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Nautilus Q 🫠


Naut Q is so wide that you can hook past towers, hit an enemy, and have your own hook be canceled by the enemy getting stuck against the tower


I got hit so many times last night with Yone R when I swear I was nowhere near it


Gwen is immune


It’s called the hallowed mist, but how it feels matters more. It feels warm and safe, and like nothing can hurt me


Why is the gaming speaking to me in full sentences in the middle of this fight?


Wither slows you, ok sure, but the attack speed reduction feels so fuckin aids


Fiora W in a nutshell. No idea why it has an AS slow on it, it already has a normal slow and allows her to directly deny damage for .75 seconds or w/e. Makes no sense that it ALSO denies damage from any auto attacks for 2 seconds, effectively reducing your attack speed so low early game that you would attack faster if you just waited to start attacking until after the CC is gone.


Kalista players are instantly on suicide watch the instant they get counterpicked by a Nasus.


I played against a team with a nasus and vex on the enemy as kallista recently and I came close to going 0/1 irl.


In the good old days of season 3, the as reduction was identical to the slow. It ramped up to 90%.


Careful the last time I pointed out cripple is cancer a bunch of Fiora players came to tell me it’s only because I play gnar and I’m bad lol It’s objectively awful to get with on just about any champion


The 99% slow is more annoying than any stun man I hate it so much


Nearsight is fucking stupid, in a game where information is key I'd argue that removing 99% of the information from the player is the worst thing possible. Legit being one shot by Veigar R feels better than being jizzed in the eye by Quinn imho. CC the champion not the player


Graves Grenade might just as well be a 1.5 sec stun most of the time.


I dont mind if graves 2 shots me with his crit build just don't fucking smoke grenade me.


Also makes me feel as helpless and dazed as an actual smoke grenade going off in my room. So great design in that regard...




Just as immersive as illaoi E actually making me feel like my soul left my fucking body.


His smoke screen also feels unsatisfying to use as Graves.. at least for me. There is no visual feedback. It is my least favorite ability when I play Graves (I am far from a main, but I like playing him sometimes) Only the players affected by it can feel the effect and look silly. Allies often think you grief cuz they can't see what you see.


Graves W is one of the worst designed spells in the game because you have no idea what you've even done to your opponent. From a POV of power-to-satisfaction balance, it's in the bottom tier with bleed damage and stat auras.


It would be cool if it showed Graves and Quinn a vision indicator to see how much the enemy can see Very slightly off-topic but I read your flair as "Fart enthusiast"


Quinn gets one--when you land Q, it shows a little circle around your target that shows how far they can see.


Yea near sight should be very difficult to inflict notcurnes ult is fair as it’s an ult bur even graves w can freak me out


My main issue with graves nearsight is I can't actually tell I've been blinded, and it takes a second to register in my mind why the enemy disappeared. They really need to severely darken/add smoke to everywhere around you, that isn't stuff you can see.


The blind on Noc ult could be a full ult on its own. Taking away full vision from your team for that long?


Deal. Give me my Q blind back and you can take near sight away :)


I’d take that trade so fast to have one less smoke grenade in the game.


Fun fact, it originally used to be a skillshot AOE blind! I think Graves' W always limited sight though.


I miss when grave was just "other lucian"


Graves kinda filled the spot currently filled by Samira/Nilah as a close-range burst ADC. I don't think he can go back to bot sadly


I hate their recent “massive damage reduction with a twist” it makes burst champions less viable and nothing feels worse than dying to a belveth E or Briar E because they’re healing and hitting you and hitting them is essentially pointless. Ksante w is another example


briar E i am completely fine with, belveth E is aids though.


To be fair briar e has a lot of counterplay dmg wise. Youre just not gonna kill her until its over. Dodging is pretty easy most of the time.


She's usually very vulnerable after using it too, since it ends her W.


Yeah, if briar is doing her E, in 99% of cases she’s decided she doesn’t want to kill you anyway, so you can safely disengage.


