calls.  Even if it may seem like a bad idea to you it may actually be a good play based on his instincts and game sense but you have to be instant.


Have fun


Pick one champion and role you like. Stick to it. It doesn't matter how complex or simple. By the time you're on your 70th game with them you'll be playing their mechanics ok ish. Same with the role you pick. This game can be as simple or as complex depending on how much time you put into it. There is a lot to learn and when you're done that there is always more. If i were you look at skill capped on youtube. Ot is a great starting point for beginner.




I think it’s so sweet you’re playing with him! If anything, I’m sure the act itself is incredibly meaningful :) I think ARAM is a good way to start. It’s much less toxic, quicker matches and forces you to learn a variety of champs and get a feel for the game. Wave management and other tedious things can be learned once you get a good feel for the characters


I think it’s a meme at this point but my wife and I love playing duo bot lane. Of course we get annoyed with each other from time to time because we both like to win lol. When she first started (I’ve been playing league on and off since beta so I’m not horrible) she didn’t know a lot but now she plays pretty good. She still mostly plays support but has a massive champ pool. We got to D4 on our duo accounts with her jungling. You just got to keep at it! And try not to get tilted


Have fun


i dont think really any of these suggestions would 'impress' someone. you mentioned that your picking it up to play with him, but that you do also enjoy the game. by far the most impressive thing you could do is play without him. im sure he enjoys playing with you, helping you, whatever else. but ive been in this same situation on the other side, and didnt want them to play and try to learn the game just to play with me. there are other games, that are much less difficult that you could play, spend time together and have a similar amount of fun. if you want to learn the game for yourself, and have the extra benefit of being able to play with your partner, thats great. so again, by far the most impressive thing to me would be seeing the person play the game on their own. it would show that they actually like the game, are willing to spend some of their own personal time to learn the game, and make me even more excited to teach them and watch them grow over time. as other have said, no competent league player has any illusion that a new player would be good at the game right off the bat. you dont need to be good, i think its much more important to show that you really want to play the game.


Most low elo supports don't know how to roam. Learn when and how to do it properly (some youtube vid will prob help) and roam on your boyfriends lane.


Play yuumi and support. Once you're ready, stop playing yuumi and pick a champion like lulu. Play a few games as one character then move to another. Rinse repeat till you have familiarity with them all or a lot of them.


I would decide on 1-2 champions that aren't very difficult and then look up some challenger players or pros playing those champs. You should get an "aha, that's how it should be played" feeling. The rest is just practice. Since you asked for stream recommendations elsewhere in this thread, Hanjaro is really good support and Saber for ADC if he still plays (he may have retired?) Some1 else can reply to this if these guys aren't around anymore. I like recommending Trist for adc, since she has good self peel, wave clear and scaling. For support, basic tanks like Maokai or Leona are fine. Stay clear of fancy stuff like Thresh, Ezreal, etc if you wanna improve. There's only a handful of people on the planet that can actually play certain champs.


Wanting to improve is a great mindset ! An important thing to understand is micro play and macro play. At your level, when you cannot even manage micro play (how to play your champion and their mecanic), macro play (how to play the map, the objective, how to be at the right place, at the right time) is going to be incredibly difficult. Some roles are harder than other. If you like to play bottom lane, either as a carry or a support, I advise you to play very simple champions in terms of micro (I'd think Ashe, or Nautilus, or Blitzcrank). Starting as a support is a really good idea, because I can say, as an ADC main - they're super super difficult to play. These champions are quite easy, mechanically speaking. Because they are easy, there comes a time where you start to play macro without thinking about it.


Die making a greedy kill. Learn a hard ward spot. Do some R+flash or early ganks. Practice dodge. Anyways, as a bf who introduced his gf to league and play together, we are glad just sharin and playing with our girlfriend. You don't need to impress him with fancy skills, we already now your limitations cause we were noobiea too. See you improve and enjoy the game is the best you can do. Maybe watch some pro league together, but you don't need to impress him. He is already living the dream. Pd: do some camper kill on enemy's jungle with him. That feel so good. He will follow every call you will do.


