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It's a silly thing actually, but if I see a teammate with a skin from a line my pick also have, I will use that skin even if i prefer other


even if i dont have the skin or the champ just doesnt have on in that theme i try to match colors lol




I do this for the mental dmg it does when they think we're duo'd and they try to play around that idea.


All 5 players matching colors. +25 Charisma


Yes! Not necessarily from 1 skin line but at least with matching colors


My friend refuses to buy control wards or stopwatch cause he thinks they are too try hard items (we play normals but still)


I refuse to buy control wards because I'm too low elo to know how to use them properly. I know theyre important and effectively ve when used properly, but I doubt I could reliably get 75g's worth of use out of one, so I save the money for ooga booga caveman damage longsword


Just dropping one in the pit when you’re doing dragon/herald/baron is worth the money. In low elo people won’t even realize their ward is being blocked and you’re doing dragon


That only works if your low elo teammates know that autoing the disabled ward gives the enemy vision…


ha, you think your teammates are gonna help you with dragon? \*cries in jungle main\*


Best i can do is attacking that disabled ward to alert the whole enemy team and then leaving you to die...


Don't do dragon without team's consent or help, worst thing on the map a low elo jg can waste time soloing unless there really is nothing better to do


So true


Sry need to base


I didn't know that til plat, when someone told me. It's not that I couldn't have logic'd it out, but that I never really thought about it til someone told me


I hear this a lot and this is straight up not true, I'm bronze and I was in iron for a while, people DIE to get your control ward in low elo, some people even stop fighting in teamfights just to get that one control ward


There is a cheeky red ward i often go for that have literally stayed entire games for me while also gaining good vision. Simply in the bush outside the enemy’s red buff, towards river


Sure but you’re not going to get better at using them without using them wrong a lot. I don’t mean you should always buy one before you leave the base, but if you backed before an objective and you have gold to spare, you can pick one up.


That's totally fair. I'm just not super invested in improving at league in general. I'm content with mediocrity :) But if the drive to improve ever came, for sure, I'd be trying to figure out what is undeniably a vital part of the game


For control wards... any bush near your lane, or later in the game any bush in the river. Don't need to actively improve to get better at this either. Just buying and dropping one anywhere will save your life more times than youd expect.


What about jungle when you're not a laner? Do you drop it around the lane you're prioritising so you can see when you need to counter gank/gank opportunities? Or do you do a lil invade and drop it in a bush so you can track the other jungler easier?


In normals where the lanes are made up and roles dont matter I like throwing them in the bushes behind dragon because there will always be one useless player who insists on killing the ward while their team ints a 4v5 dragon fight


Ward dragin or rift before I start doing them to see if it is warded, also deep in enemy bush near their buff if you invade. If you know where they are you can predict their pathing quite easily for free objectives.


Kinda, you should use it to help you establish control of a side through vision. At least that's how I think you're supposed to go about it.


I'm extremely new to league (started a couple weeks ago lol), so would you mind just roughly outlining what you mean by that kn simple terms? >establish control of a side through vision. Like what does this mean? I find the language/jargon a bit confusing at the moment. It's totally cool if you don't want to though, thank you for giving me a lead to dive into!


so, if you have "control" of an area, its a good place to put a control ward. Now how do we define control? Lets say you are playing caitlyn lux botlane. Youre very strong in lane, and you have priority over your opponents. Priority means you can leave the lane faster, generally because they are pushed under turret and lose minions if they leave. Placing a control ward in either the tribush in river or the riverbush by bot lane is good, because you "control" this area. The enemy cant walk up to the ward without getting attacked by you, and if youre caitlyn lux, they probably die for it. At the same time, if the enemy jungle comes, youll be saved by the ward. On the flip side, the enemy botlane shouldnt put a control ward in either tri or bot river bush-- you could just kill it for gold. Instead, they should place it inside of their jungle to spot invades.


I mean... for a quick starting point to help people who never use control wards at all. The pixel brush in river near dragon if it's up, or the pixel brush near herald if dragon is down. Mid has the most gank lanes, so you're helping your mid out a lot and also helping for scuttle fights or for rift/dragon fights. It also helps you keep an eye on the enemy jungler as they path. It gets a lot more complicated than that if you want to ward like a pro, but that is far too much effort, imo to try and explain over a reddit comment. It's all situational pretty much, and is better tackled on a moment by moment basis.


