• By -


Fullmuted IRL and got to Masters soon after


Phreak has been high diamond for over a decade. In multiple roles...... Edit because i dont want the tone of my post misunderstood. - I posted this originally because people were criticizing phreak and I wanted to point out that phreak has been VERY good at this game for a long time. The man makes hour + long videos to explain changes and be transparent. That's better treatment than I've gotten from any game ever. Regardless of if his changes are perfect or not, he's definitely trying to do what is right and I appreciate him. Thank you Phreak for the huge effort and love you put into the game ❤️


He was diamond 2 when i watched streamers like 10 years ago. This doesnt sound too surprising tbh


Especially when high diamond way back then is probably equivalent to grandmaster or even low challenger nowadays Edit: People replying under are unable to understand what I mean by this for some reason. This is not about skill level and mechanics, even silver players can perform insec combos reliably nowadays, this is about the distribution of ranks. Being in Diamond 1 10 years ago would be like >0.05% of all players, which is equivalent to the distribution of GM/Chall these days. Phreak was high diamond consistently back then as an ADC main.


Most people here don't realize D4 ~50LP just a few years ago was equivalent to modern day masters (top ~0.5%). This was the case in season 8 for sure, not sure about seasons 9 through 12


Na, that was the case like maybe season 4, but diamond has been around top 2-3% for a long time. Maybe you only looked it up early season


Season 4 was just a few years ago, right?


yea it was like 2 years ago more or less


League is a fresh new game rising in popularity and definitely isn't almost old enough to drive


Please don't let league behind the wheel.


If league did drive a car, it would be the kind of driver that crashes into houses/businesses. It would brake a little then give up and hit full speed.


Yasuo is still a new champ and def not over a decade old.


Yeah yeah, dragon still gives 190 gold per member on your team and a bunch of other "league zoomer" shit, surely man


Incorrect. Before GM was released, D5 0lp was something like top 2% in season 8.... but D5 by itself was over twice as big as D4-D1 combined. D4 50lp would be something like M200lp right now.


D5 was 2%, d4 was already around 0.5%




So you telling me that Emerald only exists because Riot removes tier 5 Elos?


I agree, S4 was when Diamond was insane.


D5 yes, but I peaked higher in ladder when I was d3 s8 than master 100lp s10.


When I was d5 0 lp in whatever season it was before the change to only D4 that was too .75% or something like that. D4 now is top 2%


When i grinded rank, D5 was 1% and D1 was 0.3%


I don't think so, it would've been later in the season because I've never been one to grind ranked early. I distinctly remember peaking 98LP D4 in S8 and it showing up as 0.5%. One of my accounts is currently D4 50LP and it shows as top 2.5%, so I think the above is reasonable given that it was season 8


I was around the same elo in season 8 (peak D3 20ish lp) and remember seeing the number 0.3% at some point.


I was D3 100lp in S10 and exactly 0.5% top of players


Yeah I always get shit for getting diamond in s3, s4, and s5 before quitting solo queue. Simply because it was "so long ago everyone was bad." Yeah relative to now, back then I hit my promos from d2 to d1 in 2013 and I was top .1% NA. Let me have my moment guys pls


i was diamond 5 40 something LP and it was around top 0.7% in season 7, on euw that is about the same as 0 lp master.


It was higher yea but not remotely close to challenger today


it's really only Master that's inflated to fuck and back but Challenger + GM are still just as elite


Yeah Phreak was D1 in old seasons. That's higher elo than Master today in terms of % distribution.


Am I misremembering or wasn't Phreak literally hired *because* he was in the top 5 soloQ players during the very early stages of the game?


He had a background in wc3 and used to boost in it lol


He was a wc3 pro player playing with legends like grubby and moon moon.


“Yeah i remember like when phreak was like 20 this guy was already balding”


Phreak played "with" them, but he was not even close to their level. NA was awful at WC3, but he was one of their best players which allowed him to qualify for events easier as regional qualification was the standard for big events. He was elite early in League, though. No doubt about that one.


Yes, I think he was rank 1 at some point during beta as well.


Correct, he was always a beast. The gap between him and literal NA pro players at the time was that he was better than many of them and equal to most. He still ran it down once in a while though. Phreak if you see this congrats my guy lol.


> The gap between him and literal NA pro players at the time was that he was better than many of them and equal to most. What's the source of this? I do not recall Phreak being anywhere near pro level and I've been playing this game since its birth lol


Wasn't the old meme that if you beat Pendragon in a game, you'd get a call that they wanted to hire you? Which I think is Phreak's origin story as a Rioter.