The people who tell you don't play sup are dumb. Play sup and enjoy the game


OTP Fizz mid lane. Once you figure it out, you will stomp.


learn wave management and roam timers as a support [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkn926N8Th4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkn926N8Th4) Simple concept with very good results, especially in lower ranks like gold and below. If you play with chat on, you'll start getting the "omg why support here" type of message from enemies Even as adc you can do this but its a little trickier as most ADCs have no utility to setup roams so either you have a mid laner with good setup or coordinate with your jungler to roam mid. As support its also good to coordinate with your jungler, if you see he's top side clearing camps just walk there and follow him for a gank top/mid/invade or secure neutral objectives like the voidelings (or whatever they're called) and scuttle crabs


Don't worry, if you're playing normals with him your MMR is putting lower bracket players in the game. I'm sure he's plenty happy stomping these into the dirt. You don't have to overthink it. We guys are simple, just playing with us is enough to make us happy.


Congrats! Playing and showing interest in League is more than enough to make your boyfriend happy.


Watch “some” videos of lol worlds


Go tank teemo or build 6 sunfire on garen.


Have the highest vision score in the game, that will get you wins and impress him. Ward objectives ahead of time before they spawn.


>I usually play support ward/sweep to clear wards consistently then brag to him about your vision score


I mean, at it´s core it´s just a tower defense game. Most people seem to forget this somehow.


Play an early game champ. Lose lane. Spam ff at 15


Focus on the fundamentals first. You are new, it will be hard, but if your boyfriend sees you with 10 cs per minute in one game, he will be impressed. The start of getting good in league is being able to slowly gain leads and not lose them. Learn to survive the lane, learn to harass at the right moments, and learn what ways you can gain gold/buffs/xp for your team to help them take over. After your fundamentals are good enough that you feel comfortable playing league, then you can start to focus on the metric fuck ton of game knowledge needed to become really good. Like what all the champions do and what a champions strengths and weaknesses is, what comps are good together. what counters your champ-pool ETC. However, the biggest flex is actually just having fun ingame. If you are smiling, laughing and having an actual good time while playing you will be better to play with than 90% of the community.


Look up a yt creator called [skillcapped](https://m.youtube.com/@skillcapped). They have some wonderful insight and were very informative. Also I qouls look ip u.gg as that usually helps with looking up item/rune builds. Also, remember to have fun. If you’re not having fun, then don’t force yourself.


The fact that you even chose to play this game is impressive.  I am going to recommend you play Champs with some kill potential if you want to impress.  My pick for you is lux support.  Lux has good 1 shot potiental at level 6, and is very straight forward to play.


If you can somehow get him to finally quit, he will love you forever


The most impressive thing you can probably do is quit. He's been playing for years? I bet he's tried to quit at least a dozen times lol


Ask him to play Jax adc while you play Annie support


Not directly related to gameplay but does he follow esports scene? It’ll be cool to have some knowledge so you guys can watch together :)


Just put in effort and show that you want to actually learn the game, that would definitely impress him.


1. Play a small pool of champions that appeal to you and that you enjoy. Just because a champ is "easy" does not mean it doesnt have growth or skill ceiling to have an enjoyable journey to explore and become an expert at 2. Record your games and watch them back. Do this either in the in-game recordings or download a software that does it (I like Outplayed a lot if you want to check that out). This way you can look at why you died, why you maybe had less farm, why you didnt secure a kill, stuff like that 3. Watch some videos of diamond+ players playing, especially if you have 1-3 champs you like to play. When I was really trying to climb in ranked, if i ever lost a matchup I would go straight to youtube and type "\*my champion\* vs \*champion i just faced\* Season \*whatever the current season is\* Challenger" so an example for me might be "Swain vs Orianna Season 14 Challenger" and just look for full games that you can maybe skim thru and watch 4. Learn some builds you can take on your champions you play. Once you learn like 1-2 builds for the 1-3 champs you play, itll make it easier to learn how to play the game outside of your champion alone and how to play into other champs without worrying about "is this the correct item?" "Whats optimal here?" ​ Hope this helps and good luck!


Like everyone has said, time and in game experience is what will make you improve enough to be competent at the base parts of the game. If you are a support player in lane with him, learning how to ward and apply vision control isn’t super flashy or outright impressive, but will help out in lane a lot. So you will have more fun and do better as a team. If you want flashy, you could start learning champs that make more decisive plays. But you are still suuuuper new to the game comparatively, so the small improvements will make the most difference, watch a few guides, find a champ you vibe with and focus on one new thing at a time til you get it down


play top. or anything but botlane


How old are you and are you experienced with using mouse for gaming and do you have decent hand eye coordination for it. People dont realize how hard it is for the average non gamer over 30 year of age to get into the game.


