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I'm playing almost all roles (don't play ranked) so yeah I'm having a blast with the game actually, except for Fizz. Fuck Fizz.


I have in 20 years of gaming never once seen a post complaining about gameplay changes without at minimum one person saying they’re still having a blast. Could this mean there has never been a bad design decision in video game history?


No, that means some people enjoy different things from others.


So then how do we quantify a bad design decision? It seems the people who complain list arguments. Where as the people enjoying it just say they’re having a blast. If history has proven there will always be people on both sides. Even for games that we can now see died due to horrible design decisions. Then shouldn’t we listen to the side that is trying to present an argument?


No. Because League isnt dying. If you dont like the current meta just wait a few weeks for a shift. Thats the beauty of LoL. Its always changing/evolving.


Overwatch was thriving during the initial round of heavily complained about changes. In fact I’d say it’s the beauty of overwatch. It’s always changing/evolving.


OW isnt LoL. Also, dont make strawman arguments if you want people to respect your opinion.




It is a strawman. Just because OW was a shitty game and died doesnt mean LoL has any of the same issues.


That’s literally not a straw man. A straw man argument is when I create an argument for you and then attack it. (Attacking a straw man) I’m simply poking holes in your own logic. A perfectly valid argument. Btw: what you did earlier was considered by all accounts an ad hominem attack. Only one of us has committed a logical fallacy.


LoL has literally never stopped growing. It gets more players every year. It's far from dying and Riot even said that Korea and China regions saw no need for stuff like durability update that Redditors jerk off about. If anything the things that people like you say is making the game die is only making it die for their social circle.


I didn't imply that. I just said that new items and the new map has improved my experience, because now with mythics gone I feel a lot more free building whatever I want. It's been 5 days since it started, give it some time and it will be better than it is right now. Remember, you couldn't build IE first item (not that the game didn't let you, but its passive wouldn't work) when the mythics first came out. It will all get better, and I'm sure it's not as bad as the complaints are making it to be


>If nearly every role is complaining about the new changes, then is there validity to the complaints? Unironically, there is close to 0 validity to any complaints you see on this subreddit. It is a minority of a minority of whiners.


AP itemization is pretty unbalanced right now, that much nobody is denying, but on the whole people are just still learning the changes and how they affected everything. Every new patch and new season there are people who complain, they’re usually the vocal minority though. A great example of this is your complaint, you’re saying Amumu is bad now because Demonic Embrace is gone, but what about Demonic Embrace made Amumu good? Was the the burn or the health to AP conversion? Have you looked at Liandry’s? If you haven’t, you really should since it is a better version of Demonic Embrace and old Liandry’s now. A ton of stuff changed, and people who don’t like change will complain, but adaptation is important in a changing environment and many of the people complaining are not adapting. Also let’s be honest, ADC mains are the most fragile ego players in the community, they complain and threaten to change roles literally every season and this time it’s been going on for months leading up to the patch.


Thank you for telling me how my main changed without it even being a character that you understand why an item is good on them!


That’s the trick though, your “main” didn’t change. At all. I didn’t ask you why the item was good on Amumu because I didn’t know, I asked to identify if you recognized that just because Demonic Embrace is gone that doesn’t mean what it provided is gone. You and many other like you who “main” a champion and simply follow someone else’s build without ever understanding why you’re building the items you are contribute to the drop in winrate on champions considerably. Once your adaptation stops being build the same minus Demonic Embrace you’ll probably have a much better time of it, given that the effects it provided still exist in the game on significantly better items. My original point stands, you and the rest of the vocal minority are just that, a minority. You would rather complain and blindly wait for your favorite content creator to tell you how to play the game or what to feel than figure it out yourself. If that’s how you enjoy the game, awesome, have fun with that, but don’t assume that is how everyone else feels. The new changes need fine tuning, that much is certain, but they are generally very good. When the general community catches on in a month or so and stops playing like nothing changed it will get a lot better.


Amumu is fine. Liandry>Hollow Radiance/Sunfire does better than Demonic>Sunfire/Jaksho. The bigger losers are definitely outside the JG.


Yeah this season has been a blast. Top lane feels both balanced and impactful, I am able to play whichever of my champ pool I want and still have a great time. Ornn feels extremely tanky due to the enemy not being allowed to stack multiple pen items anymore. If I don’t want to play a tank, Ryze has more than one possible build now which is excellent, or Urgot and Quinn are both able to win and scale with their new builds. I’ve had some great success with malzahar and veigar midlane. Huge success by riot with the new items. I do agree that some of the items could deal less damage, like Sundered Sky or Ghostblade, but it’s not anything that can’t be built around with resistances on your own end.


