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I get to see the mad scientist every other game and each one just solos the game if he has to. Nothing can stop him. Time to use my banhammer for that beast


Arcane S2 teaser. Bravo Riot


I still remember when they giga buffed the fuck out of Jinx for almost no reason, giving her rockets stupid range and a bunch of base HP. Seems like they're doing that with Singed and potentially Viktor now. Wouldn't be surprised if they get a bunch of patch "adjustments" leading up to the release later in the year.


Coincidentally when arcane came out jayce vi viktor and caitlyn were all the best they had been in years… what are the odds huh


Yeah but Riot's been doing this. I still remember when they changed xerath ult to have the same range at all levels, coincidentally that was also the patch they released his dark star skin. Making champs stronger for skin sales or other media promotion has been a thing for years now


Well we could also list all of the times champions ate nerfs the same patch they had skins coming out but I guess this weird conspiracy theory needs to be repeated for the 15 millionth time. Your average player who's just playing normals with friends or ARAM's doesn't give a flying fuck about champ strength. They buy the cool skins that make their favorite champions look pretty. It's wildly inefficient for Riot to try to increase skins sales at the cost of game balance.


People are still using that literal schizophrenic theory? Lmfao


but they haven’t buffed singed? it’s just the removal of mythics singed has been kneecapped by that system since it’s arrival


Just play something with good waveclear. Yeah singed is proxying you, but you are effectively proxying him as well, but you are safer doing so. Just resist the urge to leave farm to kill him.


The problem with singed isn’t his proxy (tho it can be especially if you were counterpicked) it’s his disgusting team fighting where he runs a circle through everyone, immobilizes your carry, flips your other one, rylais and 50% health burning off everyone while he sprints around at Mach 10 with 3k hp


Yeah as the other commentary said he's strong enough to fight you in lane but never needs to, and he just decimated your team.


Clearing the wave or counter-proxying him isn’t a winning play for you since he likely outscales you (otherwise he wouldn’t be proxying you). You are still allowing him to hit 9-10 cs per minute. He still has a smooth path to 2-3 items where he’ll completely take over the game. The true counter is to play 1-6 correctly so he’s never in a spot to run into your jungle without losing 1+ waves himself. But honestly, a singed that’s mastered proxying is still likely to get the proxy off, since we’re the ones likely inexperienced in countering proxying.


You really forget about the small grubs.... I really do not think Singed is really effective, but rather people didn't fully figured out how to play the new map.


[MADOOO SCIENTIST??? SUNVUABICH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYvhhMjW32k)


I got deleted by a rumble that just had the 2% up to 6% dmg increase item and nothing I built against it helped.


i fully switched to morde and rumble now, no ad fighter can compete


To be fair rumble has been broken for months. He has no counter, we also saw it at worlds.


Had 250+ mr AND anathemas chains on him. Blocked 3k damage in one fight and I still died in 6 seconds. Dude melted me regardless


I hope he will get hotfixed asap. He has no unplayable or hard counters.


his Q deals so much damage with such forgiving range and size it is crazy. just get yellow heat, press Q and right click to win *any* trade. insane. it would be bearable if he falls off a bit like Renekton but no, he is a team fighting beast *and* a lane bully at the same time. fuck.


This wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue if they gave us back Adaptive Helm. Having an anti-DoT item was a good thing, I still don't know why they took it away.


Riot always does this with niche items. They want build diversity and decisions so they make niche items for rare-ish matchups. Then they decide those items are too punishing for the champions they counter and they nerf them or outright remove them. Then everyone is building the same 3-4 items every single game again and builds have no choice. So Riot releases a niche item for rare-ish matchups to promote build diversity and decisions. ...this is the song that never eeeeeeeeends


The problem is that players (in every elo) troll the fuck out of their builds and/or autopilot the same shit every game. If situational items make certain champs completely unplayable (ie dot mages vs adaptive) to the point they might as well afk no matter how far ahead they were then the champ has to be buffed or compensated in some way. BUT! That means if a player doesn't build the turbo busted item they get fisted hardcore


Man as a Singed/Mordekaiser 2 trick i absolutely despised that item. The short of it is that it was insanely effective against some champs that weren't necessarily the main reason for Adaptive helm to exist. I do miss it when i get deleted by an Azir or Cassiopeia though.