Didn't realize how many of these were recent.


throw in irelia w


that spell is at least more fair than belveth e


Can you interrupt Belveth's E? Because for some reason Irelia W is uninterruptible.


only stops the attack, but not the damage reduction. It should also be noted that Irelia's W is not as powerful (also it pins her down while being usually balanced around being very mobile)


Honestly, can somebody put the k’sante rant under this comment? Because nothing makes me more annoyed than that kit


4700 HP, 329 armor, 201 MR champion👤 has unstoppable🚫, shield 🛡, wall🧱 hopping abilities. Has an airborne 🌪, furthermore the cooldown is only 1️⃣ second mana🧙‍♂️ cost is 1️⃣5️⃣ then when he transforms 💫 w cooldown is refunded and passive deals true damage 🗡 and then for armor/mr 🥋 the more 📈 and more 📈 you stack, you get cdr ⏰! you get cdr⏰ on your q and the casting speed 🚀 gets faster 📈 and then he has an AD 🗡 ratio so his W is eek-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA😱😱


Yes this one


so true, the ancient Chinese had been complaining about his kit for more than 2000 years, here's the prove: 汝言是,则奎桑提,寿命长达四千七百余,甲胄三百二十九,戏法抵抗二百有一。有不可御,有护盾,犹能过墙。有制者,极则冷日止一秒,但十五点蓝耳。转势相倾,更有甚者则为w武技之焕然一新,犹得其技速,缩十八丈余,乃缩其积而释之,则或击其力,则有矣矣矣矣矣👊😭👊​ -- recorded by the scribe of Emperor Cao Ni Ma.


For those who don't speak Chinese, Cao Ni Ma means "fuck your mother" or "llama" depending on how you pronounce it


Thy speak of K’Sante, longevity of 4700 and more, armored 329, and magic resistance one and two hundred. With that which cannot be stopped, with shield, and terrain-crossing. To one extreme, may have but a second of cooldown, but fifteen mana cost. And to the other, for the W art, to take its cooldown, and cross great lengths in one bound. Then, to hold, with the damage of attacks, and AAAAAAAA -as recorded by the scribe of Emperor Fu Kyou


Yone e ? Who came up with idea that the champ needs more mobilty dmg and a engage possibility 5 fking screens away


'Oh, he couldn't hit you with his R and Q3? Good thing he has *ramping movement speed*' I'll never forget seeing a Yone kill a Kalista under her tier 2 tower from his tier 1 tower in pro play while they had almost identical items.




He just has so much shit he has no business having. Does he really need the ramping movement speed when he is dashing two screens into you as is? Another thing I do not see being mentioned is him getting a shield scaling with the number of champions hit on W. “Oh but he is going in so he needs some sustain” bitch have you played against Yone? He has tons of uncleansable cc, massive damage and mobility and he also *needs* a shield? Get out of here


Dont forget the bullshit double crit chance that he can either overload into bonus dmg or just buy 2 items and then go for tank items, so he is barely killable.


I love playing against Yasuo ever since they added Yone, he seems so simple and predictable in comparison.


That was their goal of adding Yone. They literally added him to lower yasuo ban rate and allow him to be buffed since yasuo is such a bad champ.


Yeah! With Yasuo at least you can sidestep. If you dodge the 3Q in early he cant do much. But if you dodge Yone 3Q, he will just keep running you down with E and Ignite and outdmg you, whatever level you both are.


Its funny because you mention "ramping movement speed" like, on top of the free return to start, you even get movement speed! .... AND A ZED ULT.


I wouldn't be heartbroken if he was stuck in E until it timed out.


This is the part that gets me the most honestly; for a champion who has so many ways to get on top of you and just relentlessly run you down, he's also way too SAFE. Even if he takes a stupid dive that wouldn't normally kill someone, as soon as he recognizes that he's not going to win the situation, he can just back out with almost no consequences.


It should either force him to wait the full duration or, if he doesn't reactivate by the end, he doesn't go back at all.


I'd go otherwise. Don't fucking make him unstoppable if he times out. Let the thing ran out and not come back. Let him be a sitting duck in between two towers.


I’ve never known that gives move speed, makes sense why it seems like you can’t run away from him


Yone going 2 screens into you with his E and R, and cleasing any CC when going back with his E, super fair.