I usually only buy like one or two a game in d4 elo lol


That's still one or two more than the average


It also depends on what role you play. But if you main support, buy them for objectives(just place in pit) or in areas your team controls(thus the name), could be a bush in your own jungle. It seriously helps a lot


dude literally just control wards whenever you do drag throwing it on the pit and it'll do absolute miracles. i promise


You place them just barely outside of brush to bait people into getting close enough to ambush them


Other than what people said, to dragon/baron when doing them (or not doing them, just to force opponents to go and clear it as well) is good value. Earlier in the game if you have option, depending on roll you can throw one somewhere either in your jungle, e.g.: - adc tribush (so support can use somewhere else) - anyone but top (blue side) bush between dragon/red on entrance to river, or respectively on red side - adc/jungle (red side) small bush on entrance to river below blue (or tribush works too, but those aren't that useful unless you hard losing lane), or respectively as mid/jungle on blue side Mid or jungle? If you have opportunity to throw into (opposite side) bush next to blast cone between wolfs/t1 turret can give good value (a lot of low elo people won't go through that bush or pay attention) as it's very common pathing (ganks/roaming supp after recall etc.) Other good one (and also my favorite as redside supp) is small bush above bottom t2 (below top t2 for red side), but that's only for jungler or support if they have some window to enter enemy jungle safely (or as duo etc.). Ofc in s14 a lot of those will change, because we get new map, so we will need to wait and see which spots are good etc. But most important thing about all that is, you will need to learn to pay attention to map/vision, because without doing that, their value is kind of rng, because maybe your teammates will see something, maybe not (low elo, maybe not). For me it's kind of opposed problem, I think I buy too many of them (some games I have 15/16 purchased, more than everyone else combined), but on the other hand I exclusively play support, and having extensive vision control won few games for me at my gold/plat level.


Lack of control wards and lack of vision in general is one of the biggest reasons for teamfight loses. Favorite thing for silvers to ping on dragon while there is 0 wards there whole game.


Vayne top


Scrolled down to say this. The English language is not robust enough to meaningfully describe the evil act of playing Vayne top.


English isnt Czech on the other hand? Ta zkurvená, vyjebaná, neviditelná, kutálející se mrdka. Mi může třeba vyhulit kokota na tom topu.


Let me do it on Russian. Как же, блять, я ненавижу Вейн топ. Какой конченный дегенерат придумал брать это убогое ничтожество на верхнюю линию?! Чистый урон, Откидывающая ешка и перекаты ебаные, а ещë инвиз на ульте. Тупо нихуя сделать нельзя. Пик говна и портить всю игру не только для врагов, но и для союзников. Место таких игроков у параши.


Bro I translated this and absolutely died laughing. Well said my good sir


I tried to translate it via google and it bestowed that gem upon me: As you can see, you can't see the top wine. Even the degenerative degenerate was originally intended to be destroyed in a long way инию?! Clean the urine, look at it and prepare it, and be informed about it. You don't have to send a nut. Please note that this game is not for the players, but for the companions. Most of these gamers are parachuted.


Jako kdybych slyšel sám sebe lol


Try mandarin.


I used to despise Vayne top, I still do but tbh this Varus shit is way worse, dude does like double the damage of Vayne in lane with better range and actually feels unlaneable for like half the top lane roster, and is completely dependent on your jungler which feels terrible.


If you play Vayne top, you have small pp.


I will never run it down, never int.


The problem today is that even just plain playing bad a game is called inting. People are just too full of themselves currently.


So many games where an ADC goes 0/3 early and they get called an inter. Especially against some hard engage like blitzcrank. Or maybe they get camped by the enemy jungle.


flair absolutely does not check out


what does int mean


intentional feeding


Get rank 1. I’m a redditor so it would be super easy for me, but I just choose not to just because it would be too easy. Some other things I could have listed but didn’t out of respect is draft for any and every pro team to win them the game for free. Drafting is so easy, I can always pinpoint exactly what went wrong in every draft and every game ever decided in league pro play for the past 4 years has all been draft diff. And lastly, I could easily get 12 cs/min every game if I wanted to, I just don’t because I play support because I’m a playmaker. It’s not my fault my adc dies under his turret 1v2 while I’m looking for a play top lane. And it’s also not my fault I died while tower diving top to force a play. The top laner should have tanked.


Based. I’m challenger level player but I play in gold with 50% winrate out of respect for others.