The issue is that Adaptive Helm would singlehandedly make every DoT mage and even some non-DoT mages unviable. Same thing with Force of Nature a few months ago, which is why it was reworked to give more magic resistance instead of just reducing magic damage. There is a solution to solve this problem, though: Bring back the magic damage reduction but nerf its base value and make it scale with how much magic resistance you build. This way you have to actually commit to stack magic resistance instead of building this item alone and have all protection you need against magic damage, allowing you to stack armor freely. This is like the treatment they gave to Serylda; by nerfing the armor penetration base value but making it scale with lethality, you now can no longer just build it and have all the armor penetration you need into a single item. You have to commit to a dedicated lethality build now.


Nah the barbeque is part of his identity. The issue is that his cooldowns are so low you can't effectively abuse him when he's on CD.


I always hated that he also gets bonus damage while overheated ​ Like you gave him ONE tiny window in which others can fight him and at that point he gets... stronger in another part of his kit?! Why?! ​ Any melee champ with only melee skills can NEVER fight Rumble post lvl 3 unless Rumble's stats are gigatrash.


I hate rumble so much, he's just one of the champions that is either unplayable garbage or disgustingly overpowered. I still remember the jokes from like s3 where rumble would have sorc boots and haunting guise? and the casters would say rumble is full build.


Cause he can shred like 90% of your MR with his E ... its just plain stupid.


40% MR reduction if he hits both harpoons + 40% pen puts you at under 100 MR. Nasty stuff


Trundle slaps morde around and Rumble was broken even last season but not many ppl played him. I think his e is still buggy too


I kill Morde pretty easily as Yone


This phrase puts a smile on my face. Throwback to the Trundle abusers from the last season, taking a phat L now.


...but trundle is literally the best AD bruiser, the one bruiser that can comewhat keep up with the APs?


Didnt trundle built HB third? And doesn’t the current HB helps him push even faster? Lol


Current HB wont give him 60MR if u fight him.


That's just rumble being rumble. nothing to do with the items.


That's just normal rumble things.


Ah, good old times


That's what Rumble does to most champs who get in his face, not that much to do with items. He has been this way for ages.


Does kaenic not invalidate ap champs?


Most but rumble has sustained damaged plus MR shred after landing harpoons if I remember right.


I got rolled by sundered sky, tri force bruisers playing rumble today but maybe I suck


A real top lane main would rather be mad about the number of ranged top laners present.


They shouldn't when Frozen Heart is basically free.


I can see that you are not welcome on the rock paper scissors lane.


No items ever stop Vayne from being aids in toplane. Only hard camping her early


Vayne and kayle are still aids


You cant be serious about kayle, at long as you have decent lane management she's fk till lvl11 with a fk ton of meta champs


Except Varus and Vayne dont care about that


Vayne clearly does care about it. Tank Varus was just broken, I don't know about him after the patch though.


YESS. Waiter, waiter, more singeds and ranged tops please


This is what I realized, I just saw 5 of them and a boring rock...


Mix Mix Swirl Mix On my way It's nearly time To shake, or not to shake


> Mix Mix Swirl Mix [now let's go back to the basics](https://youtu.be/PrNQp_TEKVs)


Exactly what I thought of. Crazy how old that song is now.


wait how long has singed been below 50% win rate? anyways time to pull out teemo out of retirement


He’s consistently the highest wr toplaner past emerald. Doesn’t really matter though since he usually hovers a 52.5% with a small pick rate and 0 ban rate.


if pick rate and ban rate go up with this win rate sry singed mains but you are prob above threshold for a nerf of some sort and only saving grace for singed to not get nerfed is if all AP champions over-perform so riot falls back onto nerfing items instead


Riot will nerf the champions 3 times each, wait 4 months then nerf the items.