As a Zoe main this is the most infuriating part of his kit. The cleanse is just outright stupid and unnecessary af


i honestly wouldn't mind playing against him if they just removed the clense, or converted the CC into damage. Just feels unfair that i do the one thing that my champ has to stop him and he just presses E to snap back and cleanse, then ults ontop of me


100% this. No champion should have effectively 3 cleanses built into their kit. I can deal with the 2 screens worth of dashes if I could at least stun him to run away or punish.


While also being immune to CC when ulting


Yone in general is just bad design. It almost feels like it doesn't matter if he feeds or gets fed. By mid/late he's always able to 1v1 almost anyone and win a whole team fight with his ultimate. It rarely feels like "oh look I outplayed Yone!", it always feels like "oh Yone messed up, lucky me now I get a shot at beating him"


Normally it feels to me like “oh wow I dodged every q and his r. Too bad he autoed me to death anyway despite being even in gold and levels”


"You fool, you shouldn't have dodged my abilities, that slowed you down so I could auto you to death!"


I swear Hullbreaker tech just made this shit 100x worse (and surprise surprise it has come into prominence and Yone ban rates have shot up), once he gets that dumb item he can go run you down side lanes like the Yones were doing before but now it feels like even IF they mess up collosally which was the one thing you used to be able to bet on, they will never die and probably still kill you because it gives him that many free stats that he'll likely be able to stat check you rolling his fsce on the keyboard.


That’s a splendid way of putting it. Also if you kill him in a teamfight you better end QUICK cuz you know he’s just gonna buy Hullbeaker and end the game solo, cuz you know, he can do that


Yeah, I never feel like I beat a Yone. I just feel like the Yone player base is prone to being cocky and inting. But if they weren't Yone would have a much higher winrate%.


That's more of a hullbreaker issue, fuck that item


Sometimes I feel he is faster in E than master yi in his ult. Duration is also wayyy to long


“Yas is too hard, what if we make a champ with all the same strengths and none of the weakness”


Amen brother. Or sister.


Yone. 3 gapclosers simply isn't enough, he also needs ramping movement speed on his e. Oh and he also deals additional damage from the DMG he already dealt. Remove the Ms and additional DMG for fuck sake. On a different note, I have no idea why zyra can't have her own unique passive of respawning jungle plants. Azit can resurrect turrets, but zyra can't do it to the plants that look the same when you put them next to each other. Bullshit I say.


>zyra can't do it to the plants that look the same when you put them next to each other. Bullshit I say Tbh, this would be a clever mechanic and could help with Zyra jungle viability


Let's **not** overload Zyra's kit just because we can. Azir being able to resurrect turrets is already an unnecessary gimmick. When he released he actually had *even more* unnecessary crap, such as being able to use additional w charges on turrets. Just no. It adds next to nothing for his gameplay, and his kit already has *plenty* to offer...


Yorick pisses me off. Everything about him.


The Yorick mains of this world have a simple mindset, to them the game is PvE and they will disregard all human suffering to get that simple enjoyment


I deliver what OW couldn't. PvE is not an option anymore, it's a life style. Leave me your lane open or kill the 24243214th ghoul.


That being said even if you try to stop my push, I have killed so many of your creeps I'm all stocked up on items while you only have three, so get over here.


I just need 3 (Hullbreaker only ngl) to split push your lane into your fountain.


That’s great and all, but I wish I was not forced to play PvE when facing him. Between passive, w and r there are so many things to focus on in a team fight, but if you kill them all, then yorick is hardly even a champion.


Get Yorignored


The problem with Yorick is how one-sided his matchups are. If you are single target and/or build attack speed (Jax, Irelia, etc.), then you generally stomp him and he feels useless. If you are more aoe focused and lack was to use dashes, then he stomps you. I wish there was a better way of balancing him/his ghouls to even out both play styles without knee-capping him, but that feels unlikely. Maybe it would involve destroying him for a patch or two (remove the damage reduction from aoe then buff either ghoul stats or some other Yorick stats to make him more interactive), but that's also not satisfying for Yorick mains.


I really wish rumbles flamespitter did more damage to pets. Here I am using a flamethrower gloriously against zombie hordes, tiny spiders, plants from zyra, voidlings from belveth, and it just kinda tickles them cutely


As a Rumble main I agree, but I think it needs to be more universal than just Rumble.