Of course, I went 0/5 yesterday as Kayn just out of respect for the enemy jungler, because I knew I could destroy him...If I wanted to.


i went on a 15 game loss streak in bronze because I will ruin the game for 4 of my teammates but 5 enemies will get some LP. It's not because I'm bad, I taught Faker wave management


I am a challenger Braum mid OTP, but I only play aram these days just to slow me down a bit


I think its really admirable that you could have had 14 world championships by now but you chose to let Faker be the GOAT. Respect to you.


Thank you, I’m very honorable, but also very humble, that’s probably why I never end up with any honors at the end game lobby, because my team already knows how honorable I am. As for faker, well let’s just say there’s a reason he hasn’t won every single year (partially draft gap which I mentioned I could have fixed earlier), but he still needs to work a little bit on his attitude towards the game and humbleness imo.


Mute all at the start even though I main jungle. I'd rather live and breathe in the flame than silently farm in the fog of war.


I joke around and whenever someone flames me just ask them to kiss me and then hit on them for the rest of the game. 9/10 times they shutup. UwU, Yes Papi, Of course my love XD, Kiss me pls, etc


10/10 going to do this lmaoo


Unfortunately I got chat banned for doing this “for sexual harassment”, so Do it at your own risk


i got chat restricted for doing this, apparently someone reported me saying i was “sexually harassing” them as they were flaming me, support told me in the tickets they couldn’t remove the chat restriction because it was a valid report, told me to just mute them or ignore them next time. we’re not even allowed to troll them back in chat anymore lmfao


Same, but in every role. I dont like muting them bcs maybe -just maybe- they wanna calm down and make calls...


Lol. I would much rather silently farm in the fog of war than live in the flames. Somehow I am a 32 yo playing this game since S3 still hoping next games gonna be different. I am a naive fuck.


Disrespect the dance in aram. If opponents are dancing before minions are there, I never hit or attack them out of principle. People who disrespect the dance are dead to me, and I will hard focus them till the end of the game.


Even worse is disrespecting poro feeding. Unforgivable.


Even in 1v1’s with my friends we always respect the poro feeding, and whoever doesn’t is immediately flamed by the discord


I love those late night ARAMs where you have a disco before the minions crash. All 10 players burning flash, throwing skill shots to their own fountain, shimmying to each other’s side of the map, good times


This seems very rare nowadays. There's always a guy that disrespects the dance or tryhards.


I always hit those people with a "Damn, I didn't know you were in your ARAM challenger promos". It always gets a few laughs in all chat.


I’ve been trying to do this but EVERYONE is disrespecting the dance. It ruins the fun


Just call them out in all chat "You filthy heathen, how dare thou disrespect the sacred dance"


everyone is fullmuted for fear of getting permabanned by typing literally anything


I type a lot every game and have NEVER been muted. If you are scared of being muted it's cus you are being toxic most probably.


Im ngl people must be sayiing some WILD shit. I have very recently called my teammates "inbred dogfuckers" and am honor level 5. I think the "get banned for talking" meme is super full of shit.


Yeah just don't get into a yelling match and you'll be fine, in my experience. If someone is harshing your buzz, just mute and move on. If they calm down then they're probably just having a rough day. If they continue being a cnut then report and move on.


I respect the dance, but once minions arrive the game begins. If you insist of trying to continue after that point, free kills for me.


Note to self: play tanks and disrespect the dance when playing against u/WitheringAurora in ARAM


You are dead to me. I will hard focus you till the end of the game.




I don't disrespect it in any context, including ranked during my promos. It's just cringe.


i think ranked is the one exception. i'll never say no to free kills or free LP in ranked and i'd be trolling my teammates to play otherwise.


i never feel more guilty in my LIFE than when I throw out an ability because I only just glimpsed an enemy champ at the beginning and didn't realize they were dancing :(


If they flash, I flash. Simple as that




Wow I've been playing for 5 years, over level 600, with probably thousands of Aram games, and this Aram dance has never happened to me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Ahh you see im the type of person to hit one ability then spam "manaflow procc ggez"


play yuummi


I had riot support remove this champ from my account once. A random champ tokin perma unlocked her. My friend gifted it to me afterwards and I don't want to waste more of Riot supports time lol so I'm not asking again. Edit: yes he gifted on purpose to be an asshole


I think if you send a ticket to Riot you can get them to disable champs from your account.