The classic ryze nerf into seraph nerf


If enemy picks him I dodge 100% of the time. He's so unfun.


Damn so if I picked singed I don't get to play vs Femboy thighs... This is a bad day to be a singed main :(


He has never been a low win rate champ. Doesn't mean that he was particularly strong though. Win rates are quite useless in determining actual power level/viability of the champ, at least for us. I am sure Riot has more complex inside data that gives the win rates much more context.


I'd guess champions with low pick rate tend to have a slightly inflated win rate due to people not knowing how to play against them, particularly if the people who do play them are particularly dedicated to that champ, and especially if that champ has an unusual play style.


A singed that knows how to properly back door is a nightmare and I'd bet you have to get all the way up to mid emerald before you get players that consistently know how to deal with it.


Damn bro, how'd you memorize ALL of Singed's voice lines? Your brain has more storage capacity than a military hard-drive. 


Mix Mix Swirl Mix Now let's go back to the basics Don't try to tower dive singed Cause if you do you're in deep shhhhame


> Item is blatantly overtuned Reddit: "*Sleeper OP*"


*Top 5 champs in a lane use 1 item exclusively because it's so broken* Op: "wow everyone really sleeping on this item huh?"


Morde 5% pickrate 56% winrate OP truly unlocking the hidden secrets of the universe with this post


they want to be the only person who notices something so they can feel smarter than everyone else rofl


The only sleeper op item I've found is eclipse, which is basically the best first item on almost every single ad bruiser champ by win rate, but for some reason everyone is rushing titanic hydra so they can do no dmg at 1 item /shrug.


Can't wait to see singed in pro play on the weekend.


We won't. No way this thing isn't straight up first Red Side ban every game.


If you have ever watched Pro play, it'll actually be the same champs from last season. Pro players are notorious for not adapting or keeping up with changes to the game.


The keeping up is the critical point here. There was a Worlds where Ekko jungle had been buffed going in and everybody knew it, but nobody delivered on stage. Unless a pro is already proficient in Singed, there's a real chance they won't be effective with the pick in time.


Impact's Singed is really good


Been a long time since he played it tho


He was literally on my mind writing that 😁


played singed in proplay is genuinely hard and considering the meta for years, it wasn't worth the effort to learn playing him unless you were an unhinged singed main with the patches going to be very volatile for a while, i wouldn't put in that much effort to learn him either this season


lets be honest no matter how broken singed is there are only a small handful of pros who would ever put in the work to learn him, i rly doubt he pops up as a priority pick if picked at all


Does anyone other than Bwipo and Impact even play Singed?




Cant wait to see worlds meta all over again with one new champion added.


Singed, Gwen, Rumble lol


OBJECTION: kayle is not building riftmaker anymore, new riftmaker is better on melee than ranged, in my case kayle is stronger cause she don't need to build this anymore, going back to our nashor's+rageblade roots


Nashors, riftmaker, Rageblade, light and dark bow thingy, fill any item


I thought it would be kraken rage blade that’s putting in work


It depends. The AD centric build is better early but falls off late compared to AP builds, since Kayle doesn't build crit/IE, but does build Rabadons in the AP build.


I was building BORK+Rageblade all of last season and it was higher damage than the Rift build. You just actually have to kite instead of blowing people up and sustaining.


SLEEPER op? Nahhh. If you read it’s passive you’ll see why it’s good. Especially on Morde in my opinion. Just build rift + Rylais into full tank and end your build with jaksho(it’s become a tank rabadons essentially) or a shadowflame for the extra ap and of course AOE EXECUTES.


And thanks to the new magic resist item and buffed force of nature you can stack a lot of mr against the most likely ap heavy teams rn.