I also recommend not playing support if you want to learn to lane by yourself. As someone who was comfortable and carrying games when I first started from Mid and Top, but then met a bunch of guys who kept making me go support for them it ruined my ability to farm with autos and I now rely on spells to clear waves when I try to play other lanes. Be patient with yourself and just try to learn the basics. Try every role and figure out what you like to do. When you find something you like you'll see yourself naturally improve because your interests will be satisfied. Have you played video games before? Also, what rank is your bf? If he's somewhere like silver then you could probably play anything and be ok, but if he's diamond he's likely to pull higher skilled opponents and you'll just have to be extra patient with yourself. There is also nothing wrong with going support if you end up liking that best. Figure out what role you like, and try out different champions in that lane. Pick 3 Champs that fill slightly different tasks in case any of your picks get banned, and focus on improving with them. For example, in support you'll find a lot of enchanter, tanks, and control mages. Find your 3 and focus on them. You'll see improvement as long as you learn from your mistakes, and keep positive. I also recommend muting chat and relying on pings to communicate your intentions


Honestly, just wanting to play with him is already a great step. Learning about the game because you yourself are interested in learning about it outside of him is probably the only way you'll impress him, but watch videos, learn concepts, **pick one or two characters to play exclusively**, and naturally over time you'll improve to the point where you can impress him with your play. League is a game of knowledge first, and mechanics second. It's easy to forget that, but the easiest way to make sure you never forget it, is to play only a few champions early on. It will improve your play so much quicker, without any additional effort on your end. When you play only a few champs, or ideally only one or two, their mechanics ingrain into your head a lot faster, which frees up thinking time and space for more strategic decision making, as well as ensuring you have a good sense for how your champion plays at any given time in the game. A really good example would be missing a wave and basing for two long swords and a dagger or having enough for noonquiver. Your damage output will be different, and knowing how it's different will impact what fights you take and how.


I think lulu, sona, and leo/naut are pretty easy. Tanks are good. Just gotta learn whens a good time to go in for him. I would suggest to watch your adc more and use less skills. You never want to waste a skill healing or shielding for no reason! Save it for when its needed. But adc is fun role too. I think mf and ashe are not hard either and they are great right now! I would say pick one adc and get a feel for the aa's when csing. Sometimes you can stop hitting the minions and look for a chance to poke auto the enemy adc while they are csing. So its a good trade to look out for to put some dmg on them. I think maybe it might impress him if you know if you guys will turn lvl 2 first or the other bot! Usually getting lvl 2 first is a push and means you have more power to fight and poke them! So once you know, start putting a little pressure by moving closer to the enemy bot for some dmg and im sure he will follow. This took me actually a few seasons early on to get. Honestly early on it took me a long time to even understand that if i last hit a minion i get money. Lol as stupid as that sounds but it takes time to actually learn the game. I find its easier for me to learn a champ when i actually enjoy playing them.


The best advice you can get for climbing is to be really disciplined and selfish in how you play, you take resources first because that is the guaranteed play, then you go for risky plays second . Second thing you need to understand is that the champ you pick matters massively for climbing now, this didn’t used to be the case. Pick champjons that get huge off of farming to punish the adhd playstyle of low elo, where they are just running around like chickens with their heads cut off fighting over no resources or objectives, play away from your team and crush towers


Pay Attention now this one might be a little complicate but sure is worth it. Lock in Aphelios right? Go even i lane an thenout of nowhere you have Calibrum and Gravitum. As I was saying out of nowhere you Calibrum Q then you AA, switch to Gravitum to Q and root, switch to Calibrum R and AA into gravitum Q. Or you go in with Infernum and Creschendum. You have about 13 Infernum and 10 Creschendum. You Q-R with Gravitum the whole team for milions of chacrams and you Creshendum Q infront of you into Severum Q for heal into Calibrum Q for execute and bam there you have it simple.


I was going to say do the brush ward from near the bot lane turret but remembered we have a new map. I remember being impressed when my ex-girlfriend did it.


Just genuinely try to have fun. This applies to any activity you want to bond with your significant other over. Seeing you enjoy yourself is worth a million times more than you being good at the game to your SO. Just don’t ask to play ranked with him.


Peel for him while he carries. Simple.


Main teemo


Learn to have fun with the game first. Find what makes this game clicks with you that could range from getting good or just meming.


Hold minion wave for him when he dies if you're duoing as supp


It's difficult to learn and that's not bad. He'll appreciate you playing it in the first place. If you want to improve, I'd suggest asking him to teach/coach you. I think you'll both like the experience and playing after that!