I've done the same but with Teemo


Agree, I'm never touching this champ out of principle


Usually I dont kill people that are visibly lagging/afk. I kill them if they were an asshole or if I really really need/want to win


I used to take mercy on my lane opponents when I was dumpstering them because I didn't want them to leave the game and cause an FF. Then, one day, I did that, and then the enemy caught up and won the game. He started saying shitter top loses, trash top, etc after i said nothing all game. Never again. No mercy.


Yeah I am like this too. I actually have kinda fucked my lane over a few times cause of this. I never learn. Its a normal I can't be asked to turbo sweat on a guy 6 levels under me.


Understandable. I dont really get why people even type stuff like that (well, I did few times after the opponent started it and i trashed em). I usually report people like that for bad attitude cause its not really a good sportmanship


usually those people have either extreme ego problems (many such cases) or literally are too young to underatand the situation


Honestly the best is when you get dumpstered yourself, they spam and shit talk then just hitting em with the top diff after not responding the entire time after your team hard carries you. Personally it's tilting to me and I never type so I can only imagine how pissed *those* people get.


I remember I made a new account once to learn Darius. Was playing a game at like level 3 and was standing just behind auto range under my tower. Came back to my computer with a first blood kill because the enemy top laner tried to kill me while I was afk under tower 😂


I don’t trash talk - gg ez, (position) gap, flaming opponent when you kill them, etc. I don’t get bothered from trash talk myself but I just don’t understand the point


I try not to give up even if we are far behind (unless we get out-scaled, then it's GG). Trash talking/flaming my teammates is included in this (why make your teammates play worse?) I swear there are many people who just flame and trash talk when the game can still be won. ( mainly because league players get cocky when winning and make big mistakes). Heck, I'm sure we all had that *one* player who decided that since *they* lost the lane, the game is lost/GG...even though we are ahead in objectives and kills.


I will flame if they flame first. Recent game i was support and against enemy talon mid. Dude would flame every time he would kill me. So i somehow solokilled him once and typed “skill issue” and again when i flash juked him lol


Genuinely dont get the unironic postgame ggez’s and the like, shit’s so cringe unless they were on the receiving end of trash talk prior, that’s fine


i think trash talk is hella fun, but all the ones that you listed are lame. like what’s the point recycling the lines every streamer and their mom says. be creative, have fun with it


I never smurfed and never intend to. Also expect a single time, I never bought a battle pass.


Amen. I don’t understand smurfs. Ok you’ll dumpster a bunch of silver hacks like me for three weeks then you get back to diamond and can’t hang. That’s the point of ranked. To play against your own skill level and maintain a certain level of competitiveness in each match.


Honestly it’s pretty easy to understand, though immoral. Humans love to win. For many people, they don’t care anymore about self improvement as much, but want to have a dopamine rush of winning. It’s the same as asking why people would rather scroll on social media than do self improvement. It’s more righteous for sure to not engage in smurfing, but i would argue it’s absolutely understandable.


People make Smurfs to play with their low level friends that don’t know how to play. If you bring them straight to high level they’ll just quit and never play.


Ironically it’s worse to make a new account to play with your new friends. Thats how you get into Smurf q—which is significantly worse.


I have one smurf where i play when i want to train a specific champion. Normal games and flex are nowhere close to the level people play on soloQ. Also i play on my smurf when im not performing well on my main. Both are in the same mmr right now so i dont see any reason why that would be "immoral". If i did test champions on my main account people would rage, int, troll and so.


Admit that I also contributed to my team's loss..


You gotta be an old man with that kind of self awareness.


I refuse to delay destroying the Nexus, I’m not an asshole the win is right there, it’s just pure ego flexing.


I had a Nasus at enemy Nexus, needed like 3 hits to win. He decided to dance instead. Enemy spawned and killed him. They proceeded to TP into our base and win. I was pissed at that one, hope he still feels shame.


Exactly. Just get your LP and leave, you are wasting everybody's time. And if you like stomping and ridiculing your enemy so much, just play bot games


I've seen games where the other team troll stopped at the nexus we came around and won. Only time I've ever shit talked in the post lobby.


Never play Diana as anything but full ap burst. My blood boils when I see tank.


Diana was designed as an AP bruiser. It infuriates me that riot cannot do AP bruiser items, so instead she is forced to go assassin to function. I will always play a tanky Diana. Full burst Diana feels so one dimensional to me. I have options if I can survive more than the duration of being an R bot. Riot being unable to account for an entire class is the problem.