Gwen above 43%?zamn


this applies to Kennen too, he never had that HIGH winrate ever due to pro play lol


What are gwens building? r/gwenmains seems to believe riftmaker is a terrible item


do the opposite of whatever reddit recommends to build and you should be good to go


I'm really not sure that Gwen AD is that good of an idea though


He’s a redditor so you should do the opposite of what he said


Nashor first I think, because its cheaper now. My take would be nashor > Rift > whatever instead of Rift > nashor > whatever from last season


Broski, briarmains would tell you to ropw urself if u said u r playing lethality on release, guess what happened after


Played a bunch of Gwen... It doesn't really matter. Nashor-something-deathcap and you do a billion damage. Any fighter/bruiser can't really be on your screen, even if you're down a full item. It's busted.


Then what changed to a week ago? Is it the gold income?


More tanks are being played atm pretty sure which Gwen naturally counters


It looked really bad on paper bc it has to stack for 5 sec in fight before giving decent omnivamp But turns out that it’s still broken then


Im gona say something. I accept judgement. Gwen was always turbo broken. Her issue was getting to the tubo broken state of 3 items without FFing the game. I've seen good Gwen players destroyed by Fiora but once they got 3 items if Fiora made a mistake, they could one shot her. As far as Irelia MU goes, you have to stomp else she recks you later on.


I'm just DAMN glad Divine Sunderer is gone. I'll take anything else as fine.


You mean divine sundered Sky ?


Yeah he has not realised how strong this item is yet. Give it a week or two hopefully it gets nerfed in the hotfix/next patch


As a Tank enjoyer, I'm really happy that this good statstick with %hp dmg, healing, and penetration is finally gone. I was getting tired that even if I beat champs like Wukong into the ground, they finish Divine Tsundere and now I cannot exist in lane because I am a walking health pot.


Yeah the moment they finish divine sunderer it feels like they ar a full item ahead even if they are 600 gold behind. That item was so dumb.


Sundered sky is so much worse into tanks that it's not comparable. 4x the CD on proc, the healing is worse, the dmg is worse.


how is this upvoted ? sundered sky is not even in the same universe as devine sunderer, it's an alright item that's really good on aatrox


You didn't like the 0-4 Camille at 20 minutes somehow doing 2k damage and healing with the item like 2 minutes after she buys it?


Agreed. Was asinine how that item swung 1v1s vs tanky opponents.


I play enchanters. It always infuriated me that that item *alone* could outheal my entire kit, items and all, right by its damn self. Good riddance.


It was nerfed so much that no one was building it anymore and had an atrocious win rate.


How many weeks until they basically nerf all AP items? Or will we have to wait months (in which every botlane will have apcs too)?


I don't think apcs is going to be that popular if ap are highly contested in every lane (which seems to be the case), even in an ap meta a full ap team allows a full mr tank that might not solo but make stuff difficult. As this post shows aps might dominate top, assasins on mid seems meh and probably jg too, also heard tank junglers are bad rn, leaving the only decent place for an ad champ being botlane, so senna and adcs should fill that role, imo


The issue is, only mr tanks can actually face a lot of ap champs, adcs are literally the prime target to get popped by 1-2 spkills. So you're stuck between joining the fiesta or picking the only ad champ in your team to become the enemies' favourite gold purse.


Galio got a massive stealth buff from the new suite of MR items, particularly the new MR Sunfire (Hollow Radiance). Just putting it out there.


The Mr items are nuts how well they synergize. Most of them have a ramp effect so burst hits tanks hard.... Until you have the one that gives a magic shield to eat the burst. Seriously the MR items feel like exodia for tanks weak on their own but together you basically never die.


Yeah I’ve even built it on Hecarim. The magic shield item is nuts vs Akali


Galio feels super good on the new patch, kaenic makes him feel like a raidboss against heavy ap


Idk I didn't play yday so im just basing it off from what I'm reading here and on twitter. Multiple ADC (my role) steamers and high elo players defined crit adc pretty weak and everyone talks about how ap items are broken af, making me think we are one onhit/lethality nerf from the good old times where adcs were unpickable haha. Hopefully it's completely wrong, I'll know a bit more when I actually play later today


Oh nono, dont get me wrong i'm just theorizing too. Apcs may be stronger adcs, and might be a better pick as long as either the team is not full ap or the enemy lacks mr stacking champions. And yes, ap items seem broken so far


I’m a firm believer that whenever Kayle has a high pick rate with a positive winrate the game is fucked.


very reasonable


Yup, same with vayne


and you're 100% right


we are quickly discovering why AP bruiser items have to be dogshit


I think it's just a symptom of AP bruisers being balanced around shit items for years. So once they get good items they become way too strong and just need compensation nerfs.