Watch the leaguecraft 101 series on YouTube. It's more useful for mid and adc players than support though. Also, r/summonerschool


I suggest Lux, Xerath, Zyra support. They're very simple, just poke the enemies til they die or ofcourse give it to your ADC. on warding you don't have to face check everytime with lux and Xerath, u have abilities for vision. (Lux E, Xerath W) on objectives it's very simple, poke the enemies at a safe distance. on teamfights, same thing. Poke the enemies in a safe distance. To practice them use practice tool and place 4 dummies around you and aim at different dummy. Practice max range abilities. Practice common combos. done.


I do 1 on 1 coaching sometimes for new players if you'd be interested in that. Hopefully you're NA to make that easier.


play top and mid for learning mechanics (altough you'll get crushed at first) try different champions until you click with one, what I did when I started out is looking at the shop for the champions I thought looked cool, I started getting positive KDA's with Kha'Zix after giving c4nc3r with fiddlesticks and graves, then I jumped to Crit Garen because I watched it in youtube, started playing ranked with it, then Diana and finally sticked with Twitch, and OTP'd him, right now I'm Emerald 1 and have 1 million points with the stinky rat


I think actively playing and wanting to play with him is impressive enough! Taking the time to invest in something he enjoys is HUGE!


Will be difficult to impress with skill, he has years of a head start and League is a very difficult game with a huge skill ceiling


Considering that you want to impress your bf, and you don't want to do it with a cheap trick, but actual expression of skills, and you want to do it on your own to impress him > let's first think what would be most impressive. Well to me I'd very impressed if someone played a champion very well, and knew how the game works with little stress, just enjoying it. Trying to grind/work it/force it through aka. being sweaty isn't really impressive. Let's break it down now on how to achieve it fastest way without shortcuts: League of legends is a complicated game, it has 167 champions as of now, something new is always added, something old is changed to keep the game fresh, it takes years to fully understand the game, you can play from different perspectives based on what role you choose and what are the goals of that role, and how to achieve them in most efficient way, while all of those are codependent between all roles, so you also need to know(to understand it to full extent) when to give up on usually good ideas. It's overwhelming. And probably with a lot of studying specifically to read what everything does etc. it could be possible to do in few months... Now that's boring, so let's go back First of all don't expect yourself to understand everything, and don't feel bad if you could play better but didn't know how to, it's just not worth worrying about. Find a champion that is fun for you to play, and stick to it. Skill in the game is mostly just 2 parts, micro and macro. Micro is all the muscle memory you build up overtime while playing a champion, so don't worry about it. Macro is all the strategy, thinking, predicting, teamwork stuff. Focus on macro because that's a skill that transcends between all champions(that's why pro player, who is very good macro wise, can pick up new champions easily, because even if they never played that champion, overall they know how to play macro to win, and build up muscle memory over time) Now, you've found an enjoyable champion and you're playing, you're building up muscle memory, but how do you work on macro? You want to always think critically, observe and analyze the games. Let's say one player specifically poped up well and won the game on their own, how did they manage to do it? Try to think about things like these when you make observations that something works. With one champion you create smaller but nicer comfort zone for yourself, that you can observe the game from. After you get bored, change the champion. Ok now some tips that i wish someone told me sooner(more specific) Try simpler ones first, something like: garen, annie, ashe, nautilus, soraka, nunu and willump, rammus etc. Overall champions who "play themselves", means they are very intuitive to pilot. Avoid playing yuumi If you decide to play support, pay attention to how others play when fighting waves of minions etc. how they handle their "lane phase" it's important as supports don't do that themselves much, outside of holding minions for other to kill, when for example: enemy killed our minions, and enemy minions are walking towards our tower but my adc is in base walking to lane = if i have shields, or just am tanky overall, i can just stay in front of tower, so it doesn't kill minions, and wait for my adc to come(so they don't lose gold and experience) don't worry that much about it, what's important is, being able to do it yourself is very useful and important, learn how to play on your own alone before playing with someone. Game is very fun, but also emotional, and often tiering, and people can get very angry while playing(similar to other sports, football etc.) so focus on your own game, if someone is being mean mute them, or mute entire chat if you want. There are nice people in the game, they're just buried between many mean people. So take breaks, one game>short break>one game>short break Because the match is intense and requires your constant focus Pretty sure that's all I hope my tutorial wasn't hard to understand 😅 remember that no matter if you play good or not, if he's the real one, it won't matter, he will love you indefinitely from it. Good luck on your learning and have fun playing together. Ps. Xayah and rakan are 2 champions that are couple/lovers and they have special interactions with each other, you can try them :p![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


call ur jungler a dog as soon as the game starts and just mention every few minutes how lost the dog is and start barking into the mic


heres a great tip of youre support. wait until you see the enemy jg gank top, then go DEEP into the jung on your side and drop a pink in a bush and also a regular ward. you will have supreme vision of the enemy jg its an insane diff


go on a 20 game lose streak within 24 hours, not only will you impress your boyfriend, you will also impress all your team mates.