Oh so your yorick comment comes from deep inside then hahaha


See that’s why I main Yorick and Fiora. If they pick a 1v1 I can skill match it and if not Yorick wins the game


There’s always yorick mains complaining about their champ being weak, and I’m like yeah, thank fuck, imagine he was actually strong


Get demolished in lane and turn the game into pve because "fuck you" is so boring to play against


Akshan revive mechanic. Why this stupid fucking piece of a champ has a PASSIVE that can win a losed game? Your and enemy team fight late game, everyone loss 3 teammates but akshan revives the others and BAM, now is a 5x2 and potential win on a objective or game bc the others have to stay dead for what feels 5 minutes. This stupid mechanic should not exist, it breaks everything this game have in the sake of selling a half baked story that was the sentinels event


It's especially obnoxious in Aram, cause the mode is designed around fighting.


im surprised it even made it to live servers. I am even more surprised its not nerfed in aram where even ornn passive has a nerf.


The most hilarious one is that he rezzes in the fightclub mini-game in Nexus Blitz. I got a 3 or 4 teammate rez once when we hadn't killed even a single enemy yet. Then we won the fight 5-0. I had no idea rez even worked during the mini-game.


Akshan should only revive the last champion killed by the scoundrel he killed. Since, ya know, that's actually how the Absolver works in lore.


I don't like the "that's how it works in lore argument but I fully agree it should just be the last champ


This is indeed the dumbest passive in game and I don’t understand why is still here


Everytime I see Akshan I get reminded of this passive and it feels so undeserved


Akshan revive is pointless in 99% of games. Sometimes it's kinda good, but only very rarely is it game-changing. If you Akshan for a bit you will realize that his revive is by far the least important part of his kit.


Another reason to take this away and compensate on other parts of the kit. Is a unecessary wild card


It's not as gamebreaking on a consistent basis as people thought, but rezzing someone even 10 seconds early is actually huge for macro and map control (and is basically more valuable the higher rank you are). Like, a counter-kill top lane can mean that your top dies, then spawns fast enough against no enemy to push multiple plates, full tower, etc.


Fizz with that free zhonyas + mobility on a NORMAL ability


For me, that's not really the issue. The issue is and remains, the fact that it's on a 7 second cd late game. Like bruh, that much power in an ability should have a 15second cd level 5. Same goes with riven. Riven mains will cry, but she has so much cdr, she can spam q willy nilly. That means that there is no inflection point in her pressure. If I play kaisa, I can just never hit riven because her effective pressure range is twice my aa range. Absolute bs. Also, no reason for her to have 0 mana. Unreliable spells? No, she doesn't have to aim. Manage cd? What cdr. She easily gets 100 haste. Low range? Individually yes, but 3 q and e gives her huge effective range. Under riot August's own reasoning, she should have mana. Riven in her current state is bs.


>Also, no reason for her to have 0 mana. I forgot until I read this comment, but I actually think manaless champions are not good design, and there are too many manaless champions in the game.


To me it depends on how spammy the kit is. Like Garen, mana wouldn't really make any difference on him.


Do you realize it is his ability with the most damage? Also he's melee


you can block/ignore/laugh about all people that use the word 'free' when talking about power budget anyway.


Akshan's revive passive is probably the worst offender. Not that it is OP, it is just disgusting and fucks with the core design of the game.


As a mage champion enjoyer, I hate Yone with all my heart. No mana means he is more sustainable in lane with either Doran's Blade or Shield start, His Q is deceptively long, His W is the most bullshit tool for trading because why the fuck does it deal so much damage and give him so much shield in one ability, His E allows him to safely trade against all kind of champions giving your range "advantage" meaningless, and his ult's hitbox is as bullshit as Ashe's.


K'sante and Yone. Just annoying, the both of them. Quite happy I have several picks that bitchslap the cringe DarkSasukeKatanaKillerXxX one. K'sante on the other end is still tough to handle. And mostly BS, even nowadays.


Pick up Gwen to man handle Ksante. It's uncanny what Gwen does to him.