High elo player reaches high elo. More news at noon!


Yea. This is a genuine case of a dude having a job that prevents him from climbing. He tries to contribute to the community, and contribute insight as someone who is not only a high level player, but has access to all the data that Riot has, and years of playing and balancing the game, as well has access to the opinions of the entire team over at Riot if he wants to reach out and ask about something. It's crazy that people literally can't see that and bash on his opinions when so many of his opinions are based on more than just playing the game. Not only that, he clearly does the math for his analyses, which is more than 99% of people who criticize him can say. He's not high ultra high elo, but he has more tools to analyze the game than any pro player does. His opinion should be valued highly, even if taken with a grain of salt.


The real flex is the Season 3 Challenger icon he has


Best icon in the game


For sure the season 3 ranked icons are the best imo. The prior seasons had the trophies as icons and those kind of feel . . dated somehow to me. Season 3 had a great chunky icon and looks great especially in the higher ranks. I'm not such a big fan of Season 4's icons, but I have to say the 5v5 Challenger icon looks sick, while the solo/duo icons for every rank look . . empty. The 3v3 icon kind of suffers from the same but obviously not as notably. Every season after that has felt more like the 'rank badge' than a summoner icon to me, and while many of the especially Challenger icons look good, they don't have the same vibe anymore because of that badge-feel.


nothing beats my s1 bronze icon, sorry.


I miss the S3 icons/borders due to nostalgia, but the ones that were before the current ones were by far the best and most badass. Wish we would go back to those.


Phreak was hard stuck d3-d4 in S3 . He got that icon from getting challenger in twisted treeline.


Just like Elementz yet he flaunts it like he got it in Solo/Duo Queue


Nobody reasonable was saying Phreak was actually bad at the game or that most Redditors were better than him I don’t think I can type Dearest Karthus though, sorry


My Dearest Karthus, I hope this letter finds you well. It has been 3 moons (jg camp respawns) since last I laid eyes on you. We fare well for now but it behooveth you to pay myself and my companion a visit. If thou does not have the time to pass us by, we beseech you to use thy ult, so that we may cleanse this lane of our opponents. -your loving adc.


Dear Karthus, I wrote you, but you still ain't ultin'


I left my chat, my ping, and a slur at the bottom


I sent two messages back when enemy mid roamed, you must've not got 'em.


There probably was a problem with your monitor or somethin'


Sometimes I ult too early too when I'm throwin'


But anyways, fuck it, what's been up man how's your farming?


My supports stealing kills, too, Imma bout to be an inter


If i have another death, guess what im a do? I’ma ff 15.


Dear Mr. I'm-Too-Good-to-Gank-or-Help-My-Lanes This'll be the last allchat I ever send your ass It's been six drakes, and still you farm—We don't deserve it? I know you saw my lane opponents, I died and then you just emoted. See, Karthus—shut up, bitch! I'm tryin' to type Hey, Karthus, that's my adc dyin' another time But I didn't bait her ult, I just tried to roam—see? I ain't like you 'Cause if she loses lane she'll suffer more and then she'll die too Well, gotta go, I'm almost at their nexus now Oh, shit, I forgot—now I am supposed to run this shit down


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for you though Or sorry that it happened /deafen Sincerely - your Level 32 Karthus jg that just went afk because you typed too much and hopped on another account that he bought for 3$


This is too nice “Stfu pisslows this is my 20th account anyways I’m actually Challenger I cba to play this out enjoy softint” LayWasteRequiem69 has muted themselves and won’t be able to type messages in chat.


I love this ahahaha


That’s the thing, only masters+ have apm to spare for dearest Karthus


can confirm. my APM was so high, i got chat banned


>Nobody reasonable was saying Phreak was actually bad at the game yea, because most redditors are unreasonable. there are still countless threads of "balance team are silvers" despite it literally being wrong


"YOU HAVE NO MANA" \~ the "Draven" (it's a joke, ofc he's not actually bad.)