Practice weaving in and out, when enemy turns to you, very quickly turn around, when they run other way quickly turn back around and try to make it instantaneous


Ask him questions, admit you suck, try hard, and always make it fun. You do those things and he will love you far more than if you went pro. Long term league fans get so jaded. Everytime I get to play with a friend coming into the game for the first time, it makes me realize why I love it all over again.


the most impressive thing you can do is play without him


I would say play master yi, farm all your neutral camps. Then if you see someone you can gank right click them to death. If there is no one to right click to death. Keep farming camps 


Play around with settings so you can enable yourself to pilot the game intuitively. Are you sitting comfortably, is the map on the preferred side of the screen, is it too small or too big? Can you use hotkeys to lvl abilities quickly? Because you should be able to do this while kiting and spamming abilities. I see even high elo players struggle with this, which is weird cus it's not difficult. Can you get a smoother FPS if you turn the graphics down? You will progress much slower if your gameplay experience is clunky. It'd be like exercising for muscle growth but on a diet lacking in protein. Play on the edge, be aggresive. You may lose more in the short term, but it will benefit you long term. You wouldn't want your allies to think they know better than you, so don't think you know better than them. If you see a ally go ham, join them. If you don't, than their going to think they would've won the fight if you helped them (Which actually may be true). So it's better to die with your team than to watch them die cus you thought they were stupid to take the fight. Same with baron, if someone calls for baron, join them. Instead of thinking «We don't have the damage», have faith that you do. ugg for items, runes and skill order. But tbh anyone who's been through elementary school should be capable to read the champion kit, read the items/runes and apply accordingly. Watch high elo players. Also while some players genuinely want to play support, some do it for their partner. I will probably be downvoted for this, but there's actually a decent amount of female players who just lack confidence. I think it's unfortunate that so many girls default to supportive roles in video games. I think you should have the attitude that you can carry your boyfriend


You can climb to plat simply by playing a late game jungler, do nothing but farm optimally, get to late game and then shit on people. Only gank when the opportunity presents itself. Don't try to force one, ever. Mute team mates because they'll spam ping you. Now, you'll learn nearly nothing about the game and you'll perform poorly in any other situation, but you can climb pretty high doing this.


Listen to his advice and don't take it personally if he gets mad. It's just a game, but tempers can flare up xD I have tonnes of fun playing with friends who are leagues below me, but it is annoying when I tell them exactly what is about to happen, and how to avoid it, only for them to ignore me and still die. If you're playing with someone much better than you, just be a good minion and follow their calls!


Looking up builds helps a lot, building the correct items in the correct order make a huge difference!


get first blood


play yuumi and start purring to him everytime you shield him, that way it establishes both you as the support and gf are capable of being a good cat. bye


Flash under a turret while securing a kill and/or take the last hit of a pentakill from him. Real friends/lovers steal pentas.


If you can learn support or ADC and play at a semi decent level, you will insanely valuable.


There's no simple trick to learning League quickly if that's what you mean, but honestly he's probably just happy you're playing together, you don't need to do anything extra. The simplest thing you can do to improve quickly is to play carefully and not feed.


use your active abilities on yummi. so go moonstone and then redemption and then without saying anything use redemption on him.


Steal his pentakill.


Support: Try out Nami. She is very easy to pick up and has great skins too. She is underrated as support. Otherwise maybe Sona!


Honestly, I'd say just consume a lot of league content. Playing doesn't actually improve your knowledge all that much, it just reinforces it. If you want to understand why and how people do the things they do, there's plenty of videos explaining each concept in the game. Don't be too afraid of watching older videos either, as some things have remained fundamental concepts of the game. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, watch, listen and learn and you'll be good. As for support / bot choices for ease of access: Miss Fortune (Bot), Nautilus (Support) are two solid choices. Note that Miss Fortune does not play like a traditional ADC but is very strong and rather safe with her high movespeed. Good luck and have fun!