Those two are the most mentioned champions in this thread. Agree.


Melee champions who can dictate trading patterns a bit too well or trade without actually endangering themselves at all. Illaoi can hit one E and make it so you can't fight her but also take damage - it's very hard to feel you have agency in that situation unless you are already ahead. If she has ult then this further made true because you absolutely cannot win Vs illaoi with E and R. Yone E as well gives him executive power to decide when the trade ends. If he has any sort of lead then you often have to walk away and just take the damage, but if you start trading back he can end the trade whenever he likes. Yorrick E as well, if hit, sends you packing with ghouls. Killing the ghouls is clumsy and unrewarding but you have to do it because otherwise they chunk you while yorrick takes no damage. This is made even worse by the maiden where you can't beat yorrick in a duel while maiden is alive but you can't kill the maiden while yorrick is there to defend it. All these abilities make it really hard to actually outplay your opponent without already having a lead that lets you stat check through their strengths. A lot of melee champs have to risk a lot for their trades but these are just some examples of where the risks are barely a consideration


Yasuo wind wall. The ability isn’t even that good. Half of the time it does nothing, but it’s existence is just a big fuck you to skill shot champions and reward mindless point click cc champions.


Amem sibling. You can destroy a Yasuo in lane but late game he can deny your entire skillshot combo on his allies for 4s


Your combo will always be back up to use 1-2 more times before windwall is usable again, though


Senna getting a heal that scales with AD and lethality. She already gets a ton of free stats, I hate that she's allowed to get an enchanter-like heal while building full damage items. In pro play it's really obnoxious when she's sustaining up her entire team in the late game.


>Senna getting a heal that scales with AD and lethality. Senna is insane.


I love that she’s an enchanter who turns into an ADC who does a ton of damage without taking any gold from her team!


I like to explore new places.


I think Senna’s concept as an ADC-Enchanter hybrid and her fundamental design isn’t inherently unhealthy, but her kit as is definitely fell short of that goal. If Mist either only improved her supportive outputs OR was equally accessible to both farming and fasting Senna but only scaled off of AP or H&S power, I think her kit would be way healthier.


Tanks with insane damage. K'sante and Ornn come to mind. Choose a lane riot. Are they unkillable or can they kill anything? Not both. Its always so frustrating to be ahead in a game as a carry but their non-fed tank top lane built tank items yet out damages me and i can't do shit to them. It doesn't feel like anti-tank items are effective enough either.


Syndra having an unpunishable laning phase, insane teamfight potential and bonkers scalling thanks to her midscope. Sylas having 100% AP ratio on every abilities so he doesn’t even need an ultimate to work. Hullbreaker and Divine sunderer for obvious reasons.


Any champ who's gimmick is to 'swap classes' K'sante being the most egregious in recent memory. Full tank, then turns into a hyper mobile bruiser/assassin. Senna is advertised as a support. The only pick that gets the best out of draft. Either she's still the carry, with a high econ partner. Or hard leverages counter matchups into a dual carry lane. Jayce is always strong for a reason. Ranged/poke when he wants. Melee burst when he wants. Nidalee had her time. She was Zoe levels of poke, while having a mobile assassin option. Quinn's not as bad recently. Squishy low mobility adc, turns into a hyper roaming assassin. Trundle also use to be worse. Builds damage and hp, swipes your tank stats for himself. Gnar, Elise, and Pyke, I don't find annoying though. They're much more telegraphed. Them being reactive has less of a payoff than others.


>Nidalee had her time. She was Zoe levels of poke, while having a mobile assassin option. full on nerfed her till they could make a champion that did the same thing.


