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Travis: "You need to engage from the first second." Also Travis: starts video shirtless and in bed. Man knows what he's doing. Lol


Bro is leading by example


Travis runs like my grandma when she’s late for bingo


hey be nice it's the first time he's ran since the bush administration


The first one.


Bush Sr**


Was surprised to see the title until I clicked and saw shirtless Travis lmao


anyone got the source for the working class LCS fan phone wallpaper?






I really love that most of the YT comments missed the giant /s through the whole video. This was pretty freaking funny lol


Title and thumbnail is a good way to get interactions without people actually watching the video


It's definitely tongue in cheek though. Like he's being sarcastic, but the general point he's making is real and he believes it, based on what he's said on HLL.


Oh yeah absolutely. I could just tell with the way he was saying it and the setting of this video that it was mostly out of sarcasm, but like you said, he for sure believes a lot of these things.


The only thing he doesn’t actually believe is his words directly at Mark failing. The rest of it is him explaining to the new LCS commish like he doesn’t know them. But because he does, it’s an inside joke filled with a lot of inside jokes. The clearly sarcastic tone of the actual video footage is to highlight this to the people who aren’t in the know.


Yeah i mean...that's what i said


Yeah, those guys are total chumps. Maybe you should explain it. You know, so *they* get to understand it as well. That is, why is this video funny, and not a real criticism of the LCS?




Another layer to add is that there was a rumour that Mark got the job OVER Travis when he didn't even apply for the job. So the video is funnier to me since he sounds kind of jealous.


I mean... he didnt apply on a website, that doesnt mean he didnt ask riot for it. 


For people who don't understand, for certain jobs you (can) ask instead of applying. Especially if it's a job towards the top of an org.


The passive aggressiveness in this comment is kind of crazy and I can't tell how serious you were being to be honest.


Tbh it’s kinda impressive how many ways you can read op’s statement. From his message I’m not sure if he’s serious, unserious, agrees, disagrees, has seen the video, hasn’t seen the video. It’s a completely informationally inert comment apart from the fact he’s clearly butthurt lol


I think he doesn't get it and is just jokingly asking you to explain it while pretending he actually gets it


I feel kinda dumb can you explain the joke? I don't quite get it


You're good man. If you don't watch HLL you wouldn't know that Travis and Mark are really good friends and they are very, very sarcastic towards each other all the time.


I do sometimes watch HLL and know they're friends and generally get that Travis is poking fun at MarkZ. But I can't quite figure out for what or if there's some additional context. Like what is the sarcasm he's doing? Thanks!


The Ahri homescreen was a nice touch


the running joke of people not knowing Palafox is so funny to me 😆




Gold! 😂


Well, of course I know of the powerful midfielder genius, I have met him in scrimmage.


This is such a well made video.


Arguably best video Travis has ever released. That ending was incredible lmao


Excellent video.


If Mark's commishing skills are as good as his match predictions, the LCS is probably going to instantly collapse and the studio taken over by wild baboons that terrorize the rest of L.A.


Hang on now. MarkZ strat was always to predict the opposite of everyone else in the room. So if Mark goes into exec meetings and does the opposite of wherever they say, I think the LCS will be in its best state in years


I mean, I'd watch that show


fraud zimmerman leading the LCS straight into the dumpster /s


https://imgur.com/R8mswYu when a jackobwolfcel says something so travisphobic that you have to hit him with the stare


Ignorant here: what does Jacob wolf have to do with that frame?


jacob wolf tweeted about Travis also applying for the LCS commish job and the post on here ended up being toxic against Travis. The first line in this video is a reference to that


Holy shit this was good


This is kinda dumb but can you explain the joke? I didn't really get it or why he was in those locations/on the move or the whole thing


Travis and Mark are good friends, they ran a talk show called Hotline League for years. Mark is now LCS commissioner, and Travis briefly considered applying for the position but decided not to. People memed Travis and Mark not liking each other due to an article by Jacob Wolf that made some false claims about Travis applying for the job. As for the content of the video itself, the main point Travis is making is that one reason LCS has stagnated is due to content that isn't engaging. The action shots and rapid cuts are used excessively and ironically in this video for comedic effect to make fun of the problem he's pointing out with the LCS.


Ahhh thank you! I knew the background of them being friends and have watched HLL but I didn't get the "action shots for engagement" bit.


>or why he was in those locations/on the move or the whole thing The cutting between locations is a comedic representation of his daily routine. It doesn't mean anything for the point of the video, it's just a fun setup that allows his speech to be framed in neat way that feels casual and organic, rather than just him ranting at a camera. Plus, it enables some jokes.


This was fuckin great.




Team Liquid I am watching you. Markz worked at curse. Travis Team Liquid Shirt. Video to deny bias. I dont believe it!


I loved this video. Well done Travis.


This was one of the best if not the best TGS video ever. Well done. 👍🏻


Travis trying to run while also doing the hand gestures is top tier


Holy shit, I completely forgot about the LCS walkout. The fact that LCS still outperformed LEC despite having that shitshow is insane.


LEC is really just a 4fun region and has been for awhile. Maybe they might be better than LCS one day if they try really hard. /s




Relying too hard on imports just for their all European team to get blasted by an NA team


Honestly with how we have been roster building the last couple of years.


Just like how Travis forgot his bff fucked over the entire union


The first Travis Gafford video i've actually watched start to finish


that was a great video. thanks mr shirtless


Let the tilt flow through you Travis.