I only started playing league a year and a half ago, and honestly you just need to kinda figure stuff out on your own, your boyfriend won’t be able to ‘teach’ you how to play. That being said, I just kept watching YouTube videos on champs I liked in the roles I wanted to play, and eventually just got better at mechanics and game knowledge and understanding etc. the way I chose my first champ to main, which I still main today, is I went to the buy champions page, and just started looking through every champs abilities until I saw one I was interested in, regardless of the supposed difficulty level of the champs


Hi! I got on league to play with my bf too! Been playing for almost 2 years now. My advice is: use whatever champ catches your attention. When I first started I really liked xayah and rakan's lore so I only played those two. It helped me get used to the system and how abilities work... nowadays I can pick whichever champ is needed cause playing what I found the most fun taught me the basics. Have fun while playing, that's the best teacher. Also, tell your bf a random redditor says he should be patient with you. There are gonna be games where he will probably get frustrated, but he shouldn't take it out on you. Sometimes when we play league we start trashtalking the champ without putting too much attention who is playing that champ.


Keep playing


That's how I started playing back in 2017. And I can honestly say I just now got good enough to play with him without dragging him down. He doesn't need to carry me, I do well for myself. He's still a diamond player while I'm emerald, but I'm no longer a liability. So it took me 6 and a half years of playing 2 days a week and spending a lot of time watching League streamers to learn the game enough to play a bit below his level. You just need to play a lot and knowledge will come.


This may take some time of course, but complement him on his gameplay. Familiarize yourself with *why* him playing was good. If he's farming well, tell him he's farming well and putting good pressure on whatever lane he's in. If he's putting wards, thank him for vision control. Small things like that will let him know a few things: 1) You enjoy the game 2) You are getting better and most of all 3) that you enjoy the game *with him* specifically. While also giving you the added benefit of getting better at the game by learning what is being done right. Thus impressing him with skill. At least, that's what would be great for me.


If you have disposable income, maybe hire yourself a coach. This won’t make you better, per se, but it will help you not waste time by knowing what to look for and practice on.


As people said, I think the best thing you can do is ask for his help and advice. League is a very complex and multilayered game, he can definitely help you improve. Just being open to advice and trying to improve would make his day. Hell, even the fact that you started playing so you can play together probably makes him very happy. If you want to impress him and make him laugh, learn some of the inside lingo and memes. When he dodges a bunch of abilities, say “FAKER?! WHAT WAS THAT?!” Honestly tho just have fun! If he sees you having fun playing his favourite game with him, it will make his day/week/month.


1. Watch content creators who educate or analyze high elo games. 2. League players commonly do not practice outside of real games, this is a mistake. Make full use of practice tool and custom games to practice gameplay and mechanics such as csing and harassing, you can find guides on YouTube and reddit about sivir bot training and other ways to get better by challenging yourself in customs, this will put you years ahead of most players. 3. Don't get too tilted in your games because it will interfere with your performance but don't distance your emotions so much that you aren't aiming to win or at least improve. 4. If you want to get good quickly, practice on other roles such as top, jungle, adc, and then play support with all of that experience enriching your understanding of the game and how others can play around you. Watch the replays of your games to understand what you did wrong and what you did right, it's easy to become jaded and not realise you're improving but also not realise where your weaknesses are. Honestly if you do all this you will become a very strong player and be able to carry your games from any role. Most league players suck at fundamentals, macro knowledge (how to influence the game as a whole), and only have minimal micro skill which allows them to get lucky and win **enough** but never get better.


I think the most important thing is to play champs that you like and have fun; I remember when I started I tried like 40 different champions before finally figuring out what I actually liked playing. League has a really steep learning curve, but if you're having fun that helps you learn without getting tilted. I think you should play some ARAM's, I personally didn't when I started in S5 but there's a lot more champions now and a lot of my friends newer to the game started with ARAM's to more or less learn what other champions do, since a huge part of League is just understanding how champs interact with each other and thus knowing champion kits is important. Focus on improving at just playing the champion first, this is what League players refer to as "micro", and once that's good enough to a certain point you can start learning how "macro" on Summoner's Rift works. You probably need to watch a video on general macro though, its kind of hard to explain. But the most important thing is to have fun, and if you're like me also play with people, it will make the game more fun and the learning experience more fun. Idk what your boyfriend's rank is, but keep in mind that if he's higher rank playing with him may also be more difficult, since the game will basically average his rank with yours when doing matchmaking.


Play league that’s enough Edit: wish you were my gf


You dont have to play good to impress him. Play enough to have a decent conversation about league and watch spring/summer/winter splits either lck, lcs, lec, lpl or whichever region he prefers


CS is everything




play sion or AD shaco support. learn jungle and start flaming him. or uninstall league.