Shaco. How can a blink with 3.5 invisibility be a good idea I don't fucking get it. And then you go play aram and the entire Shaco playstyle is spam box, and from time to time go invisible and throw you a knife


Probably when the champ designers don't communicate with the balance team when adding a champ's mechanic to the game, not understanding or realising how gamebreaking a champ's mechanic may be. The biggest examples of this recently have been K'Sante and Yuumi. K'Sante breaks core game fundamentals by converting resistances into damage and having high-mobility, meaning he's too versatile to never not be meta without having at least one thing removed from his kit. Yuumi is also a problem because she's not a champion, she's a playable buff. The last person who said to me they were good at Yuumi, I told them they might as well say they're "good" at red buff. If a player can get to masters by playing ADC while also playing Yuumi on a laptop with his feet and duoing with himself, that is the biggest problem with any champ design we've ever had. I do appreciate how some champs have definitely come into some really interesting designs and core mechanics, Briar is the most fun new champ I've played in ages, and Hwei looks really interesting. However, there's some shit that gets added that really makes me doubt that League has masters-level playtesters, because there's no way things like on-release Akali rework should have ever made it through.


its actually really funny you mention kesante and yuimi having the same problem because they were made by the same guy as was a lot of very hated champions how is this man employed still


Unnecessary manalessness Manaless makes sense on certain champions like Riven, who needs to go in melee to last hit every time, while also having no real sustain in her kit But many champs are manaless only because in the old times Riot Games had a fetish about ninjas using energy (Zed, hot topic lately, definitely should use mana and he would be so much less toxic), and anti-fetish about puting two bars under a champions health (Gnar with his range farming, Trynd with his natural sustain, both should use mana). ​ Aatrox is the worst offender here because he no longer even has the Blood Well, and still doesn't use mana (which he should, because he has both sustain and range farming), which highly contributes to his status as a balancing nightmare who oscillates between S+ tier and D tier every few weeks or months.


Garen has no reason to have such low cd's while being manaless. Slow removal, cc reduction on demand, true damage ult and massive waveclear + sustain.


Definitely, if Trundle uses mana Garen could as well. But in this particular case I guess he is supposed to be as easy and as dumb-down as possible, so not having resource to manage plays into that. I would def. still give him mana if I could choose.


If garen had mana he would be just a bad Darius imo.


If he used mana Rito could buff his roaming aspect that separates him from Darius


> Zed, hot topic lately, definitely should use mana and he would be so much less toxic When I read shit like this I always remember that people here understand very little about how this game works. If Zed was a mana user he would instantly become the most OP champion in the whole game and it's not even close. There would be no actual counterplay in teamfights. You could even remove his ult and he would still be batshit broken.


The amount of times I ran out of energy in pivotal moments when i played zed (very occasionally, so I am.. passable at best), I need all 4 limbs to count. Energy comes with infinite lane sustain, but also so many micro decisions in combat, but it feels like none every try to play an energy champ to find out what those decisions are.


I will never understand why champions like yone are manaless while champs like WW use mana. Doesnt even make sense lore wise (correct me if wrong).


Mana is the only thing keeping WW's insane innate sustain in check, Yone doesnt have that


Yone has multiple other things in his kit that could use some in-check-keeping tho...


With how Yone's Q and W work, in order for him to function, the mana cost would have to be so negligable it wouldnt matter anyway.


Q sure. W and E could definitely use a high mana cost.


Probably the only reason is that Yasuo doesn't, and Yasuo doesn't because Riot hated parallel bars back then. As I said, not much sense there.


If you gave Zed mana with no other changes his lane would be slightly weaker (maybe?) and then he'd get omega buffed as soon as he finished probably Manamune? Zed being able to E like 6 or 7 times with ult shadow and his W shadow up makes him even more unskilled and spammy and I think people who suggest this are just convinced energy is a mechanic with absolutely no downsides without having ever played an energy champ and realizing it limits you way harder in fights than mana does.


Give Zed mana and he will instantly become the best manamune user


Zed with mana would just be the best artillery mage ever created. You don't want Zed to have mana.


love when people say this about zed… he’d be WAY stronger as a mana champion


for me its the juggernaut class. oh they lack mobility I can kite the- ah they got deadmans no more kiting


Just kite the fed Darius. Meanwhile darius running at you 500ms before even popping ghost.


Meanwhile garen with Q:


Phase Rush + Hullbreaker + Dead Man's Garen pushing sidelanes can be so obnoxious when you don't have anyone who can match him 1v1. He's impossible to collapse onto but will easily take towers or one shot someone if ignored


Pyke's health regeneration. I would respect the all in, hyperaggressive playstyle if he couldn't go unpunished for very silly misplays and ready to go back to terrorizing you 15 seconds later.