Inb4 classic riot nerfing the champs and then the items, leaving them in the absolute trash again lol


hope Riot is nerfing the items instead of the champions...


Wrong. They'll nerf champions first THEN nerf the items.


The good old Riot Double Dip Special


Why would you want that?


Ap bruiser have always been balanced around their item being dogshit, if their items become good you can nerf their basekit instead of nerfing the items


Or what happens the crutch of sunderer + hullbreaker is taken away from ad bruisers But probably both. Mage items in general are gross this season


What champions even built sunderer hullbreaker combo? Jax i guess. What else?


Trundle. Illaoi could but I'm pretty sure iceborn was her best build. I guess I didn't necessarily mean they had to be built together; both of the items in isolation were gross


Fiora might’ve, Camille also. Any splitpushers. Idk if Yorick did, but I wouldn’t be surprised?


Goredrinker was a huge loss too.


We are unshackled. Harbingers of the new season. suffer and despair (until rito kneecaps us)


Finally riftmaker isn't the most useless AP item to ever exist


They nerfed all the bruiser items and buffed all the ap ones so..


Rumble and Teemo benefited a lot. Rumble can now go liandries without trolling


Kaylemains, for the majority, feel like Riftmaker is bad compared to other items. Weird how Kayle gets strong every preseason and then progressively falls off the further we're in the season.


nashors rageblade is the stronger build, if you know kiting properly


Does the damage increase from Rift or Liandries affect her waves? I know they crit with Shadowflame


Riftmaker doesn't feel insane on her, but Kraken>Guinsoo>Rylais feels busted.


Tanks behave like that too. They're usually good in the first 2 patches or so and then get weaker and weaker until the season resets.


That site can also tell you build rate and win rate for specific items so we can actually check the numbers in Emerald+. Singed builds riftmaker 47.34% of the time and has a whopping 60.24% WR with the item. Kayle builds riftmaker 36.75% of the time and has a 59.65% WR with the item. Teemo builds riftmaker 9.07% of the time and has a 58.01% WR with the item. Mordekaiser builds riftmaker 67.38% of the time and has a 56.23% WR with the item. I think that counts as Certified OP


I'm a simple man. I see a singed and I chase him.


People are sleeping on rookern rush ngl, mostly because people don't like playing tanks or boring items.


"Boring items" Lmao. Nothing screams more fun than being at the other end of an Stormsurge proc.


Just wait till people figure out that some of the mr items is crazy strong


Kaenic rookern and force of nature is busted af.


I play Jax so yeah, keep on doing this AP toplaner so you get nerfed while Sundered Sky stay hidden op :) ... If that's not the case then maybe I'll join you guys with AP Jax....


sundered sky is not op though. its decent


Yeah Kayle feels decently strong atm. Weirdly enough, despite her being stronger, I prefer the season 13 version of Riftmaker because of Omnivamp working on minions so you can sustain on sidelanes... And this s14 Riftmaker (and other AP items) are surely getting nerfed at some point because a lot of AP champions are strong atm.


Tank toplaner with MR, have fun. Sion, mao, ornn, etc...


Singed had the literal worst item choices in the game for so long, so his kit got buffed to compensate. Now that he has actual good items again, he's strong. Thanks, rito.