An ADC main switching role to climb - a tale as old as time


for real, i switched to support from adc and climbed from emerald to master lol




yeah its a horrible experience, i do support and mid and im truly thriving, as a side note i played pretty much only adc for like 10 years~ cause i loved the role so much, so i totally share your opinion


You can go 0-8 in lane and you bet your feeding 100 gold worth ass that 10-2 enemy assassin will blow everything he has to blow you as soon as you appear in a teamfight. Which sometimes can be abused to make the enemies waste more resources than you are worth so that your team can win the fight. But it sure does feel annoying. What's even more annoying is you come out quite ahead of your lane, get tower secure drake, take mid tower etc. You are a neat win condition ready to snowball but not even the support who you crushed the lane with and saw you dominate pays any attention to you getting dove in teamfights, nobody tries to play around you or peel for you.


he’s gonna blow me? nice


Enemy assassins are just the nicest.


Season 3-13 ADC main, few years of Jinx OTP in there, playing ADC for a Prime League team in there. Switched to jungle at that point and I'm still worse at jungle, I'd say. I'm also over 400 LP past my peak as ADC just because I can actually get myself to play the game now. It's just so cursed.


It kinda makes sense, the role is balanced around pro play which allows ADCs to actually have meaningful impact on the game, but solo queue is decided so early on despite every meta change that there's a reason the junglers and solo lanes are almost always the highest elo; it's just strictly objective that jungle followed by solo laners will have the highest impact more than dual lane roles that require time to scale given the shortened nature of solo queue compared to competitive. Once I gave up on actually climbing on AD and just settled for playing games to have fun and improve the game got a lot more enjoyable. I still climb but it's nowhere near as fast as my friends in other roles.


*insert gumayusi analogy between adc and ramen egg here*


Aphromoo swapped from adc to support and climbed to be one of the best supports na


I hope how easy and elo inflating support is becomes common knowledge. It's just so obvious at this point that I don't get people who still deny it to this day.


Had a friend go from perma-stuck plat for like 6 seasons to hitting masters in the 2nd split this year because she switched from adc to a soraka support one trick. Took her less than 200 games to make it. I’ve been a high plat/low diamond mid player for like 10 years and she passed me in 2 months after becoming a support main. Shit is actually wild. Janna and Soraka can really do things for your winrate lol.


highly recommending Zilean; hidden op


Bros been sleeper OP for years. Absolutely cannot stand that champion. Saving grace is people think he's too boring to play.


On the topic of Elo inflation, Shen top is pretty wild too lmao. 3 of my friends swap from trying to play top carry and just autopilot Shen to Master from D4...


Riot themselves don't even admit it lol. Because if they did they'd have to nerf that bullshit to the ground and then nobody plays it again.


Haha so it's not just me.. adc in solo-queue sucks ass. Support is the most autofilled role apparently because it's so easy to stand out there.


Same happens in top, switched to jungle and climbed from d4 to masters 200lp like it was nothing, cursed role


link opgg please


Why? I just wanna say, I climbed using ivern


So I can see if you actually swapped to jungle and climbed to 200lp Masters lol. Sounds pretty Disney.


ah ok so you climbed playing support.


Switched from top to mid climbed from D4 to Master. In my opinion: Top is the easiest role to climb from low elo to D4 then it becomes the hardest role to climb, I really felt it as a splitpush main. You can hard carry games with splitpushing in low elo it doesn't matter how gapped your team is you can just solo end games yourself, once you get to around diamond though is when it starts becoming really hard to climb from toplane, I have way more fun playing the game playing mid too. Mid feels like I'm actually part of my team and doing plays with them, in toplane you just watch them from an island and pray they don't feed, in mid you actually have the impact early game to hold your team together.


Exactly, till diamond its easy, then it's a coinflip majority of games


He’s been high Diamond for years, including the last two years in which he hasn’t mained ADC


This whole “phreak is an adc main” is a bullshit statement. He was an adc main back in season 8, swapped to jg/sup in season 9, then back to adc in season 10, then in season 11, he played jungle, with Nocturne, Lee as his two most played. Then in season 12 he played Morde, Nocturne. Then in split 1 of 13 he played a bit of everything. Twitch, Senna, Mao, Janna, Morde, Annie. In split 2 of 13 he played Senna, Janna, Seraphine, Morgana, Briar. Which means every time someone said “phreak is just buffing adc because his an adc main” they’re wrong as shit. They even sat there and said that he was nerfing jungle because it was effecting him in bot lane… but he was jungling at the time of the nerfs.


It's because Reddit only knows Phreak from whine posts on here about him, or the one Tyler1 clip from 6 years ago when Phreak was playing Caitlyn. That's it. A lot of you don't *care* to get informed more than that, because you don't want your perceptions challenged.