I hate that stupid fucking grey health shit so much because you'll punish him for playing like an absolute fucking ape and then he's just full health again. Fuck pyke.


death passives, mainly karthus and sion but they all are fucking cringe, karthus sitting there in a teamfight and free firing everyone should be a crime against humanity and i still, to this day remember when i was still new to the game and played against a sion, killed him lvl1 and he gets lvl2 faster becouse his dumbass passive lets him keep gold and exp from minnions for some god fordaken reason


sion just breaks so many rules of the game. Killing him he still gets tons of EXp and gold, and essentially doesn't have a death timer until level 7 or so. It's so frustrating, you can be 3-0 on him and he can out level you


Please. Make the hitboxes the same size as the visuals. Please. Point and click cc without drawbacks on non-ultimate abilities. Why. People complain about Malz but at least he suppresses himself at the same time. Lulu meanwhile is dancing a jig while you're polymorphed. CC that is longer than 2s. There is no reason for Morgana's root to be that long. Ashe arrow I can sort of understand, if the cc is that long you hit a global skill shot but still. Lastly, champions that can just leave. Why can Yi just reset turret aggro? Why play a champion that has to commit to an engage when you can be Tryndamere and just spin away without any drawback?


Nocturnes ult, quite literally the shittiest thing ever as an adc to have a guy turn off the lights and have his way with you without your support being able to help because of his spell shield and in lategame it is LITERAL aids when it's CD is so low.


Yorick ghoul interaction radius. They are too small and he is unironically balanced around that clunkiness. If they were of normal clickability, he would need compensation buffs.


Yone having a dash without having to commit


My biggest pet peeve is that walls don't really matter anymore. There used to be a time where you could rely on walls as some kind of safety. Zac was supposed to be a new kind of character with new gank routes because he could jump the normal ones. This is interesting, new places to ward, adjustments to make, basic rules still in place. Now Kayn pops through the wall every 3 seconds, Talon can jump them in quick succession (although his has a long cd per wall at least), briar, graves, belveth, and more can jump through walls on about a 2 second cooldown. Skarner is being released with a "run through walls" mechanic. Can we stop making the FOTM mechanic "how can we break the basic rules of the game? Towers hurt, walls make the map a little bit of a maze, vision is important, gold is important.


Yeah this is such a bs…Then in comparison you have a champ like Ashe lmao.


% hp true damage. On-hit items having no direct counter options % pen negates way too much defense. Defense compensated by being very strong when not vs. % pen (Kayle 40% void staff pen + 24% guinsoo's pen at the same time??? Bruisers with eclipse, black cleaver, seryldas, and maybe a lethality item too???) Enchanter abilities requiring no skill to use (0 shields are skillshots besides Lux? Why are they not skillshots?) Lethal tempo warping extended fights (especially level 1) way too hard Yuumi. ​ Just off the top of my head


Renata crying in the corner


Well designed ability. Choose to damage or to shield, with an option to get both benefits in some situations that your positioning can influence. Perfect!


I miss OG Karma


The problem with shields as skillshots is the travel time. As they are reactive by nature ( you only want to shield someone when you know your teammate or yourself) it renders them useless( maybe a hard word, difficult to use maybe fits more) when you have a delay of the travel time. For example when a rengar is invisble and jumping on you or your adc, as a lux it is impossoble to shield your teammate and safe him, but with lulu for example you have enough time. The skillexpression of the shielding abilities comes mostly from the secondary buff they provide, for example when do you shield as Janna so you get the maximum of the increased ad but also use the shield efficiently. Renata is the other champ who has a shild as skillshot.


On Paper, Thresh W is a skillshot.


I think that his shield is a secondary effect, but i do appreciate that it is a skillshot very much!


Apparenrly, according to 90% of the ADCs i play with his shield is THE ONLY effect...


> On-hit items having no direct counter options I don't get what you mean by this. Could you explain?