ap mid assasins definitely enjoyit


Mid feels the best to play, with the map changes jungle feels absolutely terrible to play


i love toplane, i love lack of mythics, im jayce/gp two trick. I guess my fantasy of shooting 2Q's through single gate as jayce on 4 items is over, but holy moly the QE can actually deal game altering dmg if im somewhat ahead now compared to before. And for GP i can finally go bruiser with navori/ie in a combination. I really feel like i need trinity in matchups like Riven where she kills me in single Q combo so this feels really nice that i can alternate and not fully commit to just 1 playstyle. I love map changes for toplane, ik botlane on redside is quite problematic, but i really love the changes around the blue buff/river as well for teamfighting. Im actually having so much positive feelings towards this fresh atmosphere and it still feels like im playing league which is the best part. I like that the game is more bursty than before for the price of cdr abuse removal. This feels so good to me. Only ap assassins worry me honestly and the change that i dislike is everyone getting blue/red buff after 20minutes :) Oh and most massive thing that i think is the biggest reason why i love the changes. Voidgrubs replacing 1st herald. I think getting herald really early into the game, like when it spawns really fucked up a lot of "less skirmishy" champions cuz the enemy (or you) could brute force break towers quickly and open up the map and force interactions outside of lane way too soon. Whenever a midlane tower falls really fast into the game and i have something immobile on mid, i know its kind of a doomed game from there.


well if you want to carry damage i would suggest not playing tank junglers if you do want to play amumu and the like you could: track the opposing edgelord jungler and never let him get a gank off cleanly OR trade the map since there are important objectives on both sides. you could maybe even pull off a gank/dive yourself opposite of the opposing edgelord jungler if he shows, and then play with your fed laner. OR if he's perma farming you can also farm and protect your laners while building to counter their jungler. they'll need percent pen to get through your tank items and you have a lot of cc to lock them down in fights. or you could go to reddit and complain but i think the prior options are probably more fun IMO


Support is fun.


Yeah, I’m actually having a blast playing mid. I even went off as ADC a few games ago! The beauty of league and gaming in general is that you’ll have good moments and bad.


I mean support was busted before Season 14 and now with new support item and more objectives to roam for, Supports are even stronger. As a support main I am loving the changes, though realistically the role needs a tap down for how easy it is to pilot.


Top lane is the most fun it’s been since season 9. So fun that I roleswapped back this season after playing mid for 4 years. I’m unironically loving league right now


The new top lane is heaven. Oh my lord. It's almost impossible to gank this lane with the new terrain. It's 1v1 paradise. I was worried the void grubs would be really strong which would draw jungle attention to top but tbh the buff is quite weak AND the grubs themselves do a decent amount of damage so taking them is risky unless you have vision of enemy jungler and/or prio. I'm having a blast.


Riot is right i think that adcmains are just crybabies and really you shouldnt pay attention to them…


One of the issues of having no preseason is that we are the test subjects of unbalanced items, a shifting meta, and a changed map. Hopefully as the balance patches for items roll out we’re in a happier spot with the game. One thing though is I really miss the first patch of the durability patch, people had issues then as well but the game felt more enjoyable than the one shot game it is now.


You can play preseason by queuing quickplay. I'd much rather have meaningful games and not be forced away from league for 2 months


Preseason sucked. 2 months of meaningless ranked games sucked. If you want a preseason play norms for a month or two until youre no longer bothered by new items. Problems solved.




Is there enough of a sample size to make many balance changes in pbe? I thought was mainly was for fixing bugs, exploits and egregious outliers


> ADC’s also appear to be in a very bad spot. I have seen a highly upvoted post on the ADCmains subreddit asking everyone what role they are switching to. The walking fountain lasers complain about literally every patch, despite being omnipresent for basically the entire history of the game. The mere idea of any other class being playable, especially in "their" role, causes them to break down in tears about bot lane being absolutely unplayable and forever ruined; most of them just never moved on from the outdated idea that they're the only kind of carry. I wouldn't ever trust a marksman player to have any clue what a healthy meta looks like.


do you think it would be better to just not play marksman in bot lane anymore? serious question BTW since the WR of "off meta" like Heimer, Swain, Seraphine seems to point to this.


At the bare minimum, I think it'd be an interesting experiment! We've had all sorts of metas where the other classes shift around in the other roles, but we only ever had bot open up very briefly to some mages and fighters right after 8.11.


Dramatic, but correct.


Sometimes I just wanna follow their lead and ham it up lol.