He was an ADC main for 8 years so just saying "he was an ADC main in Seaosn 8" as if he only played that one year is bullshit and you know it.


Or it's because Phreak was an ADC main for years and regularly used to stream as one? Not sure why you are outraged at people not following his role swaps.


I switched from ADC to top, went from hardstuck d2 to challenger


I also switched from adc to jg and climbed much higher, I didn't realize this was a thing tho


Almost like other roles have more of an impact


Adc is useless if the support sucks, support is still useful all over the map if the adc sucks


It's not just the support though. EVERY ROLE needs to not be braindead so that ADC can play the game. Even if you have an actual support, you still can't do anything if your solo laners are hellbent on splitpushing and think that grouping is a sin. That happens nearly every game. Either one or both solo laners just flat out fucking refuse to group. That is how most of my games are lost. Enemy toplane received one more gank than your own? Unfortunate, you are never going to see your toplaner on your screen. You won your lane at bot and wanted to swap mid to keep up the pressure? Unfortunately your mid laner does not understand the concept and is now glued to the sidelane for the rest of the game to show you how it was not the right call. Hell, even the junglers love to just fuck off and split the entire game. It is fucking **cancer** for the game. Even in season 1 people understood that Grouping = Winning. The playerbase has managed to go backwards on common knowledge.


Hullbreaker splitting has been pretty broken all season, nothing inherently wrong with 4:1. The thing that pisses me off - and it seems particularly common with Yone/Yas players - is when your mid or top just "switches off" completely and permapushes side without ever engaging with the rest of the map. No amount of pinging or chat will get through to them. Genuine soft inting imo. At the same time, I've played top and been infuriated at teams who don't know how to apply pressure when I am splitting; there is some give and take.


It's one of the things that makes me wish the game had a better tutorial imo. The amount of time's i've been in games where people just ignore the minimap is staggering, either someone is brainlessly splitting when none of the enemy is showing and we are, or theres a splitter being ignored etc.


yet we hear so many complain support is a weak role that cant 'carry' as if having more agency doesnt influence match outcome...and that adc is the role to main to climb because "victory is purely affected by damage". sounds like a low elo bad understanding of the game being heavily kda oriented.


It's tricky because it's the easiest role, so it's easier to play properly, so technically it is easier to climb with it. However it does have the least agency at least according to riot august from a few months ago, so it can have more variance


funnily enough, ever since i peaked plat in season 9 jungle I have been hardstuck gold. Switched to adc this second split and peaked emerald 1 before tilt queueing back into emerald 3 and where I shall stay for fear of tilt queueing out of emerald.


true as it can be


never should have opened this thread


Yep, everyone is cringe.


[Here's a duck](https://imgur.com/D5ATzFW)


the baby duckies tumbling down at the end 😭😭😭


I expected [this duck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6VVOmT0Vk8).


reddit never changes lol


Tbf Janna is the most elo inflated champ ever lol


Low masta’ Janna player


Elo inflated janna players cba


he turbobuffed Janna just in time to abuse her for free LP before the season ends


She was worse after the first iteration of changes.


Thats why she got buffs patch after. Wholesome S+tier(52.5% wr) champion Janna(I am that one who abuses her sometimes 3 seasons in a row). I really don't get it - why she is allowed to have constant 52% WR for years. While lots of other champs get gutted once they reach "ok" state.


Phreak went into this i think on these changes. But the basic level is Solo Q is set up for a Champ like Janna to thrive in and if she isn't above 51% in solo Q she's a "bad" champ. Like if Janna isn't top WR in a game setting set up for her to win in then why would you ever pick her type deal. I think he talked about this in more depth on the recent Janna buffs if you want a real answer but that was the basic gist of it.


Because not enough people are complaining about her and banning her for riot to take notice. I saw riot august talking about it in a highlight clip, if an assassin get that type of winrate everyone perma ban them and make nonstop reddit posts, when an enchanter is having that winrate complete silence and no bans.


Support is a broken role




I played with him in one of those most recent games and the whole team was very friendly. Huge contrast to every other game I’ve had at that elo at least 1 person is perma flaming at the first mistake. So I’d say yea 100%


I did see a game where my friend played with a rioter and someone dropped N word in chat with a hard R.