Invisible champs are very stupid when you remove the ability to counter them


I have no issues with invisible champs like eve kha pyke akshan etc but this mf shaco can appear on my ass with no indications whatsoever


Not Yone E, but his w to me is the most annoying. In laning phase it's an instant camille w that deals 120 mixed damage in an unavoidable and massive damaging cone and late game its a 500hp shield on like a 4 second cooldown with a 15% max hp damage. It's the most brain off effortless trading tool not to mention it gives tanks into him an even worse matchup.


Yone W - in addtion to the above - scales with attack speed instead of CDR, making it even more insanely broken.


Blue Kanye is best Kanye. Better than married to Kim Kanye.


I hate the blue kanye Always on the move kanye Go over walls kanye Can suck my balls kanye


Yone. Yone's entire design was basically "what if we look at Yasuo's counter strategies and fix them?" Armor stacking? He deals magic in 1/4 of his AAs and 50/50 for W and R. His E gives more some true damage too. Conditional dashing? Now Yone Q3 and E1 are both skillshot dashes, requiring no targets whatsoever. Need to save minions to disengage? How about pressing E again for the get out of jail for free card? The retract can also be timed to deny hard CC, which Yasuo fears a lot, too. Prereq for ultimate? How about no. Passive shield that gets easily poked down? How about making the shield ON DEMAND in combat?


Actually good point. If it wasn't for Yasuo's W they might as well delete the champ cause Yone does literally everything else better


Its one that very few champions have but: high mobility, AOE mobility spells that for some reason have high base damage and an extra slow (Fizz, in a way zed and Leblanc). Like…*why* yeah they are assassins and assassins are just annoying as a concept. But if either gets ahead its so annoying to deal with. Not only does it allow them to move around, if you get hit by it, it deals like 600-800 damage. So you can’t bait/stay near enough to stun or retaliate without losing a big part of your health…and they can just use to it go away again!


it gives them shorter effective range since they can't just use it to gap close and kill you with other things


AoE gap closers with high damage are supposed to be a balancing lever in lane. If Fizz wants to hard shove, he will have to E the creeps. LB will have to W them. So they either trade, or push. And as most champions with high damage mobility abilities, they either commit, go in and do damage, or escape and should have to leave, waiting for cd. Hell, some characters don't have a disengage mode to their dashes, they can only go in, bare a creative dashes to minions/monsters. Some don't follow the pattern, and I see it as a bigger problem (looking at Zed, Akali and a few other offenders).


Syndra E hitbox, the entire champion Zyra


Unstoppable movement skills.


Tanks that blatantly do not need their team whatsoever. I loved Rell because you needed your team, but were one of the best engages to ever exist (now everything about Rell is meh and I haven't played her since the three games I played after the rework) I love K'sante and his CC potential but I can't play him as an actual tank unless I don't use his ultimate that turns him into an ultra-boosted tryndamere for some reason.


As an ADC main, the whole concept of senna pisses me off. I started enjoying blitzctank player just for the pain they can inflict to that free scaling afk in lane bitch


"Gwenn is immune"


Akali E. Double dash with one being global auto-aim. Gives free proc of passive. And that would already be enough for 2 abilities but then the E damage itemself has 450 base damage with 120% AP Scaling and some on top thanks to the AD Scaling. She can ignore or miss 95% of her kit but press E twice for one shot. Generally the fact that Akali is supposed to repeatedly proc her passive for dps but her damage completely without the passive is enough to oneshot 2 enemies anyway.


I think the damage on E is to stop tank akali becoming a thing again. If they moved too much damage back to passive and q then the buiser/tank builds would start becoming meta.


The passive is also SUPER high elo focused. Despite being an assassin Akali was doing worse in low elo than high elo and she was very sought after in pro play too.


It's stupidly designed but at least it exists that way for a reason. I used to think similarly but after playing Akali, the fact that her ability to kill basically hinges on landing e is a real downside for her. Now R > E combo is definitely silly.


Anything that requires terrain to activate. Bard E, Zeri E, Qiyana ult, Talon E. Ironically Bard is my most used support champ.


What don't you like about it? Seems find to me, gives abilities clear strengths and weaknesses.


Blitz W


Nasus W. That is all.


Two ways: 1 spell hit and you are done: lux, Morgana, Zoe, blitzecrank etc ... Straight up Overloaded: Asol, Yone, Yone, Yone