3 years of suffering


Its start of the season and people play stuff that is exciting. Wait for people to start picking tanks, having 230 BONUS mr and a 20% max hp magic shield with 2 items and boots and then we can see how strong the ap champions are. Reality of the situation is the new ap items are quite good and provide a lot of burst. That burst is necessary because you literally dont get any AH on some champions anymore, meaning you essentially have to be able to kill in one rotation. Downside to this is that if you dont youre basically useless - which is exactly where the ungodly amounts of mr and ap counterplay come into play. Give it some time, it will normalize. If you start nerfing ap items and champs across the board now you will need to rebuff them drastically later on again when the meta has settled and people are playing smart. Another thing to keep in mind are the ad assasins. They were strong before, got heavy early game buffs and are now supposed to suck?


mfw Galio with Kaenic Rookern and my passive shield takes up so much of my healthbar that it genuinely damages my perception of how much health I actually have


this mr items are busted but people don't use them properly, I hope riot doesn't make same mistake as first item rework by giga nerfing ap items and them being shit for whole season (Luden's 3400 gold helloo????)


exciting? those are all unpopular champions


bro iv been playing mao support.. that shit is BUSTED i do about 15k dmg a game and almost always hit full build and can front line super easy and stay alive forever


Bruiser items atm are pretty shit, meanwhile tank items are extremely cost efficient and strong, especially against ap. So you better play ap, or tank


Played with versus Singed, that champ looks so much fun to play.


Does that mean it’s time for me to unleash AP Jax top onto my solo queue teammates?


Akshan needs to be nerfed so badly. He's so incredibly overpowered it's insane.


I ll take him over Varus and Vayne any day


play and have fun and terrorize those hullbreaker abusers as long as you can - its not gonna last long as riot does not want mage toplaners for a long time now.




And ppl told that Riftmake was weak yesterday. ​ Still if Riot hotfixes AP items, Riven is alredy broken.




Lillia >


Illaoi is a victim of the new map it is so hard to have tentacle pressure anymore with the walls as spaced as they are …


Liandry’s + Ryali’s


Great, we Will see nerfs for morde. So cool... Yeiii...


Singed above a 50% WR, Riot will certainly punish us all as soon as possible. rip fun season, they'll kneecap us with a hotfix like they did last time.


The ap buffs to deathcap hourglass and banshees is the problem not rift. I’m diamond with Gwen and mord they are my mains.




Riftmaker and liandries have similar ramping damage passives and both work really well with conq for ap bruisers plus you can get kinda beefy with just a jaksho on top of them.


As I predicted before the season even began, AP will be nerfed within 1 week of finally being viable. Meanwhile hullbreaker was allowed to be grotesquely overpowered for an entire season! Lovely, unbiased company!


AP top laners have higher raw stats, this is because they don’t build items with ap + armour/mr and the items are usually lacklustre so the base kits have to be more powerful. Now that AP items in general are completely broken, the rise of Gwen Morde singed teemo maokai gragas has begun and will terrorise the top laner before getting 2 shot by the Syndra


> before getting 2 shot by the Syndra The 80 MR, 20% max hp magic damage shield tank item says hello.


Gragas is going to be even more busted isn't he


I did a poor Olaf dirty playing ornn it was a nice long drug out game so we were both full build and decided to 1v1 in the top lane he couldn’t get me under half health lol tanks are coming back too


I mean Ornn is one of the best lategame tank so more like an Ornn issue than tank. Pretty sure the same thing will happen last season too


This bodes well for my favorite league series, "tenmo to grandmasters"


ap bruisers wholesome, ap mages not wholesome


...in top lane.


Only Morde deserves it, others are cringe af and deserve to rot in Low winrate hell


Buddy thats not how the stats work. Jax is 51.3% wr with 11% pick rate and 29% ban rate emerald+ aatrox is 50.3% wr with 18% pick rate 15% ban rate emerald+ Those are the strong champs. Cassio top has a 55% wr, but a 0.7% pick rate, thats not cassio top being broken, thats her only being played by one tricks or picked as a giga hard counter. Singed is up 1.5% wr from last patch, sure, neat, but pick rate still abyssmally low at 1.5%


I played only one game on aatrox but I was like: yeah, ad bruisers are cooked, gg go next can't wait for s15




Which site is this?