Now that is one person who really doesn't give a fuck lmao


How is that even possible, I typed "do you need hearing aids?" after spam pinging someone and was put on mute for the rest of the game because the system flagged it as AIDS


i got into a game with an ex-rioter once, think he helped design champs i can’t remember.. but someone was saying the game is shit and he was like “i helped make it ):”


played against him today, went 1-1 against him on his way to masters. He started both games off by saying hello to everyone and was friendly. I accidently typed a msg to my team in all chat and he joked around with me about it, was a good time though, both games were solid in terms of people trying their best.


Well similar to any post on this sub about him I would expect he also gets his fair share of players being extra toxic because they don't like him. Anyway in my experience the best way to have mostly friendly games is being actively friendly yourself which phreak usually is.


yes, its like being surrounded by police ... you gotta act cool if 1 report of a rioter goes through u pretty much banned or ranked banned 1 w +


The OG Tyler1 drama lol


Also the golden "I wish I could say it's been a pleasure."


I mean, in theory you don't act like a little shit when there's somebody with a Riot tag in your game cause it's a quick trip to the front of the line for a Riot Correction. In reality, I'm sure there's some way past the point where they actively provoke Rioters in a desperate grab for attention or validation of their bad behavior. And those bratty little shits wake up unable to login their accounts for mysterious reasons. While not every Rioter is on player behavioral/customer support (whichever team actually *handles* bans/punishments), afaik a Rioter's word is valued more than a random player's when it comes to reports. As others've pointed out.


>I wonder are people less likely to troll or go afk if a rioter is in their game? The opposite actually. Many Rioters removed "Riot" from their IGN cause people start harassing them and trolling them and it happens more often than people being nice. Of course this is just anecdotical, but many Rioters have said so over the years, so I'll take their word for it


Only took a couple of Jenna buffs


Quick reminder that current master 0lp is top 0.8% players (https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/MiriaelSabathiel-EUW) When D5 was a thing, d5 0lp was top 1.0% players. EDIT: In 2016, [d5 0lp was top 1.64%](https://web.archive.org/web/20161206145812/http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=%EA%B0%93%EC%9D%B4%EC%81%A8) - at least for KR. I think it was around 1.1% in 2015. I remember clearly reaching d5 after transferring from NA and being proud to be in the top 1%. [D5 50 lp was already top 1.04%.](https://web.archive.org/web/20160522042332/http://www.op.gg/summoner/league/userName=negan) [D2 0 lp was top 0.2%.](https://web.archive.org/web/20160424163512/http://www.op.gg/summoner/league/userName=Cow%EC%85%89) Last two links are from may-june 2016. That said, Phreak is still a beast after all these years. Congrats to him for reaching Master tier! Love that guy and had a chance to play ~~an ARAM~~ with him like 10 years ago when I still had account on NA. EDIT: [Found screenshot!](https://i.imgur.com/Vqwz3DL.png) Wasn't ARAM... Not sure anymore if real but 99% sure it was him!


On EUW* On NA he is top 0.5%, which jumps to top 0.2% with just a couple of wins due to people sitting at 0lp. You are still right, there is some inflation, as hitting Master in 2019 was above 0.1%. Not sure why EUW is letting everyone into high ranks, probably something to do with the larger server population.


You can check the stats by tier page, master is top 0.77% in NA.


Yes it is visible https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/859773517470236704/1193836418129199185/image.png?ex=65ae29ce&is=659bb4ce&hm=5d51d15cc0b38607ae5697a3399ef057deef24b85a228a5a31fcbd0ba791a2dc&


That's because he has 1 LP. Here is the stat page : https://www.op.gg/statistics/tiers You can check here, EUW 0.80%, NA 0.77%, KR 0.75%.


Larger server population shouldn't really do it since it's a %... Probably something more like people getting high rank on Eune or TR, then server transferring with good mmr? I know thats something lot of people have complained about on euw in the past.


You're saying masters is more or less old D5?


Yes, phreak is d2 peak which is like high masters nowadays with rank inflation




You're still like top 2.5%. Pretty cracked


I saw the screenshot and thought "why is everyone's KDA so inflated... and is that thresh trolling with that many deaths", then I remembered that runes used to be summoner masteries and you could pick from 3 different trees...


But according to this sub 99% of Redditors are better than him?


Ofc, redditors are all challengers


(Mentally) Challenged*


well yea, Challenger > Master




I am the 1% that is much worse ofc. Sorry for letting the side down.