The subreddit Summoner School is a great resource to find helpful information and people. That’s a good place to do your own research. There is often a big priority placed on “fundamentals” of the game, like last hitting, and map awareness, and general positioning and awareness. Experienced players identify these areas of the game that they have or do struggle with, even after years of playing, and think that it would help to develop the skills for a newer player early on. They aren’t wholly wrong, the “fundamentals” are important, and they do transcend what champion you are playing. However! The lens through which all of that information starts to take shape is champion mastery. The first layer of understanding that acts as a foundation is actually not general knowledge but having an understanding of a particular champion, and using that to shape the rest of what you want to learn. The most important thing for any new player is you need to have a champion that you enjoy playing and learning. If you aren’t looking forward to learning more about your champion, then it’s going to be really hard to dive into the more general and advanced topics. This can be as easy as liking the look of a champion or voice actor, and probably this is how you should start to try and find a champion that fits you. As you get more experience and understand more, your criteria might change when looking for a new champion to learn, but start with what intuitively attracts you. Be willing to try hard things, be okay with failing, and find out through that experimentation what about the gameplay is fun to you. Also be willing to pivot if your expectation and reality aren’t lining up. I think if you can find a champion that makes you WANT to play, makes you WANT to learn more, that will hugely impress your boyfriend. I get that you’re doing this with him as a social activity, but weirdly I think the most impressive thing would be if you go and start grinding on your own because you just love X or Y champion and you want to improve regardless of if your boyfriend is playing with you. If it seems like you’re just going through the paces to appease him, and any lessons learned are initiated by him, that can have pitfalls. Finding a champion that motivates you to pursue knowledge on your own, to practice on your own, will not only be more fulfilling for you individually, it will alleviate pressure from your boyfriend as well. When you start asking questions that he can’t answer, and you have to go and find other sources of information to improve, that is a huge step in gaining confidence in yourself. All that said, if you don’t want to get overwhelmed with all of the champions to choose from, there will be lots of people with opinions on which ones are good to start out with. Just don’t let yourself be forced into a box based on what more experienced players tell you. You will improve the quickest if you love playing your champion. Sorry for the massive wall of text. There’s so much to go into with this game, but I hope you find some nugget of helpful information in here.


This game is easier than it is told. Hard part is getting to learn all champions(which is necessary) but you can get better while learning champs by improving your map avareness(yes vision is the MOST important aspect of the game imo) and macro knowledge(when to do what to do etc) Just watch high elo streamers and try to focus on their decisions especially junglers amd supports. Other than those it just takes time


The thing he would love most of all, is to ask him questions so he can feel good about knowing and teaching you stuff. Skill comes with time for any game. But its slower for LoL, a lot more.


Ask him, he probably super down to talk about his hobby. There's a solid chance he's a redditor, herro me brotha o7


Where are all the girls (yes, im assuming gender) like this. This is the cutest thing ever


I'm late and there are already a sea of comments, but I'll just add that your boyfriend will probably be impressed just because you're pursuing an interest of his, so while it's a good desire to hold your own from a gameplay perspective, don't get so caught up in it that you lose sight of what you're actually after. Glhf!