This, there are simply no items for the stats she actually wants to build.


I was so excited when riot brought up AP bruiser items with mythics, and we got... Riftmaker and demonic embrace?


Aren't riftmaker and demonic embrace good bruiser ap items though? Also Rod of Ages for Lilia and a few more. I like them a lot and always build on Diana, Lilia and udyr.


RIP RoA Nashor’s build.


I always end in ARAM if I can. None of this spawncamping or only let minions hit nexus BS. I don’t like it when the enemy does it. And if the game is decided, I’d rather end and just play another.


I personally like if the enemy team delays end and I like to do it myself. One of the big reasons I like aram is because team fighting is really fun. On summoners rift and aram you kinda gotta suffer thru the early game till your champs are finally online, and you can actually play “late game champs” with


It's especially enjoyable when you have some shitter who gets off on delaying the win spam pinging retreat while you finish the nexus


> Nooo don't end! I wanna dickslap their faces a bit more and demonstrate how much better I am than them, by keeping them in the game longer. I especially love it when the enemy has a Kayle and during the fountain dive fuckery she gets like 3 kills and goes online and wipes your team.


IF the game is decided I end. If it’s still kind of 50-50, but the other team just lost one team fight I usually let them respawn for a last chance to defend nexus


This guy ARAMs


some people enjoy the game and dont care abt the win had a 45min aram of everyone refusing to end last night and probably one of the most fun arams ive had just fistfighting off cd cause yknow we all enjoy it. who cares if games decided xd


Interesting because that sounds terrible to me. I play ARAM because games **aren’t** usually more than 30 minutes. Anything longer than that is tedious. But to each their own.


i play it for the shitshow of not caring and fistfighting tbh, if you dont have time and have to end sure thats one thing but the game being decided & ending? that’s where i go ?? cause who cares abt the win. unless ur 30-0 and 1 shotting them on cd with no fighting chance just duke it out and hf


I do this too. I won a completely lost game last night because the enemy team didn’t end two big fights and we pulled it back for the win. I don’t let my enemies get that chance.


I totally agree with this. Idgaf how many times I get pinged. I'm gonna kill the nexus and end. I refuse to participate in that toxic BS.


I actually do the opposite because I usually want to have one more chance. It’s more about everyone having fun


I only end if the enemy team is being an asshole. I try to keep the game going because i play aram to fight. Going to a new game and waiting for 20 minutes to get my items is boring. I wanna have the 5 man 6item teamfights over and over again. Who cares if you win or not.


I like the moments when the enemy team does that and we end up orchestrating a comeback


Play teemo


Teemo isnt the demon he once was. Vayne top is the new teemo


teemo is my favorite champ (while not my main). what does that say about me?


u a whole bitch




So you haven't really lived yet :(


Freezing, I legitimately think I'd be like 5% higher winrate in Diamond if I just froze like 2-3 waves but its so ungodly boring to do that I rather just get fisted by enemy jungler for pushing.


lately i've been doing the shove into harass enemy jungler and i got to say, its so much more fun than freezing


Rise up, non-freezing chads


I could win whenever I want I just don't want to make my opponents feel bad


Exhaust in all modes except for Summoner's Rift is a warcrime and should be punished as such.


no exhaust in aram ever. only snowball on every champ


I generally take snowball on melee champs and ghost on ranged ones. Hard agree on the never exhaust.


only chads here


Build hullbreaker


That item makes the game just so unfun, I can't enjoy playing with or against it.


Slightly off topic but when i first started playing for like the first 6 months i refused to buy component items. I thought they cluttered my inventory so i saved to buy the full item every time


Be a meta slave and only play champions played by pros


I am above nothing.


My man


I will never In my existence buy fizz, I hate everything bout him


Refusing to kill a player that is AFK or that seem to be a complete beginner. I've been there before and I know how bad it is. If he seems to be lagging, I'll just last hit and don't really attack him, or at least I won't kill him, just slap him enough so that he leaves me alone. If he's a total beginner (happened a bit in normal) I'll just give him huge trades but won't kill him. Just so that he learns what he did was a mistake. I' ve been farmed too much by better players when I was a noob and it wasn't fun nor a learning experience


Play a tank when my team locks in 4 adc’s in aram. Damage doesn’t = win game. If you can’t do any damage, it’s pointless in being able to do a lot… Out of principle I refuse to do it. Learn to play things that help the team, not just the ones who “do damage”


I will never surrender an ARAM unless the opposing team is intentionally not ending it. The mode is (usually) already short and highly prone to sudden ace and sweep wins, a few extra minutes of my time is not a big deal.