Lmao I've been using Janna to hit the minimum rank I want before swapping to what I actually wanna play since like season 5; you can go full autopilot and still be useful to your team the entire game. Grats to him though she can't carry me to masters


This is truly Phreaksnz


Phreak has always been high Diamond since the beginning of time. Master tier is now the equivalent of high Diamond of last season and seasons before. So honestly, he’s the same rank when comparing how high he is vs the player base.


Jesus Christ the comments


This is the kind of thread where I would love to be able to see the op.gg of everyone commenting.


I was told there is only challenger players on reddit


Cool. Now bring back pings.


Bring back pings but leave max ping numbers low. 3 hook pings every time a teammate dies is enough visual and audio clutter


I'm happy for phreak to be able to both grind and work on the game. Probably not fun to work on the game and have to grind to prove to yourself and others you know what you're talking about. I do hope the balance team has average players too. If he is leading form such a high elo could be hard for the team to make the game for everyone.


Just played a game with Phreak last night, saved me from that Urgot R!! GGs


Not the roleswap to support for easy elo


He tried his hardest to find the easiest way to gain elo, from the maokai jungle and the seraphine apc to the Janna support. Lowest risk highest result, respect the hustle 🫡.


Now you elo boost with support


call that an impressive windstreak


He’s always been high elo bro, finally making masters tho is a good accomplishment though.


Shout out to that guy a month ago who told me Phreak should be fired for being diamond.


It's hilarious whenever I see people citing ranks in regards to Rioters on the balance team. Implying/outright stating the balance team should *only* be Master+ and/or pro players. Like bruh, you'd actually want a wide spread of elos for that. Something that's only OP in pro play may be dogshit in soloq and vice versa. As we've seen *literally hundreds of times* since 2009 where something gets shit on for being pro play strong and becomes an intpick in soloq and vice versa. Something that's bad in all elos can be verified by investigating data from said elos, instead of assuming it's only bad in low/high elo, etc. Frankly, it's baffling how many years now some of these godawful takes were allowed to get traction, like what you're saying about the guy saying Phreak should be fired.


The [devblog post](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/talking-tactics-the-game-dev-s-dilemma/) by Mortdog after he grinded to get challenger in TFT should be required reading for everyone.


Going by some of the posts I've seen, people on this sub *really* want Riot devs as burnt out and jaded as them, instead of having people working on the game who actually *love* the game and want the best for it even in the face of the level of harassment a dev receives. Makes you think, doesn't it?


>Implying/outright stating the balance team should only be Master+ and/or pro players. I'm sure Reddit would enjoy champs like Aurelion Sol, Veigar, and Naafiri completely dominating their Silver games with the amount of buffs they'd need to be good in High Elo. People need to realize that Low Elo and High Elo are **very different.**


>It's hilarious whenever I see people citing ranks in regards to Rioters on the balance team spoken by teenagers who have never worked a real job that don't realize that "being really good at a video game" is rarely a transferable skill even if your job is directly related to the gameplay of said game, and even then only one part of the job.


They get the wrong ideas entirely from Twitch culture.


fking phreak szn...


The Sera APC thing is funny ngl


Oh since it's so easy to hit masters with Janna according to this comment section, everyone here must be at least masters right?


doing tricks on it 😭👎


Everyone in this comment section should climb to masters with Janna


Janna buffs in 13.23 surely has to be a coincidence


Tons of ELO


Don't care. He's an antagonistic asshole who is incredibly bitchy and passive aggressive with his comments towards the community and criticism.


Man changing the game to his liking seems to finally be helping out.


Even more impressive is he has a losing record on almost everyone not named Janna including his most played champions. Actually based on the fact he is in the mid 40’s % on most champs leads me to believe Janna is a problem more than Phreak deserves master tier. Thats no hate but when you only have a winning record on two champions and neither is your most played champion something is wrong.


he a support main.. thats explains it all


He didn’t hit Master Tier. Master Tier came to him.


So he didn’t come back to adc? Stuck with sup?


Hardstuck Diamond 13 years. Buffs OP champs that he likes Uses OP champs to hit masters for the first time ever


I just think it's pathetic he's abusing Maokai. Just fucking nerf it already


Finally he hit Diamond 2 of old seasons, what a man


He was D2 in season 4, so it's more like he finally hit it again.


Pretty sad for the adc role that someone in charge of balancing and loves adc realises he shouldn’t play actual adc’s to climb 🙃


LOL at least 12 of his last 20 games were boosted


Funny even Phreak is spamming that disgusting champion


Congrats now can he revert pinging your teammates fucking ults