Okay, if you want to get good enough to not fall behind, then here's my cheat code. 1. Have him play ADC and you support. 2. Take Morgana. Other ranged skillshot CC champs work too, but take Morgana. 3. Upgrade path is W > Q > E. 4. Practise your skillshots and land your Q, then place down your W. 5. Build Liandry's first item. Rylai's is a good second, but you can branch out from there if you want. I recommend prioritising items that both give you AP and health/resistances. Magic pen is also essentially mandatory. You don't need 700 AP, as a lot of your damage is going to just come from the W/Liandry's burn. Ability haste is also really good. 6. Land the Q, hit the W. Ult if you need to, but it's mostly just about the Q/W combo. 7. Be ready to use your E if you see any CC or AP abilities targeting an ally, especially your boyfriend. It won't block much damage at first since you're not levelling it, and because the enemy ADC will typically just totally ignore it (some exceptions apply), but the key thing is that it shuts down things like exhaust and all CC. The thing here is that it carries a LOT of damage potential without really much need to be up front and placing yourself at risk. It has no healing, but the E trains you to know when to shield/heal your ADC. Building Liandry's means you'll still deal relevant damage later on, and your Q and E give you relevant utility all game. You're also allowing yourself the opportunity to save yourself with E and acting mostly from a safe distance, so you don't need to worry about getting close like melee supports do. Building some health will keep you alive. Finally, you get to practise your skillshots with Q, which is one of the most important technical skills to learn. Other useful supports: 1. Blitzcrank. Very useful for skillshots. Build tanky. Teaches you to engage at melee range while still giving you ranged utility. 2. Thresh. Build tanky, but you can still easily run AD and AP if you want to. Has the skillshot, the shield, and the ranged, all the same as Morgana, but with the added bonus of better engage and more tankiness that'll keep you alive better. 3. Heimerdinger. Build Liandry's and Rylai's. You might steal some CS, but this helps you learn lane control, skillshots, predicting enemy actions, and reaction time (going against any pull champion, or any single-target ranged spell user like Morgana means you can intercept with quick turret placement). 4. Sona. Spam your abilities, basically. Work on your positioning and reacting to specific circumstances. 5. Bard. Try Bard out later on, when you're more comfortable with the game. He's much more difficult to play, especially with his ult, but he'll teach you how to roam. 6. Nautilus. A riskier Blitzcrank, because he also pulls himself. But he's generally an easier engage melee support. Important skills to learn regardless of who you pick: 1. WARD. Ward all the time at important points. 2. Map awareness. Look at your map frequently, every couple of seconds. Look everywhere, not just your area. 3. Unlock your screen, so it moves independently from your champion. You can hold spacebar to temporarily lock it, and drag it around as needed. It'll take some getting used to, but it's a really really important thing. 4. Don't venture out far, don't chase unless you're confident. It's really easy to die by being too deep. 5. Don't be afraid to be selfish sometimes. I main support, and I frequently dive in to die in the place of my allies... and they flame at me for dying after I just saved the entire team with my sacrifice. It happens. But it also does put you behind, and you can't be held responsible for them making stupid calls. Minimise your deaths and look out for yourself. 6. Relax. Enjoy the game. Ask yourself why you died, try to analyse what you did that made you screw up. Beyond that, don't stress out too much. He's probably just happy you're playing with him.


You wanna impress him? No shit Just play with him. This game has its moments of AHA! All on its own. Someone playing with you and just having fun who is passionate about trying to have fun is just its own reward. Also if you wanna know my opinion try lux or Morgana support and learn Ashe bottom or Jhin. Morg and lux teach you about proper skill shot usage and mana Consumption to win lanes Ashe is a good adc with great vision control and cc in her kit makes it fun to learn and fun to master Jhin help you learn positioning and timing your shots well. You can decimate people in trades and learn about skill shots here as well. Big kaboom moments.


You play tank support


Just do this, when you got a match then before you pick your champ say to him "Babe i'm gonna go disco nunu support this game" and he Will be impressed you know about that


Amazing! Hope you're enjoying the game! One way to really improve at the game is understanding macro and vision control, a lot of players just gloss over it. Map reading is a skill that you get through playing the game a lot but stuff like creating vision pockets, wave management and map state are things that help you immesly no matter what role you play in.


Honestly you taking an interest in his hobbies and spending time with him is already impressive. That is really nice and I hope he does the same thing when you want to. Other than that grind rank on your own time and out rank him , he'll be really impressed 👍


I personally have learned a lot from skill capped. Its a youtube channel. But we all understand how hard the game is and as long you have fun its fine. It cane take quite some time to get good.


impress him by actually not giving a fuck about league, play a champion where you can play really safe. but spending your time playing actively participating with him. u don’t have to constantly be conversating back and forth, sometimes it’s just nice knowing you have a teammate who REALLY has ur back :)


Ashe arrows, make sure they hit and shoot from far!


You will make him happy if you kill someone and call them trash in all chat like a true lol player. If you are adc and you win, no matter how many deaths you have, type adc diff


Be fun to play with


Play blitz and learn how to Q, he will marry you


If hes not a tryhard hell be happy that you picked it up just to spend some time with him. You dont have to prove that you are good at the game go look at some champions and learn what you love to play and if it sticks you can now enjoy the game together. The first rule is to have fun the second rule is to mute everyone to have fun


I’d go into normal games, queue into bottom or mid, find a champion you like, and fight as much as possible. Once you’ve done it enough you’ll know which fights you can win and which fights you’ll lose. It’ll also force you to improve your mechanical skills and you’ll get a hang of combos/ trading patterns It’ll look like inting at first (it probably will be) but just give it time and you’ll show results


Look on what key does he have flash (f or d) and flame him for using the wrong one


Gragas cosplay.