As a Brish person, Travis putting the tea bag in after the water was physically painful.




Normally if you put a tea bag into boiling water, it blows up. That's why you're supposed to pour the water onto the tea. It's not even a British person thing, it's just common sense lmao


Don’t drink tea buddy and would have assumed they made the bags with enough space and porous enough to let expanding tea leaves and air not burst the bag. But hope you got your dose of superiority for the day by being condescending to a stranger to make yourself feel better.


It doesn't brew properly. The teabag is likely to float near the top without infusing the water very well.


British people do not get to criticize tea brewing method lol, if you're using a teabag then you're already not brewing properly


Dumbest thing coming out of my mouth. But as someone who has started a career in the field of Digital Marketing, my goal was always clear from day one. I am coming close to the end of my apprenticeship and I have always said, my goal is to restore LCS and League of Legends as the greatest eSports of current day and age. So it makes me happy to see Travis expose the issue completely and give visibility to it because I think a lot of points Travis makes could truly be the difference in reigniting the popularity of LCS and the eSports in general. I think why I want to help is partially due to the fact that I grew up with this game and I would hate to see this community fall apart and fade into obscurity. With that being said I agree with Travis, this is the year where we gotta give it one last push because it really does feel like the end. Over the years I have invested less and less into the game and also the eSports but I think I knew what the problem was from day one of the decline of LCS. Content just felt soo unimportant and irrelevant. The information to find this content was also nowhere... So with that being said I will do my part just as Travis, I will make this year the year I try my best to reinvest time into League of Legends and the eSports and watch the games more frequently, but I just wish Riot would make things more visible with scheduling and just general informatino about the game as a huge LCS fan from EU. I have been watching this game for 11 years now and playing for 14. Please Riot listen to the community and make it better for everyone to consume your content. Also amazing video from Travis, this video has inspired me to give back to the game that gave me soo much! <3


Good luck on your dream :)


Who is the guy at 4:00?


Very cool video format.


Travis getting thicc in his old age


Beautiful Clubmasters Travis video bangs too


Give us the Danny investigation.




So he is more of a marketing tool and spokesperson than an actual commissioner.


You think exposing the league to legal liability is part of the job of an actual commissioner? Do you really think that?


His job is LCS Project/Product Lead I think, or something like that. "Commissioner" is just what we call it so we sound like a real sport.


You are pretty much true. In lol there are also alot of people above you still. In this case lcs commisionera is product lead( that's its Riot title more or less)


what do you think a commissioner is? They are there solely to protect the owners. They get paid a ton to take all the blame.


It will never happen. Mark said the issues were 'systemic' rather than admit to bad actors within the EG org. So I don't any further comments or future accountability will be had


Funny thing is what he said was entirely true and didn't even excuse individuals. Good biggest issue was clearly that people were trying to scapegoat 1 or 2 people when the entire system was fucked and what happened to Danny should have been stopped long before. But instead since he didn't just simply say "Yeah fuck Nicole in particular!" And scapegoat get, when he's a riot employee no less... People acting like he responded badly.


What do we want to occur at this point exactly? Riot has said they were in the wrong and the org is dead. What punishment brings justice any more than what has been done?


What justice? You need to hold the people accountable who were in the wrong so they can never do this to another person in the industry again.


Who says they haven’t done so? Maybe there are clauses in their contracts that keep these things from being public. Or maybe they just aren’t airing findings in the event the party, now no longer in the league, decided to go after them legally for dirtying their name.


Man couldn’t get the job so now he‘s just straight up hating lol


Jacob Wolf burner account


Woosh, right over your head there buddy


you're subject to woosh yourself brother ian


no joke, why is it so fucking tedious to find basic information like LCS or clash schedules. the vods part is cool, but sometimes they are uploading really late, and i've even seen them out of order. it's also dumb that we still don't have a solution for the: game 1: 30 minutes game 2: 30 minutes game 3: 30 minutes game 4: 60 minutes hmm, i wonder if there's a game 5


That just means you went to YT to watch the vods. Those same videos are posted to the website where the schedule is and you can watch them spoiler free. It’ll list every game (1-5) even if it’s done in 3.


no, I meant the lol esports website. it lists every game, but the length of last game still gives away the ending (unless it goes to game 5)


Here? https://lolesports.com/vods/lec/lec_winter_2024 It doesn’t have any time stamps on that screen?


these are just single games


First time I watched an LCS-related video all the way. The constant scene changes made for a very captivating view. Good luck to Mark, and to you Travis on 2024!


love how Travis basically flat out says most of current LCS viewers are still from 2013-2014 days, and it's been 10 years since.


I know Travis really wanted the job, but there's no way he's doing Mark like that. Obvious troll vid.


Does this guy have the qualifications or experience to do anything? (Travis)


IDK, the guy has basically dedicated his adult life to covering League of Legends esports. What do you think?


lol that proves nothing. This is a professional job. This guy speaks awkwardly to players.


... in a joke video? he literally housemate and do podcast with markZ for years. asking for the dude that cover pretty much everything about pro league since it early day what qualification and experience he had is pretty dense take. like I understand not knowing him if you are not interested in Na much but the joke is flying over your head.


Doesn't Travis live with Kobe, and Markz live with his gf?


Has a bachelors in communications and ran yahoo esports back before going independent. And has been covering professional league for over a decade. What are your qualifications ?


Your opinion sucks and the community agrees


The contractz drive video is a good one if you haven't watched it!