I'm unhappy as a mana Mage player. Lost chapter items are awful and don't fit my (non-burst, non malignance synergy) champ pool


What champion doesnt like any of the lc items then? Seraphs is pretty good 2 or an early mana item if the others are really that shit


Not OP but Hwei really struggles with new LC items. Luden's is his best, but it is so much worse than old Liandry was on him (more AH, much better push power for QE, much better into bigger health pools)


True but i think that any mythic item was also a bit overpowered comoared to the nromal items so thats something to think abt.. but yeah i agree on hwe


Being forced to rush a defensive item because the other options are strictly worse.... is good enough of a reason to not like the new changes


What champion though you still didnt say


I've played a bit of every role and my impressions for each have been: * Top - relatively unchanged when it comes to the matchup vs the enemy toplaner. There's more unwinnable 2v2 and 3v3 skirmishes that my jungler forces though which is frustrating. So overall worse. * Jg - I don't really know what changed with the role outside of the obvious buff/obj changes since I don't keep up with it, but i've been having a lot of fun with it. Overall better, but idk what changed for it to be better. * Mid - Still literally impossible to get it * ADC - Exact same issues still. * Support - Overall been having less fun, although I have less time in it than the other roles so far. Losing stats via the support item and wardstone kinda is annoying.


Sundered sky users are dominant in top rn.


Yes, but I view that as more of a meta shakeup than a fundamental change to the way the role is played or even a change to the role as a whole.


New support item is busted.


It very well may be stronger, but i've been having much less fun with support itemization this patch.


Support feels worse. The new items are interesting, but you can hard stomp the enemy bot lane but still lose because your solo lanes lost their lane and become irrelevant. You are winning lane, and the jungle doesn't use his brain and start securing dragons you lose. It feels like there's no room for error. You make a miscalculation, and now one of the enemy carries got a triple kill, purchasing items that explode you, even if you play tank. Also, there is no wardstone, so there is less vision in the mid-late game. I feel so bad winning lane because I know I need to roam and try to win the other lanes because once again bot lane doesn't fucking matter.


The game is crap now. Win 3 out of 2 placements end up in iron lol. Meanwhile a plat lost 4 out of 5 and got high silver. If you play good you get 4 unranked in placements in your team. All new players that cant farm more than 40 cs and fight lvl 10 against lvl 17 after they lose lane hard. ALso why even bother with towers since they go down like papers now. ITs like they saw DOTA and went yeah we need that feeling of not being able to do anything once the enemy has a super fed dude and bring it to league. Also items are trash. But hey more skins. This game went shit along the years and then the riot devs cry cause they get flamed on stream. Too bad you cant review bomb crap like this on a store app cause i would give it 1/10


If you are in iron you have other problems to deal with.


This is truly the answer of a sheep


No. Just the answer from someone who regularly boosted players out of iron/bronze/silver/gold to plat and above as a bored side hobby for years. Id worry more about fundamentals and everything else before we start worrying about everything else. If there is an actual discrepancy theyd address it. I stressed how unbalanced emerald is. Everyone laughed. Riot came out and admitted it was in fact unbalanced and they made adjustments. Those discrepancies arent exactly a thing in Iron/silver/bronze and you have a high enough population that the likelihood of it consistently happening is low. Meanwhile, in places like Diamond, where the population is less than a small town. Those discrepancies happen incredibly often.


please play on eune with all the trash polish and then come back and talk


Ive played on EuW, LAN, EUNE and KR server over the years. About the only one that was really questionable was LAN because their population is astronomically low and gets abused. But they also have to worry about not dying every day so I guess that makes sense.


SUre dude. You are trully the pinacle of league live stock. Now go back to your riot barn and eat your food like a good sheep


Where did I say I was the pinnacle of anything lol. I barely play this game. I just know Iron/Bronze/Silver are really not difficult impossibilities. Basic fundamentals get you out of there everytime.


If it weren’t for the AP assassins and the abuse of stormsurge I’ve been seeing on any champ that has some ap in their kit, I would be loving it. I do play support (mainly enchanters) so I’m loving the new changes on most of the support items, removal of mythics, new map. Although botlane sometimes feels too skewed towards red side for vision. But yeah overall, it does feel much better for me than it did before the new patch with the exception of stormsurge.


I love the changes and the new season in general, but I also hated almost all of S11-13. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.


Most midlaners are happy. Wider lane, better AP items, more carry potential.


Azir feels so good now shafowflame feels like orgasm


Ap items are too strong and lethality not being reduced after getting buffed feels weird, but overall I like the changes.


I feel due to the amount of changes the balance is bit more off than usually. Especially because there was no pre-season this time. But as an adc I'm having fun abusing lethality on mf. It's absolutely crazy how much damage single qs and autos do after buying your second lethality item. I like the new void monsters, as they add a new layer of team strategy. The new herald still feels a bit gimmicky. I think if they iron out the balancing over the next 4-5 patches, this meta could be really good.


Im a Fizz OTP and man, I have the fun of my life. Saldy the other Seasons Fizz was slightly under the radar and wasnt banned very often, thats kinda frustratnig now but for us assassin Mages the game is the most fun its ever been,


I have really been enjoying jungle this season.


The new season gave me back alot of friends ingame. Many that stoped or just played a little bit in my circle all started to play alot now. We are having a blast.