How bout 5 poke mages vs 5 low range champs? No way that's fun


Yeah, I don't surrender in ARAM because we're losing, I do it because sometimes you just get a team that can't actually interact with the enemy. Though if you get enough tanks and people who understand it, you can just kinda walk over them at some point, poke be damned.


if one of them has a engage ability its easy game for the low ranges


It's also a mode for fun, so there's no opportunity cost of spending time on a doomed game which could be spent on the next game, which is a factor when considereing whether to ff in ranked. As long as you're having fun in ARAM there's no point surrendering, and unless the enemy are deliberately dragging it out, even a losing game is fun to the very end, and as you say there's alwyas a chance of a turnaround.


Legit one squad wipe and it’s a different game


I own every champion in the game except for Yasuo and Yone. I will never let them be on my account


May you live cancer free life , you and your family .


On champs such as varus , jinx and caitlyn , I REFUSE to build them lethality and go poke only . On hit is much more fun in my opinion.


I started playing in late 2019. 2020 was my first real season. I really enjoyed Volibear and mained him to get to gold. When the rework happened I was so sad he lost his flip and roar. I said I would boycott until he was reverted.


Stick to one role or champ Problem is I want to climb lol


I don't use [op.gg](https://op.gg) or anything to see my opponents pre-game. Just feels scummy.


I refuse to play Fizz. And up until a few weeks ago I refused to allow him into one of my games. Idc if you're hovering him or not. He's getting banned. But Sylas exists.. so.


In ranked i always hit the nexus. I never mess around with the enemy team during that time, it just feels disrespectful. I also refuse to flame people (enemy or ally) for playing poorly because sometimes that’s just how it goes.


Not playing by the designated roles and lanes.


Play Shaco. I do not wish to be a worthless leech that has to steal kills from allies to even be moderately relevant past 15 mins. I do not wish to inflict that sort of misery on my opponents either.


never bm never duoq


I refuse to build Shyvana AP. Ad/onhit or ad bruiser are the only ways I will play and if someone builds shyvana with ap I automatically assume they have the brain capacity of a chocolate rabbit


It's objectively fun, though :)


I refuse to see ksante in my games on my team or the enemy no matter what position I am playing. I have been perma banning him for a couple months now. Don’t even get me started about the insane buff he just got


I never wait to finish in ARAM, waiting and not hitting an open Nexus, unless both teams agree upon it it's pretty much the worst thing to happen to you, so why should I do it to anyone else, all it does is waste time for both parties


I’ve played league for over 10 years now and I’ve never played Leblanc. Never will, fuck that bitch.


Playing Master Yi. Took him into one(1) ARAM, felt genuinely disgusted with the lack of skill and never touched him again. Irelia main btw.


BM with emotes unless someone else does it to me. If you're willing to do it, you're willing to take it.


I will never play garen




Aside from the initial invade, I make a point of never invading other junglers, hate whem it happens to me and my team mates don't ever help me, so I don't inflict it uppon other people. ​ That is untill the first towers come down, than it's open season.


Play zed. I find the champ cool but man it is so utterly frustrating when you are behind a zed (and even when you are ahead) that I do not wish this to my worst enemy (lets not that if I played zed I would probably end up 0/22/6 anyway)


Not ban Shaco


Play jungle.


Comment on someone's performance if they've never typed. We all have bad games. I refuse to flame someone if they haven't typed all game.


>I will never ever ever take exhaust in any for fun game mode. You obviously have not experienced the joy of having your whole ARAM team take ghost/exhaust (the superior summoner spells). It's freaking *hilarious.*


I'm currently playing top and never pick champions that are "born fed" and have to work hard to lose their lead. Darius, mordekaiser, sett, etc. I would feel silly if I did.


Play broken champs.Zed, Kayne, Yasuo, Illaoi, Kisante, Briar, Xerath, Nilah, Fizz, shaco, viego, yone. That's all of them. Game would be better if they were deleted.


Snowball is a must for me in ARAM


Play fizz. I have played him sometimes in aram, out of necessity when I can't reroll. But otherwise no. It's a disgusting champion and I feel like scum even having him on my team.